ITT: Fuck you, I liked it

ITT: Fuck you, I liked it.
It's the Doom 3 that should have been released to begin with. Punchy weapons, vicious enemies and nice looking graphics. And a flashlight mounted on your goddamn rifle.

the doom 3 that should have been released to begin with was released in 1997, its called doom 64.

quake 3 was pretty shitty. I played it recently, and the boring unquake-like level design, boring ass enemies, unsatisfying weapons made me drop it.

I meant quake 4, whatever. quake 3 is OK but I'm not that into MP.

I liked it too but I can admit it was kinda shitty.
Fuck that turret section and fuck the locked room with respawning enemies shit.

Meh. Ravensoft shooters after jedi knight and shit were all kind of the same. If I had to play one again, it'd be singularity.

They should have decided if they wanted to explore Stroggs or recreate Quake 2. It would have been a thousand times better if they went with "rest of the Strogg were buttfucking another and planet they have returned home, we are not going back so we should explore these sick ass techno-temples instead of doing what one man did with an entire army". But other then "been there, witnessed a more brutal version of that*, did that, yep did that too" story it was pretty cool.

*In my humble opinion Quake 2 stroggification was more brutal since it was so much faster and efficient essentially putting a dude in a sealed chamber, filling it up with nesquik and waiting for 10 seconds. No squirming on a conveyor belt, no gore, just get done fast because the line is just too long.

fuck off and kill yourself, no one will miss you chad

Wash_Hogs, it's heavily flawed but still pretty damn fun to mess around with, and invading other people online and stalking them while trying to blend in is weirdly enjoyable.

Did you post on the wrong thread? You sound viciously retarded.

Well, considering this was a direct sequel to Quake 2 and the fact that Quake 2 wasn't a very good game (imo tbh) I think what they wanted to do with the story was fine, even though it ended up being forgettable and just a means to an end.

It's funny because Doom 64 feels more like a proto-quake than a Doom game.

I still remember this scene from that game, disturbed me the first time I played it. There are no scenes like this anymore

doom 64 borrows some level design motifs from quake, such as the emphasis on traps, and much more brutal enemy spawns. Makes it a more hostile game than the doom/2 style of traps/design.

It's not mario kart or crash team racing, but does have its own charm.

That's Prey.

Doom 64 is Doom 2 you dumb cuck.

doom 2 isn't that bad, just some of the levels kinda blow.

These threads always devolve into shilling games Holla Forums hates and generally accepting reddit users into our board because these threads say "I like Fallout!" so these fucking niggers can feel welcome and say "we like Fallout too!"

I'm sure someone could ezplain better, but these threads are a big part of why halfchan is what it is today. Kill yourself, you kike.

Questioning is your best weapon, specially against shills.
Pick an awful point of the game, turn into a question and bob's your uncle.

Well, it's THAT BAD then. It's objectively the worst Doom ever made, nothing but a lazy DLC disguised as a sequel. The levels are absolute shit. It added nothing good other than a few new enemies and super shotgun. Jesus, at least give new guns. Doom 64 has pretty shitty level design too, but at least it looks completely new.

I honestly had way more fun playing Beth Doom.


My point is proven.

It's not about proving a point, but killing the evil by the root.
If you ask for a hugbox where no bad opinions can be expressed, all that will be left are bad opinions.
So arm yourself with facts and kill it with fire.
I bet there are more than 50 awful issues about Nudoom nobody is expecting to have to face.

Doom 2 is fucking garbage, okay?

I don't wanna belivie this is natural stupid, this must be GMO stupid.

Like what you want, circlejerk if you want, but don't cry when people call you out on your shit taste.
Fuck you, you have shit taste.

Doom 2 is a DLC pretending to be a sequel.

Oh, so I take it you don't like the doom style game play very much. Sandy's maps in Doom 2 leave a lot to desire, but there's some pretty good ones too. 64 however has extremely consistent level design, on par with the best bits of thy flesh consumed, and it never really falters from this.

It's still really confusing and looks repetitive. Hell, I don't get the fascination with classic FPS. I hate maze like level design. Duke 3D is the first FPS that could do level design remotely right. It had landmarks and less emphasis on corridors.

Relax, you fucking sperg. It's videogames. Pointless escapism.

There has literally never been a true sequel to Quake, they should have called Quake 2 something else.

You will never live to see the game that should have been Doom 3.

Kill yourself nigga

No, Doom 2s level design is fucking garbage.

I just played that for the first time today and was completely surprised at the quality of the level design, I always thought it was a second rate port, like the Snes/PS Doom.

doom 64, doom, doom 2, and quake aren't maze-like in the slightest. The levels are clearly segmented, and appropriately intersected. I could see the complaint about something like wolfenstein being maze-like. Most corridors are very samey in that game. Doom? Quake? Not at all. The maps in Quake, especially feel like elaborately designed dungeons, almost something out of the early 3D Zeldas. Except more horrifying, more violent, and more tense. Each area feels different and is almost presented as its own contained challenge.

makes unpopular opinion threads because it's the only place where his shit taste will ever be accepted

If it's pointless, why do you do it? If you say that you derive some sense of satisfaction from doing it, regardless of how this is achieved, then it isn't pointless. If you say that the satisfaction you achieved as a result of playing the game was in and of itself a pointless experience, then you're spending your time inefficiently by playing video games when you could be doing something that you feel is more worthwhile.

Nothing, not sucking shit off the fucking pavement, is pointless if you are gaining something from that experience. Maybe you can say that video games are nonproductive, and that has been largely true for as long as video games have existed, but then again we are now seeing new avenues that explore monetization that use video games as a means to that end, and video games are becoming an ever competitive field where skill and practice pave the way to glory and wealth.

Is it something worth investing a great deal of time in? That depends on you, friend. One thing it is not is pointless.

It's garbage because they didn't add and improve enough things to make it a proper sequel. Same sprites, same tiles, same texture, it's boring.

Well, they're aren't exactly maze like, but still I always get lost and/or bored in those games. They have open areas and even elaborate platforming sections, but somehow still boring and not memorable. What I truly love is something like Return to Castle Wolfenstein's level design.



rip in pieces

I really miss Ravensoft, their games always had a cool theme going on and cool gimmicks.Supposedly Human Head Studios is made up of Ravensoft's original devs, but lately they have done nothing noticeable after Bethesda tried to Jew them and buy them out because of Prey 2.




Quake 4 was better than Doom3 which was only good on the last few levels that got more creative and i had the impression the enemies moved more

Doom is a very overrated franchise


5 is going to be great too, SMTfags can get fucked, Nocturne was one of the most mediocre RPGs I've ever played and its only saving grace (the otherwise decent music) was ruined by that grating distortion filter they felt the need to wrap all of the audio in.

I tried reinstalling this yesterday but the game won't fucking launch.


I just really like the atmosphere in these games

lol what a troll XD

But seriously is the "old doom is shit but new is great" meme going to be in every doom thread now?

I mean i know it's ebin troll but still.



Not so bad yourself, but don't forget to sage.




New Order is playable for the above average gameplay alone, but you have really shit taste kid




Fuck you I like it

Are they shitting into her vagina? Why is the baby eating it? Why does this exist?



yes, the shooting at least is away above the standard nowadays

That's not saying much though. The game still had shit "boss" fights, bulletsponge enemies, horrible pacing, shit storytelling, boring level design, pointless stealth sections and an extremely limited and boring to use weapon selection.

It's basically what all Bethesda games are like. Bland, uninspired, selling on hype and nostalgia, cashing on the legacy of their betters, while the product they deliver is a subpar joke.

It was pretty forgettable.

check 'em

Today you surpassed OP as being the biggest faggot.

And the fact that you die too fast to make dual weilding worth it. It was just a shit game and i dont know why people praise it.

My dream one day is to suck my own dick.

They praise it because the journalists praise it, likely because of all the "Sverige, ja" they stuffed into it. The media calls it a throwback to the old school FPS glory days, so the cretins that want to establish "lol I'm a nerd XD" creed play and call it good because they have no fucking clue what they're talking about, since none of them have played any of the games the new Wolfenstein is "inspired" by.

Same reason these shitspawns praise Bethesda's Fallout abominations. They hear Fallout is a cult classic, but it's an icky old game made by heterosexual white men that they won't be seen dead playing (because that would label them as the uncool kind of nerd), so the watered down Fisher's Price: My First Fallout Experience will have to do. Then they can truthfully say they've played a Fallout game and fit in.


It's entirely average. Far Cry tier AI, basic run/walk w/ slide, bulletsponge enemies, almost no enemy variety. shit linear level design, Far Cry style segmented health regen, Shadow Warrior 2013-tier "secrets" and an over-emphasis on "muh narrative" to break up the already bad pacing

This isn't an unpopular opinion thread, by virtue of explaining its reasoning instead of just posting a pic.

I liked the Risen sequels. You can whine that they're not as good as the original, but they're still miles better than most RPGs we see nowadays.

Is this an unpopular opinion thread?

check them