FREE Stick Man

Help Kyle Chapman! A brave patriot who protected /ourguys

He was wrongfully arrested for two felonies,


Other urls found in this thread:

If this post gets 1000 upvotes, I'll free stickman.

Checked. +1000

I might have done it were he not a race traitor.

No one cared who I was until I put on the mask.


What did I miss?



Yeah sorry guys he doesn't have a very good defense case against the felonies

Some guy kicked some antifa ass with a beating stick and a shield.

WRONG. His knives were not concealed, one on belt and other plainly visible in utility pocket holder.. He was defending another person, which is legal under Castle doctrine.

In South Carolina, there is a stand your ground law except it also pertains to other people. Not sure how many states this is in.

You have a lot of faith in the same judicial system that just gave two people 15 and 20 years for saying nigger and flying confederate flags.


Same thing in California. He wasn't breaking any laws. The only thing is how do we know that is the same guy? Not saying it isn't, but I'm not seeing any proof.


I mean seriously - do I have to wait for an antifa goon to stab me before I'm justified in injuring them?

cant even defend your people from being attacked. ok zog cant even give us an outlet to smash commie skulls. we'll see what happens now.

That wasn't in California, believe me that shit would not fly here.

Still does more than you'll ever do.

go somewhere I have a legal right to be
see masked ruffians assaulting numerous citizens
except I'm not a coward, I'm a Patriot and I care about my fellow citizens
get bumrushed by a half dozen homos in balaclavas and black skinny jeans, lose track of who's who

Fuck him then. I hope he gets his ass reamed by Tyrone.

Legally, no. A perceived threat is enough for force to be used. The only thing you shouldn't do is use more force than is necessary, if possible.

His Facebook, the arrest records and photos maybe?

So, start bashing police. It's not like it would be the first time. What do you think started the whole "#BlueLivesMatter" bullshit?

The police are cucked, even under Trump's administration, so yes. Remember the video from Sacramento where the girl literally assaulted a man right in front of the police but they did nothing until he was on the ground getting kicked from 8 different directions? I can't find it at the moment, but yeah, the police are a joke.

I dunno about you guys but if I feel my life is under threat I'm going to use all force available to me to remove the threat. I don't care what the law says.

Sure, as if you know the entire past, present, and future of some random user. Race-mixing is forever, a complete disgrace and spit in the face of all that came before you and a permanent muddying of our already dwindling blood. Try this shit on cuckchan or reddit if you want.

I feel my life is under threat just for having black neighbors. Gon' go burn down a nigga's house. brb.

Did he still have the plastic guards over the filters? What kind of brand/model is that with red caps that don't expose any surface area in the middle? I know he's wearing ski goggles and a particle mask.

I'm okay with Based stick man doinking a fishhead eater. He cracked antifa in the skull.

He's an ancap, not a nazi.

He's a useful idiot to us. He will be lynched on the day of rope.

Seconding this.

Well you're talking to wrong person about that. I've been here forever and I don't care about your identity politics. The man is free to do whatever or whoever he pleases. I actually find it sickening that somebody won't help a patriot based on who he fucks. You don't have to, but your logic is faulty.

they're vented and made to be there, and for some reason all I can find of that model are pink.

I know you're joking, but always make sure you log all your calls to the police for at least a few weeks ahead of time. Also anytime you want to try something crazy like that, keep a log of every interaction, dates and times are important.

This. The chink-lover spat out some halfbreed, and we're supposed to feel bad that he's in prison? He's a worthless ancap.

I'd settle for the queers and cucks dying honestly. I just want the white race preserved.

that's nice

where's the guy in OP's pic? Police report? News article? Looking for some validity that this isn't some kike's scheme.

If you're going to fuck a slopehead then at least have the decency not to breed.

You've been here 2 months or are part of the influx of shills with this new "anti identity politics" rhetoric getting tossed around.

I am not a patriot, per say. I am patriot first and foremost to my blood ties, to my racial family. My country can come and go, be taken over by hostile elites (i.e. jews), etc, but my blood is much more foundational.

being a "patriot" means less than nothing. I have no loyalty to this country whatsoever, because this country is not a nation. I only have loyalty to my race

I've been here since the creation of this site dickhead. I truly don't give a fuck about identity politics. You haven't convinced me to be whatever you guys are. It's cancerous.

You either care first and foremost about white genocide, or you don't. That's about it, and it's not hard to understand.


I don't care about humanity. We all should die.


Kike shills did a excellent job polarizing this thread.

then why are you shilling for some race-mixing faggot ancap? If humanity truly doesn't matter to you, then you wouldn't participate in this thread. You'd be too aloof for such trivialities. The really is, you're just a shill who's just been filtered :^)


Start with yourself then

because it's a scam

That's not edgy, I hate humans. Crackers, niggers, kikes, spics, and all the rest. I'm a cat supremacist.

After everyone else first.

Nihilism isn't anywhere as near as fun as the Great Game. If you're to the point that you'd just as soon see humanity die then the world is your oyster.

Shill Alert

Getting this mad when is a sign of being a hapa. Sage for race mixing.

buck 119, nice.

thats because youre fucking new and trying to fit in. you probably dont have any philosophical ideals of your own beyond you wanting an aryan wife. the dude is a degenerate racemixer but saying you dont value this country at all just proves how ignorant you are. this country was founded on IDEALS and white nationalism. your race means nothing if it has no ideals. so go ahead and lurk more.

IMO I would gladly join this man in battle to crush commie skulls and maybe if he fails to redeem himself by leaving his gook incubator to trade up after DOTR a purge is in order but for now, for totally pragmatic reasons he needs support, I just donated $20 for his legal costs and I intend to send him supportive letters + tendies in jail if he gets locked up.

reported alert

Some of his facebook groups

How do we ensure that he dies in prison. Race mixers have to bleed no matter what.

just wait until the media jews find this.

I have a feeling the hapa came before the racial awaking


Yep, he was a useful tool. Not supporting a gook loving race mixing ancap that spits out a mongoloid child


Steven Crowder looks like dubya

If this is how our legal system works, it's no wonder everyone is such a beta faggot.

Probably going to get removed. Any other way of crowdfunding without the threat of getting removed?


He put his dick in a gook. He has to die screaming in prison with a nigger dick in his ass.

'Nazis were anti-racists'

No, the German NS were fine with other countries having nationalist movements similar to their own. They sure as hell didn't want them having mixed race children together.


nice fantasy there shlomo. we know death isnt enough for you, he needs to take black penis to get your pecker hard.



This is 12 year old SJW-tier mentality. Are the D&C creeps getting under this board's skin thid much

God this is the most bullshit legal argument. I honestly have no clue as to why people keep using it both in court and online.

It totally nullifies the fact that the "someone" in these cases is a criminal. It's disgusting. This victim blaming rhetoric annoys me to no end. Any anons with real legal backing know how to defeat these arguments? A lot of people have been getting guilty verdicts based on the fact that "they didn't need to be there" and so it's their fault they got attacked.

Oh so race mixing is cool now. Nice try, kikes.

I make this point all the time. It's the logical conclusion of nihilism. You go from realizing nothing matters, to realizing "Well, I'm still here, so I may as well engage", and then things matter again, but now you can approach creating the world you want to live in with a valuable detachment.

Incorrect and a distortion of history. The Constitution of the U.S. does not mention race. It does not designate black people as 3/5 of a person. It does not establish a racial caste system. It does not proclaim any land under the rule of the U.S. government as being explicitly for white men. It does not even acknowledge who is designated as white and who is not, nor ascribes any value to race whatsoever. Your mythical conception of the founding fathers is just as much a lie as that of the cuckservatives. And no, it did not mention those things because they were self-evident; an amendment was proposed early on in the Articles of the Confederation and I believe again during the drafting of the Constitution that would explicitly designate America as a white country; it was voted down.

Many People in those times did not actually have a firm understanding of race beyond skin color. Thomas Jefferson produced some vague ideas and formulas about what separated whites from blacks, but mostly racial identitarianism relied on custom and basic prejudice, which is a weak foundation that was easily subverted by Enlightenment thinkers and influential Methodist, Quaker and Baptist preachers from (mainly) new england. Believe it or not, racial egalitiarians existed in those days, they formed the backbone of most of the early abolitionist societies like the PAS (Pennsylvania Abolition Society), and in many parts of the north where slavery was outlawed early in colonial times, niggers lived with everything but the right to vote.

Jesus Christ you haven't changed bit over 2000 years, golem.

Nigger, the Germans accepted multi-ethnic soldiers because more people support their cause = the better. It's why Trump supported gays, he doesn't like gays himself, but more voters = the better. The Germans just wanted a white ethnostate and sure as hell didn't want non-whites in Germany.

You wanna how I know you're a shill?


It's just shills. I have learned to identify and drown them out in much the same way one can read and visually translate raw code with enough practice. The paid shill posts just melt away leaving only real material.

Sadly many take the bait. I will start a fresh and amended “identifying shills” thread within the week.

You need to get over skin colour and look at focus of ideals, culture and society. There are black, brown and yellows that have 110% more traditional conservative 'values' than many white people I interact with from time to time. Check out 'The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia'. They are the tip of an iceberg. So many white rural communities blighted by illegal and prescription drug addiction, no jobs and no role models or community leaders. It's almost like some outside influence is targeting the parents and economy so that the kids grow up uneducated and willing to do anything for a dollar.
They are as dirt poor as ghetto blacks but they don;t get the same investment as far as I understand because 'white privilege'.

Accepting honorary aryans into your army =/= permitting or encouraging miscegenation.

Oh look its more of this shit from that stickie thread that's burning this board down. Good riddance. Where were you when 8/pol/ mods stickied civic nationalist threads?

don't let their language corrupt you. All these people can do is get lawyers and try to get people to back them up. Don't expect justice from people who have been siding with the enemy their entire lives.

Constitution =/= founding and he never mentioned founding fathers, d&c elsewhere

No need for a thread, we all know and there is almost always one up.


Hitler dubs checked, these faggots are desperately trying to subvert Holla Forums with "le based mudpeople" maymays.

What is this faggot doing here? First it was hardcore Christian shilling now the HWNDindUs and lolbergs are back.

Fuck off. Conserve white people. Let the other races handle themselves.

Are mods compromised? The fuck is that sticky about? There were other posts on the same theme from obvious foreigners, who is sliding Holla Forums?

I never said segregation was a bad thing. Seems to work 99.9% of the time. I think it would lead to world peace to be honest.

AnCapism is an incurable form autism. They'll never understand the reality of race or the jewish problem.

Are you being intentionally dense?

Sargon plz go.

Looks like the kikes from the sticky are here to stay, we know kampfy is on their side now.

We really need an alternative board or at least convince Jim to give kampfy the boot.

do you know what the naturalization act of 1790 was you faggot?

If you want to further expand, just look at how well skin color does when it gets attacked by the hordes of media moguls pushing all sorts of degenerate acts and harmful ideologies down the throats of people just trying to do better for themselves and their family. Despite the abilities of Europeans as a whole to build amazing works of art, science, architecture, and music, but look to your friends and family for a moment.

Tell me, where do their priorities lie? Do they do everything they can for their family? Some of them maybe, but if you're anything like me, most of them are only caring about the superficial and materialistic. They'd rather virtue signal how good of a person they are than actually do good things for the sake of doing them.

I don't know if it's all of them, but they at least tolerate imkampfy (same guy as the rachposter/learningcode) bumplocking and deleting redpill threads, self-improvement threads, book/art threads and most recently the anti-pornography thread last weekend.


Yeah, I support segregation too, just don't think "the allies were the real racists!!!"

Yeah, one of many laws that were later rescinded or superseded by other immigration laws, and which has no bearing on the FOUNDING PRINCIPLES OF THE COUNTRY AS DELINEATED BY THE CONSTITUTION. Do I need to fucking spell out the difference between a law and a constitutional amendment?

We need to lave, right fucking now.
Staying means that we're massive civnat cucks.

We're regrouping and figuring things out on >>>/polk/

Ehh, I support this guy smashing homo commie heads. but I don't support him race mixing. I fear this place will have more 4cuck refugees.

typical tricks

I've watched the redpill threads closely, I've only seen them deleted for multiple threads, zero content OPs, or literal JIDF caught the guy using cropped infographics that left out jews. One literature thread got bumplocked but it got fixed later.


Oh, come on… Stick with your own kind, people.

Oh, another divide and conquer. Same thing that happened before, same thing will happen. Another group of Holla Forumslacks will leave with the D & C shills, play around in a barren mudhole, and then come back when the thing dies. Who knows, maybe you'll be about as marginally successful as Holla Forums

He did what he had to do and we will do what we need to do. I say well played to him and good luck in prison.

He's not going to prison, he just wants someone else to pay his legal fees, and line his pockets.

I've seen every single redpill thread since 2015 get deleted, all Holla Forums reading threads bumplocked, same with self-improvement threads, and the most recent and disgusting example being the extremely informative anti-pornography thread be bumplocked and then immediately flooded with goons shilling for porn.

I think you need to lurk more, assuming you're even trying to be honest here.

Fuck off, slant eye.

This. I hit my breaking point about a year ago.


been up since before the get you fucking liar

How about literally everything else I said you cherrypicking little shit?


Don't get mad if you make a retarded blanket statement then get btfo.


Your very first claim was absolute and easily disproven. That's not cherrypicking. I don't need to argue you point by point if you can't do better than that.

Sure you're not the retard here m8?

Hold on. Isn't worrying about who he's banging right now counterproductive?
If we band together to get him out of jail it can embolden mates to join in the fight bc the only thing keeping the real working class from holding back the degenerates are the law and the threat of jail.
The left is emboldened by jail. The working class right is not. We prop up the world.
Wouldn't helping him out inspire more mates to show up and fight?
Or am I fucking wrong here.

wishful thinking, Trump had quite a few faggot friends.


Attitudes change as new facts arise, I'm fine with him rotting in jail.

Logical fallacy.


When talking of macro issues, you more or less have to use absolute statements or generalizations, faggot. You sound like those who say, "Derp! You can't judge an entire race based on the actions of some of its individuals!!!"

Fixed OC

Now that's way better.

I do not believe for one second that man had a blade on him, also he used that flag pole in a situation to try and to rescuse that other guy that had 4-5 bolsheviks beating him up, at least that would be my argument at trial.

Is this metairony?

Don't worry, he paid the gold subscription police. He'll be out in two days with a free McNuke.

This is not about him, this is about creating an environment where we can crush the bolshevik thugs. They are the bodyguard of the fabians and jacobin goys and their kike svengalis. Once their little street thugs are dealth with, the people will be ready for the next step, including the exile of these race mixers to third third world holes they admire.

is the wife japanese? if so didn't pol determine they are technically white?

The left is rejoicing over his arrest and viewing this as a victory.
We're arguing over who he's banging.
Trump supporters are getting hurt out there and there currently isn't a proper vanguard in place to stop it.
What are we doing here.

Hitler called them honorary Aryans for their culture and love of people, but he didn't condone race mixing with them. There's a difference between appreciating Japs and being in bed with them.

Getting suckered by shills. They're astroturfing hard this issue hard.

Looks like we're fighting over nothing here. Guess the cucks mass reported it.

Nigger we're all in separate places, mostly in rural areas that are way the fuck away from Berkeley.

Yeah, that's what it means. If one thing is wrong, you can't claim your entire argument is true. Reconstruct your argument though it was just assertions

You should absolutely 100% forever kill yourself and I totally mean that

other threads show an open carry buck knife on him, probably too large to be legal there.

Oh shut the fuck up
While the Japanese are respectable people, both Japanese and European identity are lost in mixture This is about the blood of your people not your fucking cuckchan memes.

Can we have some battle against antifa infographs made? Or just tips in general. Looks like we're going to be fighting a civic conflict war for the foreseeable future.

Who cares? More lefties were arrested. They celebrated kicking over a garbage can as a victory. Throwing money at this guy isn't going to help him if he intends to take a plea bargain. It's just throwing money away while cucking. The videos show him defending people who were being attacked. He should be fine.

This thread is turning into another HWNDindU circle-jerk about "muh based e-celebs". Good on him for doing the right thing. Fuck him for mixing with a slope. He's not on our side, he's just against the left, and since he's an ANCAP he's against us as well.

Don't worry, the free market will fix it.

This, honestly.

Thanks for the laugh.

Hiya, rabbi.

. F
. I

got you're Nose 👃

where they will get out in less time and get food and probably drugs in the meantime. r-selected standards are not our.

but that's not what an e-celeb is, even dickie boy was news when he got punched in the face. The difference is between talk and action

anytime, generally speaking

this tbh

god dang it.someone format for me

Good points.
Im not an cap or whatever the fuck he thinks he is.
But I am, and let it ring out, emboldened by his actions and deeply inspired. I haven't wanted to get some this hard since the marines.
I suppose my original point is that for now while condoning his race mixing we should still back him to help spur on more people to start fighting back.
Bc right now is a leftists wet dream. Their victims and completely justified in their assualts.
Violence will go the long mile in curbing this behavior.
And really, will awaken that slumbering part of us that's has been so long forgotten that will wake men up to our headspace here.

You will hang, degenerate.

I did some further research, according to ca penal code 20220, you can open carry a sheathed buck knife in california, and the pics Ive seen his knife was sheathed openly and on his waistbelt.

My small edit, facial expressions on the right side.

you have no idea of knowing if a cent of this money even goes to him. it's a fucking scam.

Pretty much this, I support him for smashing commie skulls but that doesn't mean I have to unconditionally accept LE BASED STICKMAN, since he remains a racemixing twat. Of course, that also doesn't mean I want him to get raped by niggers in jail, as some spergs were saying earlier.

I'm torn on a potential migration. 8/pol/ still has so many things going for it, but the moderation truly sucks dogshit, and the general posting quality has definitely declined.

Yes, some Japanese were actual aryans, not just honorary aryans. They are essentially extinct now and his wife is quite clearly not one of them.

or a scammer got cold feet

Okay. Please address the point this time. When talking of macro issues (in this case, we're talking about board fuckery over the years), how can you NOT generalize?

And in general, yes, the mods delete or anchor all threads non-news related and against what anons want to discuss and what was a large part of Holla Forums before Trump (thought experiment threads, lit threads, self-improvement threads, cultural threads, philosophy threads, etc). Yes, you are right that many of them these days are shit, but it wasn't always that way, and my view is that they are low-effort because such threads have become so stigmatized by the mod team that OPs don't even really try, thinking they will be removed anyhow.

no you dumb bitch it was a founding ideal seeing as the constitution was less than 15 years old when it was created. stupid bitch ass faggot trying to win arguments instead of having a conversation.

What gets me is that there are people who want a white ethnostate with a European identity (in America of all things).

The white ethnostate thing is fine, but why a European identity? Didn't Burgers practically flip out over being European at one point in history and made the USA?


They didn't want to have to pay taxes they weren't benefitting from, that's quite different from wanting to entirely throw away their culture.

i honestly don't know how you guys put up with this shit all day.

I think it's funny everybody here would fuck an asian of the right complexion but they act holier than thou while viking and german women are being raped and impregnated by mudslimes while they do nothing about it but judge the man in the arena


edgy defeatists please leave. We have hope here

So Antifa can get away with throwing molotov's at cars, but the police arrest a guy defending himself and others with a stick? Why does Holla Forums worship the ZOGbot police again?

you scared moishe? anything but dead bodies right? that might be a little too dangerous.

I will never support someone who wants to bring more self hating multiracial kids into this world


Lefties are making some boastful posts on 4chinz.
We truly are on the eve of war. Everyone needs to be running in the mornings for at least 45 minutes 5 days a week.


Doesn't seem very humorous to me.

I get taxes were a huge issue but always saw Americans as a counter-culture to the imperialistic Europeans with their rejection of a monarch.

I mean, the ideals that founded the USA are quite different. A culture influenced by Europeans, sure, but Americans should never be considered European.


fuck off little kid


hmmm I wonder if this user is a Holla Forumsack….

We do it for free.



I wonder.


It would be high time-preference to not check those digits.

given the opportunity to generalise, the one complaining instead went out of his way to make absolute statements that hurt his point. As general statements go, some threads with potential have been deleted or bumplocked, at the same time, I have seen the problem get fixed after complaints. >>>/polmeta/

Why should I care about some degenerate chinkfucker?

What country are you?
Americans were settlers who wanted to get away from the bullshit established life in europe.
England ruled with a "live and let live" policy where they effectively let ppl alone. It wasn't until a bunch of higher ups got butt blasted and tried to install higher taxes to rein in the populace that the real war started.
We are and will always be mixed european.
All this multicultural shit is a new facade instilled upon us in the same way bc kikes are ass mad with us.
This coming storm is in our blood.
We are the sons of fuck you don't mess with me.
This should help explain the misguided sentiments of the antifa scum who are so omega they can't perceive themselves in a higher echelon. They side with this and cling violently Ina very american way.
Well help them out right and good before this is all over. And everyone else too.
It's the American way, afterall.

I don't know but someone keeps trying to push the "based non-white/race traitor" angle. See: HWNDU, and this incident.



Cry me the Ganges you massive faggot.

Ok maybe I was being a bit too combative. But the point remains that race is nowhere mentioned in the US constitution because many people back then were extremely ambivalent on the issue, or didn't consider it much of a priority. Also the Naturalization Acts don't prohibit the permanent residency of non-whites, as seen by the thousands of niggers that lived completely freely in the North. In my opinion, Americans became the most wise to race during the late 19th/early 20th centuries, and that's when, (((coincidentally))), we had a HUGE push among social """scientists """ to disprove theories about race entirely.


but don't be so quick though, they argue both sides

i wont be the one with a shield and stick larping as a roman legionnaire, moishe.

I would blow your head off in 2 seconds while you played sniper with your range queen faggot
1v1 me right now you fucking non-white spic piece of shit

Japan is not a third world holes.


The revolutionary war started because the Rothschilds tried enslaving us to bank notes by raising the interest while loaning them to us. Thus making it impossible to ever pay them back because we're using borrowed notes we got from them with an interest rate.

I want cuckchan to leave.


You and I both know that nothing ever gets solved on /polmeta/. And yes, I'm aware that's an absolute statement.

But wasn't that what the war of 1812 was?
It was to ensnare us into perpetual debt.
Though the revolution was also over debt.
No one has ever wanted our nation to be debt free bc we've always had the potential to own everything else and be a beacon to humanity ((they)) can't compete with.
I'm in history right now at uni. Got links for rotheschild involvement. I know right after was napoleon's time and we all know what happened there.

Its not hard, just get them to overtly say something that disagrees with us and then they are D&Cing. Cuckchan for example are cowards and think stopping white genocide is a meme, so a lot of them try to tell you that gassing the kikes is a joke. That will get them banned.
If they attack National Socialism, that also gets them banned.
Cuckchanners dont last long when pressed on their beliefs.

That's essentially what started both wars. They started the first iteration of the Federal Reserve during Andrew Jackson's time. He told them to fuck off and they got mad and sicked their lackey's on America. Again, the second iteration was halted by congress after they saw the destructive impact on the economy. A third time, they changed their name to the "Federal Reserve" and well, you know the story.

Little known fact that many European powers backed the Confederate states during the American Civil War due to the understanding that they would abolish the "Green-back" unit of currency. They seriously considered military intervention but didn't because Russia backed America because of their similar system of governance. So you can thank Russia, or not thank Russia depending on what you think of the Civil War. The fact is that even if the Confederate states broke off successfully, kikes would've weaseled their way into it anyway. I honestly think it's better we're united against this conflagration.

Kek checked again nigger.
My history prof seems a cool guy and I got him into the cia's involvement with modern art.
I'll look into this and bring it up in class.
I knew about russia which actually I had forgotten about so good on you.
Thanks man.

Confederacy was in the right and as much as people talk about how they had kikes funding them they just fucking love to ignore how Rothschilds also funded the Union. French branch funded confederacy, British branch funded Union because as always kikes love playing both sides of a conflict so they come out on top either way.

The gofundme has be shutdown

Watch the video, the guy who got smacked on the noggin by stickman was about to punch someone else. Stickman was a hero who literally dindu nuffin wrong

Also Lincoln hated niggers according to his memos. Did the union know they were being played?

Whether Lincoln hated niggers or not is immaterial as he gave up on deporting them. So he freed them and allowed them rights in the south. The only reason that he didn't let the south leave is because he wanted all that revenue they brought in.

So what do you think this means if the us Balkanises in the future?
Theres talk that it's what we're being pushed to but really wouldn't this hurt economic output? As in, we are much more profitable for leeches unified than seperated?


I'd never considered it that way. I don't like the outcome of the civil war on principle, but you may be right.

Saged. Reported.

>Durrrr. . . Thi white man only agree with me 90% of the time while we're fighting for our future. He' getting some gook tail though, so as a virgin who hasn't shed a drop of blood myself, I say burn him! Black dick, Black dick, Black dick, Black dick, Black dick, Black dick, Black dick, Black dick, Black dick, Black dick, Black dick, Black dick, Black dick, Black dick, Black dick, Black dick, Black dick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This user gets it. Jews HATE him!

Is there literally no way for these cucks to defend themselves?

Nazi or not, I'd gladly fight next to stick man.

Victory is within our grasp. Deus Vult.

stop bumping a blatant money-scam thread

This is sorta true. It depends on the knife, the city (or county), and how badly the cops want to fuck you over. Basically, you're free to carry any kind of knife that isn't too obviously for killing people. If you have a pocket knife or a santoku in a box, any charges would be dropped before trial. Switchblades and balisongs, however, are thought of as assault knives, which demonstrates intent to get into trouble. You can own them, you can even transport them, but they have to be packed up – no concealed carry in your pocket.

So California has this weird situation where you can get arrested in a bar fight and, because you got a CCW permit in Orange County, your pistol is fine, but the 3-inch dagger in your boot is an illegally concealed weapon that gets your right to carry the gun revoked.

Faggot Town pigs are calling that a dagger?

Didn't see the jewfundme link, be better to break him out of jail then to support commiefornia anyway.

Anyone else getting a dead link?
Re-directs me to homepage

Fuck off leftypol

You can openly carry a dirk/dagger in California on your waist though, like he was doing, you just can't conceal it. He shouldn't be getting in trouble for that.

wtf i love garl marx now


I think they shut it down

What the hell happened to the found campaign?

Because you do nothing to help any cause but piss and whine on this board like impotent faggots. Try dogfarts as the go to site for your frustrations.

Whenever you raid here it is, klem.

Chinkfucker or not he is still truly fighting for us.
You should respect him regardless.

Don't use gofund me. It's owned by leftist faggots. Try paypal or an alternative.

Bring back roman formations!

And what are you doing, besides pissing and whining yourself? In case you haven't noticed, the page is gone, there is no point to this thread anymore. Fellate a shotgun.

contact the organizer of the march. His Girlfriend is in contact with them
its the best we got right now

Of course you think of something long and black.

No, he is not. I'm not saying this guy should rot like a few others have said but saying he is fighting for me is lunacy. He would be disgusted by what i believe in, and i'm guessing he would probably be disgusted with you as well, although i can't say for sure, you could be a civnat for all i know.


Yet you're the one who keeps bringing up black dick, you projecting little homo. . Fine, don't use a shotgun, stuff some pills down your throat and go out like a cunt.


I hope he gets a max sentance.

honestly, who hasn't?

I felt bad about it afterwards, and it doesn't mean I'm gonna have kids with one.

It might not be a Roman formation, but I'd like to see what Antifa does in the face of a phalanx.

hang together or hang separate,

join or die.

no you're absolutely right. except for
your inner lib is showing, it's his wife until proven otherwise

if stick man hasn't proved himself then who here can

TBH I think we should lower our standards and broaden our acceptance of people until we're kosher enough to get a spot on the Disney channel. Only then will we defeat the Jew.

You make a good point.

He is not fighting for us but I do appreciate that he was there fighting.

This conflict might have started a new era.

We're more profitable but less dangerous, if whites are awakening they'd want to reduce our threat. That said I'm still pro-balkanization. I think we'd be better served to balkanize and whites have full control of a few territories. From there coalesce power, instill a nationalistic culture, and then conquer the other territories and drive them to Mexico or kill them.

Fuck off and die you cunt
You will never fight for anything, just whine here forever finding flaws on anyone that actually tries

You help the left more than soros paid goons

They have more in common with the "AnComs" they're fighting than us.

Anarchists, Communists - to whom we always give support in accordance with an alleged brotherly rule (of the solidarity of all humanity) of our SOCIAL MASONRY. The aristocracy, which enjoyed by law the labor of the workers, was interested in seeing that the workers were well fed, healthy, and strong. We are interested in just the opposite - in the diminution, the KILLING OUT OF THE GOYIM. Our power is in the chronic shortness of food and physical weakness of the worker because by all that this implies he is made the slave of our will, and he will not find in his own authorities either strength or energy to set against our will. Hunger creates the right of capital to rule the worker more surely than it was given to the aristocracy by the legal authority of kings.
The Protocols of Zion, 3:7


The Protocols of Zion, 3:7

He's little better than a soros paid goon.

He couldn't pronounce Ell-Gee-Bee-Tee correctly for a long time until he clearly practiced saying it with Kellyanne during the general.

Do the tenets of national socialism explicitly say that helping an ally is bad? That would seem like a terrible strategy. That's some back-stabbing kind of cuckoldry right there, yet anons seem proud to flaunt their hatred of based stick man. Must be edgelord little faggots who don't understand what honor is.

He's not an ally though, anyone who is race mixing is just as much of an enemy as a communist. Communism is less of a threat in the US than the extinction of our race.

You see a mistake, I'm seeing a goldmine.


There's a massive D&C program underway right now, user.

I expected this.

Try here:

When were we ever united with AnCaps? They're incapable of ever being on our side.

Because everything involving him was fucking hilarious.

Can't wait for the next one.

Asians have higher IQ than whites you backward swines

I respect Asians to a degree, muddying up our bloodlines is disrespectful to both them and our own ancestors. Also IQ is not the only metric of worth.

Except there's an ancap who's in jail right now for assaulting antifa. There's no reason we can't make common cause with a fellow white, Trump supporting, antifa basher. Only the jews would say "let him rot." He's a white man and could always be converted. Since when does his particular ideology mean he's "irredeemable?"

and the thread devolved into Trs 2 : electric boogaloo yellow fever edition.

You used him as an example of white/asian admixture. He's an example of jewish/asian admixture. You're a disingenuous kike.

He has a son that is non-white. You are never going to convert him to white nationalism.

Lots of that lately on 8pol.

I haven't seen any links to prove this guy is actually Kyle Chapman. Whoever has his fb page or some other social media page, please post the link. I'm thinking this whole thread is disinfo now.

He's incontrovertible because he's married to and has kids with a non-white. He can fuck off and die for all I care.

hi TRS

Fucking what?

TRS was the "AnCap" wing of the White movement, look how that turned out. There's no saving somebody who's that invested in such a jewish ideology.

Are you implying that race-mixing can be acceptable?

White nationalist isn't enough. Anything to the left of Fascism isn't enough.

Guess I'm not enough then as I'm natsoc, now what are you going to do about it?

You dug your own grave.

Why didn't you say that from the get-go? Why would you use White Nationalism and National Socialism interchangeably? God you're retarded.

Where are you getting this info? I can't find anything on this guy.

This was at uc Berkley right? The knive carrying laws in ca says it's open carry except in universities and etc. So I don't know how he will do with thay.

Because as long as someone is a white nationalist I'm willing to work with them, what political ideology gets to rule past that point can be hashed out later.

The gofundme raising money for him showed talked about him being a family man and had his asian wife and happa son in the pic.

Nobody archived it on Google image search pulls up nothing. This has to be fake and somebody was scamming people for the money. Otherwise why would the gofundme be removed?

That's not how any of this works. That's how you destroy your movement. No compromising.

Race-mixing is pretty hard to defend. I understand the guy isn't natsoc and never pretended to be, and I actually hope he gets freed because we need more people on the streets cracking antifa skulls.

With that said, I definitely wouldn't donate to his cause nor would I care if he rots away in prison for the next 10 years. He brought a mongoloid shitskin into this world which just makes more work for us when we have to deport them all.

Funny because its exactly how it worked in 1930s Germany. NSDAP was a very very broad party, then once they gained power they fought over which faction got control.

Interesting you have so little self-awareness you'd think banning him for criticizing your controlled opposition would help your cause, imkike.

Shut up Kike


I hate to say so but if this were posted on Reddit @ The_Donald he'd be bailed out in a matter of hours.

Because gofundme is full of raging fags and leftists probably kept flagging it until the fundraiser got dropped.

kek, would be funny to watch them act like the Bernie fans.

I'm thinking about creating a WeSearchr for him.

Not cool dude. Dox your own people for disagreeing with your moderation tactics? That's low as fuck man.

How is that doxing?

Bullshit, kike enoch claimed that but he claims everything that makes him shekels. You'll find more actual ancap shit on dailystormer then trs, they were just lukewarm lolbergs for the most part.

I can hardly blame him, look at the way California shitlib women act - fat, stupid and incredibly entitled feminists. The ones who are good looking are ultra-entitled and pine after millionaires.

Raising gook genes is not good either, but I can hardly blame someone for looking at California thots and saying "fuck this".

stop engaging with (((it)))

You posted his IP. That's opening the floodgates. I usually defend you fags but you should tear him up in the comments without overreaching mod powers. You have the intellectual capacity to debate, I've seen it. Don't overreach.


Goddamn nigger, kill yourself for knowing absolutely nothing about computers.

they were faggots who wanted attention and money, like the faggot OP of this thread. There was absolutely no fucking vetting with this.

ment for

They've updated his sheet with some new charges. Also got his middle name.

No he isn't. He's done more than you and I would go into stick battle with him by my side.
You're a faggot

you speaking to a fucking reddit advocate. God damn user check post by IDs before responding.

I'm a programmer m8. Don't come at me with that argument to defend your abuse of moderation powers then derail from the point you abused them to begin with.


They're really throwing the book at him, huh? Anyone been tracking what all they've been charging antifa people with?

I could watch that all day

Idc who I'm speaking to. Mods should not abuse their powers over disagreements with users period.

Stop lying you absolute retard.

Half of you NEETs would put your dick in anything and haven't done shit to fight antifa except check dubs.

man my filter just keeps on growing

Welp, that's it for Holla Forums. Bye kampfy, I hope the last check from Tel Aviv clears.

such bogus charges. based stickman did nothing wrong

All these leftist riots are taking place in big cities near university campuses. These are leftist strongholds and they have their people in power there.

Believe me the cops are pissed, they want to break antifa heads but the mayors and police chiefs are ordering them to stand down.


Also, let's not forget 2x4 wielding angry grandpa.

never look for the man behind the meme, I suppose

I think he's implying that some forms of race mixing are less unacceptable than others.

Alright, can we get some fucking proof he's actually this guy? I'm suspending judgement until he is proved to be a race mixer. If he is, fuck him. Being an ancap was bad enough, but he isn't irredeemably from a lulz standpoint if he is an ancap. But race mixing is irredeemably.

he said, while genociding his race into a box of tissues.

Race mixing is race mixing PERIOD. It doesn't matter if the civilizations you're mixing together are both good or not.

If we wanted to get super technical about it, everyone is race mixing. Unless you have a really long family history with all bloodlines controlled for thousands of years then you are probably a mixed race. Unless you've done genetic testing, you probably don't know what your genetic makeup is or what your mate's genetic makeup is either.

Not condoning race mixing. have two blond hair blue eyed sons.

Fuck off with this relativism shit.

Nevertheless, a half-gook > a nigger any day of the week. And yes, I say nigger because most of the niggers we deal with in the USA are mulattos.

I love how these cuckchanners know the history of every user they talk too.
He's a race traitor, and you can't erase miscegenation except with bullets.

It's fucking pathetic how easily this thread got d&c shilled to death. Literally the entire thread is just you faggots arguing about race mixing instead of helping /ourguy/. For shame.

Nobody has even mentioned the fact that the kikes at gofundme removed it.

try again.

Shoo, jew.

Yes, by you.

All valid pionts, but below has it right to a degree.

It is acceptable to subsets of a race to mix with other subsets. See Slavs vs. Nords racemixing. Or anglos vs. Finnigolians. It is NOT acceptable to mix between different races or species rather, entirely.

Subsets meaning:

You get the point. The argument shouldn't be about race mixing, but what races belong in which racial subsets.

t. Some guy that makes good OC sometimes and likes shitposting on a Burmese Holla Forums Pot manufactoring forum.

go and stay go.

Kek. Donate away, I'm not giving my money to feed future supreme gentlemen.

Good luck with that.


The offspring might be superior to a negroid half-breed but that isn't to the benefit of our race at all.So it can't really be better. better for whom?

Ok, someone literally breaking a stick over an antifa skull isn't /ourguy/ because he doesn't 100% match your criteria? How many antifa have you beat up today? How many white women have you inseminated?

kill yourself dumbfuck

Shoo, jew.

Him bopping that guy is the coolest thing we got from this weekend, there has to be some way to start a legal fund for him. I'd put in 10 maybe 20.

Well, even if the answer was zero it'd be more than him because he's married to a gook. :^)

None and none. I'm 14, moron. I'm still busy punching niggers in school. A 14 year old has to tell you miscegenation is bad, that's why you oldfags lost the country.

You're SJWs at this point. You're like those cunts complaining about their iphones jumping in price after we take back factory jobs from China. Short sighted fools, the lot of you.

So a black cop that votes democrat is now /ourguy/ because he hit an antifa.

bye, don't come back

Maybe you hadn't heard the news, Rothbard is dead

Giving support to a patriot isn't limited to money you jew.

Go outside kid.

No you're not. You've backed down from nogs plenty of times.

you spelled kike wrong

back to TRS

Shills don't really blend at all, do they.


This is pretty much a hybrid of cuckchan and reddit now. Civic Nationalism has taken over thanks to kike mods like kamfy. It's a sad day when 8pol is lost.

no you don't, like how you say jew instead of kike

You have to go back.

Please. This guy did something good, and is now being punished for it. That injustice is what we are trying to undo. He made a mistake, but he is still our brother, and we should still love him as one.

Please respond.

Rethink your shill tactics, I'm embarrassed for you.

Sorry, I forgot. This is a "based civic nationalist" board now. I'll post an image you might enjoy, it's a based black dude in a MAGA hat ! Post this on facebook so everyone will know dems r the real racists.

I've got you Jeb! Let me read it first.

You can largely erase miscegenation, just breed the gook back out through successive generations of whites.

So in your ideal world, everyone who tries to fight against communists should be jailed because they probably practice some form of degeneracy in our current degenerate society?

I'm sure that can't backfire splendidly, such as communists winning out and race mixing getting approved across the board by your jew owners anyways while you sit in your basement thinking 'At least I didn't support a race mixer'.

Lo and behold, the source of all this defense of miscegenation, the HWNDindUs. It's Kike Enoch all over again. This place is in the fucking toilet.

Wew. So close. Rules are rules though, no race mixing allowed. Maybe the next one.

I'll start by saying, Jeb! that stick man deserves our kindness and forgiveness.

On the topic of race mixing umong the subspecies of Human (Assuming that the Major classifications of race such as African vs European, or Asian vs African are in fact seperate races) should generally be viewed as acceptable to a degree, but not condoned.

It is beneficial to the gene pools involved to have one generation of sub species crossing over. Such as an Anglo immigrating to Germany, taking a German wife, and raising German children if and only if they intend to remain in German. This implies that the Germanic gene pool has had a sprinkling of Anglo DNA to keep it just outside of complete homogeneity, which would lead to stagnation.

Don't mix with Slavs though.

You're being dramatic.
I'm not defending miscegenation, I'm defending a man. A white man who did something to fight Marxism. Yes, he made a mistake, a huge mistake, but we should be forgive for it, because he's probably done more than most of us in the battle of ideas and virtues.
We can't be heartless and scornful towards our own kind, because he made a mistake. That's unsustainable behavior, and poor strategy.
I posted Punished Jesus to remind us of how useful people can come from unlikely places.

Yeah it is, white genes are passed on through someone who is less likely to commit crime, go on gibs and be a useless fuck than a nigger. Is it perfect? Hell no, but inside of a few generations of interbreeding with whites the gook part will be largely eliminated. The half-gook will have better dating prospects too due to the higher intelligence and income, which will encourage this process.

In the case of mulatto nigger, however, due to its extreme stupidity no one will want to date that worthless piece of shit, so the nigger problem never goes away. They don't get absorbed nearly as fast.

Thank you mein friendo. *Hails roman salute* kill jews and the like.

Yeah I agree, the one drop rule is true, only ONCE can a family tree race mix in every 5+ or so generations, as those genes will die out in favor of white, superior genes. Hell doing that also garuntees any defective white (ibread) genes may also be replaced by other more suitable genes.

Eugenics is fun.

That's not how it works.

Let's say that that half asian kid continued to marry white people until they all looked white. You haven't destroyed the asian genes, you've just spread them between more and more people.

Like a drop of red dye in a cup of water seems to disappear, but in reality the water will now forever be slightly tinted red.

It would be more beneficial for everyone if he mixed back into the Asian race.

Fucking kill yourself. There is no place for those mongrels.

Shame. Once those genes are diluted, they're diluted forever. He's wasted a precious, precious gift for some cheap gook.
I'm sure his son will be a very supreme gentleman one day though, so the miscegenation should stop there.

let the gooks have them

There was a bit of a typo, I meant to say that mixing one subspecies of European into another over one single generation is permissible, such as the Anglo + Germanic example.

Mixing among Species such as Africans + Asians, and the like, should never occur.

I still stand with Stick man though, he's a brother, and should be treated like a brother.


He should have used lead. If you shoot antifa scum, then you don't get arrested.

here here.
My argument is still on the field though, you can eventually subdue any undesireable racial genes, or features by any accidents in your family tree by subsequently out breeding them.

I think it's a good discussion, the race mixing stuff combined with the stick man's skull cracking. To me, it comes down to a question of does the ends justifies the means. I'm not saying having halfrican babies is justified if you are a badass warrior or anything like that, but we can have allies and as long as we are working towards the same goal we can help each other. What we shouldn't do is make these people part of our group. They need to be kept at arms length, as guests. If we approach it this way, then we can form alliances while they are convenient and not have to worry about infiltration by these people. We make it clear that we are still our own clan (pun intended and yes I know about the klan) and they aren't part of it.

I said "successive generations", not some standard fuckparty of half-gook going around and impregnating multiple white women like a nigger . In other words the half gook interbreeds with a white, the quarter gook result breeds with a white, the 1/8th gook result breeds with a white, the 1/16th gook result breeds with a white. In 4 generations the result is 94% white.

But if they ultimately choose to be with gooks, I don't care either. Either way they're not going to be a problem compared to niggers.

He'd then be a murderer, and we wouldn't be posting in this thread.


Digits Checked, argument checked, sides Keked.

Yeah, but you realize that those genes don't just disappear. If he breeds with whites, he's not breeding the Asian genes out of his kids. He's breeding Asian genes into the White race.

I think you're looking for the term, "useful idiots".


Who told you that shit? CNN? He would be a hero that defended himself and released without charges.

Educate yourself.



Guy got released because he was a leftist Asian.

That could be part of it, but my understanding of a useful idiot is that the idiot is not really aware of the alliance. They are basically being played. An ally knows there is an alliance and even though they might not agree with everything, they are willing to join forces against a common enemy.

pic only related in a general way

I'm going to need more than one case to convince me that shootings are the way to go.
StormTrumper has two felony charges for thwacking a guy with a stick, and you're telling me that because a liberal minority happened to inflict a nonfatal wound, then got off, one time, we should all start leading up antifa.

That's a loosing move. That's how you convince moderates that we're violent. You'd be giving the MSM retarded amounts of ammunition against us.

Not to mention it's morally wrong, and cowardly to shoot a man who's not also shooting at you.

Stop lying. He was there supporting Milo.

"The man’s Facebook page indicates he is a supporter of Trump, Yiannopoulos and the National Rifle Association."

He means don't pollute the blood line with mongrels I think.

Kek'd and checked.

etched into memeternity


wtf i love prcucking now

You know how you get the lemmings on your side? You completely ==BREAK== your enemy. Lemmings respect one thing, and that's strength.
So long as the lemmings think antifa are stronger than us, they're going to keel toe to antifa. The only sound that wakes them up from their slumber is the crack of gunfire, otherwise, they will ALWAYS be content to "go along to get along." Such is the way of the normalfaggot.

Some dominant genes will stick around longer, but I'm not particularly concerned about dark hair and brown eyes, I'm primarily concerned about a strong mind capable of building great civilizations. In the long run, no race will exist as it does today.

If we are to continue we'll have to colonize outer space and the environments on different planets will have a powerful effect on gene expression. That said, as much as I'd like an all white country, it's probably unlikely to happen - I'm more hopeful that we'll achieve that by modifying our own genetics and not through any breeding program.

'Muh PR.' Your goal is to win over soccer moms, cuck dads and the jew media. You have already failed.

Now I know that you do not belong here.

You have no idea what that word means. Not one clue. Defending yourself is always an act of bravery. That old asian man has more courage in his trigger finger than you have in your entire emasculated body.

You're probably half serbian, half potato nigger. Gas yourself. This man is a hero.

Don't straw man me.

I'm referring to the youth, not the boomers.

If you can walk me through the morality of shooting an unarmed man, I'd love to hear it.

Yes, defending yourself through matched force is brave. StormTrumper did well. Killing some teen who's going through an Antifa phase is not bravery.

They're trying to discourage self-defense against they're communist goons by throwing the book at anyone who defends themselves or their fellow citizens.
This will backfire.

I'd like to highlight this point for a moment to bring up that antifa shittery usually is just a phase and negating loss of life in whites would be a worthwhile step in victory if we can manage it.

just added your IP to the DotR List

le kek

Agreed. Matched force, pound for pound, is the path to victory. We are mightier then they are, so all we need is the patience to fight this battle honorably. One part of our code of honor should be to look out for our fellow man and ==Stand with StormTrumper==

wow, faggot



I'm not. You are a blatant PR faggot. Your ilk will never, ever learn.

Even worse. You rest your hope in braindead millennials. Like I said, you have already failed.

Picture related.

They didn't challenge him to a duel, you retard. This wasn’t a trial by combat. It was a riot. Gangs of masked antifa thugs were beating people up. One man stood his ground.

It is bravery. It is heroism. It is what all real Americans have to do.

user, you are not on our side. You are worse than antifa. You are a traitor. If you and an antifa were in front of me, I would kill you first.

sorry to interrupt your pathetic LARPfest, but no real fight anywhere, ever, between more than two people, has been honorable. There is no such thing, there is only winning and losing. If abiding by your precious principles is preferable to doing what is necessary to survive, then you're nothing but another cuckservative.

Alright, I'm getting push back for this. I did not mean that one should wait until he literally gets shot before taking out his gun.

I phrased it wrong.

All I meant to say was that shooting an unarmed antifa kid would be morally wrong and cowardly, and that force should be met in equal parts when defending oneself. I'm not saying that they're innocent, or that if you kill your enemies they win, all I'm saying is that shooting these people would not only be wrong, but it would also directly hinder our cause by making us look like brutal savages.

Want to help someone that REALLY needs help too, donate to strickland. There should be a sticky about him on this board and FAR more effort to get him freedom.

There is a drop down to donate to his defence fund.

If history has proved anything to us, it's that nobility doesn't always make a winner. You're gonna have to do some seriously fucked up shit that you've never imagined in a million years doing. Come to terms with that fact or stay at home and spare us the embarrassment.

Holy shit this thread is off the rails, can you see through your blinding self righteousness that I'm talking about this in the context of stick man here.
If you think that Stick man should have pulled out his glock, and shot some impressionable college teens, then you're off your rocker man.

I need the background image here plz and thanks

This much concern trolling. smdhfam

Do you feel in charge?

A thirty four year old thug was shot while beating people up. You call him a "kid". It's only a matter of time before you go full cuck and shout dindu nuffin!

I've seen the demographics man, I get it. However, I'm talking about Stickman here.
If you're telling me that the right thing for him to do, the seriously fucked shit you're referring to, was to shoot the white antifa college teen, then we disagree.

No, I think he should have brought fully automatic weapons and killed Antifa members then killed himself for being a dirty race mixing faggot

Thank you friend, you have released my soul from this suffering.

You're a Civic Nationalist faggot and I hope you wreck your car tonight and die painfully

Are you a nigger?

Are you really moralfagging for a bunch of kids who would sooner see your head on a pike than listen to you peacefully explain why National Socialism isn't actually evil? Them being white, college students, or """"teens"""" is irrelevant. Traitors hang the highest. The lines are clearly drawn in the sand. There is no de-acceleration, the time for peaceful negotiations is over.

Are you retarded? Those are literally two different people. I said you should fucking wreck your car and die and I didnt say shit about shooting anyone other than yourself. You reek of newfaggotry and cuckchan

I can tolerate white men who married an Asian. It's kind of a sidegrade not a downgarde. Just no shitskin races.

who gives le fuck

I'll pretend you're right about the kid and all that. When your enemies want to kill or enslave you and ruin you in every way, there is nothing wrong with killing them before they can make good credible threats. This is the same reason I have no problem with attempting to ruin their lives, this would not be the case had SJWs not been doing this for years uncontested.

If some little dweeb and a thug show up at your house, the thug has a gun and the other is just ordering him around, is it cowardly or immoral to shoot both?

niggers got political clout from chimping, I wouldn't suggest neck tattoos but I don't give a fuck about PR besides upholding my own family name. Honestly, looking like brutal savages may save a lot of bloodshed down the road.

I thought you were talking about whatever the shit was with the gook. And considering stick man, if someone was there, no riot gear just a plainly visible gun, and antifa attacked someone who was not wanting a fight, he should absolutely pull a gun out and shoot them. Which is why none of this shit goes down except in the disarmed cities.

then it should work well to discourage the others COME ON LETS GET THIS GOING

hapas are like kikes on one way, much more likely to have mental problems.

Pathetic. If you don't protect what's yours you deserve to lose it.

Why did you accuse him of being a civic nationalist just because he said not to shoot a white teen?

100% Not only Stick man, but the Police should have Kent Stated all of these Leftist/Antifags.

Just FYI, it WILL come to that soon, if they keep pushing. Honestly, we are probably too far gone to avoid a civil war at this point.

We just have to make sure we win.

Im not going to oppose the guy for wrecking antifa twinks, but I will oppose race mixing. Fair?

What needs to be done: We set a precedent that we will SUPPORT PEOPLE for self-defense. That precedent will be set and infrastructure can be organized easily around that point. Also, we can play the 'police will arrest our side but not antifa' to pressure local and federal LEA/LEO to crack down on commie black-bloc terrorists.

holy shit what an edgy larping faggot you are

We should go support him at his hearing!


There is nothing about ancap that precludes race realism or an understanding of the kike problem. Even the most cucked ancap is at least anti-CRA, anti-Federal Reserve and thinks people have the right to expel niggers from their businesses.

Is no place safe from you people?
4chan is Holla Forums's youth wing. Please return to where you are supposed to be.


Hello FBI

Disgusting, yes, but the dude isn't NatSoc and never claimed to be. He's fighting the fight with us, and once we win, him and his fried rice children can go live on some slope island.
The dude acted heroically. He's not a fucking pussy and he stood up for the Trump movement which is what we need right now.
Or, you know, we could just wait for hitler, because he's going to ascend from the sky and usher in a NatSoc utopia without the assistance of a single person with whom we disagree.
I'm sure the globalists will treat you well when we lose because we administered a purity test before we had so much as a solid footing.
But we aren't going to lose because most people don't think like you. We will win first, and sort things out when the dust settles.

New video of stickman came out

Whites are more creative. This is why we have invented almost all of the worlds shit, not the east Asians, who have superior average IQ. To their credit, they have made solid contributions throughout history, but the white spirit combined with white intelligence is the most powerful thing in the world. We shouldn't cut that out. There is no excuse for encouraging this.
Not to mention the aesthetic beauty of whites. It's a shame to dilute that with other races

This definitely does seem to be the case at first glance, given your reasoning. However, it doesn't necessarily hold true in all cases. Japanese media is far more creative than white media at the moment. Yet their history of ingenuity from an engineering standpoint is comparatively lacking. Perhaps they have a similar ability to create for creation's sake, but are less likely to create in response to external factors.

That's because "white media" is bogged down by jews and marxist influences. That's because the naturally brilliant creativity of the white race is being suppressed in our (((education system)))
Look first at all the great white civilizations, and then secondly at what they brought the world. Our music, art, architecture, philosophies, and problem solving capabilities (etcetera etcetera etcetera) are above the rest of the world when we aren't chained down by subversion.
Anyways, creativity is just one reason why we don't want to mix with eastern asians. It's not the only reason.
Never forget the 14 words
I do fully support these asian countries in their pursuits to be nationalists, I don't want to go over there and fry all the slopes. I deeply respect Japanese culture, for example. They just need to keep that shit in ching chong land. One day we can be very good friends with them.

Give a white man a hammer, and he'll create something beautiful with it.
Give an Asian man a hammer, and he'll create ten thousand hammers just like it.
Give a Nigger a hammer, and he'll use it to kill the white man.
Give a Jew a hammer, and he'll pass it to the nigger.

Asians are the masters of production, whites are the masters of creation.

This is probably old news to most because I've been out of the loop but I just saw his FB and noticed some of the "Likes" he has are pretty pro-white.

Gotta feel bad for the guy, red pilled too late.

Chinks, Nips, Gooks, etc. are basically an autistic race.

They can efficiently replicate, and often improve existing things, but they are not very creative.

They let ANTIFA have free reign, and then arrest us for defending ourselves. What other choice do they leave us?

One, two, Stickman's coming for you
Three, four, better lock your door
Five, six, kill all the men without dicks
Seven, eight, destroy the Jewish state
Nine, ten, Make America Great Again

does anyone have a link to shill awareness stuff ?

Why think strategically when you can just cry "muh racemixing" while staying forever alone? You want a redpill, Holla Forums? Here's one: if you have a choice between a degenerate white whore with a thousand-dick stare or no partner at all on the one hand and a based Asian qt wife on the other, you would have to be a moron to go with the former.

Absolutist dogma is the refuge of leftists and other cognitively weak trash.

The conceal carry charge will get dropped because you can clearly see in the video the knife is openly holstered on his side.

As for the assault with deadly weapon charge. You can see in the video that person he hit was attacking someone else. And you can see in earlier pictures that stick had a sign on it which means it's a stick for holding up protest signs not a deadly weapon.

Fucken high energy post right there

Sad! White men who betray their race will be the first to go during the Day Of The Rope™ Rules are rules

The board turned into an echo chamber by LARPers and shills. Pretty much skinhead tier now


Fuck off shills.

The jews are happy with you being self-sabotaging virtue signalers. Go for antifa, help remove consequences for the people who fuck them over.

Right because you spend all day talking about how any stance less than kill all nonwhites race war now is PRcucking but not a single one of you is doing shit in real life, that's even more pathetic than larping.


But I do plenty of stuff!!! I produce dank podcasts and go to epic pool parties with other fashy goys!!!

Check out this sheboon with the MAGA hat so fucking based!!!!!!!!


Holla Forums, /sp/, Antifa, or what?

No, because all they hear is "le ebul gnatzis" and jump on here acting like we are some fictional fucking hollyjew Nationalists that just want to smash things.

oh fuck off with that shit you whiny faggot. people have been complaining about board quality since 2012 and probably long before that too.

I'm one of the few fucking people on this board that knows how to dox and tracked down TRS members during the whole fiasco.

You are not Holla Forums. You are a fucking shill if I have seen one.

You shut your dirty fucking mouth too. The skinheads are our fucking shock troops, you don't go around insulting them you filthy fucking yid.

There are more important people to deal with TODAY than race traitors.
Namely the kikes, the communists, and other trash.

'sup JIDF?

Why should any of us support an Ancap? Capitalism if filled with jews, in an Ancap society Jews would thrive even more. You see a guy beating up a communist and you're more than ready to toss your values aside. The people at /liberty/ should be trying to free him, not us.

Are you fucking retarded?

Lord have mercy, you pea-brained limpdicks aren't even trying.

We're definitely being astroturfed by D&C shills, but there are also edgy larpers who are so hung up on pure ideals that they're happy to throw allies under the bus. Of course, they're just keyboard warriors who aren't doing anything anyway.

HI TRS, you can fuck off back to your pisshole now.


Refer to where i said he shouldn't even be in prison.

You're just repeating yourself now.

This is the same bullshit line your TRSodomite butt-buddies came up with in the past, that and their defense of non-white spouses. But you're totally not a TRSodomite, right. Please.

I'm not saying to deal with him in any capacity. Congratulations. You threw strawman after strawman and said nothing of value. Go play in traffic, sperg.

Purging society of all it's harmful elements while not furthering our agenda will only keep things as they currently are. We all know we'd have thrown him under the buss if he had been fucking niggers, and we all know he'd toss us under the boss. Ancaps don't want us in power as much as commies. This was basically two of our enemies fighting. I don't even really care about him fucking an Asian, he's just not one of us.

Concealed carry of a folding knife of any length and open carry of a fixed blade knife are both legal in California. The assault charge was an obvious case of self defense. Plus, since when is a stick considered a "deadly weapon?"

As if getting a little gook is an accomplishment. Every loser white guy can go to asia to get a pisskin bride. If I were a loser with yellow fever i'd be too embarassed if my parents found out, they'd feel like they had raised a failure. "Our son couldn't even get a white woman"

Yeah ok, whatever faggot.

How dare you call Fatt Horney a loser. Behold greatness.

No he won't. He's a hero who inspired many and shows that white men are not going to sit back and let Antifa chase us out of our own fucking parade.

You're punching way right of where you are faggot.

Hurr durr nobody is white enough for me. His kids have more white DNA you ever will, faggot.

>if you have a choice
lol don't pretend you had a choice loser.. How many white girls rejected you in high school and how much did that scar you?

You can't get more disrespectful than this.

Gofundme can't be used for criminal litigation funds. Shouldn't the ACLU be involved? Worthless Fucks

Holla Forums got pretty high and mighty on the racial purity of blood after Trump. Interestingly enough while no one debates the purity spiral of the left which murdered them in the election even suggesting something similar is automatic TRS. Regardless, my question is what about Ex-Racemixers? Consider Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer, if im not mistaken he also fooled around with asians (no kids though).

It would seem to me the general consensus is that even reformed Holla Forumsacks who have given up race-mixing is often not enough for the puritan-esque faggots of Holla Forums (whose sexual purity is a matter of natute usualy, not of choice). Its interesting because even Rockwell said he'd stand shoulder to shoulder with faggots who renounced their ways, so i'd assume he would feel the same way about reformed whites.

He hit a fucking commie with a stick. Roof was way more of a hero.

How do you people manage to be so retarded?


Anglin is a fucking controlled opposition kike who works with Aurnheimer, a fucking jew.
Don't bring e-celebs into this.


Care to incriminate yourself even more, you hopeless faggot? Again, Holla Forums is supposed to rush to the aid of gook-fucking Ancap morons because some guy hit a commie with a stick? Do you think our principles are that cheap? Are yours?

The man defended other whites from attack by antifa. If you can't see how encouraging people to help whites is a good thing, then there's no hope for you.

Even if i were to give you this, my question still remains, its why i said as an example. Im curious to see what peoples take on this subject is for if ex-racemixers are capable of reform and if they'd be accepted into the fold
Ayyy alamayo

what the fuck are you blathering about? Holla Forums has always taken a hard line towards race-mixing, if anything after the election we've been flooded with shitskin cuckchanners who desperately try to make a place at the table here.
let's not.
what the fuck does that mean? Someone who used to fuck non-whites, and possibly bred with them, but now is in the current process of having white children? If that was the case, the yeah, it can be forgiven, but some shithead racemixer can't just say " well uknow i had a gook wife for 5yrs and shat out 3 mongoloids with her but srsly im over that now y wont u let me into ur club lol wat do guyz"

a bunch of purists here embedding youtube videos.
what the fuck is wrong with you idiots. oh, you're high-school nothings.

The race mixers are kept at the fringes of society, but you don't advocate like

This is a white man, defending other whites from assault. If you are advocating violence against him then you're nothing but a low down kike.

Nah man, if you'd been here since the start you'd definitely notice we've definitely gotten more unified as a hive mind from the days of dont tread on me snek faggotry.
I was pretty clear when i mentioned Rockwell and the faggot ananology. People who are ideological converts and once were racemixers but have given it up ala red pill, and wether than can be accepted into the fold.

and bravo for that action, seriously, no sarcasm, it was a laudable thing he did. But he wasn't defending "other whites" the way you imagine he was. He was fighting commies, because he's an Ancap, and he likely hates and reviles us just as much as he does them. If YOU believe that lolbergs and their ilk can, by and large, ever be allies to a pro-white cause, then there's precious little hope for you as well. I'm open to them proving their worth on an individual basis, and how committed they are to their race, but the burden of proof is not on me or us, and in all likelihood, some gook-fucker is no ally of whites.

Always ignore TOR posters.

Found the TRSodomite.

Yes, LARPers. I used to post on stormcuck before I found 4chon /new/ and this shit I've been seeing lately looks like it was pulled right from that shithole


You changed IP so you can post that you pathetic turboautist kike?



I use a tablet, my IP changes automatically.

when did I ever imply that?
yeah, and that definitely predates the election, unless you meant the 2012 election not the 2016 election
again, there's no way to tell if someone has "given up" racemixing unless they're having, or have had, white children with a white wife. Otherwise it's just empty talk that could very well be coming from a subversive. Ideologies like white nationalism or natsoc that are based on purity of race are easily subverted and corrupted by those who do nothing but subvert and corrupt, so high standards must be met. Obviously on Holla Forums we just have to measure the quality of someones words and memes, but irl, some gook-fucker is not an ally of any kind. At best he's a useful idiot, and I fully endorse him smacking commie upside the head, and definitely don't want to see him in prison for defending himself.

Kike Enoch was such a headcase. I honestly don't think he was ever an active subversive, but a massively neurotic and confused half-jew who was torn between identities. Still just as ovenable though.

I have no interest arguing with kikes trsodomites and civnat mongrels. The fact that you are bashing and disparaging young working class White men who try to take the streets back from all the filth and diversity is illuminating. Go back to cuckchan or brit/pol/

He is a lolbertarian larping as a "fashy goy" making oven jokes to collect shekels

At least you can't breed with dogs. Racemixing is actually more degenerate than beastiality from the perspective of long-term societal health.

True but you get my point. The times are changing, and just as the snek fags died out so too is another clash in Holla Forums at odds again.
So basically if someone ever fucked a gook but then got redpilled and no longer fucks/dates gooks, they cant be /ourguy/ unless they have white children too?
Im not really all that concerned with Stick Man, his case is really irrelevant because he isnt the example im providing. Im just pointing out that most people Holla Forums will convert have done pretty errornous things, should we hold everyones past on trial as a standard for what we will and will not accept into the ranks of our culture war?

The white race is not being over-run by Hapas. The threat to the White Race is mass Third-world immigration and losing control of our Institutions like Universities, Courts, Government.

This stickman guy did a huge service by emboldening people to go beat up the Antifa terrorists that have been chasing us away from our own victory parades.


Daily reminder that most cops are freemasons, LITERAL slaves to the kikes, and are NOT /ourguys/

Shills sure have done a number on this place. If you want your hugbox I think pol chan still exists. Holla Forums has always been a mix of natsocs, fascists, lolbergs, ancaps, trads, etc. But you keep turning on everyone, it's like you WANT to lose


Antifa is a multivariate problem. One cannot simply say that "Oh, they're all a bunch of Communists who deserve a good helicopter ride", because they're largely made up of either highly agreeable college kids who have a vague feeling of "being on the right side" because they've been raised on a steady diet of Shindlers list, The boy in the stripped pajamas, and weak willed parents, or poorer people up to their eyeballs in student loan debt that could use the Soros-bucks.

They're not politically relevant other than their use as pawns of political violence, which does not work. The idea is that if they riot enough against the right, this will create the idea in the general conciousness of America that the majority is opposed to the right. However their violence only serves to expose them as delusional babies who's political arguments are so weak and unfounded that they require violence instead of words to shut down events.

Killing them is so obviously wrong that you have to be a Larper to believe it.

Now, I'd like to donate to the bail fund of Stickman, Hallowed be his name, but the Go fund me has been taken down.

Does anyone know of an legitimate alternate method of donation?

Whatever you say, mohammed.

If you haven't noticed, this thread is full of failures trying to justify themselves for settling for a gook girlfriend. It's not full of reformed losers, it's losers still in denial. They know that society sees them as losers, and their parents are embarassed of them, they know something is wrong which is probably why they come here. But they won't accept they need to grow up, get out of their slump and stop LARPing as a grown man, with a fantasy charade for an anonymous imageboard that they chose a gook by choice and not out of a lack of options and desperation. And no, you're not helping the cause 'somewhat' by breeding a couple fucked up mongrel kids. They're worse than the edgy MGTOWs that convince themselves they rejected women, and not the other way around.

Term you're looking for is sub-Saharan African.




It is said that only the rustled shall reply.

The place is all shilled up. The new Crew strategy is the same as the old one. Divide and Conquer. So now Pol can only be for one particular brand of WN. Fuck that. Not everyone has to be a breeder, dude is a hero to the USA who kicked antifa's ass and made white people look cool.

Hop in the oven, Shill!

There's a big difference between someone pre-redpill that racemixed with no offspring, then took the redpill and renounced their ways, versus someone who actually had a mongrel offspring. Stop making petty-ass excuses. If they breed a halfling, it's forever.

So we shouldn't support Trump because he has Kike'd grandkids? And we shouldn't help Stickman?

I should just write a fucking check to George Soros I and donate to the SPLC I guess.

I never said you should or should not support him. I myself would not. I don't support racemixers period. Post this on reddit and you'll your friend.

Also, saying you won't support a racemixer during a time of white genocide is not "every fucking excuse not to help the guy." If he were an alcoholic, drug abuser, and so on, that would be something I would gladly look over and help him out. But that he took a shit on all that came before him and racemixed? Hell no.

Post this on reddit and you'll fund** your friend.

you seem mighty desperate

The white race is not being over-run by Hapas
we are being overrrun with race-mixers dumbass, picking Hapas in particular is like saying "well i dont se an abundance of white people breeding with mongolians so racemixing is no prblm ok guyz xdd"

Having white children or at least a white wife/girlfriend would convince me a whole helluva lot more than some faggot saying "ive renounced my ways fellas let me in :D:D:D:" and yes, past degeneracy is always cause for suspicion. It's not a deal-breaker, but judgement must be made.

not excuses, but explanations based on valid standards for someone to be considered an "ally". Again, I don't want to see him in prison and I fully support his commie-bashing. May he do it for a long time. But I won't consider him a friend to the white race or pro-whites anywhere.

I havent made an excuse for anyone my man, im simply asking questions to get answers, sometimes a spade is just that dufus.
But you'd be surprised how many people would disagree with you. I know several men who browse the good old h8chan and used to date outside their race and renounced it once they got redpilled. I personally find that more noble than a couple of purist policing the past sexual activities of allies.

Reread what I said. I said that racemixing then becoming redpilled but having no mongrel offspring = understandable. Racemixing, having mongrel offspring, and then getting redpilled = tragic, unforgivable step. There's just no turning back at that point.


Keep in mind, we are talking about child free racemixers


He did the best he could with the choices set before him. White womyn in Cali are shit

Is 3rd image real?

Amen. But you forget most of these fucktards are 15 year olds, or have the mental capacity of one.
You couldn't yank these wannabes away from the computer long enough to do anything.

"Based blacks" aren't so "based" when you get them around other negros, they're just intelligent enough to act civilized around whites and are more or less "based mulattos". Your average negro actually doesn't even have a problem with Trump because they see Trump as someone with a lot of "bling" and idolize anyone with a lot of money from being inundated by jewish values of materialism and the frivolities in life.

Chapman stick? Is there some sort of esoteric mind fuckery with this story?

Shoop request having le based stickman army carrying chapman sticks. :DD

Meme magic.

There are two e-begging threads.

This reeks of kikery. The based stick man is the perfect opportunity for a jew to set up a fake funding account and just pocket all of the money.

Would you like a blindfold and a ciggy before your stupid ass gets your back put to the wall, skippy ?
user's post touched a nerve with you, cunt ?
I see you being buzzard food in the future, sonny.

Honestly, my wife is a chink, and I've been here since before the first exodus.

I'll support stick man, race traitor or no because he's one of us. I'll support him because, one day, I may be a glorious stick man myself, and when that happens I'll need the support of my brothers as well.

Yes, you stupid adolescent fuck, trying to help raise bail money for a guy who thumped some anarchist gommie fucks melons is most def a coin clippin' kike scheme.
Drink your milk and go to bed, young'un, you and I both know you skip school way too much.
It's kinda obvious.

I remember that thing. Never really took off.


These assholes are way too obsessed with who you are fuckin' ( they don't get none ) than they are with the task at hand ( splitting skulls. stabbin' and slabbin' ) worthless commie fucks.
Which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt they are fuckin' kids who think it's edgy as fuck to post on a Burmese cooking board.
If there should be a purge here, It is gettin' rid of these snot-nosed fucks that like to play grown up, when anybody with an ounce of fuckin' sense knows better.

Boy that's a lot of projection there, user.

Projecting, my ass. It is fact.peewee.

Do you even bother to read these chilluns' comments, user ?
If you did and you are an adult, you would have
never accused me of of projecting unless you are a kid yourself.
Nigger fuggin' pleez.

Do not count on these cunt-chilluns you will be be greatly dissappointed, as most have not drapped they nutz yet.
I'll back you, good sir. let me know when the balloon flies.

For fucks sake who cares if his wife is a nip. This isn't just about the arrest. He was surrounded by dozens if not hundreds of lefties. He could have very well been beaten to death by sheer zerg rush.

Anyone who cracks commie skulls is an ally of mine until we're in a position to purge the more minor offenders.

A to the men, brother.


You got that right. Pardon me previous fuggup.

At any rate it blows the left's narrative out of the water once again.

But it's all about muh not-zee with these arrested development kiddies, Common sense ain't common with these dumbfucks.



So, what exactly happened? Did he just show up and begin bashing people's heads in? Or did they try to assault him and he defended himself?

What happened?

He dehumanized them and sticked them 'til blood shed.

A large rally of trump supporters marched down the road the across the field. Masked antifa began to swarm and assault the patriots with thrown objects or verbal blows. But the flags the patriots carried doubled as the means for their salvation and the poles were used to hold back the tide when mere fists did not suffice against such radical and indoctrinated fervor. One man stood, back against the wall adorned with the principles of our society, (for good or worse) and held back the forces of chaos with strong blows and stalwart allies until the wretches slicked back in despair. May this day stand in the annals of American history as a beacon for all those who love freedom and the rights of proper and just public display.

Why can't we have good things Holla Forums?

Good things will come, but first you must fight for it!

Its just sad that the man who totally came across as one of /ourguys/ turned out to just be some ancap-ish mud bogger.
It almost makes me feel mildly disappointed in my fellow Holla Forumsocks for not being first of the 'based stickmen'.
The first based stickman just had to be some unfascistic racially unaware nip loving autist rather than one of our own. Its sad that we are learning tactics from someone we'd normally abhore in any other context and situation.

Oh my fucking god who cares. He's a man. Let him make his own damn mistakes.

So many of you are just edgy teens. You live for the violence and suffering. Its real simple. He fought against the left. He, and his kid are given vasectomies, and his wife has her tubes tied. They get a small allotment in the countryside and live peaceably until they die. When the kid gets older he can get married if the government approves and have his vasectomy reversed.

There are so many edgy larpers on here its ridiculous.

I'm more disappointed that our own people werent the first to be based stickmen but rather that some ancap gook loving civic nationalist was.
I'm not shedding a tear over this mans genetic progeny as much as I'm shedding a tear that our own people didnt become based stickmen first.

I don't see the point of going to these demonstrations.
Call me when we've gone full paramilitary

Its more about having a chance to fight communists alongside likeminded individuals.
Do you think there really is anything to gain from fighting communists in a riot other than the actual thrill of actually getting to beat up communists and have the sense of participating in a literal clash of civilizations?

That song sounds very soviet like.

soviets stole alot of shit from nationalists and just brand it as being 'communist'. The russians may have yelled "for the motherland" but ofcourse the idea of a mother/father land existing in a communist mindset doesnt exist.

The only thing close I could hear to the song being 'very soviet like' is that it sounds very authoritarian.

Is it true that the pacifists infiltrated Ancapism because it is immortal?


I found something fun. Looks like some Kikebook users counterdoxed antifa for trying to dox Stick Man.

The disappointing thing is that how fast you burger assholes forget about us, eastern-europeans.
- We beat up antifa years earlier than any of you
- We beat up muslim refugees just before the fence was built
- Racemixer was beaten into coma too
- Our police constantly were /ourguys/ but did the beating enough good too not give ammo for the Soros related Human Rights and Amnesty International
- Russians even do this shit longer than us
Man the fuck up!
You not need to turn it into a media attraction (that would do more damage than good). Hell, even the stickers were enough clever form Holla Forums during the elections!
Don't be a nigger and use your brain! This is the key!

I understand that this concept isnt new. But just the straight forward acting of others with a shield and a big ass stick….. that is new….


If you would support a labor backed currency, and the government "takes" part of your labor in order to fund LaShiqua and her 5 kids so they can live a comfortable life using section 8 and food stamps, while a white person having a hard time is more likely to be homeless and on the streets. Wouldn't you consider the ppl who pay the taxes as slaves forced into supporting the ones who aren't willing to work?

many are leftists who are desperate to get Holla Forums to turn on this guy.

I came to 8ch to escape 4cuck racemixing acceptance but I come here and see legions of faggots disregarding the 14 words just because he hit some leftist with a stick.

That little event will be quickly forgotten but his racemixing is a permanent stain upon the white race. You all disgust me. If you don't adhere to 14 words you slide down the slippery slope

t. NEET virgin fatbeard

Found the lolberg mutt.

Whatever makes you feel better nonwhite loser. I'm literally better than you and I have standards.

Also I'm didn't join the right to live in a country of cultureless mongrels who wave the national flag and are only united by their opposition against commies. If you want that, you can go join to brazil and join the anti-communists. I am here for WHITE america. Anybody who has a white kid and raises them right is in my eyes infinitely more respectable than racemixer stickman.

Stop praising this race mixing traitor. He's going to be ripped apart in prison by niggers and that is a good thing. He has happa fucking children for fucks sakes.

Holy shit user, I know being a weak bitch is genetic but your family must have had a whole lineage to perfect it before you came along. So you're going to say a man's actions means nothing, and that you literally ran like a coward from one site to escape something you don't agree with. It doesn't matter if you try to raise your kids right when there's 200 years of practiced propaganda being given to them like a drug every single day for their first 20 years. You can say you will redpill your kids but when "dats raciss" is enough to keep kids quiet it won't matter how much you do.

Personally, I'd rather have a man capable of action than some bitch who couldn't prove his point and had to leave because of that. Especially against communism. A fag like you wouldn't be able to even out banter a communist, and I have no doubt that you would be about as useful in an actual race war, commie killing, or WROL.

Looking at the Wesearcher fundraiser donations list is awesome. There is some serious cash rolling in.

Kill yourself

but then why did Murray Rothbard say that World War 2 was initiated solely to kill Germans and Japanese

one of rothbard's biggest influences (Harry Barnes) was redpilled and said the holohoax was a load of shit

I'm a race traitor

I get what you are trying to say, I just think you're retarded and talk like a faggot. But hey, go on and tell me about his Bootcamp and his go fund me and what an unbelievable hero he is. The more you argue, the more you are convincing everyone of Mr. Chapman's Status.


user on cuckchan who has pictures from the courthouse are saying that they're not going ahead with pressing charges.


Hello there newfriend! I noticed you may be struggling with basic internet concepts, and all this 'computer' stuff isn't really working out for you. I know it can be difficult, especially when you have down syndrome. I've attached a handy guide to help you better understand the difference between IP addresses and hashes. Hopefully it helps, and together we can make this community a better place for everyone.

I was there standing on the sides watching the happening.

I have a fucking job, I can't be getting in fights with street punks anymore. No one attacked me so I didn't have to defend myself.

Kyle has a long criminal record and probably some blue collar job where all his coworkers will cheer for him when he gets back to work.

All charges were dropped. By the way, some of you guys are huge faggots. You will never be as much of a man as he is.


Called it here and here
Hope you suckers didn't give too much money.

Thanks for the money! Here's some smoke up your ass so you can feel all warm and tingly inside. I'll be using the money to buy a BMW for my son when he's old enough so white chicks like him!

how much money did he raise? You make it sound like a bad thing that he's raising a future elliot rodger

only a yellow fever loser would be this defensive over calling hapa-breeders what they are, white women rejects. I acknowledge stickman for being the cannon fodder he was meant to be, but there are better, actual men out there to admire.

i.e. not you

Someone is having a bad day.

The way this thread turned out put a smile on my face. Holla Forums is one of the few places anywhere where people stick to their guns.

Half-Oriental means basically mestizo, user. South of the border for all his little Pedros and Joses.


Sorry about that. Maybe if you did the sex better your fatty wouldn't be chasing AIDS dick? I don't know, but you know what I do know…
It gets better

yeah, your reading comprehension will get better I hope.

Yeah man. So what has your nippy-nips so twisted?

I'm all good brother. I'll be at the next berkeley march April 15th alongside Kyle while you cry from home about men who fuck women a little bitch like you doesn't approve of

Wew are you salty. You should suck his dick while you're there. Really show him how libertarian you are.

its not very natsoc of you to talk like a faggot, faggot

Make sure you let everyone know that dems are the real racists when you go. See if you can find a based negro while you're there too.

I will bring my black friend. I will troll them with chants like "deport republicans." And I'll tell the illegal immigrants they have to go back. Maybe I'll bash some skulls in also but I doubt they'll be so emboldened this time.

I remember when I was like you, 4 months into the redpill, making enemies, and hating everyone who didn't post on Holla Forums. Now I win arguments with people who disagree with me, convince liberals to renounce their faggot ways, and convince people with truth rather than the hate that stems from the truth.

I hate jews, mexicans, and the nigger community just as much as you do. I also hate white people that act like niggers and I'm friends with black dudes who are more based than the majority of the liberal white faggots that live in the bay. Keep being mad on the internet, friend. You'll figure out how to rise above in a year or two. Anger is one of the first stages of the redpill.

You really this bored?

