I'd like to present my half-baked theory to Holla Forums. Since it came to me in a flash and I'm trying to find my footing within it opinions and input are appreciated.
Shills begone. This is a part of Holla Forums's enduring effort to understand, to seek the truth and question the narrative. I make no claim that I'm right about this however, I can't be that arrogant. I'm speculating and so should you.
Sadly I don't have the pic of that muslim explorer who speaks of niggers (Zanj). I'm sure you saw it. Also revelant.
Now let us begin. Fossils of hominids in Africa aren't millions of years old. That is a lie. They are very recent or recent. Chances are such hominids (erectus, australopithecus etc.) may still be extant in Africa in isolated parts. Those interested in crypotozoology read and know of such claims.
Theory: blacks did not exist as such up until the paleolithic or even neolithic. When Sumer was new, when agriculture and animal husbandry became a thing blacks were evolving out of their purely animal state into something resembling humanity. This occured due to the rapid explosion of human knowledge through Mesopotamia and all the way to China. We observed how chimps in recent decades learned new behaviours that seem strikingly human, including them learning the art of primitive war. You can find loads of videos and documentaries about that on youtube. This behaviour was first noted roughly in the 70s. In other words there is a precedent for this.
There are issues and controversies with carbon dating. Look them up. Given that the entire field of genetics, anthropology and science in general is pozzed and subservient to political ends I have no trust in their intellectual honesty. In other words humanity did not emerge from Africa. Blacks emerged from Africa, other races and peoples had their own ancestors. The fossils are "new" but represented as old ur-humanity in order to push for racemixing, equality and other such things.
The inferiority of blacks is due to them being young, so young in fact that by the time the rest of us built first civilizations they were still actual apes. Look at it this way - remember how they were in the 18th and 19th century when discovered by say the British? Now imagine them in 2 000 B.C. and prior to that. There's something improbable in them remaining in such a primitive state for untold millenia. Thus I conclude that they are not an ancient people, but a newcomer, a recent development.
On the other side of the spectrum (pun intended) we have the neanderthals. Whites and East Asians are the ones with the highest rates of their admixture. China is a profoundly ancient civilization, and there is also something called the Vinča script and pre-mesopotamian Balkan cultures that are yet to be properly explored, if we're that lucky. Roughly put there's evidence of proto-writing and architecture that predates Sumer, Egypt and the fertile crescent civs, which makes the Balkan civilizations on par with China regarding antiquity. Reminder that we have yet to find the oldest points of chinese history.
Theory: the neanderthals were insular as fuck, highly intelligent. Hardly a controversial claim. I postulate this - the neanderthal is a specialized and limited offspring of a civilization that predated the Ice Age, and that was destroyed in a catastrophic event. In East Asia the climate made it possible for them to advance their culture rapidly compared to Ice Age Europe. This is why (((paleonthology))) regards them as primitive or not-quite-there-yet, but more importantly shifts the focus away from Europe. They actually were on par with their East Asian branch but were mostly locked in a survival struggle with nature. It is precisely this struggle paired up with inherent intelligence that made the white race's advances so rapid and overwhelming once the climate changed.
Look at the horse from a cave in France. See that symbol above it? It is always used strictly in relation to the horse. It is a logogram, just like chinese symbols are. I'd like to see the oldest chinese symbol for "horse" for comparison.