Lads, now that we have CF's face, let's have some fun with him :^).

He almost looks white, which would make him a hypocrite, which means he gets the rope.

Kill yourself, seriously.

Hey, it's a set of pics, and I wanted the Stalker to be the only one in the OP, okay?
So stop being a little niggerfaggot.

It's pretty clear that he is. Just because you want him to stop telling you that traps are gay won't change that

Really? He looks like that?

We all know traps are gay, Mr (1). It's just that he is literally in favor of White Genocide, then says it's just irony, and next says "The irony of today is the seriousness of tomorrow" or some shit like that, you know?
Remember, the shills like you will be the first to go.

This is r/the_donald calls you back home.

I got this info from this thread: >>>/cow/225125 .

Heh, nah. Dude calls out fags.

He blames it on white people rather than on the actual problem, communists and Jews. He says we are "deluded" for thinking the way we do.

So why haven't you posted the images as a reply to your OP? Stop being a lazy faggot and use Holla Forums correctly.

Stop being a cuck and stop sageing a perfectly fine thread.

Well, some white people ARE deluded. He just falsely attributes it as unique to and caused by hwite people.

Honestly, I don't understand why. I think he's already living in a hell of his own making. There's not much Holla Forums can do to him short of breaking into his house and dry-shaving him. The guy lives with heavy depression, which I can tell you from personal experience I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

No-one cares about you CF.
You sure are desperate for attention.

I know depression to some extent.
If he is depressed, he deserved it for being the race traitor that he is. There shall not be mercy for our enemies.

He said that WE are the deluded people, user.

Kill yourself.

Holy shit that thread

Suit yourself. I'm just saying it's not worth it.

Who of you lads just posted in the CF /cow/ thread?

Also, if you had heavy depression, how did you stop having it?

This. Sorry OP but the user here is right, leaving the images out of the thread and then:
It screams cuckchan tbh.
you have to go back

I've been here since early 2015. I know I'm still kind of a newfag, so please, be gentle.

No one cares CF you chose your side,just get some medical help before you blow your brains out.

CF is SO irrelevant that the mere thought of engaging with him again saps the energy out of me.

who gives a shit about common fuck?

didnt he die or something?

He didn't.

Instead of apologizing, why don't you post the fucking images?

Unfortunately he didn't die. Biggest letdown of the CY+2.

Why don't you click the fucking link? Is the FBI after you or what?

He's manually spamming the meta board, and every time he's negatively mentioned here, he and his legion of mentally ill degenerate followers spam the shit out of this board.

Why won't you post the images? Are you computer illiterate or what? Is the problem that you don't know how? Or do you have some sort of (((other reason)))?

Every time you faggots show up this is going to be posted.

https ://

someone post the pics here please. I don't feel like going to niggur

Don't sage my thread, we are here to fucking dox him damn it.

Alright, here are your fucking pictures.
Happy now?

Yes. Next time, do this in the first place.

Desaging because you complied.

About time.

Only took you 14 posts, I'm impressed cuckchan, you'll make a fine user one day.

forgot to say I'm just joking around OP, thanks you for posting the pictures

He only hates Anglos, he admitted that he himself is a Slav.

And? He still advocates for white genocide, stop shilling him.

No problem.

He looks like a fucking loser. He actually is a loser, so at least he's fulfilling one expectation. Fuckin' race traitor.



Jesus she's fucking ugly.


b u m b

He's a spic you fucking idiot.


I remember he said he was polish in one of his podcasts.

Let me know when you've got full dox. I've been waiting to send him a present for quite some time.

The OP from the /cow/ thread promised to kill him.

Still a subhuman anti white fag.

Hell is forever!


So what drove this faggot turn on us then?
Does he have some sjw gf who is manipulating him or trying to impress her.

Who the fuck cares about some irrelevant loser? holy shit, you're so busy being cancer that you don't even upload the pics here.

I'm not a sodomite, you faggot piece of shit.
You pro CF cuck shills are pathetic.

he finally posted them here:

What happens if you write Common Filth 3 times in a row. Does he make a whole podcast about you?


Hell is forever!

Are we supposed to know who the fuck this junkie, white trash looking homeless cunt is?

If you don't want whites to disappear from the earth you're a faggot and the enemy of God. How hard is this to understand? Look at what whites do and what they celebrate in every single one of their countries. The only reason you could want this continue is if you're a faggot yourself.

Calling someone a fag is what a sodomite does?
Do you have brain damage? Stop derailing the thread, you niggerfaggot.

hello CF

HAHAHA I always imagined him as some hypermasculine guy with a shaved head or crew cut. He looks like a homeless faggot teenager lmao

It takes a faggot to talk nonstop about faggots.

Fuck off, nigger, get lynched.

Hell is forever!

No, user. It's not really difficult to troll them. You could also do it if you wanted to, probably.

Yes massa!

1. Common Spic should be gassed
2. TRSodomites should be gassed

CF, did I touch you deep down?

I bet CF wanks off to the stuff he says he hates. Denial is a bitch.

Of course he does. No straight man spends his free time watching gay pornography.

Dubs of truth


Ok lads, how about we disregard the shills and start digging?

I don't find it hard to believe that cuckchan cancer thinks cumfister is relevant.

You surely are busy sageing this thread. You keep thinking it's some kind of downvote?

This pretty much. The reason he rationalises his actions is also based on a fetish of sexual nature from what i can decipher. All that disgusting thing that he showcased , he did so in a desperate attempt to also tell to himself that
Whatever that fetish of his is, he for sure can't talk about it so it's not something like bondage or tickling for example.

forgot my sage pls no gas

No need to sage, faggot.
He probably is into fucking dogs, that's why he made the #whitegirlsfuckdogs sticker and shit.

Hello Ironmarch.

He says "Hillary would protect my right to serve in the military" – What's he talking about?

The white race shall be destroyed inshallah :^)

I'm not at all a fan of ghoul, but this is just a baseless accusation from some mentally ill tranny. If they talked online, he should be able to provide screenshot evidence, but he doesn't.

He wasn't trying to expose Ghoul. It was a private kikebook post that somebody found. There's no reason to doubt it.

Maybe you're out of the loop buddy but this board fucking destroyed TRS. They're over. So trying to relate their faggotry to this board doesn't make a whole lot of sense now does it? So you don't get to project their trap chasing bullshit onto this board when it was us who took them down greatly in part for that faggotry.



Burn in hell you slanderous kike.

Yeah, no fucking shit

It's a public post you god damn retard

He's referring to the fact that the guy posted one of Ghoul's memes

On a personal account, you autist. The tranny did nothing at all to bring attention to his relationship with Ghoul.

Seems to me like he's saying
in order to justify his position. It's like when I post holofacts on normie sites, someone cries antisemitism and I go "oh but I'm Jewish, I just care about the truth and hate those Jews who make shit up". The trick is that I'm not Jewish and all Jews make shit up.
t. actual Slav