Why were righties successful in conquering Pepe?
And how much did their ability to sit in their basements bitching about niggers and Jews help them out?
Why were righties successful in conquering Pepe?
And how much did their ability to sit in their basements bitching about niggers and Jews help them out?
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They think they control Pepe, Pepe controls them. They can't handle so much power. It will ruin them.
Then how can we make Pepe favour us?
Newfags clinging onto one of the most common memes they saw at the time they joined.
By spamming the same shit over and over and over again, which is the basis of propaganda. Maybe repeating things are not making them true, but it makes it sticks in people's minds, which is what matters.
By shitposting louder and longer than Holla Forums autists. I'm not sure this is a contest i want to be part of.
We fell out of Pepe's favour with our poor OC, and disregarding him. We could get him back, but it would be hard.
I for one think we have a more powerful meme at our fingertips, one which lefties' should work well with. The God of innocence, aesthetics, and the romantic era's values.
We need to stab outselves in the dick harder.
fuck off commie, gondola isn't yours
the truth is, you are completely devoid of memes because you're uncreative as fuck
deal with it
jokes based on reality can be fun, unlike jokes based on idiocy in your own head that have no base in reality (like socialism/marxism). also, commie retards are never funny, hence they can't create any memes at all.
t. guy that posts meme that's half his age and claims its magic
This is exactly how Holla Forums did it. Look at the comments section of any newspaper or forum. Dedicated shitpost squads are vital in the age of memetic warfare.
why not adopt Spurdo? :DD
Spurdo is best
and Gommunism :DDD
This would anger the right to no end. He's a bastardisation of pepe too which would make it even funnier.
I actually have tons of left spurdo maymays
I tought he was a bastardized pedobear?
lefties knowledge in memetics, everybody
ah, and btw, spurdo is also ours already
maybe you could try coming up with something original for once
oh wait, you can't because commies are incapable of original thoughts
tough luck
Stirner is best meme.
It's literally pedobear painted over an ancient pepe you stupid fucking newfag.
t. talentless fuck with 0 (zero) OC
Pepe, spurdo and the like are from Holla Forums, /int/, /r9k/. May i reming ou that kek comes from the twisting of lol in WoW?
What Holla Forums did come up with? Cuck is the only thing i can think of.
But that whole meme character belong to /board/ is stupid anyway. I can post left related spurdos and pepes and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
Because they are having fun making such pics.
Meanwhile leftists are afraid of being outrageous and rely on muh theory no one gives a fuck about.
Cuck is an MRA.r9k meme
- Tyler, 15, posted from art class
spurdo and gondola are pretty lefty meme mascots
Doesnt make it any less true.
They arent.
G O N D O L A W A V E when
Nice comic shame it's fucking shit.
Are you forgetting most people's conception of Anarchy is "muh chaotic terrorism"
Why dont you make a comic about killing kulaks then?It doesnt matter if the comic is shit as long as it gets reposted. The most effective ones will stick.
I dont see any deeds being done here, not even the production of new spurdos/pepes/gondolas
they are though, nerd
No they arent
I may make some webms at some point, I don't think Premiere can export them though so I have to learn a whole minute long .webm guide to do it. I've seen Holla Forums post up Holla Forums stuff before because they didn't get what it was about and thought it was confirming their beliefs though, so it will likely get coopted by people that can't be assed even googling the content.
Socialists get a shitty deal with memes because anything subversive gets hijacked by capitalists because it's counterculture edgy cool or whatever, and we have to get the scraps when it comes to current affairs because socialism gets pushed out of the picture because it doesn't suit capitalist interests to have it present. For a current example, vaporwave started out as a criticism of capitalism and NEEThood, but I bet in five years time it will be on MTV and Made in Bangladesh t-shirts.
Holla Forums has a facebook meme page with almost 50,000 likes kid
Isnt that why such things are always declared to be cancer when encountered irl?We all know memes turn into shit when they leave imageboards.
Yeah, I'd say peak cancer is it appearing on a mug. Leftists used to get a lot of this through music but now we're pretty devoid of anything memetic. We'll probably struggle to gain any momentum until the next financial crash.
Gondola is way more base than pepe ever was.
t. guy who stole all but like three of his memes from /r9k/ and Holla Forums crossboarders
Adl adds Pepe the frog to hate symbol database.
Read moar here:ADL Adds ‘Pepe the Frog’ Meme to Hate Symbol Database archive.is
Pepe the Frog archive.is
*Porkiebells, not cowbells.
You're optimistic.
Here, have a free Mexican IWW gondola for all your commie shitposting needs.