How to beat the antifa in a street fight

Hello pol, I'm an old swedish nationalist who as a member of "nationella rörelsen"(national movement) got into my fair share of scraps with antifa. I want to share with you some tips of how to push back the antifa and push back hard.

First of all a warning, if you have knifes, you would atleast in Sweden be looking at shit like "Conspiracy to commit murder", "Intention to riot" and other things easily. I would not recommend you to bring anything that could possibly lead to severe judicial and police consequences. Remember the guy who simply brandished a gun and was sentenced to years in prison, in Seattle.

Hence why I recommend, soda glass-bottles whom are good projectiles and completely legal to bring. Flagpoles you have a reason to bring aswell, if you all prepare with good quality flagpoles and simply train not to backdown for violence and smacking the others with the poles, you will win 90% of confrontations with antifa even when outnumbered. Shields can be very good aswell for protecting against projectiles.

Look at what happens when some antifa fags tries throwing shit at a small group of nationalists trying to link up with main demo:
doesn't even flinch then throws 5 times as much back. A couple of young fit men can throw shitloads in a few minutes with some cardboard boxes of glass bottles

When in close combat, you all strike back and aggressively when it starts:

Why even let them gather to agitate in the first place:

Other urls found in this thread:!cdYimS4Z!xQ3sDOgYC_JmUw8uoge_og!dIBW0aZD!zcKhVpYDPvdKKJSLc6LIAVNUg_DdxdTC7VzNr_zu8U4!1Jpj2KpZ!dLvutfZkbEJHICjWzZPa7BbbluNVfH07yjzEZ9h45bI!cAYnlIaa!AB20XFxrUSBMub1D2VVyFnW3yWYPtrKkWSNsVZPUBWM!cYQljD6a!mp7vGYFS5lDB6rVmZrXWBJAtfaur8MIki68KEmtnTBE!dAwXzC6Z!GDRLKLWQ7sLqoZyA5V2aqz84EYrJxpsr7wGtU20C-1E!dRA23IhZ!30J23dPn_NxEXN7sNHBLlw2e2ftmE9QhP01Ryt4PBL4!MFIRwSqQ!t-L42FmJ7YvOF-1s3-ZW8bz61_CAevvti4Fj3Hl1_V8!5NR2QbDA!kaHiUhu4edWemSAiRwiqxLWaunAuoHMEW-Fl_I42RKQ!gMJwQK6Q!lD6_apfSNQyHl9-jb0NfZQFdkdL-U2Xwsj5EwNW998I!5Zo1FDAQ!lJ68BbUj1FWmW2vf16C-Wg98FSL7T71_Nx16jlSruuk!sB5gQK5T!beJHMxUoggLv2rflsSP6SMf64Faf2b4xgxULS6QIabA!BUAgxa4A!5hU6A8knPetdjUNjnTpXA2HyhWdBp3Q6C7t61WkcWHA!ddRWzLQL!6NJqoKQT24-tm6zSdfo9122PPgUwsbHxii57lSYdhQY!cdgHFSCT!gDgW_diFZwG-muC3hg-WO4fsasfGEpih8H8Nzfw91sM!dcwnDThA!BGqrhXnEboAOTmBshtsu7KOQvO0GdjyjR6RyplgHzzo!BM4HyIiS!yl6qvnGDcEwCv4z7jg9vErnXk2gBSQ3qRA2eyh4z6wA!gAgBzAzD!xq-VgGjfk8ChIkDb1lVKHNCo5CY70RzRrTRf8ulsrdI!RBJQFBLS!kmjvrQyG2w-h3vCnKyc4D7aquWEhb4_OPLF8KoSsJdY!dIhABZBQ!qnfYcehrOKa73yXaiiy7pchmKgQRv7k_x8NXgrK8FD0!tQpFRDpS!43yGJ4KVn2MqrgBZErXRMA25PB_VppJR5_b1c8BTuwM!lRxgHR6A!TW-nfapm8Ar5tZYY8i8BVs4cGzUx1T_10Hd3sDiZuLM!kEZCjDTQ!8ilXfl0KpLQJinv-1AhTZ_b7siwaBDIiBMIMZxUy_ww!oFY2kCQa!eAtIhFursKAis9fX8dHW9-vBZb4iuo8rIvoD69LRxGI!1ZAXWDwS!ua_ACkoku_oG5OwdHY4IgKZ5fu4onsOfvXo4-XOCd70!8YxExAIb!697kwNWAilNEQnvytTp-4vrp1T2DmFwqFvzJacNjvVU!UYASUBID!iuAq7M71wOsdgMCwOmxa1iJMUAuPjg6Vis_iD42YmJw!gJA3nBYI!DbKzqa4imkRvCuptroY4duDxhHaZo4r-avPX9bSg1NU!NcAjmKQL!W0On8NzMlHe7KMcrxvxlnyN8wBYlI8_CZdGbulHvgJ0!VcY0yaID!SfRQIFkAIrwudLT47EWA-ptf1Fv9PERhk2CPOZmDvdw!pcxkzLCQ!hFlowS4NckOcSNV4tJ8EjMm74_YXde7_Vu36AZDGBTI!cUgyUbKR!veOMWwQkY74oO8fPmLN12RqRqkscKijt4WZJwF1vA5w!pUgQzaKT!Qnpjs7RXynm_fmdHEp8zkloi5DAPLFIUPpguTok9gco!oN5SwJZA!hWfFpY3ZIkGEPOq4dxCt0NZQ1MDGXMSu-A4-dwLnV4w!lUQzkBoa!-Enodp0D87rPWbZ2cKE7kvLUBaAz6AqXEenMZqoAyrE


For flag poles use good old heavy duty tool handles in hardwood (not birch).
It's like carrying a baseball bat but legally…


It doesn't splinter, so it will beat the shit out of people longer and if you don't pad it with anything, it'll be like those canes they use in Thailand to whip the shit out of criminals with.

It's also cheap.

Not a criticism, but we've never really got into this stuff. Most places knives and guns are common and this is all a non-issue.

delet this

In some places like Berkeley it is an issue, violence doesn't seem to take place in places where you guys have good self defence laws and strong protection of 2nd amendment.

Look it doesn't hurt to be prepared, violence can be a recruiting tool frankly, it might also make antifa look mighy stupid if they get their asses kicked while outnumbering the other side.

Also you shouldn't underestimate the good feeling you get when punching an antifa in the face, or from pulling his stupid dreads off.

Fucking why? What do they have to fucking fight against? Are the people over there so desperate about their own fucking demise and hate themselves so much to be literally raped and pillaged and replace by 3rd world barbarians that they'd literally scream in your face and kick your teeth in if you don't want that?

It boggles my mind thinking about this shit. Its literally fucking insane. Your people are sick, Swede. Best of luck to you man.

Lately they died out, by a combination of loss in support because immigration was becoming a larger problem, police action and nationalists scaring them into stopping.

I once dated a girl who was daughter off a big-shot antifa guy. Guy wasn't your ordinary antifa either, but 2 meter tall fit dude who loved violence. Still was forced into hiding.

Good to hear that its dying out. I hope nationalists groups pick up steam in your country in the future.

yes I know, I meant generally we've never had to streetfight, just like niggers never had to save food for winter
I would love to get in a good fight with a real enemy, opportunities are few and far between especially for the asocial

They already are, check out nordfront. Then we have kosher nationalists like SD, M and KD, but atleast it might result in actual political change fater next elections. But anyway, let's not digress too much, this thread is about how to win street fights against antifa.

An earlier poster said you americans never had street fight because of 2nd amendment and self defence laws. But I think you are overestimating the judicial system. You never really had street fights because white nationalists are small and therefore reactionary groups such as antifa are also small. Now with the advent of the alt right and trumpism, antifa will grow as a reaction and as you move into their territory violence will become more commonplace.

It is good to be prepared, it is good to able to defend your elderly supporters or they might be scared to go to protest next time.

I'm really not disagreeing. Our judicial system sucks. It's not just us and antifa, occupy and leftists tend to be more violent but not where there are guns, tea party was almost always where there were guns, nothing really happened.

As you say, I think a lot of fellow burgers fail to understand how to legal system works in this context.

Self defence is a little different when you're one man with a CCW, and when you're a small group involved in a street fight. Having knives in that situation would still fuck you pretty hard here, at least potentially, because it as you said the argument could be made of your intent. Especially if you're fighting them on their home turf in a stacked liberal courtroom the law can be interpreted in some very strange ways.

This is already starting to happen in the rustbelt, we don't have the riots like the westcoast does, but tension is rising and fights are breaking out when they leak in from the university towns and campuses.

No matter how strong your castle laws are, don't underestimate the power of one of these commie thugs having a nice rack and crying about the neo nazis who shot her cuck on the local news.

Let's be honest here lad, police did 100% of the job in the first 2 vids.

Aside from this, is there any training to do with the weapons you mentioned? I guess HEMA would optimize the use of a flagpole, but is there any need in the first place is what I'm asking.

Train your fist to with stand hard surfaces and use specialized punches that strike like a whip. Aim for the solar plexus, temple, heart, ears. Kicks to the testicles. Why play fair? Then you don't have to worry about weapons possession.

If you hit a person just right you can rupture their heart and kill'em.

They send one of your buddies to the hospital, you send one of theirs to the morgue.

Train a little bit with eachother, how to smack with the end and shove them away too, which is important, you got range advantage with poles.

Also you are wrong in both videos it is the nationalists driving them back, in first sure the police is walking forward when antifa flees but that is because of bottles thrown. Second one I linked for segment where you see them using flagpoles together.

There is some editing done though to not show too much of fight, for judicial reasons.

Learn to attack as part of a group or you'll end up tripping over each other. It's also worth knowing how to treat the wounds you're likely to get, mostly blunt force trauma. Aside from general first aid you need to know how to handle mace when it's gotten into somebody's face, as well as how to avoid getting caught downwind of anything like that thrown by your own side.

Hitting someone where you're likely to kill them can be a lot more trouble than it's worth, prioritize pain over lethality when it comes to this kind of stuff.

No point in playing fair. Use tactics that will send them screaming or to the pavement in one hit.

No point in getting arrested either, there are times you can get away with such violence, other times it is better to restrain yourself and make them feel pain but not hurt them too much.

How are these for a start? Been keeping them for ages.

I heard this guy spit on the antifag and thats how he got caught.


You can wear this shit pretty inconspicuously

For grabbing a knife
Mail might sound larpy af, but you really can't see it or feel it, and it will protect you from pretty much everything
Pretty self-explanatory
Lot of shit will fly and you are probably going to get pepper sprayed. It's important to protect your sight.
Skull bandana is a classic.

No. That guy turned himself in to the police, after the victim died a week later.

Yeah there are cut-resistant items for people who work around blades but need dexterity. There's a lot of work gear that can be useful.

Is Nordfront the best organization around today? Everything I see from them is straight up action, marches and speeches. I don't think they even have time to mess around with that fashwave aesthetic like SKYDAS/NA have.

Why? Who fucking cares if Antifa dies?

Remember, they'll be fighting dirty too. Wear a cup if you can.

Because if bolis found him it's murder

Also I agree with your sentiment.

Can't you carry a baseball bat legally?

Birch is hard wood and really hard as well, pine is not hard wood and is soft.
Most cheap dowels are pine but you can get hard wood dowels such as oak or maple.
Maple is about the best for strength.
Shovel and ax handles and baseball bats are made of ash.

And if he turns himself in it's not? The fuck is that even.

People go about this all wrong. You shouldn't be getting in front-on fistfights and stickfights with leftists at certain times/locations (call these events). What you should be doing is gathering information on movements of leftists and their pick up points, then interdicting before events:

These are the sorts of things that antifa actually do, if you read their streetfight manuals. They'll monitor right wing groups with shit commsec, and attack them at pick up points with larger groups.

If you want to get real serious, you should be building up pictures of rival entities in whatever battlespace you are entering. Then interdicting these individuals in their homes or elsewhere 24 hours before the event. When I say interdict, it's just a matter of making sure they don't turn up the next day. It's enough to make sure they fuck up an ankle or screw up their method of transport (you can creatively interpret this). Most western countries aren't at the point yet where we have to go full Argentinian Generals. This minimal action is warranted, since they plan on both tactically fucking you up, and strategically screwing the west through their actions. These shouldn't be random individuals either, it should be targeted to make the organizations function at a lesser capability at the event. Examples of individuals your intelligence gathering and direct action should target: street medics (this has a demoralizing effect if taken out. Going into a protest knowing you don't have med backup is bad), the water/food logistics network (sometimes they have these, sometimes they don't), protest trainers/workshop coordinators (these should actually be hounded around the clock, events or not, since taking them out saps the ability of antifa to coordinate action), legal aid/legal observers/arrestee support, and activist leadership.

You might say, "how do I find these guys? My local antifa have good opsec." This is actually easier for the right than it is for the left. The right is somewhat diverse in its membership insofar as not being able to identify masked rightists with known groups, while the radical masked leftist has a critical weakness no matter how much opsec they have: The majority of these groups' leadership and core members are tied to student groups. To unmask an antifa network in your area, it's just a matter of monitoring leftist individuals where students are: academics, grad students, left wing student groups. Then it is a matter of them slipping up on social media about their ties. Or alternatively you can give them a visit at 2AM, and ask them through """"persuasion"""". Then you'll start uncovering who and where these kinds of people are.

I doubt this kind of advice will have much effect here, as you always get some fat shill cuck scream "muh FBI" anytime you offer abstract advice for combat outside what (((they))) deem is the best course of action. Remember the battle is won before it even begins. That means those that structure the ongoing decisions and plans of their opponents are the eventual winners.

if he turns himself in, he opens the possibility to get his lawyer pretend this was an accident, he just wanted to kick the guy in the heat of the moment, and plead to accidental manslaughter
if bolis has to go catch him, this proves he was hiding to flee the consequences of his actions, thus proving he knew he was a criminal, so murder charges that would be a bitch to defend against


A comprehensive history of the left.

Why? He could've hit the guy, thought he was unconscious and just walked away. When i was young this happened all the time outside the bar.

What, will the spit tell them it's the guy who killed the pussy and not his dominatrix?

Agreed. A big fight broke out at a bar I used to work for and we fucked the guys up bad but "the fog of war" is real and you don't really know who's who or who's where sometimes. It's crucial to be aware of your surroundings and always have someone watch your back. If you can, keep your back to the wall, don't chase people, don't leave your group, make sure you are constantly checking your surroundings so you don't get sucker punched. Antifa faggots also can't into stealth and always dress the same and do retarded chants so it's easy to spot them well in advance. Use your brain and extrapolate the rest of the information and don't post step by step strategy in a thread that's obviously being watched by leftypol Antifa faggots. Also if you're in a group at a rally or something and you see someone who clearly doesn't fit in, blue hair, piercings, you know the type, kick them the fuck out of the group because they are probably infiltrators. If your gut is telling you something isn't right, it probably isn't. Don't try to outsmart yourself.

Depending on the size of your group it would make sense that the front line is grabbing people and throwing them into your group behind the front line where the secondary can pummel and beat the shit out of them. Throw bottles from the back of your group into theirs. You could also give everyone in front line flag poles to keep them back while they get shit thrown at them. This stuff will only work if you have a large organized group though. Someone with a megaphone would need to give commands to keep it organized.

however while this all fine and dandy it's very unlikely that two groups of 20+ are going to go head to head in medieval style combat without quick police intervention. So learn how to defend yourself, organize with a smaller group of 3-5 friends that you never leave and go over your plans if SHTF.

The biggest fear I'd have is getting a stone to the head from these fucks. With all the chaos you'll never see it coming. In Austria an Identitarian guy almost died last year.

This is actually good advice in that it's a chess approach rather than a checkers approach. Information gathering is also /pols biggest strength.

Wear the ski helmet.


This bears repeating, although I've never been in a riot type situation like this, every single fight I've ever been in, both win and lose was over in under two or three minutes. Considering the sheer amount of force involved in something like this, police included, it's all going to be decided in the first few moves, after that you've got to be ready to give ground and get the hell out of there.

Also scary how true this is, even with people who do this kind of thing for a living it's damn hard to avoid blue on blue. Really helps to know the people you go out with, and know what you can expect them to be doing.

That's sound advice, and with the particular political leanings involved here that opens us to a very specific threat. Women, whatever your feelings about it, odds are if some women pop up out of nowhere they're on the other side, there just aren't that many on our side especially ones willing to be around something that can turn violent. Watch what you say in the presence of the fairer sex. Commies know full well the value of women as infiltrators.

Perfect number, enough to watch your back, few enough to pile into whatever one of your cars is closest.

If you wear one thing, even if you plan on going full Celt warrior, make sure it's a helmet.

I don't know shit about quarterstaffs, nor do I live in a high risk area >tfw jap, but can these techniques be used with flagpoles to better bash defend your self against leftists?

he's a massive autiste beady anglo, but the video does a good introductory thing

I envy you Japanese, I'm sure you have you're own problems. Not like this though. I hope soon we can work together and accomplish incredible things.

Probably not (it depends on the state if you are in the USA).

I'm serious. The day I took the time to actually read my local and state laws was a day of great awareness. Your local laws are all online and it really helps to know where the lines of legality are. This isn't just an you vs Antifa issue but knowledge you should always be armed with.

Use a website like this
or just jewgle them.

Pay special attention to laws about weapons, criminal law, and civil rights laws. And for everyday stuff traffic and employment laws are good to know.

Just my two cents, wear sap gloves. They are leather gloves with lead in the knuckles and are almost as effective as brass knuckles but you can still use your fingers. Check the legality in your area

I could find a Bell, HJC or AFX full face helmet for about $100

A good idea is to pick a uniform that every member of the group can buy (with cash) in a high street chain that is everywhere.
A particular track suit, a particular pair of sneakers, a particular hat, a particular mask etc, etc….
If everyone is wearing the exact same outfit, and also covers their face, it will be near impossible to press charges after the event, even with CCTV footage.

Commie filth should be locked up or killed on the spot, they should be treated like the creatures they are. I fought Mooslem filth in the streets in Malmö then they tried to rob me. I broke their bones and kicked their teeth in but when it comes to Aunt Tifa filth. I think that pepper spray is good. That keeps them away from you. One other thing that is good is a telescope baton. The baton would allow you to smash them hard and when they attack you, you have the pepper spray.

Saved, thanks

Here, I provide some more Anti commie stuff, however the last pic is for the more advanced users.

I have it on good authority that antifa takes great joy when people don their colors and and give their crowds invigorating blasts of bear mace. It truly sets fire to their soulless red spirit.

Fair enough. I can't teach you how to fight, but I can point out things that you're going to want to know before you scrap.

Strike first. Strike hard. Strike fast. Aim at a location a foot behind the surface of their skin, for maximal damage. Do not attempt to reason with them. Do not speak unless you're aiming to confuse them. You will never have a numerical advantage, so when one hits the ground, focus on the next standing target. Keep moving, because being a little tired is infinitely preferable to very beaten.

They will be aiming for your face and head because, for years, they've been shown to attack the morale of their opposition. It's hard to be proud when you've got a black eye and some missing teeth. It's also hard to feel ballsy when you've got a head wound, the majority of which will bleed profusely. You will be fighting a larger crowd, because they don't take unfavorable odds. This means your goals will be different.

Instead of aiming to deface, you will be trying to disable them as quickly as possible. If you have a striking implement, go for the knees. If you have a blade, center mass will be your target. If all you have is a jacket, you'd better be whipping it at their eyes with everything you've got while you try to escape.

Speaking of escape, do not wait for police to arrive. According to the fifty or so gutless wonders and their cell phones, you'll have started this melee and the police have never been interested in trying to arrest whole crowds of screaming leftists. They'll try to drag you out and leave it to the equally-gutless prosecutor to crucify you in court. One thing that they like is a suspect whose whereabouts are known the whole time, and an attorney's best friend is reasonable doubt. If you disappear for even an hour before the police find you, there's usually enough to work with for a case of mistaken identity.

Your adrenaline will be flowing. This constricts blood vessels, meaning that you won't bleed as much from superficial wounds until later. Your hands will also be shaking, and you will be extremely frustrated when trying to handle it. Knowing this will not help you to deal with it, but you will remember that you're not going to bleed out and you will use whatever you can get to staunch the bleeding. Afterwards, go pee and get something with sugar in it. Soda will do for the short-term, but you're going to want something with protein in it so you can get your shit back together faster.

Nobody is a prodigy fighter in their first encounter. Things might go badly and you might end up with a black eye. Give as good as you get, or you will regret losing consciousness in a crowd of meaner beaners and hair-trigger niggers, led by Mr. Diversity and Miss Cegenation.

Good luck.

I always like the idea of picking one person and doing as much damage as possible to them. Rip their eyes out if you can. Break something. Cause permanent damage. Flatten their nose into their face. Anything that is so brutal that people seeing it will be afraid of it happening to them.

In all seriousness this is terrible advice. If you're going to kill them, and I guess that's what you're aiming for here, you have to do it cleanly. You're not going to put a dent into their morale because, first of all they're a mob, not individuals, and second they don't have honor they have a victim narative. The more you make them bleed the more will flock to their cause.

Every single thing mentioned here is good advice. Screencapped for posterity, you're doing god's work, user.

Hide and dress amongst them. Strike all of the outliers and avoid the main mob. If you're spotted, jump into the mob and change your mask. Don't be afraid to shout and scream their lies with them, throw a rock or two (maybe hitting one of them). Maybe drop a grenade or two in the center of the mob? ;)

bwahahaha, you do not fight do you?
Don't be an idiot and end up with broken or scarred knuckles because you are trying to train your fists. Instead, spend 30-40 usd on some motorcycle gloves that have knuckle protection. If you don't have gloves or don't know how to punch, use your elbows and knees. Elbows cut heads very easily and they will panic at the amount of blood.

Do not aim for the heart. The heart is protected by their rib cage and most likely their arms. Go for kidney or liver shot. A good liver shot will incapacitate anyone. Don't aim for the temple unless you want broken hands. The jaw is the easiest point to get a knockout from and provides the least resistance. Do aim for the back of the head and back of the neck if you're trying to kill someone. There's a reason it's illegal in MMA.

Knees to the testicles are much easier for the average person to pull off. Don't be afraid to get in the pocket and throw elbows and knees.

Also, there is no such thing as specialized punches that strike like a whip, there's punching correctly, and there's punching incorrectly. Punching correctly means that you punch will be able to punch with more force without breaking your knuckles/wrist/thumb.

Cheap motorcycle gloves with knuckle protection will always be legal. They'll have hard plastic which is not metal, but it's more than enough if you know how to punch.

Motorcycle helmets will fog fairly quickly if you don't maintain speed, there's a reason that motocross helmets are in a different category (because ventilation). Ski helmet seems best because it offers the most coverage while allowing seperate ski goggles which wont obstruct breathing and cause fogging issues, Having ski goggles also allows the use of wearing a ventilator for the lower half of the face if needed. Normal ski goggles dont look like that retarded mess in the pic you were replying to tho, they're essentially just skateboarding helmets with more rear and side coverage.

They only fog quickly if there's a temperature differential from inside the helmet compared to out. In warm weather it won't matter, but if it's colder outside there will be fogging.

But I agree, ski or motocross helmets are a better idea in this situation. Personally, I think moto helmets are too bulky and potentially too easy to be yanked about from under the chin on most helmets.

Use lead. Say “they attacked you, you were afraid for your life, you acted in self defense”.

Use a Bokken. They're thick pieces of oakwood that will fracture bones without breaking.

Learn a martial art like muay thai or kickboxing, preferably MMA. You have no idea of how massive your advantage will be over untrained opponents, specially weak, cucked antifa faggots.

To take this a step further, I've theorized about the possibility of setting up antifa by feeding them false information and laying a trap when they arrive. Imagine feeding antifa organizers that there is going to be a huge secret meet-up of white nationalists at an abandoned warehouse. Say it is a small meeting of "less than 20", but some of the most influential leaders who are currently courting some new interested parties for possible financial investment. Get antifa salvating at the mouth at the opportunity to strategically cripple the white nationalist movement in their city. Imagine the fear on their faces when they show up only to be suddenly surrounded by 50+ masked RWDS members cutting off their escape routes.

How to beat them?
With a warm wet blade.

this thread is more cucked than the country you came from. get this bullshit out of here.

Hand to hand fighting should be your last line of defense when all else fails. I guarantee your opponents wont try to fight fairly either. Either by numbers or by tools, do not give them the benefit of the doubt by coming empty handed.


Which is why I recommended the Bokken in the first paragraph of my post.

And you'd be surprised how little numbers can do against a trained fighter when they're unable to surround him when there's a bunch of fellow WNs watching his back. A small group of martial artists would be an unstoppable force, specially if they carry thick wooden weapons they're trained to use (bokken, jo, bo or a flagpole).

you of all people are in no position to tell anyone how to beat anything

re-read what I've said
the prosecution will ALWAYS be hostile
of course you will say "I thought he was unconscious, that's why I just walked away"
but if you say that after having gone to the cops on your own (after grabbing your lawyer with you), it has moderately reasonable chances to work, and you get a couple years probation for involuntary manslaughter
if the cops have to run you down, you will say the same thing because it's the only defense you have, and the DA will scream that you're a worthless criminal who tried to flee justice, so your defense is shit, you filthy murderous criminal, several years behind bars and a criminal record for the rest of your life
you have to understand what other people think, don't behave like a nigger

Armed protest almost always immediately turn into "inciting riot" or smth similar, you can't pretend you're peaceful if you're coming in armed.
In the US you're probably more likely to get away with having a legal CCW at a protest (you can say you always do for self defense), especially if you didn't use it, than a bat.

If you're beating up people with flag poles there is no premeditation, it's gonna be their word against yours on who started shit.
If you beat them with a bat, you brought the bat to hit people with it.
See the difference?

Birch is light and break easily, it's not good to hit people with it.

Judges. Who by (((nature))) are their leftist friends.

I'm pretty sure antifa care. They don't believe in gods. Life is all they have. Fear is all they have.

It wasn't real socia- I mean immigration.

To stamp out any potential threats to the liberal hegemony that dominates the country

Cut resistant:

Pretty much everything else:

We need you guys to exterminate the chinese and korean animals

As was said earlier in the thread, it would be more efficient to pick up mafia tactics rather than trying to fight other groups head on in front of the police, where antifa gets free victim status.

If attending a protest, always bring a can of mace, don't come empty handed. Id rather fight 2 people blinded with mace, than a 1v1 with no handicaps. Fighting "fair" is stupid when dealing with these ppl, they are just h'white niggers that try to use nigger tactics.

Cut resistant. Not slash, hack and stab.

May as well wear chain mail held in place with elastic cloth underneath outer clothing. Getting caught by police wearing this will basically give them a case against you that you attended with the intent to cause mischief tho.

For that, you need the arm / shoulder protectors and the bulletproof vest i linked. Although bulletproof vests often lack stab resistance if they are made from kevlar, in that case you might want to use a carrier but to penetrate a kevlar west, one will have to use both hands.

You can wear this when walking down the street. There is no legal basis for saying that protection is causing mischief. People that bring knives or guns will also be allowed to have them there, since you might want to defend yourself at any point. As long as you don´t provoke, it doesn´t matter

They even make a hardshell cap that you can fit under a baseball hat. I don't have the link, but they exist.
Less protection, but much more low-key than a ski helmet or goalie mask.

Might as well put bombs in bags then?

Just to be exact the shitbag who died wasn't antifa, just a professional loser and a druggie.

Btw, do you know how heavy chain mail is? Kek, that will make your movements clumsy and slow


Lighters work to add power to a punch since Brass Knucks are usually illegal


Weight less than an infantryman wears today, moron. Plus it's more evenly distributed across the body.

Don't completly rely on weapons and armour, your last line of defense/offense will always be muscle. Get /fit/ while you can.

It's happening soon, I can feel it

Never forget the good old Millwall Brick. Take a newspaper, roll it into a tube, fold the tube and hold the ends. Now you have a short club.

legends say the millwall brick is what caused the downfall of atlantean civilization


Plate carriers can weigh from 7,5 kg (only the carrier) to 15 kg (with neck,groin and shoulder protection) while Kevlar Wests only weigh
2,5 kg.
Kevlar can stop most rifle round depending on the thickness while still being lightweight.

TL;DR: You are wrong.

- Protest signs that double as riot shield
- Flagpoles hat double as staves/batons
- Phalanx training

Holla Forums can revive Roman tactics.

BTW, notice the combined shock and awe they use. They spread out, taking up more space, leaving gaps for a sudden reinforcement, followed up with a light charge that shocks the enemy, allowing the reinforcements to snatch people and drag them behind to detain them for identification and questioning.

Good job, idiot. Kevlar can't stop a stabbing blade like mail can, which is the whole point to wearing mail in the first place, to protect against stabs and slashes.

It's a take an give, kevlar does offer some protection against stabbing but chain mail would be superior.
It's a personal choice whether you'd sacrifice some protection for mobility. Personally I'd go with kevlar but to each their own.


user i…

How fucking thick are you, you fucking retard?
Read the thread before you spout your "news", wise guy. I explained this already, and if you let an antifag press against your west with two hands on the knife, its your own fault.
Use a plate carrier if you want to eliminate the risk. Plate carriers are still lighter and better at weight distribution than chain mail, you fucking LARPer.

you need a gambesson for that
it only adds about 15kg to your gear
but it also protects reasonably well against light-to-moderate impacts

Kevlar is Level-IIIA max, user. That means it stops *most* handgun rounds (up to .45ACP (which is actually easier to stop thasn a 10mm or even .40 S&W, but III-A can still defeat those as well).

Plates are Level-III (stops most rifle rounds up to 7.62NATO/.308) or Level-IV (stops .30-06 AP). Whoever the fuck told you Kevlar can stop a rifle round wants you dead.

Pay attention to those antifa who the runners run to. You will see them working usually in the 2nd rank.

Always good to have one or two people apart from your march/demonstration, taking pictures of the antifa and then discreetly following from a distance to see if pictures can be obtained of said antifa leaders unmasked.

Then put faces to names, build a working profile of residence-work, build a relationship map and friend of friend network.

Know your enemy, know his organization, who staffs it, who thought leads it, identify Add to dictionary and destroy them.

Plates will stop rifle rounds for sure. It's the splaying you need to watch for, especially if it directs upwards to the neck. Helpful to wrap the plate in anti-splaying material.

Some tests tell a different story.
For a riot / mass street fight against antifa, where everyone is likely carrying handguns, Kevlar would be more than sufficient anyways.

This is also correct. If using steel plates (even those with the "anti-frag" liner), user's would be best off wrapping their plates with a few layers of kevlar or some other material.

That test is so anti-scientific it's laughable. To properly test kevlar, one must have a deformable surface equivalent to the human body behind the kevlar. Penetration is not all that matters. You need ballistic gel behind the vest to determine the amount of energy transferred. Death by internal hemorrhaging IS a thing. Imagine being hit in the chest with a sledge hammer with a head radius of ~10mm. Imagine not being punctured by the blow but instead dying when your rib cage is pushed in far enough to bump into your heart.

As fun as it is to talk about gear, training is at least as important as having the right gear. What kind of cross-training do you guys recommend?

Formal kickboxing/MMA as well as some kendo/HEMA if you're using a flagpole. All of this works best if within a group with similar training, stick together and you'll cut throught any mob.

For starting strength: Stronglifts 5x5, aim to bench your weight, deadlift 2x your weight, and squat 1.5x your weight.

General cardio: aim to run 1.5 miles under 12 minutes. Use a combination of running, cycling, and swimming if possible to ease joint pain.

Advanced: Pay for krava maga training, it's expensive but you'll be immoratlized when a webm of you handicapping 5 antifa feggets barehanded gets posted to Holla Forums

Although i would agree that it is unlikely to survive a rifle shot from the front at point blank with a kevlar vest, i think it is better than nothing regarding the fact, that you might stand at an angle to the shooter or run in the opposite direction, getting pushed of your feet by the shot and diminishing the impact. I wouldn´t trust one in a combat situation, where you know that guns and rifles are going to be the main weapons.
But regarding a riot / mass street fight. i would go with a kevlar west and blunt impact protectors on the limbs, since you have more mobility due to the flexibility and the low weight and hand guns are going to be the most likely to be used apart from batons. Also, a high grade ballistic hand-held shield will be a good defense even against rifle fire.

Why do you want to be among that mess of retards in the first place? Honestly, I'm not looking for conversation, debate, protest or even winning. I'd rather shoot those hooded mask wearing leftists with a rifle from a distance…. as many of them as possible.

Top kek m8, anyone with a modicum of formal training is going to destroy you.

Sure you do Schlomo. Sure you do.

Krav maga seems decent. What would you recommend ?

To each his own, it's looking like we'll find out soon. Maybe your right or maybe I'll be a fucking legend

Absolutely correct. Just didn't want any anons to get confused on any details.

To settle the issue that kevlar wests can be partially penetrated by blades with a lot of force (two hands on the blade and a full swing), here is a the solution.

like shooting fish in a barrel


Have fun trying to kick Tyrone in the balls while Paco & friends surround and stomp your head in.

Not advocating violent here but…
Why use sticks and mace and all this shit when molotovs are what you should be using.
I mean if someone swings a knife at you just for being in a public place…its reasonable to think you can defend yourself. And if you have a molotov with you..its reasonable to respond by throwing whatever is in your hand…that thing might be a molotov.
Within reason…amirite

bump for interest

Thoroughly enjoyed watching this. I'm gonna go run 4 miles and do some pull ups.

That particular conflict pisses me off, there was at least one sniper picking off people on both sides of the conflict apparently intending to bring a spark to the powder keg.

Why not just bring a flame thrower?

Good order of posting, it goes incrementally harder with each recipe.

1st is babby-tier, however you should be aware of some things:

Question: do skinheads shave their heads to ensure they can't be grabbed by their hair in a fight, or is there another reason?

I just got a 22lr with a threaded barrel for just this reason user. With subsonics and a big ol diesel oil filter I should be able to throw rounds 200 yards with basically the sound of a pellet gun.

buzzcut master race here

From what I'll assume from having been around skinheads for quite some time in the past, they usually equate fashion with practicality. For a skinhead interacting with a skinhead community, a shaved head brings the best of both worlds.

those people were being shot from behind and one after one didn't even know it. To me it always looked like they were being fired upon from the International Center of Culture and Arts building

Also reporting in.

user, you can buy pure capsaicin or evodiamine with 9 million scoville units for reasonably cheap. If you're going to make homemade tear gas, make it better than the stuff the police use. The police stuff seems only marginally effective.
If you could get a group together, have one guy use a fucking lawn sprayer to mace entire crowds while your guys with respirators fuck up their faces with their clubs.


delicious horseradish based things technically don't make good deterrents

I'm not exactly what one would call a skin head politically speaking but I keep my hair as short as possible at all times. used to be deep in the metal and glam weird combo I know scene and got whiplash during a fight when some cunt grabbed a fistful of hair and yanked straight down

Capsaicin peaks quickly but fades just as quickly, what ever the active ingredient in wasabi is it lingers in the eyes and nose(personal experience).

Capsaicin lingers for much longer. try eating both, wasabi burn lasts for like 10 secs max.

Looked at a few videos and appearantly its not as easy as i described to penetrate a kevlar west.

This video shows IIA vest, the guy stabs it with swords (flexible and sturdy blade) and can´t penetrate it for shit. Note that there is a small chain mail - style layer on the vest.

In these two videos, a kevlar west of unknown protection grade and a IIIA kevlar inlay are stabbed with the result of penetration. It looks easy, but there is a hard surface that doesn´t concede underneath, and the angle of the stab allows the attacker to put the full weight of the upper body behind it which is


In this video, the guy tries to stab a IIIA vest on a punching dummy. He can´t penetrate the vest. This test is the most realistic one, since the layer underneath the vest is soft and the target bounces back a little, like a human would.
Test at 4:00 minutes.

So in essence, if your attacker stands in front of you, he will have a hard time penetrating the west due to the inconvinient attack angle and the redirection of the force into the body and into movements. If you want to be 100% safe, you can buy a vest that is classified as stab-proof, too, but it might not be necessary after all, especially if you have a thick layer of clothing under the vest.
Mobility and protection from handguns make a kevlar west the best option for the participation a close combat mass riot.

Pure capsaicin is rated at 30 minutes. That's plenty of time to have your guys with clubs go to town. Plus, you can make gallons of it for reasonably cheap. Just keep spraying.
Or you can use the capsaicin crystals in the "irritant grenades" from that pic. It's exactly what the police use.
But if you mix it with mineral oil and spray it on them, it will last much longer because oil is much more difficult to get off your skin than simply moving out of the way of the gas. The capsaicin will last as long as they have the oil on their skin or in their eyes.

sprints would be more realistic training, 4 miles just makes you tired

I shave my head because going bald, but football players once upon a time had long hair for extra cushioning under their helmets. Don't have a ponytail and you'll be fine

Also, if you're fighting like OP keeping a perfect seal on your gasmask would be hard so as long as CS is the worst you'll see, a beard and full mustache may be okay. Assuming you don't look like a goddamn hipster.

I have this idea about having a pocket squirt gun, and filling it with ammonia.
wear gloves and ditched it after use. Even something like a squirt stick would be excellent. If one of those punks gets to close whip it real quick and spray in his face.
Sounds like fun to me, antifa punks

I'm talking about in the eyes and nose. My dick head roommate used to "experiment" with homemade less lethal weapons and me being in close proximity and just as much of a dumb ass as him I was the guinea pig.

Problem with using actual chemicals is the jail time if you're caught. If you're going to use an acid (ammonia is an acid), might as well just use hydrofluoric and burn their faces. It's either non-lethals like the tear gas and sprays or you might as well just bring your firearms because you're going to get the same jail time either way.

Only if you get caught =)

Apart from the repelling effect you will have on your enemies, this sounds like a bad idea.

I see, makes sense. I would say that ones chance of jail is quite high anyways, might as well bring the ammonia in a little squirt gun.
I might also suggest, though i couldnt confirm the effectiveness, water ballons filled with sugar water on hot days.
That would be miserable being soaked in sticky sugar water on a hot day lol!

Always act as if the harshest consequences are the ones you will receive.

thats why you tape it up or use som barrier

Just assume you're going to get caught because if an antifa goes blind, you're going to get fucked and the cops will make a good attempt to get you. You can make a case about using mace-type weapons because they're essentially harmless after an hour, but ammonia shows intent to possibly blind someone.
It's up to you, though. I'd love to see some blind commies, just don't want any of my brothers in jail with LeMarcus and LeAndre.

Quit being retarded. If you do something that guarantees the same consequences as simply putting a bullet in them with out actually killing them you are wasting effort and making no impact.

Used cooking oil would be more annoying lol

Sugar water? Son, you're not too good at improvising. Corn syrup + corn starch + water. Git gud.

I never could make it look good, could someone shop a how-to homemade gasmask (since antifa seem to not be able to spend 40 bucks at the hardware store) and have ammonia on the filter? Not bleach since that's obvious, but ammonia would make it unuseable.

Or you bring sticks, legal pepper spray and soda bottles. sticky water balloons might be a real annoyance but that is all it is.

All you need to add to that is feathers.

they aren't really that retarded are they?



CIVIL WAR TOOLS!cdYimS4Z!xQ3sDOgYC_JmUw8uoge_og

Shooting some will yield more response from authorities, and possibly immediate response. A squirt gun is silent and allows you a better chance to get away before any authoritative response. Its also non lethal, and can stop guard dogs. Which I think is fitting because antifa are all dogs.

Shoot I dont know, whatever gets the job done. That job being making them miserable while also avoiding attention from police and remaining non lethal




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Guerrilla Warfare, 243.9 MB!gAgBzAzD!xq-VgGjfk8ChIkDb1lVKHNCo5CY70RzRrTRf8ulsrdI

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Truth 2.80 GB!lUQzkBoa!-Enodp0D87rPWbZ2cKE7kvLUBaAz6AqXEenMZqoAyrE

Buy a can, don´t be cheap.

worth a shot if you can match fonts, print them out and put them someplace where commies would see them. They're commies aren't they?

Combine the Korean video with this one, and we'll be unstoppable. It Explains how Romans deployed, their army consistency, set up, and even their psychological warfare tactics.

Literally no revolution wouldve ever happened if people had this mindset.

Don't worry swede bro we have antifa covered, they have no idea the people the want to start a war with, frankly I'm more worried about mudslime islamists in europe

Yea maybe some cheap hand sized squirt gun made in china
But whatever gets the job done

Enjoy being raped by niggers in prison.

I'd tear up seeing my brothers with such discipline.
The challenge is getting the people to practice.

ammonia isn't even that dangerous though which is a good reason not to halfass

Some links are death. Still thanks user, this might come in handy during shtf

Im not talking about some huge piece, but not some cheap tiny thing, either.

was meant for (you)

What other chemicals would you suggest?

Obligatory watch

except it permanently blinds you

Capsaicin or Nonivamide. I think using the permanent chemical effect of ammonia will give you some jail time, but if you spray them and then use your non-lethal weapons, you probably won't get in trouble. Give them the gas, then have your guys move in with clubs while they're disabled from the industrial strength pepper spray and start clubbing them like baby seals. You don't need to get Walter White with it. Pepper spray them with an actual sprayer, disable 20 of them at a time and then the clean up guys take care of the rest.

How about making a water/capsaicin mix with something like ghost pepper or something really potent and filling up water balloons and/or squirt guns?

Ghost pepper will blind ppl, user.

Industrial pepper spray wont?
Besides, it really doesnt need to be that bad. I am just thinking that this way you will have a farther effective range and will be able to reach people behind the, "front line" and will accumulate affecting more people.

Those are a few images from Golden Dawn who have been fighting cops and commiecucks for decades and have refined the right wing death squad MO

Best idea imo is filling one of these little babies with capsaicin or self-made pepperspray.
Or you buy industrial capsaicin.
Either way, you can take a backback, drill a hole in the side, put the hose of the sprayer through the hole when the combat starts and there you go, you have your personal long reach high capacity biological attack weapon.

If you're are using anything offensively like a soaker or balloon, you should either go big or not bother, it's enough to get you in big trouble but not enough to do anything. Go for something like syrup. Anything dangerous will get you raped in court, while nothing you do will be all that dangerous in balloon/squirt gun form. If you're going to prison, you might as well earn it.

Only commies can get away with shit like propane bombs and spraying piss on people. IMO, bear spray and things that can be used defensively.

well fuck, I didn't know that. I though only anhydrous or industrial strength ammonia was dangerous.

Forgot to add image

I'm a former commie, and former antifa. Do you have any idea just how spellbound these people are by idiotic notions of invincibility? Nobody fights back, the cops protect their firebug asses, they chant inane drivel and screech when they cannot think of any, they believe they are gods as like Marching Looting Koon. All you need to do is paste a few of these degenerates into the ground and scar one on his face and the spell breaks with a routing effect, their invincible unity shatters into a mob of frightened confused sheep, owing to their TOTAL lack of discipline. Armor yourself like Kyle Chapman here, carry a long claw hammer and go with two other like-armored friends one with a tall shield to block the commies and another with bearmace/ghost pepper wine to spray over the shield while you smash their faces.
Even better have a lightly armored group with baseball bats waiting on the back sides to isolate and flank the commies from behind and fuck them up like Vid related as an example.

That wold actually work. You could actually just go all out and use a supersoaker because it's pepper spray.
However, ghost peppers are decent, but I say capsaicin because the chemical in ghost peppers that causes the discomfort is capsaicin. The actual peppers are just the middle man. Cut out the middle man and buy the active ingredient in it's pure form.
Pure cap is 9,000,000 scoville units. What that means is it will take 9,000,000 parts of water to dilute the "heat" from the liquid. One ounce of capsaicin needs 9,000,000 ounces of water to dilute it to the point where it's no longer "hot."
Basically one ounce of capsaicin would probably make at least 500 ounces of really good irritant. Probably stronger than what the police use or what's available commercially.
Actual peppers aren't necessary when the active ingredient is available in pure food grade form.

forgot proof

sounds like they should have done something else, then

The ever-growing nationalist organizations such as Nordic youth and Nordic front.
Random people on the street who look "fashy-ish maybe"

The list goes on.

Which is why I suggest a highly potent mixture, which definitely have an effect on the enemy. A salvo of water balloons effectively thrown at the same time can yield a pretty good hit ratio in a crowd.

No, they will explode on the ground or on their feet. You would have to hit them in the face to get an effect. That is wasteful, you should use the spraying method.

The only problem is that the operation is almost a two-man job. You need another guy to pump the handle to keep negative pressure in the bottle or the spray will stop.
If you have it on your back, it would be impossible to pump it without taking your backpack off and leaving yourself open.
Need two dudes for that setup, but they also make one that runs on a battery that keeps the negative pressure without a second man to pump the handle.

Making ricin seems really easy to end up killing yourself.

>stabbed and attacked
all that projection

You didn't get my point, but no need to spell it out.

If its a crowd, no. Besides, once the balloon ia loosed, the evidence linking you goes with it

Right, but how easy is it to acquire industrial cap?
If it isnt easy, a quick DIY ghost pepper sauce or something possibly could work?

Also, dissolve the chili powder or capsaicin in baby oil or mineral oil. You're not getting that shit off your skin without a fucking hot shower. Every time they touch their face until they shower and even after they shower, they're going to get burned.

Well, that pic is from Yes it is a commie newsletter, yes they are this bad at safeSECs. Their InfoSEC is worse than a child's.

I understand your point, but one would be facing jail time anyways for most of this stuff.

Isn´t this one of these cuckchan tier "If you do this you die" troll images?

Industrial cap is easy to find. Ebay has it, amazon has it, the synthetic form is called "novidamine." Available as crystals, powder and liquid.
Restaunts use it to add only heat to their recipes. Obviously a few grams or liquid ounces will yield a fuckton of irritant.
$30-80 for many gallons of it or $15 for just two ounces.

I also dont think killing some or giving the sandnigger face melt treatment is something id do just yet

Also, the ricin one says, "if you did: repeat steps 12-24" and it only has steps up to 15

Steps 16-24 go over writing your will and arranging the funeral for you lol.


Thats what im talking about. Some of that in a squirt gun sounds about right.

If you fear consequences because
you could also buy two or more of these. 1 lb and 20 feet reach is pretty good, you should be able to take out 5-10 attackers depending how dense the crowd is, and it is easy to wield and better conceiled.


Can someone help me with a problem I've been having with "antifa"?

I guess the best way to put it is: can you rationalize antifa members or groups for me? As far as I understand it is is people of your nation which is fighting against members of your nation for being in your nation. Furthermore they are trying to incite violence on those in your nation for the benefit of those not from or in your nation. What kind of organism does this? Do wild dogs kill their own members because they don't allow alphas from other packs to mate with the females? Do red ants kill their soldiers because a black queen wasn't permitted to lay eggs in the red chambers? I can't warp my head around this one and can't find a logical basis for these people doing what they're doing.

Imagine a bunch of junkies being herded to a place to be annoying violent shits, generally speaking that is a fair amount of them while others are those who actually drank the crazy juice.

Its what happens when the mental illness called "Virtue-Signaling" is left untreated and starts to attack the brain stem.

You can arm an entire crew with pepper spray for about $40. Gallons of it. You show up, identify /yourguys/ and give them a decent cheap squirt gun filled with the irritant and everyone now has a weapon that will instantly knock antifa on their asses.
Add RIT clothing dye so you can identify them after they've been "irritated." The ones with indelible red commie dye are the ones your guys with clubs are going to crack the skulls of.

In these situations, you use anything you have. Go to the junk yard and rip off 20-30 car antennas and pass them out. Have you ever been whipped, even lightly, with a car antenna?

While it is nonlethal, and would really only be annoying, what about a mixture of paint? Selected for the longest lasting mixture, and using a squirt gun, the potential for lulz is there


Why not clothing dye or food coloring?

no, think of them like a disease or parasite that wasn't kept in check, there is no logic there


Paint will clog up any low pressure spraying device.

Idk, i was thinking actual paint for houses lol. Whatever works best

You could plan to sychronise the initial blasts and charge in swinging while the jerks are disoriented and get sum. Hopefully the people who are there that didnt come with you will see this and take advantage and join in.

I see. What about diluting it? Whats the best for staining, probably RIT dye?


When I tried anodizing a lower, I found out exactly how bad RIT dye will stain. My hands were black for about a week. Alcohol didn't touch it, nail polish remover wouldn't cut it. It stays with you for a few days. Plus, commies don't shower so they may have it on them for months.

Nice, but will its use draw a police response? If not, is it possible to add some capsaicin solution to the paimt balls without effecting them or the gun?

Thanks I guess. But for them to be so frightening and numerous there had to be some doctrine and thought basis because humans do you logic and feel doubt or guilt.

THAT BEING SAID I've been reading over the thread and this could be a ploy by some commie to get information on us and use it against us. That is if you're bonkers enough to want to riot.

Give him a break, if he was part of the national movement, he's actually pretty old.
Not so hip to the internet lingo most like.

Wait, what if we try enticing niggers to join the antifa protests? If we get the niggers involved then they will start trashing the whole town and making them look as bad as BL(don't)M already does. Antifa movement will be associated with actual niggers and lose its appeal.

This guy is using those firework "poppers," but you can substitute it for capsaicin.

you can just buy them

lurk moar


on the purchase form, they allow for private purchasers, just come up with a bs excuse like i'm trying to keep predators away from my cattle or something else that's believable

If you're not some desensitized internet denizen you do. For what other reason would 99% of whites get scared and stare at their feet when you call them a racist.

Im sure shooting into crowds of people with paintball guns is pretty illegal. Also gives an excuse for them to play stupid and shoot you with an actual firearm while acting like they thought you were holding a real firearm.

There as much point in confronting antifa as in trying to fight a bullet shot at you, instead of killing the shooter.
The victory is not achieved in the streets, it is achieved minds of the people and confirmed with death squads at the end.

To counter the trotskist thugs buy and carry a kippah, in case of a confrontation put it on, cry antisemitism and racism, threaten to inform the jewish press. It's that simple, as much as they pretend to hate the "fascist Israel" they would never dare to touch a kike.

Be the Jew, speak for Jews, use Jews to condemn leftists

If you just want to move their meeting without getting into fights, just spray liquid ass everywhere/on them. It truly smells horrible and since you will probably end up with some on yourself make sure you wear shitty clothes.

Sounds like a very bad example.

This would be hilarious.

If an organization persists with the world working to end it, that's a step in the right direction.

This is actually a good idea, get attacked by antifa while wearing a kippah, media will immediately take your side of the story and give free interviews and publicity.

Also, if you don't believe how bad it smells read the reviews. People will puke and retch because of it.

However, it won't last as long in windy outdoor places. So make sure to spray peoples clothes or bring lots of it.

If bashing the skulls of commies is wrong, then I don't want to be right.

Hahaha, checked

that has nothing to do with logic or doubt, lefties don't feel this shit. Not only do they not do guilt, they don't do shame, they just know shaming others works as a tool. Don't project yourself onto others. Hell, even people who aren't NPCs mostly won't into logic.

Being larping thugs for decades is the opposite of the right direction.
What Breivik did was the right direction. Chiming out in the streets is not.
If that organization would be serious about anything, they'd be building training camps and weapon shops in the woods.

Organizations like this are honepots, used to derail, pacify and discredit any fringe opposition. There is a reason skinheads are called zionist stooges.


Public protests are good for one thing: Bringing attention to ones cause.
Unless there isn´t a mass scale SHTF event that turns out to be the revolution, forming organizations to battle leftists and to voice your opinion IRL is a good thing.

Last thing I heard out of norway was that the gubmints revoked the recreational firearm license of some nationalists who had never commited a crime.

Meanwhile their government media "exposed" several nationalists as ebul gnazis for no reason at all.

GD being a honeypot or not I have no knowledge or opinion on.
You just seem like the kind of guy who thinks everything but Holla Forums is a honeypot when Holla Forums is the biggest honeypot of all

Same thing happened in Germany and France, without any Breivink happening. On the other hand Norway's leftist parties and now in disarray, because he killed off a whole generation of their leadership. These "kids" were being prepared to take the leading role in the leftist movement.

You voice your opinion in a civil manner, you don't have to be a bald alcoholic with a baseball bat and a 1488 tattoo on your neck.

The whole aim of opposition is to attract common people and deprogram them, the zionist stooges are doing the exact opposite, they are being funded to scare off the common Joe.

If the public didn´t express their approval for a certain policy, a candidate, a political party or their disapproval of a certain policy publicly, other people wouldn´t realize that there is any approval / disapproval at all. Numbers have no impact compared to the images of infuriated masses.
That is why i think you sound like a shill promoting inaction.
Fuck off. We need more bashed antifa skulls, this is what moralizes our supporters and expresses and demonstrates our presence. We need to eradicate the possibility to remain ignored. No one says we should all become skinheads, since skinheads have a bad reputation anyways. Lets do our own thing.

In your opinion, are leftists brainwashed or just inherently evil?
Would you rather kill than win over your blood?

Good one. Once you took the redpill, you never go back.
Hold up some Pepe flags and put his image on helmets, and there you go, the common Joe will love it.

If we are talking about the SJW kind, they are brainwashed, sadly. But often there is no way to deprogram the decades of brainwashing by the education system, later reinforced by their leftist organizations.

In a perfect world they would be deprogrammed and everyone would live happily ever after, but in the real world you have to shoot first, ask questions later, because having a potential traitor in your ranks is not an option.

This. We are stealing the far-right from the neo-nazis and Skinheads. We could stand to move it in a more common direction. What our mission should be is to let everyone know that you don't have to belong to a gang to be national socialists and know the Holocaust was fake.
Before, the only people among the population with a voice on these matters was a guy on the Jerry Springer show or something. Now the common man is realizing the same thing.

When has that ever been mutually exclusive? Killing does win over your blood.

We aren't stealing it. We are it. They are neither far nor right. They are just there to sate their lust for street violence and get shekels to discredit any legit right-wing movements. Most of therm didn't even read Mein Kampf, Goebbels or Evola.
In Europe, any legit right demonstration or gathering is being shut down by these people and their leadership is semi-officially is in contact with the letter agencies.

They will have to go along with the leftists.


You're probably right. PR cucking is bad. If the normalfaggots care, they'll start their own thing.

i was at a trump rally where some guys went into the protestors and sprayed/dumped a full bottle on people/the ground. crowd dispersed and keks were had

I don't associate myself as a neo-nazi, far-right, white supremacist, or WN. I'm just a nazi bro. Hitler had one of the most diverse armies during his time. He believed the germans were superior, but not that all other races should be wiped. Stop projecting Holla Forums as being exclusively WN and shit, its honestly alienating for people who dont associate with retarded skinheads with faggot tattoo's all on the bodies.

omg I haven seen that shit in 15 years

t. Cuck
There are some protests, that aren´t being molested / discredited by Skinheads, so those are false claims. One example is PEGIDA in Germany, they are against the Islamification of the west and have protested peacefully for quite a while, gaining more and more support. The only one trying to discredit them is the media as always.
So in fact, you can and should show your true colors IRL. Peaceful protest is an option, but showing presence against Antifa is also an option, which will let us look stronger in the eyes of the public.
Both are respectable and a good idea.
Gandhi is a good example for the success of peaceful protest.
If the protests are one-sided, the public won´t think that anything is wrong. Only a group of people with a differing belief can make them think, and no, these people don´t have to be skinheads. These people can be young dudes with pepe flags, who will leave a lasting impression in the minds of the youth.

Our power lies within being true to the ideals the great people who died at Nuermberg left to us. We are there, we have a clear path and a clear ideology and we shouldn't move neither left or right to appease anyone.

That does still leave a trail. Arent there DIY possibilities? Soak the paint balls in the solution, etc?

Showing presence in right, but engaging in petty street violence is something you shouldn't do. Your aim should be to attract support and organize to engage in the street violence in orderly fashion by the means of firing squads, while wearing a nice Hugo Boss uniform.

Shit reading comprehension, m8.

yea, was about to reply to my own post admitting that lel.

how easy would it be to fit on a quadcopter drone with a release/dispersion mechanism?

How about no. Do your thing, show your colors, prepare the best you can, and if you are attacked, bash some antifag skulls.


Yes, there is.

It would honestly be cheaper and less illegal to spray it yourself considering that it would be a violation of FAA regs. Something like that carries like a 20k fine and years in jail if you use a quadcopter for that purpose.

It would be infinitely easier to just spray some on the ground. Just act like you are trying to walk somewhere, unscrew the cap and spill some on the ground. Besides if you are the only one with a drone people will just chase it back to you after they see it dump some unknown substance. Unless you are willing to leave a drone large enough to carry it behind.

Stop larping. You're not going to build a fucking drone to mace these faggots. Fill up a lawn sprayer with a few gallons of capsaicin powder cut with baby oil and mace the faggots.
No. You spray the antifaggots. If one or two of your guys gets some, 40 of their guys get much more. You're not going to build a fucking drone for tear gas.

Literally who? Not based motståndsrörelsen?


of course, it is Irish history month after all

I built my own drone. Once you build one yourself, you have much more respect for the hobby and likely wouldn't try stupid shit like this. It would give the hobby and drone fliers a rly bad name, and its also an easy target for the FAA to make an example out of. The FAA wants to crack down hard on quad fliers and is waiting for any excuse.

Which one opens the cow level?

I'm not saying you can't do it. Didn't someone already put an ar-15 on a drone?
Either way, what I'm saying is that it's not worth the effort and might not even be effective. Why build a drone that probably costs more than $500 and might not even do what you want it to do when a lawn sprayer or a refillable fire extinguisher filled with your own homemade tear gas works just as well for a fraction of that cost?
It was already asked in another thread about "muh drone that sprays tear gas/pepper spray." It's too much work, too much money. Shit, fill super soakers with cap solution and hand them out. You don't have to get fancy with it.
Why don't the police have cropdusting drones with CS gas? Because there are things that work just as well that aren't prone to fuckups.

I fully agree.

My other post was

those tbh probably not of the legal variety

This was a good thread.
Ill make a final statement. A potent cap solution, mixed with pink(o) dye in super soakers with spare tanks for the soakers or refill bottles of solution is a recipe for a good time

Check this out:

It's a damn shame I don't live in the bay area or anywhere near where these things usually happen and have about 30 good mates to fuck shit up.
I've been fantasizing about cracking commie skulls for years.

jenkem war now, gas the kikes

Fun fact: The SuperSoaker water gun is the only invention I can think of that a nigger actually invented.
Shit. I didn't know race war was so cheap.

Damn. I can get over that for this.
Imagine having one of these, and a backpack full of pink cap. solution. Oh man. A ten meter effective distance makes this a must have, actually.

At that price and at the price of making good pink cap solution, bring about 5-10 of them for anyone else fighting off antifa scum. Imagine 5-10 of them all being fired at an antifa mob. That would suppress them in a hurry. While they are blinded and snot and tears run off of their faces like Niagara Falls, your guys with clubs and other assorted weapons go in like they're playing tee ball and finish subduing them.
How eager will antifa be to show up at the next pro-Trump or pro-nationalist rally?

Also, I think we are also forgetting one really good weapon that can be discarded immediately:
The sock full of quarters. Or a sock full of nuts and bolts. Or lead split shots for fishing. Or ball bearings.
You might actually want to practice with it though. You swing and miss and it comes back and hits you.

The material cost would be low enough that everybody could probably, "arm" a group of 20-30( assuming one has that many friends) for maybe $20 each.
I can definitely do that, think of 20. Plan your ambush, synchronize a wrist watch or phone for a couple minutes. In that time, maybe have your group tell other people to get ready in a low key way.
Not very eager at all, my friend. With a coordinated effort on the same day amongst various kindred groups, quite a blow could be struck against the commie scums


/k/ here:

Everything we learned(scroll past videos or watch them, they're educational) tracking/studying Ukraine pre-civil war. For all your clanking wants and needs. Enjoy. Carry it over for the next thread.

Nigger hasn't ever stabbed a Kevlar vest with a fillet knife to test Kevlar knife protection (the vest won).. Kevlar vests typically stop everything but rifle rounds.


What about a GI flak jacket? Quite heavy, but can they be stabbed through? Asking because I have one.

Tie a string tight around a full water bottle, fling it into antifa crowd or use as a morning star. Other than that just use fists with gloves is what I would say. Or some rubber club.
I also think it would be hilarious have smoke grenades throw into the crowd, focused on the rear of the crowd just before the spray ambush. The confusion would be intense and over powering.
Also for the lulz, find some way to lock down a spray paint can nozzle to toss into in the antifa crowd, or have a dedicated couple guys to bring up the rear with a can of spray paint in some obnoxious neon color and spray paint all of the antifa punks head so they have to shave their hair

No redemption for these people under any circumstances. We wont need concentration camps this time around.

I'll give them more respect than over here in America. They're an absolute joke over here in comparisons.

Only because they know here that they can only escalate it to a certain point. If they cross the line, firearms come out and they start a civil war and lose badly.

Flack is just heavy nylon. Im sure u know its not bullet proof, just meant to stop shrapnel. I m sure its more stab proof than kevlar tho.

kek. I had nearly forgotten my dad has an old police baton that looks like pic related but part of it screws off and can hold liqour.

Does it have a ballistic rating? Is it made from Kevlar?
If the latter applies, it will be cut resistant for sure, since Kevlar Hoddies by Bladerunner only have a very thin layer and do the job, and likely diminishing the impact of a knife. I can´t tell you if it will stop it though. It will be better than nothing if you don´t want to spend any money.

Carry a flagpole with an ornament on the end. A ball for blunt force, or a spear shape for jabbing. Ideally the flagpole should be ash, maple, or oak, never pine. The ornament should be fastened tightly and made of a quality metal.



This makes me want to gut a commie.


I literally lol'd
well done

The original skinheads shaved their heads in remembrance of the German women who were shaved and raped after WWII by disgusting french commies.

"confuse the fuck out of the bad guys lol"

- sunny d, the art of war

Thanks. Just found it on jewgle though.

I know they're not stopping a bullet, but I kept some of my choice TA-50 and I collect surplus gear. I don't want to try to stab it because it's almost brand new. I DX'd it after my deployment then "lost" it, so I'd rather not try to stab it. Just wondering if anyone knows the specs of whether or not it can take a stab. Even if it's not "stab proof," I doubt antifa is stabbing through it with their limp wrists and weak hands.
I'm pretty much prepared. I probably have all the gear anyone would want for one of these skirmishes and some good ideas on how to fuck them up.
Imagine having about 30 based stick men when antifa shows up. Just one based stick man fucking rekt them.
Need to start training RWDS members for this type of combat. It's probably going to get more common.

user, get something that wasn't made 5 years ago.
I bet you think nuggets are still $75

I'm not that user, but the firearm that jumped in price at an alarming rate was the sks. I remember seeing them at gun shows for about $175 when I was a teenager. Now people want $400-500 for them.
Nuggets are still about $200. See them all the time on gunbroker. Cabela's had them for $180 last year.

Someone made an updated version, I don't have it though.

are you trying to make them laugh?

I still have a brand new (at the time) one I was issued, they're too heavy for how little they do. I guess use if it's all you got. Of course then they may aim below it, which is probably more dangerous.

After watching that, I find myself pondering about how nice itd be to have the time, money and comrades in Sweden to go visit during these times..

Well fuck I don't know, I figure its about one of the more innocent things to be caught with.
Meat tenderizer, sharp broken glass in a net laundry bag(good for a couple hits, rubber mallet, or a billy club/thick wood stick drilled through one way once every 6-7 with the appropriate size bolts and nuts in each one to make studs. These are some things I can come up with off the top of my head if we were looking to break bones or draw blood.

I suppose Ill clarify this as once an inch for 6-7 inches from the top

no prob, the worst it would do is daze someone if it hit perfectly on the head and only if launched up. Hitting someone by swinging it directly wouldn't work.
None of that shit is innocent which is why people use flag poles.

I figure after watching the video its pretty open, so flag poles would be good. A combination of flag poles and the idea here:>>9429034 could increase the effectiveness

that or that?

underrated post, minus the shitty formatting. this thread is full of cucks and all of you need to go back to whatever low quality shithole corner of the internet you came from. stop fucking calling them antifa. the most effective way to fight antifa is to not acknowledge their existence at all and let them continue making a fool of themselves. if they spent an ounce of effort on self improvement they'd likely end up realizing how stupid their cause is and redpill themselves. they're literally impotent cucks and it depresses me to see you faggots even giving them any credit at all as a threat. it's insulting and you should all be ashamed. there are bigger fish to fry

Good luck trying to hit a small target that isn´t covered by the jacket / vest. In a combat situation, everything will go much to fast to aim this precisely.

In pic 1, you can see the sharp force fatalities at the Pretoria Medico-Legal Laboratory in South Africa, 2012-2013 according to anatomical region. Note that in the most cases, different anatomical regions have been injured, therefore the number doesn´t equate 100%. The chest is leading by far with 64% and the back is on third place. This is because the chest and the back are such easy targets.

In pic 2, you can see the cause of death according to body region. A chest wound is responsible for 53% of all deaths, with "multiple stab wounds" being the reason for 16% of deaths. It is followed by the neck with 35%.

So if the chest region is well protected, you have eliminated the high risk of vulnerability there. If the enemy aims lower than that, he will only be able to wound your very low abdomen or your extremities, which is a dramatically lower risk of dying.
If he aims higher than that, you will be much faster at protecting the neck area with your arms, since your arms are usually held in proximity to neck height, and also reflexively drag back your head to make the neck a smaller target.

Pic 3 shows you where the main arteries are and where to apply pressure when wounded in specific regions. This knowledge can be used in knife combat. Pic 4 shows a more detailed depiction of the arteries and venes, which can be targeted for knife cuts and stabs.

Finally, the last pic shows you where to hit with flag poles, batons and other blunt force weapons. Hitting these areas will inflict the most damage and make antifags retreat like beaten dogs within seconds.

Last pic (blunt force targets):

Like what? Shitposting on a mongolian basket weaving forum? Not every user will remain a passive cuck, some will go out and actually voice their opinion. Against immigration policies, for Trump, for right-wing political parties and so on. Which is when these cock-slobbering faggots will show up and try to disrupt the event. That is the point when you have the golden opportunity to bash some commies skull, and for that opportunity, you should be prepared.

Also, this is more of a general information thread for civil unrest at this point.

TBH I feel like you will stick out as a primary target if you're seen wearing a flak. Its obviously your personal choice, but I'd try not to stick out too much unless you don't mind the extra attention.

If you have the money, you might want to invest in this, if this is an issue for you:

For cut and minimum puncture resistance, you can invest in a cheap kevlar sweatshirt:

They also make cut resistant gloves for grabbing a blade.

now if only we controlled the media and could do that…

interesting, is that all trauma (vehicles, hammers, guns)? I meant this area below a flak jacket that is very susceptible and just as dangerous for bloodloss.

That's some expensive shit user. If I'm gonna spend that kind of money, its gonna be for SHTF gear, not shit for fighting during a protest. A thick leather jacket and decent gloves will give most of the blade protection you will need. Beyond that you start covering other parts of the body, head/legs/face. You can put extra cloth padding underneath your clothes for extra blunt trauma protection. Wear a jock strap for sure. Maybe some leather chaps so they know you aren't fucking around.

Those are very decent posts for the layman, some small errors and definitely on the basic side but essentially sound.
Laceration vs incision: Laceration is a break in the skin's surface caused by blunt trauma, especially common in the scalp or over the brows. Incision is a break in the skin's surface caused by a sharp object. Incisions can be further broken down into stabs (deeper than they are long) and slashes (longer than they are deep).
Another potential target he didn't mention - forehead/brow. Scalp wound's bleed like a bitch and antifa won't be suckerpunching anyone if they've got blood pouring into their eye.
Treatment info is all good.
All good
Add to electrical burns section - they don't always spread out. Quite often patients will present with just small entry and exit wounds but there can be an extensive burn pathway internally where the current has passed through.
1st, 2nd and 3rd degree classification system has been replaced with superficial, superficial partial thickness, deep partial thickness and full thickness burns. I can go into the specifics if y'all want but it's not probably not that important.
Equally important as % of the body surface burned is location, any burns to hands, feet, face, genitals or over joints deserves medical review because scarring can cause permanent disability. Also burns that extend around the full circumference of a limb, scars contract as they develop which means these burns can create a pseudo-tourniquet that cuts off blood supply to the limb.
If I was to write a treatment guide for burns it would be
Danger - To yourself, bystanders, the patient. What burned them? Flames, hot objects (including hot jewellery), live wires, chemicals(on or around patient, in the air)? Will it burn you if you try to render aid? Is it still burning them? Also be aware of danger from traffic, explosions or violent bystanders as relevant.
Response - Is the patient conscious/responsive? COWS - Can you hear me, open your eyes, what's your name, squeeze my hand.
Send for help - Shout for any doctors in the area, call ambos, order bystanders (confident voice with clear targeting of specific individuals e.g. "You in the blue shirt…" should get obedience from most crowds)
Airway - Any obstructions? Burns to airway indicated by burns around mouth, sounds of obstructed breathing, coughing sooty sputum or singed nasal hairs are an emergency due to the risk of swelling.
Breathing - Can you see, hear, feel breathing?
CPR - If they're not breathing, commence CPR. 30 compressions/2 breaths, 100 compressions in a minute, depth should be 1/3 of chest, don't be afraid of breaking ribs. If you're afraid of infection then compressions alone are better than nothing.
Defib - Apply defib asap if you have one but order bystanders to prep if if possible so you don't need to interrupt CPR. Tbh if you need to start CPR or defib on a burns patient they're probs fucked.
Remove any clothes or jewellery if possible - danger from residual heat and tourniquet effect on swelling tissue.
Flush all burns (if caused by powdered chemical then brush it off first) with cool running water for at least 20 minutes to counter residual heat. Even full-thickness burns. For chemical burns remember to avoid washing the chemical over unaffected areas.
Apply non-adherent dressing, cling wrap or aluminium foil over wound. Cling wrap/al foil can help minimise circulatory shock caused by fluid loss, and they won't attach to the wounds like gauze.
Electrical burns can cause fractures especially of spine due to muscle contractions - be careful before moving patient.
user covered it well.

If I was to organise a first-aid kit for non-professionals at protests then I'd want
You could fit the essentials in a bum bag-sized container and it would invaluable post leftist violence.

I think 50 bucks for real leather gloves with knuckle protection and kevlar inlay aren´t that much. 85 for a kevlar sweatshirt is also somewhat affordable. I would personally never buy the jacket though, since its obviously just the fashion factor that makes it that expensive and a regular plate carrier will be much more worth the money.

The statistics in pic 1&2 are for stab wounds only. The lower abdomen and the lower extremities were among the targeted areas in 24,3 of all reported stab attacks (lethal and non-lethal).
They were the primary cause of death in 5,2% of all reported death cases, hence 9 times. They may or may not have contributed to death through multiple wounds in 16% of deaths (27 times).

Compared to the chest, which was targeted in 64,7% of all attacks, and made up for 53,2% of all deaths, this is low. So i would get some protection for that area, since again, these lower targets are hard to hit in a combat situation. The knife would also have to go deep into the leg, since the thighs are protected by the thickes muscle tissue of the whole body. Maybe get a cup for your balls, these cowards might even target them with whatever they have.

Tourniquet is very important even for stab wounds.


If anyone has infographics, post them or make new ones. This thread has a lot of good ideas.

Thanks. I'm very surprised, lethal or not, that more aren't abdomen stabbings. I thought that was the natural place for most people to aim at least until the person is incapacitated.

I'll do some research. I learned some how to's in combative classes and everyone here carries knives, but almost every person I've known who got in a knife fight was a nigger or spic.


That's a great tactic.

Gloves are very important. I believe maintaining good dexterity and grip is the most important, followed by knuckle protection, You dont want a slippery grip glove when your enemy may try to yank your weapon away from your hands.

Also pls stop with the kevlar meme, either use kevlar to stop bullets, or use another cheaper material to get the job done. Kevlar is not stab proof, the thickness you would need to stop a knife would be the same as the one to stop bullets. Its cost prohibitive if your just getting some thin sheets of kevlar fabric that wont help you in either scenario.

I think a leather jacket offers much better protection than regular cotton clothing. Its used as PPE for motorcycle riders, fashion is a distant 2nd. There's a reason the Marines are called Leathernecks, leather provides protection from blades.

A good pair of combat boots will provide excellent protection against sprained ankles, a solid grip in grass/gravel, and head stomping power.

I don't know if OP is answering questions or if anyone here would be a reliable source of info on this, but I remember an user posting the idea of using high energy handheld lasers that are in fact commercially available to burn antifa retinas at a distance. I have never personally been involved in any kind of ruckus with these people so I am just wondering whether there is any opportunity to do this to them? Is blinding them with lasers even feasible?

If I shipped you an MG249 and a few thousand rounds of ammo, what would you do with it?
-t. Arizona Burger

He would teach sand niggers how to shoot.

Antifa are everywhere in the western world. There are even in Greece… I mean, why the fuck would they ever form in Greece, with what reason for its existence here?? I guess schlomo willed it, among other things, and it happened..

I would NOT recommend that. High-powered lasers can potentially blind via reflections (even reflections off non-reflective surfaces) and in the chaos of a protest I would say the risk of blinding yourself / allies is much too high. I really can't overemphasise how impossible it is to predict the reflection and scatter of high-powered lasers in real-world conditions.
This isn't a war where people know the risks and collateral damage is an acceptable defence. Even if you blind 10 antifa for every polack the ratio is unacceptable.


Get arrested. It's Sweden, user.

if by most rifle rounds you mean pretty much none besides 22lr. Soft armor is for PISTOL rounds. 5.45, 5.56, 7.62 slavshit, 7.62 real fucking NATO, etc will all go through your kevlar like butter.

Poly urethane / ceramic plates are where it's at these days for lightweight protection. Just be prepared to pay out the ass for them.

I'm gonna repost this here since it's pretty relevant:

Ex- Russian gang member from a shitty neighborhood here,

Yes, I'm white. The gang was ethnically Russian with a few Eastern Euros mixed in but I live in the US.

I have 6 years of boxing experience, have been in a lot of fights, many of which were group fights like the Antifa video portrays.

Here's some advice for the people trying to do what StickMan in OP is doing. StickMan has constructed an excellent riot fighting kit. He has eye protection, breathing protection, head protection, hearing protection, kneepads and a shield. He has most of the essentials covered in terms of necessity for a gang fight. He could probably use some shoulder guards and elbow guards as well because those joints are still vulnerable, but he's pretty damn good.

I do not recommend anyone here does what StickMan did. Stickman is prepared for a long fight. He can hold the line and fuck people up as they come close to him, while advancing slowly and being able to block projectiles thrown at him, such as rocks and remain largely unscathed. The problem here is: he is going to get arrested because he sticks around for too long. Sure, he became a hero to a lot of you faggots, but he is probably facing assault charges right now. Live to fight another day, right?

Here are some tips on how to deal with Antifa. You don't need fancy equipment, you just need a black bandana, a black hoodie, maybe a red flag patch or two etc. Sounds like I'm suggesting that you wear some faggy Antifa shit, right? Absolutely :^) Bring a baseball bat, pipe or some other hard and sturdy blunt object.

When you see the Antifa formation, you can infiltrate it. They will think you're one of them and allow you in freely. Observe your surroundings. You are looking for their biggest, toughest looking guy, relatively speaking of course. They don't have anyone big or tough, maybe an occasional nigger or fat spic, but you';re looking for someone in their ranks that can conceivably be the biggest threat in a fight. This is your first target. Now, pick a second target: this person should be in close proximity to your first target for easy access. It doesn't matter how big or small they are, they just need to be close. Your third target should be something similar to your second target. Finally, your fourth objective would be to look for a path out. Look for any divergences in the crowd which would allow you to escape when needed.

Now we get to the actual engagement. Once you've chosen your targets and escape route, you are to wait until there is action, so you are to be part of the Antifa crowd until there is an altercation between them and the people they are protesting, such as the one portrayed in the video. Once that happens, you are to attack your first target. Aim for the knees, elbows, shoulders and lower back. Do not hit their head; that can kill them by accident and you don't want to be involved with that. Your job is to cause severe, possibly lifelong pain and to incapacitate/disable. Each of your subsequent targets after the first one should be dealt in the same way, but you absolutely must incapacitate target 1. If you cannot access targets 2 or 3. or the people around you realize what you're doing too quickly, make your escape. Your entire span of action should last no more than 30 seconds before you get out of there.

Upon successful execution, you will have injured three Antifa and escaped without getting arrested. Take off your Antifa clothes in an alley or somewhere unpopulated, put them in your bookbag and go home. Then, burn the clothes and discard your weapon into the nearest waterway if you feel that it is too suspicious to keep. StickMan is cool, but don't be like StickMan.

Also, shields don't stop bullets. Be careful with the full knight method of StickMan.

Dem quads, how bout that?

Professional killer here. I am not surprised at all. Fucking amateurs think a certain look or feelsies make the killsies. It simply ain't so.

Also, don't embarrass us, OP. Antifags like to pretend they are a big deal in pozzed cities. If they left their diverse urban areas and tried that shit in a majority-White area, they would quickly receive a lethal overdose of lead aspirin–and that is if they are fortunate enough to attack civs. Most of the military guys would fuck them up with no weapons. They are bitch-made punks.

Frankly, Swedes just have to man up and get violent. Fuck the submissive culture you have adopted there–no offense.

quads of Russian streetfighting truth

Professional navy seal here.
I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

greece has the golden dawn.
They made a big comeback (sitting members in parliament, strong membership amongst LEO etc., when the EU forced austerity on them

Also, my dad works at nintendo.

This is good advice. Also, there could be the possibly of having moles or spies in the group (make good use of spies a la Sun Tzu); from what I've heard many Antifa are drug addicts and they could probably be bribed with substances. This is all hypothetical of course.

At least in Texas and Missouri, the prosecution can't use the fact that you have a legal CCW as proof that you were seeking out confrontation.

cucked yuro trying to talk baout gun laws, lel

ITT wood autism!


just get a plate carrier

Here's a few easy steps:
Pretty fucking easy.
The trick is to treat them as though they are no threat what so ever and hound on one until it routs. Being herd animals, the commies will follow whoever makes the first move. If they throw the first punch, all will throw a punch. If they get scared and cry/run/collapse, they will all rout just the same. If you back away and cower, they will swarm you like sand flies on a hot summer's day at the beach. Return all of their aggression two-fold and they will never be a problem. Assuming you're not living in such a cucked place that these subhumans have immunity to the law and anyone who stands up against them gets thrown in jail for nothing, that is.

Why is everyone LARPing like the middle ages and bringing primitive weapons when talking about taking antifa on? This isn't nofuns land and you don't need to show up at some public protest everyone, including the police, knows about to fight them.

Tail them home and have a private conversation with them when they least expect it. It's what they'd do. You can save the Braveheart shit for when the gommie police aren't around.

If you participate in violent street demonstrations you're a fucking loser faggot to begin with.

If there were sensible protests where THE ISSUE OF WHITE DEMOGRAPHICS was explicitly and professionally pushed I would join it, other than that you're all a huge bunch of faggots.

Yeah we don't live in Europe where people routinely get prosecuted for defending themselves.

It's only even a few select cities in the US where you'd even need to be concerned about the local laws being setup in favor of cucks. Places like Berkley where they clearly have the local politicians in their pocket.

My god, its so fucking perfect. I'm actually choking from the laughter.

uh… yeah? what do you think the plates I linked go in? You can either put AR500 or similar steel (heavy), ceramic (light but can't withstand multiple hits), polyurethane (light but can't withstand M855) or the new ceramic/polyurethane hybrids which are the best of both worlds.

You are a faggot!

.02 Shekels have been added to your account


Some people are suited to these spy tactics and should do them.

But the majority should be front-line shield holders.

We project an image of strength, not conniving backstabbery. The truth is on our side.

I'm more comfortable keeping my integrity intact and fighting them straight up. Plus, it seems risky. If they find out you're not antifa before it kicks off, it could get ugly and much worse than if you were caught off guard.
His advice is good about timing though. Had stick man left right after fucking that one guy up, he probably would be free right now. So it's a valid point. The longer you stand around playing whack-a-mole with commies, the more likely you are to get arrested. After you score a couple home runs, get out of there if you can.

Old deer piss for hunting also works well. Use 'em in trigger traps around the property and fuckers never come back. Attached I have some fun things to fuck around with, mostly the launcher which could be used to shoot smoke bombs, and the monkey fist knot. I like that one a lot since all you need is a round rock, ball bearing, or marble, make a monkey fist knot about the size of your own fist with some small rope or paracord, and start fucking swinging. Even a small fist will cause some bruises. Kids like to make small ones as charms and keychains.

though tbh this does seem to be the work reserved for minions & cannon fodder

How would you ship it without authorities finding out?

don't change the subject

how do people obtain animal urine? I remember my friend's grandma used like coyote or fox urine or something around her garden so the deer wouldn't go near it. sage for just curious.

Some of those guys are in jail now for 10 year long prison sentences. Others had their legs rearranged with an axe.

No Mr FBI agent, I would never do anything illegal under any circumstances.


You can buy animal urine. Just buy deer piss at Cabela's. It's cheap and it really fucking smells like some strong piss.

There's no need to follow them home. The ones really worth going after technically don't have a home. They all live in punk houses like the ones from RWSS. They're mostly junkies.
It's not like they are going home to their 3 bedroom ranch with a white picket fence with an actual address.
Seriously, they live in squatted places and they are pretty open about where they live. They don't have good opsec. Just look for your local punk house.

how do they get it though? Do they just kill enough deer that they can remove bladders and extract it though? They buy it off of hunting reserves or some shit?

That's not a Millwall brick, ya fuckin tosser.

NOW you've got a proper Milly for Sunday Football at the pub.

Here's an improvised gas mask in case there's any poorfags on here that only have internet because it's included with utilities, but anyone on 8ch should know that you need to invest in a decent one that works + filters. Consider this just a backup. On the off-chance anyone with tits is browsing the thread, there's also special breakaway bras you can get that are supposedly designed to work as emergency respirators but I can't testify whether or not they work well since I don't generally stick my face into boob cups and a real gas mask will always serve you better anyway.

I don't recommend a taser unless you know what you're doing and don't mind the possibility of getting in trouble with the law, but having the info around as a backup in case shit goes south and you need to save a life is better than nothing. If you set up a remote detonator to a bunch of smoke bombs you can clear an area from a distance and move in with gas masks. The smoke bomb image is ancient but still usable. Chloroform in case someone's too dangerous to be left conscious, but be really smart and careful with this one, too.

Get from a hunting shop or order in. If none of those are options, hogtie a deer, hold out a bottle, and keep your mouth sealed.

Animal reserves and zoos, mostly. Profitable for the zoos so they can keep feeding the animals, and the animals don't have to do anything except tolerate some dick with a bottle hanging around their junk for a bit. Everyone wins.

this is exactly why antifa does this shit, it works

also check out these guys for face covers

that last one is just a loud noisemaker, the bullet doesn't actually go through the foot.

I'm posting non-lethal shit that either doesn't hurt people or just allows for blunt damage a la Based Stickman. I have how-tos for explosives and incendiaries too, but at the moment antifa are just a bunch of faggots that need a good beating so posting shit like that isn't really necessary.

I figured just saying.

I'm ex-SJW myself. I have a different tale to spread.

The self-appointed "empaths" who lead the vanguard of progressive ideology grew up in an era of dehumanization. While we reacted negatively to this, today's SJW normalized and internalized this dehumanization as "the way things are". As a result, each and every one of them carries a personalized, relativistic void of meaning, which is to say, they aren't aware enough to realized they are yearning for purpose. When one is not cognizant of this yearning, their subconscious steers them towards purpose. For most SJWs, they yearn for martyrdom. This is their collective ace in the pocket: The rank and file, subjected to decades of propaganda, yearn for life with meaning via death while their overseers will exploit their deaths to exploit normie sensitivities.

Never kill, maim, or cripple SJWs. Grind them down with beautiful organization. When given the choice, normies will always pick graceful organization over sloppy sacrifice.

Are fucking awesome. Those things saved my fingers several time when I worked in Pig Dissembly Plant.
Only to someone who's not worked in a butchery or meat factory. Grabbing the mail apron used in those places would be a cheap and effective replacement for buying actual chain mail. they only weigh a few pounds and while they do no cover the back adding the hard plastic plate used by those same workers can be worn on the back protecting the kidney's lower vital from a jewish kiss.


stop it

It's not enough to physically suppress an enemy. You have to psychologically eliminate all avenues of recovery, which is to say, you have to plant helplessness into an SJW so that any conclusion they achieve is organically eliminated.

I recognize there is an importance of flash violence in the interregnum , but when the dust settles, the goal isn't to eliminate SJWs. The goal is to farm them and steer their progressive impulses into their own mental imprisonment.

They are deeply susceptible to this technique.


Do you know how much of an effeminate faggot you are?

Can confirm, many Greeks are filthy communist scum. They are literally more buttblasted being conquered by the Nazis back in the 40s than about the centuries of annihilation they had to endure against the fucking Turks. Don't know what the fuck is wrong with them.

Yeah but if you're white you will be put into a prison with a majority of shitskins and niggers.

You are our enemy, always kill traitors first before bothering to wipe out the shitskins. Obviously all of you are going to die, the niggers, beaners, chinks, sand-niggers, curry-niggers and your beloved kike overlords, but you traitors will be the first to fall either by OUR hand, or by hand of your so called 'fellow' libshits, shit-skinned abominations, and the like.

Get lost, you were already marked for death and NOTHING will change that, for God himself already has it written down you and faggot limp-wristed traitors like you who are quick to hop on bandwagons when you're still habouring thoughts to usurp the next group you're trying to leech off of, aka our fucking community, you will never get away with this faggot chameleon act like you idiotic shitskins/autistic kikes think you will.


what the fuck is that, I saw that all the time a couple years ago and have no idea what it is. The design looks like a video game character, whoever drew the jugs also definitely seen a real pair before, good job.

Source? Would like to do a warm up sketch with that design, more original shit I've seen all day. Sage for me getting off topic, can't ignore a perfectly drawn pair of anime tiddies.

This is technically true, but also be aware, if they end up arresting and charging you with a felony, they will tack on a charge like "Carrying a firearm in the commission of a felony."

Just be aware of that. If your lawyer is smart, depending on how justified you were, he will spend his time fighting to either drop the felony assault to a misdemeanor or to fight that charge entirely.

You would be wise to seek retention of a lawyer beforehand, especially one with expertise in self defense cases.

Or just get a merchant lawyer.
They might be merchants but they will surely BTFO a leftist if the shekels are right.

Mon-Musu Quest.
It's monster girl smut.

The proper term is a stabproof vest and they are different than regular bulletproof vests. A lot of vests are both bulletproof and stabproof but typically you have your level IIIA soft vests that are good against bullets (but not perfect like plates) and poor against stabbing. Then you got your level II vests that cops and bouncers wear which are very good against stabbing but poor against bullets.

It's like how flak vests are optimized for protecting against heavy explosions but lots of bulletproof vests offer limited protection against explosions too.

Since level II is more concealable and shots are rarely fired at demonstrations I'd say go with a level II. But always make sure that it's rated against stabbing and cutting too. And if you're buying second hand remember that the lifespan of a soft vest is no longer than 5 years until the threads are so worn that it's become unreliable (but some swear that if stored properly the vests still work after 10 years or even longer, whatever makes you feel safe I guess, just don't let some ebay fag rip you off)


This article is amazing. Tells you a lot about them. Namely that their belief that the state is against them and working with the fascists is bullshit LMAO.
They cry like little fags whenever liberals call them names. That's the most "state" resistance they actually know which is why they're so sensitive about it.

Quads of bullshit. If you are among those antifaggots, they will fucking team up on you. They have surrounded you at that point. Not to mention that your allies will attack you to, you can´t effectively return to their crowd while looking like antifa. What are you going to do?
Get some armor like stickman, protect yourself, but don´t have a knife strapped to your belt for everyone to see (One charge against Chapman) and also only attack when the crowd is moving as one, don´t be the singular attacker advances alone and sticks out of the bunch.
Wear an all black uniform with a couple of other people, use the same paint respirators, same glasses use the same helmets, the same protectors and the same boots as them if you can get in contact with them in advance.

Become one with the crowd, pepperspray the enemy from the second row, hold your stick in a defensive position like pic related and wait for Antifa TO COME TO YOU while the crowd is advancing. When they move in your reach, you have every right to defend yourself and swing the stick at them with full force.


Pro-Trumpers aren't charging down anyone on the other side. They're just fighting back against those that attack them.
So that wouldn't be an issue.


I figured, but what's the name of that exact creature we are both staring a right now. Blue tit monster?

I smell bullshit from your post, why the fuck would be infiltrating antifa to merely dress up like them so we end up attacking ourselves and thus causing chaos in the purest sense of the word because of you, some autistic wannabe 'russian' which I hardly doubt you are slavic of any kind because something tells me this is some LARPing bullshit you do online, hence why you had to start off with your little cuck "I'm gonna repost this here since it's pretty relevant".

When all you posted was how to get killed by a fellow Holla Forumsak while playing make believe and LARPing as some faggot antifa cuckster lite who's more than likely to not just get meme'd by men like us, but by the police as well when the irony of situation is you did nothing wrong.

Are you retarded or something? Or is your six years of boxing equated to you sucking dick in the locker room as you played slap the nutsack with all the other twinks down in fucking Florida/Cuckifornia where you probably are from. Who the fuck is Stickman? Some shit from 4cuck? IS that your little fantasy? Trying to be one of those autistic pivot program creations brought to life, RPing as some russian Pivot stickman with 6 twink years of twinksperiance?

You're making me want to make a proper list and means to deal with antifa scum, cause yours is just fucking retarded and I severely question your truthfulness let alone my over-all trust based upon your cadence and formatting is at fucking -200.00%

You clearly fight fire with more fire, cause these stupid twinks don't know how to deal with real aggression when they themselves are the only ones prancing around the so called 'battlefield', what it takes is to smoke them out of their so called territory and expose them for the rats they truly are with brute force and wits, with wits being the key to success in all situations, the brute force and brawn is just the added bonus to enjoy the carnage you create.

well golly gee, I didn't think that was the actual name and thought you were just going all weirdo on me naming them as you saw fit when I saw your file image name.

Thanks kek, gonna scrounge up some Alice OC after I'm done perfecting 2B's design my way.

Slav it up

I think people here are merging two very separate stages of race war.
Stages one and two is when there's an active police force that tries, even if they're overburdened, to maintain peace. Stage one is slightly worse than what goes on currently, like in StickMan's video footage. Stage two would involve daily violent skirmishes between rioters, individual deaths and severe injuries would quickly cease being a big deal and would swiftly turn into just more statistics and numbers. Dangerous weapons and chemicals would still land people in jail and though they would undoubtedly be used by a few extremists, the smartest thing for an user to do would be to protect against it rather than use it themselves.

Stage three is all out hell-on-earth, last picture is extremely relevant and worth a read. Police force is token and entirely ineffective and the rioters can generally get away with doing whatever they want. Illegal weapons, chemicals, militias, rape, murder, torture, everything goes if you have the guts for it. Neutral parties are shrunk as people are forced to take sides or are killed.

The tactics and survival strategies are very different between them, so prepare for both.

Also, I haven't seen any mention past about infiltration. A group of 50 frontline fighters is entirely useless if they are 100 miles away from the action as a result of enemy misdirection or lack of intel.
As things escalate, which they will, infiltration of Antifa command structures, coordinators and militia groups will become extremely important. Potential assassinations would become likely and possible between stages two and three.

I'm not a frontline fighter, and while I'm sure that with a bit of effort I could turn myself into one, I would much rather use my skills as a saboteur or informant.

I don't have to prove my bravery by caving some cuck's head in so hard it looks like a cereal bowl. A well placed informant can potentially be worth any number of fighters. Once you start dealing in lives, a diversity of assets will become indispensable. And you can be 100% sure that they are doing it with us!

the slav tracksuit thing is a meme, I am a Slav living in a Slav country and I haven't seen *anyone* like that. It's a very particular Russian subculture among the extremely poor and nigger-tier stupid that Americans love to idolise for some reason.

Even Molymeme told us to get ready to fight.
Hope everybody is ready for the day of the rope.

That's pretty weak reasoning.
T. Lawyer

Just because you can't fight doesn't mean you're useless. Some people have great minds for strategy, some have great minds for art/propaganda, some of us are big and violent. Focus on your strengths not your weaknesses.


Lurk moar. Don't care about the rest.

Uh no nigger, this isn't lurk moar when I've been here on this website longer than you have, longer than most of you idiotic kids who found out about image boards back in 2011.

The fact you have no idea what I meant by mentioning pivot basically outed you as an underage faggot. The fact people think a dude with a flagpole and the only original name you dumb fucking kids can come up with is "Le Stickman!" is one fucking thing, but the fact none of you actually know how to do anything non-lethal properly is just pathetic.

You especially dumping baby tier shit and some of it has nothing to do with actual non-lethal techniques, and I'm sure you yourself have never had to use your hands within such a situation that either mans you with your head fucking caved in by a bunch of careless shitskins/antfa cuck-stains, or you being the one to make an example out of one miserable poor skidmark and have the rest pussy out.

You kids act like this fuck with the flagpole is the first guy to run around with a fucking shield and staff combo at a protest, let alone I believe he faggot is some clown who's one of those alt-kike retards, which again, further proves anyone mesmerized by one alt-kike with a modicum of common sense is just pathetic.

I'm sure you have no survival skills either on top of being horrendously new. Tell me right now off the top of your head which vertebrae you should damage if you wish to give the man in question the most miserable life experience when it comes to simply deficating/urinating without killing him? Tell me how to subdue a person when you already have them infront of you, and you already have them within some shitty weak faggot hold, how would you go about knocking them out?

I doubt you know the answer to both of those babby questions, now get lost and head on back to 4cuck. I swear, something about you reeks SJW cuckster shit, I can't tell if it's because the way you type/carry yourself or you're just literally an underage faggot like I assumed the other guy was.


Here's a simple solution to all your problems. 1) Wait till cummies gather in one place 2) throw a bomb at them

And metal. Kek

Nice checked dubs

someone post the "1 Nazi vs 100 Antifa" video from spain, where a guy stabs some faggots in a train and gets away with it.

also, recommend good cut resitant gloves. I have no clue what to look for to judge the quality.

you wouldn't kill a roach with a magic spell.

Every tool you have will become more usefull if you know some MMA, there is a reason for why literally every army in history practised some form of grappling

Just go to a construction shop and buy a set of padded gloves for construction work. They're not quite as good as cut-proof ones, but they sure are tough and more easily accessible.

I'd prefer an American flag bandana. Black + Skulls = "Are we the baddies?"


Was this a drill ?

This user gets it. Let me tell you something about Wolves, theres always a runt in every litter. When the mother wolf trains her pups to hunt, their first prey is their weakling brother, after that she protects them with her life.
You filthy commies are the runts of the litter, you exist to train us to hunt down and kill the jew, the mudslime, the nigger and the gook. In this way we will purge weakness from our pack, and go on to conquer the earth and the stars.

These filthy degens cannot into OPSEC.

I'm glad you see where I'm coming from. I'm thinking too many fucking shitskins came on Holla Forums today with cummies on the brain or some shit.

One does not simply wait for cummies to gather in one place, you'd be better off attracting cummies with actual cummies cause they're fucking gay, then throw bomb, a big bomb.

user, I…


I initially would have responded to you but you sound like an autistic retard that is beyond hope. There is no point in actually addressing any of your incoherent arguments or and projection.

You've clearly never been in a group fight.

The chances of being "surrounded and attacked is very low if you are quick and skilled with a bat. It should take you no more than 5 seconds to successfully beat the shit out of an undefended target with a baseball bat, since you're attacking from behind. By the time anyone realizes what you're doing, especially if there are several of you, you will have claimed your target and already be out of there.

In my post, I was not implying that one should carry a long-term infiltration campaign of Antifa (although, this is a legitimate tactic that should be discussed at length in a different thread), rather, I suggested short term infiltration to sneak into their crowd and be able to sow chaos from within their crowd, so they are fighting from multiple fronts.

In a chaotic environment, it is extremely difficult for anyone to make decisions, especially weak bitches like Antifa who have no conditioning or experience with combat. Even highly trained operatives like Navy Seals find it difficult to make heads or tails out of a chaotic combat situation - now imagine 90 lb Antifa faggots, SJWs and women who have never been in a fight.

My strategy is one of several things you can do to defeat Antifa. The infiltration aspect if not only effective because it will incapacitate their most well armed/armored people, but it will cause confusion and fear within their group, and long term fear in that they will not know who is Antifa and who is an infiltrator during future events. This alone will scare the less hardened of them away from protests because they will be afraid of being brutalized by someone they think is their ally.

The chances of your people turning on you because you're dressed like Antifa is extremely unlikely since you will be attacking from within the crowd and exiting the situation in no more than 30 seconds. At no point should you ever head to the Antifa front line as it meets your people. If that happens, you've fucked up in that you've either showed up to the fight too late, or you're too deep within their crowd and lowering your chances of successful escape.

In a prolonged encounter, you can even attack them several times before you have to leave. They likely won't recognize you so you can keep coming back with your bat and assaulting Antifa stragglers, although this is not always recommended because every subsequent attempt will increase your chances of getting recognized or arrested.

If you still feel like getting arrested or want to stand around, you can always change out of your Antifa clothes and rejoin from your side.

Fuck, first quads and now almost quints, FUCKING NIGGER DICK FUCK

Why not build a stabbing syringe filled with slow acting poison? If You dress like the crowd they won't even know they've been killed.

No it does not. You'd make a shit lawyer.

My earlier post: you don't want to kill anyone, just injure and incapacitate.

We are not yet at the stage of all out war. If we were, you would just use a gun.

Oh, I forgot the vid detailing it's use and construction, as well as the poison's making. it's about silently giving AIDS to faggots like antifa, or bloodbourne diseases to commies.
Mobile so no embed. 43:46

Keep LARPing, faggot. Kek deems it laughable as your failed quints show.

Now, I'm not saying you should do this, however, an interesting idea would be is: dress like an antifa faggot. Walk amongst them when they go to counter protest. Drop some type of gas (tear gas, pepper gas, whatever is legal yet harmful/not deadly) while placing on your own case mask. Mix that with a smoke bomb and you can escape in the confusion (I'm not sure if those are legal/illegal). You would want to do this before the two groups (antifa/Trump) get too close to each other so that you only hit them, and the Trump supporters know not to go near due to the obvious chaos going on by them.

Antifags regularly throw smokebombs on the ground where they stand. It makes it impossible to make out how many of them are there and i guess it is supposed to look threatening.
The gas thing sounds stupid. If you want to make a tear gas grenade, go for it if you are a chemist. They are not for sale. Capsaicin has to be sprayed directly in the face or on the chest to have an effect.

East German stalhelms are fucking dorky looking though. Fuck that.

I think you should respect your numerical superiors, gorilla warfare:


These digits mostly mean nothing since the posts lack quality. Get your kek shit out of here, this is an info thread, not a meme magic thread.

Supersoakers + water + butyric acid + liquid ass = success?

Spray onto antifa en masse. Ruin their riot gear.

bump for interest

Do you have the explosion one? Or any others in by this guy?

How do I treat explosions?

There is literally nothing wrong with betraying a communist.

Unless you've got a ridiculous medical kit and extensive medical experience, you pretty much don't. Depending on the explosion you'll have internal bleeding, shrapnel, burns, etc. this is of course figuring that they actually survived the initial explosion. Hydrostatic shock can kill you instantly if it's close enough/big enough. It's the same thing that happens when you see game drop on a hunt.
Internal bleeding would really be the number one thing, but just as he says there, trying to operate or do any further action necessary on someone with internal bleeding of any sort is just a bad idea, if you want to be able to do more, take some medical courses, much more than is considered first aid is just as dangerous as it is helpful.

Exactly, in Chile we had Osvaldo "Waton"(Fat) Romo, he infiltrated in many leftist organizations, when the coup happened he leaked all the info to the military and he himself went full genocide against commies.

Despite not being a Military, he acted like one in spirit, he was the only one that felt proud of cleaning the country and torturing commies to dead, he also propose throwing commies to volcanoes instead of the sea(in helicopters), also he warned(like many others) Pinochet to don't leave commies alive because they will compromise the future of the motherland, he didn't follow this warning, and now we this country is becoming a socialist shithole.

Watón Romo died alone, in jail, not a single relative visited him in his funeral, all the military hated him(because this were pussies compared to him) and of course the whole country celebrating his death.

A tragic hidden hero of the World white movement.

There is nothing wrong in backstabbing commies.

Shit's easy, you kill the animal then take out it's bladder. Bam instant urine.

Shirka is extracted poppy straw, a deadly nasty drug like krokodil. It rots peoples jaws.

Kek, that would be poetry. It would actually be practical as well, since the star of david has a shit ton of points, you could use it to swing and thrust to cause hurts.

Yeah but using ineffective strategics by a LARPer in a protest against antifags is wrong.

I am very much in favor of doxing and leaking information of these cocksuckers through infiltration of their groups in a insuspicious way. They deserve death and worse, and they want to kill us regardless. It goes without saying, though, that i would not show mercy to any traitor or spy in our rows. If he enters the cave of a lion, he will get ripped into pieces.
The other side of that is, if you get caught, its your own fault if you get hurt badly or killed.
That is a declaration of war, and war has no rules.

There's a limited amount you can do but might be able to save a few lives

As always, have the DRSABCD resus model in your head. Particularly important is looking for danger. Fires, leaking gas mains, structural collapses and second-strike attacks come to mind. Be on the lookout for dangers such as these but I don't let it stop you rendering aid

We're taught a 4 category model for blast injuries. Essentially…
Blast lung, burst ear drums, ruptured bowel, brain damage.
Essentially nothing you can do for any of these other than get them to an ED asap. Oxygen and resus for anyone with blast lung if you've got it.
Secondary = Shrapnel
This is the area you might be able to save some lives because these deaths will be caused by blood loss which a layman might be able to manage.
Traumatic amputations? Slap a tourniquet on it the limb.
Refer to the stab and gunshot guides and treat as whichever one it looks more like. Apply direct or indirect pressure to slow bleeding, apply chest seals or improvised flutter valves (check the gunshot guide) over any penetrating injuries to the chest. Elevate limbs to encourage blood flow to the vitals. Provide comfort and reassurance. Get them to a hospital asap or, if for some reason that's impossible, patch up whatever wounds you can with butterfly sutures/tissue adhesive/sutures, give antibiotics and pray.
Immobilise/splint any obvious fractures. Don't move patients that might have vertebral fractures (which is almost everyone) unless they're going to die otherwise. Refer to the stab and blunt trauma guides. Apply thick padding/dressings over suspected flail chest.
Crush injuries - if patients have been trapped under a heavy structure for an extended period then medical advice then toxins build up in the limb which can kill the patient once pressure is removed. ideally medical advice should be sort prior to extrication.

What you need to do is fuck up Food Not Bombs., they feed antifa via dumpsterdiving and donated food, and are a vital part of their logistics operation. I used to work with them, they are all commie trash.

A good ol' cozy Holla Forums fight thread.

Whats a good source to find local Antifa events?

Make us, pussy.

Google antifa (your city). Look for Anarchist Black Cross, Food not bombs, Students for a democratic society, and Socialist alternative events, these groups crossover with antifa.

Be alert for head injuries. Signs include altered conscious state, drowsiness, dizziness and fixed, dilated pupils. Patients may seem well then collapse as the blood builds up. Be prepared to start administering CPR.
Refer to the burns guide. Give oxygen/CPR to anyone who needs it. Burns are rarely a major concern compared to exsanguination because anyone close enough to be severely burned is probably dead from primary or secondary order effects.

If someone's not breathing then attempt to clear any airway obstructions and roll them into the 'recovery position'. If they don't begin breathing after that then you can start CPR but it may be more worthwhile moving onto another patient. It depends on your skills, the number of victims and the number of first aid+medical responders.

Here's a decent article that I don't think is behind a paywall
The Physician's Guide To Terrorist Attack by Michael J Roy is also good if you can find a pdf. It goes more into NBC attacks and healthcare systems response than explosions though.

What can we use as pila that can't be used against us?

I don't know but if we get in a more constricted corridor, we can use our smaller numbers to an advantage by utilizing techniques Macedon used in antiquity. If we all have long poles nobody will be able to penetrate our ranks. I mean we could try the super advanced stuff that Korean police team used but I don't know if any of us have the coordination or training to properly use it.

Begone, heretic

We don't need to be in a corridor. We just need enough people to form a phalanx. Which you can do easily with flagpoles.

Pila are for the charge. Charging into the melee might be fun, but ultimately it's going to be used against us. I know "optics lol fag" is the popular refrain here, but if the media catches you chasing after and beating the shit out of leftists *now*, you're going to lose Trump the election because they'll say "Look at these Right Wing Death Squads!"

It's annoying. The commies are clearly fucking attacking people. The police are doing nothing.

If you insist on charging and need a projectile for the charge… which is debateable… Instead of pila (which are going to get you done with "assault with a deadly weapon" charge), why not glass bottles? Bring big crates of coca cola. Drink'em. Then throw them like franciscas.

Alright, let me preface this by saying that these guys are faggots. Their channel isn't that great. They have terrible comedic chemistry. They badly want to be the mythbusters. 90% of their videos are about mixing overly elaborate faggoty cocktails..

But every so often, they post a video with some useful information in it that I know you faggots could use.

For instance: An entire video on building those soda bottle gasmasks and how to make them work right.

A video all about specific, easy to obtain chemicals and the awful, awful things they do. (Top tier stink bombs)

Turning a disposable camera into a highly painful taser.

A video all about the trusty Millwall Brick

A video all about improvised body armor (already mentioned in this thread) and testing it.

Now, as I said, these guys are fucking terrible.. But the point isn't to watch their channel or support these guys, in particular. Actually, fuck these guys. But the point is, if you need more information than a simple infographic, or some vague description of how you should make or use one of these things, or how effective they are, there is actually a wealth of information on youtube, easily accessible. What you want are stupid faggots who will build these things and test them for you, while also letting you know what can go wrong.

Someone rate my autism level

Assault with a Deadly Weapon/10

If someone were to have a stick that size and length but without spikes would that legally be assault with a deadly weapon? what about a collapsible police baton?
what exactly makes something a deadly weapon without it being obvious? because a baseball bat could be a deadly weapon despite not being made to do so.

Bring these, and I'll protest whatever you want to protest.

KEK wills it!
Bring these as well, nice and solid for whacking and throwing.

If I take a spear, and tie a flag to it, does it become a flag pole? Conversely, if I take an ash spear haft, and put two spear butt caps on it, is it a flag pole? Because even getting hit with a butt cap could smash some teeth or break a rib.

Something like either of these (In almost two years of lurking, I still have not learned to spoiler) would probably not feel nice being cracked into the side of your head, or smashed into your mouth or cheek.

museumreplicas .com/p-553-flat-ended-butt-cap.aspx

museumreplicas .com/p-565-round-ended-butt-cap.aspx

The deadliest weapon you can bring to bear against these statist cucks is ironically the state!

That's why we record their violence and crimes and make copies that we turn into the police, and when the police whether through negligence or political agendas fail to act in accordance with the law you report them to the "Ombudsman" who's job it is to make sure that negligence is dealt with!

I'd love to eviscerate a leftist shithead, but unfortunately that's not the world we live in. Until we have total Venezuela styled collapse we have to play by the "rules" even when it's abundantly fucking clear that the left doesn't.

Don't fuck up your lives user's, prison isn't a nice place. Be smart! Use the state to punish leftists. I've told you how to do it.

Nigga wat?

Do we have another bot loose here?

"le ebin stick man XD" had a BlueLivesMatter sign with him before the pigs arrested him. Fuck the state and fuck cops.

If you find procedural issues with your local police office then report them to the "Ombudsman" It's not hard.

The "Ombudsman's" job is literally to deal with dickhead cops and make sure that cocky-fuckhead cops are drummed out before they damage public trust.

Don't go around attacking or "Defending" yourself especially in this modern age, You might maybe win. But even winning a "Self-defense" case WILL HURT your bank account.

Dude fucking trust me.

That looks awesome.

You're a weak idiot who hasn't been in a single fight, let alone a gang fight. Attacking from behind causes confusion and opens up a new front of attack against the Antifa. It gives them the illusion that they are surrounded or full of infiltrators, which sows fear in people who especially are not hardened combatants.

We need a front line still, so you can go and get your armor etc and be the front line, but I have a feeling that a little bitch like you is just all tough talk. You would never be seen anywhere near a protest.

A properly timed flank attack hits with double strength, and all it requires is 10 folks with clawhammers and hard bottles of wine.

Oh Kek, mien sides.

I have a question concerning the use of a flag pole as a weapon in the case of riots.

I don't exactly have any idea of what other type of flag to use in this situation except that of the American flag.
Because one would idealy use an American flag, how would one use the flag pole as a weapon with out risking desecration of the flag?
I strongly believe that one should treat the flag with respect and I don't know how one could use the flag pole as a weapon with out getting the flag dirty.
My suggestion would be to use another flag. The closest I could imagine using would be the Gadsden flag, but the Gadsden flag is more associated with american libertarian nationalism rather than just regular american nationalism like the american flag.
Any suggestions?

I've said it in other threads and I'll say it again, if you must bring a gun, use rubber bullets. It will save you so much hassle in court, prevent you from being the next /k/ommandos in jail, and would prove you're not out to kill anyone and then you just need to say the magic words and you're home free. It's not like these communist faggots would hang around long after getting pelted with a rubber bullet, those can still be lethal if misused, can break bones, can cause internal bleeding, and typically will leave a giant bruise while they're rolling on the ground crying like a bitch which will then demoralize the rest of their mindless idiots.


I know about the civil flag thing but no ones used the civil flag since before the civil war. And desecration has always applied to current flag used.

Are you Boris?

I've personally never seen or heard of the existience of the US civil flag and some sites say that the flag you are showing isnt the civil flag and is some other type of flag.

Site below claims the civil flag isnt even real.

I'm not, but I am from Brooklyn. Don't know that guy apparently named Boris though.

Perhaps something like this? Or maybe have a banner, you could have a banner like so and still minimal encumberance from the fabric. Otherwise, idk maybe something colonial or your state's flag.

lol I bet your ass went to Kingsborough then
Bensonhurst here

Nope, I cleaned my act up from the high school days.

Went to Brooklyn College, and then an Ivy League university after that for my graduate degree.

fucking aye my dude. BC was the most up-tight of the CUNYs, props.

My state flag sucks (Utah), its among the category of state flags that just have the state seal on a blue background.

If I could get my hands on something like pic related I'd be fine with bashing commies over the head with it. (plus it looks fucking awesome)

My problem just involves using the official US flag touching the ground since its a quasi-religious artifact that deserves respect and doesnt deserve to get ruined in scrap, even if the scrap is for the preservation of the nation state.

Always thought Hunter was more uptight, since almost everyone is a pre-med or pre-health asshole. Also its like 60% filthy Arab/other brown skinned Asiatic or Middle Eastern.

I also went to Murrow; faggy school but I had a good time.

Hmmm. Thanks user.

yea but BC was one of those "we don't give A" types. Engineering fag here, I'm all 1 and 0 so that shit never made sense to me, either you get it or you don't. I went to Staten Island College but did Kingsborough for some filler courses in the summer to knock out electives and go to the beach.

also yea a lot of Indians did Hunter and they were the snobbiest transfers I ever deal with.



I don't think the cross pole is wise, it would really limit tactical effectiveness. I meant moar like a normal flagpole setup but with a banner (attached like a flag but just really tall and skinny).

Like this?
I cant seem to find what you describe. Is it like a normal flag pole except the flag is hung vertically instead of horizontally?

shit, omit the "like this"

Their grading was on the tougher side of CUNY, that's true.

CSI has a beautiful campus though, I visited several times to pick up samples from their lab. Biggest CUNY by far. Anyway, don't wanna derail the thread.

Desecration is pretty subjective.
Getting both patriot blood or communist blood is pretty symbolic.
Using the flag as a weapon or to defend yourself is also pretty symbolic.

It's only symbolic desecration when you're intending to desecrate it.
At least that's how I see it.

Why not fill up eggs with scopolamine powder?

I remember you. You're smart. You'll survive. And you're right about the martyrdom complex of SJWs.

Which is why we're going with the Indonesian model of SJW disposal. They shall be the forgotten generation, the generation of ghosts who simply disappeared into a hole in the ground.

Because they are incredibly bulky and have less than two minutes of fire. Great if you have enough people to have specialists, but otherwise not so great.

Aha! So Jesus was an SJW!

Top kek, just admit that your idea is fucking bullshit, otherwise it would have been tried more often. You are an underage autist shitposting from your mums basement, what would you know about a fight?
Unless dozens of Anticoms attack at the same time, you will not achieve anything. And that will diminish the attack power on the main front heavily. Fuck right off faggot.


A "deadly weapon" or "dangerous weapon" is literally anything the prosecution can argue it is. A broken bottle can be a deadly weapon. What matters is that it's an item, the intended use of which is to cause serious bodily harm or death.

Deadly weapons per se
A deadly weapon per se is usually defined as a firearm and may include knives of a certain length (usually three inches or longer, depending on jurisdiction). Statutes list weappns such as switchblade, gravity knife, ballistic knife, stiletto, sword, dagger, blackjack, brass knuckles, nunchaku (fighting sticks), shuriken (throwing stars), among others.

Other deadly weapons
Any object designed, made, or adapted for the purposes of inflicting death or serious physical injury can be considered a deadly weapon.

For example, a shoe or a shod foot used for kicking may be considered a dangerous weapon.[2][3] A Florida man was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after throwing a live alligator through the open drive-in window of a fast food restaurant

Use of a baseball bat will probably get you done with "inciting a riot" as well as "assault with a deadly weapon." Your intended use, with the baseball bat, is to bash skulls. This can kill someone. Ergo, Assault with a Deadly/Dangerous weapon. The flagpole excuse people have mentioned is that it has the loophole of "well, I came to show pride, they attacked me, and I improvised"

Look at the "Deadly Weapon" language in your state. Honestly, there are plenty of actual flagpoles which end in speartips or sharp objects (like stars of david), so you might be able to get away with it… in court.

The question is, do you want to go to court over this? The best thing to do is to buy something cheap and shitty, afix a flag which is cheap and shitty, and handle it only with gloves. Then, be prepared to abandon it at the scene.

2020, dipshit.

Just go.

This is, plus experience from the 1970s, is why I think a lot of the direct action/fighting is misguided and stupid.

The public is just going to see "kids getting bashed" and feel sympathy for the martyrs. I think a winning strategy is continued ridicule (obviously defend yourself if you're attacked, but in that case, get a concealed and learn and… you know… actually defend yourself – don't forget the dude at Milo's second to last talk who shot someone in self defense and was released by the cops – this medieval warfare shit is larping). In addition to continued ridicule and making fun of them, I think it would be good to show up, as a group, *after* Antifa or BLM protests to pick up the pieces. Arrive with shovels and work gloves and brooms at a community (not the university protests – fuck them) and offer to help clean up. When they ask why, just tell them that we're all Americans and we need to stick together and that you're tired of seeing a bunch of entitled, communist assholes burn shit and break shit and leave communities in ruins.

Right Wing Cleanup Crews.

thanks user

Arson while they're out, of course
Or just throw smoke bombs through their windows and make the place uninhabitable

In my opinion, we don't need weapons. Lefties and Commies can't fucking fight. They've got no muscle to speak of after a lifetime of xenoestrogens and vegan eating. The average slightly-right-of-center Trump supporter could probably take on 3 of the average antifa rioters barehanded.

We need shields and we need helmets and we need to be handing them out whenever Trump supporters gather to show solidarity. We need a shield wall protecting patriots and blocking any incoming faggots swinging flagpoles and baseball bats.

A shield is not a weapon. It's a clear sign of self defense and preservation. If a cop asks you why you're carrying it or why you're wearing a helmet, you can point to every violent riot, like the Berkley one, where a guy was bashed in the head and hospitalized by "peaceful protestors"

A shield lets you block thrown rocks and bottles, and makes it harder for anyone to take you down, but it also offers a lot of great benefits alongside the optics benefits… Namely that it helps obscure your identity. Especially if we have a ton of identical shields and we're all in Phalanx Formation. It's harder to get a look at someone's face or at an identifying piece of clothing, or anything like that behind a big enough shield. That small layer of anonymity makes it easier to participate and cooperate with other shieldbros.

People behind the shield-line: Sign-holders, anyone with a megaphone, any celebrity presence is protected, allowing them to speak, but it also keeps them from being forced into confrontations that muddle their message or the impact of their presence.

The shields will also make our side look bigger and like more of a threat. A dozen guys milling about doesn't have the same visual impact as a neatly lined up squad of shieldbros.

And the best possible scenario.. Say a bunch of lunatic antifa faggots rush the shield-line.. Can you imagine the photos? Based Stickman going nuts on some commies was good enough, but a band of blue collar guys holding the line against a ton of scrawny blackblock hipsters, protecting their own.. I know PR and Optics and all that is bullshit, but we're waging a cultural and psychological war here. Getting Trump into office has driven these people to insanity and suicidal depression. A few confrontations with a Lion Guard shield line, with the national anthem blaring and the Stars and Stripes waving proudly in the back… It would be massively demoralizing to these faggots who think they are the patriotic rebels. It would change minds. It would gather support like crazy.

Watch the Stickman video again. Stickman only charges in because his buddy (red helmet) gets pulled off his footing and into the Antifa crowd. They don't fight fair. And your "lol vegans" meme doesn't explain two/three people managing the pull Red Helmet into the crowd to beat the shit out of him… (oh and then the police arrested him – the fucking cops in berkeley are not on our side).

As for identity…

Uniforms. Including identical masks.

I'm onboard with your non-violent approach, though. Also bring blaring speakers/megaphones for the anthem to drown out the chanting. You've got to ridicule them and egg them on.

Mob tactics. Taking the guy by surprise and dragging him into the crowd while he's off balance was the only way they were able to fight… and it still took several of them to do it. Hence the goal of sticking close and maintaining a wall. No one man standing by himself where these faggots can try to drag them into a crowd and have their way with them before running off.

You need enough people, but otherwise I agree with you.

We aren't idiot European football hooligans who are just there to bash some dipshit commies. If you want to win, you can't be looking like something that will threaten the general populace. My ideal situation is get a bunch of dudes in identical uniforms with shields, maybe some flag poles among them. Then some guys with a drum and fife or trumpet and a big banner to lead the march. A huge speaker towed in a wagon behind them as the "artillery" blasting patriotic songs. Shieldwall protects the speaker + whoever is leading the march with a bullhorn. Drown out, ridicule Antifa. Make fun of them. Make their movement look shitty and disorganized. When they attack, defend yourselves.

I don't wanna be "that guy" and start pulling e-peen rank when it's likely mine's older, fuck off. You didn't know who we were talking about when it was in several other active threads, that's all I was referring to. I didn't care about the rest of your post and I still don't. I meant "lurk moar" in the sense it's actually meant, lurk and read before you fucking post. If you did you'd see the thread is mostly about defending yourself against idiots, not killing college kids or I'd be explaining how to make mortars. Thanks for the new copypasta though.

No wonder you're an oldfag. You suck.

I'm reluctant to agree to uniforms or anything like that. We're not looking to be a military unit, or some repeat of project chanology. It's very, very easy to spin a story of a neo-nazi army.. But likewise, getting a bunch of "normal people" all standing up to physically and figuratively defend American values, our President, our Democracy, our constitutional rights.. That's harder to spin.

If you REALLY want to fuck with them, make the shields look like Captain America's original shield. Call ourselves "The Defenders" and use the hashtag #defenders to fuck with twitter and spread redpills when the Defenders Netflix show comes out.

As an added thought, we could use techniques from actual LARPers to make the shields foam. Boffer LARPs are meant for full contact, so they build their stuff to take a beating, but also to mitigate injury. Showing up with sturdy, but heavily padded shields means even less chance to be accused of starting shit while also increasing effectiveness.. But if one of these hipster cunts charges at you and gets shield-slammed in the face, there's no less chance their glasses and assorted piercings won't fuck up their faces.

The uniforms are so it's harder for the cops to arrest you and charge you with anything.

Fact of the matter is, even if you're only defending yourself, THE COPS ARE NOT ON YOUR SIDE.

There's this fucking fiction that because the cops usually vote conservative they're on your side. They're not. They do what their leaders tell them to do. And in most of these cities, their leaders are corrupt, liberal politicians. That's why stickman got arrested and charged and the commies didn't.

If you're all in the same uniform, it's gonna be hard for them to say which one of you did it, unless they catch you in the act. Stickman was easily identifiable. Everyone should just show up in blue track suits from Adidas or something similarly easy to pull off.

Defenders is good, especially because of the Netflix play, even if I'd prefer something more historical like Sons of Liberty or Minutemen.

An exceptionally fair point. It's worth acknowledging that even self defense or non-violent actions will still likely be reason enough for cops to start hauling you off. Worse still, even if the cops are "conservative" it means nothing if they have no solidarity for our cause or message. Worse still, they might be under order from a mayor or governor to act against us, but permit lefty rioters to do as they please, like they did in Berkley and Chicago and Baltimore.

Ideally, if the cops were on our side, we'd have a far easier time waging psychological warfare on these antifa cunts. Settling for stopping them dead in the tracks with a shieldwall is good too.


Lots of good info in these threads. What serious far right groups are there in the US that aren't LARPers or honeypots? Trump needs a serious Sturmabteilung for outside of his rallies.

Fuck them all. Find a proper Patriot group, not some gang of Naziboo faggots.

I should add to the Assault with a Deadly Weapon stuff that even if you don't use a "deadly weapon" you can still get an aggravated assault charge.

Aggravated assault is an attempt to cause serious bodily injury to another or to cause serious bodily injury purposely, knowingly or recklessly, with an extreme indifference to the value of human life.

So, again. It's best to just defend yourself if you're being attacked… and use a gun if you have a concealed. The rules are more clear. "I was afraid for my life. I was under attack. I defended myself."

Shields still work, though.

Figured as much. Our Nazi Party here is full of skinhead retards

I couldn't find a picture, but basically yes. Imagine a flag (banner) that is 2 or 3 feet tall, attched to the pole just like a flag, on one side of the fabric, but is only 1 or 1.5 feet wide.

Pretty much this. I've even seen open handed strikes ruled as deadly weapons because the guy was exmilitary or was proven to have martial training otherwise (regular dojo visits, black belt, etc.).

You're retarded if you think that the MSM will have any sway what so ever by then.

I have no idea if the msm will still have sway. Things have accelerated and escalated much faster than I ever thought they would, so I've stopped trying to predict – I'm just going off what we have now… where the msm still has sway and the average american doesn't want to see 20 somethings, even commie fuck 20 somethings, getting curbstomped.

Remember Kent State?

Learn to read. That antifa died from a HEROIN OVERDOSE, not the dropkick, a week later.

You're fucking retarded. The German's had a hell of a hard time taking power, and had less resistance to deal with than Golden Dawn does with the information age and the current power the EU grants the global Zionists.

The Nationalist Socialists did the same thing Golden Dawn is doing, which is helping the community, and marching.

They also won an election. >.>

That I'm not so sure about tbh. I'm noticing increasing anti-commie sentiment, especially with the older folks. They see the utter absurdity of antifa literally assaulting people with deadly weapons over cartoon images. Though they themselves are certainly pro bernie/hillary and anti Trump they are increasingly disconnected and disconcerted with the extreme left's actions, and understand better the political process, one election is not the end of the world, etc.. I've been strategically working this division point for awhile now and I'm neck deep in it in Commiefornia.

Something else I've noticed is then when the topic comes to actual physical fitness, uncontrolled rioting, SHTF, literally all of the older one's I've spoken to have accepted they will die if this war boils over. They know they can't win a physical confrontation, and that's before I even point out the statics of gun ownership and political leaning.

Then add the literal foreign subversive elements that are at play here, like literal Chinese communists funding antifa. It's great D&C material and I've had very good success talking about how the political process is being subverted and how we the people must return to and remain as the vigilant citizens. Getting involved with government, local and otherwise, the court system, etc is very important to this process personally to attack the system where it hurts, not merely just bad mouth it on facebook or on the streets.

The older ones understand all this and rarely do I need to make protracted arguements. Simply following the line of, if you desire change in government you must first understand it, the mechanisms, and yourself be willing to tinker with it. Simple violence when not upon a traitorous element of government or tyrant is in itself traitorous and unproductive to growth.

The younger ones, many won't listen long enough to follow the logic. A few will and I've won some minds that way (the more important white ones mostly) but generally until reality actually fucking physically hits them they are literally entranced.

One last thing, if the it comes up, which usually not, I'll define government in the classical and strictly lawful ways, and illustrate how the color of law government deviates from it (for profit, control, etc.) for the anti-gov types.

There is one side solution, though you must be magically prowessed and they must be open to spiritual rebirth, then you can side step the folly of word and the corruption of language by conveying the transcendental truth in experience itself.

Would be a good thing to spray on their masks. Take off mask and get IDed or smell ass the rest of the riot.

You won't be able to hear as well, nor will you be able to tell as easily if someone is behind you with that bulky thing in your head. Also if it's not at least DOT approved (think $200 at least for something like that) then it's probably garbage, and it's very likely that it will offer hardly any protection against blunt force trauma. Also have you ever tried to run with one of those things on your head? It feels like you're going to suffocate. For those reasons i'd sooner go without head protection than wear a motorcycle helmet in a fight that lasts more than a few minutes.

If you're going to pick anything from the world of motorcycling; i'd suggest a good, tight pair of boots and some gloves. The right boots will protect your ankles, shins and will probably have external armour if you want to hurt someone with them too. The gloves have already been discussed, but the type you're going to want are going to have plastic inserts in the knuckle part and will come down past your wrist. Luckily these are usually the cheapest kind and you'll probably find a pair for $30 if you really shop around.


This much is true. The smell of ass probably just going to make them horny. Plus that little bottle is quite expensive. To make it official, I have now drawn up my own pepper spray recipe.

3 gallons of water - free
1 packet of RIT pink clothing dye - $5
10 grams of nonivamide powder (98%, 12.5 Million Scoville units) - $18 on ebay

Using a respirator and gloves outside with a hotplate or fire, heat a quart of water in a pot with the dye and powder until dissolved thoroughly. Mix in a container with the rest of the 3 gallons of water and stir using a throwaway wooden stick. Use less water if you want it to be more painful and effective and use more if the mixture is too powerful or if you desire more of a weaker solution. Feel free to add more nonivamide or capsaicin crystals, powder or liquid.
Must be sprayed directly into the eyes, face or neck and chest. Test the solution first for effectiveness and adjust accordinly.
For additional effectiveness, use mineral oil instead of water. Oil adheres and soaks into skin moreso than water, but you may not like the added cost of using oil.
For 3 gallons of potent pepper spray, $23 isn't bad.

Why not douse them in cadaverine? The smell of rotting bodies?

Even at riots/protests you could tail small groups as they break off to get high and mark the fuck out of them.


Because its time consuming, difficult and requires your ass being up to par to produce it, not to mention special chemicals and equipment.
Its not like your avarage molotovs you are trying to produce.

This is true. My recipe takes about 20 minutes to make and requires you to only be able to use a hot plate and pour. Just don't make it inside.
Not sure how safe RIT clothing dye would be for your eyes, but you can use pink food coloring too.

11/10 It's alright.

Are there laws controlling strength of pepper spray in the US?

Yes. You can get done for a chemical weapons charge. There's also specific charges for producing/selling/offering your own "tear gas."

Also use of stuff like Butyric Acid and Liquid Ass, in certain contexts, will get you done with a domestic terrorism charge.

This is the best advice in the thread. When the media shows the clash, the normies just see "two groups of radicals, both are bad" but if one side actually puts in an effort to help the innocent shop owners who just had their windows smashed simply for having a shop nearby it presents the idea that our side are there to protect the regular people while antifa are not and are their enemy.

its generally the cops job to protect property and civilians during these pitched battles but it will pay to go out of your way during them to assist people just trying to navigate the area who are neutral or engage groups of antifa attacking shop fronts since the police generally don't. When interviewed make sure to emphasis that you are trying to protect the uninvolved

Some music to play while confronting Antifas
Because honestly? Who doesn't like a good fighting song?

I recall something like this actually happen after the Berkeley riots–the Trump supporters came back to the scene after the riots to help clean up since it's "their community" after all. No antifa in sight. Unfortunately, no MSM to report on this, only students and actual residents through social media.

Social media is the biggest weapont to combat antifa: show the world the hypocrisy of the left. If Twitter bans you, move to Facebook. If Facebook erases you, move to other places. Most importantly, keep working on spreading them.

You know what, I hadn't even thought of this, but that's fucking brilliant. 92% of left-wing rioters live with their parents and a majority are unemployed, so this would be easy and safe. Given the average age of unemployment, their parents likely wouldn't even be home. God, even if it means an end to all things comfy, RWDS can't come soon enough.

Also, the comments on that video are fucking awful. Even now, I can't believe how many fucking stupid, limp wristed normies there are in the world.

oh dog the lulz we had when popping these shits under neighbours windows during the summer. couldnt stahp laffin my ass off at the collective gagging

traitor dissasociated

or a baseball helmet they are supposed to protect from baseball bats flying towards your face so should do fine in against antifa and they are significantly cheaper

Rebar works. I advise the thinner stuff, but not so thin that it'll bend when you rap a commie across the knees.
Get it at any home supply store. A bit of duct-tape and you're good to go.
For those in the field: Consider making 'flag poles' out of hollow plastic tubing, inside which tape-wrapped-rebar can be housed until needed. Commies show up and start shit? Pop the cap off the bottom of the piping, pull out a few lengths of rebar with tape-handles, distribute, you're good to go.

Underrated post.

Cut the Commies supply lines.

not at this point. What are you going to do, that seems like an awful lot of effort just to force the commies to pack an extra protein bar before they go rioting.
They aren't a militia yet. They don't have any logistics. They go home at the end of the day like everyone else and have a pizza or whatever. They aren't solely reliant on this food not bombs thing.


Nice projection, you absolute imbecile.
Unlike you, i have punched quite a few people in the face and know what it takes to take down an enemy.
Suckerpunching one antifag from behind is a portrayal of your own weakness and cowardice, isn´t a guaranteed knockout unless you give them a clean headshot with a bat, and achieves absolutely nothing to break their attack front, unless you weaken your own frontline massively and put half of your people behind the antifag crowd. This would be extremely suspicious, since you would have to march with them from their starting point to not stick out like a sore thumb.
It would also make your own crowd look a lot smaller. The whole point is to send a message to the public, and the smaller the crowd, the less effective the statement.
Get your attention somewhere else, please. Your "strategy" is a load of shit. Kill yourself for being such an obnoxious little cunt.

That said, here is how to fight with a long flagpole against a short stick when you secure the frontline:

>high school
Size =/= fighting skill

This is what you really use in a fight, you can get it anywhere, carry it easily, and ammo can be anything.
After some practice it's like a gun, sometimes better as every shot WILL down one person regardless of where it hits.
Works in melee range too.
Plus you can load all sorts of chemicals in it and throw it right in the middle of their bunch.
If you learn to skirmish effectively they will also never be able to get into range.
You also reload and shoot ultra fast after practice, especially if you have a friend who takes care of carrying ammo and loading, it's pretty much chaingun mode.
A new thing I tried is breaking a few beer bottles, piling several pieces into a single projectile and toss: AoE bleeding damage.
Two people doing this with loaders = permanent area denial.

The only downside is that if you load stones chances to kill are somewhat high even if you hold back. This is why you should not start with heavies but with plastic, light ceramic or even heavy rubber: it's enough to make enemies into non-combatant, and gives you time to learn to aim accurately.
One steel ball, full force shot. Blunt damage breaks your bones regardless of armor, unless they wear specific anti-blunt-projectile armor (never seen anyone wearing one).

Remember the golden rule of combat: Ranged > Melee.

user please

If you think G.D. wasn't doing just that then you're a fucking idiot or just not informed. So, when not properly informed about something just don't talk about it. G.D has people in the military and police. Outside that, they had some "widescale" training, mostly at the countryside, but now after the witch hunt by the state they shut most of them down.

They won't go mass murdering and do the jews a favour. Although, them being a honeypot? Maybe… maybe not..

Son, pls. You're embarrassing yourself.

Slings are good and if some anons trained in them we could seriously fuck up antifa without firearm charges but don't act like they're not shit-tier compared to actual guns.

He did not get away with it. He got decades in a Spanish Prison. He lived is the best you can say about that battle.

The police side with the antifa by ignoring their attacks on Trump supporters, while aggressively arresting (pro-Trump) Stickman for surviving the battle.

The police and ombudsmen will laugh and scorn your complaints.

The antifa are a new branch of police. Police and antifa are just two branches of the freemasons enforcers. Full weight of the state behind both, against us.

hi CIA

Is there any reason as to why no one's suggested yet to just buy a surplus riot cop helmet off the internet? You can get ones with the full face mask and the protection for the back of your neck for ~$50. You can find ones without the neck thing for even cheaper.

Have some reccomended molotov mixes, all historical, tried and tested.

formulation of Che Guevara - 3/4 gasoline and 1/4 oil, cheap commie that he was.
formulation of VAZ - 2/4 of gasoline, oil 1/4, 1/4 ethanol + 10-20 grams of dry mixture of aluminum dust and iron filings in a thin-walled glass ampoule to make a intensely hot fire after breaking;
Finnish recipe - To Gasoline add 10-20 ml of industrial sludge (Grease, grime, tallow, any kind of filth found in a McDonalds's grease dumpster, jew fat…;
Soviet self-igniting recipe - equal parts of gasoline, kerosene and naphtha, the fuse - the thin-walled ampoule (a glass tube melted at both ends with a hot flame) with sulfuric acid, potassium chlorate salt and sugar;
French recipe - Gasoline and acetone (nail polish remover) mixed in a ratio of 1: 1, add 50 ml of turpentine, then gradually dissolved in shredded polystyrene into a thick syrup
(variant - polystyrene is first dissolved in acetone, and then mixing it with gasoline).
Turkish Formulation - 70% gasoline, 10% wax, 20% of oil. White phosphorus is then dissolved in the mixture.
Odesskaya formula (French version, used, in particular during the Hrushevs'koho Street Clashes. ) - 70% gasoline, 30% shredded foam dissolved in maximum possible concentration in acetone.
Feel Free to add mint and lemon extracts, we want those commie corpses lemony fresh as we Mr. Clean them off the face of the Earth!

what are you on about?
you're absolutely delusional
this isn't a vidya game.
no it isn't. Useful, but not a gun
Say that to the mob of Antishits with bats and clubs that swarms you and beats you to a pulp after you manage to shatter a single knee.
You'd need entire units of highly skilled slingers to achieve any sort of effectiveness and it's all for nothing when one of them brings a riot shield.

/r/ing a picture of a hunter in RealTree camo hiding behind a deer as it pees, collecting it in a jar.

Right beside that picture, take the same hunter and have him slathering deer piss on his cheeks like that picture of the Russian with the cosmoline (that I swore I fucking saved, but can't find because I am a shit and my stuff is disorganized)

Sage for /r/

It should be pointed out that this was a drill. The rioters are police/military volunteers. But I agree with your idea. Ironically, the "black block" that antifa calls itself started as a bunch of German leftist former military guys using riot/tetsudo tactics to DEFEND leftist street actions against the police. They're now the majority in Europe, and protected by the system, so they've lost all their disciplined techniques due to lack of need. It's high time for the Right to pick up the slack and become experts at these tactics. The trick won't just be tactics like these, but numbers; until we show up in large enough numbers that the police won't be aggressive, then the police will focus on us for "winning" the way they did with Stickman. We need numbers, that should be our biggest focus right now.

You get numbers by showing strength and showing your members are protected. An "aryan brotherhood," if you will.
You show that you own these events, that antifa is just a bunch of punks who get their asses kicked, and you'll have your numbers.

Exactly, success and an appearance of strength is the best recruitment tool there is. People rally around strength and competence, something many under-estimate these days with the popularity of "PR approaches"; there's no better PR than strength, intelligence, moral fortitude – all the classic traits of leadership. A good example to look to emulate (in certain respects, not overall) is the "casuals/ultras" subculture in Russia. These are mostly nationalists who organize and train like citizen militias. Their aims might be a bit degenerate, since they focus mostly around football matches, but their training model is successful and should be studied.

Nice video. The only thing wrong with it is that it's whites against whites and therefore they show each other respect. When the other man is defenseless, they let up.
Antifa doesn't do that. Neither should any right-winger when fighting antifa.

Love that vid. The propane guy is the best. I love how he challenges the cops. I really want to do something that to antifa fags.


Old thread on emulating training:

What's the movie?

Well, it's training, so it can never be exactly like actual battle. You want to preserve the people you're training for the battlefield, or there's no point training them. But if you get them prepared mentally and physically by getting them as close to the real thing as possible, then they'll fight way better than the antifa will. Antifa doesn't train really. Some do martial arts, but most of them are degenerate, drunken, drug using pieces of shit. It might make a lot of sense get involved with HEMA, or SCA type groups, to give you a bit of cover from scrutiny and allow you to train in group battle. tbh I think what makes it easier for these ultras/casuals is that they recruit from the football fan scene. It's harder for us without a subculture like that to cross-over with. Somehow the meme has to spread that grouping up and training in group fighting tactics is a thing.

notice the numbers the soldiers have: not as many as the police, but combined with their discipline and tactics, they force the cops to send in their chief to negotiate with them. If they had fewer numbers, and just did things chaotically, the cops would have crushed them. We need organization, training, and numbers. Question is, how do we get those?

(Start video at 3:20)

I've been saying for more than a year that that Europeans should recruit ultras in fascism.
In fact, soccer hooligans are nearly already Holla Forums-tier, they just don't know it. They usually identify as white (european) working class and none of them really care for shitskins. Hooligans are there for the taking. They have the streetfighting/riot experience and instead of attacking and fighting their fellow white working class, all it will take is a nudge to push them against shitskins and kikes. I am lost when I think of why these firms haven't at least been prodded and had their tires kicked to see where they are in the demographic battle.

Point on the subject of flag poles. A proper staff for fighting should be made of hardwood, at least an inch thick and preferably more, about a foot taller than you are, made of hardwood, and held from one end like a spear, not in the middle unless you have actual training in using a quarterstaff and know what the hell you're doing.

Ensure that your flag poles are similar, and can actually deal damage without breaking if shit goes south. 3/4-inch pine dowels will not do.

Hooligans are scum. They know how to have a scrap but that's about it. They're essentially white niggers with marginally better work ethic.
They should be at most a tool to be used, rarely.

The point is that nobody is using them. They're probably a lot like American bikers. For the most part, they're white. But all they're interested in is meth, motorcycles and whores. Of course it would be great if they realized they were all white and the great plague of society is kikes, but that's just not going to happen.
Everyone would love to see bikers, hooligans and fascists alike all fighting off the commie scum. There's a lot of crossover. I'm sure hooligans hate commies and I know bikers (still a good deal of them being vietnam vets) hate commies. But getting them together for a politicial cause aside from voting Trump is another story.

not possible, they're brainwashed retards