More racemixing propaganda

This is probably the most blatant example of pushing (((diversity))) I've seen yet. Fucking kike saying homogenous white communities are bad and that the creativity of america is because of niggers. It's not like the country was 90% white when we went to the moon, or built railway systems, or the interstate highway, or discovered flight, or electricity, etc. I like how they also completely omit the health effects of racemixing, like how hard it is to find bone marrow for a transplant or the higher rates of psych disorders.

oh yeah not because of fucking obstructionism and the deep state trying to fuck things up.

tell that to the people murdered and raped and robbed by nonwhites.

literally the opposite.



fuck this shit really pissed me off, I really hope this wakes some normies up to what (((their))) plan is. they think of white people having a love for their race as a disease that needs to be eradicated. It doesn't get any more blatant than that

oh and of course the article has jewish "art"

Couldn't be any more false of a statement. Mixed race faggots with no real sense of self or heritage or ancestry just want to spread their misery

pure cohencidence


Try harder Shlomo.

This shit right here probably rustles muds into a coma.

I hope so fam. But I mainly created it to make "don't see race"-brainwashed white kids conscious of the genetic gold they are carrying around.

we need to fight against race mixing as hard as possible.
kill me guys

But once we are all one shade of brown, hate and war will disappear forever!

What's funny is that is obviously not true. Just consider the black community. The whiter you are in terms of mixed, the better you're seen as/more beautiful (although the darkest ones might chimp out at you if you overstep your bounds).

It's amazing how when you racemix you create something that is not truly the son of his mother and father, but is a freakish chimera coming from nowhere and going back there and wants to take as many people down with him as possible.

Do you do sacrifices?

what do you mean

I'm no Goebbels, but from what I heard positive message stick better than negative ones. So "do X" is better than "don't do Y" even when the two mean the same thing. Can't think of a good rewording for it though.

Can't see without opening your eyes.

Checked. I find this light skin niggers vs. dark skin niggers hilarious.

Love your kind?

it's better than being completely white (all my family is northern european) but with hazel eyes and copper/golden hair.

funny how it's never jews that are portrayed race mixing, almost like their plan is to breed an untermensch race from all the shitskins to rule over while remaining their own seperate race. It's almost like whites are the only race that pose a threat to the kikes so we are being targeted to be bred out. what a crazy sounding conspiracy theory right I can't mention any of this to people I know unless I want to be called Alex Jones but that pisses me off because I know Alex Jones is a disinfo shill

but i wish i was full white but i dont even have dark skin so in reality does it matter?
but i wish i was full white but i dont even have dark skin so in reality does it matter?

oops goofed up big time here goys

and this is surprising why?

like brazil?
or the middle east?
or north africa?
no violence or crime there

A man can choose to be whatever he wants to be. His race does not define who he is.

Be proud
don't mix

Is better imo

like fucking clockwork

Mmm. Mmmmmmmm.

Stay White.

What a load of shit. This fuck clearly identifies as half Puerto Rican and half Jewish, and by doing this piece he wants to be accepted as a jew even though that won't happen because his mother isn't jewish.



Gee Moishe, it's almost like whites don't want to be wiped out. Fucking kikes.


Same here except it was my mom who fell for it.

I guess I should be grateful I'm 5'10" at least. It could have been worse.




Don't expose yourself to corruption on purpose.

This fuck has done more genuine journalism in these fucking mockery graphics than he has in his entire fucking life.

I'd just keep it as, 'If you're white, there's no upgrade' with nothing else.

Two more mongrels to be exterminated.