New Anti-Trump subreddit gets massive traction; The leddit war begins once more

Decided to check out leddit for the first time in forever, this was on the front page.
Make of this what you will, its probably not as important at the end of the day as people will believe, but we should always keep ourselves sharp and remember the disingenuous hypocrisy of these fucks. Never let them forget what their ideology and side has done (not that cuckservatives were any better)

Other urls found in this thread:

For you

>offensive uneducated terms

This is a technique called Subreddit Parallelism, they are making thes subreddits so frequently to game the /rising mechanism.

That makes how many now?

why do autistic jews always ruin any and all fun

>We are CHANGING that rule because we got triggered by T_D

How do you get triggered by T_D exactly ? They're almost leftists.


The entire thing is a joke for us. Just like the left chomping out about milo and calling him a Nazi, (a literal Jewish faggot is somehow a Nazi to them).


Holy fucking kek. That's hilarious.

I bet "2500" is more like 25 though. Still amusing, and for once I tip my hat to a Plebbitor.

They're Jews, I'm betting. They have a pathological need to multiply any numbers that might help them look like better victims

Basically out-Jew the Jews at their own game, and try to dominate reddit. I like that plan
It's useful for meme distribution and spreading out, being such a massive and popular website. Every little tiny redpill helps push whites in the right direction.

Some would say i'm a bad person for enjoying all the salt coming from these cucks, but I don't care.




The reddit admins don't even bother to pretend like free speech or democracy apply to the site anymore. Former admins post on /r/shitredditsays, they implenent algorithms constantly to keep the donald trump subreddit off the front page, admins have been caught editing comments in that subreddit etc etc. If you have to go to reddit just drop redpills and/or troll, unless the admins all get changed it's never going to be balanced.

9gag is more redpilled than these fucking autists.
Reported. Why the fuck isn't mentioning these intrusive, destructive retards instantly worthy of a premaban? A thread died for OPs inability to shut the fuck up about that dying rut just to prove something we knew ALL ALONG. Not to mention you must be a fucking shitskin to be four hours ahead of Europe, go kill yourself you useless shitter.

Where can I selling my leddit accounts? I got a couple 10 year accounts and a few 5+ year accounts. No recent posts and little-to-no link karma, just comment karma from regular old shitposting. Hardly any posts relating to politics. Wouldn't shills want my account?

Give them to some anons here and run a pro-trump subreddit paralellism scheme. Those can be poweruser accounts easily.

Aka "Gets swarmed with bots and shills to make it look important but really its just more liberals crying that they lost."



(Matching id dubs checked)

At this point my biggest nightmare is 8ch getting cucked like halfchan last year or otherwise vanishing into the aether. Holla Forums is literally the only fraying strand preserving my grubby veneer of sanity and it feels like the only oasis of sanity in this whithouse planet of pain. I exaggerate slightly for effect…but only VERYslightly.)

The funny thing is, there are tens of millions of non-pozzed humans out there…Trump won, after all. But it still feels like we are all suffering silently and wearily in isolation while the left continues to screech and froth endledlessly in obsenely public displays of madness…how much more of this shit can we take?

Styxhexenhammer (I know, I know) was talking about kek and reddit in one of his last vids. According to him, Holla Forums has its deity, i.e. kek, and its followers cause change to occur through meme magic. But reddit is yet to summon its own ancient god and they can't meme for shit over there. But if they ever do find a deity, its nature will be oppositional to kek.

8ch didn't fold during the election, it won't fold now. My guess is that it has been kept up by Japanese soft power interests. The jew fears the samurai and all that. The rest of the media is pozzed as fuck and they will all crumble shortly. We are looking towards a glorious future.

How alienated do you have to be to come up with that?

Reddit is actively participating in a seditious conspiracy. Due to corporate personhood laws, they should be punished as an individual would for this activity (execution). Mattis therefore needs to bomb their data centers. I'm dead serious. Same with Facebook and Twitter. All of these companies are guilty of sedition.
I'm tired of everyone thinking these companies are unassailable just because of muh first mover advantage, muh inertia, muh network effect. Just bomb the fucking data centers. These companies can be permanently wiped out in a matter of minutes. No one will suffer from it, no one will even really be inconvenienced. The world will immediately begin to improve


They lost the free speech defense when they burned the sign at the battle of Berkeley. Their admins must be publicly crucified.

T_D is what most leftists believe the hard right is. Why? Because the Overton window has shifted so far left.

Gee (((who))) could be behind this?


You guys do realize they can manipulate how many subs they have?

3.1 million subscribers

553 current visitors

435k Subs

1600 users.

"Upvotes" and their ilk - the Like, the re-tweet, etc. - are being manipulated by the globalist shill's super cointelpro agencies.

Be careful not to confuse "likes" with popular opinion. These are even more corruptable than the vote was in November - our enemies are beginning to learn.

Isn't that why the left lost this election?

Pick one.
It's mostly just pity/sympathy subscribers and sock puppet accounts. The sub is barely active and half the comments are just TD people shitting it up. The mods can't even keep it clean. Who gives a shit tbh fam.

Found the kike.

Aside from the one board on the front page at one time, and fixing the internet points, I'm pretty sure it's manual editing going on.
If you keep an eye on the lifecycle of a rising thread on TD, it starts with ~90% upvotes, when it becomes visible publicly it gets set to ~50-55% upvotes (to avoid hitting 0 overall points, which they fuck up sometimes) and ~40k total votes, then a little later the total votes are hidden (which I've never seen on any other thread elsewhere). Sometimes they forget to hide the total, and it reaches 500k+ total votes, or some crazy high number like that. Possibly an after effect of near doubling the real amount of votes.

Didn't Trump do an AMA on Reddit and Reddit admins were so buttblasted they took it off the frontpage?

It just doesn't feel right fighting in a war for Reddit. I feel like a foreign mercenary, I'm not native to the soil nor am I really interested in the freedom of the people there. That being said, if we're talking about domination than I'm on board. But we've never tried a hostile take-over of reddit on a massive scale. So if we're going to do this we need to do it big.

It ended up falling off of r/all suspiciously quickly despite being massively popular. They claimed that it was just a (((cohencidence))) and there was an error with the front page algorithm. Nobody believed the excuse.

This. Being that we've been inundated with cuckchan rapefugees here on this board perhaps they would be interested in participating in taking over reddit.

I frankly doubt it's possible to take over reddit without doing what the goons did - inflitrating the site administration. The easily manipulated upboat system and vast privileges of the moderators - 90% of whom belong to the same clique - makes a hostile takeover near impossible. Raiding/swarming can be drowned out, and infiltration a la /srs/ is not going to work since it took them years, and they'll be savvy to their own tricks.

Finding a way to drive normies away from it en masse, however, is possible and would be a huge win for us.

Who the fuck cares?

One suggestion would to have sub boards on subjects such as /cooking/, /gardening/, /home improvement/ etc.

Good. Give T_D something to do other than being a Trump cheer-leading circle jerk with their homo loving, tranny having, jew worshiping, race mixed signaling faggot audience.

I'm surprised no one has noticed the upvote to comment to user count discrepancy on these subreddits yet. You'll see tons of posts that have a couple of upvotes and a few comments, and then (((randomly))) there will be a post with tens of thousands of upvotes, and thousands of comments that somehow managed to land on the front page.

You can even look at the subscriber growth of the majority of these, it isn't natural growth at all. The reality is, the outspoken anti-trump sentiment on reddit is hilariously small; it's just supplemented by a huge amount of purchased upvotes and bots. It's all manufactured. It's all bullshit.

From what I understand that percentage of up/down votes does not match at all. Being a circle jerk subreddit I would think most users would strictly upvote everything to around the 90% mark. With T_D not being visible in r/All that often, where to the downvotes come from to reach 50% or lower? It's not from the userbase, so it has to be a dedicated contingent of shills auto voting or some sort of manipulation.

Reddit is gay af. Don't talk about it or acknowledge it. Everyone on it is either dumb shits or smug fucks and there humour is Big Bang theory tier. 9gag is better than Reddit. 9gag is 9x more reddpilled than Reddit.

Fuck the fuck off. Reddit, even /r/the_donald, is hopeless cancer. Its the most heavily moderated site with the most sensitive moderators on the fucking planet. And its user base loves that fact or they wouldn't be there. Have you ever stepped into the /r/the_donald official discord? There are more fucking Israeli flags than that time moot turned the entire 4/pol/ board into kike flags.

Oh no not everyone has gone full Holla Forums or refuses to reveal their powerlevels I guess we're going to need to gas then all! Redpilling normies slowly is a waste of time just call them nigger lover faggots that will surely get the people we want into political power!

Fuck off you kike.

Dumbass. Almost as stupid as all the retards that still use it. Anyone still there is dead weight

Fuck off back there and stay put.

They aren't even trying to hide the vote manipulation from the admins.

Here's how Reddit is going to do this:
Same thing happened with coontown. Since coontown had about 10,000 subs, suddenly it was coontown attacking r/blackladies. Mark my words. Same thing with fatpeoplehate. They said FPH was attacking trans subs.
I'd bet my life this is what will happen.


I hope they do ban all donald trump/right wing websites. 99% of all those people will never visit 8ch anyway. It will just give rise to a new platform. Hopefully something better than Reddit. Maybe it will be voat or maybe someone will just write new code and come up with something superior.

Everyone to the right of Marx is hard right to leftards.

I don't care about reddit but it's funny to me that Trump was so loved there that the kikes in charge had to nigger rig the concept of popularity to hide it.

Good, good, keep lending us and the god emperor your energy. Don't focus one the horrible Marxist drivel that you want, focus on the evil nazi man that you DON'T want. Because you will only get more of what you focus on and make his meme magic stronger.

Salt is truly an infinite power source. Kek brings order from chaos, thermodynamics can fuck right off.

really, this is your post? Just ignore the enemies movements and actions?


Can't speak for others but it was the brutal honesty, the 'horrific' and 'deeply offensive' humor and the gleeful disregard for all authority or PR, for lack of better terms, that got me hooked to Holla Forums.

I almost feel like false flagging the_donald into oblivion myself. It really would be for their own good, but I'm certain those fags would just keep browsing reddit anyway.

Jews have destroyed masculinity so much this line of logic actually works with them

I had an idea of destroying reddit. Well, it would drive off most normalfag users and thereby ruin their advertising base and money.

There are leftards now that argue Marx is right-wing because he supported statist vanguardism and didn't embrace intersectionality.

Is it time to fire up the Internet hate machine again?

Everyone worth redpilling will soon be redpilled or will not bother. Our ideas are infectious, they're spreading everywhere. At some point you're going to have to recognize that everyone still using reddit isn't going to be saved or isn't really worth saving. It won't be us that redpills them, it will be reddit's own admin policy.
Reddit is now solidifying itself as a liberal echo chamber hostile to even moderately conservative ideas, while there might still be some worth saving, it is becoming increasingly difficult to do and frankly anybody that will continue to put up with that shit much longer and keep browsing reddit is a fucking lost cause.

They'll stick to quarantines, they are much more effective. It's hilarious seeing T_D think they can upvote things to the front page even though the algorithm specifically prevents it.

'33 checked

also she is very pretty



I laughed my ass off reading your post despite neither being surprised nor doubtful that what you claim is true.

reddit is the natural habitat of the nu-male

and a few people to the left of marx too

Reddit front page is heavily gamed with not only administrative approval, but the admins actually manually fuck with vote counts on occasion to sabotage pro Trump stuff and plaster everything with anti Trump stuff. Not to mention massive shilling operations from companies like ShareBlue.




Suggestion: dox anyone posting there who works for a non-profit organization and report them.
Trump registered as a candidate for the 2020 presidential run and it is against federal law for a non profit to campaign against a politician, they lose non-profit status and have to start paying taxes.

You have to go back, civic nationalist scum. T_D is controlled opposition.

Kill yourself, you won't be missed.

I almost feel sorry for him, lel, but deserves every bit of it. I hope the others who still have a chance realize from that dudes mistakes.