Kenneth J. Klippenstein
360 W Washington Ave Unit 1114, Madison, WI 53703-2765
(630) 428-1456
Phone number may be old but, hey, happy Saturday, Holla Forums
Kenneth J. Klippenstein
360 W Washington Ave Unit 1114, Madison, WI 53703-2765
(630) 428-1456
Phone number may be old but, hey, happy Saturday, Holla Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Another one to add to >>>/thelist/
Thanks user.
Nora Reed Heinemann-Fleck
1515 Aliso DR NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico (possible)
Birthday: March 28 1988
Parent - Lissa Heinemann
Parent - John Fleck
Boyfriend - Joe Waligora
das a nice unibrow she's got goin on.
Do these cucks ever get scared? They always rely on crowds and media to white knight for them.
Would someone like to let her know her dox got dropped and post her reaction here?
Oh fuck, wait. She has a thread at foxdicks:
Also possible pedo.
Social Network Liaison at University of New Mexico.
Think her employers should know of her pro-pedo stances
People have to be taught when to maintain infosec.
Going to tweet her now with a Hi Nora
Holy shit this is great
is this guy a supreme gentleman breed?
He looks more Asian than Jewish.
It's done, lads.
Pic related
She has two bot accounts too. Pics related
God's work, anons.
Bump. Thread full of keks.
Are you fucking retarded? Just screenshot her dox and send the pic if you wanted to scare her, you fucking autist. This is why the board is going down the shitter, so many newfags and this faggotry from them. Fucking imbecile.
Never again link to this board you newfag retard.
All of you newfags are quite slow if you think this
No user, you are the demons.
I'm not the kike that backlinked, I was just stating the obvious
Why did your id change fag?
Tbh that's probably a leftypol post judging by the intentional faggotry
The levels of incompetent homosexuality ITT are fucking mind boggling
Bullshit. It's only a fad pushed by nagging virtue signalers like you. Before we couldn't copy and paste articles. Only links were allowed because we "needed" to support those websites. Now it's the complete fucking opposite. The mob is fickle.
Make sure Kenneth and co. order lots of pizza tonight, lads
I live within two hours of this fuckhead.
I'm politely asking you just once to fucking kill yourself.
Unless you need money for gas what exactly is the point of saying that?
Lefytpol pls go. Stop linking back to us, you fucking goons.
Tonight is a good night for a drive.
The truth hurts you. In time your so called "ironclad" fads will also pass.
this is fine.
i'm not going to contribute.
630 is a Illinois, Naperville area number. Possible he's up there for school?
Lots of kids from 630 go out of state for school.
Fuck off with this shit. I've been on Holla Forums since Holla Forums was /n/ and that's never been true.
Nigger, this 'fad' has been a rule on imageboards for over 10 years.
It truly is poor form to link directly to a Nepalese Yak Milking imageboard like this.
What a blatant lie. Your fad wasn't a "rule" a year ago. It was completely unheard of two years ago.
Fucking idiot revisionist shill. Go back to srs or wherever the fuck you came from, you piece of shit.
Stop lying. Nobody believes you. During gamergate, there were entire threads with nothing but links.