New Sarah Andershit thread!


Only fresh OC and good old ones.

Other urls found in this thread:!EUMWAQbL!McAKu1v5Cmb8eXLSRFyXKw

New edits

we should give that sjw disney cartoon girl a nazi makeover tbh,
sage for offtopic

also bumping this bread

Some classics to get into the mood

real bump this time

These are all really dank.


Some more


Some random stuff

holy fuck is that real?
she is spreading these anti semetic propaganda in real life!!!!

Of course it's real. Sarah is a committed antisemite and hate-spewing bigot who meets her match only when compared to Ben Garrison.

Well yes of course. Many compare her to Ben "One man Klan" Garrison.

this shit is making me feel so frightened, how can such a monster like her exist? i saw her write a post on facebook about how she wants to cleanse earth of non aryan blood and she is commited to doing so! her hate tops that of hitler and trump who is also hitler!

I have all the old ones on Mega. Damn fine stuff, but the OC has pretty much stopped.!EUMWAQbL!McAKu1v5Cmb8eXLSRFyXKw

Some holocaust historians suggest that she may be an artificial human created by combining the genes of all Nazi leaders and the concentrated suffering of over six million Jewish children as they were crushed to death under a gigantic pogo-stick shaped killing machine piloted by none other than Hitler himself.

Implying this is any more retarded than most holocaust stories.

That's why I made the thread. Nothing stops us from making new edits.


I don't know why I found this so funny

no no no, that is basically holocaust denial you anti-semite. she was created as part of the sadistic nazi lebensborn program and her father is the notorious germanic death cult doctor mengele. she actually escaped capture from the soviet liberators by taking a ride with Maria Orsic of the occult nazi order. she was trained to create and gas jews for millions of years in other time-lines and universes. she only came to our world when ben garrison found her in hitler's hideout in white argentina and thought of her as worthy opponent in mass genocide and ethnic cleansing. also remember to call the ADL if you think you see her so the wonderful and creative artist matt furie can denazi her!


go away you disgusting cuckchanner, you will pay for your nazi sympathy!

I honestly doubt she has any problems a serious dicking and a few white babies couldn't cure.


Don't be silly user, that's for her husband to worry about. She needs to focus on fixing up the house and perfecting her pot roast recipe.

fuck off you filthy jew. she only takes part in occult nazi sex rituals after a day of daily gassing.

Vril girls need love too user

I wouldn't say shit like that about Sarah's pot roast recipe unless you want to end up in one of the camps.

This is what happens when you fuck with Holla Forums. She threw one temper tantrum, and months later, the Eye of Sauron still occasionally glances her way.

At least she has good gender awareness

her sex is for the hateful magik that she and her fellow nazis practice. they don't love. only LGBTQBBQKKKEKWEWLAD+ can truly love.

rip kike user.

Hey now, he's no kike. Thing is, when the mood hits ol' Sarah, it doesn't matter.

Waaait a sec. What type of edgelord kike perversions are you tryin to sell me here?

One tweet is all it takes to summon the eternal wrath of Kek and his army.

I am enjoying this thread
do you think we could bring her into the fold like we did with ben?

stop that neo nazi anti semetic white supremacist right wing extremist propaganda. it triggers me.

what are you talking about? Kek has always blessed sarah in her fascist activities,

Sarah "Kike Killer Cutie" Andersen is my waifu!

What if I'm not Aryan enough for her standards? Some of my family came from Ireland




nice low res meme you eternal potatonigger.



potatonigger get out

In all fairness some potato niggers who were the rape babies of viking invaders are pretty nordic looking and don't have any of the typical negroid features most potato niggers have.


ireland means aryan or some shit iirc tbh fam, potatoniggers are the master race just like the finns.

The Irish (the original ones) are just some of the last remnants of Cro-Magnons that our white looking hominids that (half) of our ancestors fucked to make the terrestrial Aryan race. Being isolated from the rest of Europe they got the least Aryan admixture out of the white ethnicities. However, some survivors after the collapse did make it there, so they do have a bit, but not nearly as much as the rest of us. They still have a higher IQ, less violence, more physical beauty, and lower time preference than the rest of the natural earth races. Had the Aryans never showed up, they would eventually have dominated the earth.

Either that or their island sucked and it hampered their genetic development. Either or.



Has she said anything else besides that one tweet?

Nah, she's trying this. It's not working.

has she acknowledged that Holla Forums turned Ben "Empty My Nine in the Welfare Line" Garrison into the kike gassing nigger crushing SuperNazi that he is today? Surely, she must know the only way out of this is to start gassing kikes.

Too much bla bla and not enough new edits in this thread.

not my OC

It's funny because it's true
Never change Holla Forums

Fug Yeah OP!
I love these threads, woke up at 2:00 to take the dog out and saw you made a new one.
Here's my contribution for the morning, along with some old ones not yet posted.

like with Edit #8 if any Anons fluent in Spanish want to alter the dialogue for the new edit with something more fitting, feel free to do so.

I think it's important that we don't try to force or rush anything like that. Op has the right idea to keep making a new thread every so often, we make new edits and circulate our old favorites each time. Over time lurkers and others will save and pass on ones they genuinely got a chuckle out of regardless of political ideology. These are the ones that will get posted off site and catch her attention most. The key here is NOT to push a narrative, but to just have fun with it. I promise that every time one of these threads gets made I will try to contribute at least 2 or 3 edits.

Hitler dubs checked.




someone replace the cuckchan one with the dehumanize yourself post.


couple of new edits

Here are two I made

That's some beautiful application of pottery in the second one user.

I've only seen this person's comics like once before.
What's the reason y'all are Ben Garrisoning her, just because it's funny? Genuinely curious.

Some of these are so good you could make someone believe she's actually NatSoc.

Hope someone hasn't made this before I have.

We are above petty reasoning. We do KeK's will and that is reason enough for us.


Noice. Keep the good stuff coming.


I love this.

There's something about ruining this poor girl's innocence I find quite Kek-worthy.

The is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt. This maggot had several degrees of complacency before she became a proactive holocauster.

I hope we make her come here and leave redpilled like Benny boy.

Not likely to happen, given all the comics she's made about her menstruation.

Nothing innocent about a girl who pushes cultural marxism in her comic books, Kek made sure the bitch would pay.

"[european x] is not white!" is an old fucking 4chan D&C kike meme, stop perpetuating it.





If I had the know how I would've made the last panel into a gif.

Although even if the number from kikepedia was correct, the difference would be marginal, but appearantly their IQ is only 102, which is tied with US whites (and you know what they say about American education [hence their IQ tests can´t be that hard either]). The visible difference between white and jews would not be justified in that respect.


Well, at least she doesn't take the Pill then.

The "pit of snakes" is a good one. Niggers are very well known to be undesireable. Whereas Jews are not. By mixing them together like "niggers and jews" and treating it as one noun, will be a great way to push normies up on the fence.

We all need to stop procrastinating.


Fresh out the oven.


Checked, and praised.

only posted this once before

Excellent. Doing this really gets under peoples skin, especially when they've devoted themselves to a career and have nothing of true worth to show for it.

And you admit that it's not even fresh OC. You know you don't have to be a nigger to cuck someone right user?

Regardless thank you for posting that.


So much better.


The simplest edits really are the best sometimes.

Much work for Kek is being done here.

The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.

Keep up the good work Anons, never let Sarah forget how much we love her.

That was actually porn before I edited it

have any of you sent these to her?


Doing God's work user. The fappless thank you for not inviting temptation


that one really gets me, as impregnation is one of my biggest fetishes (if it can even be called a fetish, it's as vanilla as it gets really)

The entire reason I'm going fappless is because when I finally get a wife and don't want to be limp because of all the pyscho-porn effects. I want a family, a big one, and that can't happen with the eternal nude in the the way. sage for offtopic

you should read this

who the fuck does this

she is pretty 'famous' comic artist. They get shared on fb/twitter/imgur alot

Old shit, but I like the skull.



Any more edits?



Lol, very good.

Libs can't into parody

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

Liberals make poor intellectuals.

You might be without knowing it. Who knows? Only an arrogant moron would claim to completely understand himself.

What typeface does she use?

It's hand lettered. But some user made this font. See

I know that feel. I just want a traditional housewife to hold hands with while making love in missionary position and enriching both of our lives with beautiful, strong white daughters and sons.

You disgusting fuck… Lord knows I've fapped to some pretty fucked up shit, but that's way over the fucking line.

I know. I wish I could find satisfaction again in more normal fetishes, but I'm too deep into this now.

+1 layer of irony

christ, is that really the best they got? slapping some text over an already edited picture?

gee it's so bad to live with the people responsible for building and maintaining your modern world, maybe they should just move to africa or haiti if they hate white people so much, they'll be in good company in those places, maybe they'll get to see first hand how well the world works without whites

Feminists sure hate white people

Jesus were these made by Common Filth?

thanks for the fresh OC lads, been lurking here for a while. saved most of it

And Shouldn't they make Sarah non-white, if it's supposed to be "a life without whites"?

By Kek, don't taint this nice thread with this smut.

It's like they think reposting our content will somehow make it stop.

Lol. Nice.


Get a real gf, user.

That's not supposed to be an actual anime waifu, it's just like that because his image is a fucking drawing you twat.



KeK be praised


Now there is an idea or three…



#3 Damn son, that's what I call a tarbaby.

This is an old one but I repost because it was actually a lot of work to get it right.

I love this. When their assertions are challenged, they retreat to an even LESS defensible position.


Holy shit they're delusional and uncreative!

Notice how they, in the IQ chart picture, changed it so that White, Asian, and Black IQs are exactly the same.

Stop posting this crap



preddy gud


Good grief that was something. True carriers of PEACE AND LOVE ain't they? Lady need a chill pill wowzers.

Requesting photoshop without a ransomware crack.

This image is full of bullshit and grasps at straws, trying to back it up with "psychology" that the author pulled straight from his asshole. I happen to have a transformation fetish, yet it was something I have always had - the very idea was what I masturbated to for the first time, and I never sought any other type of pornography. Having this sort of fetish doen't make me fucking self-insert into porn (projecting much?), it doesn't make me do any degenerate shit like crossdressing and similar, and despite knowing several trannies personally, I do not wish to change my fucking gender (nor do I wish to fuck them). The literally only problem I run into is that there is so little quality porn of it. As for being limp when you're with a girl, just hold off on masturbating a day or two before fucking her, you double niggers, and you'll come no problem in a timely fashion




She's coming out with a new book. Has anyone made an edit yet?


*found the original

nice wall of text, degenerate

lol Long Live Holla Forums!

How's this?

this is a great snowflake right there

Holy shit this stuff is great!

My take


Get out newfaggot.


Rate my OC

Damn, this one is good.

I'm guessing it's better than the "original".

absolutely perfect




I want to do more edits with MAGA hats, but I'm picky about which of her comics that kind of edit would suit best.


Who the fuck is this bitch? what happened? context plox

minor edits

Sinead is some crazy bitch who runs Firestarter Media and shills here occasionally. Flat Earth threads are usually started by her and her ilk.

There may be some truth to that pic but I think there's some over-analyzing going on.

Mainstream hardcore porn excites guys because of the primal element of simulated competition. If there's another guy with the girl, your brain is going to flood you with testosterone and try to make you cum as hard as you can to compete with him to breed with her.

This isn't an ideal scenario and if you're exposed to this scenario over and over again in nature, something is probably very seriously wrong with you or your tribe. With porn this becomes normalized, if you watch too much of it, you become desensitized and will want to move to something more extreme to feel the same drive to compete. That's when people get into gangbangs, interracial, cuckold, etc, etc. until they are completely burned out and go into the "I must be a transgender/faggot/crossdresser/LGBTQFFRG+" phase, which is typically the point of no return. You just don't want to compete anymore.

There are other ways people develop fetishes but this is pretty much the guaranteed path if you become a hardcore porn addict. (((They))) are trying to turn you into a spineless queer.

Top Kek, is mommybird trying to teach the babby to fly?

reminds me of this webm
it was too strange to not save

How long until Sarah "breaking the knees of the Vietnamese" Scribbles comes out as a fascist? I'm glad people on here are exposing her REAL cartoons.

I'm scared as all shit that this will happen to me if I ever start dating

You start when you're 15-16, seriously dating anyways. C'mon user, you can do it. You have some catching up to do.


Autobiographic edit

Minimal edit

This took surprisingly little editing


Nice user, I actually had an idea for editing the original of that one but I couldn't find it, when I looked for it.






Lol, very good. But soap bottle should be empty in the beginning and full at the end.

Good meme



Practice kegel exercise once a day get hard everyday.

If you do it correctly you get a diamond cock (and for woman they get penis pumping machines).
Originally It's an exercise for woman.
It was made to reduce the detachment of internal organs after birth.
Just do it you'll never get limp ever.

Asking CIA niggers to enter your computer.





Some parts are of Asia are higher on average. Really the bigger thing to poke holes in is the Jew IQ meme, because that shit has been inflated like nuts if you look at studies done on Israel with its majority Ashkenazi kike demographics. Really though, we're all much closer to one another than we are to niggers or other varieties of genetic retards. It's not too big of a difference.

It's shit like Singapore that's really seeing the (6-7 point I think over 100ish?) advantage anyway.

truth is what we say it is. praise kek

Here's my take on that user, hope you like it.

so what has her reaction been to all the editing? Has she embraced it or triggered out?

She has tried to ignore it to the best of her abilities from what I've heard. That just makes me feel like doing more edits each time a thread gets made. Like a trickle of water carving a river into a mountain, we will autistically keep at this until time stops if need be.

Habeeb it.

Checked and keked

Perfect. But title is still shampoo. I think this is the final version now.




Btw, how sad is it that parks, beaches, malls, cinemas and pretty much all other public places have been ruined by niggers, shitskins and spics?

Pretty good.

Yeah, I forgot about amusement parks. Remember when those were fun? Now they're haunted by packs of screeching niggers. And the smell of them. You can't go there on a hot day.

Thanks for that, it brought me back to pre-2007 for a little while. Heil Birdler.

Thank you user


saved these from last threads.



Wrong thread, retard

Those are nice user, but this thread is for Sarah Edits.

get her address and flood it with edits of her work

Use then archive it on your pc to re uploaded it when necessary.



I like how you did the title according to everything else. user u iz genius

This thread has made me laugh my ass off.

Have a bump.



I can see how the hat would be awkward for the text, but at least have an armband.

Whatever you do, don't wait until you're in your mid twenties; everyone else is taken then, or ugly as fuck. It doesn't matter what you look like yourself. Just avoid anyone showing any feminist flags or signs of being spoiled.

Just start dating right away. If you wait until even the early twenties your chances are jack shit as you will have no idea how to do it and will just be an autist. Unless you live in some place that is extremely conservative, your chances go down at an exponential rate.

looks like I'm a bit early that advice
lost it when I was 15

this one hits em deep in the psychology

this one hit so deep that can actually cuase some suicides good

aaahhhh…. good

being this bad at your job

What's the author's reaction? I want to see salt.


For anyone curious about this influx of shilling, just be aware they are completely pozzed and ran a money-making FUD campaign against trump trying convince people he would delete the internet, ironic considering how they delete archives all the time.

It's pathetic, honestly. They're just bigoted against Whites, whom they call "supremacists." If being bigoted were a bad thing, then how could they simply swap terms? They are such shameful hypocrites, but the worst part of it is that it wasn't even funny. Fuck, I am so glad I gave up PC cuckfag "thinking."

I don't think she's a kike, but she is certainly beyond insane.

Sinead is an insane cunt who is cancerous as fuck to pro-whites in general. I met this bitch before seeing things like the random insanity linked there, and she straight-up did a resource burn JTRIG-style. She is far too insane to be some kind of paid operator–just fucking cancerous. I still think she is guilty of harming our cause and abetting the enemy, however. Sage for my doublepost.

What about the Flemish?


That looks like it was taken yesterday
That was real
That time period happened it was just as real as what is going on today

I wish I could force every woman in the world to read this.

Check'd and KeK'd.


Well done.

This alone is reason to believe

Check em!


Finally found time to make a new edit.
That guy, eh?

i'm zozzed



Criminally Underchecked

Last one for today.

Confirmation dubs checked!


Sarah's take on an old Holla Forums meme


bump for interest


Not OC persay, but the shitskin faggot needs to be removed from patreon so he'll stop white knighting likes of Sarah, snitch and shill his 'Holla Forums OC'

Oh my fuck.

just checked that twitter, why did this idiot shill his comic on this site?

'Holla Forums OC', shekels and satisfying his ego

The faggot tried to get drawfags from here to support his autistic doodling


Wait, why is the soap level increasing instead of… ohhhhhhhhhh.

This is some solid fucking propaganda friend. Goebbels would be proud of you.

Fucking nice. Good work.

He does not realize this is literally the worst possible way to go about making money.

They spend so much time bashing Islam and Muslims, then turn around and act like they're totally OK with both and anyone who isn't is an ebul alt-right turrist.

Atheists are hilarious.

yeesh, didn't know it was that bad, never browsed the christ-chan threads myself


there is absolutely nothing wrong with a 25-28 year old man dating 18-21 year old women. if you feel like the women in your age range are too ugly, just find younger women to date.


Obviously the "average" chink peasant isn't writing IQ tests…

I don't know the source of the data, and I'm not claiming anything about anybody's IQ. Just want to point out that whenever you want to compare data between different populations, the sampling method has to be the same otherwise your conclusions are garbage.


if words were swords


You win.

Here's the real one.





Checked! Kek agrees that he was the biggest liar

Heiled! Hitler post gets natural hitler dubs.



It's "Schutz Staffel", user.

should we uh, make a thread about this?

maybe set up a mini meet up and print out our edits for she can sign them?

it'll be like meeting a mini ben garrison.

Kek, it'll be the equivalent of pic related.

p devastating tbh

Cheer up, user. According to the multiverse theory, that is yesterday in some worlds.


it's holocaust SCHOLARS you antisemetic BASTID

Why not ask her to sign Mein Kampf? Would love to see her upset face.

start as young as your country permits, maybe younger

Arah' Cribble?

who the fuck is sarah andersen? she draws cartoons or something? why does any of this matter






It is absolutely worth making a thread over.

Some of us MUST get the true versions signed.

Love that first one

Burger bros time to shine. She's in Baltimore today and Austin on Friday.
Hope she comes to Europe soon. I'd like her to sign a nice print of



Ben Garrison is also complained about edits and he end up posting comics with swastika and jews in it. Resistance is futile.

Ben was already pretty close though. He just needed to figure out some stuff. Sarah's on the other end of the spectrum. We can only hope that , like Ben, she obessively catalogues our memes and behavior until she realizes the nature of the Beast.

It's gonna take some time.

Let's not over-extend ourselves. Cyclone Ben is still a libertarian. He's not /ourguy/.

Cuck-chans trolling campaign has not pushed Ben further to the right. If anything, it's just pissed him off and convinced him that a lot of the anons on cuck chan are shit-tier arseholes.

And, to be honest, he's right. Libel laws exist for a reason. A joke is a joke, but when you drag it on for year after year to the extent that you actually ruin the man's livelihood, it's no longer funny. The pricks on cuckchan who ruined Ben Garrison's career should be ashamed of themselves.

t. user who has been around at long enough to remember when Zyklon Ben was posting on this board and even longer.

Want a medal, faggot? A lot of us remember that.
Besides, Ben doesn't just have a problem with libel he explicitly said in some posts, that he thinks that certain extremism/spreading hate is not/should not be protected by free speech.
I like his stuff mostly because of nostalgia, but he has some fucking cancerous views.

ben pls

Not Ben.

But I did lol at your post


That's pretty good.


Couple more old ones until that lazy hussy gets back from her book tour and starts working again.


Any minute now…

gud one

You mean collective societal retards with no advanced sociological structures thus no median to take from when trying to adapt to an extremely advanced society like the west. China formed an empire, built a civilization , cities, massive trade system, complicated agricultural practices etc Same with the South America natives but not as advanced as China and both lagged behind Europe when it really started its expansion.

Africa is in an interesting phenomenon I don't understand. I guess they just were never ever pushed into any sort of civilization mode, I don't know.



Whites never got there in the age before the mini ice-age.



kys imbeciles


only ever made the one edit on the cuckchan threads at the time. It's pretty damned obvious why I don't bother anymore

kike sucker

Hit to close to home, eh? But you gave it the 'ol college try.

The best thing about exposing it is that it forces bluepills to consider the contradiction, user.

She is definitely completely insane. What's truly shameful is that it's only trashy people or those with obvious problems that bother trying to represent us publicly–for now.

The correct response is to steal Christ-chan too.

It's not like we haven't mostly done it already just by association. She's a Holla Forums meme more than the property of some faggot chink cuck.

this woman needs my dick inside her.

I thought he had already been doxxed as a white

An SJW slut who many young men find sexually arousing.
It doesn't really, but she has successfully hijacked many normalfags who pretend to be Holla Forums to add edge to their personas and has them unwittingly working for free to promote her work.
In their minds, their efforts are a way to get the attention of an "attractive" young woman.
Nope, they really are that ignorant.
Ben Garrison is not a real person. The cartoons published under his name were intended to be "modified" from the outset. Same kind of deal, an easy way to raise profile and shill for funds "help Ben Garrison fund legal action against nazi trolls."
Yes, he actually has a Patreon for this.

Female "art" in a nutshell.
"Adulthood is a myth" because millennial women are not required to become adults. Society and willing men support their perpetual childhood, therefore they come to believe that adulthood is a myth.
It isn't a myth, they just belong to a privileged class of which adult duties and responsibilities are not required or expected.
Her "hurr hurr, I am so incompetent and it's cute" shtick resonates with other women of her cohort, because they all enjoy this societal concession, they gain power by exaggerating their incompetence and helplessness, it is like a beacon for White knights of all political and social persuasions.
Even her fine art is "muh pussy", "muh self", "muh other women."

No fun allowed. Holla Forums go home.

Better version


On the plus side, you could probably manage to dick her unibrow.

Checked and kek'd.


tfw no natsoc gf to watch TGSNT with

Wow that'd suck, women are whatever you make them to be. If you don't impart anything to her then she'll leave you.

Of course you could also wait for DOTR because nothing says I've got my shit together like multiple rifles with over 10,000 rounds and hanging niggers in the background while spics burn upon a pyre. And she's hungry.

This thread hurt my stomach I laughed so hard.

Never stop, I am printing out at least 50 of these for April 23 and leaving them on the bus, in bathrooms and on my local college information boards.

You're doing God's work, user. Sarah Andersen is going to be famous. Not the type of fame she thought she'd get kek

Looks like this one didn't survive the hack. Reposting

Glad to know you enjoyed the edits I made.

It's hard to tell if people liked them when no one replies to the posts.

[pic is an edit of an earlier post]


Anyone got it?


OC rate me

preddy gud :DDDDDDDD



I just realised that the comic doesn't make any sense without a title to provide some context.



fresh OC

Pretty good.

Thanks a lot, m8.
Here's a rare Nigel.



This one seems like it might have impact on the 23rd, particularly because it's pure truth and relatable (to them).

Ahmed and Jamal are sue cranky today.

no, Kek has been cruel to Frau Andersen, cursing her with those vandals who persistently deface her important works, turning them from cutting edge social commentary into weak (though realistic-looking) forgeries whose message is the complete opposite of the truth that Sarah has devoted her life to saving western civilization with.

Finns are literally nonwhite. They're Mongols.

Don't you have booze to drink and a wife to beat?

krita best, gimp btfo

She's been found out.



I wish I had a pit of snakes. Cute ones like ball pythons.

While I'm at it, I'd sell a kidney just to experience pic 3

Fucking amazing. Thanks, user.

Did you get triggered, cucks? Don't you have a video of a lesbian raping a woman to watch? Oops I mean "sexually liberating" a woman.

fixed it with MD 20/20 Bling Berry



ever thought any shill was able to express how cucked he is this much.

low effort bump

Instead of shilling her new book that lazy hussy should make more comics.


Who bitch this is?

All that tasteless low effort literally degenerated art.

No one would die for this shit.

kek demands sacrifice


not the sadistic nazi lesboporn!




I'm glad this thread is still alive.

Even though your post is weeks old, I'm still going to call you a filthy, coddle-eating mic.

Thats an SS moron, why are so many progressives illiterate

Well what was the first signal to leave Earth?
Coincidence? Hitler did absolutely nothing wrong.

How can we send and make sure she see's rule 34's?

Show up to one of her panels and show it to her in person.


34 double Ds.

Why do you think pov porn exists? To make it easier to project. If you watch vanilla porn and don't imagine you are the guy fucking the woman, what are you doing? Getting off to watching some guy that is not you fuck someone makes you a cuck.


holy fucking shit

Fuck off back to Holla Forums, nigger.


found the original

HAHA. Although he doesn't seem like he is up to anything, the only thing he has ever done was bring the crew to isreal to make pro-isreal stuff.

Well yeah, if you are from a country that mainly consists of your ethnicity you are going to try to make it sound good.

But other then that I don't see him spreading the globalist propaganda

it all looks the fucking same

bumplocked T_T
RIP thread

Meanwhile the retarded anime girl thread is on page 2 and non bumplocked

thanks imkikey you no-fun faggot

why is this anchored????????????

I check this at least every other day, it makes me feel like I am 7 again and reading Garfield or Family Circus in the paper again.

This. Seems we really need to gas the mods.

Trips confirm. Kek is angered by locking this glorious thread.

Can't believe mods locking my thread. Guess it's true, they are compromised. One last edit before I'm gonna leave Holla Forums.

Low energy bump


Can't really argue with this.

haha, I'm using the internet

Nice edits lads

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So mods came to their senses and unlocked this glorious thread. Looks like we don't have to put them on the cattle cars - for now…

Don't forget, kids, you need to burn them.

This thread was always my favorite. I'm glad that it's back.

can anyone repost this one?

what did Kek bless with quads?


I made a lot of edits for this thread.

I lost a HDD a few weeks ago. I assumed that the edits of Sarah Andershit comics that I made (along with my other memes) would live on in cyberspace. Almost all of them are missing from this thread. The hacker destroyed them.

How have we not doxed this arsehole? How can we find him?

2nd one is the quad one

I think I have pretty much all edits. You looking for something specific? Are you the one that helped with the shampoo strip?

the fuck mods? u mad? why u delete all image edits? yeah u mad





Holy shit, she's the Serpentor of antisemites!

What is going on with some of the images?

Mods tried to shoah the thread twice. But Sarah's antisemitism is just too powerful. Even mods can't contain her.

Some images were lost when the site got hacked back in April.