Is it really necessary to have 9 goddamn stickies, one of which is over nothing but a tweet?
9 stickies
Use the catalog, faggot.
Then go back to 4chan
Un hilo de rosca para esto. lol maricón tonto.
spic posting is no good, even ironically
Not an argument.
hide them then
Neither is simply saying "no" with no explanation when presented with a perfectly reasonable solution. Now fuck off back to cuckchan
It's so much easier though.
What is the benefit to not using it exactly?
OP is right. Fuck having to read and sort through all these thread. We should implement some sort of like or voting system so only the best stuff rises to the top. That way you get to see the best threads on page 1. Stickies would be limited to a rules thread and a happening thread if one is going on.
Thanks for making this thread OP,
Just spitballing, but could we make tripcodes mandatory? That way you can easily find threads and posts by the best posters?
Those double numbers means PEPE agrees with me.
I agree xir, we should probably ban stuff like hate speech as well. But we'll do it in a way that the user who is making the problematically toxic posts doesn't even know they're banned.
Mods, pls sticky this :^)
Hey there fellow old-friends, while we're discussing ways to improve Holla can we cool it on the racism for a while? Problematic tbh fam.
Enjoy getting banned, nigger faggot.
Mods sticky pls
Out of everything to complain about, you chose this.
I recommend a ban and thread removal. I believe there is no place for threads like this complaining about stickies.
It's time to remove this pointless slide thread forever.
mad you cant slide these topics off the board, shlomo?
It sounds like reddit is more fitting style of forum for you. Go to reddit
It's annoying in the catalogue, too.
Holla Forums is dead
Go fuck yourself you snowflake. The world doesn't cater to you.
I agreed with you up until I read this. Threads should stand on their own merit and stickies should be saved for very important happenings; you shouldn't be a subhuman nigger who can't use the catalog.
Get lost, JEW
Stickies used to mean something, now they're made over its-fucking-nothing type posts. If you saged, you are a part of the problem
Long dead
Who are you quoting?
Who were you quoting >>9419251
I've had the 2nd page bookmark for a few months now because the front page is always almost entirely stickies. The shill mods aren't going to tell me what is more important. Popular threads will always be on the front they don't need to sticky every fucking thing.
I just asked why we have so many stickies, I don't know where you got
Hide threads you're not interested in, use catalog.
Stickies kill shills.
I think every thread should be sticky. Eac of the stickied threads could be one specific topic. Then there'd be no more slide threads, and no more bitch-ass faggots whining about how something nobody's even looked at for two weeks got pushed off the bottom of the catalog when intellectual masterpieces like this get created.
Use the catalog you subhuman cuckchan filth
The first one is right here
The second one is right here
But you knew that already.
Enjoy your last excuse to bump off of me!
And how exactly do stickies kill shills? Can't they just, you know, shill in the stickied threads like they usually do?
They can't shit up the catalog with slide threads if the important threads are already permanently at the top. They COULD shill in the stuck threads but usually when threads are stickied mods are on so they usually get banned fairly quickly.
Good idea, let's sticky all threads, no new threads means no shill threads. We should also ban anyone not Natsoc too, just to make sure.
To think I almost gave you the benefit of the doubt.
OP brings up a good point indirectly
Why did we have 2 weeks of nothing going on and being on the nonstop defensive and now we got 4 huge stories happening all at once?
Trump really needs to get his shit together.
So use the fucking catalog?
Hey, you implied stickies kill shills, so obviously if we just sticky them all that would kill all shills!
So, suck my dick?
Fuck off Holla Forumstards drumpf fags
Nigger it is literally not my fault or problem that your thread-sorting-fu is weak af.