PRO Trump Berkely Protest LiveStream Edition

Lets watch "liberals" get BTFO together.

So far there have been a few fights, but no major happenings yet. Lots of guys with make America great again capes.

Other urls found in this thread:



Sad to see so many pozzed fuckers….. someone should be walking around asking people…. "will you die for him"




What's this bonobo doing outside the zoo?

Fucking wew.




oh fug :DDDD

There are trade-offs to everything user, a few broken bones is a small price to pay to expose the left and the shills for what they really are.

They stole a trump supporters hat and are burning it.

Every last one of them will die.


I don't see any of this as constructive on either side.

Why aren't the antifa faggot s protesting in front of weapons manufacturers selling arms to the middle east?

Why aren't the conservatards protesting with them?

Trump is antiwar and wants out of these costly wars and the military industrial complex wants perpetual war for the sake of profit.

Both sides are wastes of skin.

Why not protest the federal reserve and the israeli and saudi embassies?

Any backstory to why this is even taking place? This is starting to look like it could escalate as soon as someone cross that wall.

That meme is retarded it only works on girls and people that have never made anything in their life.
Don't learn your science from action movies and tv.
t. welded all summer to work my way through college

fucking saving that




Can we make this a thing, wasn't it part of the formal dress the germans used, didn't Rommel have a cape? Can we get the faggots on that?

I'm in!

Leftist college student to homeless white guy

Big ass user with gay in his beard holds off the crowd by himself.

Wearing capes when there is a chance of mob violence is probably a bad idea.

fucking spell check
gray in his beard

Some kind of fast release system maybe? I mean the spanish fucked most things up but Bullfighting is boss as fuck, maybe we can a functional antifa baiting cape (Smug waifu capes incoming)

This. Wearing a cape would definitely one-up having long hair. I hope you see why this is unpractical and dangerous.


Guy in the second stream was just pepper sprayed by antifa and had his hat stolen.

Velcro along with tang the 2 greatest inventions brought to you by NASA

It's like the white man was planning this all along

The memes, Jack.

At this point Berkeley should be declared a state of emergency, the national guard federalized, and the bolsheviks brought to heel.


I would go if dubs but that is wrong
would be great to see one of these fags running around on fire.

go forth pansy, show em what you got!

You should go. Here take my dubs.

Go get the smallest watergun you can find and fill it with gasoline. :^)

The can on the left is explosive because it's red.

Being in MI I doubt I can make the happening in time

Rubbin alcohol user would work just fine.

Green hat is chimping out. Keep an eye on him and his pack of gorillas.


I just got home from the chimpout

There were some awesome fights on both sides. Antifa pussies got blown out from what I saw but trump supporters started to disperse once the march started.

I don't know if there's any video evidence, but after the march started this old white dude was asking some young white girl to explain what's so wrong about being a white male. She literally started crying trying to explain.

All in all a good day. I'm ready to watch UFC 209

dubs confirm


The can on the left is acetylene sparks against the gas bottle do not have enough mass in spite of being red hot to ever affect the canister or the rubber torch gas feed lines.


shut up faggot, dana white gave the opening speech at trump's nomination

the guy with this sign got maced and asked me to hold his sign. In this pic it looks like he's giving a report about getting maced.

>UFC 209
Sitting comfy across the country watching the stream while waiting for the fights myself.

Thank you for going and reporting back in one piece. So is this rally just Trump supporters vs students? I wouldn't be surprised if many of these anti-trump signs are stashed away in their dorms ready to go for the next disturbance.

Fucking nog is looking for a fight.

Gray beard is back
my hero

no no, red means explosive.

taught me everything I know!

niggers currently throwing eggs at homeless white guy

Oy vey those poor youths are just trying to give food to the poor!

Sure looks like those two will take his report seriously, I'm sure.

and cops are standing there watching it happen

Housing the homeless is now controversial enough to trigger shitlibs, niggers and other filth?

this is truly worst feel. the east coast has failed me.

then why are propane tanks not
I have seen acetylene in gray black and red bottles.
Oxygen is always in green.

Fucking start the war already.

Only when it's a homeless fucking White Male.


IIRC he said earlier that he did not even vote for Trump. I bet he just get a real good kick out of this, a true shitposter.

Wrong the red one welds faster.

white dude was holding a sign that said "House the Homeless" and they were egging him.>>9420320


Obvious false news narrative is obvious.

Or a vet. Homeless white male vets are plainly the root cause of all problems in the nation.

I wish someone had a screenshot of the antifa burning the "Free Speech" sign and giggling like communists.

Our guys ain't breaking the law

I'm going to be sick lads.

Bruh, what are you talking about?

i wanted to hold a sign that said "dear putin, please nuke berkeley" but didn't want to get chimped on.

My alternate sign would have been "Your pussy grabs back? That's my fetish"

anyone see that nigger just get arrested?

at least they actually showed up this time


Gray black brown
and oxygen is always green for safety

Maybe a sign explaining the role of the (((Soviets))) in the current deplorable state of American Academia. Soviet subversion made Berkley what it is today.

user, I…

Checked. Please make a sign with a A4 of some Trump twitter banter glued onto something solid, covering it and making it waterproof with plastic.


The nigger who was throwing eggs at the homeless dude and spitting on people is getting arrested.


Truly today is a wonderful day

East Bay Times - Photos: Mayhem at pro-Trump rally in Berkeley

this was taken in Michigan

Green hat just got arrested wew

For fucks sake… how many leftists were made to bleed?

because they are almost always white.

click spoiler to rage


Derailing propane niggers fuck off.

What the fuck is even going on in the second pic?

This kind of thing needs to happen A LOT more often. Whites need to be exposed to violence to develop a spine.

Notice how they'll only show Trump supporters getting injured so as to normalize violence against 'nazi' trump supporters. It's only a matter of time until they're murdered tbh.


user being one of the whitest of white men I view these things just as I do electricity and a myriad of other things. Mere tools that help me do things that a little wisdom is required in their usage is all. Otherwise thinning of the herd is in effect.

wew I got dubs three times in a row.

If dubs, the chimpout will intensify to the point where the police have to start cracking nigger and antifa skulls

I'm fucking with you fam

I missed it though.

Antifa going after the weakest targets they can, fucking shocking.

Damn, maybe next time


[incoherent crowd noises intensify]

bruh, if you'd said nitrogen I could've have bought the safety line, but yea nah

SF Gate: Scattered fistfights break out at pro-Trump rally in Berkeley

I guess it is finally over. Streaming old clip at the moment.


True. It also sends a message that the (((good communists))) won the battle. Kikes love their conditioning.

looks like a club

How the hell did you find the picture of my younger brother?

I imagine the masked dude is a Soros paid thug.

Did President Trump boot that villain by EO yet?

That's for me to know bro



Crap stream is ending the left garbage is being inspected.

Reuters: In day of pro-Trump rallies, California march turns violent

Can someone make a webm of them burning the flag, hat, and free speech sign while screaming, "Hate speech is not free speech"? It's at -33 min. Could be used to drop red pills.

I wonder if they understand that them beating kids and the elderly who are basically centrists is going to be revisited upon them tenfold. You think even the kindly and compassionate among the right are going to hesitate putting rounds through leftist chest cavities after what's been witnessed? Top kek. These college brats think this is a game, they get to play dress up and live out their infantile superhero fantasy. Until it all comes crashing down.

1st pic
2nd pic
3rd pic

I fucking bursted out laughing in the third photo with the communist flag in the background.

DAMN IT user



Holy Fuck shield user came dressed for war on antifa.

No money to travel half way across the state faggot

Too bad he forgot to lift.

nice meme

Shield-user in first pic is a pretty good guy, 10/10 preparedness.

Show the victims of leftist violence to engender triumphalism and protect the perpetrators, show the actions of the right being violent to evoke hostility create a narrative.

Don't know how to extract vid but here's something.

Dude is 100% /k/ommando. Goy knows standard clank practices learned from Ukraine.

This also confirms he is a /k/ommando.

That's exactly how people should treat these protests, a war. I'm so sick of these doofy-looking trump supporters waddling out there allowing themselves to be surrounded by these assholes, thinking there won't be a violent confrontation. Wear protective clothing, maybe even some shin guards over jeans, and have something inconspicuous on you to smash antifa skulls with, even if it's just a padlock used as brass knuckles (not that I encourage violence, I strongly condemn it, FBI!)

You know I grew up on a farm and there was no time to lift but I have held my own in arm wrestling in my weight class across the US.

Fucking based

Every pro Trump or "alt right" protest should do this…. for self defense.

Showing up to these with anything less than full helmet/face protrection/hitting weapon/multiple cans of mace is like meandering onto a frontline without a rifle or ammo.

meme it.

Not sure what this is supposed to be. Woman with large ass scuffling with 13 year old anarchist?

ahahaha check out battle born user in action in this video. Bonus: antifa crying about police in the end

Hydrofluoric acid.

Maybe adopt the Ernst Zundel tactics.
I agree
Meme it so lads

They're only there to arrest Trump supporters who fight back.

is it possible this can turn into a major happening since its getting dark soon?

This is why I like Holla Forums one smart user here
Squirt guns are plastic
Hydrofluoric acid will not dissolve plastic
Simply Brilliant!


any MI streams? I wanted to go but I don't want to lose my job over stupid meme crap tbh



Shieldanon has the right idea, fucking beautiful

I cant wait until we escalate to this level.

I was supposed to go to the Grand Rapids march. Unfortunately being NEET doesn't pay so I had no money to get there. Sucks. From what I've seen it was very tame, Pro-Trump marchers had a good time

Fucking love it, people are starting to get their balls now.

I am not claiming that being able to do x will save your life, but if one put on 15 kg without fucking up mobility or stamina then it is all good.

Did stuff like this even happen in pre-Hitler Germany? I know he tried to seize the government once before, but massive protests and such?


It would be the single most damaging thing you could do to these cowards.

Why do their necks all have the CuckVein(tm) ?

bullets kill big niggers just as good as small niggers

This stuff doesn't make me rage anymore. Nothing posted on here makes me rage anymore. Anger is a worthless emotion. It only makes your life worse. I'm not going to sit here and be angry at a computer screen. I'll react when something happens directly in front of me or to me. Being angry at a picture is pathetic.

wew thats a weak fucking neck, she doesn't even have a visible ECM muscle

A man's word is the mark of his worth, if your word is worthless so are you.
Shieldanon without mask?

Health problems/bad circulation or drug use.

We need the Mexican wrestlers in here. If you take an antifa's mask then you take their citizenship, and they will be deported in your place.

revolution of 1918-1919 my friend

I think the stream reset for me and stream user went home.
But I saw for a brief second a triple patch biker with a ball bat.

Fuck. I say wear a football helmet and pads and go to town on these fuckers.

Seeing the ring on that guys finger, I wonder, is it illegal to punch someone with rings on? I know brass knuckles are, but a ring can be used to cut and draw blood and probably scare some of these faggots off. Many people wear wedding rings, so surely it can't be illegal, right?

HF also doesnt have an immediate effect. takes a few hours to seep into the skin before reacting

I couldn't not post this one.

Why not both?

OH SHIT DUDE. I was hoping you were gonna show up.

I can't wait till something like this happens near where I live. I'm good at fighting.


For any non burger anons that don't understand the term "triple patch"

If you put on all that shit you just make yourself an easier target to grab, and once you're down you're done. Learn some basic boxing techniques and get a group of guys and coordinate with them, and you could rout the entire band of faggots.

Our side or theirs? Beaners have bikers too.

he got arrested


I saw a mexican biker wearing a cutte hit a libtard faggot in the head with his helmet. No one fucked with him after either. Shit was tight


nice larp

Not sure I think was ours was a white guy I think
Was really quick and I am fucking around shitposting and not really paying attention.

You wouldn't say that to my face.

But honestly you gotta make better bro, always be a next time but next time don't sell what your ass can't cover.

Proofs or gtfo.

Does this look like a man being arrested to you? Did you not see how the police were dragging away people actually being arrested?

Good thing this is the internet then, cuckboi.

Different guy

Would have been coming from the Tri-City area. Quarter tank of gas and had no money, with no means of getting any money. Fucking pissed.

How'd it go? From the pictures I've seen on kikebook looks like things went smoothly and all the normies had a good time.

Nevar 4get




Wait I just saw him again was not a triple patch he has a top rocker on his jacket no biker and the "ball bat" was a thick ass sign leaning on his shoulder.
My mistake

Wouldn't it disassciate in water (aka the body)

I dont know, either way I wouldnt recomend it. Chances are you will spray into the wind sooner or later and catch a facefull.

u tryna see me my nigga?

Next time anyone's in this situation bang your shield instead.

hate to admit it but that underarm spear stance loo/k/s comfy as fuck

nah I seen you mom last night and she let inside that fat pussy

Actually, notice one has a kilt and the other doesn't. It looks like we have multiple confirmed shield bros.


Another guy on stream just a few minutes ago with MAGA hat on. At least 3. Maybe more. Oh my fuck bros.

Looked like a scene out of Zulu. Fucking nogs never learn.

jesus why are all the white fighters in the ufc such massive pussies?


here's your proof, faggot. Watch the video

Thinning of the herd rule kicks in.

the nigger was just posturing and the spear user was readying himself, notice how the nig did nothing? he was just showing off to his coal burner, you fell for the nigger psychological warfare. niggers live in fantasy world where they never lose fights with their expert street boxer wild haymaker technique

tbh im still watching berekely shit



Nigger still is going to go home and brag about how he made the cracker back up. Normalfags will also see stepping back as a sign of weakness, don't back up. Make them look weak instead because they damned sure won't actually come and do shit. You have to make them look like they punked out to their fellow nigs so they'll always have that shame.

Considering where this is taking place and the gear he had, the cops probably targeted him for arrest even before the fighting started.


Why does every fucking nigger on the planet think they know how to box? Every single time too they go through the same motions. It always starts with the pants pull. Fucking niggers, I wish we could exterminate them…


t. autist
normalfags think that trump is a russian spy
stop trying to pretend that you analysis of optics is going to be relevant in a streetfight

everything went bretty good. sucks you didn't hav the money but i understand.



Now that oldfag has a flag pole to be proud of.
notice the slight angle on the end not a square cut end


what stream? The OP stream isn't live btw. It's only showing a replay.

Except, as usual, the tactics of the Jews have the opposite intended effect. People see violence against ordinary citizens and being to sympathize with them. Just like BLM burning down cities generates less support for them, not more.


Why do Commies like chanting so fucking much? It's so annoying and makes everything unwatchable.

begin* to sympathize

why did I greentext myself

So a squirt gun could do it, I would estimate a 1/2 a cubic center meter of water (.0005ml) in a squirt? The flouride salts dry would be a lethal dose at like 5grams althought apparently illness/distress is noted at far lower concentrations. This idea may not be as half assed as it seems (althought I thought only certain rubber's were immune to the NaF). Still a pipe dream as most people dont have access to it (despite it being the main ingredient in some rat poisons).

I want to help my kind but if Kek has a thing against the stupid, I can't help stupid.

Because without a chant in their head, an original independent thought might occur. This can not be allowed.

i mean this thread and twatter and kikebook

Why do us soldiers on the front line wear body armor when they could just lift instead?

t: Harpooning of Social Justice Whale

bektik is legit though watch this fight


That picture?
WTF Dr Seuss?

@2:35? That wasn't him

Wearing football padding isn't going to help you in a fight. Wearing padding would make you slower and easier to grab. If I was against someone in padding I wouldn't try to fight them, I'd just take them down and then hit them. Do you think someone's going to stand there and punch the padding? They won't. They're going to grab you.



Why's this faggot still trying to talk to the Leftist trash as they insult him to his face?

That is why I originally posted rubbin alcohol instead of gasoline it will still flame up easily.
Few squirts of the squirt gun and flick your bic on them.
It would totally freak them out and the alcohol would not hurt you if it leaked.
But the HF acid was very brilliant I thought.

The patriot's facial expression is priceless.

They still haven't figured out that these fuckers want them dead and the only way to avoid that is to finish their enemies off first

There's actually a reason the fucking niggers are pulling this "Muh cherokee blood" bullshit, they are trying to scam gibs from the cherokee nation. A lot of niggers got booted off the cherokee gibs list a few months back. It's a typical bullshit nigger scam.

Hey, I'm from the Tri-state too. And don't feel too bad, 6 months ago it's unlikely anyone from here would've showed. We're making leaps and bounds.

where did the shadilay music go? :/

Actually it's Gimli the Dwarf driving back the orc hordes.

How come no one on our side ever has a megaphone?


I will take we are not retards Alex

I dont want to buy a micophone for a one time use tbh.

Heh. Fair enough.


You're forgetting Fed protests. I still blame the Texas fags for talking big and then not showing up or driving around a parking garage like autists. Texans always talk shit and then don't follow through, fact still remains that first one had half a dozen guys armed outside of a federal reserve building.

I don't know, $15 to piss off Commies seems like a good investment to me.

when a truck of peace when you need one

king of the lean

Listen to the way these sub-humans just follow along to any person that steps up and talks. Such pathetic people.


They have a lot of practice. Think about it, they have been fist fighting each other since they could walk. Not saying they are any good at it. It's not like they treat it as a discipline or anything. They have no respect for violence.

Also, it's their version of a gorilla chest pump. It's all a show to intimidate unless they are in groups in which case run for your life son

Just keep in mind that you should not do this outside of a life or death situation as HF is very lethal.

Kek. Those migrants are always on the top of my dangerous mission/mining shitlist. It's their own fault tbh.

I had those in mind when I posted that. The fact that we can get a dozen people together means a lot. In mostly any city, anywhere. All we need is a couple anons, it shouldn't be too hard for them to get people to follow them.

Well Holla Forums, I'm done. I'm just going to get angry at sub-human niggers and Marxists. Nothing worth watching is happening. I don't feel like having bloodlust. So fuck it…

We cant Fight this!

issue is that several of us, myself included, aren't exactly that good at being charismatic.

Violence is The only thing that has ever solved anything ever

The delusion of the left is something beutiful to watch. For last 50 years police force and military have been arming. They have tools to destroy any protest they want. They have sound guns, they have tazer riffles, they have unlimited subly of guns and ammunition, and most of all they have gathered enough resources and infrustructure for succesful surveillance. They have gathered data on people for long long time, and now it will be turned against the left.

It was the ZOG and the left who gave us the police state, but now the ZOG isn't helping leftist. Soros or Clintons will not be able to help leftist. All those weapons and surveilance programs were designed against white people, because they didn't think we could get /ourguy/ into the office and hijack the country, but look what happened. Now the left is fucked!

Trump is president and he can rally federal forces where and when ever he wants. He can also bring the army into this. And what do you leftist do? You leftist go and agitate. Wrong move. You do the most stupidest thing one might imagine. You attacked a peaceful protest and thus give us moral highground to purge you. It doesn't matter if you won a street fight, or even if you win few more, because we own the system. The only thing we need to do is to propagate and meme leftism into synonymous to terrorism and political violence and we have our little purge.

And now the gloves are off.

You attacked a peaceful protest, do you letist think Trump will let this slide? He will declare you guys enemy of the american people. Every redneck own a gun, and minutemen will be formed. Minutemen will rise from the flames and you will have to fight the government and also the minutemen. Do you leftist like your odds? Where will you get guns? Did you guys stockpile them? No, you were stupid and trying to ban guns, and in your virtue signalling you didn't buy one, or learn to use one.

This wont be a civil war, it will be a round up/purge of leftist as they are unable to fight back. And let's say they do get guns… What then? Well USA military has planes, drones and missiles. You might find some AR-15's, but when a drone bombs your ass. What then? You leftist do understand that you will lose. If you fight the government you will lose.

Jesus… I'm starting to think Trump was a bad choice. If Clinton won we could be killing these sub-humans in four years, but now if Trump does well enough, no one is going to do anything and they're going to fester for another two decades. Allowing them to fester is how we lost the Universities and cities.

never have I been so pleased with one small scrap of cloth user.

This shit just isn't fair, you beat their asses you get called sexist and have guys hate you for being unchivalrous, you leave them alone and they get their way. Lose-lose.

nice larp

I'm sure most anons have above average intelligence. I'm no Casanova either but you don't have to be. I doubt Hitler himself was a cosmopolitan.

One on left rolled up its bandana to facilitate snacking


her legs look like dough

I bet one kick to the knee would rekt her

It ain't his only shit. Seuss was a yuge raciss. But he liked Hitler.

Is that shit 1/4 inch ply? What the fuck is that going to do? You can break that with your fist. At least get half in., you faggots. 3/4 is ideal. Put some screws through it and you're good to go.

Why hasn't trump cracked down yet? Getting tired of waiting


Hitler was very charismatic, charisma does not equate to being a nancy boy. Trump is extremely charismatic for instance. I'm decent in a fight, I'm good at mathematics and computers, but when it comes to leading groups of people I know that that is not an arena I'm proficient in.

Running would probably do it too.

R8 my new OC.

I just saw on twitter some old man got pepper sprayed by anti-facist faggots… how long before they start killing trump supporters

Some protest images from other states. From the State Capitol in Minnesota.

Shouts, scuffles punctuate pro-Trump rally at State Capitol



these memes are killing my sides



He's not going to. Trump is /americasguy/, not /ourguy/. He seriously wants what's best for the country. He doesn't want what we want. He's not what these fucking faggot Marxists think he is. He's a real, honest, American President. He's ether 60 years too late, or a few too soon though. We need something a bit more extreme than Trump.

We'll if it makes you feel any better I'm good at public speaking and am relatively charismatic.

I honestly can't tell if the one of the left is wearing tights or if her legs are painted.

The old navy hoodie really got me.


Underrated post tbh

Tights. You can see her skin bleeding through. Her legs are so fat those things a stretched to their limits.

Maybe she's just poor as shit and old navy from goodwill is all she can afford?

Trump's vision won't actually work, things are far too gone for that, hopefully he realizes that at some point.

This. Our memes did as intended; they got trump into the white house. But if Holla Forums keeps on holding out hope that Trump is actually redpilled, then we're in for nothing but disappointment. He is the same as Farage, or Le Pen, or even the Law and Justice Party in Poland; a stopgap, nothing more. A chance for whites to snap out of their delusion that the world will forgive them for being white, and won't fleece them for all they have. Trump getting into the White House was not a "win", it was us trying to claw our way back from the fucking brink.

Very true. I think at least part of him believes he can reason with them. Trump is just as concerned with his image as Obama is with his own. It's going to take a lot to get him to actually crackdown on anything. Don't expect to see the majority of these people suffer any major consequences.

That's the problem. If Trump succeeds and makes life better for us, then we'll drift further back into our slumber than we were in 2015. Well, not us specifically, but the general white population. There is the one difference today though, and that's the radicalization of the Left. I don't know if that's enough to actually wake people up though, especially considering a huge portion of white people don't live in these shit-hole rat den cities.

>St. Paul police spokesman Steve Linders said five of the arrested face felony riot charges after they allegedly lit fireworks inside the Minnesota State Capitol then ran away. The Minnesota State Patrol says its officers arrested a sixth counterprotester for disorderly conduct.

Thing I'm most worried about is him being worried enough about trying to appeal to people not his base that he gives them preferential treatment. Like in that speech mentioning attacks on shitskins and on kikes but not on Trump supporters. At least recognize the people willing to spill blood for you.

That might be fucking cardboard user. These faggots couldn't lift anything heavier than cardboard

Edgy Denver hippie gets hauled away.

MSM: Oy vey, Trump tells emboldens his bloodthirsty brownshirts by saying that he's "got their backs"

Precisely. The hordes are still there, just taken aback atm. Without a solid, specific goals and effective counterattacks to press the current advantage, the brown onslaught will be redoubled in under 20 years and send the Western Civilization straight into the chasm. This is only a respite.

I meant to say willing to bleed for you.

This is truly the best timeline.

Never thought ill see the day when people started to wake up.

We even have our own RWDS thanks to sheildanon.
It's amazing.

Dubs checked
I would say one of the most important things we can do is infiltrate the Republican party. Sow doubt among all the members who might be even slightly hesistant about the leadership's (McConnell, Graham) desire to make it indistinguishable from the Democrats. Truly make it the party of white people, and redpill members away from conservatism and into white activism. Make it so that the cucky faggots I just mentioned are having to CONSTANTLY disavow le ebil waycists. If you're at a Uni, join the college republicans in addition to the local party.

Yeah he needs to step up in that regard. I get he needs to do the presidential stuff, but you can't forget the people who put you where you are.

we aren't in the clear yet, enjoy it while it lasts.

Makes me want to smash through them with a double-headed axe tbh

No, you aren't.

In 20 years I'll be pushing 50. Might be time to consider heading to Europe at that point. Without genocide or balkanization, everything is lost. We'll just go quietly into the night under the voting policies of our own damn republic. We'll only last longer than Canada and other countries because we're not a direct Democracy. We'll still have some representation in the government until the very end. Unless they manage to abolish the electoral college. Either way, we're nearly 40% non-white. With internal competition in regards to breeding, when the number is that large, we've already lost. Want to know the scariest part? When they usurp control they get all of our nukes and our government labs where who knows how many viruses are stored. Give these sub-humans that kind of power and every human on earth is fucked. I don't care who these elite think they are or what they think their capabilities are. Unless they completely destroy our government in a brown revolution and remake it as a dictatorship (which would genocide the remaining whites), they won't be able to keep them from gaining the power necessary to destroy everything. These rats have a much, much stronger in-group preference than most whites, and they will vote their own into power if they can. Just look at the cities across the country.


I'm so pissed at the GOP atm after CO shenanigans, I may never vote with them again once The Don moves off stage tbh.



In some ways I think if the left had anything more substantial to trot out at us, it would have done so already. They could simply be on the ropes at the moment. They still think Trump is stupid. They still don't have even the remotest conception of what a real revolution would look like. These faggots are scared shitless of guns, I find it hard to believe they'd ever turn out en masse for a firefight. The Red Army they ain't.

I wouldn't go that far. The mass demonstrations showing support of Trump show that even normalfags aren't just going back to sleep immediately. Main thing we can do is continue to try to push people away from the deracinated mess most have become but I don't have any idea on how to push this outside of being more vocal in the real world. Old methods of trying to redpill people online are starting to become antiquated with the mass censorship occurring through shadowbans and filtering that's going on through all the social media sites. Tons of people trying to get word out don't even realize that most can't even see their comments.

What the hell?

have fun getting hit in the head with a brick because you are too cool to wear a helmet.

thats her labia user

That's always been the plan.


That's all fat on the front.

Unfortunately the ones in power no longer think that way. Again an instance of "resting on our laurels"

Like I've said many times there NEEDS to be a trump supporter action group who mask up, wear kevlar body armour, protective plate under trump hats, carry pepper spray and flags that can be used as a weapon.

A security group isn't illegal so don't give me MUH FBI cuck screeching, the FBI don't care and can't do shit if you're a group for protection and not to cause damage. Trump is on your side.

I'm not against a biker helmet (the ones that only protect the cranium, I don't want shit blocking a portion of my vision) or a construction helmet.

Holy shit this gay chink is fucking annoying. I guarantee these people won't even remember what they're repeating

My last hope even when things are looking down is, a rogue scientists working in a government lab, in our final days, will just say "fuck it" and release hell on humanity. It will probably happen. I take solace in that if we go, nearly every other human on earth goes with us to some horrible weaponized virus. If white people can't exist, not a single other human deserves to.

This. Underestimation has been the ruin of greater men than ourselves. The left is weak, but they have something important we don't. Namely, numbers and establishment support. We haven't won anything yet until we battle them in the streets and take back what is rightfully ours. This event is a good stepping stone to that. Kek beckons us to our thrones. It seems the bodies haven't stacked high enough yet.

Wait what in the fuck this is a BLM rally? I literally don't even see a single nigger in the crowd I just figured it was an anti trump rally

Those are very sobering words user. I imagine the only thing that could really create a really strong snap out of the dumbass delusion you've drifted into white man moment for Burgerland would be a WWII-scale conflict, but fought on Burger soil instead of Europe this time. Apart from that kind of common-sense awakening happening, I feel we have little hope but to pray our Founding Fathers were really hearing from God when they started the Great Experiment. Otherwise, if what you predict comes to pass, then it seems the world is Doomed. Think monkeys. With machine guns. Big, NBC-tipped machine guns.

yep that's pretty much the most likely scenario. Granted, whites in America will never be totally extinguished, but we could easily reach a point of irrelevance in regards to total demographics. I think your doomsday scenario is a little unrealistic, but yeah, without a radical shakeup in the structure of the country, white americans are in trouble. The basic and most persisting problem is that this country simply isn't built on a strong enough base of racial identitarianism, which makes our job incredibly difficult. Yeah it's until recently been a republic built for white men, but the muh freedum bullshit has consistently undermined that, and always hamstrung right-wing whites when it coems to producing valid reasons for why paco, tyrone and every other mud don't belong in this country. A new racial mythos for white americans needs to be created, and it will never come from the current conservative class. It's a race against time.

Humanity will not thrive without whites. Under jews, they will exist only as slaves.

The US was built on a very strong form racial identitarianism. Non-whites were viewed as non-people. Look at things like counting niggers as 3/5 of a person in terms of a population count. Thing is that people have entirely lost sight of that.

The fire rises.

We need uniforms or armbands so we can identify each other in a brawl.

i turned it off it was just 30 minutes of the same shit

/ourguys fighting back

Accelerationism is the second most failed ideology after communism, user.

Tbh, if white American men are in trouble, then the entire Western Civilization is. The whole world looks to us for leadership whether it's admitted in anything beyond a tacit way or no. The West goes hand in hand with Christian Whites.

Maybe it's run is over as a civilization if we don't snap out of it as a people and as men.

Well hello there, Jamal.


Far out that looked like a solid crack. If I was going to one of these things I'd wear sap gloves and eat fried chicken for two weeks going up to the event.

See cucks this is what you do when attacked

Nice. A fusillade of clubs and then the gas. The faggot who got his head cracked retreated like his ass was on fire.


That was some good teamwork.

red hat was the tank

This. The gibs on being Native American are fucking insane. One tribe, I think the Seminoles, get 90K per year per person no questions asked.

Christianity is what made the west what it is today. It's a failed ideology. Are you willing to give it up and start over to save your race?


Yeah when he lead it i was questioning going that far out to smash them but he powered on and then got back to his formation


Who are these men among men? What organization finally started fighting back?

See that's where I have to disagree. The constitution does not mention race. It delineates the rights for all MEN, not all WHITE men, and this was a big weapon in the arsenal of abolitionists later. It also does not say that niggers are 3/5 of a person, it says that SLAVES are 3/5 of a person. This was not just because the racial classification was taken for granted, there was actually a proposed amendment for the Articles of COnfederation that would explicitly say that America was for whites only, but it was voted down. Trust me, the pozz in this country goes much, much deeper than you know. In truth the zenith of racial identitarianism here was the late 19th century.

I maintain the Christian Conservatism will never save white people. It does not offer us any defense against classical liberalism (which has metastisized into marxism).

While I don't disagree with your entire statement, to say that specific religion in itself was the cause of Western advancement and superiority is a fallacy.

Found a real nice pic of ourguy

This is fucking golden. The pose, the motion, the framing. You couldn't buy a shot this good.

But that's wrong faggot. Christianity is the only hope the entire world has of coming out of this alive. Everything else is sinking sand. And my answer is emphatically no. God before country. God before race. The Western Civilization didn't die to save me from my sins user. Jesus did.

What's his hat say? Looks like viking runes.

That's actually a good point user. Props to the photog.

He was arrested..

On what charge? Is there a way to pay his bail?

It wasn't the cause of advancement. It was the wound that allowed for the infection.
It's the Universalist ideological mindset. The whole thing needs to be scrapped, and whites need to start rebuilding something that is for whites only.


link and we should get some goybucks to bail him out

Agreed. The only reason Christianity could be seen as good is that it at least gave common ground for white unity.

He's probably not going to get charged with anything. Anything he's guilty of, his attackers were guilty of as well.


It says men because only whites were recognized as actually being fully human. They couldn't have foreseen the sheer folly of their descendants to think that the races were actually equal.

shieldanon posted here before going there.

Did anyone else rewatch that gnarly hit at least 50 times? So fucking satisfying.

That makes the fallacious assumption the justice system is fair. And in Berkeley? Hah.

That's we what thought about a lot of other innocents arrested too. Remember the married couple that yelled a blacks a few days ago? What's rational and right to us and we are right isn't always what the judges think.

If whites are destined to die quietly and slowly and cease to exist other than as a mongrel race, if something like Natsoc Germany will never again exist, I hope a meteorite the size of Spain wipes out all human life tomorrow.

If this is the way things must be, then so be it. We've tried to reason until our voices ran hoarse, we've tried every non-violent solution that exists, but if they force this war upon us they would have effectively forced themselves upon our swords. I don't plan on quietly dying out. I hope you don't either.

This. We're setting the he precedent whatever we do. The pressure is really on us Burger anons.

This. Nobody seems to realize tolerance and diversity have never been American virtues. America has always been a strictly racial country since the constitution was signed. Their only misstep was in not making that more clear. They probably assumed this country would be 100% white so it wouldn't be an issue.

All I hope is that all this imageboard stuff isn't overinflating my senses. I feel like we have a good chance of winning, of making things right. I feel very happy in my day to day life now in juxtaposition to 5 months ago. I hope it all means something. Perhaps I'm being too pessimistic, Holla Forums always seems to be that way about a lot of things.


Someone shorten or gif at 0:07 when the antifail gets whacked.

Someone in the youtube comment section noted one of our MAGA guys gut pulled in by the faggots and jumped. The pussies didn't want to stay and fight a group vs. group, so they yanked one lone guy back amongst them and jumped him 20 on one.

I just got here, actually.

This is a pro-Trump protest? We aren't the angry mob demographic. What kicked this off?

Right-wing safety squads are becoming a thing, and captain America here is our first soldier.

The reason I think that is because nobody was arrested in Sacramento, either. Both sides were committing crimes. Antifa got the worst of it. 10 years in prison for shooting and stabbing their own people.

He is a true warrior

This is why I am beginning to go from being apathetic towards Christians to actively disliking you. At first I thought, "Well so what that Christians are pozzed, every other fucking group out there is as well." But now, here on Holla Forums many of you Christians remain pozzed, despite being well aware of the situation before us.

Really need to help this guy with his bail

Christianity made the west what it was for the past millennium (give or take).
Secular humanism made the west what it is today.
Christianity built successful societies - it's secularism that destroys them.

No he wasn't, he was injured and left with police.

I believe this. It was a melee on both sides. When things like this shake out, nobody is arrested unless a knife or gun comes out.

So you would accept a commie or a Muslim so long as they were white.

Watch the video he was arrested




Gonna need it.

No that was kiltbro

Better than the reverse which is accepting muds and niggers because they're Christian. At least when everyone's white there's no internal competition in regards to breeding and your ethnic group/race will survive.



Well it depends here, are we talking commies and muslims that want to eliminate all non-whites? Because if so yes, we can fight amongs one another to determine what ideology gets control after the kike and shitskin menace is solved.


It laid the foundation of Formalism, the Scientific Method, and a general rational approach to understanding the nature of creation. Not only did that lay a very strong foundation for the development of the Western Civilizations meteoric growth in recent ages (primarily through universities, hospitals, and civil systems), it also shows the way forward in dealing with thorny issues with wisdom.

White Christianity is inextricably linked with the West. You can't have the latter (in a modern sense) without the former.


You're right wrong guy.

That's good form. He steps into the swing. Nice little twist of the hips at the end for max force. This isn't stick man's first rodeo.



Are you kidding, he made a shit-ton of anti-Hitler cartoons (one of which you posted) even before the war.

Well now I am certain you are deluded.

I think user had a spear tip on his flag pole.



Hope you get out of the joint soon to crack more heads.


Even supposing what you say is true, that "enlightenment" thinking has already infected what is deemed "true" Christianity in the west. Therefore, to change it back Christianity to one which is not pathalogically alturistic would be seen (by the masses) as false docterine (because Jesus would want you to be good & all that. Despite the fact that the notion of proper judgement prevades the Bible, but, at the end of the day, people just wan the most society brownie points using virtue signalling. Hell most Christians probably aren't "really" Christians, for they never contemplate anything they do, for if they did it would show they truly care and fear the possibility of not doing God's will and seeking to do it properly).

Go away Normie

Damn, stick man. They're going to get him with a technicality and call it a deadly weapon then.
Fuck… I hate losing /ourguys/.

Go away normalfag.

Not really, because there probably aren't going to be commies or muslims that want non-whites gone. So rather obviously I'd be unlikely to be fighting alongside them, I was talking about in a very rare situation which is what you brought up to begin with.


Official hero of Holla Forums

Same undershirt and reckless in the video



If you look closely, you will see that those are likely the remains of a flag, that he ripped off. Its not stiff, he waves it around like cloth.


I'll ask again now that our collective thanking of Stick Man has mostly passed.

What set off this protest?


It's a pro-Trump rally. What do you think set it off?



That's completely false. Racial egalitarians existed in their time, and formed the backbone of organizations like the Pennsylvania Abolition Society. Niggers lived with equal rights in many parts of the north where they outlawed slavery early in the Republic's history, and Thomas Jefferson's own secretary belived that in a hundred years everyone would look like a "spaniard". As I said, the pozz is extremely deep because most people back then didn't have a firm grasp of what race really meant.

Trump supporters were going to march and twice as many commies showed up to ruin it.

wrong, it is stick man

There's been a bunch of pro-Trump rallies around the nation to show him support since leftist media is saying how everyone is against him. This being Berkely Antifa couldn't let them have a pro-Trump demonstration on their turf without trying to shut it down so brawls ensued.

If kiltbro didn't get arrested then stick will either not get charged or get off light. What he did was self defence and it's on video.


Oh. OP's title suggested it was a protest to begin with.


Based stick man was playing whack-a-mole with pinkos. Was breddy gud.

Something that I don't think that has been brought up yet so how far is how funny it is with the media k'vetching about muh Russia and yet the anti-Trump people are waving the USSR flag.

Shit. You are correct.
I thought that the nigger didn't attack because there was a blade pointed at his face, but upon further examination he probably split because he saw the cops coming in to break things up.

that's such a stretch I'm honestly not sure whether you yourself believe it or not.

The left never forgave Russia for giving up communism.

Thank you based stickman

He probably has several warrants and owes back child support.


10kv prod

the ussr killed more russians than any other force in history

Soon I hope

They're sure as fuck not helping the patriots. All these events have the chicken shit police standing back holding each others balls as fights break out, likely with orders from their superiors.

But I hope you're right and the police are just baiting these animals into a feeling of overconfidence and invulnerability, only to break them one day. Until then though, anyone who goes to an event like this should prepare accordingly, and expect no help from the police.

So does anyone else feel like the radicalization of the Left is meant to be a catalyst for the radicalization of non-whites against whites? The true Left is neither big enough nor strong enough to do anything but make a show. The radicalization of the Left also makes more white people Right-wing. So there has to be a bigger goal, and that's got to be the radicalization of niggers and beaners.


As a church-going Christian myself, I'm pretty sure that is either a massive fucking faggot or a shill. Well, no, he's a faggot either way. But yeah, I'll be the first to admit Christianity is almost fucked beyond all repair. The main reason I still go is because going to a church and having that sort of community is scientifically proven to be better for your mental health and for the health of a community, and no other faith group in America can do that for someone (fuck off Jews/Mudslimes get out of my country).

But this old faith has gone competly senile, if not utterly suicide. It has morphed into something that has made the European weak and spineless. Hell, just 70 years ago, the Catholic Church was actively helping the Nazi party in Germany in order to fight against Jewish Communism. Now look at the Roman Church (fuck you Vatican II and Pope Francis). I'd really love to try to un-Jew Christianity and get it back to the stronger, far more militant, anti-Marxist, and openly racist version it was in days of yore, but I worry it might never be fixed.

In which case, I'll offer my tribute and a tip of the hat to Kek. Might as well hedge my bets with the Ogdoad, just to be safe.


Altruism is neither pathologic nor weak in either body or soul. Cornelius wasn't required to forgo his military training or prowess simply because he became Christian. I know I certainly had to settle that issue before I went into the military–already being a Christian since teenhood. But you do make good points about distinguishing between what might be called 'nominal' and real Christianity. I try to relax about deciphering that since a) I'm not God, Jesus is. And b) all I have to do is hear Him and follow Him since He's infinitely smart and I'm not heh.

Damn captain texas came ready to rumble

I could watch this for hours.

I dunno what it is but that hand pic always make me cringe 100x more than exploded skulls, dead babies, etc. Maybe it's because I can relate to what a papercut feels like.

loop this shit as you desktop background lol

love it when the older dude follows up with the pepper spray

Niggers and spics are already radicalized. We're finally seeing the right wake up.

I always wondered, what causes that effect in the finger pic? It looks like he has fucking hotdogs for fingers.

at least he doesn't run into the mist like the fucking liberals morons

Boat propeller, I'm pretty sure.

I wonder if dark green jacket is old man redhat's son or something, old guy seems pretty worried about him with the way he grabs onto him and pushes him behind him.


For me it's too neat. Super neat and clean cuts and holes I just think are repulsive. I don't know why. Doesn't even have to be on a person or a living thing. It's just one of those quirks, I guess…

It looks like he wasn't careful with a tomato slicer.

nah, too small.
garabge disposal, methinks.

Several of it's basic precepts were laid out right in the first chapter of the book well before, say, the Ancient Greeks ever existed as a people. The events recounted there go back–of course–to the very beginning of the universe and everything in it. There are many other examples throughout the texts that also expand and reinforce the basic approach. But let us move that type of discussion over to a full thread on Holla Forums however. I certainly believe what I said fwiw.

It had to be some kind of industrial machinery. Huge multiple spiraled cuts that clean are not the work of a garbage disposal.

industrial meat cutter, where you drop the meat in and it cuts all the slices in one go

That's some top quality head cracking right there.

Wait a minute, this dude is using ancient Egyptian stick fighting.

Are you actually fucking shilling the torah of all things?

you're right, thanks user.

some more antifa getting BTFO

Fair enough. I've observed other hills of bean before today.

Far from it. I know I can kill a man without a moment's hesitation if the situation demanded it, but would strive to seek other solutions first if possible.


I went to the Austin march. Saw what appeared to be a group of Gavins gay bois and a bunch of alt right faggots spouting off memes like a bunch of idiots in the least clever way possible. I swear, if those dudes are the bulk of Holla Forums, we're doomed in the rahowa.

Bout 250 people showed up in the rain at woolridge park. Bout 12 antifa faggots showed up during the speech and one of them got roughed up a bit by a spergey Trump supporter, then he got arrested. Marched down right up onto the capital steps and chanted drain the swamp and other slogans for a solid 15 minutes till APD told us to get off the property, then marched back.

Had it not rained it likely would have been a bigger turnout and likely had more opposition. It was a good time though.


Hardly. But as to you are question user, ever hear of a little thing called Christianity? Genesis is in that Bible.

That is a bit stupid.

Saved. Meme it.


The bible in its modern form did not exist before the ancient greeks so you are specifically shilling the torah.


But it didn't. The different denominations just gave whites a reason to kill each other. That's one reason why the US was founded as a secular government with no religious (christian denomination) preference. The old GOP lost so hard because they started focusing on Evangelicals and trying to institute laws based on their biblical interpretation. You can thank kikes for their part too. The Evangelical push left a bad taste in the mouths of non-religious, less fundamentally religious, and non-Evangelical voters. It's going to be what kills this new movement if they keep trying to push the Christian Nation narrative that's starting to bubble up again. You can already see it how excited they are about Trump affirming the US relationship with Israel. Evangelicals think they won this election, and they think it's God showing them they're winning the souls of the people, but that's not what's happening. Swing voters saw how bat shit insane the left has become and voted for Trump. They didn't vote for the GOP or Christianity or American values. Swing voters voted to stop the left, and if Evangelicals start pulling their crap again swing voters are going right back to the next moderate Democrat that shows up and counters them.

It's funny to think that Trump had to pander to Evangelicals to get them to show up to the polls (shows where their true loyalties are), but by doing so he kind of made deal with the Devil. Now they're his people, and if they start acting as they did in the past it's going to tarnish the swing voters' view of Trump.

The biggest flaw Christians have is not being able to think outside of their religion. Same pattern can be found in libertarians as well:

Give me a 90 year old granny who hates niggers and says it proudly over the chubby white guy with meme t-shirts repeating standard issue talking points, while playing third wheel to best negro buddy who is dating the white girl the butterball dreams about.

That's just my ramble. I've been seeing this pattern since Trump announced and I've always seen the Evangelical voters and the dorks, the kind of voters Jon Liebowitz rightfully mocked, as the weakest link. Not saying they will be a problem, but if there is going to be one then that's where it will be found. No one wants to be associated with losers, so we have got to make sure our losers don't become the face of the new GOP.


Yeah they look cute or whatever but they are females. Only men would be able to stop me from picking her up and powerbombing her into the concrete.

The spray was a nice touch but they should have been putting those night sticks to use instead of retreating.

Can we find out where this guy is held and bail him out?


Not really their fault, they were probably given orders from the cucked mayor to only use force when someone was about to attack them.

Yeah, I'm sure their ROE is fubar.

I agree. Universal kindness and understanding is a nice thought, but it's utterly inapplicable in a world filled with kike, niggers, and shitskins.

Capped for posterity

Got any other pictures of her?
Or the IRL inspiration? She was a qt.

Have some calm nature as payment.

That's why the Romans threw their spears and fought with the Gladius in hand to hand.

I'm still looking. Found this though.

Just like using a can of Raid and a cockroach.

Valid points, I was merely refering to specific nations version of Christianity in their own cultures. Yeah it did fuck up international relations due to sects but it still gave and helped to unite each culture, take France and England or Spain. Religion ONLY works in homogeneous society. That is why it failed.

Genesis was penned roughly 4700 years ago. You do the math user.

New Ben Garrison

Also found this.



Any one near enough to bail our boy out?

Look what happened at UMass Boston.

I was hoping for his neck to hit the curb when he fell, faggot couldn't even land right.

Oh shit, is that the little beaner from earlier who was saying "this isn't your country, go back to Europe!" Same mask. God I fucking hope so, that would be amazing.

The Romans had it down. Their javelins were crazy effective, they were basically giant hypodermic needles

The guy in the middle, wearing socks and sandals.

True Neutral.


Damn, that thing is like 2 inches thick and he broke it over the guys head. That's hilarious.


where are you getting this from?

These guys are real Patriots


the book may change but the Hero's Journey stays the same, across continents, across cultures.


Elegant irony I'd say. If only the bluepills could somehow get their heads wrapped around a simple dichotomy like that heh.

Sure ofc. Sounds like a page from George Soros' playbook tbh.


thank you based stick man

We need to start organizing and adopting their tactics. Imagine a group of guys using Roman style tactics and arms defending one of these rallies from Antifa.

Sickest stick-related beatdown since Xiao Xiao.

thank you based stick mna

basically 1918-1933 was a shit show bro, commies all over the place, degeneracy, riots ect

Yes, and in Mein Kampf, Hitler talks about how the early NSDAP meetings would be attacked by Commies in an attempt to shut them down. He organized a group of supporters to be the bouncers of the meetings (this would become the SA) who were often outnumbered, but never backed down, and as a result they were never shut down, except by the police. Courage in the face of the enemy is a main theme of Mein Kampf. Hitler states that without courage and faith in your leadership, great things will never be achieved by any organization. Hitler would be proud of Based Stick Man.

There is ample evidence that didn't in fact happen Satan.

Not sure how that relates to the Bible user, if that was the implication.

This looks like it's really a mistake. There's a reason why there's something in hockey called "fighting straps." It's a piece of equipment that prevents your jersey from being pulled over your head.
That windbreaker should be pulled over his head and then he should be beaten unconscious.

Heil stick man

You are explicitly defending a jewish book over the Romans. We're not even talking about the bible here so don't use that excuse, we're talking about the fucking torah.

Are those legging too?




The white race is superior to christianity.

If he took it off, would he be blinded?

I think your book has something to say about lying, maybe you should read it again. There's irrefutable proof that it was changed throughout history, hell its been changed plenty just in the past few centuries without needing to look at things like council of Nicaea. Just look at the Scofield bible and NIV.

It would be very painful.

It's on Berkley PD's web site.

He's a big guy.

For Antifa.

It would be glorious.

You mean this one, a replica of the sign carried by the historic free speech movement of 1964 at Berkeley.

Well, he got caught. Whats the next step in his master plan?

I'm unfamiliar with bailing people out of jail, can you pay bail fees with debit cards over the phone? Can you wire money?

top kek. looking forward to seeing this memed everywhere

each state is different

Usually it's high enough you need to go through a bondsman. They charge 10% of the bail typically and "ensure" you appear on your court date.

underrated post

The simple fact is there are more than 10,000 extant Biblical manuscripts–by far the greatest collection of any ancient document in human history. They are all in close agreement with the oldest, and any deviations are clearly highlighted in the 'family tree' of manuscripts. Usually it is an artifact of cultural translations, eg, the ancient Hellenistic (Egyptian) Jews that created the Septuagint.


Simply anti-American. Since when is openly trying to undermine the constitution okay?

I'm pretty sure you can.Search for "berkley police jail bail". The thing is, you will have to know his name, dob and all that info.

See: https://
Random bail place with decent info: http://

Medieval siege equipment-mind?

You are full of so much shit that its disgusting, I cannot believe that you can feel any self-respect while claiming that the bible is unchanged. I suppose the Scofield bible is perfectly fine as well then?

The best I can hope for is to hit some cunt from Melbourne over the noggin with a Coles trolley handle

The old testament is what I'm referring to which is part Torah correct?

The New Testament is the good part.

So I can't just say that I want to bail the dude out that got arrested who was wielding a big stick?

You'll have to get in line behind the cops who want to do it first.


God my brother is a professor there.


You could try, you might get lucky. Roll an 85 or higher on a 100 sided.

Start monitoring sites with arrest info for Alameda County. See when he pops up.

you know a bundle of sticks like the roman symbol hurts like hell, but won't break and won't break bones or skulls


beat a faggot with a faggot? interesting…

What do, Holla Forums? How does one resist the eternal cam girl?

I'm not 'claiming' anything. I'm simply stating that there is ample evidence it hasn't, in fact, changed from the oldest Biblical manuscripts to the ones written by the early Church Fathers. And where there are any deviations, they are both easily explained and accommodated into current language translations (as in the example I mentioned). The Bible has remained fundamentally unchanged through the millennia, even for branches that separated from each other thousands of years ago. They still match.

Does the fact that Tyndale's modern translation of the Bible into a Pacific Islander's stone-age tribal culture's own language depicts the phrase 'Have Eternal Life' as 'Have a Long Nose' (that people doesn't have a native term for time in the typical sense) make it an error?

My sides.


A fasces would hurt like hell but it'd be impractical and cumbersome.

So this is what happens when they don't have a phrase to chant? I was curious.

The conditioning is so strong.

I'm beginning to think that you're a kike instead of a Christian, would explain this defense of Scofield bible.


someone brute-force this or something to find STICK MAN to pay his bail

I could do that cole slaw right now. Nothing like a good slaw.


Barack will swing from a tree for what he started.



user. Do you even DoTR?


King nigger deserves a kingly hanging. He gets the tree, it will be symbolic and historic.

I assure I'm a mighty whitey US vet flag-waving, beer-drinking, 4-wheel driving variety of non-Jewish Christian.
You should cut back on the crack bro. We have IDs you know.

it would be skinny enough to carry obviously

they make a great whacking sound too

"pdate, 6:10 p.m. Berkeley Police sent out a Nixle alert to say the downtown rally was ending. They said they had made ten arrests, including five for battery, four for assault with a deadly weapon (including one with possession of a dagger), and one for resisting arrest. Among the items confiscated by police were metal pipes, bats, “2 x 4s,” and pieces of wood. "

My dad made me listen to these Genghis Khan business tapes when I was a kid, it was all about stuff like your clip.

Well, if you're going to hang King Nigger by a tree, do it below the Mason Dixon Line for full historical effect.

You realize that saying all bible versions are fine and that any difference is just due to an error is inherently a defense of all versions of the bible including the scofield bible, right?

Wife and I are moving to the NWF in two years.

Is the Stream in the Op right now a replay or is it still live? Just asking because it should already be dark in the United States of Americlap based on my Timezone.

Those would be your words friend, not mine. Make of them as you will.

nice O.C.

There are a lot of other old men just like him who are ready to chop the left into tiny little pieces and shove them into a furnace.

Fucking horseshit, apparently you're just supposed to take a beating if you're outnumbered five:one by commies.

"Weapons and more confiscated “from both sides” by the Berkeley Police at the March 4 protest in Berkeley. Photo: BPD"

There should be nowhere in the US that is daylight still. If it's daylight, it's a replay.

So that's where the term fascist comes from.

Yvette Felarca?

good shit, read the art of war and 48 laws of power as well

No, those are your words.
So is scofield bible fine or not?

fucking really do think they charged Stick man with the assault with a deadly weapon . You have to be fucking kidding me

Nice. After I finish Uni I'll see what the jobs up there are like (hopefully there's stuff ooutside of Seattle)

kek. antifa aren't the brightest.

we need to organize a freedom push like we did for Zimmerman

I don't know why any of us are surprised, we should have remembered gorilla user getting arrested just for joking around in a costume with a banana.

Someone brought a dildo


could be something like a pocket knife that they are trying to exaggerate. if not, that was a really dumb move on that guys part.

Do not bring guns or lethal knives to a protest event anons.

Wait, they charged ourguy with that? source please


a fallen hero

No confirmation but logical reasoning based on the arrest.

I hate to say it, but what you need is a Millwall Brick.
You roll up a newpaper tightly into a tube and fold it in half. You end up with something as hard as a brick, but as innocent as a newspaper. Hooligans have already bypassed the weapons laws.

I'm assuming this is the "dagger" in question.

Gib back Pennsylvanian clay

Do you think this could crack some heads open? It's a huge wooden sword I got from a Renaissance fair.


Someone knows whats up.

Heh. If so that allegation is clearly horseshit, and to be expected of a pozz-central DA like Berkeley's. If so, that charge could be easily reduced in a higher court if necessary.

Yes it could, but will likely break at the handle after a few hits.
Not advocating you go show some commies what for, btw.

Issue I'm seeing is that decent chance that's an antifa weapon, not one of ours.

I'm assuming that every weapon without an American flag is antifa's. Especially those ones with black flags.

that's fantastic.

The bokken is a good non-lethal weapon. You can swing it really hard at something and it won't break easily.

anymore hooligan tips? It's obvious we have to go full Brit footbal gangfight right now until RWDS

My guess as well.

Who /millwall/ here?


It's a solid piece of wood. The handle and "blade" are one piece of wood. The hilt is the only part not apart of the first piece.

I've tested it before on foliage and it's solid.

Thing is that Berkely would probably even call that a lethal weapon.

Local news segment showing some of the fights

It seems not one person there knows how to fight or throw a fucking punch.

Depending entirely on the political bent of the hand that wields it ofc.




I have some formal training with one of those. Problem is I don't own one. So I'm gonna be out there like Guts with a giant ass sword cracking heads open. Could be worse but hey, sounds fun. It could double as a spear.

I'm a burger. I was just briefly fascinated with hooligan culture a few years ago.

Not me. I just love the firms.

Sounds fun. Bring a friend to film it.

You faggots best start preparing to carry on stick man's legacy. They can't arrest us all.


Technically it's illegal to punch people at all. Might as well do the most damage
Not that I'm advocating it

If you plan to go to one of these, I would recommend making your own pepper spray or buying a few cans of bear mace and making a good shield out of 3/4" plywood as has been mentioned. Drill about 50 drywall screws into it and just rush the antifa with the shield, cut them open with the screws and then bear mace the whole crowd. In your other hand, have a good "flag" with a nice axe handle for a pole. Based stick man had the right idea. I'd use a helmet with a clear face mask and a small respirator mask.
/ourguy/ did nothing wrong.

Just order one on e-bogu you faggot, I got mine + Jo and bag for 80$.

Nigga you can buy an inch-thick dowel at Home Depot for like $1.50. Wrap some cloth around one end for grip. Buy several and move through them as they break.

Dowel is gonna break. Go to the hand tools section and get a tempered shovel handle. Either fiberglass or wood. They're tempered. They don't break. Cut in half and you have two.

I have to go to work on this glorious day, so I had to sleep through the start even though I coulda gone. Somedays I hate my job.

if you had posted this in any other thread I'd have called you a LARPing faggot.

But shieldanon has made me believe. If we're going to be LARPing faggots, let's be the best LARPing faggots we can be. If any antifa comes at you user, you smash that sword over their head.

Fucking genius.

Alexander the Great's spear wall was impervious for centuries.

Why not Shinai? Those were fun as fuck and hurt too.

also, what's that manga called where this samurai only uses wooden swords and goes around wrecking entire prestigious samurai schools?

Drill a hole in the bottom portion of your "flag pole" and tie on a length of nylon rope. You now have a lanyard. The weakness is that someone can take it out of your hands. A nice 550-cord lanyard will fix this.

never let your weapon fall into enemy hands


a few minutes in ms paint



Some more images.

Are you a pro-Trump shill? I've seen this kind of content generation pattern before, and I'm suspicious of it.

you rock!

That's stick bro!


Because where the Shinai leaves bruises the Bokken breaks bones.

Dunno, but there was an actual gook named Miyamoto Musashi who did exactly that. He dual wielded a bokken ans a wakizashi in a style of his own invention called Niten Ryu.

What part of "we do it for free" don't you understand?


#2 is saved

FUCK confirmed Sticked Man charged with assault with a deadly weapon (including one with possession of a dagger),

It's beginning to buckle under all that weight, and one day she'll go full flamingo.

Well he gets a trial and the video shows he was defending the guy in the red helmet, but it is CA.

Ahh someone repeating memes. Bear mace has less mace than normal mace, the only difference is that it shoots a further distance than traditional cheap mace.

Do your homework and stop regurgitating bullshitshit like a normie faggot

He never pulled it out though, correct? He may have had it as a backup if shit really got hairy.

What would be a better idea, fencing classes or bokken classes? I feel like the bokken would be better for these kind of civil clashes. A rapier would kill someone or not do anything if it was just a practice one.

Fucking wew.

Yeah i bet the judges in bekeley CA will be kind to Stick Man…

ty based stick man

You can see the cellulite rippling through the leggings in pic #3. Diabetes and heart disease are going to hit the left like a goddamn hammer.

just doing what they do best user.

bokken definitely

No shit it's not as strong. I never said it was, but the strength is that it does shoot farther. If you notice I said
You're not going to get that done with a 2 oz. bottle that shoots a tiny solid jet 10 feet.

Klippenstein's been doxx'd

fuck classes, just dress up like a lumberjack and carry a chainsaw.

Oh I'm sure they will. One strike for each swing. We're going to find out who the judge is.

Rapiers are amazing swords, maybe the best for one on one combat. I'm not sure how useful they'd be outside of a dueling scenario though. Their use as a stabbing weapon means you can't keep multiple attackers at bay as well as a scottish baskethilt sword could.

Kill yourself

can I show up in a Jacket and a pig mask?

You kind of answered your own question there.


Listen faggot, I called you out once, and I will call you out again.


Stop posting faggotry little LARPer. You know nothing.

What are you doing.

A dragon dildo on a stick would actually be pretty hilarious as a weapon, especially if if was one of the ones with a pump that shoots fake semen.

You realize you're directly contradicting what you said earlier, right?

Who has that webm of the Filter King screaming

Fits perfectly on this

You're still a gigantic faggot.

Stick Man -RIP See you in 15 years /ourhero

is that a fucking hitler youth knife


Believe it or not, Cali has open carry for all blades. I walk around with a huge buck knife on my belt sometimes just to be funny.

The fuck are you talking about suburbanite?? Nigs DO know how to box.

Blacks grow up fighting. Whites grow up having their single mothers tell them "violence is bad" and reward them with "treats" for doing the dumbest shit.

Whites are typically spoiled brats. Blacks are not. They are fucking retarded. But they can fight.


mace and bear spray are two different things afaik

Doesn't Fox or Sabre Red make riot control size pepper spray cans? Also FYI, its illegal to own more than 4oz of pepper spray in Texas. Just letting fellow Texanons know.


I'll make it easier for you child.

Meme Bear Mace Bottle of 14oz. $10.00
Actual Mace Bottle 14oz. $10.00

Both spray the same distance. Don't buy Meme Bear Mace. Don't be a faggot

wow correct, i would never guess CA had that

"For fixed blades (known as a dirk or dagger), or a folding knife in the open and locked position, they must be carried “openly”. California Penal Code section 16470 classifies a dirk or dagger as a knife or instrument with or without a hand guard that is capable of ready use as a stabbing weapon that may inflict great bodily injury or death. Per the penal code there is no length limit as long as it is carried openly. A knife carried in a sheath that is worn openly suspended from the waist of the wearer is considered open carry and is legal. Penal code section 20200. Carrying a concealed dirk or dagger is illegal pursuant to Penal Code Section 12020(a)(4)."

trying to blend in with the antifa crowd? that's pretty smart.


They can fight, but not good. Fighting is not boxing. Niggers can rarely box. They hop into their boxing stance because they all grew up hearing about Ali, and then they immediately fall out of stance and start wildly swinging without even looking. Then they tug at their pants a dozen times, swing, tug at pants, talk, swing, tug at pants etc.

Speak for yourself. I grew up fighting. Niggers can't fight for shit. That's why they jump you.

Yeah I would then he'd be fine on the knives. They're clearly visible and he didn't brandish or use any. The DA is probably charging everyone they arrested. Any updates on how many people charged so we can verify?


I only suggested bear mace for its coverage of large crowds. If you can buy riot control pepper spray, by all means, do it.
Would be fun to make homemade CS gas canisters, but then that's really larping. The riot control shit would do. You just want a shit load of it.

"they had made ten arrests, including five for battery, four for assault with a deadly weapon (including one with possession of a dagger), and one for resisting arrest."

Saved. Quality OC, user.

Why not use homemade WX gas and kill everyone on the block? :^)

No they can't, kek. Watch any nog fight vid.


Stick Man Did Nothing Wrong


Just more sensationalist bs regarding the dagger, if anything it shows how scared they are knowing someone has a knife on them

I live in a cucked state that has laws against pepper spray, yet allows open carry. I personally have not seen the large bottles of actual mace for sale. The only large canisters of mace I've ever seen for sale in my state are bear mace.

Got any video examples of the swing, talk, tug combo? I'd like to see that shit.

The babysitter is trying to drag Junior back him before his father gets home and realized the little shit had been in his closet again

Yeah, but will he actually go to prison for it?

Imagine how fun it'll be when these Commie faggots get so bold guys on logging crews, construction sites etc. get so pissed off they start mobbing up to come after them. As of now it's just our old and our young. All our working men are working. When they decide enough is enough, they're going to break these Commies in a dozen pieces.

Zero dubs for being a jughead faggot. Fighting anyone who can only cross strike is as simple as conditioning your front deltoids and abdominals beforehand.

heyyo logical fallacy

That's what I have and I would rather have that than pepper spray but no guns like Berkeley.

He's getting charged with assault with a deadly weapon.
The DA might make a deal though.

Nothing specific. I haven't watched fight videos in a long time. Just search "black fight" on youtube. Loads of shit will pop up. The windmills, sucker punches, and pants tugging are the things I remember seeing the most.

Seems dumb, though. You'll let me kill a guy that's attacking me (we also have SYG and Castle Doctrine), but if I fucking mace him or taze him (we're not allowed to have tazers either), you're going to send me to prison for 10 years or whatever the penalty is.

The videos I saw were pretty damn clear he was acting in defense of someone else who was getting mobbed.

I was asking because the pulling up the pants shit is new to me. Every nog I ever fought was mouthy and couldn't throw a punch for shit, but they kept their pants up. This was years ago, however.

You can get a CCW in Berkley, but no open carry for firearms. The only firearm open carry we have in Cali is in rural areas.

This was so perfect. Truly the memescape is a magical place.

Yeah, but this will be a Berkeley jury. As of now, I'd say it's a 50/50 case if it goes to trial, which the DA will want to avoid. Hence the possibility of a deal.

Please be clear, unless he used said knife as a weapon then he cannot be charged with having it on his person.

He's right. Hang around on whurlstahhh for a while. They love to pull up their pants while fighting.

How do you get arrested for resisting arrest? That implies you were going to get arrested anyway

Niggers are in a perpetual state of pulling up their pants when they're in a fight; or really at any time. The nigger by himself isn't a fearsome opponent typically, yet in a group they operate most efficiently. Which is the only way they can take down even the weakest whites.

That could be his ticket out, or the enemies he hit decides not to press charges. The Castle Doctrine allows him to defend himself in a manner that is equal to the perceived threat.

Holy shit. I just kek'd. That's actually quite deep and profound.

The police are considering the pole a deadly weapon. That's why they mentioned "possession of a dagger."

A "deal" like getting 2 years in prison rather than 25. Thats how our justice system works

I'll definitely agree that it sounds dumb, just saying that I'll take looser gun laws and no access to pepper spray in a heartbeat to having more restrictive gun laws but being able to have pepper spray.

Isn't getting a permit still pretty hard though? I thought your gun laws were completely cucked.

Yes, hence the sensationalist appeal, though I wonder what constitutes a "deadly weapon", unless the pole can cause great bodily harm, I think that charge can be talked down.


DA charge you with everything under the sun and then come back with a "deal" and act like they are doing you a favor.

Yeah, over 90% of cases never go to trial because prosecutors scare defendants with huge sentences so they take the shorter one. This guy is either an ancap or /ourguy/ though. He knows how the game is played.

Christ, how are they doing any kind of damage like that?

I rage'd.

Let's hope, then.



a couple of gems in here

They do that shit to one another too. One of my best friends in high school was black(yeah, yeah, I know) and he got into a fight and was beating up the other guy so of course the other guy's friends all jumped him, I wasn't around at the time. I later asked them if they had no honor, which they just chuckled at. Looking back on it I'm surprised they didn't jump me too as I was very scrawny back then, may have had something to do with there be an ongoing "joke" by people in the school that I was going to come shoot it up anyday.

Im all for it

the man is officially a legend. his life fore may succumb to the limitations of the flesh, but he will be forever immortalized in our memes

is it that Holla Forums is always right, or that our memes are always right?


meme responsibly, freedom and gainz will come to stick man

Well at least stickman would be in good company, maybe he can be the fourth reich's fuhrer.

Nigger lover.

Which is why we should carry on his legacy. His sacrifice will be in vain if no one follows up.

If they wait so long to start the actual civil war they have planned they are truly fucked. If Trump can start to show some improvements in the inner city and they

My fucking sides. At :33 that faggot that pushes him from behind, trips and walks away with a theater pose right out of Cats. That's what we're up against. What a bunch of fucking faggots.

If they really go through with starting a civil war, it won't be a war. It's just going to open season on commies.

Axehandles on the other hands

Angry grandpa looks like he could dish out some punishment and not break a sweat.

He was a decent guy, if he's still alive I'd advocate for him being given a position to serve sleepy nig in his attempt to colonize Africa.