Glory be to the god emperor of mankind. He's going to put that two faced nigger in jail. Trump is the greatest gift god has every given the United States. God Bless Trump. God Bless His Family.
this was from last night, I don't think congress has responded yet
Liam Gonzalez
You are correct, sir. But Republican controlled congress will not deny our President.
Nicholas Adams
He wont go to jail BUT he won’t be able to carry out his planned role as “community leader” in the forthcoming American Spring. That in the long run will be more beneficial them him getting locked up (which would be nice I agree).
Connor Jackson
than him*
Tyler Taylor
This is less an investigation of Obama by Congress and more an investigation of Congress by Trump via Obama.
James Rogers
Hahahahahah the republicuck establishment hates trump
Nathan Sanders
They're more pliant than the Democraps though
Landon Richardson
Jayden Harris
You asshole, getting my hopes up
Cooper Nguyen
they are cucks, retard. cucks always fold. always.
Michael Bailey
That's cute, Paul Ryan KNEW Obama tapped Trump and did nothing, why was that?
Jack Smith
Funny thing about that guy Chrysippus. The story goes he died from laughing so hard after getting his mule drunk and watching it try to eat figs.
Blake Hernandez
Colton Price
Don't get your hopes up on this. It's another move for positioning and informing the country, but don't expect anything major to happen in terms of jailing or ousting. If something does happen then great, but this seems more like a way for Trump to quash any congressional investigation rather than go after anyone in particular. Obama is the punching bag for this, but this more to show President Trump and the public where congressional loyalties lie.
Brayden Reyes
Well, that image is shit.
Benjamin Roberts
Nope. There is no fucking way this is going to go to congress. And any of you losers that think it will are fucking morbidly stupid. Fucking morons.
Why do you think Trump is having a meeting with Sessions and had the press removed from the vicinity? There is no need for congress to be involved at all. Evidence of a crime has already been furnished, enough evidence for the Attorney General to drop the hammer tomorrow
Charles Wood
Details for the working class with less time for news? Bitte.
Brody Watson
That user means Trump will use the premise of this investigation to see who in Congress really wants to investigate and get justice, and who is a pawn for keeping the status quo through obstruction
Xavier Edwards
I just hope this is a slam dunk scenario like you seem to believe will happen.
Sebastian Powell
Grayson Cox
As usual this is Trump we're speaking about here, he has a plan up his sleeves.
This "wire-tapping" bit is a smokescreen.
Zachary Reyes
I agree; Congress would need to be involved if Obama held office, but he no longer does. This will be handled as a criminal investigation.
Landon Nelson
You're very late Rabbi
Jackson Bennett
If Trump has it in him to bring up the 9 Points of Forgery thing that Congress was too scared to talk about, and proves that Obama had been serving for 8 years with a false Birth Certificate (because obviously his real one isn't American), imagine what we would be able to do.
It would be like the Nuremberg Trials but instead, we would purge the government of each and every kike jew we wanted. (((They))) couldn't even claim that it was purge of political dissidents because half of the defendants would be republicans themselves.
Luis Lopez
Nicholas Butler
Luis Richardson
Nathan Jackson
If Nixon got what he did because of what he did then King nigger's is a gorillion orders of magnitude worse.
Benjamin Miller
I'm pretty sure even most republicucks hate Obama more than they hate Trump.
Ryan Young
I still got idiots on my kikebook that think Trumps claim isnt real. Gonna start posting links of articles of MSM being inconsistent with this narrative. Anyone got examples of MSM reporting surveillance on Trump campaign before inauguration?
I wouldn't doubt that Obama will back-pedal eventually to being an immigrant that should be deported instead of getting hanged.
Grayson Bennett
Does Holla Forums have a looming sense of danger for the God Emperor? I feel like he's one step away from being suicided. He's an absolute madman.
Easton Watson
Short of bombing the Whitehouse he's well protected. Tweet whatever the hell you want Mr. President Holla Forums has got you.
Mason Hernandez
There's a video where Mark Levin breaks it down using leftist articles only to show that even they reported and acknowledged the wiretapping back when it happened (as a means of casting doubt on Trump). Say what you want about Levin but he tears them apart. Bill Still also exposes one reporter by using two articles that contradict each other, one where the reporter admitted that wiretapping was occurring and another where the reporter says nothing happened.
Trips of truth. Trump has his personal security as well.
John Murphy
Mr. CIA Nigger I am concerned about your ailing ability to acquire first post. Maybe you should request some more sick leave. God speed Mr. CIA Nigger, may your planes continue to crash with no survivors.
Nathaniel Gomez
Low energy. Sad!
Ryder Thomas
Trump could, if he wanted, just throw him in a hole in Guantanamo somewhere. Make Obama wish that he really did close it
Easton Collins
Kek, it will be the one campaign promise king nigger will wish he completed on.
Chase Gonzalez
i don't care about all the bullshit, I just wanna see Hillary and Obongo get locked up and bask in the glory of the great flow of salt that will come from the libshits in the aftermath. If you thought the salt was good after Trump getting elected? wait until hillshill and obama get imprisoned for life.
Kevin Harris
You're on the wrong board. This is Holla Forums. You are probably after /pon/y, Mr CIA Nigger.
Alexander Thomas
You mean: Jewish-controlled opposition? Yes, all those #NeverTrump Republicucks wouldn't deny President Trump!
Connor Clark
I actually watched Mark Levin tear them apart, which is part of my motivation to find all the articles he mentioned. He's a constitutional lawyer and it definitely shows.
Kayden Collins
report all brony niggers
Joshua Brown
I'll believe it once I see in prison, exchanging his monkey suit for nice prison clothes. ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK
Jose Jackson
He better get all his Bathhouse time in before he has less variety in prison.
Lucas Lopez
This is the metric stick by which I will view and trust Trump from here on out. There has been so much shit Obama has done that if they investigate and don't do anything or give Obama a slap on the wrist, it's game over and Trump isn't our guy. If he throws him in jail or hangs the nigger like he should, then ok great let's keep MAGA
Daniel Moore
These past few weeks have really shaken you CIA niggers up, haven't they? I remember, there was a time when your people got first post, every thread. What the fuck's happened to you?
Carter Rodriguez
Which game is that?
Ryder Russell
Boku no Pico.
William Price
Wyatt Kelly
I want to be excited about this, but can someone confirm that anything will actually happen?
Maybe I just feel defeated because I'm so used to these pieces of shit getting away with shit.
They mean coverup by (((Congress))). Wikileaks already did the investigation. There is enough evidence to lock Obama up and throw away the key. It's time for President Trump to finally pull the trigger. Arrest Obama. Send a heavily armed Swat team to Obama's house in the middle of the night and drag his ass to jail. Make him do the perp walk in handcuffs, just like any common criminal.
Dave Chappelle made an excellent video explaining the difference between arrest and indictment.
Ahahahahahahahahaha They'll probably carry out a sham investigation and "clear" king nigger's name. Also king nigger is immune thanks to Nixon vs. USA.
Cooper Bailey
Ah yes, a reboot of the Warren Commission.
Christian Nguyen
Because Paul Ryan is an Irish pussyfaggot who doesn't want anyone to take away his gym membership.
Oliver Hill
It would be funny if Ryan ends up getting booted for this.