BREAKING: White House is requesting Congress investigate whether the Obama administration abused its

I'm bummed out. I expected something to be actually done about this treasonous nigger. Congress will lag this for years and years and in the end nothing will come of it, just like usual. Trump is too soft.

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nice shill thread, faggot.

Kill yourself


anti-shill bump

He should appoint a special prosecutor, but he'd be looking at a full blown chimpout if he did that.

This is the appeal to reason before the WH strikes for real.
If anything Trump has done should have shown you is that he is not soft.

So basically it's not going to be put off for years because of the liberal bloodlust to pretend Russian hacking happened and pursue investigating it. This is a ruse built on a ruse.

Shut up, faggot, this is probably what Trump is doing to prevent outright war in the streets.

This. Trump must have the appearance of impartiality and exhaust every procedural rule before the hammer comes down. The (((neocons))) and (((neoliberals))) must be revealed as the traitorous kindling they are in triplicate, appealing to the "moderate" left, cuckservatives, and the apathetic masses in ways that appeal to their emotions and logic that the swamp must be purged.

Welcome to playing to win.

So many shill posts already, and we haven't even hit 10 replies!

wtf I hate Trump now! Is that better, Moishe?

You're obvious. Reported.

Nobody thinks you're funny.

I just love the how the tone of it is dripping in smug.


It's pretty brilliant. Of course, they are too cucked to sit on it, but if they want, they can just prove bring up the fact that Barack Obama served 8 years with a false birth certificate (because obviously his real one isn't American).

That alone is enough to hang him and do a Nuremberg trial style execution of any kike in government we want.

I said he wasnt going soft.
This is the appeal to reason before he considers all options of negotiation off the table and goes to war.

I already explained what you call brilliant in the earlier post. Your schizophrenia is showing, you filthy hooknose.


But, they won't. Which is what makes this so stupid.

You're talking to a shill m8.

Announcing reports isn't a bannable offense here, cuckchanner

His being a shill is no excuse for his being a retard. Where's that Ashkenazi IQ maymay?

And of course, it's fucking China.

Judea has declared war on me? I'm honored.

The Ashkanazi are the smartest people alive, don't you know goy. Just look at these pics.

Still only talking about myself and what I think Trump is doing.
So you're wrong.

Gets me every time. They came so hard that they died.


What are you a CTR Shill?

Would someone kindly photoshop Obama's face on the beaner and Michelle's face on Jeb? Thank you.

What are you doing.


Little doggy BTFO

Subhuman chink detected.