Le gultural margism meme

I can't believe it actually aired on live TV.
Do you know how many people are now going to go search for "Frankfurt School" and learn that the merchants are behind this all? Oy vey! /s
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I've never seen one cultural Marxism-conspiracist who said he actually read works from the Frankfurt school


I fucking knew Holla Forums would become mainstream someday, god damnit all.

That's how the insidious Jew gets inside you.


Left, right or center, if you believe ANYTHING shit out by FOX News you deserve what you get.

This guy is retard:

Or they'll do actual research on it like those of us here did, and realize how full of shit the right is.

What is the point of critical theory?

But wasn't the point of the Authoritarian Personality that normal non-Jewish families raise "fascists" instead of heroin-addicted strippers with half-black children?

Good one, made me chuckle.

You have to wonder if Holla Forums has just repeated that story so many times that they genuinely believe it

so the aut-right is breaking into reallife
fuuuuuun shiiit

This is a verbatim quote. I thought you were paraphrasing something stupid.

I'm somewhat surprised that weasel on the left who used to wear bowties can even show his face on television anymore after he got so savagely BTFO by Jon Stewart.

Dear fuck you weren't kidding.

Holy shit it keeps going.


Assessing the damage done by capitalism on human culture, ideological analysis, art theory, etc.

In 1924, Karl the Marx, President for Life of the USSR of Russia, looked upon the Frankfurt School and saw Cultural Marxism (after which he was named as a baby) and implemented it into his country, leading to the deaths of over 100 billion people.

somebody please kill me


i've never seen a single right wing anti-marxist who has actually read marx.
that stefan molyneux right wing faggot made a 2 hour long video "debunking marx" where he didn't bring up a single one of marx's theories/arguments, the entire video was just ad hominem attacks and marx's personal bigraphy with molyneux saying "how could this guy be right about anything if he was this poor and didn't even OWN A FACTORY AND HAD TO BORROW MONEY!" every 5 minutes.

we live in strange times comrads

Global natural disaster when

we live in a strange times comrads

So Critical theory is inherently left wing?


remind me again, which country was Marx president for?

We must find a picture of Adorno shaking hands with someone, photoshopping Marx's head on the other guy and use this quote as caption.

He was the founding father of Soviet Russia together with Vladimir Stalin and Mao Zedong. Together they made a dictatorship based on taking everything from the rich people who have a lot and giving it to the poor, but after Marx died Vladimir Stalin took over and started a genocide that began WW2.

You mean the one like the most famous pic of him? :^)

Just fucking noticed Ron Paul in the background too. This pic would be happening central

Where does that idea that Hollywood is full of reds even come from? I know it goes way back, but I'm still baffled at why they would choose Hollywood of all things. It's just like that '50s anticommunist propaganda piece that mentioned UNESCO in a bizarre, Deus Ex-ish kind of way.

Hollywood is full of Liberals, not communists/socialists. Too bad that in American dictonary liberal = left-wing islamig gommunist :-DDD

Just to be sure, is Adorno on the left? I'm not really physionomist.

no, he's on the right

liberals are a sub-turd of the great pile of shit called socialism

read a fucking book

user delivers.


Ignorance won today, just like how ignorance won the whole 21 century

Adorno is rolling in his grave

Are we the ones staring at the wall, taking the dancing shadows as reality? What if it's true, that Holla Forums IS always right?

Holla Forums's entire goal is to end up back in the cave looking at shadows they like.

I'm not sure I can follow you

I never understood the parable of the cave. it always seemed so heavy handed and mundane. it takes like 10 minutes to explain the bizarre setup, for what realization? obviously you don't want to be a retarded troglodyte. any philosophy majors want to point out what the point is?

in reality you should always take everything you hear online with a grain of salt because not everything will be revealed
in pols context it's just memes

the popular retelling of the allegory means is that Plato was a fraud hack who calls everyone sheep and can't stand up to criticism
The original allegory though is Plato describing some ideas in his philosophy, and Greek philosophy at large, and it really has no relevance unless you're a thousand years out of date and buy into what he's saying about platonic ideals and other Greek anachronisms. then the allegory is quite apt at describing a Platonic philosopher.

The cave is analogous to ideology and culturally ingrained ways of thinking that prevents you from seeing things as they are, but instead their interpretations, which aren't the things themselves.

It's not about being "retarded" or uneducated, but that by getting out of "the cave" you can see that the images on the wall aren't necessarily the truth or the whole truth, and subsequently that trying to communicate your revelations to those stuck within the cave and are unwilling to leave it, they'll react with hysterical anger because you're telling them that everything they know is wrong.

And that's where Holla Forums is. Not only are their images being denounced by (what they think are) external corruption, they want a big strong buck leader to dispel these uncomfortable new images and block the entrance so that they can enjoy the comfort of their old familiar fables.

Do you have any proof of that?

Is it me or are young Adorno's eyes not squinting?

Wait, are young Adorno's eyes not squinting?

You mean young Wiesengrund.

Is that ron paul in the background on the left???

How are we all just noticing this now?

The Mandela effect, it's happening.

you can't even satirize this guy

top fucking kek. glad everyone else caught it too.

so not assessing all forms of flaw within humanity?
does critical theory involve the production of new concepts that have tradeoffs/provide solutions?
I don't like the concept of critical theory.

they do end up doing that quite a bit, then they plan to dig their own hole up towards the surface by themselves

Karl the Marx sounds like a sinister Dr. Seuss character.


Communism isn't "left wing".

You are invoking a level of abstraction that disregards the very inbeddedness of humanity as such. You can't talk about flaws without acknowledging the very structure of rules that determine the possible set of interactions (b/w humans).

This is cultural marxism

Cringey as fuck.