D&C Kike checklist

D&C Kike checklist
-Hate on gays (although more or less justified, still counts as D&C)
-Hate on women, shill for MGTOW (Sexual D&C)
-Hate on christians/pagans (Religious D&C)
-Hate on blacks (Racial D&C)
-Hate on older/younger generations (Generational D&C)
-Hate on "not white" european ethnicities (White D&C)
-Do not hate on Jews, they are white and our greatest ally.
-The Rothschilds, Quaids and Schmidts have not been complicit in fomenting wars and revolutions for centuries
-jews are not responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of whites in Russia, the Ukraine, Germany and other European states.
-jews did not aid and abet the moorish invasion of Europe
-Jews did not have spies like Jonathan Pollard steal our nuclear secrets
-They do not have 80-200 warheads aimed at global cities for their "Samson Option"
-Jewish George Soros did not fund revolution in Ukraine
-Jewish George Soros did not have Israeli dual citizens placed in Ukraine government and businesses in order to drain the country dry of resources
-Jewish George Soros did not fund riots in Baltimore, Ferguson, Charlotte and elsewhere in the continental USA.
-Jewish George Soros did not create guides for shitskin invaders to rape Europe
-They did not strafe the USS Liberty
-They have not plotted against the USA for over a hundred years
-They have not infiltrated the central banks, banking system and government with dual citizen israeli nationals
-They did not have art students plant thermite charges in the WTC then aid and abet the Saudi hijackers
-They do not traffic in black market organs stolen from kidnapped and murdered eastern europeans
-They do not participate in the white slave trade
-They have not attempted to propagandize and demoralize our country with Hollywood and the mass media
-They do not rape and cannibalize children to perpetuate Moloch/Matanbuchus/Belial worship
-They are not a major exporter of illegal drugs
-They are not a state sponsor of ISIS.
Israel is a nationalist state too, goyim!

Flat Earth / Young Earth shilling
+Obvious misinfo/disinfo campaign to "poison the well"
+Not so obvious attempt to destroy white history (white scientific accomplishments such as space travel, globe circumnavigation, etc). On par with ISIS destroying historical artifacts.
+Anatomically modern humans have existed for ~200,000 years, the kikes have a vested interest to destroy this
+Another way to distract people from the Solutrean Hypothesis (white colonization of North America pre-dating mongol invasion)

Thread hidden, saged and reported.

Anti-Trump / Anti-Putin shilling
+Heavily correlated narratives (shill often repeats both in same thread)
+>muh russians
+"Trump is a kike" "Putin is a kike" narratives
+Attempts to separate Putin from Holla Forumsack support
+Attempts to separate Trump from Holla Forumsack support

Here comes the purity spiral!

Hold the fuck up.

The jews are behind 90% of the shilling on this board and are largely behind every bad thing that has happened in the past 300 years. Every single jew must be destroyed. I dare either of you to also state that every single jew must be killed.

Muh Degeneracy Shilling
+Find topics to divide whites (pick identity politics)
+Drug/Alcohol/Intoxicant use
+Religious affiliation
+Encourage whites to kill other whites
+Whatever you do don't mention the jews

Economy Shilling
+Never mention actual economic principles like deflation
+Try to create a sense of despair
+Encourage Anons to self-dox by creating "pity party"

thats the point of nationalism ya fucking faggot

Black Hate Threads
+Encourage hatred of blacks
+Advocate street violence instead of deportation
+Never mention negative jewish influence on black "culture"
+750 replies almost guaranteed, all posts that do not discuss the jewish problem.

Did you know that almost all MDMA shipped to the USA is made in Israel? It's useful for the treatment of PTSD but is illegal to be used in that way. However, it's given out by the bucketful to be used during jewish-run "concert events" to ensure maximum profits.

Pretty good breakdown on the bait/circlejerk threads that get posted to Holla Forums all the time.

Yeah right you AIDS filled homo

Identity Politics
+Encourage establishment of false consensus by shouting down opposing views and using thought terminating memes
+False consensus becomes accepted ideology (collection of beliefs)
+Encourage self-identification of individual with beliefs to incorporate ideology with identity.
+When beliefs are threatened, target becomes irrational because identity is threatened
+Do not discuss philosophy (actual National Socialism) or any logic. Instead try to find emotional triggers and short circuits to quickly end discussion.


Shit comic. Shit thread. Kill yourself painfully.

That's all for now, I hope you enjoyed.

Shoo grindr greggy shoo

strawman argument.

You have been afflicted by thought terminator memes. Do not become triggered. Read whole post, suppress anger and replace with logic.

Not really
You're implying that identity politics is bad and isn't that what our promotion of the white race is

You have been inflicted with AIDS resulting in this useless thread.

Homosexuallity in its modern form is an entirely Jewish construct

You advocate killing whites for silly reasons. Is very much like kike, no?

Where do I say that

It's a different kind of identity politcs.

For the left - Identity politics means you can CHOOSE your identity and be whatever you want (even a transfeminist genderqueer special snowflake).

for the right - Identity politics means you are part of an ethno group, with a history, ancestors and tribal ethos and this CANNOT BE CHANGED.

Both are different ideologies which completely deny the other.

Yeah who doesn't like supporting a pedo infested, disease vector, demographic who often support kike agenda.

Fair enough

Where do I say anything about white race?

When national socialist, you work for good of volk. If volk is white, then genetics is white. Identity not matter, only genetics matter. You confuse identity with reality. Maybe you spend too much time being confuse about attack helicopter sexuality?

Anthrax is bad disease but in hands of smart white people, is weapon.

So the key difference is subjective v.s objective identity?

Keep in mind as well that people need a sence of being to work in the fullest capacity, to belong to something, whether that is our tribe our our volksgheist is up to you but if someone doesn't know what they are then they are nothing

You are of getting it!
Have interesting images, my gift to you

And white faggots are just as harmful so your comparison to anthrax makes no fucking sense as it can walk around and fuck 500+ men while also facing higher rates across the board for substance abuse, poor familial conditions, and all around bad shit. Unless you are saying that faggots can be used like a weapon which us equally retarded.

whites have easy time to train dangerous animal. jews like you not have so much luck.

It's more to do with an individualistic approach to identity versus a collective and historic approach to identity.

Cultural Marxism, communism and other radical ideologies work like a typical cult in that they attempt to detach the individual from their collective and historic identity (family, friends, history) so that their brainwashing has a clean slate to work on.

First, they convince the individual that identity doesn't exist (it's a societal construct!), then they give the individual a new identity as a "freedom fighter" whose mission is to further attack and destroy the identity of the people and nation.

This is why there is such a push against Christianity, and the symbols, history and traditions of our ancestors. These things ground us in a world view that we have evolved as a species over countless ages and which we have optimized to protect our genetic lines from all competitors.

Evolution isn't just biological - but memetic. Biology and memes work symbiotically to ensure they propagate and reproduce.

You do know the degeneracy argument is mostly made because As long as kikes and other hostile elements exists, they'll use all the degeneracies against us. I have a long past in degeneracy, lost a dozen years on drugs and hedonism. Kikes were those pushing them too. If kikes are exterminated world wide and the country becomes 100% culturally and ethnically pure, then I'll be open to open avenues tolerating degeneracy. I do say tolerating , never ever making it become mainstream or be promoted in any way shape or form.


No it's not.

Just filter and report, it's a sliding TRSodomite.

Actually, he's just heavily linked to them, and his daughter is one as well.

Hah, good one.
Oy vey..