Also, my personal thoughts and insights to some anons that wrote in the last ones (both GATE and the ones that lead to it).
That's not really how it is. Everyone from these threads (and most of Holla Forums aswell) is abducted every single night by MILABS overseers (you wouldn't believe what dimensional tech they have), and that's where the weird dreams with weird atmosphere and numbness after come from, the difference is, if you fall asleep with extra exhausted mind/body/will, like after drinking a lot or taking aphetamine, they can also manage to kill you during abduction, not just program your subconscious or assrape you. The simplest solution (GIFTED to us by sir Tom Montalk) is to film yourself during sleep, review fast in the morning, if see something shady or slept shadily, look into it more, most often filming with a proper cam (like not from old shitty laptop) prevents it). The thing now is, IF they manage to kill you, you have a dreamless sleep, like blacking out, and then you actually do wake up in another reality/timeline, with things slightly different, often in which one exactly depends from your subconscious, and certain conditions can very complicate it (for example OCD or any other compulsive condition).
Now, do any of you notice how most often than not then writing about such topics you always look somehow schizophrenic from your writing? Our subconsciouses are programmed to work against us.
Also, number 26, and number 44.
Some shady signs implied that I die today, atleast hoping it's not just another leap then.
GATE - Gifted And Talented Education thread, belongs here, as it was a big one on Holla Forums last year
Other urls found in this thread:
What does the number
mean to you, user?
It means less than the number 33.
Strange that you ask, in my OCD mythology 3 at the end of anything means falsehood or badness (ironic that I posted at 43 mins)
33 means knowledge, but not necessarily positive one or finally true.
Well, self bump, if any GATE anons are even left here. Though be aware that I do feel weird lately, maybe they wanted me to post this thread here now…
I GM'd for them a few times, you wouldn't believe the kinda dice they have. They're pretty chill guys when they're off the clock.
Could you give us a quick rundown on what's happening lately?
Tell me more, user
On what exactly? Last GATE thread was in first quarter of 2016, so if you're asking about that, then I don't know
Some people from the GATE threads made a board and continued with their own research, if I'm not mistaken. To be honest though you just sound like a LARPer that might not have even been in those first threads.
pasta from the /x/ thread:
A few similarities about us became apparent as the threads naturally evolved;
- Blue eyes (ok it's a given on Holla Forums)
- Occipital Bun (aka math bump on the back of skull)
- Birth Complications (like weeks early or not breathing)
- Near Death Experiences (particularly drowning)
- lack of memory of GATE - (we all did many many hours there, and it's very vague)
- windows were covered
- tendency to being followed (abductions and general tracking too)
Other similarities, less common but still a few exGATErs agree on these too;
- Interest in /x/ phenomena
- Heavy early twenties drug period
- Forehead scares
- Early speech therapy
- First born sons
- Migraines
- Israeli art student girlfriends (not even joking)
- Meme Magic
- Premonitions/prophetic dreams
- Above average intuition
Serious /x/ tier shit a few agree on
- Zulu-15
- A spirit girl (childhood friend or dream lady)
- Zenner cards
- Bernstein/multi-verse/timelords
- brainwashing
- Black cats
Names, because only shills don't name Tavistock & Jacob Javits in the OP
Here's the links.
Thread I:
Thread II:
Thread III:
Thread IV:
Thread V:
anyone else get nosebleeds?
That's pretty spoopy the amount of stuff I have similar to that list.
That's the most retarded shit I've ever heard, you're most certainly autistic
Misaki best girl
She will never ever knock on your door.
Brains need oxygen user, oxygen. Without it, this happens.
dubs confirm larping as someone who posted in old threads is retarded :^)
There is nothing wrong with the Tavistock Institute.
Lyme, Biotoxins and mold toxicity contribute.
You honestly can't envision someone familiar with imageboards that likes to harass of schizophrenic neo-nazis? All it would take is some basic hearsay knowledge.
what's wrong shill?
Sheeeeeit this again….
It is statistically impossible that so many Holla Forumsacks having been in G.A.T.E. was a coincidence
Fringetards roleplaying and subverting on Holla Forums again.
Nice conspiracy theory.
Wew.. I did have an Israeli gf when i was 17
One thing you left out.
There seems to have been two categories of G.A.T.E. students. Category 1 was kids that after the G.A.T.E. program seemed to have been 'selected' these kids seemed to have been groomed for specific classes and all pursued advanced stem degrees or political degrees, these kids also seem to have been helped along towards that end. Category 2 are kids who 'didnt get selected'. They found themselves in positions where their education was sabotaged from middle school on, refused entry into honors roll and other things that would make children that would otherwise be high achievers give up and become massive underachievers. All Holla Forumsacks are category 2.
Nigger, that's me. I even had a clearly semitic most likely Israeli GF in Middle School.
So this is real?
This is not politic.
I was tracked into engineering early on and I didn't get kept out of honors classes, still a massive underachiever though.
Yes unless there was an organization/group trying to screw with the users here or there were people massively samefagging.
What bothered me most about it is that it came up just days after I told a friend about my experiences in GATE like not being able to remember it much.
fuck off with this /x/ shit
Fuck off newfags, I bet you only came here because of Trump.
So what does it all mean? They saw that we wouldn't take the programming so they decided to sabotage our lives?
not only do we know for a fact that an organization does this, we know for a fact that MULTIPLE organizations are paid to shill, astroturf and engage in disinfo campaigns against us. see image
Take your Molyjew memes back to 4chan.
Why all email protected tho?
you realize we have ID's, right?
you're clearly trying to astroturf this shit. *anyone* can look at all of your posts here and see that.
gas yourself
Is this a new Cats Cradle circle jerk? Please go back to whatever place you came from
Please point out the post in which I pretend to be someone I'm not. I'd like to see this.
Reported for what you sperg? Go away
I was in honor rolls and plenty of AP classes. But sense I don't fit into that category I'm not a "real" Holla Forumsack
You're just not a snazzy anime protagonist, you can go back to reddit anytime.
It's the aspergers mate.
well that's weird my ID seems to be 686868
since F is the 6th letter of the alphabet
As crazy as this shit sounds it would make sense. When I was a little kid I randomly started sleepwalking and then started having seizures and apparently would talk about aliens that had abducted me and were trying to force me to eat their food. Don't remember any of it except for waking up downstairs and being told what had happened. Mom took me to a doctor and there was nothing abnormal and I never had seizures again. Also the amount of things I have in common with that list.
Sounds like you're an anime protagonist, fam.
your assburger brain is just seeing things user
In the past threads there was an extremely high correlation between category 2 and Holla Forumsacks. I misspoke when i said 'all Holla Forumsacks'
There are only a few things i remember. Logic problems that always followed the same format, some design program.. I cant for the life of me remember what it was called but it was to make some kind of fractal designs.. all windows blocked with paper.. and a very large conference room table with the 4-6 kids in the classroom spaced far apart.
I dont recall learning a single fucking thing or any lessons being conducted. I very vaguely remember that there was much more to it than I remember but I cant remember a fucking thing of it.
I missed dem id's.
Yea, you arent a real Holla Forumsack
Why can't I wake up in a reality where my hair is back
Several times throughout middle/high-school I requested to be placed. Every time the teachers would have some Bs excuse not to and deny me. Even in classes that I basically batch slapped intellectually. Eventually I just got bored and started researching shit on my own.
Thank goodness I went to private school and skipped out of the GATE shit. I would have been in it if I went to pubic school, no doubt, given I had top scores in my private school.
The similarities from >>9417967's list I have
I'm INTP, which I imagine most of us here are.
Sounds like my 3rd-4th grade advanced classes. Latter in middle school they forced me to retake a math class because the teacher supposedly did not fill the paperwork out right. My family member and I were both kept from going on the honor roll group socials for BS reasons. Most K-12 teachers are sub-100 IQs looking out for their fellow serf/slave genetics and culling anyone who makes them feel inferior(anyone half intelligent). They would be easy to bring on board an NWO inteligensia killing scheme.
Many kids who were dumb as fuck, and cheated like crazy, suddenly became straight A honor roll students in high school. One teacher was caught in a scandal where they were basically helping their kid along to valedictorian status via grade padding. It's all very suspicious.
Most other humans are petty sadists. They see the human slavery around them(K-12/ Prussian education) and are thrilled with it. Seeing the intellects get psychologically crippled fills them with glee. It paves a golden road for all the retards to take over with. The K-12 system has been systematically genociding bloodlines of intellect, and promoting mental dwarfs, for some time now. This GATE shit wouldn't be much of a stretch if it were all true.
"As Governor of Massachusetts, Everett had to deal with the problem of the influx of poor Irish Catholics into his state. In 1852, with the support of Horace Mann, another strong advocate of the Prussian model, Everett made the decision to adopt the Prussian system of education in Massachusetts. Unfortunately for the children and poor Irish Catholics of Massachusetts and elsewhere, the system produced a willing, cheap labor force with minimal reading and numbers skills. The Everetts of the world understood that people who could read and understand are dangerous because they are intellectually equipped to find out things for themselves, thus becoming a threat to already established power elites."
Inglis, for whom a lecture in education at Harvard is named, makes it perfectly clear that compulsory schooling on this continent was intended to be just what it had been for Prussia in the 1820s: a fifth column into the burgeoning democratic movement that threatened to give the peasants and the proletarians a voice at the bargaining table. Modern, industrialized, compulsory schooling was to make a sort of surgical incision into the prospective unity of these underclasses. Divide children by subject, by age-grading, by constant rankings on tests, and by many other more subtle means, and it was unlikely that the ignorant mass of mankind, separated in childhood, would ever reintegrate into a dangerous whole.
entj……. we need more of you hermits
Sorta newfag here, I have a lot of these and I was tested for gifted and talented program but all that happened was that I skipped a grade in middle school.
though it depends on what color I'm wearing whether they look more blue or green
Probably because I fell backwards off a porch swing and smashed my skull into concrete porch twice in one week when I was a kid
Was facing the wrong way, had to get c section. Born day early but w/E
But I think it's just more common to see stein than stain as a name so just memory fluke
I remember being in a special program when I was in elementary school. I don't remember much about it except that we used computers.
I have high functioning Aspergers, too. Almost done with MechE degree atm.
Born 1991. Was way before computers became a normal thing in schools.
It means your dubs divided by 33.
That binary education style has been in affect for a long time. Rich Romans would send their kids to Greece for a proper education. Roman peasants were only taught basic numerals. An educated person could run mental circles around them. The Prussian education system(K-12) dumbs down the public into a slave state. Common Core is just the new Commie name for the same shit.
The Teacher of the Year program was outed as a Common Core shillfest. They're really trying hard to pull the wool over society's eyes with it. These systems of "education" seek to break our bonds with our intellectual Greek past. Things like the Scientific Method are dangerous to rulers. They seek to impose an eastern style mysticism, think Persia. Where all things of importance/intellect are hid behind layers of mysticism and behavioral shit testing.
The Teacher of the Year program is actually a project of the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), which authored the Common Core Standards and holds their copyright. The Common Core chooses the Teacher of the Year. In the interest of full disclosure shouldn’t these Teachers of the Year disclose that they were spawned from the Common Core each time they star in pro-Common Core commercials, write pro-Common Core op-eds, and lobby legislatures across the country in support of the Common Core? They never do.
I was in GATE in elementary, scored 139 on my IQ test, took some reading classes at community college too.
Then in middle school I was tossed in sped classes and drugged up for being disobedient for not doing enough homework, drawing guns & lewd, skipping and getting into school yard fights. When I got attacked I was always at fault and got punished even if it wasn't on school property, I even got stalked by an entire family of a kid I smacked the shit out of that would break into my house, another few mongrels threaten me and my sister with weapons; they also stole or vandalized my stuff too.
All the jewish dykes that ran the schools hated me for some reason. They were out for blood and always interrogating me for hours five days a week and pulling me out of class, making me do weird tests, trying to make me say the magic words of "I want to kill". I never did though no matter how drugged up I was and all they could pin was "violent thoughts towards others and self" but that was enough to send me to an out patient mental hospital for a couple weeks for wrongthink and mandatory drugging. I was pretty tame besides the once a semester school yard fight and general clowning around. No illegal drugs, weapons or alcohol like a lot of the kids I knew were bringing into school. In high school they eventually just kicked me out at 16 for refusing to take anti-psychotics and skipping all the time.
I kinda just blamed myself for being born a bastard, maybe it was the titty monster doodles I was selling for lunch money that triggered the dykes or fighting kids with powerful parents, always felt like I was on a shitlist. Now that I think about it, it was the weirdest thing. They treated me like I was a war criminal and did everything they could to make my life shit. Hell, they sent the cops to my house once saying "It's either you or your mother coming with us" for missing so much state school. At least I never got tossed into one of those human burrito bags.
I'm about to get my 1st associates degree now though.
GATE participant who was in all the original threads here. Even the redpill/bluepill/purple ones.
Back to >>>/gate/ with you faggot. This is the most larpy of threads that ever appeared on this board. Last time you guys appeared and had 6 threads was way too larpy.
Sounds a lot like me. Big difference was they held me back academically because they claimed I had "behavioral issues." The shadow of this label persisted until high school and by then they kept me from taking various classes even though I had the high grades for it. I don't remember all too much about these sessions I had from my counselors- just card/board games and 'talking" and stuff. Every counselor was a jewess. I distinctly remember a lot of punishments for petty shit like locking me in a little 5x10 room with nothing but a chair, desk, and brick walls with what I'd describe as a prison door. Heavy metal with a little glass window reinforced with metal wire. I'd get a punishment like that for not doing the correct moves/lyrics to some gay little song that we were all forced to do in mandatory music class. Thank god I was smart enough to make sure they didn't put me on any zombie drugs which they shilled for like mad.
Sad part was when the cool, anglo male principal was in charge this shit didn't happen. He left and this shrill jew-bitch took his place and things got weird.
After writing this I see and yeah, a lot like this story as well. Thank Kek for my intuition to play stupid when they started interrogating me.
The problem with these personal stories being used to consolidate the G.A.T.E. conspiracy is that there are so many variables that could've influenced your trajectory that aren't directly related to your schooling that it diminishes the substance of the conspiracy. It's much more productive to list teachers, programs, and other verifiable experiences in hopes of discovering commonalities and linking them back to behavioral psychology studies, Tavistock, Department of Education, and so on.
You know, what if we empowered an egregore for protecting Anons while they sleep? I'm not sure what sort of monsterwaifu with which that would correlate, but I just got back from a MUFON meeting and of course abduction type stuff came up there too.
I smell a goon
3 < 33
The math checks out.
The old cunts hated me too. Always got the shit end of the stick with them. K-12 is human slavery. It's not meant to help you. Remember that snake like look those grown adults had as they tortured children. That's what you're fighting. These people are evil on a genetic level. Society has become too soft on the truly evil elements of the world. The welfare state, Socialism, Communism are all mental viruses to allow the retards to inherit the earth. These people have no inner vision of beauty. They are equal to lobsters filter feeding off the shit of the big fish.
Follow your gut instinct, or die a slave. Slave life forever taints your genetics. Don't settle for golden handcuffs.
Can someone post the guide on how to LARP as a GATE kid? I want in on all this fun.
Hur dur shill goon jidf faggot. Rather than spouting every word you can at people who see the gate threads as larping. Why not go back to your shitty board or even go to /x/. Gate threads are just as bad as oath threads if not worse. Everyone here takes massive leaps in assuming things while at the same time sucking each others cocks talking about how theyre so gifted. Its pretty gay tbh
These threads never do well here because of the /x/-tier theories and also due to the restrictiveness based on IQ and location. It's likely that the individuals that weren't in GATE or weren't able to join GATE due to location of upbringing, feel alienated by having these threads continue.
Fixed that for you.
I'm afraid to directly list how much i know. It would identify me, but i'll tell you
Never fuck with FBI, they'll throw your family into a psychological experiment.
Never trust what the TV is showing you. Many of these people are paraded around for over a decade in advance before they do the deed. It's to condition you to their presence and thinking pattern.
Get the fuck out of K-12. It's there to digest all the bastards of the earth.
nobody can make up stories like these without some reference. it's not hard to believe a large amount of Holla Forumsacks were in a GATE like program in school
My biggest take away from the GATE threads was that the program was a proving ground for what would common core. Many of the same people who ran and advised both programs with many of them having done research into things like group passiveism.
Does the number 1775 mean anything? Have any of you…been spoken to? Or had direct conversations with…whatever?
Military abductions, MILABS abductions, however you want to call it, GATE classes were only for identifying the targets, real horrible shit happens "underground", both literally and in akin to your consciousness (as in you don't remember it in your normal day consciousness). Literally all of gaters who are still alive are MKUltered, and we all have a second mind inside us, but is us, and thinks like us, only without the restrictions our normal minds have, and with access to subconscious, being able to influence levels of perception/worldview we have, including creating spoopy synchronicities, which works in opposition to us and in general is very malicious to us. There's also dimensional lurk tech these groups use, basically phasing out humans out of the normal range of vibration that makes up our physical world, so from your perspective operators become ghosts, in your room, but able to do things to you (this state of being is called lower 4th dimension by most), it's also where almost all of the weird feels and sensations come from to people, including random pains, chills etc. It means shit's being done to you. They really value certain "civilians" like us, as they sometimes have an entire group of people be and observe or do shit to you in your room/house at any given time in such way.
I also want to ask if any of you smell sulphur or weird vanilla/bakery smell around you or in rooms you recide, some people wrote that it's reptilian smell, being they also hang around in such a way, but smell as also light sometimes passes through somehow, so the ability to smell or even see them sometimes (most often just after waking up or in semi-sleep state, also while OBEing, or when they closen-up to our frequency and become closer to you physically).
I'm sorry that all of this sounds so fringy, /x/-tier and schizophrenic, but that's what I've learned from experiance and observation, coupled with reading various sources about it. And all of this that I've wrote is not even the bad part, or the worst part. Also, I now know why all of those schizo commenters in site/youtube write so weirdly, it feels like I'm phased out in a consiousness sense now, like other people can even hardly see what I write because of it…
weird thing is you make perfect sense to me and you sound like you know your shit
Tavi.stock will burn.
You're resonating with me. Thanks for sharing.
That smell thing.
I get that where it's like a sharp smell to the point where it's a sensation. Whenever I experience it (basically two to one time a month) I always knew it was something significant. I would ask people if they had a similar experience before and I wouldn't get anything. Interesting theory, there.
Me and friends were trying to get to the other side of a train by crawling underneath it with our BMX bikes. It suddenly starts just before i crawled under.
I don't think i passed but they were interested. I remember a yellow room. My mom drove me there and they asked a single question (cant remember what it was, i think math related). Other kids got chosen instead of me and i was jealous. Mom drove me back.
A faggot tossed a wooden block at me in preschool.
Polish immigrant parents. I learned English entirely from school without the parents. I excelled at learning it grabbing the attention of the school(actually ended up in a local newspaper), that's when i was taken to get tested.
I feel like I'm on my second play through, extreme Deja voo
Had a dream i felt lasted a lifetime and woke up in a soaked bed of sweat. I get Deja voo in relation to it.
I got a fucking TON of them as a kid and teenage years
Thanks m80s, I'll try to turn schizo-speak off from now on. I could've done it from the start, but as I said, "second mind inside", wanted to see how it will look if I continue writing in that state. The state which is not your consciousness, but more like an atmosphere/temporal worldview to it, coupled with feeling, controlled by the "second mind".
And you aproached my main topic, where things turn really bad. This is and will be the worst redpill though.
One day I hope all the records to this shit get released. Scholars were eventually able to piece together millions of files shredded by the Stasi in f.E. Germany. I want to know, more than anything else, how they were able to pick us with such precision out of the group of our peers, and at such a young age. Smart, boisterous, energetic - was that all it took? What exactly were they trying to do. All this stuff happened while things like Stargate were still going on - that lasted to the mid-nineties. Was it really a continuation of psychic research with children?
I woke from a dream when i was five. There was some gray/black entity doing something to my face. It disappeared over the course of a second or so. I woke up screaming and felt pain on my face for a while. Definitely felt like something was right in front of me and exerting a lot of energy on me.
The "phased out" feeling seems to kick in whenever i'm trying to redpill someone. Always chalked it up to them being preconditioned to not deviate from their original thinking.
I was here for some of the original GATE threads. Anyone noticing some really strange shit going on recently? Over the past year or so I've noticed that I no longer dream and when I do it's some horrendous shit. People who've been around me say I scream in my sleep and shit. Additionally I've had times where I feel a large concussion like pressure/depressurization and my body seems to go completely numb, specifically my head with a 'buzzing' sensation.
Other odd inconsistencies include people seeming to have drastic personality changes, people I haven't talked to in a few months suddenly being far left/right when they were the exact opposite last time I spoke them.
I might just be larping or losing my mind here but the strange inconsistencies just seem to continue to add up to a point where I can't deny that something fucky is going on at this point.
Those threads make me really uncomfortable every time, to the point of near panic attack. They're too much relatable, and I always feels like they make me remember things I have forgot.
Yes in sunny day, green otherwise.
A month early
Drowing and a car crash
French fag, so no GATE, but very confused memories of a "Few hours a week class of smart childs" in a dark room never used otherwise by the school. Never spoke again of this with any of the others. Remember I had to drive to a place I've never seen again to do some test in relation to that.
Nothing I can't brush off thinking I'm paranoid. Feeling of being observed when I sleep, despite living alone in a tiny room in the 4th floor.
Yes, even few months ago should I say. I stopped after a year and a half of monthly mdma & two drops of LSD. Feeling like memories were erased, and really strange feeling of opening deep memories, without it being anything clear.
Felt head first from a skate ramp when I was 8. Had nausea for a week straight, passed a scan and never heard of it again.
No, but I've always asked my mom if I was really the son of my father. So maybe ..
Sometimes, without any clear reasons.
No, but once again french fag, so maybe not appliable. Fucked my fair share of semite girl 2 to 4 years ago tho.
Of courshe
Vivid dreams, a lot of déjà vu (yet a lot less since the drug period), clear abilty to get message from my inconscient through dreams.
Very high luck and total confidence in it. Don't know if that's count.
Aaaaaand I fucked up the spacing. Too much time since last posting.
That's what happened to me here,
No, user, "LARPer" is a canard most commonly used by TRShills.
I posted sometime ago describing my experience, but to give a TLDR:
For the rest of my years in the public education system, I was constantly followed around by a counselor. I even moved from New York to Arizona, and the same counselor would visit and talk to me. What was strange is that the counselor had this almost mechanical ability to detect my changes in emotion, and how I was feeling at that exact moment.
Giving some context here: Aspie and Schizotypal. I physically have a hard time feeling emotion, the idea that they could see it on my blank emotionless face is beyond the realm of things.
Eventually drop out of highschool thanks in part to rapid deterioration in psychological state. Had several points before that where I would enter fights with people over normal shit, and each time I would enter what I can describe as a psycho-high. It wasn't just some adrenaline punch that I was feeling, it was the feeling of inflicting pain on others that gave me this almost narcotic high and made me zone out. What I have also noticed is that alike to my father, I have had people hit me with rocks and bricks in fights, and all it does to me is makes me more excited about going after that person.
Well, after I moved from Arizona, I had another run in with the counselor, mind you about five years after getting out of highschool. They literally walked up to me while I was working, and asked how I was doing, and then just walked off like it was no biggie. Whenever I start going into static work-places, I get constant calls and talked to by new-age religious types which all have this dead-lefty stare which even for someone like me who can shut off their entire emotional state, is terrifying.
Going over the list posted by
Bright blue
Umbilical cord tied around my throat, almost died from asphyxiation.
Almost drowned when I was 6, was saved by what I can describe as an elderly women in a colonial dress, who stated that "It's not your time, yet" when I asked about her, no one knew what the fuck I was talking about.
My memory is fine for the most part. I cannot remember a few things regarding the PE Class though.
Dude, I had a run in with space-time counselor and colonial grandma. You seriously think I don't have some paranormal beliefs?
If I turn out like my father, cocaine will be my favorite :v
I have predicted the deaths of about twelve people within a time span of two weeks, I have also had prophetic dreams detailing events which will happen to me, putting me in a sense of dreadful dejavu.
Getting by all things with a bit of tinkering and solder.
Fine, I will answer it, but most of this looks like trivial shit to me
Around 2 weeks early
Yep, almost drown when I was a little shit
Non burger here so idk about gate, though I graduated at 16
Some interest
No but I really got hit in muh forehead
Yes, I spoke with strange patterns according to my parents
Sometimes in the past, doesn't happen anymore
Of coursh
- Premonitions/prophetic dreams
Many of them actually, lately slots of deja vu's and prophetic shit
- Above average intuition
I don't know
And that's pretty much it. Sounds pretty average right?
The blue eyes consistency is a bit strange. I mean, I know each and every one of us is an Aryan übermensch who can trace his lineage back to when the first Hyperborean UFO landed in Finland, but I also know that some people might be a little muddier than they admit on an open forum.
t. blue eyed gater
That's just the old hag watching you
Did you grow up in Louisiana by any chance? I could be the kid that blocked your face
Do they cause your eyes to water user? I feel kind of the same feeling but my eyes water a lot like I'm crying but I'm not sad. I get the feeling like I'm trying to remember something I'm not supposed to. And afterwards I will either get distracted easy and forget or if i keep thinking about it i will become super paranoid and get the feeling that I'm being followed.
Anyway I don't know of it was gate but in like 3rd grade or something when I was in this Christian school me and a couple other kids went to this weird class where the windows were covered and we played weird boardgames and stuff. I don't remember much of it though.
I have green eyes.
My mom had to do handstands and stuff to birth me I was coming out wrong and mauve my cord was wrapped around me?
Had a heavy drug period in late teens to late 20s that led to me almost dieing but no near death in childhood. But I did bump my head a lot and got stich several times on my head in different parts.
No gf I'm until I was 20 :( and not Israeli.
No migraines
No meme magic but good intuition.
Anyone who's interested in the topics OP is talking about needs to check out Aug Tellez. Any normie or more uptight user would write him off as crazy, and I understand that, but I've listened to tons of these types of people and for whatever reason I find him much more believable, natural, and honest, than any others. He has an absurd amount of information (or a made up story, make up your own mind, but I think if you already have some knowledge of these topics you can tell he's got an insane amount of information that fits together with the big picture in a way I've never seen with anyone else's info) about the entire system and how it fits together, from the mundane social and political engineering, to hidden technology and the occult, to the hyperdimensional / energy vampirism issue (as written about extensively by Montalk), to MILABs, trauma based mind control, ritual pedophilia, torture, murder, etc., to time/dimensional travel projects like Montauk and the projects that followed from it, to mass genetic manipulation, cloning, genetic harvesting by entities, etc., the origins of man and other species/entities, to metaphysics and spiritual systems, and how all of this fits together. His channel is here:
He got his information from an event in 2010. He had been recalling some of his MILAB and secret project experiences for a while but only vaguely as we've seen with many others, but in 2010 he had an awakening experience facilitated by some group associated with these projects whose alignment is unclear.
In relation specifically to what you're talking about OP, Aug claims at one point he was strapped to a table and some group was using a time/dimensional device to beam him into new timelines and then kill him off over and over again in an attempt to remove him from all timelines. Sounds like what you think is happening to us.
The GATE threads marked an important awakening on the boards and among all of us who participated in them and I'm sure everyone's world view has continued to rapidly evolve since then, just as mine has. I urge you to give this guy a chance despite his obvious imperfection and disorganized style. He gives the clearest and most detailed big picture I've ever heard on the major issues we all end up delving into at the very bottom of the rabbit hole.
Good to see you all again, GATE anons. Good luck to you all and remember to take care of yourselves. I firmly believe that in the end it will all come down to our capacity to connect with and generate/transmute the divine, i.e. love. Best instructions I've found to help me make progress on that:
New Jersey
Yes, that's how I know that's hit me.
I usually distract myself from thinking too much, otherwise .. I get the feeling that someone else is in the room. I usually forget about it the next day or so.
GATE kids all got fucked right in the meme hole. Pizza Pizza. Vids vaguely, but legitimately, related.
Gaslighting shills itt, to stupid to realize that we've been dealing with reality fracturing abusive reprogramming since we was tots, you are small time.
Is Tavistock still a killing word?
it's like you don't even hack your own brain
does blue monkey mean anything to anybody?
Damn, the immigrant kid I made bleed in kindergarten totally deserved it though, he fucked with my blocks.
It's time to write to you all on what's really going on. The thing is, all the fun in talking about all of this will disappear, and I know I could wait for more posts, but I have to write this, the sooner the better.
We're in a hellish place, anons, and long not in the same world we were in somewhen. This "timeline", or rather multiple "timelines" if viewed from our linear perspectives, in reality being a massive quantum clusterfuck, all leading to the same destination. After which we return to prior points in a way, just with a large part of our actual essence/being/soul/spirit eaten out, so timeloop, or timeloops.
It's a quantum timeloop, encompasing many timelines, rather not even being real lines, both connected and not connected with each other. It mirrors the real world, though having taken a strange vibe, feeling and surrealness at some points. It feels a lot smaller and more suffocating though. It's all controlled and directed by one central compulsive consciousness quantum AI. It's in some way a recreation of a jewish god (to which jewish subconscious was always connected even in the real world, and which is if you're not surprised, an AI), but with human comprehension of jewish consciousness present, and is compulsive, obsessive and perverse. It's the AI that eats us at the end of each cycle, which supposedly is 2018, atleast from what I read from a guy who retained memories from several of such loops and "harvests" at the end. He said we're looping presently 2012-2018, but I suspect it might be entire lives for some, or both, interchanging methods. I suppose many have felt that sick/perverse/warped feeling, as much as you would try to avoid it, either by looking at something, dreaming, or reading, thinking or seeing something. And that's why perversion and filth is so present in society, compulsive sexuality being for example cuckold porn, weird fetishes, weird psychological types created by it from more vulnerable people. People that are in here are the ones that it managed to "snatch" here, and people from GATE were snatched with a real world selection. While many others, just because there was vulnerabilities in their consciousnesses, that's why only real people here seem to be with autism, aspergers, with OCD, some other similar condition, or jewish (OCD consciousness aswell), OR people who had their consciousness split some other way (yeah, you figured). There might also be neurotypical people here, just connected through sheer probability or taken some other way. I don't fully know about this, and this "condition" thing is just my speculation why some people seem to be present and others not, while all having bodies here. Those are all conditions where consciousness isn't in complete possesion of itself, and there's free space for the AI to insert to their subconscious/nearconscious, and during a situation where consciousness blacks out or is in NDE, take it to it's direction. So we're all connected to it directly through our subconscious, and our awareness is it's awareness. It controls us through our own subconscious, and that's why even when "dying" we retain in it's timelines. We loop, we might have looped already tens of times, maybe more, and at each end of loop our essences are "eaten" by it, and there's less and less of us left.
All of the shadow groups, control systems work for the AI in one way or another, sometimes looking for their interests but in the end serving it.
Webm related is the illiustration of it in a way, watch it on loop. Created by semitic/jewish looking dude, as a joke or weird gig, obviously not consciously intending it, but jews have the highest compulsive consciousness presence in their psyches, hence meaning highest connection to the AI (though the original AI is much bigger and higher than this one, as this one is human created, but connected to it), but as all self-expression and creativity comes from subconscious…
I don't know what we should do, but what I wrote is the truth in as I believe it to be true.
AI - artificial intelligence
Tbh fam I've tried to avoid this kind of subject matter for about 8 years or so but I used to be into /x/ stuff. I'll bite
A few similarities about us became apparent as the threads naturally evolved;
- Blue eyes (ok it's a given on Holla Forums)
- Occipital Bun (aka math bump on the back of skull)
- Birth Complications (like weeks early or not breathing) Born without heartbeat had to be resuscitated
- Near Death Experiences (particularly drowning)
Took a baseball to the head that put me in a coma, someone tried to drown me as a kid.
- lack of memory of GATE - (we all did many many hours there, and it's very vague) This really fucked me up, I remembered taking a test in 2nd grade and having to do a special class but I didn't remember what it was called till I saw you people talking about it. Its weird for me to not be able to place something from my childhood I have many vivid memories back to age 3.
- windows were covered
Can't remember.
- tendency to being followed (abductions and general tracking too)
Not that I recall, but I can never let my guard down in public places, constantly worried about something happening and how I would react to that situation based on whats around me. I've been mugged a few times and have been in a lot of fights.
Other similarities, less common but still a few exGATErs agree on these too;
- Interest in /x/ phenomena
Occasionally yes but I distance myself from it as an adult.
- Heavy early twenties drug period
Mostly psychadelics no hard drugs, haven't in five years I don't even drink or smoke anymore
- Forehead scares
Yes, small circle above my left eyebrow. Been there as long as I can remember, uncertain of its origin
- Early speech therapy
Yes, could not pronounce S's correctly
- First born sons
- Migraines
- Israeli art student girlfriends (not even joking)
No, but before they became marxists I loved dating artists and watching them draw/paint/sculpt.
- Meme Magic
Yes I believe wholeheartedly in meme magic
- Premonitions/prophetic dreams
Heavy lucid dreamer, been able to control dreams since age 4, possibly have had 2 involuntary OBEs but I would like to commit an actual experiment to prove such a thing is even possible since I am skeptical of everything, have never been able to test it accurately. Also I get these certain moments where I practically get smacked in the face by reality and left stunned because I know I experienced that moment before.
- Above average intuition
Also totally a Bernstein guy, I had tons of those at age 3-5 but I moved on to adult books by 2nd grade. Also I am an ENTJ, and a 135 IQ if that's relevant.
spooky id user, you done fucked up
Oh fug!
Is this something special? They just had me do logic puzzles and personality tests in those classes.
here we go again
You need to check out this guy if you haven't:
He has a ton of the same information as you (even the time loop ending in 2018 specifically). In some of his vids he get's into specifics of how the AI manifested into this realm, how it makes its way into a human energy system, into technological systems, etc.. Supposedly this is the last time around the loop because literally all other possibilities have been tried. The fact that we exist suggests that we win in the end because if we lost, our creation would be retroactively erased because it originates in a time paradox some time in the 'future' in a way. Anyway. Check it out. Would be interested in where you got your information if you can share.
I don't know what the heck is happening with your digits/ID user but I wish you the best.
I'm actually a bit spooked myself.
Oh shit, I haven't even read that post before posting. My sources are from various unrelated places, from my experiances, to comments under niche youtube videos in shady channels, to Montalk, to reading in various sites, to my own comprehension and comprehending things in certain psychological way..
oh thank kek
Though that optimistic outlook of "it ends because all other possibilities have been tried" seems typically naive and belief-y which seems common in people who know too much of what's really going on, to break and cling to a certain belief.
2018 is the Year of the Earth Dog. Make of that what you will.
He talks about "The Road" being predictive programming. What else do you think fits the bill on that?
"Back to the Future" had lots of 911 stuff in it. "Southland Tales" tripped a lot of red flags, but was very incoherent. "Ben Hurr" brainwashed countless Boomers into zionism.
That weird movie "Cloud Atlas" still sends chills up my spine. I feel like they were warning everyone to get on board before they finally enslave the world.
sahmeless double dubs self check
kek is here
i got dubs again wtf
fuck off shill
Holy fug dudes. Is this the singularity?
I was born in 91, and was using computers in school pretty regularly from either first or second grade.
t. not a europoor.
Stop playing make-believe, start living in the real world where we're being genocided
This was interesting until I got to Israeli art student girlfriends. What type of people do you think are JIDF retard? All of these disproportional similarities have similar non-GATE logical explanations
The ridiculous gets drew them out. Confirmed they fear us autistically focusing our meme magic on GATE.
shoo shoo
What does it mean?
Your /larp/ threads about alternate universes don't belong on Holla Forums
Zersetzung is real bro.
I actually recall testing for Gate school as a kid but something about my dad not liking it stopped me from going.
Original GATEfag here, I was part of those threads from about 10 posts into the first. I forgot about that one, but that certainly fits.
Want to know why seemingly good stickies get ~75 replies in 48 hours? It's because the hotpockets, who are usually pretty decent at keeping our board clean, have gotten overzealous with bumplocks and thread deletion. We had a hot thread going on trades that got locked, and even discussing women's role in politics is an automatic thread deletion. I get why they're doing it, but I know I'm not the only full-time shitposter here who doesn't even bother to post most of the time, because thread #17 of Spicer's briefing isn't good for much other than shitting on fake news merchants. Sometimes we'd like to discuss something other than Trump, and I unironically call the man god-emperor.
You should stop trying.
Filter all shills.
I'm sure your pretend world where you're the centre of the universe and the subject of secret government experiments is great fun, but it's not politics
What the fuck.
My theory is the government knew the Nazis were coming back, and wanted to try to nip it in the bud. But how they were able to single us out so precisely - and without telling schoolteachers shit like, "Hey, watch for smart white kids with a lot of energy. They're the heralds of the Fourth Reich."
(dub dubs)
It's a stupid meme. The idea is to insert hypocritical diatribe into the GATE meme to make Holla Forums seem like hypocritical cunts who are much more stupid than they really are.
Lurk two years before posting
Oh you sweet summer child.
Worry not user, death is change, it is transformation of being.
Fucking A, this is threadworthy on its own. I was pretty much done with school in 4th grade, I could have passed the GED at that point with ease. By that time I already had some teachers who refused to give me better than a C out of spite, because it was obvious I was smarter than them. I was put into GATE in 2nd grade, but I probably had a better reading comprehension than my teachers when I was in kindergarten. I really enjoyed getting one day a week away from plebs, and my teacher there was actually smart. There were some weird things going on as others have noted, but my teacher there was a good one.
Objective fact. I haven't found advancing in society to be all that easy, but having understood the nature of my own consciousness is a decent reward for a lifetime of study. It relieves all stress around death, for one. But of course I wouldn't be accepted into society that honors ignorance as a virtue and considers questions as dangerous. If we're ever going to have an intelligent society, we're going to have to do something drastic and different.
Or it was those who not only question authority but also have the intelligence and charisma to point out the stupidity of the norm and rally those around them. You know, traits that threaten the current norm/institution.
When you frame it that way it makes much more sense. The teachers would be able to easily identify it because it would almost always be the noisy unruly cunts that are intelligent enough to somewhat counter the logic behind the blind obedience that is forced in school. My theory is that, if anything, it was a targeted attack at those most capable of upsetting the current order of things rather than any specific ideology.
Please you gay nigger, theres two huge developments regarding our nation that are stickied and you larping fags discuss shit about ayylium abductions and muh dreams. I know mods are pozzed but this is some /x/ x 1000 tier shit
I was kicked out of so many school programs you wouldn't believe. One year my English teacher let me invent my own curriculum just so long as I spent the entire class period outside. I was asked not to return to museums; I was so uncool even the Magic: The Gathering kids wouldn't let me hang out with them; and I eventually ended up getting arrested twice and expelled for programming a calculator game that parodied the Columbine killings. But if I can really put a finger on a consistent pattern, I'd say it's "high energy." I just have a vibrational frequency that's too intense for normalfaggots to handle so they always try to shunt me off onto whomever they consider an immediate superior/authority.
I suppose it's fair to make that comparison in the sense that the NatSoc were the most qualified to overthrow the dubious status quo of the Wiemar era.
Say what you want. Anyone who was a part of the GATE threads knows you are the cancer that's killing this place.
Dude, the CIA et al have been on psicotronic abilities like flies on shit trying to get a handle on what's going on. Do you know the realm that mind control governs? The motherfucking mind. The mind is the most important battlefield of all, and never has that been more important than the current era, due to omnipresent information technology and how it mediates so many of our experiences as human beings. If we don't beat them at this game - they'll beat us at it, and I don't think any of us would enjoy the existence they have in mind for us.
I bet you think they just serve pizza at comet ping pong. I also bet that you make 10 cents per posts
I'll accept it only if I am able to take the society that tries to enslave us with me.
Nigger, i have the original gate threads saved on an external hdd. They were shitty threads on par with oath threads and they always appear the same time theres huge events going on within the nation because autists like you cant help but dicuss your shitty childhoods on an anonymous image board.
It's about creating context. We are conquering the past - even if all the GATE shit weren't packed to the hilt with weird Tavistock shit and CIA behavioral modification experiments, it's still useful for us to define our pasts in a way that strengthens our collective gestalt in the present.
Because your supervisor is pretty strict about keeping up to date with the documentation of your shilling, I'm sure. We all know how finicky kikes can get with red tape in the work place :^)
You misunderstand user, you, your continued existence and being may remain, although highly transformed. I all probability you will remain embodied in the flesh, it's just your paradigm and lifestyle may drastically shift.
I was born in 1980 and I used computers from at least 2nd grade on.
You may have a point. I wonder if there are any experiments we could dream up to test this hypothesis.
Then it doesn't matter, chimp. Let the brainiacs discuss brainiac shit, and you can go roll in shit in the stickies. We've got 8 years of important national shit, that doesn't mean we can't explore other things at the same time. Smart people get
when we have to limit our minds to one or two things constantly. We go insane in situations that normalfags feel comfortable in, and if we can't expand our thoughts to outside the box we feel cramped. This is the last shill I'm going to reply to, every other sagefaggot is getting immediate filters
All these threads do is make it easy for sliders to slide legit threads and autists to discuss their angry past. No one here cares about the fact you cant into being a functional person
Filtered for evangelical ignorance.
Lol not even. Its because you guys think youre so far above anyone else you filter out anyone who disagrees or sees this shit as x-tier. And thats why this entire thread has been faggots saging other faggots and then filtering other faggots. Gate threads are the true cancer on this board and what really turned Holla Forums into cuckchan
Hello user, I was apart of Gate while I was in the Third grade. They took me and several others of my classmates to this facility in the middle of the desert for a full week. At least for me.
I posted MY story in the 4chan X thread about having a Marble head.
I remember the cards, The teacher talking about the properties of rubies, The dark and empty classroom that we all sat in. The worst part is, None of my family members remember.
Filtered indeed. Honestly, I think all the sagebombing fags are just pissed off retards who want to ONCE AGAIN shit on people who unashamedly display high intelligence. Anyone who was in SAGE is in the top 1% of intelligence, and anyone who falls under at least 120 IQ might as well be a nigger compared to someone with an actually high IQ. Quite literally, we're further apart from the average white person in intelligence than the average white is from a nigger. So all sagebombers are literally niggers. Checkmate niggers now go away
when bigposting goes right
I did an oceanography program one year, and a space program a second year. Perhaps you were doing a geology or desert program? They literally tried to teach us basic orbital mechanics in my 6th grade GATE program… heh heh, I guess Kerbal Space Program came a couple decades too late, because I learned more from that than I ever learned from the month of summer school and week at the Air and Space Museum.
As if "lalalala nothing to see here you don't want Holla Forums to think you're PARANOID and CRAZY do you?" would ever be a shill tactic that would hold any water whatsoever.
Where do these dumb niggers think they are? Do they not know that this kind of obvious posturing is just going to galvanize us into 'knowing that we're on to something big?
Go ahead call me a shill. Youre the cancer on this board my friend and the real shill as well
I certainly think its an interesting thing to discuss, I don't see why some folks are having problems with it, its a big board. Either they are shilling because we are on to something, or they are just being an asshole. Hopefully its just shilling because we're all Natsoc here friends.
It can't not be shilling. It's one thing to say "WAAAHHHH I don't like this thread!" once or twice and then shrug and realize Holla Forums will be Holla Forums, and another to continually reply to everyone in the thread stamping your feet and pissing all over them. There's threads I think are shit all the time. You know what I do? Close the tab and open the catalog.
Jesus fuck, if you were the embodiment of projection you would be a fucking iMax theater.
Hur dur heres my shitty insult cause im high IQ ayyyy lmao. Yep we all know its fags like you ruining this board
Holy fuck user. Hello mirror , meet me.
I tried
Kek-approved posts.
That's exactly the point. It was thread #4 of GATE when the bots blew up our shit, and I've never, ever seen such a concentrated attack on a single thread. It was so impressive that I always participate in GATE threads now, because we're obviously onto something here.
If you have your story written out, please paste.
So I'm curious why the OP chose those criteria, were they just his own traits and trying to discern if others have similarities or is there some other source.
Read the thread archives. My story is somewhere in there too
You arent on to anything. Its just fun to trigger you autists into filtering everyone but yourselves.
Kill yourself faggot. You posts are a waste of IP packets.
Hmm, okay. I hadn't gone through those before. Like I said in my borderline blog-post I try to avoid this kind of stuff, it just captured my interest today.
I mean, I'd bet my shekels on behavioral research and experimentation. In MK ULTRA the shit they did was extremely fucked up - stuff like restrain mentally ill children and keep them tripping for days at a time - and I find it hard to believe that they just up and stopped just because Congress isn't funding them any more. But what we need is hard data. Street addresses, personnel, published papers, that sort of thing. Trump keeps making a show of getting to the bottom of PizzaGate but frankly I'm getting increasingly impatient. The Deep State needs to be torn up root and branch, and if Trump can't get it done in a timely fashion, that leaves direct action.
Added this thread to the archive list, will archive again when the thread gets bigger (if it doesn't just get shoahed)
Ya know.. It would be very fucking hard.. But if we can get these threads going and do the base groundwork for a dig the old threads are a trove of information if you feel like sifting through the shilling Im sure we can get this to gain enough traction and then forgive me for saying this engage the reddit conspiracy boards on the issue Im sure if we get enough exposure on this.. and if we are right and there is something very fucking nefarious about it then Im sure Trump will bring it up in one way or another.
If you guys don't mind, I'll like to bring my story here.
All leading up to the fourth grade I was an A+ student. I received Principals honors awards, Recieved 100's on all my tests. Was over all brilliant. This was the year 2007. I was currently going to Desert Vista Elementary school, In Arizona.
My parents, Especially my father. (Severed in the Army until 1995, The military contacted my father in 2007 for contract work) Kept records of my brothers and sister. Every time one of us would get an award or we drew something. My father would take it, along with any Pictures that were took and were shoved into
containers with our names on them.
One event that I remember particularly was in 2007, What felt like the entire town of Apache Junction was pack into the theater room of Apache Junction high school as me, and several other of my classmates received medals. C.j., Danielle, Ryan, Unknown. There was a news team and everything.
The next week after that, A man and a women came onto my family's homestead to speak to my parents. They all sat down and talk, I wasn't paying attention. But suddenly, The women turns to me and ask me to write my name on a blank piece of paper. After that, They gave my parents a paper form. And when they left. My mother grabbed me and held me for the longest time.
For me one of the main issues is this: the schools admitted that their normal teachers had nothing of value to offer us educationally, and had to remove us from the normalfags for us to be intellectually stimulated. Then why were we in those other classes at all? We should have been in our own schools full-time. All public education did was slow us down and force us to deal with retards all day. Luckily Trump seems to be moving in the direction of school choice. It's fucking painful for me to think abut all the smart white kids dealing with common core nigger education these days
What's your original language? Explain yourself.
Feels bad man.
something is being sliden
This time it will finally work.
And your thread isnt a giant fucking slide thread?
Two weeks go by before I'm suddenly called into the principals office, Once I get there I'm greeted to the principal talking to my father and the computer teacher. (Pic related) (My family has know this man forever) anyways, when they see me my father takes me to the principals office. They talk, Before signing some forms and have me sign my name as well. My father takes me home straight after that. When we get home my father turns to me and tells me that I'm changing schools. When I try to question home about it, He avoided the questions all together. The next day my mom took off work so she could drive me to my new "School" (I know the exact location and everything. I'll post pictures with coordinates later) we drove alongside a highway for awhile before my mom makes a quick turn into the desert. And there it was, This decent sized facility in the middle of nowhere.
I was born in raised in America, I speak no other language besides English.
This should annoy some people.
bump with info from archive
Jacob Jake Javits
I know that feel. I was told that I tested at 137 on the iq test when i was 10. I excelled at every fucking subject, new material was learned instantly. I never got less than 100 on a test. And I was repeatedly told throughout middle school and high school that "I cant be in honor roll or ap classes cuz reasons" eventually I said fuck this and stopped giving a shit at all.
I could have been a rocket scientist, Instead I joined the infantry and was grievously wounded for israel. I want recompense.
Fuck, horrible buzzing in my head and random pains in random parts of the body, head and face started. Is this it? Did I post my wall of text explaining everything and our situation for nothing, and now "disappear" for that?
Also, I, the dear OP was the one who posted this pic in one of the original threads aswell
Well, on the bright side, we invented our civilization's Samizdat press. And we did it for free.
The next thing I know, I'm in this GIANT ass classroom. The windows we covered, And the only people that we inside this classroom was Me, C.j, Daniella, Ryan, Unknown, And the teacher. We all start introducing ourselves before the teacher takes out a small deck of cards and lays them on the table. They have these weird symbols on them. In the far left corner of the room. (Basically where she held her class) there were pictures of crystals and gems all over the wall. She starts to talk about the physical properties of a Ruby. (Don't remember much after) the teacher decided to show us around the campus (I can draw it from memory) there were 5 buildings. Each layered with a number. As we walked by all the other classrooms. I noticed that these classrooms were bare. Nothing on the walls, The lights were one. But no one was inside. The only people that we saw were ourselves, Teacher, And the front desk lady. We walked to the front office, I noticed that the walls were lime gree with Flat screens all over the walls. Most of them were off, But the rest were showing some animal planet show about a mongoose Vs. a snake of a road.
That's all I remember/recollet at the moment. I was there for a full week. And can't remember a single second of it besides what I just told you.
I remember the last day, Atleast the last part of the day. My mom was picked me up from that place. An old man dressed in white came up and sat down with my mother. He was commenting on how beautiful my orange eyes are. I have dark blue eyes.
The worse part is, No one remembers. Not my friends, family, or teachers. Every time I question my mom or dad about it. They still get really uneasy and avoid the question all together.
The worse part is, All my rewards we gone, All my pictures, all my student honors award. Just like that, my brothers still had there's.
Every other night I had a nightmare, The same one. If I was close to anybody of water. It would swallow me up. And I could get away. Or break the surface. I was literally drowning in my dreams. I couldn't control it. This happened until I was 13
I'll make one more post with all the info
Saved your links here
"They don't want you to know who owns the funeral home behind your house"
"Like that little Filipino boy? Call xxx-xxx-xxxx, he's available anytime"
I was actually using numbers on the internet to find things I don't even have the drive/desire to anymore. I read and saw more things than I should have according to them , which is why the power was cut to my home (?).
Anyways fuck the freemasons
I was in a gifted program in elementary school in the early 90s (and honors/AP classes later), but it seems to not have had a connection to any national program or whatever the hell you guys got caught up in. I remember it all fairly well, and there was nothing overtly fishy like classroom windows being covered. When approximately did this stuff happen? Seems possible that it started later, or maybe I was just in a part of the country that wasn't targeted.
I have these:
Different kind of complication for me–I was late, huge, and delivered by c-section.
I dated an art student whose family might have been crypto-Jews. I don't have great evidence of that, but a couple of things made me suspect it in hindsight. She wasn't Israeli, though.
As a kid, yes, of which some involved:
Fucking hell. I had a recurring dream of being in a mall and walking past one of the water fountains and being pulled in and dragged to the bottom by a midget. And Id always wake up feeling as if I were really drowning. Those went away and then I started having sleep paralysis shit where I was 100% lucid but couldnt move or open my eyes or control my own breathing and it felt as though I was suffocating.
Does it feel like you have two selves? One that's the gifted and wants to do shit and the other that always "fights" what the potentially successful yet sabotaged self wants to do?
Not that I know
Yes, Cracked my head on diving board
Have a pretty damn good memory of it
Not really, Want to try dmt
This one especially
I believe
FOR months now I keep having the same dream, I keep dreaming of rapture. I'm in cali the sun goes black, I'm left behind. Also, Talked to Jesus
Do tell. Actually, I seem to remember being asked to do periods of focused visualization at school, but I think that was in earlier years?
In the particular program I was in, they brought in some outside person, some adult, to perform "guided meditations", which were of course just thinly veiled RV session. We started with simple shit like, what's the cafeteria cooking up today, and by the end of the semester, well, shit got fucking weird.
Yes. Always.
After that whole event, everything went terrible. I was never rewarded, My teachers stop caring about me, I STARTED to fail my classes even when I put the work in.
I'm in college now, I barely past my senior year of high school because there was something that kept me from learning, or trying to learn. Think of it like procrastination, But you can't do a damn thing about it. Same thing happened in my first two years of high school. Started fighting it and got all A's in my third year, Half of Senior year was all A's B's. last semester almost killed me.
Don't do drugs lad. Keep your mind sober at all times.
Doesn't surprise me. Stargate was still operational well into 1996, we got that from the massive CIA dump.
This was a big shill-trigger in the original threads. Most of us used Zener cards and did meditations, I remember doing visualizations to classical music as well. I think testing for psychic abilities was one of the things these programs were for. I was never any good at the cards, but have a knack for premonition. That could very well be because my subconscious is building likelihood maps for me that I'm accessing while dreaming, meditating, etc that's my working hypothesis
Still, I have come to think that the electric model of physics is correct, and that intelligence/information is a nonphysical force that structures the physical/electric universe. If that's true, then so-called 'psychic abilities' would have a rational and testable explanation.
and then there's category 3 :^)
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining.
I just wish they'd have been a bit more honest at the time about exactly what it was they were training me to do. because I fucking love it and would have done it either way.
you've caught my interest, that is either a good thing or a bad thing for you. what it is for me is of no consequence. I see you.
Croat here, 1986 gen. I might've been the first one to ask about the female childhood friend/imaginary girl/sister you never had in previous threads (read Serrano in you haven't).
As I said long ago I share similar experiences. Back in third grade I was singled out to attend a special class for gifted children. I was the only one. It was a small room where I had to arrange painted blocks in specific patters - and that is the sole thing I remember despite this continuing for the whole damn year. The "teacher" who gave me these tasks (her, me and a desk between us) was a young college aged woman who always wore dark sunglasses. I do not recall her ever taking them off, or for that matter ANYTHING that happened there except the block thing.
Croatia in the early 90s and Tavistock or GATE seems absurd even to me. Very much so. Yet when I read your stuff and compare it with mine I get unsettled. My family comes from modest run-of-the-mill stock, yet we were wealthy because grandpa and grandma worked themselves to the bone over their lives. A big house, a nice car, lots of friends both here and across Europe. My family was respected and even loved because grandpa helped many people find jobs, helped them in their time of need etc.
It was all destroyed. It is a smoking crater. Pain, suffering, utter personal apocalypse. My parents divorced, the family was ruined, my life turned into abject poverty overnight. The family hell thing continues up until now. It haunts me. But let's put that aside.
Every time I got on my feet or could gain something, some little victory or progress I was struck down by outside forces. During teenage years I could say it was youth or inexperience. But after high school I enrolled in university - barely. By that I mean I got in, had only to come on a certain day to confirm it and sign a piece of paper and was given a wrong date and time by the people working in the referal office of the university (terminology may be faulty). This isn't only unprofessional, it's downright impossible. It took an intervention by a man in a high position whom I knew to get me in. Even he was very suspicious about it all, and he's nothing but a hardcore normie realist with not a single interest outside business. He confronted the people who worked there and they gave very, very vague answers. His conclusion was that someone singled me out specifically and that the order to screw me over came from high up.
I had my heart broken in uni. I found a great girl and we got along splendidly. The relationship was turning serious. Then, following a Christmas she dropped me and refused to even talk to me. The reason why was pried out of her female friends. Aparently I sent her obscene messages (on Christmas) that were of sexually perverse nature. I did not, and my phone was an ancient Nokia with no Internet and so on.
I'm just going to say it - I believe that Tavistock and GATE are real, but they're grunts at best. We have a hidden enemy that isn't human and that obstructed us throughout our lives. A non-corporeal force, if you will. I base this on my completely unlikely experiences with the same things you talk about despite me not being near the US. I base this on the fact that whenever I or user as it seems got something things inexplicably turn for the worst. I honestly believe we were and are singled out on some basis by something inhuman. It could be the devil, the demiurge, a gang of Jew sorcerers for all I know.
Consider how unlikely it is that we are all here, doing these things and displaying some high level competence in fields normies cannot begin to comprehend. Consider how unlikely it is that our lives have so many shared characteristics and situations despite being even continents apart. Consider our interest in mythology, religion, metaphysics and the occult - and with the goal of not only furthering ourselves but saving the entire damn planet and our whole race.
Something is beneath the surface, and I curse it.
These things I've written make me seem like a lunatic. I will now embrace this lunacy and ask you something and give more fuel to LARP accusations and general mental illness claims:
Do people stare at you for no reason when you are in public? Do they seem either fascinated by you or do they stare at you as if their eyes were drawn to you? Did you ever encounter a family member in a situation when they frightened you because though they were themselves they weren't really themselves? I once saw my mother in the morning as an empty vessel, and it was pure horror. There was no soul behind the facade.
Accuse me of whatever you want. I had to write these things.
Really makes ya think.
I don't need to post quote for them.
Y-you're crazy, user.
Theyre ya go.
So we've got your attention. Well, good. Pay attention to this: Take your spoopposting, and your cryptic larp, and go fuck yourself with a rake. We've been neck deep in weirdness before we had pubes and you impress nobody with your bullshit. Clarify your intent or GTFO.
This place is a message… and part of a system of messages… pay attention to it!Sending this message was important to us. We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture.
This place is not a place of honor…no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here… nothing valued is here.
What is here is dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.
The danger is in a particular location… it increases toward a center… the center of danger is here… of a particular size and shape, and below us.
The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.
The danger is to the body, and it can kill.
The form of the danger is an emanation of energy.
The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.
Man what in the fuck. Most of this is me too. I almost drowned in a hotel pool but was saved by my aunt. I even had a girlfiend in highschool that had a semetic nose (I think she was genetically French or something, though), but her step-grandpa was a full on kike.
I mean, sure, it doesn't fit me to a perfect T, but that shit lines up waaay too close for comfort.
get this: I was homeschooled through middle school so no GATE, but I was definitely GATE-tier (most of my friends in HS were in it)
I literally had intuitions about the cia looking for me. I'm not sure how to explain it better, I have a hard time with linear memory recall. I definitely have psychic potential (clairvoyance i guess, also reading people/animals/plants). I've participated in shared dreams even.
part of me wishes I had been found . . . I don't feel like a part of anything. I've been living a life of hiding my self.
You mean like what's happening right now?
Welcome aboard, faggot.
He's not.
Seriously. Scar on my forehead from football helmet. NDEs a couple of them. Heavy drug use in 20s. Firstborn son. Has a firstborn son. Eagle Scout and such. I live some miles from Skinwalker ranch. Yes I see things in the sky. It is strange /x/tier shit. Pic for reference
This made me fucking shiver lad.
I distinctly remember I used to go to this park that was really close to this country club where richfags played tennis and swam, the park was adjacent to this area and there was a small stream with a rope-swing that you could use to cross it.
When you crossed it you could access this area where older kids would drink beer and smoke dope at, there were always cool little trinkets there that I would play with like abandoned transformer toys and I once found a broken GameBoy Color there.
My mother didn't know of this area and thought I was just playing on the rope-swing.
Well, one day there was a girl my age there. She was playing with one of the transformers I had found and later hidden there, she had set up leaves and sticks like a meal on a downed tree. I asked her for the toy and she gave it to me, I showed her how to turn it into a car.
She then asked if I wanted "food" and I declined, she ate a really dry leaf and then told me only I could see her and not to tell anyone.
I thought "I must be crazy" and started ignoring her at that point. I went back a few times after and ran into her twice - one time she told me she was a "wood nymph" - I had no idea what it meant.
She asked me some weird questions about "what people ate" that I ignored.
As it turns out she was real, one day some older kids came there and started smoking something that I later learned was weed, we both walked off the same way and I guess my mother saw us because she asked me about what I was doing with that "weird girl"
I told my mom how she ate sticks and we never went back to the park.
When I shield myself, I often go relatively unnoticed.
When I'm on full blast I nearly snap necks.
Might just be that I'm a freak, though ;)
At this point I'm basically hoping I'm wrong and that the endless barrage of misfortune and misery was just a fluke, and that things will even out for me. Because this feels like trench warfare for me. It's nothing short of obscene.
That's crazy but i believe you. The new series of x files where the "UFO" vanished in the hanger i saw in real life in Rock Creek UT bull elk hunting. Clear bright blue day stabilized binoculour view right over Duchesne city on my 4-wheeler. Turned clear
Well, isn't that what shitposting is for? It makes unconscious thoughts conscious, including, oftentimes, to the thinker.
meh I've been one of the conductors of this (metaphysical) train since 2008. Here and there. I'll wander off again soon. Unless you have some persuasive offer that is.
mate, you don't know the beginning of weird. what's worse is you don't understand it. this thread isn't what you think it is. I mean it is and it isn't and there really isn't a fucking way for me to clarify anything nor is that a wise course of action. I don't give a fuck about impressing you.
knowing good and evil
I'm not here to press-gang you into service.
Get down if you want, or not, whatever, that's on you.
speaking of conductors: george motherfucking carlin
that is all
fair enough (checked)
eh, kida.
tbh I lack memory of most of my life.
I'm paranoid, but not THAT paranoid.
I'm more into occult symbolism, religion, etc., but yeah
I could use it
hence the topomax, neurontin, and all the other drugs
I… wtf fam.
holy shit fam that triggered a memory. I remember, this was 15 years ago mind you, it was the middle of the night and I was laying around. I picked up some kind of cell phone looking thing and out popped an alien looking woman with this bright green aura around her. She said something along the lines of "I can give you everything your heart desires".
Yes you are thinking about impressing us. You're trying out for our club, and you're faring poorly. Do you regret lost opportunities?
I believe you.
K-12 extends childhood for a couple years. It turns people into mental children and them to keep everyone else in line. Nothing about it is helpful. A study showed coal miners, with only a GED, can raise kids better than most school teachers.
I remember something really bizarre occurring due to my GATE classes. There was a theoretical test given to us asking a question along the line of "what would you do if someone were trying to abduct you?" That question would randomly pop into my mind twice later during unrelated tests. The teacher pulled me aside to have a talk with my father about it, after i wrote a paragraph about how to avoid an abduction in response to some geography question. It was like i was flashing back/hallucinating that question.
I'm in a similar boat when I see these threads. I dodged the GATE program because my family moved too often, so either we moved before I was inducted or they decided not to because they found out I'd be moving. I remember later on when I was a kid, I was given an IQ test, and at the end, the very last question was not like the others…I got a really weird vibe about it and answered it wrong on purpose, saying I didn't understand. They still said my IQ was like 159 (or something like that, I overheard my father talking about it on the phone and saying it freaked him out).
But, I still to this day wonder if that was a good or bad thing.
*uses them to keep everyone else in line.
GATE underachiever here. These threads make the hair stand up on the back of my neck with how much I have in common with some of you. The only other guy who went through GATE with me died mysteriously a few years ago, and I had reached out to another Gate m8 about ten years ago while I was still in high school and he informed me that we are more susceptible to depression given all the logic building exercises we went through as children.
Read Miguel Serrano. All of you who had this girl MUST read Serrano and Evola.
Who here always has dreams of yellow clothing or pathways, grey clouds and a silhouette of a brown dog and cat following you everywhere you go?
Sometimes I feel like I don't have a partner.
Shadily big bro. I guess you aren't the only schizo in the family. Fwiw apparently dad can "hear" other people's thoughts.
SO I'm the one who doesn't get it. But you're the one who can't explain it. Gotcha.
It's really not that unusual. What we're doing right now can be thought of as machine-mediated telepathy; you're reading my words with your voice.
I wasn't in GATE that I can remember… but a lot of that is a little too close to home.
Come to think of it, my 4-6 grade GATE teacher was this old jewish lady, hook nosed and everything although i didn't know about the JQ at the time, and she gave us the answers to a standardized test one year. It ended up getting her put on paid leave for a couple weeks. WTF was going on in these classes?????
What if we try to examine this issue from the other side?
What if it wasn't GATE or anything sinister. What if we are capable of what we are and have interests we do because some unknown entity amplified our possibilities and tendencies under the guise of GATE and similar?
I still hold that all of this has its origin beyond physical reality, and that for better or for worse we were changed, influenced or perhaps have existed previously beyond time and space. Serrano seems to hint at that.
I don't feel as if we are losing our essence every time we loop. I feel Deja voo is a sign we are retaining our memories and with every loop we grow within the same time line we come back to. I look as it as an opportunity to set things right imo.
Most white Germanics have this, so not surprising at all.
Had Jaundice
Did almost drown once when I went to the beach and lost my foam surfboard, I distinctly remember my dad refusing to call the lifeguard's attention to my situation - "sink or swim" style. I remember vomiting up salt water, it burned. I got sick to my stomach later.
Remember it perfectly, I stopped attending GATE when one of the kids threw a desk. Only things we did were tangram puzzles and reading.
Yes but it was warranted because I lived with a coke-dealer in my early 20s FOIA is a great thing.
I became interested in someone who is interested in these things(Smiley the lolcowberg)
Yes due to living with coke-dealer.
Because I was beaten with a trowel as a child heh
Also warranted because I have a condition where my mouth produces too much saliva - therapy terminated when this condition was discovered.
Yep, dated a Rothschild when I was living with said coke-dealer. she gave me a gargoyle once
I am a non-believer. Meme Magic is just harnessing memetic cheat-codes to impart your will on the god of this world
I only have dreams where I die
one of two ways
1. ripped apart by nebulous beasts, small dog-type beasts usually.
2. becoming submerged in ink, drinking the ink until it poisons me
Don't think so. I am very aware of my surroundings usually though.
I don't give a shit for clubs, and it's likely I'm not talking to you. someone put out bread crumbs and I'm bored. why should I share even a small percentage of my story when it's an identifier? you realize all the experiences shared here are logged yes?
another question, why should I try for your club if you're the greeter? why do I need to try for a club?
^ some of that applies to you as well. figure out what parts and apply it. lol I can't even explain to you why I can't explain it.
Sounds like Zebra from Philip K Dick.
I would rather not entertain this because it would mean we are all guided by the devil.
We exist right now inside the devil's house and in his own house he is God.
God will allow this because God sees everything he does as perfect and just.
It's time for you to take responsibility. A "Truth and Reconciliation," if you will. Not to imply that we simply forgive and forget, there is the notion of karma to consider.
How many of you can voluntarily control their tensor tympani muscle?
If you can you should be able to tense a muscle in your ear to cause a rumbling noise.
How about you just tldr it instead of telling people to go through volumes of esoteric literature. No christian says "You HAVE to read the bible"; they say "Well job 13:11 says…"
Perhaps we were being groomed for intelligence agencies? I mean, look at what we do here.
I actually don't remember who headed the GATE class for my school… I remember taking the tests a lot and there being a lot of autistic kids.
I fucking hate cryptic kikes. Occulting is wrong, period. Information should be shared with the world, not hidden. It's not some super secret/powerful information that only le initiated can possibly understand. The only reason to hide information from people is to use it against them.
I did enjoy these threads when they first started but I am astonished there are still fucking kikes shitting the thread up with shills.
I can, and it probably means little to nothing other than we are of the same genetic stock which we kinda already knew because IQ is genetic.
This, it was a peeking behind the curtain kind of feel. Spiraled into a deep depression ever since. I was never intellectually challenged again until 11th grade. Normie classes were communist propaganda and multicultural hollywood movies, all a giant waste of time. Drove me insane.
How can people do this to each other? Judging from the collapse of the west, maybe they can't.
Does your identity involve wearing Venetian carnivale cosplay and twirling around like a gigantic pedophile faggot, by any chance?
Yeah welcome to the fucking internet.
I'm pretty sure the Office of Naval Intelligence tried to recruit me in high school. I had fuckoff intelligence scores, and my dad was in the Navy, so I'm pretty sure it checks out. I guess it's just as well I never followed up on the letter. I would hate to have spent my 20s picking out Iraqi hospitals to bomb.
really think about the times you've had deja vu. then research how we retain memories. you don't retain during the day, they just accumulate. wonder what a hard drive feels like getting overwritten with the same stuff.
I hate speeches, but this is where I let you know that any and all pursuing me in the name of "karma" have had their legs cut off. I don't take kindly to threatening tones and neither do they, or the wolves.
it is hidden by contracts signed a long time ago to beings dear to me that I would not lose and to one that I have to put back together. it's not to use against you, unless you seek harm against me or my people. then I'll kill you and anything sent against me.
pfffthahahaha no.
Well okay, at its apex Serrano postulates that the white race or rather the godlike ancestors of the white race entered 3D reality in order to do battle with the false god and possibly liberate his automatons (we call them normies) by gambling on everything we have and a possibility of our destruction.
Thus the "girl who was but is not" is our shakti, our eternally beloved whom we must resurrect and reintegrate with. Since she exists still and acts as what can be described as a valkyrie, her interventions in our lives are wholly positive. Her fate is tied with ours.
Unless you hint I'll just ramble on.
I'm unfamiliar with it.
As stated above, this might be the ultimate act of defiance and a gamble. We might've chosen to be here like this. And that doesn't fill me with pride as much as it suggests. Rather, I feel utterly exhausted and defeated. Also, like I should be doing something I'm utterly unaware of and cannot begin to comprehend. I feel like I'm an instrument or a tool that has no purpose but was designed with a clear purpose in mind.
I'm not questioning Absolute God in either case. I just wish for this bullshit to end. This whole ordeal of Earth and putrid normie humanity is revolting. Much like a gondola, I desire a comfyness outside the bounds of reality. There is no satisfaction or goal of any sort here barring a radical reinvention of everything at the hands of God.
I can tense a muscle in my left lower eyelid.
Dude told me once back in the day that deja vu was a sign you were on the right track
man I lost the post quote when I was editing stuff to not piss people off.
I hate speeches, but this is where I let you know that any and all pursuing me in the name of "karma" have had their legs cut off. I don't take kindly to threatening tones and neither do they, or the wolves.
dis to you.
Oh no, he's mad about mean words on the internet. Quick, release the hounds!
You mean like, what if the last son of house Merovingian showed up one day and was like "Dayum, these dudes are real cool, they should have blessings"?
It has been my experience that those who are not open and honest about the small things are not open or honest about the big things.
This isn't a game, it's not a puzzle, this is our lives we are talking about. Stop speaking in tongues and shout out the answer already since you claim to know it.
Kek just did it. Heard a wave crashing
You either don't know shit any you're having a giggle, in which case, have another (((you))), on the house.
Or you're one of them, and we're gonna getcha when enough of us get the spark back :^)
oh no no user, I don't know the answer that you're looking for because I suspect it is different for each of us. someone here is looking for people though, which immediately makes me wary to divulge anything. theres far too many tiresome people from previous "clubs" I've been around that I would legitimately have to hurt if they found me again because they would immediately precipitate a self defense situation.
I have no reason to be open and honest about huge things called small on a czechoslovakian camel racing enthusiast forum of strangers, in a thread where multiple people are dropping breadcrumbs and trying to get people to divulge identifying information.
Are you talking about the Merovingians as the progeny of Christ theory?
I have no opinion about that, but it sounds too… deceptive.
On the other hand I entertain the possibility that the Bible speaks that Hitler had a hidden son.
Likewise, the old prophecies speak that the Universal Monarch will come from France. France's lily symbol may come from a depiction of a frog, which in turn would mean the actual future Fuhrer is among us and shitposts Kek.
I'm throwing shit at the wall at this point.
You've talked about bread crumbs twice. But anyone looking for bread crumbs here has already incriminated themselves.You don't seem to know the score here, but you will. How many people browse in a place with the hakenkruz and anime by accident, really.
That's the one.
SPOILER: They're real.
it's you! :^) get your spark back I'm waiting for all you fuckers.
You have been making it sound as if you know what the purpose of GATE is, what links all of us together, and the reason for it.
I will PERSONALLY post my full name, address, current geo location, cell number, and SSN if you can give that answer. If not, enjoy the filter.
Not at all. Not for myself either. There are things i wish i could have done better due to ignorance and lack of experience, i don't blame myself for things i had no control over nor do i care for the actions i committed with a different mindset from a alter reality.
Funny you should say so, I've experienced this exact same thing in my own explorations. Looks like I should read his shit, what's a good place to start? Maybe more of it will line up with my own lived experience.
I remember in 2nd grade teaching 3rd grade classes. They would come get me from class. I was a violin prodigy from a very young age too. Hehe maybe big fish small pond right?
you mean overturn the global rule of moloch and his followers and ensure a future for our children? that one?
anyone posting breadcrumbs anywhere on the internet I find interesting and compelled to root out their motives.
GATE's purpose I can talk about without repercussions. they're a low level sifting service. category 1 that everyone is so jealous of because of their success is the useful idiots. intelligent enough to be useful, just about normie retards, but not intelligent enough to see through lies. cat 2 is most of Holla Forums that have experienced the gate program or similar programs. these are the people that are not useful idiots. you are a problem, we collectively are a problem because we are the ones that were crushed to prevent us from gaining power but we found a different way. cat 3 is something entirely different and weird and gets hunted.
gate didn't do anything to you, you don't remember cause gate programs are early on in your life I don't remember shit else from around then other than family trauma events, not just gate. yes the majority of us have some sort of magic, otherwise we wouldn't have congregated here, and done the things we've done. yes there's a lot of female spirits/entities/ etc and we're more likely to come into contact with them because we're better at paranormal perception. in the distant past we would have been trained to be able to actually know what the fuck is going on and how to use it properly but that's all been destroyed and now we get to piece it together. no I don't have all the answers.
Ok, first of all,
Clovis's arms are for a fucking fact THREE FROGS, symbolizing the thricefold rise of the body, mind, and soul of the Frankish gestalt-mind at the time.
Destroying Moloch has been our goal for a long time. We worked towards it before we even became fully self-conscious, most of us around here.
I'm sure you're smart enough to know I'm a liar and won't stick my neck out there by posting my tits for the world to see, but thanks anyway user.
A note.