what is this slimy kike kushner up to? tony kike is the definition of a neocon and even recently had a rant against muh ebul populism.
Tony Blair has a secret White House summit as he launches astonishing bid to work for Donald Trump
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Selling uranium like Hillary for a living now?
Why the fuck is Kushner even in the administration? Apart from being rich and married to Trump's daughter, the guy is a total fucking nobody.
Jesus fucking Christ, Kushner needs to go. This is in no way acceptable.
kushner is confirmed yidraeli agent since we heard trump's conference with bibi. he's a kike asset trying to retake the gov into jewish hands.
You answered your own question
"Kushner, go play with Blair while the grown-ups work."
well really: "Jared, go play with Tony, the grown-ups have to get some work done"
most kikes are nobodies but they still get in positions of power because they are kikes.
Friends close, enemies closer?
I doubt Trump will select him for anything. Certainly not Middle East peace envoy given the shit he helped put us all in.
trump doesn't want him of course but kushner is trying to compromise everything with his kike globalist buddies.
Blair is the equivalent of a bong Clinton clone. He won't get shit from a Trump administration.
Dear President Trump,
P.S. Why did Ivanka breed with that rat?
Blair has bashed Trump in the past. I doubt Trump will let him on board. That said, Kushner and all his foreign dealings are going to get him tossed. Should be interesting to see the left go after him while trying not to.
Another one going to gitmo. He's a traitor and compulsive liar. He has no idea what the fuck is going on in his own country and much less about what's taking place in the middle east.
This cannot happen. Who suggested this to Trump?
devil shit
We need to make memes for the left saying that Kushner is a Russophile.
We really should. There have been some articles written by most likely out of the loop/narrative leftists mad at Trump targeting Kushner and his meetings with foreign Russian officials so some people could run with the story. If the fake news people start defending Kushner, it will be a signal to everyone that something is up with him.
lol no
Placing bets that Blairs is running interference for British intelligence spying on Trump at the behest of Obama and (((interests)))
Didn't this faggot just recently try to get the government to stop Brexit? Either Trump is brilliant or he's acting like a fool lately.
There is no fucking way Trump should let this neocon faggot into the fold at all. Do I need to remind you guys that this cunt was the one who corroborated dubya's "Weapons of mass destruction" casus belli to invade Iraq? The literal cause of our overseas engagements of the past decade and a half?
t. ausfag
Why are all these faggots trying to meme dubya and blair back into current events?
and the hamster wheel spins on and on.
The failed establishment is just flinging shit as usual. Bush II and his brother were openly ridiculed as a worthless, nation wrecking dumbasses throughout the recent election cycle. Blair has zero credibility in the States.
If we're lucky some Royal Marines will banish the faggot to a stone hut facing the North Sea.
You don't understand what the saying means. Keeping your friends close and your enemies closer simply means to keep a very close eye on your enemies at all times. It doesn't at all mean "let enemies infiltrate your inner circle" which is what Tony Blair would be doing here.
Not saying I want this faggot anywhere near the White House, but didn't he publicly apologize for the mistake which was the Iraq war?
Trump's just using Blair t ass-blast May. May talked a lot of shit about Trump before he became Potus. By Trump putting Blair out there, or by allowing Kushner too, it's pretty fucking embarrassing for May because as reviled as Blair might be he's still a previous head-of-state and with the backing of the USA he'd essentially allow United States to bypass May on a lot of things. Ultimately Blair knows he's in the dog-house and will play ball with Trump, but it could all just be a threat to get May to "know her place", in the sense that if she thought she was indispensable to USA's negotiations with Britain, she's wrong.
This has to be a fucking joke
Tony Blair is the ultimate good goy kike puppet. Slimy rat bastard who hammered the nail in Britain's coffin has the most punchable face in the world.
Color me surprised.
It would actually be a great move if he made Blair do many interviews saying how he was lied to by Bush Administration and its Intelligence Agencies as well as how military ventures in the ME have proven to have horrible long sustained disastrous effects and should be avoided at all costs. Although if he doesn't do that, screw him.
Pretty sure he maintains his innocence despite the damning evidence. He had to leave British politics as he was close to being criminally charged.
Even worse he defended prosecution of our soldiers for Iraq war crimes then in the same breath said he there isn't a need to prosecute him. He's the slime that grows on slime.
Kikes as far as the eye can see.
No, we dont need Tony Blair's fucking tears.
A wimpy British "voice of reason" is not going to make the noose any looser, kikes.
PLEASE send the traitor blair to the middle east as (((peace envoy)))
First stop Iran.
That slimey little twerp should have his head on a spike on London bridge but a spike in Tehran will do just as well
Trump will never work with The Blood God. People HATE The Blood God, I don’t know a single person who has anything but scathing detest for him. No matter where anyone falls on the political scale, everyone loathes him with a passion. The only people I have heard say a good word for him in the last half decade are his actual friends and even they feel the need to point out that they talking from the perspective of friendship and not in terms of political endorsement. He is hated more than any other figure in Britain. Ask 100 people on the street to succulently describe him and 99 of them bark the words “war criminal”.
He is also a fucking traitor, a turncoat who has made tens of millions “consulting” to hostile nations. This isn’t your usual 100k to deliver an endorsement to some bank at a dinner somewhere, this is Blair flying into desert nations, sitting down with the enemy and selling them state secrets for millions at a time.
He is so hated that his security detail costs the British taxpayer almost 5X that of the current PM.
Trump should oven whoever invited him to the Whitehouse; if he took on Blair in any capacity I’d have trouble dealing with it. It would be the final nail in the coffin for most of Britain, they are bombarded with any Trump propaganda but they would never in a million years change their mind on him should he work with The Blood God.
t. Bong
I can't stop giggling now.
Bannon needs to get this shit sorted.
1.Don't cut funds for things that are pure ancap wet dreams, like clean drinking water, increase funds for it, it's propaganda and cost fucking nothing relatively
2. The Iran shit, give it a rest, focus on Chyna.
3. End Syria conflict now, no more funding Al Qaueda.
4.Stop the Jews fucking cronying up, they are trying to take Trump down by jewing too hard, look at fucking Icahn and him basically 200m from using Trump executive orders as a threat with the Ethanol standards at production. This is so fucking blatant, it's basically going to fuck Trump in the ass because Jews have zero chill and want money now, not long term planning for Trumps re-election.
5. Kushner is sloppy, he is too fucking Jewy, he will do something stupid, this Tony Blair shit is the stupidest thing I have ever seen, Bannon get your shit together.
that just makes him sound cool to le edgy kids.
Kek. I saved that a while ago because he looked so smarmy and lewd. Can anyone else recognize evil in a person's face? Pretty sure the kikes "discredited" physiognomy so we wouldn't trust our instincts. Enjoy these shitty offerings.
No, no, no. That man is death to any kind of support Trump has at the very least.
He is despised and hated by the majority of people in the UK, of all kinds of groupings - staunch Labour voters hate him, and even people too young to remember his rule don't like him. This is despite the media here kissing his arse at every opportunity, which should tell you how genuine our strenth of feeling is against that slimy, duplicitous bastard.
I hope Trump has his eyes on Kushner, because Blair slithering his way into a position of influence would be very bad news for him.
If that's what they want, it might be worth reminding them how much shit those two brought us with their Middle-East shenanigans. Did the US gov have an inquiry into the Iraq war like we did (Chilcot)?
A stone box in the North Sea would be preferable
"Apologize", if he did anything at all. An
apology from him is worth less than nothing.
10/10, This post made my day
Good point, and what better tool then Hollywood? Pick a smarmy scumbag and give him a heroic and noble role in a movie, you've just fooled impressionable minds into disbelieving their instincts.
Icahn was in the ground floor of the Trump campaign. He was namedropped repeatedly by Trump himself in interviews, stump speeches. What makes you think it's Icahn "taking advantage" of the executive orders instead of the executive orders being crafted specifically to favor him and his interests in the way you described?
You have to poison Kushner.
Trump is trying to find shit out about the Clintons and their wars giving tonyboy something to live for.
Because it was so transparently to benefit Icahn alone and rife for calling it a pure swamp deal (200m personal benefit to Icahns business) If Trump was involved and not just allowing Icahn get on with it, he is a fool. It's pure kikery.
Blair is a neocon monkey. He's barely more of a man than Cameron and Clegg are and they ride around in sissy scooters. Posh cunts.
Can someone tell me about her? Where does she stand? Good, bad, or neutral? I don't know anything about British politics.
I still don't like Blair but that's possible. That and Blair cucked Rupert Murdoch so there's that but I still doubt anything will come of this because Blair bashed Trump hard. Kushner is skating on thin ice and should be tossed.
So suddenly now Holla Forums is concerned that a neo-con is being entangled into Trump's team?
What about all the B'nai B'rith tier dual passport carrying uber-kike neo-cons like David Friedman, Jared Kushner, Jason Greenblatt, Steven Mnuchin, Stephen Miller, Carl Icahn, Gary Cohn, Boris Epshteyn, David Shulkin, Reed Cordish, Avrahm Berkowitz, Kissenger. etc. The list goes on far further than the few I mention here.
Frank Gaffney is one of the key signatories of the PNAC group, the actual jewish architects of 9/11 and founders and financiers of all the counter-jihad movements in the West, made possible because of all the jewish wars for isreal.
The ultimate jewish terror squad creating the problems and offering the goy the solution.
Yet only suddenly now because Blair's slipping into the fold people suddenly care about a single neo-con joining up?
The entire cabinet is neo-con.
Latest FBIanon said Kushner is probably on his way out.
Does it upset you when you get called a faggot 20x+ a day?
Maybe find a job in telemarketing if you enjoy rejection this much, Better pay too.
Kushner fucking sucks. Sick of seeing his creepy face lurking all the time. Hope Trump gets rid of him.
You are aware you are on Holla Forums?
So you disagree that the entire cabinet is neo-con zionist and can prove me wrong?
Or you;re just another jewish shill helping shift the OyVeyton window to the point where the only discourse allowed here is endless praising of jewish neo-con politics and their wars?
Jew shill detected
thanks for telling us where you shills come from
I can see that. Kushner has too many ties and is stupid as fuck in regards to managing them. The only reason anti-Trump forces haven't gone hard after him is because of his lineage.
They've attempted to go hard on Miller though for some reason.
thezog.info has been exposing the kikes lies since before you were bar mitzvahed you fucking filthy kike
This is a thread talking about neo-con kike jew world order tool Tony Blair being brought into Trump's cabinet.
How do you expect this thread to not discuss the entire jewish cabal?
Surely only those protecting the jews and their tools are the shills like (((you))) are doing, do you hasbara jews have a single functioning braincell?
You'll see what happens.
"Call a thezogfag a thief, a scoundrel, or a shill, it all runs off him like water on a raincoat, but call him out on being from thezog, watch as he recoils, shocked, his face shows "I've been found out"." - Adolph Hortler
You are aware that thezog.info has been exposing (((you))) jews since before Holla Forums even existed
Your methods still fucking suck, that's why you lost, and Holla Forums won, bitter old guard faggot..
jews won, Holla Forums lost, hence the non-stop jewish shilling and cheering for kikes since then
Why is it an organised team of jewish shills are allowed to astroturf Holla Forums this freely?
This is a thread discussing Tony Blair being a JWO tool for the jews, yet you're spamming along with several other jews accusing those exposing your jewish crimes as the "shills" somehow
Because Holla Forums was convinced Trump was going to "make america great again" and so far everything he's done on the international scene is benefiting Israel.
The fuck? Why hasn't Blair died yet?
Tony Blair is a faggot who is part of a homosexual paedo ring that included Thomas Hamilton, the Dunblane killer, plus many other major politicians.
Also, Blair was arrested in the early 80s after an undercover policeman caught him molesting a boy in the public toilets, but he told police his name was Charles Lynton (those are actually his middle names) so was charged under that name, appeared in court under that name and ended up with simply a fine of £500.
Can't, Chilcot already proved he knew more than dubya. (hence the "reputation in tatters" bit)
yep. One of those "resign or get fired" moments.
bout the way we'd handle it too.
Really wish Schröder would come back instead of all these swamp creatures.
actually, you missed one massively kekkable instance
Guardian has been praising him for leading the "anti-brexit" Remoaners and trying to 'spin' his image back good.
Most of the image rebuilding is being spearheaded by this cranky old broad:
go fig, a fukken feminist twat too.
I'm sure it's just a coincidence that (((Seth Herzog))) uses that as his handle all over the net then, rite?
You being obviously a new jewish hasbara shill, haven't realised that https:// thezog.info/ is the domain for Who Controls America, the number one linked anti-jew MeMe/Website since before Holla Forums even came into existence, and considerably many years before this jew uses the word zog.
Are you now on some strange jewish shill mission to associate the term "zog" being used by jews because of this one anti-white jew using it along with the ((())) parenthesis?
Is there a single kike in your Tel Aviv office that can explain why you fucking idiotic brainless kikes can't fit into a non-jewish forum while you continue to spout the same illogical Talmudic disjointed logic.
Can someone explain why jews are allowed to ride roughshod over Holla Forums so freely?
Mostly because of his stance on immigration and his ties to Sessions. He's not a fan of even legal immigration in the end. Kushner is all kinds of trouble for Trump overall and should be swept out.
More stuff that makes it less likely Blair will get a chance then. I bet even Nigel will weigh in and trash Blair. In the end, I suspect this may cause trouble for Kushner if only because he's pulling shit in secret.
So suddenly now Holla Forums is concerned that a neo-con is being entangled into Trump's team?
What about all the B'nai B'rith tier dual passport carrying uber-kike neo-cons like David Friedman, Jared Kushner, Jason Greenblatt, Steven Mnuchin, Stephen Miller, Carl Icahn, Gary Cohn, Boris Epshteyn, David Shulkin, Reed Cordish, Avrahm Berkowitz, Kissenger. etc. The list goes on far further than the few I mention here.
Frank Gaffney is one of the key signatories of the PNAC group, the actual jewish architects of 9/11 and founders and financiers of all the counter-jihad movements in the West, made possible because of all the jewish wars for isreal.
The ultimate jewish terror squad creating the problems and offering the goy the solution.
Yet only suddenly now because Blair's slipping into the fold people suddenly care about a single neo-con joining up?
The entire cabinet is neo-con.
lurk moar
Why don;t you fuck off back to Tel aviv>
dubs of truth. he and his brother are fans of some pretty sketchy shit. brother's file too big but check it out if you haven't these are gawker/vox/obama dems to the core.
Scary people, those Jews.
Are you trying to say that each and every day, hundreds of isreali jewish hasbara astroturfing these boards into championing jewish neo-con zionists is the same as you kikes simply once saying"yeah jews are alright"?
This entire board has been fucked into insignificance from all the jewish hasbara shilling here.
That's why every day we have 100 new threads cheering on Trumps zionist cabal and more threads promoting other zionist political parties across Europe and a million shills screeching as soon as anyone points out most terror attacks are conducted by Mossad.
Tony Blair being courted by Trump's team is major news, yet the only honest anons posting here, get deleted.
Why isn;t there any of this outrage when Trump brought in ancient jewish warlords like Kissenger, or PNAC 9/11 architect and counter-jihad financier Frank Gaffney and the rest of the B'nai B'rith tier kikes?
brit/pol/ is concerned. And it's not just because he's some neo-con. The man is poison at best, and most brits want to see him six feet under.
but populism includes women and niggers user
do you want women and niggers to be included in the votes for your government?
yeah that sounds about right.
this also makes sense. blair ratting on his government and ours would make him no more reviled than he already is. but it WOULD help change the public opinion on whether or not we have a shadow govt pulling the strings.
gotta say, i wish it was nige, but i suppose hes probably busy right now. too bad, seems like a good lad to have a couple pints with
sage for double post
KEK, Nigel Farage probably having a fit laughing when he heard that kike wanted to WORK FOR TRUMP
Well I never much heard Linder or Bluvens mention it and VNN was my only source pre-Holla Forums because I'm no Christcuck nor feminist so fuck that Stormer shit.
we sure this thing was born female? It looks like Holger in a wig.
if you kill off the commies I can't really see the women's vote as being an issue. Just make sure they're all getting fucked by white men and they'll stay in-line.
She openly approves of Sharia law and condones it being used instead of British law:
exp ress.co.uk/news/uk/674489/Home-Secretary-Theresa-May-says-Britain-benefits-Sharia-Law
She wrote (as home sectary) and implemented (as PM) a piece of surveillance law so severe that it has placed Britain ahead of China in terms of surveillance.
the verge.com/2016/11/23/13718768/uk-surveillance-laws-explained-investigatory-powers-bill
The dad is some huge Democrat donor as well, which I don't recall ever being brought up in all the Trump hysteria. Worse, is that he (Jared) is essentially the only person in the entire campaign I can ever remember being spoken of in remotely positive terms.
Ivanka's no supermodel, but she isn't chopped liver either. Hard to imagine how they ever ended up together, they look more like a distant brother/sister combination than a young couple who just had a child.
Reminder Kushner is a filthy jew rat with ties to Soros
http:// jewishbusinessnews.com/2017/01/31/george-soros-backed-jared-kushner-venture-cadre-250-million/
To be fair, Tony has proved more effective at killing muslims than most world leaders.
He hasn't killed his sister-in-law yet, so no
If Trump doesn't deport Kushner he's going to get more Nixon treatment, he'll keep pushing ideas into Ivanka as well.
Are you hallucinating? I didn't say that "Jews are alright", I said:
You're alright, user.
He'll keep pushing a whole lot of things into her.
To be fair, he's been the driving force behind turning the middle east into a slaughterhouse.
To be used as a shield against any "antisemtism" accusation from (((them)))
That's what McCarthy got pushed into, and then they sabotaged him from within, just like they did Nixon.