Trump's own last name is now considered "racist"

When you think the shitlibs can't get any more hysterical, they 1 up themselves. This is out of Canton, CT, where a (predominantly white) high school basketball team started chanting TRUMP! TRUMP! during a game against a (predominantly niggerized) "minority-comprised" Hartford team.

Faggots everywhere proceeded to get triggered, calling the use of Trump's name "blatantly racist."

And from a letter

It is almost laughable that thought and speech policing has gotten this bad, or it would be if it wasn't so infuriatingly tragic we even got to this point.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's time for a purge, user, we need to cleanse this nation of every soft faggot holding up space. The Chinese or the Russians or any of our foes would wipe the floor in a ground war with these people in our ranks. They must be purged. Only the strong can survive.

Generation Z motherfucker.

also side note, reading it a second time around, i think both the article and the editorial came from the same Hartford Courant journofag. It's the only places I can find "proxy for white supremacy" and both of those were published in the same paper on the same day.

Gotta love when this person uses weasel words to try and validate his own fucking opinion. "Among some constituencies" = "This is what I think and it's important, everyone agrees."


it keeps getting better and better

lel I wonder if itd be racist had they chanted Obama as the niggers took their free throws.

It's an immensely satisfying, exciting and abstract kind of feel, lad

Remember, everything they don't like is Hitler. It'd be racist no matter what they were shouting, because Canton is white and Hartford is niggers.

Things aren't so bad, I expected them to be even more far left than our generation a couple years ago. But instead they are more shitlordy than any generation alive today.

Really? From day one I've thought that half the posters here have been underaged. I guess you have to be one yourself in order to have such suspicions

Clearly the answer is to elect a white guy named "Donald Nigger" next time and see how those crackhead junglebunny AIDS carriers like the presidents name being chanted then.

Gen Z seems to be pulling through in more ways than we can superficially tell from where we as adults stand. I'm guesstimating that this hinges on two main things: 1) teenagers are inherently edgy and counter-cultury in general, they're trying to find who they are and where they fit in, and they test boundaries; since PC has become the social law of the land and it's all they've know as far as what is socially acceptable, they instinctively wish to push back against it. And 2) The MSM and high power kikes all around blew their loads way too early and way too many times, and did super sloppy jobs smoothing the edges or trying to clean up the mess. The younger gens are completely hooked into technology which has its pros and cons, one of the major pros being that civilians all over the world can talk directly to each other and CROWD SOURCE their news. The youngsters are not only bypassing MSM by listening to other regular joes on jewtube or twitch or whatever, but they can't swallow the lies of the media because of how absolutely over the top ridiculous they became.

The kikes turned the agitprop up to 11 and basically blew out their speakers. I'm willing to bet a large percentage of Gen Z are already well on their way to the Redpill Reich.

They're desperately trying to give it the same treatment as Hitler.

Only about 20% of Y is not pozzed.

But at least 50% of Z is unpozzed. We are winning. They all know that Hitler goes with every meme, and it is 'in' to shout Deus Vult as a rallying cry.

Can we just hang them for treason already and get it over with?

How the shit did his dad get married with that name?

Generation Z here

Trump is a killing word.

I'm really sick of this shit.

Someday in the future there will be a child born named Adolf Trump.



We need to trigger them more often by saying "PRESIDENT Trump". The media has been resisting using the title ever since the inauguration.

He's literally Hitler now.

Aren't we all, Mr. Dubs.

But that is precisely what we should want. We should want people to be sick of this shit, and that's exactly what's happening with each passing day. The kikes are a one trick pony, they only know to push propaganda. Losing the culture war? Push prop. President does something that triggers the kikes? Push prop. Seeing the rising surge of nationalism and populism? Push prop.

It's their only answer, and they more they do it, the harder they push, the more blatant it becomes and the opposite effect starts occurring. If a man starts telling you a story about being captured by aliens, you might listen because at least it could be entertaining. If he starts panicking and screaming and is all wide eyed and frothing at the mouth, you're not going to.

Kikes are the instrument of their own downfall. We just need to push them over the cliff.

But were they chanting "Trump" for President Trump or "Trump" as in a verb or word?

Because if it's the latter, they'd look more deranged than ever to the general public.

Okay wtf is up with this reference

look up "my name is a killing word" you uncultured pleb


>The Salt Must Flow: The Thread

unfortunately i don't have any of the dune edit images from back when we sampled the salt after the election

They are not. Have you met one? I've met several, and they are horrible people. Edgy for the purpose of being edgy, mean and spiteful. They do not care about degeneracy or Jews, they care about being cunts and nasty people.
It's a step up from liberals, but at most we are raising a generation of arseholes.

you mean we are awakening the true spirit of man.
fuck off kike. asshole is just another word for humanity.
we will purge the weak and the strong rule as they see fit!

what is that speech from?

So will they stop saying "Drumpf"?

some show about building the railroad out west back in the Wild West era. I forget the name.

He who controls the memes, controls the universe.

Hell on Wheels.
Polite sage for double-post.

Apehoop is racist. After all, whites and hispanics are severely underrepresented in proportion their population and blacks are severely overrepresented. Obviously, we need AA to fix this. If hard working whites get to lose their jobs and places at the top institutions despite their effort and merit then sports must go the same way.

yeah, and?

You mention this and liberal whites just laugh it off.

Reminder that before niggers dominated basketball it was full of kikes.

the issue isn't whether or not supporting the president is racist.

the issue is whether or not being racist is a bad thing.

Let them keep memeing as much normal behavior as possible as racist. I became a racist after being called one so many times just for being white and having opinions that I eventually believed it. Meme responsibly, leftards.

I highly doubt that.

Jews never involve themselves in anything requiring physical duress. They don't farm, they don't work out, they don't play sports, they don't do anything ever that requires serious exercise. I forgot who said it but someone made a quip about it: "You want to read the shortest book ever written, pick up Encyclopedia of Jewish Sports Stars." They're a weak people on multiple levels, the only way kikes were "dominant" in any sport is via management, which is how it is today.

had the same thing happen to me, fam. the left chimping out and being batshit insane is the easiest, first red pill

Why is gaul part of Germania? It was celtic. sage for offtopic

And the first 100 days aren't even over.

Anti-white whites are known as traitors.


This is fucking hilarious! It needs memed!

Most whites in Gen Y voted for Trump.


I can't name one from Jerry Wests era, but Abe Saperstein owned the harlem globe trotters.

Sounds like me 10 years ago. They have much to learn but we are here to show them the way.

I'm naming my kid Trump.

Great, means they won't cuck. They will fuck with ejws for the sake of fucking with them. This needs to become part of our evolutionary strategy forwards, allways agitate and never back down.

I remember seeing this video of a kang going to Egypt and the Egyptians mocking them as Obama. Imagine if we meme Obama into a racial slur against niggers.

I've been doing that all over Twatter. Been saving images of his as President too.

Say it loud say it proud, make them shit their pants in frustration.

I got you covered lad

I think teenagers are only natural rebels if they live in a sick society. If people live in a healthy society then there is a very strong propensity to preserve it.

That's just being kids.

teenagers need to be given adventure and struggle.

a sedentary middle-class life will make them rebel out of sheer boredom.

Based starkey on brillo

shit wrong thread….

That's it, I'm back to writing my propaganda novel. Thank you, based anime girl.

that is by definition, a sick society