Tfw [email protected]/* */

>tfw [email protected]/* */

fuck, forgot to remove shitposting flag.

we all know that feel

also is Gregor Useful Idiot the Trotsky of Nazi Germany??


Never had the opportunity to speak with one.

So why is it you're a useful idiot?

Fuck off you smug arsehole. Socialism in one country is FAR more attainable than you're ideologically pure fantasy of full communism.

I thought you said you hated Nazis :)

You thought wrong.

Good shitpost

Wait, is Useful Idiot wordfiltered?

Looks like it is.

welcome newfriend

What is it supposed to be?

One reason why it's a bad idea?

International socialism is only attainable through an authoritarian top down approach. Unless enforced people fall back to their old alliances, prejudices and spooks. This is too big a leap. Socialism in one country is at least conceivable. Honestly it's like you people would rather not win and just play the eternal victim.

Too dangerous too tell you user.

Strass.erism. The socialist caution of Hitler, thrown under the bus when Hitler got the power.
Basically class + race struggle from what i got.

You realize that you sound like such a normie liberal when saying this, right? 'oh what a nice idea but it doesn't really work with things like human nature'

Either maximum communism or barbarism, friendo.

You set the bar unreasonably high then act morally superior to anyone looking for something that serves them-self better. Your system is fantastical at this stage and of course untainted as 'neva been tried'. So how about dismissing me you tell me, stepwise, how you will full communism without global totalitarianism to handle the transition stage. At least tankies are honest. For most of the ideologically pure left it's about signalling how high-minded you are.

/rant continued

The ideological purity and virtue signalling is so important to the pure leftists here and elsewhere that you are happy to support institutions that directly contradict your proclaimed goals (institutions like the EU) simply because the alternative feels too much like you've sided with the right. This shows me that you're not interested in pragmatic solutions to immediate problems. The informs me that it really is more about posturing for some leftists.

Only an anarchist thinks socialism in one country is not possible. Becuase you think state = capitalism for some reason.

This. Probably one of the best posts I've seen on this board.

Nationalist culture will destroy any sort of socialist movement at the root. Capitalism is so common among social conservatives for a reason.


It's like being an ancap without being able to hold all those arguments

It's six lines and manages to contradict itself, but I'm glad you enjoyed your post.

Wasn't my post m80. Please stop being so paranoid.

It's hilarious how people are always willing to brag about being hated by two polar political extremes like they've found some way to hack the debate and remain above us.

What's even more hilarious is how literally every single group has people doing this.


My ideology is pretty fringe but I enjoy it when people don't understand.

Not paranoid, it just didn't warrant "TOP TEN LEFTYPOL POSTS (you wouldn't believe number 7!)" at all.

Can you not just keep it to yourself?

It's difficult to take full blown racists seriously nowadays, particularly when they acknowledge via their choice of economic model that social behavior is conditioned by material circumstances and can be reshaped (otherwise socialism wouldn't be possible bc human nature etc etc) but somehow manage to consider an entire segment of the human race an exception to this rule and incapable of this inherent malleability.

A racist can literally only accept the system as it is, because otherwise you need to recognize that most determinants of human behavior are social and relative, and you can't cherrypick who this applies to.

I take you seriously [email protected]/* */ friend.


I'm a fascist and I know that feel. the Nazis always jack anything we do and none of them have read any of Giovanni Gentiles works. They don't understand what corporatism actually is and just assume it means corptocracy. [email protected]/* */ are alright with me.

Well, [email protected]/* */ corporatism is essentially a form of guild socialism with the guilds replacing the corporations. Neither Hitlerists nor Orthodox Marxists are able to understand these ideas.

that's exactly what fascist corporatism is as well. Hitlerists are the same people posting pictures of scum like Pinochet and Franco, I don't think they really understand their own political theory.

Agreed, friend.


Hitlerites hate you, not Nazis

yes, yes, they do.

just go natbol or stress-tester if you like western politics.
else, try Gaddafi w/ Christianity or Ba'athism

how? why? Stras. is a subset of the political thought of the Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party, as is Hitlerite ("""""Aryan""""" Corporatist) Nazism

I think this thread may have triggered the mods.
Ironic that a board dedicated to ousting the ruling class has a ruling class of it's own. :^)

told about it dowg

we democratically elect the BO by posting here, we liuterally democratically elected this board because the BO bans retards like you

get fukken rekt m9


mods that abuse their powers have been removed in the past

keep on keeping

I thought the BO here was a Nazi anyway?

As much as I think you're a retard, I think you should be unbanned. Banning wrongthink just creates a torture chamber (see: Holla Forums)

At least you're ideologically consistent. I can respect that.

nice samfagging

You made a shitpost and got dealt

deal with it

if you dont want us to call you retarded, dont act retarded

That's like saying I voted for wal-mart because I have to buy products there.

I ain't samefagging m8.

You dont have to buy at wal-mart?

did you actually uploaded the wrong photoshopped screencapped?

Yes. My point still stands.

Obviously I've been accused of samefagging a lot by people who are too delusional to admit that not everyone subscribes to their worldview.

you made a shitpost and got banned because of it, cry me a river


Can you explain why you think "nazi's" and Fascists are just "porkies"? I have yet to hear a fascist say they like banker/corporate scum. The Fascist (read: not [email protected]/* */) theory I have read is very anti bank/big buisness and pro social program and worker unions. Or is this just a meme?

Fascists are most certainly not pro Union.


Fascism is, but they're called corperations thus why it's called corperatism

They're completely different things. The whole point of a Union, and syndicalism in general is worker solidarity and cooperation between worker where the fascist idea of Corporatism just pits different companies against each other in competition, functionally acting as just nationalized capitalism.

Fuck off fascist

Sounds like fascism to me :^)


wut. You have no idea what you're talking about. the Fascist idea of corporatism is more in line with the guild system, where employees and employers work together to end disputes.

You and those like you are just as stupid and ignorant are those skinhead retards you make fun of

Listen here you fascist cunt, Fascism functions as nationalized state capitalism. Capital and labor Or as you but it employers and employees don't work together, hence the distinction in the first place. Class collaborationism is a just since way of saying if labor decides try and take control of their workplaces the state will just come in and beat them till they get back to wok to kill them our right. In Fascist Italy the number one violent actions the fascist state carried were against labor and trade unions. What you seem to be on about, like mention fascist is theory over how things actually functioned. So, either actually go figure this shit out or fuck off and jerk off to cuck porn.

Learn to spell you filthy cholo.

Technically, no (but we're not arguing semantics)
Competitive corporations require work solidarity and cooperation between workers of different statuses.
I believe that much of this work has been proxied by corporate-lobbied "gubment" in the form of welfare, which has ended up being squandered by improper spending habits, and incompetency.
Mercantilism ruins it all, as it does everything. Fuck hoarders & misers, use your trust/wealth, faggot.

Not necessarily corporatist, but probably, and certainly de facto

Ok, yes. They do, but as different 'organs' of the same 'body', doing different work, and being reproduced/sustained at different rates. Not always the state, but a gang working for the corporations. Dunno about that one, wouldn't surprise me, Mussolini was a tard who wore funny hats. I don't understand your grammar here, try again please. I'm trying, senpai-kun.

Yes, that's why I tell myself when I wake up to get me through the day: let's destroy some goodness today!

Do turd positionists believe outside forces won't try to eliminate a hypothetical socialist country?

Why do you want nationalism?