The search for Gex

What happened to Gex? Has the man been Assassinated by Mutti Merkel yet?
I've got something important i'd love to pass by him, if he's still hanging around, or if anyone has his email.
I'll bump this thread for 30m, don't want to shit up the board.

Other urls found in this thread:[1].jpg

He dead, lad.

No clue, I haven't seen him post in a very long time.

He'll show up if he wants to. We're not going to track him down for you kike.

Bump, I've had the sickening sensation for a long time that dogface merkel rounded him up. Hopefully he won't be in jail forever.

Didn't he say that if he were to become compromised, there would be someone else posting, with a different but already set tripcode?

Providing that the idiots bumping this thread aren't shills, this thread gets posted once a month or so. It's a fishing expedition by a government or private agency to crowdsource intel on Gex. He would post here if he wanted to and it was safe to do so. If he isn't safe then my prayers are with him. We'll probably never know either way unless he makes another vid. Either in the name of preserving the white race, or aginst it after zog brainwashing. Stop posting the same old shit about how nobody knows or at the worst, trying to flush him out as a bloodhound for the mossad.


Got pissed that mods wouldn't allow threads on that one eceleb chick that people found out did camshows when she was younger and fucked off.

I seem to recall something like this happening. Pretty sure it was the Evalion clusterfuck.

Someone just post the god damn caps so the thread can die. I would, but I'm on niggertech.

Forgot sage

He was one of the evalion white knights and left when we didn't worship the batshit whore

Yeah that's it, I forgot her name

Didn't take screencaps or I would, honestly keeping Gex around would have been worth tolerating some threads about the whore

There was no clusterfuck. There were outside (((parties))) seeing the rise of far right as means to get rich by becoming e-celeb cancer. There were many of them shilling here for their image.

Let's not act like that shit still isn't happening user.

He got BTFO after white knighting for Evanilon or whatever her name was.

Got perma banned for defending Ebolion's Jewish scam.


Pretty much this.
But it wasn't even so much that he defended her. It was that he started speaking on behalf of Holla Forums. He began to act as if he was some sort of representative for Holla Forums and basically tried to force her down our throat.
Plus he made some cucks weird videos.

hi gex

Jesus fucking christ, I just wanted to contact him about content creation for our wider movement.
I assume he's got enough layers of opsec to avoid being doxxed by a simple email/message and isn't a retard.
This is well and truly in the interest of the 14 words.
The reason i'm not being explicit about what i want is
A) it would reveal something important that i don't want any random person knowing of, and
B) Simply posting my contact details would result in anyone coming along and claiming they're gex.

And here's hoping he does. I'm not a fucking kike.

He was right about evalion's propaganda. It was very well-produced and targeted at an audience that we had not previously reached.
He could not have foreseen (what i believe to be her ex) blackmailing her into doing that shit on skype.
She's a dumpsterfire and we're better off seperated from her. With that said, the people primarily attacking her before any of the blackmail came out were subverters that were being backed by a bedazzled, or compromised mod team.

The mods banned him

Pretty sure he uploads regularly on his YouTube channel.

I'm guessing a man in such a position would have a VPN, to not do so would be unintelligent.

Any idea what it is? I'm having a large amount of trouble finding it considering how youtube completely voids searches for his videos and just brings up mirrors.

I thought about Gex earlier today.
He's probably fine, he seemed like he had pretty good OPSEC.

I like how you found a way to attack both sides with that one.

Somewhat relevant.

Because i'm not going to lionize someone that left herself vulnerable to attack. Nor will i support the mentality that disconnects and chastise our content creators simply for showing their face or effortposting. The latter is a far greater sin that 8/pol/ has fallen for, and it's driven most of the quality people into different factions of the movement.



And it's that smallminded mentality that will continue to limit Holla Forums to shitposting about current events and occasionally being a decent thinktank.

Honestly, I think she is a kike. I liked her how to identify a kike video though.

The success of With Open Gates went to his head and he started namefagging on Holla Forums. He eventually became a white knight for e-celeb cancer, sperged out due to his namefagging and white knighting, was predictably banned, then rage quit Holla Forums.
Let Gex be a lesson - Never become a namefag no matter how popular you become as an user.

awesome post mods

there's a difference between the hooked nose and the large "bumped nose"

the latter is usually common with germanic people

I like Evalion
The nose is not always a Jewish indicator. The Jew nose is turned downwards, the Mediterranean nose is very similar to a Jewish one except that the tip is turned upwards.

She's mostly polish, so i wouldn't be surprised if there was a very small amount of jewish genes, as it's quite common in poland. With that said, she wasn't being subversive in any way.
's explanation could also hold some truth.
I'm not here for her, anyway.

Wouldn't be surprised if they're shitposting in here, they seem to love negging on anyone that actually does something for us.

Pretty sure he got tired of being called:

a. e-celeb
b. namefag
c. jew shill

She has almost a witch nose. You guys aren't talking about a Roman nose are you? Because those look like more of a beak to me.

I think I have the how to spot a kike video downloaded too, did anyone ever put a mirror up? I might have to do that.

I suppose not subversive, but she ended up being a cancerous whore, like most women who are into this stuff are. I still think it would have been better if she didn't get banned.

According to this Youtube Channel he's still making TrumpWave

Mods will do everything in their power to create an 8/pol/ based monopoly on WN activism. They have consistently acted to destroy all white advocates with a public identity. If George Lincoln Rockwell came back from the dead Holla Forums mods would sticky every takedown thread the CTR shills posted.

This too. Holla Forums is full of bandwagoning idiots who see a conspiracy and infiltrator under every oak leaf. Mods enable and encourage them.

If you're actually accomplishing anything other than shitposting in the echo chamber, Holla Forums will align against you. With friends like these, who needs Antifa?

samefag or fellow 'fashy goy'

Fuck yourself.

The nose signal is not 100% accurate for identification. Several of (((them))) have plastic surgery, specially in (((hollywood). There's this guide that pops here and there in Holla Forums to spot them. Gotta look for droopy eyes, lower lips and other signals, if I'm not mistaken.

Someone else mentioned Mediterranean nose. Yes, but that is not a germanic nose.[1].jpg

If you didn't see through evalion from the beginning, you're a fucking moron. Or just a shill since you aren't saging e-celeb bullshit.

I am pretty good at spotting jews by face/voice. I know the nose isn't 100%, I usually look for a couple tells, and the more tells the more likely to be a kike.

Evalion might've done some dumb things in the past, but her propaganda was reaching the next generation.

Every D&C cancer who assisted in limiting her influence should be fucking hanged.

Best post MODS are probably alpabet soup

Didn't he got assblasted that Holla Forums didn't go 1000% white knight for evalion, and started namefagging saying we should stand up, and throwing his name around? I'm pretty sure that was the last time he was heard of.

No, they obstruct, frustrate, sabotage and shut down any real WN activism.

Also you get banned for pointing this out. They'll just slap on a 'muh /polmeta/' and silence you.

this. the jury's still out if imkampfy's just hyper assblasted that everyone hates him and his own e-celeb reputation, e.g. useful idiot, or if he's a genuine subversive. In either case, it's clear his handlers are enemies.

And rightfully so. Evalion was the perfect vector into the young generations. Only an enemy of the white race wouldn't want to exploit that opportunity.

you just keep outing yourselves


Evalion is a jewish scam artist who would've done much more harm to our movement than good

Her last name is Rothman. She's a Jew.

Mandy Moore is jewish, huh?

Is this your new schtick JIDF? Just making shit up as you go?

She was reaching a shitload of young people with the most redpilled material that we have. That's a massive gain no matter what, and we don't even have anything such as a 'movement' anyway.

The fact that the mods tried to shut it down so fast further proves she was doing something right.

Honestly this. It was so obvious how Holla Forums got hijacked during that whole ordeal and the mods went along right with it. Jews played both sides against each other, just like usual. The Protocols continue on unabated.



No it's Bouchard. So she must have some French in her. Global News doxed her.

The head hitting and two nail biting ones were real, the dildo camwhore one was some camwhore (Romanian maybe) which is proven if you see the entire video (also different cup size).
I'm willing to forgive the former videos since she was young. She's probably still mentaly unstable and falls for scumbags, so we should never be influenced ourselves by her, but I think she would be far more useful a promotional tool than someone like, say Milo ever was, since she just repeated what she read here 100% without any real watering down.
I generally agree with , funny ecelebs are allowed here except if they are
a) White nationalist because mods get jealous
b) female because mods and > 50% of users here are MGTOW or pseudo-MGTOW, just look at the artificial womb threads

She was both and so was doomed. Part b) also makes her very polarizing here, just like the issue of females and Christianity. It just leads to thread wars.
A pity.

Fuck off already JIDF.

It's beautiful

Funny, but we're not 14 year old cuckchanners here.
This is about subverting pop culture, and ecelebs are a useful tool. Just look at Pewdiepie.
Do you think his fans didn't notice when the entire media went against him for joking about a (((certain))) group?
That's more than 50 million people.

e-celebs are always bumplocked

Not Ben Garrison. He even has a patreon he shills.

Gas your fucking self, you cocksucking faggot.

That's not what happened, imkamphy, and you know it. You had some legit anons wanting to support evalion, and you had some legit anons wanting to ignore her. Then you had kike shills spamming pro evalion threads, and kike shills spamming anit-evalion threads, and the mod team deleting and not ridding the thread of jew-dog spammers in the temporary, only allowed cyclical thread where everything was to be kept contained.

some enormous problems with your claims there, buddy.
Are you cognitively dissonant, retarded, or just a shill?

To be fair to Spencer, he also spends at least 25% of his time getting punched in the face. Libtard reasons aren't good, but the outcome is pretty funny. If he spent more of a 50/50 ratio of living and getting punched it wouldn't hurt, though.

You speak like it was some invasion by supporters that she was directing.
Some on Holla Forums liked her videos and thought that it was useful to help spread them, some thought she was a Jewish shill or just hated her because they believe women should not be allowed as public persons, and perhaps most didn't care.
The mods were the in the against group and ignored blatant spamming in threads. Regardless of your opinion, it wasn't an invasion, it was more just a very polarizing issue that was inflamed by overly antagonistic (spamming shit in threads, even on different boards) behavior.
I honestly don't get why people can't just hide threads they don't like instead of feeling that it is their sacred duty to spam them to oblivion.

This thread's somewhat gone to shit because of the usual shilling against useful figures.

Gex, If you're reading this, drop me a line at the email provided, and make a post letting me know you've mailed me in here with your trip, for the sake of preventing confusion and impostors.

Apparently Holla Forums doesn't like the address, it ends with an extra "", for posterity.

fair point if true, though they contain content that actually gets used. Never seen shilling for patreon but I mostly ignore those threads except for when I need to find an original

it should be when there are many e-celebs threads sliding shit LIKE YOU HAVE DONE and when almost all have people shilling for them.

too fucking late


E-celeb threads don't slide. Learn what actual sliding is so you too can become credit to team.

Its in literally every blog post he makes:


She turned out to be a worthless camwhore, but TRSodomites and Aut-Right faggots were here shilling against her because she "only talks about JEWS JEWS JEWS".

It's b/c of mods
They are shit and banned Gex. I don't blame him for leaving

She actually got very little coverage from them. There was an interview at some point, and she wasn't talked about past that. Stop making shit up.

The camwhore video was fake. The full video was posted early on when that was first being used by shills.
I'm starting to think people who bring it up weren't even on Holla Forums last year or are purposely using that fake vid because they don't care about being honest when they set out to discredit.
If you wanted to discredit her, you can use the head hitting and nail eating videos, which are clearly real.

every single fucking time


I was implying only trsodomites and dickies phallus boys repetitively use 'WN'. I was mocking you

they do when they aren't bumplocked and limited to a single thread, as the e-celeb shills autistically screech is inhibiting them, and as this thread is currently doing

does he shill for patreonbux in our threads? that's all I care about.

Just hide threads you don't like. Why do you feel the need continue to post in them?
at least you aren't spamming jew dogs

reminder for everyone to read this thread >>>/politics/41454

especially >>>/politics/78389 and >>>/politics/79050

There were coming here. And that pedo "Mikey" who groomed her was involved with a group of autists from the forum, you can even see the skype group in one of the videos of her he released.

She was selling a 54 second video of her jumping on a trampoline for $250. She's a camwhore.


No eceleb shills for patreonbux in our threads, but all the autists here hate them anyways because they actually willing to do more than shitpost on a mongolian fingerpainting website.

Thought you were talking about the literal camwhore dildo video that was someone else.


It is equally small-minded to believe that only Holla Forums can be the ones doing whatever other things you have in mind beyond "shitposting and think-tanking". I argue that it is the enforcement of limited scope it what makes Holla Forums effective. Take what Holla Forums does well and apply it in new and different ways away from here and don't leave a direct trail if you can help it. Holla Forums will naturally deride your efforts and something foreign to Holla Forums, but that is a feature, not a bug.

Long live the Gex.

A single thread on a person who talks about things Holla Forums related I don't like Spencer and ignore related threads, but it's not like he is Richard Simmons or someone similarly not related to subjects Holla Forums is interested in will get spammed to oblivion by some people.
The subjects in those threads aren't even being overly praised or shilled for, they are simply being discussed, as are their ideas. You want an echo chamber and accuse anybody you don't like of being a shill.
You should just kill yourself now tbh. Your the reason the active posters and pph have dropped so much in the past year.

Regardless of who Evalion is (e-celeb, possible jew….), she undeniably did two things:

1. she named the jew
2. she was very succesful at it as evidenced by the millions of views her videos racked up

How can anyone argue against that? It's honestly beyond me.

You know why I always, always sage bomb these e-celeb threads into oblivion? You don't give your enemy a target to shoot. Let them go hysterical stabbing at shadows. There's a reason every one of these e-celebs end up being persecuted by the System. They try to be democratic, they try to "inform" people, and, look at that, it bites them every time. Yeah, gex is probably dead. You don't reveal your face and your hand unless you have the resources to safeguard yourself, like Trump has.


Also, you are lying about such threads building up to 10 if you don't spam them.
There was one angry user that one time who was creating multiple Evalion threads as they were getting deleted around the time she was banned from YT.
Mods were allowing jew dog spammer, or more likely were jew dog spammer, to spam the original threads and wouldn't ban the spammer, so that one user created new thread spam.
I disagree with it and think he should have helped promote a better board, which is the whole idea of how Holla Forums was supposed to work, but the idea that if you don't spam such threads they will multiply ad infinitum is simply false.

See moshi every time you defend this cunt your logic breaks down.




Or did you reply to the wrong post?

Assuming Gex wasn't co-opted by a wealthy kike posing as an user, he's likely working his way through the PR/Media ladder in hopes of expanding his reach based on honing his skills while hiding his power level. I hope if you're out there Gex that you didn't let them get to you. You have a finger on the pulse of the normalfags and that is something that transcends material wealth.

Here's to your propaganda efforts, lad!

Both are eceleb cancer

Gex isn't an eceleb you fucking idiot. He's a namefag.

Are jews so cheap that they can't buy a metal detector to find buried shekels that they have to shit up a poor dog to do so?

He still runs a couple YT channels that are pretty popular: Face of a Dying Nation and Le American Bear.

did not know it went that far. so serious, the muh social justice news cunt just couldn't resist spreading the 'news' further. as if camwhores are news, etc.

(1) camwhore jewess got free broad casting by tripping out the jews of jewband and their jewy reporters, (2) some police got to show their good goys, (3) and all the validation sjw got to show their colors too.

shit never ends.

Get out newfag

I wouldn't give a fuck about spencer except he's a closet fag, promotes his fag friends, is the media's whipping boy, and his shills all came in waves

r-selected thinking

I was using spencer as an example, not evalion, and if the propagation of e-celeb faggotry is allowed it becomes a cancer that kills your board. Spencer shills are a recent example and are why I used it, that was an obvious case of moderation helping

No, common sense. A youtube channel which racks up millions of views per video is a succesful channel by anyones definition. It's ridiculous to argue otherwise.

Btw you forgot to check my Hitler dubs.


it was. i thought all that was more along the lines of giving spencer all the rope he needed to hang himself with. again.

the truth known on spencer was out there, and already done, and nothing had changed in quite some time. all the drama was resurrected, selectively leaving out the prior work sorting him all out and leaving his gayness jewness schizo bare to the world to see. the "this was sorted out, but selective memory wtf we're still here? again?" was quite jew. and again, he hung himself again.

I was there and everything he said was true.
Are you imkampfy trying to justify your banning of him?
Also, newfag is a dead term from cuckchan Holla Forums from 11 years ago only still used by people who read up on chan culture from ED to try and fit in.
You really need to kill yourself.

Kill yourself

Not sure what you're trying to say. Do you deny that her videos named the jew and where watched millions of time?

Could you be any more retarded

Not everyone monetizes his videos. I'll ask you again, do you deny that her videos named the jew and where watched millions of time?

I'm glad to hear. I was exposed to Le American Bear but not the other channel.

Also just as an aside With Open Gates was the only video that I've showed friends and acquaintances which provoked an immediate emotional response and primed them to receive harsher truths. I still believe to this day that three of my friends that voted for Trump did so because of having been exposed to the video. Granted they became part of Gottfried and Spencer's controlled opposition and still frequent kike-dens, they have overall been more receptive to ideas which otherwise would've caused significant ideological backlash since viewing Gex's video.

You should end it all before you do something really stupid, oh wait you're defending cancer.

Do you deny that her videos named the jew and where watched millions of time? Because if that's true, she wouldn't be cancer now would she?

It's time to stop

Yeah, Shlomo it's alright I'll leave you alone. Filtered.

Get out newfag

no. she passed through a german airport. is she german? no. jeweyes+jewnose+jewteeth+jewjaw+jewhead+jewhair+jewlips+jewdistances is quite literally jew. she is a hybrid, yes. and all hybrids are initially 'not bad looking' - not because of that perception, but rather that perception is more accurately stated as they are 'too far away'. relativity signals only work when they are relative - when i look at cows, i can't tell them apart as well, nor tell you which cows are 'pretty'.

ex: halle barry. younger, was deemed pretty. also, tits. as she aged, she 'aged quickly', straight to oh god, still has more to fall. but while she was in that new-to-getting-old transition: ask nigs, they'll say pretty. ask whites, same. what's going on? same thing: hybrids look similar, but are not, and under that mis-impression of 'similar', the circuits that evaluate 'well formed' mis-evaluate (garbage in, garbage out is not limited to just computers).

Is this a bot post or is English your second language?

please. read. better.

yes, i could type better. i'll work on it.

then tell me what benefit was gained from those millions of eyeballs. if it was successful, then you should be able to point to some evidence, assuming it wasn't cointelpro "expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize"

fuck off kike

Interesting narrative change.

At the beginning of the thread it was
and now we're at

So typical.

That was the point the other shill was making, faggot. The thing is that one can have millions of views without making money, precisely because one didn't monetize his videos like jews do.

Can I get a quick rundown on what happened to GEX.

Banned for calling out the mods almost a year ago.

I am not changing the narrative, I said eyeballs =/= success. You say it is. So give proof.
he never once mentioned monetization. You assumed that, shekel-grabbler

no real Holla Forumslack is banned

Of course you are, it suffices to look at the first posts you made in this thread and compare them to your last ones.

He clearly implied it.
Given that Evalion asked for financial support on here, that's very clearly what the other shill implied.

Anyhow, you're filtered just like your coworker.

Why don't we just start a New pol on hate chan.

I'll just leave this here

Those posts are from after the shitstorm you idiot.
Check out the date. Makes me think those claims that Holla Forums is used by mods to falseflag dissenting opinions might be true.

Why are goons so fucking pathetic

More than half the board doesn't care enough about this issue and go with the flow, meaning they don't feel the sting of being banned.
This makes migrations especially difficult. Think of the percent of people who came here when gamergate was banned on cuckchan.
A fair number came here, but it was a small fraction compared to the entirety of 4/v/ and 4/pol/.
Same thing would happen here, so the board would have a small fraction of a small fraction, meaning a dozen or so pph and a few hundred active users.

There are half a dozen alternatives that were created, which wasn't made by people with other political views (IE Holla Forums, /liberty/, /christpol/, /politics/, etc.), and they all failed (some which comes to mind are /polpol/, /pol2/, /polpolpolpol/, /realpol/)

If I was Holla Forums assuming it wasn't a boogieman used by the mods as I suspect, I would be spamming this board Anti-Christian or Anti-Pagan or Anti-Trump relatives (since going after Trump is too obvious) D&C threads.

fucking hollywood movies have "named the jew" and been watched by millions, does that make them good to? The point is, literal autist have a hard time understanding the nuance. The girl was acting mentally unstable(and probably was) and giving a rather poor impression of what it is all about. No sane person would go out of their way to have ideas be misrepresented like that. But an autist, not understanding how she would be perceived, most certainly would. And guess what we have a lot on imageboards?autistsare you one?

Firstly, an autist leaving this place is no reason to make a new board, no matter how good his video was(yes it was a great video, if a little long). And secondly many have tried and failed. if it's not named Holla Forums it will not survive.

You're bad attitude his

at this*

You seem to be implying it's not possible to create a short thread on a board controlled by yourself and buddies to discredit your critics on another board and claim their criticisms are some plot by the board you control.
I would not put that past mods who ban at the rate and over the time period the ones here do. They clearly have no lives or serious jobs.

Gex got shoahed when he kept going to bat for Ebolion. That ban should have ran out by now, so he's probably just back to posting as user. He used to have a yt acct but I can't find it anymore.


i should add that the fact that that thread came after the shitstorm that got Gex banned is further evidence, since the mods could obviously not have seen the shit storm coming.
It's actually amazingly pathetic.

Give it a rest you massive faggot

Whether they are behind it or simply aided the ones doing it because they agreed on that given issue perhaps that is more likely does not matter since they are guilty just the same.
Anyways, I won't post in this thread anymore since it's just going to go in circles for ever.

If you have a problem with mods take it to /polmeta/ otherwise kill yourself.

I honestly can't think of a single such Hollywood movie but if what you say is true, then yes that does make them good.

Whatever names the jew and reaches a large audience can only be good.

I don't really agree. I thought she did a pretty good job at relaying and presenting information to a heavily normie audience (appearance, voice, style etc). Also, her ratings were very positive IIRC.

t. chimpire kike

so she directly shilled, how many bulletholes do your feet have at this point

My first post was pointing out OP was attacking both sides, for instance in this comment
So I have not changed the narrative unlike your own projection

sure thing, just like her friends


I've never heard this claim before. Evidence that she directly shilled on Holla Forums? Or are you talking about having patreon on her channel discription, which Ben has in his twitter posts?

Give me proof of her shilling for money on Holla Forums, and no, some user claiming to be her without timestamped pick does not count.


Listen chimpire kike, we know Evalion and your kikes over on Chimpire shilled her constantly. We also know it was because one of your dudes Constantine was trying to get his willy wet and got denied lmao. Seriously no one cares about Evalion, go shill on reddit idiot

I was merely replying to her supporter that just admitted it

are the parallels not obvious? do you not remember when sineads shills thought they could still make headway here? They still try a bit, but it's more hit and run now.

If you're implying she's not cointel you're fucking retarded.

Renegade are nobodies, they aren't "cointel". If you want something to bash them about, at least pick something that's based in reality.

I think we all remember Sinead's talk about VPNs kek. Oh and muh flat earth. Also she's a crazy bint, someone probably has that vid where's screaming.

And you would be implying wrongly.

I'm purposefully not deliberating because you're obviously a mining/exploring faggot not from here.

Gex better embraced anonymity.

Which was released on the TRS forum.

They say "identartarian" (audentatarian?).

he is just being paid to dhut down, rhe same as realkikeman and the BO heil, thats about all


t. chimpire kike

Oh he couldn't? Because tons of people here could sense she was a shill.

conspiracy time: Mods have been compromised and are paid to contain us here, that's why they aggressively anchor or outright delete every thread involving the spread of pol culture and right-wing propaganda or entertainment. All while simultaneously using sockpuppets to spam "e-celeb bullshit" over and over.


Promoting and supporting e-celebs is a cheap and effective way to derail look at this thread, disrupt sinead and Fed protests, and discredit us insane theories, hysterical behaviour. US gov admitted to doing this for GWOT, what makes you think they wouldn't apply that here?

kys, OC is respected, shilling is not


Realcoonman and imkikefy's hotpocket faggotry drove him away.
