The time is getting closer, get fit, buy more ammo
The American Civil War was an internal conflict fought in the United States from 2017 - ____ The red states won and cast the blue into the sea.
The time is getting closer, get fit, buy more ammo
The American Civil War was an internal conflict fought in the United States from 2017 - ____ The red states won and cast the blue into the sea.
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I definitely need more ammo
I don't speak nigger, what is this chimp trying to say?
Am embarrassment even by homo erectus standards.
Vague enough for you?
She said it time for blood on the streets and deaths because of the left feels.
half chan is slipping they missed this one
Little known fact, Loretta E. Lanch is not in fact Homo sapiens sapiens but, as with the rest of her nigger bretheren, a highly degenerated Homo Ergaster. We wuz not, in fact, kangz, but Homo Ergaster.
Homo Ergaster is a misnomer, a cruel joke as it translates to working man
well kek'd
Let's do this.
I thought the founding fathers were racist? That's what the sociologist professor always said…
Not when invoked by niggers trying guilt trip goodwhites into working against the interests of their people.
Think of it like a quantum wave function. The founders are simulataneously racist and not racist, and depending on the purpose the left are discussing them they collapse into being either paragons of anti-racist egalitarianism or egregious White Colonialist Oppressors.
Doing gods work.
Looks like whichever way the election went, war was inevitable.
The war was always their objective, they want a global financial crisis so China can take the lead position.
Don't fall for it.
This means war.
It's the best bait, though…. Who doesn't want to off some commies?
you know, i think the left and co. might actually be pushing for civil war
on purpose
They are, it's really a hard position for someone like us though. As said, it's a fucking good bait. Who wouldn't want to let loose and exterminate commies by the dozen. Yet, if civil war happens, so many outside forces will involve themselves that it will most likely mean that the US won't have its standing as the world's number one superpower anymore.
Finally catching on, are you?
Is this nigger out of her fucking mind? These jews and niggers still believe, IN THE YEAR 2017, that our founding fathers wanted this country overrun by spics niggers kikes and moslems
I see the resemblance.
Don't let them start a civil war, we would win, but it would be the death of humanity. Every country would get involved. WW3 would be the final war.
The founding fathers were white supremacists, and by modern standards "nazis".
What other option do we have? Can we really expect it to go any other way? How many guns does their side have?
protests are pretty much an escalation. it's a degree. some are peaceful and some are not. let your imagination do the rest.
she's suggesting that it could get violent depending on the issue.
they're afraid. they think whitey is going to massacre them or enact policies that are to some degree against their interests.
i want whatever minority in the minority tyranny of the left to have opportunity and be well dressed, educated, safe, and with normal population levels. opportunity. the rest is up to them, though.
i do think they want to destroy us, though. they want to disempower us as much as possible as a race in every country of ours. they blast us with a psychologically torturous propaganda machine to destroy our spirit, which in turn allows them to have free reign over us to destroy our body. whatever measures are necessary to prevent that is my interest in the white world. if there is confict of interest there, i'm sorry lady, but kindly go fuck yourself.
i wonder if they have the self awareness that they're the ones forcing us into the position of defending ourselves rather than stupidly acting on some subconcious hatred of us.
I can see a joke in there somewhere about a faggot walking into a bar and seeing a homo erectus.
Well, if she insists…
No they don't, they never did.
The monkey is afraid of being sent to Africa.
Looks high as fuck. Anyone know what drug it is that gives eyes that wet look? Opioids?
Institutional racism.
also, stop murdering and raping us.
would be nice.
we're clamming up, lady.
Hardly any. They'll bomb civilians and do other shit like the weather underground. If we have a full on civil war, then other countries will get involved. The key will be to maintain order wherever possible. However, if certain key figures get "disappeared" then that helps us. Gunning down a mob of leftists, as fun as that would be, would be counterproductive.
This is treason, right? She just called for the left to try and overthrow us…
I long thought such actions were under the treason part of the law but if you read it carefully you'll notice it only applies in assisting outside enemies in declared times of war. Technically, going against the established order while being part of the country doesn't fit under treason charges, unless civil war was to be officially declared.
What do you think burning niggers smell like?
I bet they stink something fierce.
Niggers are so dirty I bet they don't even burn well. I bet they can't even do that right.
This nigger talking about civil rights movement, you dumb cunt she-boon bitch, when the civil rights movement happened nigger gangs hadn't taken over our fucking cities. No one except weak cucks and kikes has any sympathy for you negroidal shit-stirrers.
I wonder how soon we find out what burning niggers smell like. I bet it's soon.
Ever smelled burnt flesh from an electric wound (IE from a flesh wound caused by a light bulb breaking) ? Ever smelled niggers which didn't wear a quart of perfume? Now, imagine both stank multiplying with eachother. Burnt niggers isn't simply an addition of both smells.
Did she film this in Obama's house? (Which is 2 door's down from Tony Podesta's by the way)
What disturbing? Waiting on their first move for pretext to turn them into worm food.
I'd say put em in a zoo but future generations would just take pity on them and let them out again. If they refuse to be civilized they have no place within civilization, and if we allow them to breed outside of civilization they'll just try to zombie-swarm us. I'm all about forgive and forget but since they insist it's us or them, fuck them.
We freed them, gave them money, and they still act like fucking chimpanzees.
I still believe we should turn Gitmo into a zoo and put Obongo there under the name: Stuttering baboon.
It's on youtube. Someone get on it. Weaponized Autism ACTIVATE!
As for other niggers, Ship them back to Africa and cut all foreign aid while repatriating all whites currently living in Africa. Then, grab popcorn and watch as Israel is the only place that can produce some food and apes try to swarm it.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)
it actually does state it.
Dubs of truth checked.
I really do not care if we're no longer the biggest dog on the planet if the upside is that we purge the shitskins. Its not like our fucking power is being used to do anything other than prop up Israel currently.
Good luck trying to pass off protests as leviying war against the US. If the civil rights movement didn't count as war back then, what makes you think the ape saying what she said would be constituted as declaring war under the Jewdicial system. Kikes still have a lot of power in that institution, to the point they let some state governors block Trump's use of ICE.
Because there was no Internet back then so whites couldn't organize. Things may or may not be different this time around, too early to say yet.
That's a damned good idea
or to get technical, i guess it all depends on what definition of "war" it is defining. It's not a very specific US code law, when you think about it.
At worst it could mean becoming a vassal to states who will fight over ownership of the US. China, Russia, the EU, some of its more affluent member states independently, the UK, South America, Mexico, Israel, Saudi Arabia, a lot of the Arab world, India, Most of those would join either side in a civil war. Most likely Australia, New-Zealand and Canada would be involved by principle, particularly Canada as it relies on the US's might to not invest in a strong military. I seriously can't say how shit would turn out in a Civil war pt 2: electrocute Jigaboos edition.
yeah i was thinking about that.
my sophistry senses are tingling.
is she activating some sort of lefty sleeper cell with this video?
What is the original source of this video?
Well, since she's not in a position of federal authority anymore, she's just another bobblehead spewing platitudes. However, the most telling thing about this is the endorsement of this message by the senate dems. This could be foreshadowing of fuckery by Schumer, Pelosi and crew.
Which side will Singapore take?
i think this is a peaceful protest issue.
is non-peaceful protest an act of war?
is she advocating this? didn't seem so.
there is the extra issue that this is stated within the context of certain "peaceful" protests. they do tend to beat people up because waaagh.
does she want more of that?
i wonder if she would see resistance to emphasizing the importance of peaceful protest from those she addresses and the extent to which she is disconnected from the will of her audience.
it this what it feels like being a driving instructor? with the kid holding two guns to your head
It is funny when a persons sirname is a suggestion of how to deal with them. Hopefully this cunt joins King Nigger and the wookie in forming an Alabama windchime.
Does Singapore even have an army worth a shit?
I remember when I was all peace and love, and "we are all equal". Now I just fucking hate niggers.
You still have a whole lot to learn. Niggers are an inconvenience weaponized against whites. They are a symptom, not the cause.
It's decent, considering it's a city-state of chinks. Its purpose is mainly to defend itself from Malaysia.
And as we all know the founding fathers were totes fond of non-whites.
Thanks for actually answering the question I didn't ask. After I posted, I realized my question should have been who is it affiliated with instead of if it had an army worth a shit.
Quit purity spiraling !
Gas yourself, even if you ironically posted.
Someone pinch me. This is fucking surreal. They're not dismissing Trump or calling him every ad hominem in the book. They're flat out begging for mercy and signalling an SOS. The noose is about to be literally tied around their necks!
I'm ready, Holla Forums.
Sorry but, I've got to call bullshit on shit on this notion to the power of a trillion. The kikes and their minions are bold precisely because no White man has even so much as farted in their general direction for the last 72 years. They desperately need a bloody (hooked)nose right now. They are dumb animals-genetically incapable of reason. Only one way to teach them who's boss…
She's scared because she thinks her and her cronies are about to go to jail. Trump gonna lay down the long dick of the law on their communist asses. The desperation is thick.
This is confusing.
Are you saying you want the best for people who want to destroy you?
Are you swedish, because it sounds like a typically swedish denial of reality.
Grammar much?
Dont ax me how she got into law school.
Cheap, nothing propaganda. Nig needs to get necked.
Kek, like she cares at all about the Founding Fathers. She thinks they were raycis crackas.
After all the damage this babbuffoon has done to the country, a fate coincident with her surname will be a merciful gesture.
The chutzpah of this negroid. Casually declaring war out in the open. Are these people truly fools? Basic Art of War 101 stuff.
Worked for Nazi Germany.
This. You must destroy your enemy thoroughly to claim victory. We should learn the lessons of the Caesarian party. Julius Caesar was constantly trying to bring his enemies back into the fold. He knew people loved a lot of them and wanted to prevent further bloodshed. He thought by keeping them alive it would further prove he wasn't a dictator. However they all turned on him and we know how that ended.
Fast forward a few years to the Second Triumvirate and see how they acted when they had consolidated enough power to stand up to the corrupt and apathetic senate. They did not hesitate to strike any dissenters from this world. Of course once Augustus had dealt with the boorish Marcus Antonius and was really the sole dictator he made multiple recuses of not being a dictator but EVERYONE knew the truth.
We must not let any enemies survive for matters of reconciliation. They must all be purged and from the new order.
Do it yourself, kike.
The perfect ending to that video would be that chimp's brain matter splattering on the wall.
It has to go back to apefrica.
They were "raycis crackas". America was to be the new world for free white Europeans and just look at how the Jews fucked that up by bringing slaves then freeing them but not getting rid of them.
She just declared war on the US government and sent out a rallying call for everyone to revolt. Thats what that was, she used veiled and subtle language, but what she said was pretty much "March, revolt, some will die in the process. Weve done this before, were doing it again"
Even Turkish soldiers had the balls to just blow the brains out of the revolting leaders before they could execute their plans. Thats why it failed, one guy got tanks and helis and a few soldiers on the streets but the other guy didnt get his orders out because his brains were splattered by the guy standing next to him.
This ain't gonna be red states vs blue states, places like Illinois and New England will have internal conflicts. It will be neighbor vs neighbor.
She knows Obama will throw her under the bus if need be.
Just like the holocaust, if they keep memeing this fiction it will no longer be fiction.
You want it to happen so bad? Just keep asking,
They're still gonna die. Fuck off with your PR cucking.
Just hit me while watching an ad for Colbert on Monday with Anderson "Takes It In The" Cooper and Judd Apatow on the show. Anyone who sides with Obama and Lynch, which will be pretty much every celebrity active against Trump during the campaign plus millions of liberals, will also be guilty of sedition.
Have we memed the Day Of The Rope without even really trying?
Again, I would accept that to get rid of the shitskins, because maintaining hegemony but being bred out and then genocided and our weaponry turned on any of our European brothers who resist is a hell of a lot worse fucking fate
I knew a guy who lived in NY when she was attorney for eastern district in NY.
He started out as a small time pot dealer and moved up to moving lbs. Some DEA got in touch with him and let him sell if he got a cut. Apparently Loretta was getting a cut too. He did this for about a year until there was a bust and he was jailed. He claimed Loretta lynch knew about it and he was sent to a psych ward and kept there for a few years, forcibly drugged for his "delusions". He had about 300k in his bank account that he claims Loretta personally had drained and funneled into her own private funds. How he knew these details I'm not sure. Anyway, he somehow was released from the psych ward and tried to resume daily life in NY. One night someone came out of the dark and hit him in the back of the head with a baton. He woke up in the hospital and was informed he nearly died. After his recovery he fled NY. He's a successful business person but legally now and you would never guess he has such a background but he confided in me after some time. He obviously hates Loretta with a passion. Who knows if it's true but thought I'd share.
the core principle that unites us is the 14 words.
the enemy is the set that opposes this core principle in a myriad of ways from top to bottom. this behavior is unethical and destructive to us.
the 14 words is the reaction.
they meme the 14 words as supremacy, which is false in principle. however, this is what they are memeing.
i want them to be at peace, but they don't.
the confusion perhaps comes with the assumption that our survival and success necessitates the destruction of others. this is false, as it is contingent.
They say we all filled with hatred but truly, we are filled with love. Love for the white race, and love of our children. We only wish to secure their future, and we will not let anyone stand in our way.
She should live up to her name.
Niggers can't even shoot straight, they have no chance in a civil war.
Good. That's what we want.
New Molyneux video.
Why is that man buried neck deep in sand?
50dde9 you are a fucking nigger and need to gas yourself.
He deserved everything he got.
There are always consequences for your actions and he got plenty. However, people make bad choices, and if we do not allow fellow whites to repent for their mistakes how can we possibly expect to unite against the international jew?
My founding fathers never would've dreamed we'd have uppity niggers encouraging civil war. Clearly we need one.
Accidentally kicking your cat when you get up at night to take a piss is an "mistake." Deliberately selling pot by the lb. should get the death penalty.
All Federal judges will rule out a sentence of house arrest for Loretta Lynch. No way an ankle bracelet will work in this case.
Those poor shoes…
New England reporting, this is why these sort of happenings kind of spook me. That said, I don't live in fucking Massachusetts (thank god) and we have plenty of bug-out land nearby for when SHTF, I just hope we can muster the supplies and transport to make it there safely and start our own beautiful, insular community.
No entries on wikifeet for Loretta Lynch :(
When you gave into the autism, it gazes back into you.
Yep, the majority will haul ass to Mexico to pick on four foot undernourished Pablos. It will be a quick war and Mexico will get what it deserves for sending their depraved, their pathetic masses, their huddled gangsters.
This explains Bill Clinton meeting with her.
China does not have access to the Atlantic though.
the fuck planet do these people live on
What kind of drugs are they taking, and how can I make them, because its obviously some next level shit they're taking, DMT doesnt make you live youre entire waking life in a none existent plane of reality, you only see aliens for 5 minutes
curse you for making me start reading another mango
Jews haven't had real violence perpetrated against them in a very long time. As long as we're arguing with them– a bunch with 130 verbal IQ, no conscience, and inbred Semitic impertinence– we're going to keep losing.
When violence finally breaks out, I hope they aren't allowed to sit back and critique and spin and shill even harder. They need to be too afraid to show their inbred faces.
Vagueness is how Trump got elected. The left is starting to adapt to a new political climate, a climate of internal conflict.
Is she talking about Obama by mistake?
Nailed it.
im fucked, ooga booga, kill whitey
This. Shill forgot he was on Holla Forums.
Before DOTR, there will be the culling of the herd.
Politicians are professional liars. Of course she doesn't believe what she's saying. Alternately, maybe the founding fathers that she's talking about aren't the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Maybe she means the founders of some other group.
k, but what does that have to do with the webm? That just looks like some assholes trying to sell a book by making every person that's proud to be white look like some sort of unhinged militant. That's shit PR and misrepresents the demographic.
Holy shit, I couldn't pretend to be as stupid as you.