WTF is the trump media team doing? They are a joke

Trump has done okay in the media so far…..

But every media victory he has had has been due to obvious incompetence and clear hypocrisy of the left.

Why are they so weak in a intellectually and philosophically strong position.

Why is Tucker Carlson, r/the_donald, and drudge the only tenacacious people pushing credible narratives?

Why does Trump have to resort to tweeting himself? Why aren't there better memes, interviews, and press releases?

The left is making desperate moves and Trump movements hasn't capitalized on shit.

Half of the right still likes Jews. More work must be done.

weak bait

That kike has been trolled out of existence.

Not enough new memes getting to normies.

We gotta get the new meme glasses shipment on the streets.

Fucking lost it at the_donald being referenced as a credible or even tenacious. My normie friends on the right laugh at how absurd that reddit is, and they're all Trump supporters.

Nope…. Mike is still right on basically everything….Knows media.

Answer me this….perfect example:

Its easy cash in the bank.

Tick tock.

Fuck off Cernokike. You don't know shit, you just repeat shit you read off cuck/pol/.

Underrated af post.

You don't know how important this is.

They are fast… not necessarily persuasive.

Cernovich is still right on this topic…. even if I might be rushing shit and not expressing the point clearly.


ithn't thernovitsh thuper pro ithrael tho?

lol semen



He needs money anons, to fight the lawsuit against him by the pedos! Send poor Mike money now! He and his pal Dershowtz will prevail against the pedos if you send money!

oh right and this too

cernobitch can go fuck himself, he's a loser faggot who tries desperately to convince everyone who will even look at him that he's some awesome alpha male. he's just some sad insecure retard who tried and failed at being a lawyer.

Half the time he's trying to convince himself he's awesome, the PR cucking sperg.


This. The left actually more aware of the jews but for the wrong reason than the right. Without people like us the right would continue being a politically inept opposition movement.

I'll never tire of this one. Genius.


Seriously… fuck the "Jewish Question"

It's the fucking elite kabbalah question (which includes all sorts of sick fucks -jewish-catholic-scientologist-randomrichpeople- etc. etc.

Wtf, I hate Trump now

maybe this guy isn't so smart after all

the filter king filters the bullshit from the nectar of information

Breaking News!
Noted Alt-Right Kike Lover Mike Cernovich Discovers Holla Forums!
Inaccurately Gauges Local Attitude Toward JQ
Uses Reddit Spacing Because He Is a Faggot
Gets Banned From Holla Forums

No, fuck you Kike Thernobitch.

And while I have you here, you should understand you're just a shallow, empty shadow of what a real man should be. You don't accomplish anything yet you think you do. You take the easy way out every time. You latch onto things and act like a slimy used car salesman to try to pull money out of people who belong to movements or organizations you don't fucking care about.

You're a fucking parasite, Mike. I know it, and deep down you know it. You may not ever consciously accept it, but you know it's the truth. Holla Forums will never accept you, and you'll never really rise higher than the nobody you are right now, no matter how desperately you want to change that.

Oh and keeping mooching off your father-in-law's shekels, that's what real men do. Faggot.

This lampshade lover is on thin fucking ice. Even ignoring the fact that we have an active patron deity of chaos working overtime through us (and the favor of the God-Emperor), pushing Holla Forums too far is a recipe for disaster. If you're not afraid, you should be. That hubris is emblematic of a mediocre intelligence, and you're going to push it too far. And then you're going to get shitted upon, and when that day comes your dumb ass will sit there crying "How could this possibly have happened?"

The classic (you) out. I would have expected better from him, especially from the self purveyor of social manipulation.

Cernovich really is not a smart guy in general.

I take that point.

I agree.

But that doesn't change the fact that he is right on this point. Right here. Trump could be doing better on media and there is easy things he could do to smash the idiotic left right now.

Sorry, dubs beat your assertion.

OK faggot, I will entertain your 14 year old question. Trump. Does. Not. Own. A. Media. Outlet.

If they don't "give" him the airtime or ability to get his message out, then it doesn't get out via that medium.

What do you suggest he do to counter the current system working together in unison to get his message out? Anything? You aren't even an ideas man?

Fucking worthless.

They call them sub reddits for a reason, because they all serve as subversion tactics for kikes

Trump doesn't have a media team. The White House is still full of Obama's minions. Trump hasn't purged them all. I don't know why.

You cannot just purge an entire entrenched bureaucracy in just a few months when almost every single one of them are against you.

These traitors hold all the levers of power.
