European Prophecy

Sorry for making such a vague thread.

I remember an user on here commenting about a prophecy where a descendant of a French royal dynasty would drive the Saracens back into the sea, if anyone here knows which prophecy this is, I think we should discuss it and get to work on figuring out who this descendant is.
If something is not done there won't be a pure bred European left to save, so it stands to reason this person may be on the cusp of gaining power, I'm terrible at digging into ancestry, let alone speaking French so a cheese-eating surrender monkey would be helpful in our search.
Once (or if) we find them, our full support should be behind them.

Other urls found in this thread:

Sounds like a plan

It does, but I can't remember the family name, which is why I'm asking.
Knowing that at least would really help with my research.
I've already looked into the Le Pen family, but the most obvious internet source only goes back to 1800, I am a bit intrigued by the adultery that went on with one of them, I am curious about who that was with.

The bastard king will rise


I'm not a Christian chaim, but nice DNC in a dead thread, you're surely going to get the goy against each other this way.

Go back to your shill board kike.

To make an addendum regardless, the reason I'm interested in this is because even if this is not a reality warping gestalt field level prophecy, that doesn't mean we can't make it one.
Surely wizards of our power can use the power of repeating digits to get the ball of fate rolling in our favour? We've only done it twice already so far.
(And even if you think that's all bullshit, if you think of the gestalt field as something that occurs as a natural phenomena through the human herd mentality, that will also give our cause strength regardless.)
Trump is just the beginning, we need another leader who is more willing to shed Semite and Saracen blood.

So we can't rely on an Austrian guy leading the Germans this time but a baguette frog to save Europe?

Doesn't matter who they are, as long as they are western European and have some blood relation (no matter how distant) to an old French dynasty, I don't think it was Karling, it may have been Capetian, in fact I'm almost sure now reading up on it.

Since it's Capetian, that could actually include almost all royal claimants, so it could be French, Anglo, Austrian, even Hungarian at this point. We'll have to wait and see. If the prophecy has any merit to it (I'm still unconvinced), Europe will be in for a rough time but to be honest, thinking about it that may be the key to waking people up.
People in Europe are still too content, even considering what is going on, it's nothing more than a brief rouse from a deep sleep.
This is an alternative to Armageddon, so if we start seeing more signs (many have occurred already) then all we have to do is act.
We will know for sure if they fight in Greece and then fight in Syria.

some of my ancestors were norman friends with william the conqueror aka william the bastard (sorry ancestor)

Feels bad man. At least I'm a white mixed race.

hello JIDF.

Wish I knew my heritage that well.

I'm the same, Baltic, Germanic, English, probably more but above.

We shouldn't let the classical or the barbaric world disappear, or else we're left with kike brainwashing. Christianity is only a step above because we maintained respect and admiration for those values and because Jesus was particularly outspoken self hating kike who went to do something about it, which ended in a lot of other dead kikes including himself.


I know it's really a privilege, further on down the line my ancestors participated the revolutionary war

super niggers

Rough outline of the Prophecy:

Bishop Williamson on the coming of the Great Catholic Monarch:

Prophecies from throughout the age's of the Church detailing the Monarch who will prefigure Christ's Second Coming:

Hmm, with this information, we can be sure it's not a Le Pen, but from Champagne to Lorraine? That's a fair distance. I'm looking about for VIPs from that area with the right profile, perhaps it's not quite time yet?

pic related seems relevant

Don't bother trying to figure it out in specificity, just be aware. The comfort of "knowing" is not for us, only the comfort of Hope.

Your time is better spent in prayer, fasting and repentance (particularly during the Lenten Season). Devote yourself to God and trust in His will.

-1 Thessalonians 5:2

Related, yes, because it shows the fissures appearing along the facade of the Age of Democracy.

Trump himself is not a monarch, though I suppose that does not preclude him from being the first American Monarch, or the first coming from his house.

I would hope it would be some kind of warrior king, like Charlemagne or someone. Regardless of how you feel about the French Revolution as a whole after being redpilled, I personally believe that the aristocracy at that moment represented the height of decadence. I would have wanted to behead them too. The kings practically dressed up as women and had gold literally everywhere in their palaces. People also should remember that not every king rightly represented their people. A hell of a lot of them were born in other places and just got their kingdoms as the result of family ties or arranged marriages. Look up the Habsburgs to see all the turf they controlled that didn't correspond with their actual homelands. I am all for a return to more traditional hierarchies and what not, but I still do not get an automatic boner for old European monarchs as some of them were just as degenerate as some leaders today, (emphasis on some).

I remember a thread where some user was listing very old European prophecy mainly involving a French/Frank leading Europe to a great age.

One that stuck in my mind was about a man becoming King and coming from the White Rose('s), Flowers been associated with the French Royals, My lineage come from The House of York, witch is a white rose.

You mean this?

Funny how futurist depictions of news always have shittier image quality than we have now.

We need a warrior.
Trump is not a warrior, he has his own part to play yes but I don't think that's his destiny.
Aristocracy can be anyone, nobles start out usually as companions, family members, or allies of convenience of a great man, and lose that quality that made them noble as time goes on.

Poland too, and Russia shall be of import:

"I bear a special love for Poland, and if she will be obedient to My will, I will exalt her in might and holiness. From her will come forth the spark that will prepare the world for My final coming. "
- Christ (Prophecy of St. Faustina)

2 minutes on google…


miss link user? Otherwise i don't see the relevance.

Dagger Ears!! You should never trust a fucking elf


All Semites and Saracens will feed the deserts and turn them lush again, fit for European migration.

Your link talks about the crown of the lillies.

I remember four things.

Not a bastard, everything is clear.

The person's ancestors were alienated but are still recognized. due to this alienation he isn't privy to the life.

The French root is out of Aquitaine.

And on ascent he will be recognized by a prominent charge.

and that the ascent to power will happen very quickly and become prominently established in a very short amount of time.

bump for quads

isnt there some prince of Anjou in Spain that is constantly claiming the heir to the French Throne?

this dude i think…

its not going to be anyone with a title or part of a royal house, the people with titles are complacent or complicit. it has to be someone recognized but hasnt benefited from the decadence.

look to the minor nobility.