ANTIFA getting destroyed on their own home turf by a couple of Ancaps and some scrappy Maga hat wearing kids
ANTIFA gets BTFO by a handful of ANCAPS at UC Berkely
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Captain Ancap is a Texan, lel
I always thought ancaps mostly leaned toward left libertarian. Good to see a few ancaps who aren't cucks
They shill a lot for open borders and free trade, but marxists hate ayn rand because muh raycis hitler white bitch
Good for him but he should be careful of that stick getting taken away from him next time, it's a bit unwieldy.
still, good luck anti cuck man.
What would be better to use in your opinion?
A glock.
No, ancap is far right, total free market is what they want
When your enemies conspire to violate the NAP but your private armies are better trained.
This is why you use a lanyard or at the very least drill a hole in the handle and loop a string or something through it and around your wrist.
Antifa failed to do this in Sacramento and suffered for it. Don't make their mistake!
All this while Holla Forums stays here screaming memes and fapping to anime like the weak cucks they are.
Come and join the glory you fucking faggots.
Ancaps are retarded and violence only backfires, in this media war.
We're pushing the moral high ground.
I forgot to add: These people feed and grow on Oppression.
If you guys aren't going for mass killing, this will only make them expand and embolden.
Thanks user
the divide between left and right is very wide for these people right now, ancaps are mostly right, voluntaryists and other neologisms are usually the leftists. The cultural marxism has hit hard for them.
t. right of hoppe
fukken saved
You guys clearly don't know how to play the game.
The expanding is bad?
The only downfall to it is we need more helicopter fuel and ropes.
Let those who would ever consider supporting them be forced into joining them, then we know where everyone truly stands. Let them feel emboldened, then maybe they will try something in a state like Texas or Arkansas. See how long that lasts.
You're not in a movie, things happen very slowly.
Right now the real battle is being fought on the media realm, where right-wing independent media is eating the legacy leftist media alive.
For that, the right side needs a set of values that attract fence-sitters to them, as opposed to the insane violence perpetrated by leftists.
When you use their tactics, you're using losing tactics.
Also, Anarco-Capitalism is one hell of retarded ideology.
reported for concern troll
There's a very big divide in Ancaps right now. Tons shill for open borders and against race realism, but Hoppe-style Ancaps are gains popularity.
found this gem
Piss off cunt real right wingers have been bashing Marxist skills for decades also there is no proof these lads were faggot ancaps
This board eliminated AnCaps a long time ago. They either left or abandoned this failed ideology.
Also, you didn't even got my point, showing your utter stupidity.
Let them destroy stuff, let them become morally indefensible and the american public will walk in their opposite direction.
What you're doing is precisely what they want you to do: they want you to fill in the stereotypes they made of you, of you being violent, uneducated, LARPers rednecks.
You're given them proof, you're dancing in their hands, you do not look cool there, but sad and pathetic.
Seriously, go back to cuckchan or /liberty/.
Ooooh do I get to do it first? Yay!
You done good, kid.
you already admitted to not being one of us, you're PR cucking, and now you are telling others to leave
oh no, not the stereotype they gave us anyway
You still didn't get the point, it has nothing to do with PR.
I guess you're too fucking dumb to understand, seeing that you're fucking AnCaps.
This is a National Socialist board, it's you lot that are not one of us. Now, go back to the hellhole you came from.
FINALLY an accurate ancap maymay.
typical tricks
tell me more fellow natsoc
Reminder to ignore Divide and Conquer shills
You're still PRfagging though, in the worst way. They're ALREADY morally indefensible and destroying stuff. The point is that they HAVE to be dealt with sooner or later - roving bands of leftist thugs cannot be allowed to be the self-appointed arbiters of what is acceptable politics in the public sphere.
Pussy faggot.
Hi Shlomo
ANCAPs are alright. If we leave them alone after the race war they'll be fine. We can give them the Dakotas or something.
The morality of the modern world fundamentally contradicts basic human impulses. People actually enjoy demonstrations of strength, especially in politics. Those that don't enjoy demonstrations of strength are fundamentally never going to support us, ever. The reason people hate leftist violence is that it is undisciplined, chaotic and utterly purposeless. Smashing starbucks and trashing your own campus is inherently retarded and people realize this. Beating up a garbage can doesn't make people admire your strength and courage, it makes them laugh at you.
If people are attacking you and your friends, and you fight back and win, people admire that.
Dakota resident here. Why have you done this to me, Kek?
The NAP came from fuck Ayn Rand, they'll join their "based free market kikes" in the ovens.
Hearing those head cracks against commie skulls with that pole is so god damn comfy.
They'll only get the shitty parts of the state to settle in.
(checked again)
Only shit. They can take the rez I guess.
checked, we'll take it and you'll get a breeding ground for autistic fedaykin
two dollars a pair.
So much this.
Always lash your melee weapon to your wrist.
Fuck off PR kike
Anyone know what the V on his shield means? Not sure if I need to review my stance on voluntar(y)ists
What are you doing here, Mori? The word "dig" was just spotted in a gamergate thread! Get over there right away and make sure they know about how important MUH PR is!
What should that be called? A fascap? It gave me a chuckle.
I describe myself as Ancap. Pisses me off that I get associated with Libcucks.
Libcucks, by principle of their politics, give no consideration to culture (e.g. customs, race, religion, family, etc.) as the basis for societal stability. That's why they'll forever be total fucking morons.
From my perspective, "anarchy" simply means an absence of government. Not an absence of a governing way of life, which is divined through the culture that society keeps. I believe that Hitler understood this, but was still compelled to emphasize centralized power by the sociopolitical issues that threatened to degrade and dismantle Germany even further than it already had been.
The Alt-Knight
choice dubs.
They can't have nukes though. they will be closely monitored
Fixed your shitty subtitle, user.
Kek deems you unworthy.
These ancaps have done more for America than you have. Shut up faggot.
So there's still hope for lolbergs?
This guy was probably one of the few race realist ancaps.
They usually discover that a true ancap society is only possible with whitea, and would be similar to a fascist state anyway, so they end of identifying as fascist.
In the past, that is exactly what happened to me. I wasn't to the point of ancap, but I came to my fucking senses.
The thing about ancaps and open borders is that there are no national borders, as there is no nation, but there are private borders. Rather than thinking of it as a philosophy of "we're all one people" cuckoldry, think of it as extreme federalism. Every man a property, every property a nation.
Modal libertarians as Rothbard called them, are the crypto-lefties who appropriate voluntaryism as a vehicle for edgy anti-authority views. Eventually they drop the weed-and-open-borders shit and accept paleo-libertarianism or they bend hard left and join the black bloc queers. Both sides save the daggers for each other. Traitors before enemies, after all.
I think recent events have accelerated this process. The Gary Johnson crowd is probably high-tailing it into the black bloc and the Tea Party crowd is rushing toward Hoppe and physical removal. Paleos sense that Trump is the closest they'll get to gas-and-matches in DC. Antifa's rise in the US also makes Trump's presidency a proxy war for anarchism, so the Hoppe wing is growing in record numbers. (FYI - There is a difference between Hoppe's idea of physical removal and Pinochet throwing commies out of helicopters, but that line blurs when lefty anarchists are rioting in the streets and assaulting anyone right of Stalin.)
I think most of us were lolbergs at some point.
Holla Forums itself started as a libertarian board on 4chan which turned fascist, causing moot to delete it.
He brought it back later and history repeated itself.
I agree with most of this, but not every man would have property in an ancap society. Those people would have no rights, which left-libertarians don't seem to realize.
There is no universal principle that dictates nations existing by virtue of governments.
I agree with Bannon: politics is downstream from culture. And since culture is at the top of the pecking order, it is–logically–culture that makes the nation and establishes the boundaries.
hey OP
check this out
You antifags are a special kind of retarded.
True, I am glossing over it a bit but you get what I'm aiming at.
This is also glossing over the details. Obviously a property owner has final say within the confines of non-aggression but the renter also has the ability to sign a fair contract to secure his rights. And it's precisely the left-libertarians that get bent out of shape about this. Everyone left of agorists cries non-stop about landlords.
If by "nations" you mean societies, I agree. A theoretical Ancapistan starts with a strict culture of non-aggression, as the individual is responsible for the maintenance of the structure of society.
>anarchists kick the shit out of anarchists
Antifa is communist 100% not saying to aren't acting as anarchists to achieve this goal but they are very much communists Ancaps are only a few steps away from the redpill and can be readily converted given the right treatment.
You could say that they're filling in the Free Market demand for Right Wing Death Squads.
Pretty much. I can recall a time when Holla Forums was 1/3 libertarian and only 1/4 fascist.
I remember after I grew out of leftism I believed in the libertarian idea that people should be free to do things unless there's a damn good reason they should be restricted. Then I started realizing that there's a hell of a lot of reasons why people should be restricted, and began to see the need for borders and law, and the smacking down of those who go against and undermine it. I went from the standard lefty indoctrinee position of "Hitler was evil" to "Hitler wasn't as bad as they say he was" to "Hitler was okay" to "Hitler had the right idea" to "Hitler should have actually committed the Holocaust".
I came to /n/ and thought that posting interracial porn was clever. On /new/ I unironically used "statist" as an insult. Now I unashamedly believe in authoritarianism and removal of kikes, one way or another.
Eloquently put.
reminder that the minorities tyranny is fascist while also slandering us as THE fascist group.
reminder that they are relentless and international.
reminder that forming public opinion as well as all mediums of media are exceptionally important.
the PR meme is about NYPA and message control.
You are correct but I was more meaning that his weapon was too long. You can see he has trouble maneuvering it. Weapons do not need to be heavy to bludgeon someone with, look at police batons. Heavy enough to strike and at the same time properly weighted and at the correct length that they are maneuverable, even in tight spaces, even amongst crowds.
That other shield guy with a stick got mobbed and taken away, the second that someone moved within his radius his stick became useless. I'm not saying he could have fended off those 6-10 guys that grabbed him but if he had a shorter stick he would still be able to use it at short distances.
They started overlapping during Occupy and the G8-protests.
Real ancaps have obviously very different goals than lolbergs but they coincidentally worked together on those occasions before.
no guard?
Sound like that guy needs to check his privilege
WTF? Who told you that garbage?
ancaps for the win
Watching commies get assaulted gives me such a thrill. The battle calls out to my blood I yearn for the battlefield.
The music sucks but the video is awesome
Antifa is commie and unredpillable.
I think the lady's face might be scarred from the flashbag gun but who care?
Lol, this reminds me of this user that said Antifa has some 'real hardcore members' kek.
You want to fight the kikes where you'll never beat them: media.
Fuck you and die.
When it comes to jews they always betray you. We saw it happen in realtime on this board.
Many of them have, but we're pushing back against their faggotry. On plebbit they have effectively redirected the narrative towards shitlib concerns. It's what happens when you get Californian faggots involved in anything. There was never anything in ancap or libertarianism that said we had to tolerate or embrace degeneracy, never anything that said we couldn't have white communities.
But ancap has become a simulacrum of the early USA - once we became far too permissive, they gradually pushed it towards mandatory acceptance and now if you speak against it you're a "fascist".
I don't want any part of it, and I'll fight it where I see it. There will be no drug-addled nigger-faggot-trannies in my private gated community or my business or the places I frequent, any lolberg who believes there will be a place for those fucking freaks once we have the option to physically remove them is delusional.
After watching the guy with the shield in action, I am now convinced that dressing like Captain America is the only way to go. Imagine a line of Caps ready to go off on these fucks.
But the violence isn't prohibited by the ancapists. Am I right?
You're completely right. They've been infiltrated and taken over by pacifists who insist that expelling and suppressing communists is "immoral", that our philosophy is somehow compatible with the gommie.
The demoralization process there is almost complete and it's being led by fags, trannies, shitskins and Californians (but I repeat myself). It's disappointing, it's a fucking mess, but once we start smashing gommie heads in I hope the bulk of them will begin to realize we have to fight for our ideals or be doomed to failure due to relentless D&C tactics coming from kikes and shitlibs pretending they own the idea while completely disregarding Hoppe and others.
If they are involved within the ancapist community then by their logic, they are immortal too.
Heres a webm for anyone who doesn't like giving kiketube clicks
The ancapists is stronker than anifa. This is funny.
Soon brothers they will expect one of us in the wreckage
It's the end goal we all strive for, but it won't likely ever be realized due to low IQ groups of incompatible cultures. Nationalism is necessary until homogeneity of culture is achieved. Then once humans begin colonizing space we'll be back to square one.
I think you might be a D&C kike shill, actually.
Ancaps believe in the fundamental rights of man to own both his own body and property. Ancomms don't believe in either of those rights. It is the difference between being a man and being an animal. The former rejects ARBITRARY authority, where the latter rejects ALL authority.
This is an enormous ideological difference. Upon my first encounter with ancomms, I realized that they all need to be exterminated to a man, woman, and child. They are the most dangerous beasts imaginable.
So do the ancaps lad. Any 'anarcho' in its name belongs in the bin.
Your rights are an illusion, and whilst you fawn over them, creating a society obsessed with 'rights', duty wanes and the nation flounders.
Fuck off D&C kike shill, you're not going to get us to fight each other. Commies will die.
Fuck off you tremendous faggot shill
March 4 Trump Protests: TASERS, PEPPER SPRAY & FIGHTING!!
I would suggest a spear/short weapon combo like Romans. They used a short sword with a slightly hooked end for reaching around armor, and a spear for medium range engagements.
Whoops, the hooked one was Greek, derp, similar concept though. Even has the V on the shield.
Oh look, it's the typical Conservatard belief that if someone violates the rules of civilization, the magical force of moral indignation will correct his behaviour because our system of checks and balances can never fail. Wrong. When you act strong, other men respect you and women wet their panties. When you act like a pussy and wait for people to destroy your society, they're just more willing to trample on you. What your describing only works for Western European men; everyone else is a savage.
Take niggers, for example. Under the yoke of the Jew, they have destroyed all of our cities which is far more than Antifa could ever have done, and yet, niggers remain a protected class. According to your logic, we should just let niggers destroy more and more stuff until the public gets so outraged that they'll spontaneously band together and start a race war.
But that's totally flawed thinking. First of all, we don't need to let anyone generate a negative image. We already know how Jews, Niggers, Muslims, Spics, Asians, and every class of leftoid acts. Second of all, people as a mass don't get collectively outraged and organize political campaigns by themselves. It is political leaders and the media who herd them into action. There is already plenty of white outrage out there that we can harness.
Do you think spics and muslims would be flooding into our country if they knew that we would shoot them dead as soon as they stepped over the border? The whole reason they flood our countries is precisely because they know that we've been tranquillized by the Jewish media. Realistically speaking; we don't even need a border wall. We just need an order to shoot anyone on sight who is caught invading our territory. Such an order would be far more effective than a wall, and less unsightly, too. Unfortunately, due to political concerns and retarded WASPy high-mindedness, we are doing it the non-violent way.
If ancaps can do that I can't wait to see what Natsocs do.
The people there were all borderline commies though.
It is spelt "Voluntaryism".
Nope. It's a Greek Λ (L, pronounced "Lambda"), which stands for "Lakedaimones", the name Spartans gave themselves.
If you turned the V into an Λ the American flag would be upside down. It's supposed to be a V.
God bless you Texas! And keep you brave and strong,
That you may grow in power and worth, throughout the ages long.
fuck off back to >>>/liberty/ you anarkiddie
You don't have to go looking for a fight but if antifa faggots attack you, you better beat their fucking asses.
That's Berkeley, but not the University. That park is across the street from the high school, several blocks west of the U.C. campus.
You need to die
Yeah. I'd take something like a thick 18-24 inch hardwood dowel, then drill a hole in the beatin end and epoxy a large bolt or something similar in there.
Also, I assume they always have flags on their beatin sticks so they can say it is a flagpole and not a weapon. Am I right? One could argue that the bolt is for holding the flag on… somehow.
No it didn't you revisionist lolberg piece of shit. If that were true Joot wouldn't have killed the board twice for being "stormfront". Faggots like you just saw the Ron Paul memes and thought that meant the board was lolberg.
Did you even read what the fuck I said? I said moot deleted it AFTER it turned fascist you fucking retard. Hell, even your image recognizes that.
Would you recommend an actual telescoping baton for self-defense? They seem pretty effective and quick to deploy
They're not different from regular batons with exception of it being shorter when packed, and breaking more easily. Get a baton taser, or a baton torch - those double as a weapons with different attack type.
They're illegal in a lot of places.
Bringing a thick hickory stick to a protest however is perfectly legal.
Hell you round it off at one end and you can say it's a walking stick. That's pretty much what a shillelagh is.
One of the best clubbed weapons ever created.
they do make pretty decent grenades. id prefer a real gun for shooting, though
do what this kid did if you want a melee weapon.
It's heavy, extremely deadly, but short enough to keep your close radius clear and to fight even within arm's reach. Anyone with a good sight on your weapon would most definitely stay the fuck away from you, especially if you include the spikes.
Not sure about the legality, but I think in USA this thing is perfectly legal, just as a baseball bat would be. The only downside to it is its length, which is also its strength. Long weapons are better for keeping people away, but if you can't keep them away (like the guy in the OP, it's just a stick, it's not intimidating or deadly enough to ensure it keeps people away) then they'll get inside your weapon's reach and it becomes useless.
A truncheon like the one in the embed is better if you're already in a crowd, and with the spikes and lanyard there is precisely zero chance of any antifaggots disarming you.
[cant embed because its somewhere else on the board]
there's been a lot of similar demoralisation among the libertarian 2A people. I should make a list of namefags who engage in it and similar things
It's no coincidence that there was primitive communism when men were still basically animals.
Did they tear the skin off?
all illegal in my state, yet a cane sword or a rifle and bayonet are not
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Which of these should I actually download. I only have a few gbs left on my pc.
ey yo lemme get some of dem gibs nigga
I would download more RAM first
It's Lakedaimonioi (Λακεδαιμόνιοι), breh.
Fuck off, we're full.
t. citizen of North Dakota
theres a bunch of cucks/idiots around
their idea is that since the state is 'immoral' so is the states right to enforce borders etc.
however they forget that the idea was always to distribute border enforcement to citizens, not to abolish it. and since the state has taken this liberty from us (with ridiculous legislation like the civil rights act), the only way to have any influence is to go tell the state to build a wall.
ill just leave this here
tldw: jews control all the stuff, they were legitemately persecuded for bad reasons throughout history, have a reasonable cause for israel but the holocaust is a lie and germans are really victims of ww2
No, not on a knife. Guards are for parrying, so a parried sword hits the guard, not your sword.
Peoples reflexes aren't good enough to parry knives, as attacks are too short ranged. The only reason to have a guard on a knife is if you're concerned antifa will start bringing swords.
It could be argued that the guard on a knife isn't for parrying, but rather to prevent the wielder's hand from slipping onto the blade if a lot of blood or sweat gets on the handle.
The Hi power is superior in every way
confirmed for never using a fucking field knife
I carry a sig p226 legion. Excellent gun if you have the scratch.
I really want to be there…
top kek
they want a totally free market and total property rights, that's right libertarianism. ideally they want the entire government abolished to allow people to do pretty much whatever they want. the non-agression principle, however, says that aggression is illegitimate(this excludes violence in self defense). who enforces the nap? nobody i guess, if nobody feels like it. make of it what you will.
Enjoy your FTFs though
no it's not
Tower shields are a bit too unwieldy for the modern men.
Better off having (flag)poles and (wooden) bucklers like they did in Berkeley, then train Anglo-Saxon Fyrd's tactics and just skewer the antifa from your marching shieldwall.
But this is just a side-show, if you don't learn how to shoot and stash ghost guns you're a liability.
Give me your Skype so we can talk. You seem like a reasonable man.
Every snek stepped on is a natsoc in the making.
They get Connecticut and thats that
Thats a non sequitor, who enforces the law now? People enforce the law, if people don't feel like enforcing the law Hillary and Oblongo get to stay living
love it
Early USA was pretty badass in my opinion. Outlawry, exploration, stealing Mexican land etc. This country is defined by that rebellious and wild period. We couldn't ever really replicate that though because I think a lot of the culture then was shaped by the open nature of an entire new continent. There were no nigger faggot trannies then.
Also I have come to the realization that I think many have here that a real ancap society would have to be racially and culturally homogeneous. If you want to get all philosophical about it, I think the very presence of minority populations of different people make the population in general nervous enough to want to have laws and regulation. There would also be more requirements to getting this shit to work, but that is a major factor.
What, really?? I have ancap sympathies and predilections but I would never participate in support any group who associates with communist filth. People need to be exposed to former KGB defector accounts. Also, read Albert Nock.
The ancap, and lolbergs in general, should be considered the true left of a healthy society, as far as modern politics are concerned.
whats with all the pepper spray at these things? stick guy had the right idea.
Good. I hope he doesn't get jail time. It was clearly he was defending others.
It was clear he was defending america
I recognize the music in this mp4, but I just can't remember the name of the group. Anyone else knows?
yu rack a ze disapurin. any i rekon any untrained people in a group charge the same and skirmish lines. throw some, shit retreat repeat all day. seen any videos of tribals fighting in png highlands? same shit. But anyway disciplined ranks fucks tribal sloppy shit good, well at least historically?
watching that staircase video I was thinking the solution might be to form a front line and behind that sweepers. front lines job is 1) hold 2) grab cunts one by one and pull them behind. sweepers clean up the mess. seperate. subdue. restrain. you dont need to bring death jsut exert power, which it's all about anyway. staircase clear. undocumented eviction or some shit.
do it with the zip ties. sweeper teams of 3, take to ground, 1 per arm, one on the zip. pow. if for some reason by chance one gets away, a knife will be produced by one of their comrades shirley. bam gotcha. haha what if you got the feet as well why not so they had to thrash around on the floor like fat pig fucks screaming and crying and their comrades pile up around. the right wing removal squads make quick work. 30 bucks of consumables because gaffer tapes expensive. UBAoS
yall remember that …korean? japanese? anti riot police training video. open field rwrs seperate sections of the cunts while also using the pinchy hands. like sweet sweet crabs. crabs always get jipped on bug wars the people that make that show can get fucked. kinda lost my train of thought. i guess, rocks and bricks and shit, molotovs, beatings of isolateds, leos are the first things to prep against? extra points to be able to dynamic wedge eagle formation or something to pierce into a group to snatch back some fleeing cunt whos just stabbed someone or whatever. forugiva me for rooong poast. got a little excited.
Is your shift key broken son? Reading your post was fucking painful.
So exactly when is it acceptable to fight back? After someone finally gets killed as the police stand and watch?
"Tritt nicht auf mich" meets the meaning of it better.
t. Germanon
Also, I like the concept. Whoever got the original saved, can you make one without the swastika and SS hat so I could spread it without govt. persecution?
Wrong. Government enforces the law, and if people try to enforce it, they'll get a baton rammed up their ass. If you abolish government, there is nothing stopping anyone to become a warlord and start raiding or conquering his neigbours. Who is going to stop him? The neighbours? What if they're too weak to do that and he just slaughters them all?
So not natsocs?
Why are there still no natsocs?
Antifa is beyond commie. They are pure anarchists destroying everything. They don't care about construing a workable society.
Nigger, this isn't Gamer Gate. No amount of trying to play on the defensive and moral highground will have the media cover anything less. It's already been proven they make shit up on the fly. Besides, defending yourself through physical means isn't and shouldn't be a crime.
Oh I have ones of those, with the protruding bits of it still there. So it adds extra.
there exist many places in the world where the government is both unwilling and unable to prevent neighbourhood warlords.
Khopis/Makhaera best sword.
Also it's not a V it's a Lambda, prounounced like an abbreviated Lambada the race of the Burgerfairy 2hu.
Damn i wish i had a Kopis/Kukri, looks so sweet to swing and chop shit with it
Falchions are better.
How can you even tell what's going on in these videos?
Compensation much?
Have fun with your 8 rounds.
Not shitting on the 1911, that would be a crime against funz, but seriously the magazine size is a gargantuan drawback.
Look at Spartans, Hoplites, and Roman Legionaries.
Shields work awesome with teams of shield bearers.
We can… on Mars.
Are there no people in the Government?
At the end of the day, the officer, the lawyer, the judge, the warden, the lawmaker. they are all people.
antifa/anarchists getting BTFO compilation
Traitors - Disassociated
link for normies:
Poor choice of antifa photo in the first pic. All the time they spend with balaclavas and bandanas covering their facees and you choose the one image where they're mostly identifiable and looking the least like ISIS as possible.
Massively, criminally underrated poast. People are slow to learn and they have to be called out at every stage.
AnCap ideas can only function in a highly homogenous patriarchial society, so naturally the end up abandoning the leftist positions promoted by some intellectuals and go harder right.
lol he's out while yours are getting pounded lel
directlinking because /ourguys/
This badass John Deere Antifa is telling you that voting for Trump was a hate crime.
Do you feel sorry now?
I was visiting the capital the other day to meet a buddies dad who is a senator. There was a couple dozen. Surprisingly few for a "rally" in Denver.
Looking at the pictures you can tell that it wasn't alot of people.
Of course. There's a reason why Antifa only acts where local government protects them. They're openly against what they're secretly for–oppression and authoritarianism. They're cowards who need state backing to enforce their will. That's why you'll never see these Antifa rats out in rural white America causing problems. You'll only every see them in some shit-hole Leftist city, or on a University campus. In those places the authority protects them. The authority they feign disgust for. It shows you in small scale why Communism is always a failure. "We want to dissolve the state, but first we'll use the state to oppress everyone we don't like." Basically they want to cede all power to the state, every single time. Small scale in shit-holes like NY and Cali, where they constantly vote away one right after another, or large scale like the Soviet Union. They never change. They're sub-humans. Government is their god.
This is true
Good. They desensitized people to racist, sexist, and other weaponized rhetoric. Let them move onto "hate speech" and "hate crime." Those are the ones which actually permeated the legal system. Well, hate crime, not hate speech in the US, which is the worse of the two (commie tier censorship). Turn people against those and people will actively start pushing for law reforms.
This is what I've been reiterating to commie faggots who I talk to on the net. They take pride in their big numbers in shit-holes like Cali, but the truly significant thing is the fact that, in a Leftist shit-hole like Cali, where they run the top, bottom, and the middle, we have a voice. Our guys are out there standing their ground in Leftist strongholds. Meanwhile they're nowhere to be seen outside of those protected safe zones. No where. It's just more proof that we're now winning the culture war.
Ancap is far-right, National socialism is revolutonary right. Same way communism is far-left, while marxism is revolutionary left.
Get your head out of that university swedecuck asshole. NatSocialism is the THIRD POSITION! As in, neither left nor right!
You are absolutely and 100% correct.
Vermin are only loud in cities. While they act tough in the city center, they couldn't make it to this rally, curiously, despite it being only 10km from the state capital.
*25 km on the highway, which is a 10 minute drive.
We need an entrepreneur to sanction 20 vs 20 antifa vs nationalist fights in a soccer field. With 20 refs watching to stop when a guy is down and out. We could make millions with this divisiveness in our countries. Padded helms and mma gloves.