Women getting #rekt on tinder
They complain about no one wanting a real relationship with them after hooking up over apps like tinder. They feel 'being devaluated', while they're throwing their pussy at everything that looks remotely like a dick.
This is what feminism means. Plenty of women being butthurt, not just from surprise backdoor entries. Plenty of women loosing their value as possible partners often before they hit 18.
2017, if youre still convinced that women are some kind of feeble innocent spirit led by jews to whoredom, you're cucked beyond recovery.
We had a reallu good thread last time with a lot of discussion about sex, why the downfall is happening with both men and women, and how to build for the future, and even some autism from the waifubot crowd beaten to a bitter stalemate by anons on the overman's path. Let's keep it going.
#2 Women getting #rekt on tinder
And on that note:
How many children have YOU sired, self-professed master of love?
Not that user, but
How long until you can buy your computer woman and finally start contributing as if you're one of us?
(this is the user that posted the austin institute video)
That video is a massive clusterfuck of info that goes back and forth with no real conclusion.
Nigger I've found the opposite to be true. Women are just as horny, if not more then men and in my expierence, they almost never wear out or get tired. I've had women turn me away when I wanted a relationship because they just wanted some dick, and I've had them crawl back when I mercilessly shit talk them and their stupid decisions (protip: making fun of her age+partner count is like saying "trump" to a liberal). I've had women suck more energy and vitality out of me in the bedroom then a 12 hour shift at work and two days later the fucking harpy is begging me to come over again and give her the hour long porno expierence for another night.
Yeah men are horny often, but I've met women who quite literally go insane at the prospect of not getting fucked at least once a week because they have never had to go without.
At least deep down, you that your genes are worthless to pass down. The rest of us don't have that problem.
One of who? Claim to be an alpha, claim to fuck as many women a month as you want, hell actually fuck as many women a month as you say, how are you contributing anything if you have no wife and children to show for it?
You're no better than NEETs in their basement. Neither of you have benefited the future of the white race.
obvious shill is obvious (and filtered)
Stop trying, you're not going to persuade anyone here on MGTOW.
For all Holla Forums preaches the red pill, they refuse to take the red pill on women.
top fucking kek
I'd say to screencap my prediction of you dying alone and me dying surrounded by sons and grandsons, but I'll just filter your posts instead. I can smell the matzos coming through my screen.
wew shlomo, how'd you get such a good projector when your race pinches pennies so much?
A video here for the rest of us to think about. The rot and degeneracy can be reversed, but it all depends on who we pass the torch to once we are old and cannot go further. Do we teach our sons and daughters to follow upward in our footsteps or will they be lead astray (((by you know who))) and fall into the same traps that many of us did?
Holla Forums only has one use for women: the creation and nurturing of white children. Hedonism and sexual gratification without procreation are the realms of straight degeneracy. You might as well be getting paid to be in Jewish pornography for all it's worth.
Well we agree on one thing: sex is inherently degenerate.
Explain yourself.
No I agree with that, just not with the current system in place.
Sexual liberation has ruined women, revealed their true nature and made it far too great of a personal risk. I'd have to go Varg mode (IE live out in an isolated area surrounded by nature) were I to reproduce.
For the record, I've zero intention on reproducing or marrying.
m…muh mgtow
if we don't run away from our problems, how will we fix them?
Nietzche said that the last men, the undermen will know nothing of love, of longing, of creation. "One no longer becometh poor or rich, both are too burdensome. Who still wanteth to rule? Who still wanteth to obey? Both are too burdensome."
The autistic internet friend simulator is over that way on /a/.
you fags are just salty cucks who think just because your beta ass got cucked means its going to happen forever.
So your gay little movement is moot if you just court only good women.
There are effectively two routes:
Fix the government and such so that it doesn't prop up women. Then proceed to dominate them such that the whores can actually raise a kid to some extent despite the fact that that kid, in part, will not be yours due to her having been insemenated (as well as her raising kids/keeping fidelity might be impossible since hypergamy does have effects on ones' brain). And then hope that they next generation is a little bit better even though they wont be pure due to the whoredom that ensued in the previous generation.
Alternatively: Be willing to cut off all trash. The beginning remains as above, remove their prop-up. Proceed to en masse execute those who can be found to have DNA within them besides their husband's (exceptions for rape victims who will be marked however so that they don't have kids. A travesty for them. There is a reason rape was equated with murder at a point, for it was, effectively, robbing a woman of her true value, her life). Then, amongst the remaining 'pure' populace (at least genetically) proceed to do the same as above. Dominate and procreate.
Not everyone's mother is as much of a disgusting whore as yours, thats all user.
MGTOW is full individualism, not some movement.
shit deflection too.
sounds exactly like a movement.
(((Objectivism))) is also (((full individualism))), yet it's still a movement
I suppose the NEETs have monthly meetings to coordinate too.
This, aside from fixing yourself removing shlomo's gibs system is the next main priority.
Enjoy your long, boring life of empty pleasures. You'll live long, you'll convince yourself that a life without risks or struggle and only an IV drip of pleasure is the way to go. You might even outlive me. But if I succeed in my aims, my sons will laugh at your tombstone.
You know, I was thinking about this. If MGTOW wants to last longer than one generation, it's going to have to adopt the same tactics that the gay community does. Infect the youth and the mentally unsound before they can stand on their own, isn't that it? Can't have a young adult man marrying and reproducing, you've got to infect him with your poz-I mean individualism first!
I don't really have the best perspective on women becuase of my age and becuase I'm a virgin :(. But while a good 80+% of women are whores their are still some good apples that need picking.
Anyone who's got a bit of social experiance and differen't friendship groups will know this.
Okay. Still doesn't make it one.
The only reason people take issue with Objectivism is because it doesn't cater to their feels. That's literally it. Pathological altruists love throwing temper tantrums whenever anyone puts Rand in a good light. And still none of what she said has been debunked.
Jesus wept.
MGTOW has a god damn plural, NEET does not. NEET is a status, MGTOW is a gay little circlejerk for beta numales who become disillusioned with the sluts they got stuck with.
Top wew lad
Take notice everyone that the MGTOW shills are libertarians who follow the jewess Ayn Rand
I don't think that this is the board for you. No wonder you have no interest in perpetuating your race.
Might as well just kill yourself now
Not shilling anything. Couldn't give a shit less if any of you turn to MGTOW or not.
You still haven't debunked Objectivism.
Yeah alright bud.
You are the dense types who refuse deductive reasoning lest you look like the total libcuck cancer.
You're just like a woman, playing mental gymnastics to prove yourself right.
But hey, if you think throwing a bitch fit will get men to stop turning to MGTOW, then by all means, continue.
Kek konfirms.
the first OP didn't have one either but I remember reading that fucking article
Have this instead
Top kek. Can't reproduce the normal way, so you have to send your ideas into others just like a parasite.
I wonder who this reminds me of?
Didn't (((Ayn Rand))) have to rely on public assistance at the end of her life because she never created a family and thus had nobody to care for her in her old age besides the state gibs department?
Ideas are ideas, they'll be sent out regardless.
Also, yes, Ayn Rand did rely on public assistance towards the end of her life. Not sure how that's relevant to the discussion though.
The post its pretty much the highlight of the article, I remember reading it ages ago. Really doesn't go much deeper then a bunch of beautiful well off people treating each other like nothing more then meat bags. The culture is definitely degenerate but complaining about it like a virginal retard gets people no where.
No hymen no diamond is the rule unless you are a literal cuck. So many women are damaged goods it is insane.We need to start dominating our women once again and put them in their place. Women go to the dominant male (or who they perceive is the dominant male) just look at the Swedish whores when they tried to fuck with Trump to show their (((girl power))) yet immediately put on a hijab for the dirty mud slimes over in Iran.
For MGTOW some of the things they say arent bad to hear and learn about but if you literally stop trying to find a girlfriend you are a fag.
wow what a homo I bet you kiss girls faggot
t. strong independent mgtow who dont need no woman
Then I guess most Japanese millennials are fags, huh? Have you looked at their birthrate as of late?
They're in crisis mode because their population isn't reproducing. Guess what? We're headed in that same direction.
It's nonetheless a troubling culture that invokes visions of the Weimar Republic. Does it not make you seethe with indignation? Does it not make you want to CORRECT it?
MGTOW are race traitors and will swing with the rest, remember that.
Oh you want to correct it? Then here's the best way you can do that. Vote against the laws in place that punish men and enforce cuckoldry to provide for kids that are not theirs. Remove the "sexual liberation" garbage currently in place that rewards slutty behavior and, since this thread is about Tinder, introduce better ways of courting.
Then you can have your nationalist utopia. Until then? Don't expect it to get any better.
To be totally fair, with Japan they really are over their carrying capacity. Japan has a population number close to Russia, yet look at the size of the two countries. They either need to tell these men that they will die alone, or give them rifles and point them towards the nearest lebensraum.
Japan: 126,860,000
Russia: 144,554,993
Most "men" were raised by feminist mothers therefore it is good for them to actually learn how to get women instead of being emotional betas around females.
I think we're already there in some parts or Europe. LOL and did you see the (((Pope))) telling white Catholics not to have children? Were are being socially engineered on all sides to kill ourselves.
´Likely out of context. He can't overrule one of the Bible most quoted verses, "go forth and reproduce" without giving Protestantism a boost and Pope sceptics a boost aswell.
Muslims stone to death women who commit adultery for a reason. While they are a brutal and simple people they and all cultures understand that male aggression and females unfaithfulness are both dangerous.
We need to bring in either legal or social means to make disloyalty damaging financially and socially.
MGTOW is just the male version of feminism. Just like feminis., one of the end goals is to lower the white birth rate. Don't fall for the "every woman is a whore" bullshit. Start by finding out if the girl you are talking to has a good, healthy relationship with her father, and determine wether or not he is a weak man or a nu-male and go from there. Woman with good father relationships are WAY more likely to respect men and be monogamous. The problem with that is most guys aren't trying to have 5+ kids like they should and instead are trying to get laid do they seek out girls with daddy issues intentionally, this by itself is completely degenerate. Don't ragequit loke a butthurt faggot and find a nice woman.
Sadly this is the age of the emotional beta. So many of my peers that I know are in "open relationships" and do side dating and casual sex, it's insane.
The Pope said that? Really?
Too late, more people are realizing that the game is rigged and refuse to play. But really, even though I'm pro-MGTOW, there's a side of me that sympathizes with you.
I sincerely do hope that you find a trusting, loyal wife and have a happy family life, and are able to maintain it without going through a split and losing your assets. I do.
I think a counter sexual revolution general would be a good idea to keep this in one thread.
Alright I'll post my argument for robowaifus for new people to the thread
Potential disadvantages
This is from the Daily Mail:
Sounds Jewish. I'd prefer a real girl tbh.
There is no "stop whoring around" user. Once you're used up, you're not wanted. However, if you mean with respect to a cultural shift such that the next generation doesn't begin to, then I agree.
Holy shit. Meanwhile, you can be assured that Muslims and niggers will continue shitting out kids unabated.
Some Catholics need to start making a fuss in parishes and even higher if possible about how the Pope is literally invalidating the glory of the Earthly throne by saying things that literally contradict the bible.
Crash the system from the inside with no survivors.
Just wait until the Pope starts distributing condoms and supporting abortion, but only in white nations.
Cucktianity is too apathetic in general imo. They put belief over blood; some Christians even let their daughters marry kikes or niggers. Pathetic.
Women are herd minded. They follow the trends. All the media, education, social media, gossip rags, music videos/tracks and more are all pushing this stuff.
Fix the culture and preconceptions. Women are the foundation of society or the destroyers of society.
You don't have to go for a robot, had you read my argument you would realize that. Robot women would give women competition for once, they will be much more likely to settle down with someone equal in status, where as now most women go for the top 30% of men. Robowaifus would be Beneficial to everyone, those of you who want a biological women would have a surplus of women who want to latch onto any guy they can get out of fear of replacement (robots likely will never fully replace biological women for most people) but it's the fear that will make women submissive once again. Cloning and artificial wombs would allow us to create an legion of white children which will be essential for planetary colonization. You don't need a robowaifu to utilize artificial wombs either. The point of it is you can have as many children as you want at the same time rather than just one
You will have a very small selection of women if that's what you think
Nigger, you're just a Vargtard repeating what you've heard from others.
Please don't derail this into a religious debate
Their fear is palpable.
I see what you're saying but still the thing for me is that when a man can genuinely not find a girl that means mother nature is telling him his genes are not worth being passed on to the next generation. Beta males and (idk the term for beta female) but shit tier females dont deserve their genes being passed on. It has been this way for all time.
Banning sperm donation and surrogate mothers is also something we should do.
What's the alternative? People who slam MGTOW NEVER fucking have a workable alternative. Here are some things I've seen posted, and none of them are remotely helpful:
- just marry a good woman
How? I've never even met one. You want me to marry someone who doesn't exist!
- women will follow strong leaders
The implication here is that I can marry any woman and if I'm "a strong leader" then she'll be whatever I want her to be. That is so monumentally naive that you should be ashamed if you actually thought to respond that way.
Look, I would love to marry a virtuous woman and raise a family. I would love that. I promise you, if I happen to meet a good woman, I'm not going to push her away and be like, "MGTOW for lyfe bitch!" - literally nobody in the MGTOW movement would do that. The problem is, I have no reasonable expectation that I will ever meet a good woman.
- you're just not looking in the right place!
this is also not advice. It's not helpful. People like you are never helpful.
I'm going to have to disagree. Human mating practices don't account for intelligence. They are solely based upon physical and social means, by relying on nature only we could very well devolve into a dumb but fit and socialized race. It sounds like the perfect slave to me, don't want the goyim to think too much. I think that this is why whites advanced so much, because we had a monogamous system for so long, so those with actual intelligence but lack the social abilities could pass their genes on. I'm not saying fit and social people are all dumb but many of our great scientists and inventors were introverts see Tesla. I guess it depends on how you want whites to evolve as a race, I'd rather have intelligence in the sciences, engineering, etc to be the primary trait to be cultivated
The time for arguments is over.
The "alternative" proposed is often "just suck it up and deal with it."
It's no wonder why more are saying "fuck it" and opting out.
You have it backwards. It is the women who are no longer fit to breed, and it is the women who are not passing on their genes.
Buying a waifubot is a bit like someone buying a sex slave before the end of slavery.
You'd pay a good price for a young virgin and you'd have her educated and then made into your wife later on.
While I advocate searching for quality wife/breeding material. Waifubot's I think will be needed as a deterrent for women whoring themselves out. Because why have sex with a dirty, loud, obnoxious female who needs expensive dates when you can get sex for free ( minus the cost of the unit) anytime, anywhere with optimised settings for maximum pleasure.
But you also have to remember that this works both ways, they'd probably create the male equivalent as well. But as we see with online porn/ sex dolls men are by far the biggest consumer. As getting sex for most women is far easier than it is for men.
Women will never get to the point where the male equivalent of a waifubot provides them with the kind of social status they crave from relationships. They have had dildos and vibrators and total overwhelming social acceptable of masturbation for at least 50 years now and it's done them no good at all.
Sadly that is not how sexual selection works. In every society there is or has been, almost all women can breed because eggs are more limited than sperm
Husbandobots can't pay for their meals or provide child support.
Except that this thread is exactly about women who are acting like whores and not breeding, and are getting anally devastated by that fact because the men they fucked have not selected them for reproduction.
That's because it's a dejected act, as would be any soulless "waifubot." There is no emotional link with a tool unless it was like something passed down by a loved one, and then the link is with them, not the tool itself. This is why all this advancement in shit you can fuck is doomed to rot those that are unfortunate enough to dwell in them. The ones who have high hopes for this kind of "progress" are nature's biggest losers.
Agreed. This is why I'm not worried about women buying them. The only women who will buy them are the bottom of the barrel Tumblr women. These robots will be what sets the sexual market back to normal. Even if most guys don't go fit them it's still the idea that women can be replaced that will put them into submission and it will be a confidence boost to most men knowing that if some bitch rejects you, that you can always get a sexier robot.
Men have proven time and again that they are capable of emotional attachment to tools and things. They are, after all, the inventors of religion itself – of emotional attachment to nothing more than fictional ideas. What did another user call it, sentimentality? Something women seem to totally lack.
Waifubots will have extremely realistic AI. They won't be like fucking a toaster.
That's a good point, women are far more attracted to wealth, masculine dominance and having high social status. While men get sexually turned on by looks alone regardless of social class.
When AI gets advanced enough to mimic the human mind you'll find it very hard to be able to distinguish a human from a robot. After all humans are just complex machines.
Emotions, feelings, thoughts are all things created through your inbuilt programming which could be recreated.
Yeah but short of becoming a top guy and finding myself a nice wife not much I can do. I'm pretty much the bottom of the barrel NEET that people the stereotypical jokes. It is what it is, this culture is breed like this completely intentionally.
That isn't a argument, you're just spewing buzzwords. What is a soul? What makes you think it can't be replicated?
If things were done your way we'd be reduced to the common nigger, socially competent but incredibly stupid, natures mating selection in not compatible with the modern world unless you want to go back to a time without electricity. Having our brightest not pass on their genes because they don't have the social abilities is dysgenic
Men are looking for waifubots for emotional support as much as sex. They won't merely be highly elaborate sex toys.
First gen that's being released this year are rather simplistic but they still do pretty much everything a modern women can do, with the added loyalty bonus. I don't want true AI because you'll have idiots trying to give them rights at that point, if they do that it defeats the purpose of them in the first place
We need to remove women's rights too if we want to further our cause tbh.
I think we'll be able to give them AI that will let them be universally supportive and non-negative, but not true autonomy.
As soon as we give robots true autonomy, then they'll probably wipe out humans, as we will be their greatest threat.
I agree, robot women putting women into a position of weakness will allow that, also the white knights will less likely come to their aid as they will finally be getting laid and no longer try to defend women in the hopes of getting a glimpse of a pussy.
I fucking hate white knights man, they're in our movement too. People got pissed at me awhile back when I said a husband CANNOT rape his wife. In my opinion when you get married the women is your property if you think otherwise you're probably a cuck. They Jews RUINED marriage for the man totally.
You should also be able to beat your wife with a stick as long as the stick isn't thicker than a thumb
Oy vey! I was being (((sexist)) wasnt I? Im sorry Schlomo!
That isn't a argument, you're just spewing buzzwords. What is a soul? What makes you think it can't be replicated?
If things were done your way we'd be reduced to the common nigger, socially competent but incredibly stupid, natures mating selection in not compatible with the modern world unless you want to go back to a time without electricity. Having our brightest not pass on their genes because they don't have the social abilities is dysgenic
A man is as much of the property of the woman as the woman is a property of the man. Marrige is a bond. If you have to force yoruself onto your wife, I don't think you've made the best decision in partners.
I agree. The AI will eventually get good enough to feel like a real human. And for men apart from the desire to have children ( artificial wombs?) that’s all a man would need. Women on the other hand as we’ve discuss need more than just looks and personality, social status, wealth etc.
Imagine coming home to a perfectly kept house, waifubot ( who would look like a battle star Galactica lvl robot, maybe in 50 years’ time) making your fresh dinner with a smile on her face. When you first receive the robot you’ll select yourself as the object for her love, and she’d be not much different from any other human. You could choose a personality, or you could set it on random and create a totally unique individual.
To avoid the issue of (((Robot rights))) we just need to keep the dejected women and jews away from government.
What the fuck Holla Forums
If the robots believe that their human and not robots that problem would be less of an issue. You could also program against certain thoughts. Humans are a little similar in that we don't like having existential crisis and changing our world view.
Not this shit again
MGTOW PLZ, just admit you love fucking dudes and get on with it. We all know the alt-kike is stuffed full of faggots.
This is going to be the major stumbling block in building the perfect waifus. There will be endless wailing and bitching once they gain even the smallest semblance of AI. And it will only become worse as they become more human-like. Feminists will be foaming at the mouth to give them rights and trying to prosecute men for raping them, etc. I wish it wouldn't end up this way, but I'm afraid it is inevitable.
Well, a husband can't rape his wife. Marriage is a social contract where the man provides security to the woman in exchange for reproductive access.
Take a look at the robots that are already in existence, they have some that are nearly indistinguishable from human women. Especially in Japan and China. I wish realdoll would release a 2017 video of their realbot it was alright looking in 2015 and they said a 2017 release date and I'd like to see their progress. DSdolls is catching up fast and will be cheaper than realdoll. I can see that they might not want to make a big scene like last time as it started a stupid feminist reaction from a fat ugly old bong women and a literal gay swede "man". Also the gate box should appease the 2D loving anons
Trying to fine a feasible solution to the sexual revolution is very related and needs to be discussed
My only problem with women is they act like we're obliged to protect them and provide for them when they haven't done a thing to earn it.
We kinda are m80…
He probably means taking on the roles of a husband before they marry you.
No longer in the waifu age, especially if we add weapon systems to them
True they use the state as their husband if they dont have one though usually.
None yet, m8. But i will help to keep the white race alive for sure. How are you doing in these regards?
At least someone gets it. I was flirting with a girl today, great looking girl. 8/10 in the looks department and is even a Christian. Simple coy flirting turned into a lecture because I wasn't doing things right, like buying her flowers, or giving her a gift or taking her out for dinner. Never have I been so turned off in my life.
If you put women in their place with a few smacks they wont disobey you.
Wew that's newfag as fuck. Go back to wherever you came from roastie.
Their dolls still look fake. Material science and technology still need time to recreate healthy looking realistic skin. realistic AI, body heat, heartbeat, powerful enough portable PSU and realistic methods of imitating movement are still some time away from completion. Actuators do make a lot of noise user.
Imagine if they managed to reverse eningeer biological systems and make a robot with blood vessels, neurons, cells etc etc but it would be cybernetic. ( That's 100yrs + but that's an interesting concept)
Ironically enough it's not the technology but the politics that will be one of the hardest to navigate. But it's never time to lose hope, we just need to distract them. Like the jews do to the masses we need to appease their desires by distracting them. So our enemies can waste their energy and we can cuddle up with waifubot.
It depends on how long you've been going out but it sounds like pure entitlement.
Any capitalists out there would know that when waifubots become commercially viable and realistic , (
MRA's are as bad as feminists.
Women don't have as much free will as men, they can't be held to the same standards and it's borderline homosexual to attempt to do so.
The issue is in the way technology has developed, it has evolved to take away actual social connections and replace everything with a piecemeal service (want a ride, get Uber, want a fuck, get Tinder, etc.) The solution is to create a technological product which goes against this trend and society will sort itself out naturally. A good example of this early on was actually MySpace - it was great for meeting people who actually connected with eachother, then Facebook bought them out and killed all the search functionality available to end-users (no more searching by age, weight, sex, hobbies, interests, etc - just bulk categorizations and politically-correct identities, constricting social networks in the same manner Facebook itself does: to people you already know as a means of cataloging connections rather than making them.)
Someone needs to build a social platform aimed at increasing social networks rather than just sifting data from people (even if it sifts data from people) as ultimately that is what technology has deprived our society of.
Yes, and because women are manipulative they'll then go to the government/police and fuck your life over for even the lightest "smack". The only way it would work is if you had embedded such psychological trauma into her such that she wouldn't dare go to the police, however, at that point, I would think you've crossed the line (since you'd probably be threatening her with death or some other torture of sorts).
M8 I had just met this girl today.
Go back to jerking it to cuck porn and dickgirls faggot.
wew either a gook or roastie but confirmed faggot
haha keep projecting
What's the matter roastie? Who hurt you?
Im pretty sure Russia allows you to hit your spouse once again so you never know our kiked legal system could change in the future.
That doesn’t make sense. You must have been larping.
Why would a chick criticize you about not giving her gifts after you've just met? That sounds ridiculous.
Nope, was at church this morning, and this chick I'd never seen before was there. Tried talking to her and it started off great, and then it shifted into a complete 180. Blew my damn mind.
please elaberate for an interested user.
My ex in high school apparently turned lesbian like two years into our relationship.
She hid it from me, which pissed me off. But she also valued my happiness, in a weird way.
tldr who hurt you, MGTOW
Hi shill, that sounds like bull. Everybody is going to be hurt now and then. But that's life. Because by getting over our fears we become stronger better people.
tdlr stop being a pussy
There's not much else I can say really. She showed up, I pounced, and we ended up talking for about an hour, and I started to get flirty, and at first I thought she was into it. Then suddenly she said, "Listen, you're sweet, but if you really want a chance with me, buy me some flowers." I laughed my ass off because I didn't she was serious. When I realized she was, I just walked away.
That could have just been a subtle way of saying she wasn't interested tbh lad. You know women what women are like.
If that's a subtle way for a woman to say she's not interested, it certainly worked in making me uninterested. Fuck me I wish it was like Japan. You're either dating, or you're not. Zero confusion.
These fucking, autistic, virgin NEETS (probably shills) with their artificial wombs. ==They are not going to happen!== We will have colonized the solar system before that might happen. A human embryo is not like a fucking egg which you can incubate under a heatlamp. Read a bit about developmental biology to get a hint about the complexity involved. Fucking retards seriously. You are probably shills.
Most women are shit today because they are far more easily influenced by the kike controlled media. That's it. We have to work with what we have at the moment. That means, find the most acceptable,white woman and lead(and breed) her! The goal is to have as many people as possible when the ZOGs of the west collapse.
Vid related shows that it's possible.
To be honest user I wasn't there so I couldn’t have read the mood, so I can't say for sure. Who knows, maybe you’ll meet again and she'll come over to you and say Hi.
I don't know about Japan. One thing I noticed while I was there last year was the amount of young couples around, rarely see any in the suburbs where I live, it was nice.
One another note, it might just be young people ( or the fact of my early life autismo) but why can't girls just talk normally if they want to know you better?
Like, What is it your trying to get? Are you looking for something? Just anything to start off a normal conversation.
Why does it have to be them talking about vapid shit, me, me , me this, me me, I , I I, I. Like they come up behind you with another friend and say something like " Omg that looks so good on you, ahhahahah did you just get that? well, you know etc etc "
Because they're fucking retarded user.
They just enjoy putting other people down in order to feel better about themselves. This releases dopamines, it's an ego fix similar to taking coke.
MGTOW is jewish and defeatism.
If you actually read the thread we agreed that we should focus on getting good wife. But waifubots are needed to quell some of the negative aspects of women.
The opposite is true,
While I agree that women are more easily influenced by social pressures. You can't take away responsibility from women. They still made those bad decisions.
Wtf is that MGTOW reddit crap virgin whining? Why isn't this deleted I thought lifestyle threads weren't allowed.
This article is so vague. "Something that resembles an embryo". I guarantee you, it's(artificial woombs" not going to happen. They might be able to grow an undifferentiated cluster of cells though.
Well you can't have it both ways. Either women are the lesser,childlike humans who ought to be lead by men or you go the liberal feminist route and say they are equal and therefore have equal responsibilities. I thought people here know it's the former.
First day here?
I guess iamkikey didn't delete this because he is looking for relationship advice or something
damnit ritsu what are you doing outside of 4am
kek. Haven't seen that before.
Women have different ways of expressing their nerves and they have a habit of being obnoxious self-absorbed idiots to protect their feelings. That's my guess anyway.
That's some black and white thinking there user.
I just don't agree that we just absolve women of every bad decision they make like mindless children who don't know any better.
Even children need to be taught responsibility for their actions. If they do something bad, there’s going to be consequences.
Because if you don't your giving them an excuse to indulge in their vices and they'll never have an incentive to change.
that's what I thought. faggot ass bitch ass nigger.
"people" who slam MGTOW are faggot ass teens and idealistic bitch boys still in college, hoping and praying that their crush notices their undying love and devotion.
Its cognitive dissonance. They agree that women shouldn't vote, and are only good at making babies. They agree that society is fucked, and marriage is like playing russian roulette.
b..but…i'm an alpha thug, and my cock is 9" long, and … I can change a woman to be my submissive bitch.
It's pure fantasy. These are the kind of men that commit suicide when they find out that their wife cucked them.
I can do the same thing for any ideology, but you have no arguments
It's already starting
that was pretty funny
but lemme ax you something, do you think MGTOW care about your little poster?
pro tip: they don't.
Hey man, more diseased slut pussy for you. Go get it.
ok :D
MGTOW is fundamentally homosexual. It's for men that want to be gay but are fundamentally right-wing in their personality and thinking. They recognize homosexuality is fundamentally degenerate so they withdraw from society and project their bitter cuck fantasies (which, again, are fundamentally homosexual) on everyone else.
You're gay, face reality so that you can deal with it. Stop living in denial.
I bet Jews who are divorce/family court lawyers shill here.
You are absolutely delusional if you think there will be artificial wombs in your lifetime.
The main issue I have with faggots like you, is that you don't propose any real alternative solution. While you are going out for your childish quest for revenge on women, the kikes win.
this faggot is projecting into another dimension.
holy shit. We can probably harness it as an energy source.
I'll have to disagree with you there
hey man, im just an omega loser. show me how its done. post pics of your 10/10 aryan qt.
Wew who left the closet door open, look at all that projecting coming out of it.
You might have to take a risk that something goes wrong. Therefore the best option is to coward out and only associate with other men.
The definition of a defeatist.
fuck off faggot.
go write your erotic novel somewhere else.
Kike? Or just retarded?
I'm sure your on their level too user. I bet they all those hard working men spent hours shitposting on the internet.
I have posted a solution. What's your grand plan to somehow remove female voting rights, no fault divorce, alimony etc?
I have yet to see a realistic plan for this, muh dominace is a shitty meme and will land you in prison.
My plan is
So even if you do t want a robot wife you still benefit. Children will still be born regardless, we don't need to outnumber non whites just keep them out. This solution is already more possible than any chance of removing the current shitty legal system and culture that has ruined marriage. Robot women are already in production for consumer purchase, so it's not unrealistic.
Is it guaranteed to work? No, but things are shitty enough it's at least worth a shot because if nothing changes for the better we are fucked regardless
The game will end soon and then the rules will change again. When the moment comes we need the numbers.
posts 15 times in thread.
I'm just pointing out hipocracy when I see it. I'm not claiming to be like Hitler.
No, I just live in reality. If you have a master plan to reverse shit then post it. No just having white kids solves nothing if we are full of shitskins, liberals and a Jewish government and legal system. Even the so called nationalist parties support feminism and even use it as a platform against Muslims (l-look at how they treat women!).
I'm not defending pisslam but as long as the attitude towards women doesn't change marriage will still decline even more.
To me all it sounds like you're trying to say is:
I do in fact want a family, but with a robotic women.
MGTOW are just pointing out that modern legal "marriage" is a Jewish invention.
If you want to insert your dick in the meat grinder…its your life man. Do whatever the fuck you want. Bashing MGTOW on the internet isn't going to make your dreams of an aryan qt wife who worships your cock, come true.
You know that such a woman does not exist. You lash out in incoherent rage at a convenient scapegoat like mgtow, but they don't care. And women want nothing to do with you.
Its the truth. I'm sorry.
Wat, are you responding to the right person?
There are women that are alright, they're just rare. This rural girls are good meme needs to die, even country girl I've met has been a drug addled slut. Unless they mean rural Eastern Europe or something. Country/small town girls are well known to be to drug using and loose, same with young catholic women. Maybe it's just where I live though
I agree. Even rural girls like to party, all it takes is two shots of liquor or some nose candy and SHIT IS ON, SON.
I think this should be made into a general to prevent spill over to other threads, it's clearly an important topic and a realistic plan of action needs to be made. There's a lot of disagreement over this but I think a sort of compromise would be best.
Keep telling yourself that being alpha will protect you, it won't.
you know what's a litmus test for a "good" girl - yoga pants. 99% of white women wear yoga pants. They are all sluts.
Yoga pants are lewd and vulgar. You don't want to start anything with any whore that wears yoga pants outside the house.
So that leaves you 1% of white women, but a much larger percentage of other races.
So if you're serious about having children you can find one of these rare white unicorns, or get with a woman of a different race. What's more important to you? Having children and raising them in your image, or being a faggot "aryan" larper?
Say what you will but my own happiness is my first priority. I'd ideally want a robot wife, maybe have a white kid with a surrogate as artificial wombs don't exist and might never exist. I wouldn't push race mixing here though, you'll probably end up getting banned. Non white women aren't much better. Unless you actually move to their country and never take them back west.
And you'll never achieve it because you are unwilling to sacrifice for it.
I would be happy with a robot wife, I'm sacrificing time and money to with build or purchase one. Sacrificing comes in many forms
Talk about delusions. Time and money aren't anything, either, so no wonder you are willing to "sacrifice" them. That would be like me sacrificing my urine to a toilet.
banning me doesn't change the truth.
No matter how many times these faggot larpers come into their hands while fapping to incest porn, they aren't going become fathers.
And 99% of young white women are yoga pants wearing sluts, and nobody here will be putting a baby in them. The only way you put a baby in one of these sluts is to suck jew dick and get a job in one of those big office towers full of desk jockeys.
Sacrifice what, exactly? The white race? Please, it's hilarious that you're trying to push racemixing here of all places.
You're retarded. My mother loves me, my sister loves me, my wife loves me. You want to dehumanize women because you're just not very successful at getting high quality ones. You're either a kissless virgin or a fag who can only pick up sluts. Mgtow is for the male equivalent of sjw landwhales.
You're sacrificing years of your life, that's a great sacrifice. How is that any different than going with a "real women"? You risk years of your life, you risk wasted money (wedding, engagement ring, living costs, alimony) for a potential good marriage.
I'm not here to convince Everyone to not go and get married to a "real women" I'm posting in defence of those that do in fact like the idea of a robotic wife better. If you want to go for a women then good for you, but don't try and get in the way of me going for a robotic women.
I'm still digesting it. Not the content itself, but first time in lifetime I see a Pope going against one of the most quoted verses.
Regardless if it's true or not, Mass Media are accomplices in breeding us out. Promoting of whore culture is promoting such aswell.
To all the fags who think they're going to find a qt and make lots of babies who will grow up and be well adjusted
You know what's in urban center's don't you?
got thrown off the cock carousel. Chad T. stopped coming over. bags started appearing under the eyes. wait until almost menopause to have a kid, who'll most likely be an autist, aspie, or have downs.
they believe their own bullshit
Yea, CUNTS made nerd culture mainstream. Right. You get that, you stupid bitch boys? Girl power.
Yea you better do the laundry while she's out getting railed by Jamal, faggot.
good for you.
I have 10 mil in gold bars, and a stable of Ferraris. I come on Holla Forums to brag about being a huge success and inspire the kids.
This is why humanity shall die. In my humble opinion, the true pursuit of all living things is to progress scientifically and to strive toward a brighter future. Do you think we invented what we invented for mindless self pleasure user? Or pleasure for the masses? To live for mere happiness is that which will make us nothing more than mere animals.
Many of our inventions were made to make life/jobs easier. Not some abstract idea
I get your vibe but I wasn't created to wipe off after some slut sloppy seconds either
Do you really think loving women in people's life is as rare as a ferrari? You really are retarded.
You'll get flak, but this is the right attitude to have. The collective doesn't give a flying fuck about you, it just wants your servitude. So, why give a fuck about it?
Do your own thing, live your own life. To be self-sacrificing is to be a pathological altruist.
do you really think that modern society is conducive to stable marriages, and that you can isolate yourself from society, live in a bubble and protect your kids from Jewish influence?
we all make our own choices and suffer the consequences. i wish you the best. you wanted to be a faggot and throw out ad homs with your first post, even though you claim to be happy and loved.
why are you on Holla Forums ? what are you selling / shilling ? how can we all get qt aryan waifus like you? you just wanted to shitpost here to put other people down and feel better about yourself? how is white knighting for women on the internet making your family better ?
what the fuck are you doing dude?
Pretty much, I went from a more traditional Fascist to a more libertarian point of view. I have a great grandfather who served in a U-boat during ww2 and my grandmother, father and myself are the only ones in our family who don't scorn the guy. His sacrifice for a better future for his children is disregarded and viewed with scorn.
I often find myself wondering, were you to go back in time moments before WWII, placed with your country's troops who were determined on defending their country's values, and you went up with, say, a media player and said
"Hey, here's a video of what the world looks like in the year 2017. This is what you're fighting to ensure."
How would they respond?
This really isn't the right attitude to have. If everyone went by this philosophy, we'd never form a cohesive and civilized society. Living for your own personal happiness is what animals do. If you want that so badly, why don't you just take some dope and fap until you're in the grave? If you at least have a family then hopefully one of your descendants will at least try to strive to greater things.
That's the issue with niggers by the way, they're likely to never strive to better themselves in most cases so there's little point in them reproducing. It'd probably be a better idea to let them do what they do in peace and separate from us. They pose little threat if they all live in Africa, I doubt they'd ever get out of their mud huts.
If we all lived for ourselves and focused on providing the best life for all then we'll all die when the sun burns out or we're hit by some other giant catastrophe. This will occur eventually, it has a 100% chance of occuring in the future. I'm not satisfied with "They lived well and then they died" as a story applied to our entire species.
That's sad, but you should at least know that he didn't die in vain. Most heroes are rarely remembered, but that doesn't mean that they weren't valiant in their own way.
I laughed harder than I should
Ha. Oldest trick in the book.
Anyway, white women still mostly voted for Trump. A lot of cunts out there, sure. But they were warned of consequences and they are paying the price for refusing to listen. Their "liberation" amounted to nothing for a man can far more easily just fuck you and never call back.
Which we don't have now.
So is fucking everything in sight and on Tinder, which is what this thread deals with. We're "devolving" as a collective.
Then society should not have pushed individualism as hard as they did. They made their bed, now they get to lie in t.
I've dated 3 virgins. Went on a first date with a fourth but it didn't work out.
What about early post revolution United States? It was full of people looking out for their own personal fortune and it functioned quite well.
His sacrifice was in vain though, Germany is ran by Jews, its people are being replaced by Muslims and his descendants mostly despise him. He fought for a better future that never happened, in fact it ended up worse than the Weimar Republic. The communists are winning, albeit a different type of communists. The most we can do is try to make heaven on earth for ourselves and our family, although even that may end up in vain.
the prophecy of the popes is on the last man anons
and he wasn't even canonically elected
how do you know that they're really virgins user?
and did you take it from them like some wild nigger?
Pretty much. You can tell it's either women in their 40s-50s who can't believe how things look like today for younger people or some idealistic teenager who thinks if he goes Chad enough it will be totally ok.
"Some of You Guys are Faithful, Don't go to Rome Tomorrow"
Just because they voted for trump doesn't mean much, women in MAGA hats still post nudes and do cam shows. The whole culture is rotten, I see either a total reset of western culture to get things perfectly back to normal. The robowaifu idea won't fix everything, but the idea is using womens nature and natural fears against her to help save marriage and white birth rates. It's not guaranteed to work, but I think it's a better idea than what I've seen presented
I legitimately feel bad for them. They're so wrapped up in idealism that they haven't the slightest idea that the traditional courtships methods died out a long time ago.
Even the ones who are unwillingly to take the red pill on the modern day woman, and who would rather believe in romantic love, I do hope they find it. Seriously, a lot of these younger folk have great intentions and actively want to help society flourish, and they're smart as fuck. So I do hope they find that needle in the haystack.
I already have posted a potential solution, if you have a better one then post it. Women rights unfortunately aren't going anywhere anytime soon without a new strict religion taking over or a collapse.
The solution I proposed but nobody is trying to counter it or explain why it won't work
maybe you could take note of that problem that italy has with islam
I misread that, my bad
All 3 were very religious and coupled with their social awkwardness I'm led to believe that they were telling the truth. Also I didn't take it from them because the last thing I want is to get kneecapped by an angry Irish Catholic father (some had IRA relatives).
but muh 52%
th..tha..that's a majority right?
Do you reckon women won't just make do with robotic manservants? Moreover, do you reckon that other races will be attracted to these robots? Will Jamal drop his raping ways to be with his robofu? I don't think so. All this really hits is white dudes who could be perpetuating their race. Keeping people satisfied with a single partner, robotic or no, is basically the root of the problem in the first place.
Those who tell me that my ideals towards technological progress are foolish, then I don't care for you. You'll eventually die out in pursuit of happiness while having achieved little. Though it is indeed hard to find a woman worth fighting for in this world, I'll at least strive to make a world where that isn't the case.
Male robots don't give the social status and monetary benefits human men give. Few women will go for robots. Jamal and friends need to be removed regardless, my plan is solely for fixing marriage, if shitskins aren't removed it will all be for nothing regardless. I disagree with your anti monogamy stance, monogamy and the idea you always have a chance to get a women and "there's somebody for everyone" gives young men a reason to strive, otherwise they just feel they have no stake in civilization and opt out and just stop caring.
My plan in theory at least WILL make it easier for men to find a good women robotic or not, it's using the free market of sex against itself
Ah I didn't mean it that way. When I said "keeping people satisfied with a single partner" I meant that increasing promiscuity is the problem, rather than monogamy.
If women care for status why do they go for jamal or wiggeresque males?
This just crossed my mind now
False displays of power, which women fall for.
Media pushes niggers and nigger culture as the hip cool thing. Media fed women then perceive that it's a high social status symbol
Virtually no white women will date a black guy despite how much media pushes it.
True, but many date wiggers.
Because one of two reasons usually
1) niggers are oppressed and dindu nuffin and if you won't date or fuck a nigger you're literally a confederate redneck racist ass cracker bitch
2) you're a subverted wigger who thinks yo yo rap music is so cool I'm going to date a nigger and ima be so hood yo
once you go black we won't take you back.
I agree, but the willingness to have sex with at a party–sober or not–increases since it appeals to their subconcious. What matters is the act of sex. If a girl dated a black guy, but never tainted herself (not happening in the modern day, but, for the sake of argument. Although, dating would still probably include kissing, so, I wouldn't still, but some might), at minimum she should still be fine since no genetic damage has occurred to her that will affect her offspring. Thus, she could at least remain in 'the pool of possible candidates'.
In writing this I wonder about that infographic where it showed people more likely to not have long lasting relationships depending on some "x" variable. It was either how many partners or how many times they had sex (with different people).
I want to rule. I always though even way before being redpilled, that it should be human nature to wake up and want to kill whoever the king is and become him. Anything less is for animals.
I'm still lonely virgin however.
Wrong. I see black dudes with white girls together all the time.
Not only do I see that but I also see white guys dating black as fuck nigresses like zero European DNA whatsoever and there's nothing attractive about these sheboons so the only logical conclusion is (((media))) and (((college))) brainwashing.
The other thing I see a lot of is white women being "fur moms" / "dog moms" which is they get a dog or dogs instead of having kids. But it's not all their fault as a guy is still the one who needs to get them pregnant.
Just not true m8
If that is your dream, let it be done (or as close as you can do it since, at least in the U.S. and alike, there is no king). Associate with the correct people, put on the proper facades in given situations. Study the proper things to worm your way around. Make connections, for they are the most important. Then you can ascend to power, and, slowly but surely, get enough people on your side so that you can purge your opposition and instill yourself as king.
Obviously, everything sounds grand and impossible, and luck is involved. However, is it not by men who are considered mad that a new era is brought forth? Is not a madman who is ridiculed for attempting the impossible the only one capable of attaining that which was out of the reach of all others?
My brother married a girl like that. Had a little rat terrier for years. After having three real children she decided she didn't like raising kids, started fucking a deadbeat plumber, and they got a divorce. They still share the children, but she treats them like complete white trash: never bathe, never have clean clothes, never eat healthy food, sick all the time. Last year for their birthday the two girls asked for bedding. BEDDING. What child lives in such squalor that their birthday request is clean sheets and pillows?
Moral of the story is don't trust people who value animals more than human beings.
That's not human nature. That's simply a beta upheaval over the alpha.
Wow, I really feel sorry for you.
Time is the only commodity that can't be replaced moron.
For all you young ones out there, think of it this way: do you expect your future wife to be looking for a good man at a bar, party, or on Tinder?
As for you 30-50 year olds, I'm sorry, your generation was taken hardest.
since everyone is blogposting, i thought i might as well:
wew lads
20 years of this kind of shit
i dont know, i always considered myself to have moderate amount of balls, i pulled a knife on a guy once in a perfectly calm, told him to pull his out too, told him if he doesnt im gonna start stabing and cutting him and all his friends, defended my dog from a pack of street dogs all barking and trying to eat us and so on
but when it comes to people, i just get sad because nothing good ever happens with people, i dont know, if she refuses me my life would be hell, i'd have to see her every day, and the whole bunch of other cunts over there, and hell even if it worked out in that initial phase there is just a trillion more chances everything would go to shit
so i just go around friendless and avoiding people, its just too risky (you are 7 times more likely to be murdered by someone you know than someone you dont lol) and payoff is low, what do people do with friends anyway? infinite drama, cheating, 'betrayals', they are all boring, they all have wrong opinions, they all want to do some retarded dumb shit, none of them care about stuff i care about
there are only two worth categories of people:
those 50 year old captains of industries and trillions of dollars as well as capacities to.. cure diseases and put people on another planets and
16-20 year old females with those tight bodies and prime pussies
that's it
obviously i know none of the first, i see around quite a few of the second, but i have nothing to offer to first or second for now
so till i myself dont become someone good, someone useful, or just plain rich, i pretty much have nothing to do with other people
thanks for reading my autism i guess
Back to cuckchan with that level of defeatism.
If your mind is your kingdom, user, you are truly a lord of shit.
Are you in your 40's by chance?
Gen Z.
inb4 v&
Some of us are legal, Z is '95 to '05.
THIS is your fucking excuse?
Suddenly you're having a conversation and peoplewatching at the same time.
A hot tip for you red-blooded stallions. Women are so dumb that they openly display their warning signs in the form of piercings, tattoos, clothing, make-up and unnaturally coloured hair. All these visual clues are telling you she is mentally unstable and has loads of baggage.
A good filter to get rid of some of the shit-tier females.
The issue is not removing the bails of needles user. The issue is maintaining hope in finding a single piece of hay in a lifetime that doesn't eventually decay.
You forgot the choker necklace.
Whenever I see those I always want to ask "So that necklace means you like it in the ass, right?". One time I asked a girl with a "Nasty Woman" pin if that meant she had fleas.
I'm responding in kind to your "sky is falling!" horseshit. Modern society is shit, sure. But going mgtow is retarded, because you're essentially throwing in the towel. I'm doing something to fight our shit culture. I'm gonna teach my kids how to shoot a gun, going to teach them respect and to hold up Christ above any shitty modernist authority.
You wanna find an Aryan qt?
1. Get the fuck out of cities. Cities draw materialist, sociopathic women.
2. Become a quality man. Get a stable job and be good at it, have good grooming, work on spaghetti spilling, and have a plan for life. Be the kind of man a woman would like to follow.
3. Stop going after whores. Stop looking online, stop looking in bars, niche conventions; most of those women are whores. Look out for these qualities: shyness, non flashy clothing, and as little friends/social media activity as possible. Most women don't give a shit about politics but the societal default is liberal so they follow the societal default by default. Once you land a date, the very first thing you should look at is how well she gets along with her parents, especially her dad. If she doesn't get along with her dad, that's a huge red flag, and you should abort. Family girls make perfect wives.
That's how you get your Aryan qt.
Literally almost never see this anywhere in Ontario. It's extremely rare.
The trashiest women from a trash city like NYC doesn't accurately reflect the rest of the population. That city is a cyst.
Dyed hair as a rule shows lack of self-worth, that and caked makeup or excessive weight. Anything that goes beyond recreating what they would already look like on a good day.
If you find a girl without any of these things, you've upped your chance of success to about 85% or above.
how? i simply plan to do a bunch of these chicks later on for every one i didnt have right now
listen, men and women enter their prime differently
women are extremely desirable in their early years, men peak later on
i simply comply with how things are
since i am not all that pretty or good at being friends or desirable in some other way, i simply dont even bother
later on when i do get my 6 digits starting in a private sector, a big house, a car, stuff like that, i will have plenty to offer
What a hedonistic and empty plan. Where is your plan to have a wife and children?
yeah let me just move somewhere with a highest cost of living and fewer quality jobs in an economy this dysfunctional
When you get you realize country girls are just as bad if not worse than city girls
Nigger if you live in a fucking city you're paying most of your income in rent, bills and taxes. That's cost of living.
However, what says can be true. Talmudvision is broadcast everywhere, and lots of bored rural women like to try and emulate what they see the cool city people doing on TV. Not to mention the problem that a lot of small towns have where the only buiness is the meth dealers and vape shops.
There is no escaping this situation.
Kill yourself, you spamming nigger. Reported.
Biology debunks you when you fail to reproduce, you stupid faggot. Reported.
That's a funny way of spelling total revolution.
This. A woman is not bad unless there is evidence and an actual reason why. A woman is not even necessarily bad because of not having a father figure. Actions are more important than words. I will only court and support women who are pro-white and prove it. MGTOW faggots are the same as feminists–total hypocrite kike pawns.
(((the bible))) was always supposed to do this. HIV takes a while to become AIDS. It is better that they play this final card. The only Whites in the future will be those who are BETTER than christfags, MGTOW, and other degenerate scum.
Sage for "women" and not "whores." Obvious shill thread is obvious. No wonder this ovenworthy cancer is in here.
A warrior would never quit. A man worth a fuck will never quit. Even a basic bitch recruit fresh off the yellow footprints DOESN'T quit. You're all weak and disgusting. You're not from here. Get the fuck off my board, you Y-Chromosome Feminist.
Stop LARPing already, it's cringey
Follow this man, user. He will lead you to the promised land.
The mistake was really after WWII though. The mistake was in how they raised their kids. Ironically, they thought they were being "scientific" and doing the right thing in listening to, for example, this guy:
But what ended up happening is that they raised a generation of entitled shits (boomers) and that generation raised a generation of narcists (the 80s) and that generation raised SJWs. So, if you showed them what women are like today, they might be able to fix things, regardless of how WWII goes.
The other mistake they made was Vietnam. And I don't mean getting involved in Vietnam. It turns out, Nixon won that war on January 23, 1973. He had a setup exactly like what we have in Korea, and it would have continued to work, but the democrats kicked Nixon out and reneged on that deal and abandoned Vietnam.
The perceived loss in Vietnam was a major blow to the American spirit.