Are Trump supporters really this dumb??

Are Trump supporters really this dumb??

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Much dumber, actually.



The Daily Show is trash.

tfw Hillary drops out of the race because of parkinsons

Yeah, he's really OUR GUY, eh fellow proletariat? He's really fighting for US.

Well, all NYC investment bankers hate him to the core. So he must do something right

You can find as many Hillary supporters who are as retarded as those people.
The actual question is: "are American voters really this dumb?"

The answer is yes.

Yeah, declaring Chapter 11 bankruptcy the most times out of any company in the US.

Why is that leftists have no problem saying that Americans are dumb, when they go batshit when blacks are called dumb?

Is this some of that dialectics is magic or are you really such doublethinkers?

Usually, thoses who are saying blacks are dumb invoke genetic reasons, while thoses calling Americans dumb blame it on shit education (and propaganda).

That's irrelevant as leftists would have the same dats rayciss respone to blacks being called dumb for non-genetic reasons.

You would never see a leftist respond to a video of dumb black with: are blacks really this dumb?

This is implicit ideololgy, showing the true meaning and value of their concept of racism.

Education is a usefull scapegoat, blaming it allows people the illusion that they only need to explain things better to get some intelligence into people.

American isn't a race.

americans are indeed pretty dumb, and that includes black americans

From the thumbnail I thought that one in the lower left was a naga.

Semantics that are besides the point.

They are the dumbest by all measures.

Because when you talk about "blacks" you are inherently talking about black as a race.

When you're talking about "americans" you're talking about a group of people who are confined to a specific educational and societal system.

No, not really. Since you Holla Forumsyps like to use that excuse everytime someone (anyone) calls Trump a "rayciss": Mexican isn't a race; Muslim isn't a race. These are true things, and it's not at all semantics when the crux of your argument is exactly "[leftist] concept of racism."

Again, rationalization that is besides the point. Neither would leftists ever say: mexicans are dumb, turks are dumb, jamaicans are dumb.. that would be decried as racism just the same while they all are a groups of people who are confined to a specific educational and societal system.

And still, if you really do mean this, why is it that people belonging to a "group of people who are confined to a specific educational and societal system" can be safely classified as dumb, while it is the greatest of heresies to say this of a race?

I know, it's dictionary essentialism that gives a spooky quality to words over meaning. Leftists are correct to call it out for that.

American blacks get the same shit education (and propaganda) that all us other Americans get.

I believe the problem is not only our schools are state-run but so is most of our media as well. Americans used to have much more transparency, better education, better moral standards, better healthcare, better work ethics and our media actually reported about serious problems and issues. That no longer is the case today. Problems have been intentionally obfuscated to dumb us down. Our school curriculum has been redacted or changed to to dumb us down. A while back our churches used to preach the word of God to make us into better, more understanding people. That all changed as the churches became corrupted by tax exemption (501c3 programs) and now many churches are state-run as several pastors have come out whistleblowing over the last 10 years or so.

Could the problem be the state itself, not the people?

First off, let me try to explain something to you. It's going to be difficult to grasp at first, but try and follow me.

"Leftists" are not one homogenous group. We aren't a hivemind. We aren't liberals, or SJWs, or whatever other category you want to try and corral us all into because recognizing individuals instead of a spooky collective is too hard on your brain.

This is correct, because collectively referring to people based on arbitrary physical characteristics and critiquing them on unrelated factors like intelligence is retarded. They aren't "blacks". Like leftists, they aren't a hivemind. And they aren't dumb because they're black, so it's irrelevant.

It isn't a scapegoat, education is how you become not a retard. That is the purpose of education. If you cannot gain information by having things explained to you, then what do you propose is the source of knowledge? Were you born with an understanding of mathematics? No.


I diddn't noticed at first, but you startedby already a false dichotomy,you seem to separate Americans and blacks as two distincts entities. But Blacks can be Americans you know? Seeing an Afroamerican saying stupid shit, and a White American saying stupid shit, my reaction is the same: lol Muricans!

You kno, in my country, the shool is also turning to shit, and how do people cope with it? Those who can are paying private lessons and teacher, leading to an aggravation of classes differences. Is the same happening in America

trump is the savior of the hwhite race and will establish a fith rike!!! t. Holla Forums

He's just playing chess in 8D!!1!1!!!one!

It already happened over here. And it just keeps getting worse and worse and worse. That's why a radical right-wing movement is on the rise. Now I'm starting to wonder if some of them were actually correct all along about too much of the state being a big problem.

Things not under threat in this election: -neoliberalism
-security state
-corporate state
-permanent war
-Israel's occupation

Having any state at all is a problem


Then stop using the words liberals, SJW's, bourgoise and working class too.

What I notice is a trend so strong among leftists, that I see no reason for not recognizing it as a general part of their ideology because there are a handfull of super special leftists who think differently.

There's that word again "arbitrary". It could be use to deny the existence of trees because it's an arbitrary name we give to a certain formation of atoms.

If Americans can be called dumb, it would logically follow that this could be said of blacks even more so when looking at standards of measurement, the difference is your comfort with those statements, the rest is rationalisation.

Yes, if only someone explained everything better to the man in your pic, he could have been a rocket scientist.

There is truth to this. You could reason it away with a "we're all individuals!" but it's simply fact that they literally have a different brain structure.

Trump is awesome

T. True blooded marxist

Lol what. Turks are fucking morons.

Whenever you bring up shit about "intelligence" you invariably mean some indefinable vague concept like it's a RPG stat.

Well, blaming the state for shit education is like blaming a mass shooting on the gun.

They are, laws and official declarations don't dictate the reality of such belonging. That is one thing SJW's are correct about, statements aren't the reality we live in.

You're truly retarded.

12D chess guys!!!!!!1

yep thats happening no matter who "wins"

I have never met someone more wrong in my entire life.

Another great leftist irony. There is no intelligence, as per ideological sentiment, but pretty much everyone is a retard, but don't get any more specific than that, as per ideological sentiment.

Statist creationism.

No kidding. The only source of information and ideology for most people in the West is the spectacle of the media. No matter how much you try and succeed in bringing someone to a certain non-mainstream position, they will get re-brainwashed after a few days of watching TV and reading newspapers.

What do you expect from the Humans versus Orcs crowd?

What the fuck i am reading? Distiguishing Whte and Blaks, i can get it. But you still have Blacks Americans and White Americans. You have Blacks living in the US for seeral generations. How do you call them then?
According to your logic, there would be not such things as Americans because, the people you're thinking about are Europeans, letting the only Americans being the Natives.

I'm sorry, what? I don't get what you're trying to say here.

I think at first you were trying to say that lower class black people in the US are treated as subcitizens because of their race. Which is arguably true, although exploitation of the working class happens regardless.

Are you claiming then, that the systemic racism put in place by the ruling class somehow makes black bourgeoisie also deemed less than citizens? Because that's bullshit.

Do you have reading comprehension problem? He was criticizing your conception of intelligence, he did not deny intelligence exists.


I spend too much time being trolled by Holla Forums

He probably meant something along the line of "the State can't make someone American by the virtue of its laws, only my feelings have this authority"



wew The US and Russia have to be the stupidest countries on earth.

I don't Trust Nuclear weapons on their hands.


im sorry these could be easily cherry picked,
seriously just assume they went around for hours filming and picked the ones that sounded the most retarded,


trump will cause the system to cave in so i'm ok with him getting elected

