Petition against EU ban of semi-auto firearms
Sign it euros

Yes, give them your data and opinions goy.


If the EU bans semi-auto then you might as well drive to Serbia and buy an AK. Anything less than semi-auto is grossly inadequate, and besides, "international law" does not exist.

But stopping terrorism is not their goal.

Serbia isn't an EU country with open borders, meaning you'll face border control with a gun in your car.

Kek, you think the EU is some kind of democracy? They've already shown if the will of the people conficts with their agenda they just import a new people. Even if this petition got 100 million signatures you can bet your future that there would suddenly be another Hungerford or another Dunblane where a "white nationalist" does some heinous gun crime. That's all the justification they'll need to ban any form of legally owned weapon.
Patriotic Eurofags need to do more than virtue signal on

The extra mag capacity would be useful if I get back and find that 30 members of an Eritrean clown troupe have secreted themselves in my vehicle.

Nigger, tell them you're a dune coon and you'll get €3,000 in reparations.

From my cold dead hands, etc.


Not talking about Serbia you complete retard, i'm talking about the trip back into the EU.

There are smugglers who make a living of smuggling stuff to customers.

It'll be like the Prohibition all over again. I'm sure I'll get my .308 SCAR battle rifle some way.

Where there's a will there's a way. If the law is ass backwards and is made by corrupt traitors, there comes a time where one might need to circumvent it in order to do what's objectively right.

eu wants tro start selling semi firearms illegally through mafia

yeah like that new law is supposed to prevent terrorism, lulz

It is about disarming your slaves

Thankfully Finland asked the EU to go fuck themselves. I think the Czecks did the same.

You severely overestimate the border control. Nobody in Europe suspects middle-class tourists to smuggle shit, I used to smuggle East-Germans to the west in the 80s.
Go on holiday there by car or minibus, bring friends or family, be respectable, hide gun inside seat and it will only be detected by an x-ray or if you're suspicious enough to warrant a thorough search.

Even if 10 million sign, the EU won't pass it. Disarming the people is vital for globalism to go unchallenged.

Petition is just another word for honeypot and datamining.