ICE catches another spic, family in tears :^)

An undocumented immigrant father was arrested while dropping off his kids at school, and it was captured on video
H-he's not that much of a criminal.
I'm dying.
The fuck are they doing, kick the spic out.

ICE anthem remix webum related

Best video I've seen all week


I'm tired of these one-off stories. Didn't some user calculate a couple thousand have to go back a day before we get anywhere with the problem? We don't need sob stories we need cattle cars and riots.


fuck you cunt you should be in the car getting deported too

'the fuck outta my country


i was gonna post the webm but this is far superior, saved

This pleases me.

That's a Holohoax indoctrination guilt trip center in LA my Jewish professor made me visit for extra credit.

I am playing this on loop for the past hour. Great way to spend a Saturday morning browsing the webs and morning shitposting

Deport the daughter spic to, so we can stop paying for her education. Got to keep the families together after all.

You really have no idea of the massive volume of taco that's being pushed out on a daily basis

This is now a meme

Fucker was here for a long time and his family all knew. Aiding and abetting a known criminal, send them all to the deportation catapult.

Good shit.

here's the guy with this anchor baby quality immigrants

i'm sure they're totally not on welfare

Fuck my life


why u racis

Is it wrong that I laughed and did that little dance with the imaginary lasso.

Deport every single spic. I fucking hate these filthy squat dirt people. They have fucking ruined California and have helped keep wages fucking depressed while housing costs continue to rise.

The crying gets me hard


This fuck has 5 kids and 4 of them went to USC (affirmative action).

actually it doesn't even say what the grand total of mudshits this fuck has spawned as anchor babies, just that 4 of them went to USC and all of them are his kids in this picture.

h ttp://

We need your support now. Please sign below and call ICE to tell them: Don’t deport Romulo!

David Marin, LA Field Office Director, 213 830 5931
Norma Bonales Garibay, LA Deputy Field Office Director, 213 830 7912
Jorge Field, Assistant Field Office Director, 213 830 7908 / 213 216 5629

I love Holla Forums

oh jesus christ.



Stole money from White families for their kids and handed it to mexican's kids, prosecute with extreme prejudice.


I give it about 3 weeks until "Ice Ice Baby" is labeled as a hate song.

all future deportation videos need to be redubbed with this

Well that settles it boys.

Got a bit of a chub from those tears tbh lads

Those tears sound fake as shit to me, couldn't even get a 1/4 chub.

Vanilla Ice confirmed next Holla Forums musician. I can't wait for the Moon man remix.


can't argue with that.

They sounded absolutely desperate and horrified to me m8.


You're doing Gods work. Delicious.

not mine. But yeah, delicious.

i've listened to this on repeat 50 times now too

It doesn't matter until the wall is built, anyway. Even if they're sent to Mexico, they will just come right back. Many of the ones that get deported are back in the country in days. The first thing you do when a bath is flooding is turn off the faucet, bailing water out before that is pointless.

I thought I was reading a continuation of this thread in that pic. Holy fuck.


2K/day is only 700k/year 10k/day and now your getting somewhere pretty much in 4 years problem solved.
t. didn't need calculations did it in my head no fingers needed

How kek didn't bless this post is beyond me.

Exquisite taste.

The fact that you can get extra credit for just visiting something is fucked up. You should only get credits for passing tests and writing papers in a university. Everything from visiting a museum, giving a presentation and reading a book should not count ffs.

In middle school we had to go on a field trip there. If anyone so much as dared to crack a smile we get seperated from the group. I had to sit next to my teacher the whole bus ride back to school for screwing around in the precious jew palace of lies.

Fucking lol Liberals are losing their shit

I think you'll like this

Why not join? They're gonna be hiring thousands of new agents. Go move to San Diego or some Texas border town and deport some wetbacks

She starts sounding like a whale from 1:15, she's probably fat as fuck.

Lets see kindergarten we went to a bakery everyone got a filled pastry, walked down to the firehall and they blew the fire whistle for us after all the kids were allowed to climb all over the fire truck. Junior high we went to Dow chemical and got a roll of saran wrap and some miracle tire sticky stuff so you could drive in the snow and not get stuck. Went to MSU saw their student built particle accelerator and a cool experiment on obtaining absolute zero.


Please tell me we don't have illegals working in hospitals.


It's mandatory conditioning for students in LA. In the beginning of the tour every student gets their own kike from the holohoax and you go through and see their story one piece at a time and at the end find out if they lived or died. Mine died.


Topkek. All I have for you is a finger pointing south beaner. Get out.

As janitorial staff possibly. As nurses and such, unlikely. However, it's probably a safe bet to say that the vast majority of legal Flip ladies are nurses.
t. Nurse

that's probably one of the kids in the car

They work as CNAS, Certified Nursing Assistants. That's a fancy way of saying they wipe people's assessment, clean up puke, fill water pitchers, change sheets, and deliver meals. They aren't allowed to administer any drugs or any sort of treatment.

Notice where liberals' priorities lay. If an illegal Mexican is a drunk driver, a fraud, a rapist, a murderer, or a child molester, liberals will still defend this completely waste of oxygen and life on the basis of his being Mexican, end of story. Whites as a rule don't defend our worst fuck-ups simply for being white, and I think that's why we have the safest societies and cities. Blacks and Mexicans defend these people and sometimes even celebrate them as heroes. Liberals instantly cancel out a person's negatives if they have brown skin, and stop thinking once they know this fact.


CNAs are allowed to administer oral medications and can do some basic shit. It comes with the certification. You're thinking of UAPs or NAs, unlicensed assistive personnel and nursing assistants, functional babysitters and ass wipers. American nurses are spoiled fucking rotten in this regard.

For each illegal that is sent back, a dem politician shits their pants. I wonder how many of these illegals are actually aware that the only reason they were able to get away with being here illegally was due to dems protecting them for constantly voting for their party, and if they stopped, the dems would've been doing the exact same thing we're seeing in this vid.


Unlikely. Illegals vote for corrupt authoritarian states because that's the shit that they're used to. Paraphrasing Iron Ann Mexicans think, "oh yeah, I like Democracy, it's where I lie to get elected and then give all my friends and family jobs".

Illegals are like christians. Blind and timid.

Fucking attention whores these days

Can't we go a single thread without this shit?

moar salt

h ttps://

He is illegal that right there is the crime like holy fuck

Do these cunts listen to themselves before they start mouthing off of does it just spill out? If they don't have the money to come legally, what makes them think that they can afford to live in a first world nation? And if they realize that they can't afford it and need social assistance, what makes them think that they deserve it.

because that's racist

Its a cross on their third eye. Ie. :no third eye.

Want to be blind? Be christian.

It's the last form of D&C that has any form of success. It's slowly dying off as people see it for what it is, though. It will fall to the wayside just like the D&C between white cultures and peoples was.

It's not d&c. God is an encompassing entity over all pagan gods.

You need to break it down or you will not see.

I was on the verge of saying "Nah, you're wrong there m8," but I got to thinking…

They're dedicated, I'll definitely give them that

They're dogs. They do what they're told.

Yeah, that's why /christian/ has its magical underwear in a bunch over Kek worship.

But then again, they think by celebrating Christmas they are actually venerating Yahweh.

I'm both a pantheist (true christian) and a person "in fear of the sky"
We have only scraped the tip of the iceburg.

If you blaspheme or shit on Christianity, get the myth straight.

They're our dogs now.

Christ is such a warm character. He's a compass but no moral judge. Chaos has no moral standard.

I prefer people. Not dogs.

>these fucking peasants were worthy to go to USC
yeah, ok

Even after all this time, it stuns me that these marxist cunts can look you in the eye and say "Yeah they can't meet any of the requirements we set in place, despite the criteria being fucking zero, but we should let them in anyway."

Remember when people like this were kindly redirected back to /x/? Because I do.

What even the fuck?

It's part of the curriculum in LA see

That's because you don't understand why it's a survival instinct.
Esoteric knowledge is treasure.

Yeah, dark times. discovering Kek and the literal existence of meme magic really didn't help

Lots to learn then.

If the dogs rip the throats out of my enemies, I'll take the dogs.

Can't laugh with dogs, only at them.

Meme potential confirmed.

I laughed. call me a terrible person but I want more videos with ice ice baby over them.

KEK REQUIRES MORE ICE. checked and keked.

They are probably cherry picking the most sympathetic stories of brain tumor patients and parents dropping off kids at school and sweeping all the gangsters and slum trash under the rug.

You know what's really hypocritical?

The fact the ICE is also out there deporting illegal latino gangs and no one is reporting them.

Criminals SHOULD be living in fear

ICE really should get their own TV show

I'm curious. People say Obama deported millions of illegals. He did nothing to protect the border, though, so if they were from Mexico or South America, the effort would have been redundant. Are there statistics on where most of those deported came from? I wonder if Obama had them target mostly European illegals from Eastern Europe and whatnot.

He deported here means, he denied someone entry, or caught at the frontier, which weren't considered deporattions in previous administrations.
Most of king Niggers increase in positive statistics are inflated by changing the meaning, criteria, method of gathering information, or glossing over important "details".

There should be an "ICE" version of "COPS".

And this should be their theme song.

Some things are self-evident and don't need dubs to be shown as truth.


Is this for real American anons? Or shes just talking shit?

He had them re-classify "turn backs" at the border as deportations. So every time they caught a beaner at the border and turned him back they counted it as a deportation even though said beaner probably just moved a mile down the border and snuck in anyways.

Basically Obama's deportation numbers are just nigger math.

5 years as a resident + 1 year for citizenship

ICE are the heroes we need. How can anyone be so based? They're like Holla Forums, only with a job

Yeah good, didn't think that was the case

The answer should always be that if they cannot become a citezen, then they should leave, or better yet not come in the first place. They DO have a country to go to - the one they were born in. They're just rats fleeing the ship rather than trying to fix it, and if America were to go down the shitter, they'd be the first to leave. Why should any country want such people within its borders is beyond me. No wonder Mexico doesn't want them back.

All they'd show is white people getting deported.
The producers of COPS censored how many niggers cops dealt with because the numbers were racist.


My god, I started dancing. Bless the Vanilla one, the Ice Man cometh.

Post of the fucking week, bar none.

That's some top-shelf shit famalam.

Are you fucking kidding me?
That's literally straight out of south park, as they made fun of the retarded modern culture of accepting any and all bullshit without complaint.

They've actually gone so far up their own asses that they went and made it unironically.

Kek laughs at you

You will not defeat the white race, christian faggot.

How can lolis be so ugly?

Scott Ian (born Scott Ian (((Rosenfeld))); December 31, 1963)

That's a damn shame. Pretty good thrash.


Holy fuck I'm not even American and this gives me a patriot hard on. Nothing pleases me more than hearing the forced crying of those exotic savages being forced the fuck out of there, possibly even confiscating their belongings (kek) . My only wish right now would be to be there in person as I try to hide my laughter while getting paid to

they can keep their stinky ponchos and sombreros

I calculated that 5,000 a day for 8 years will result in 15,000,000 beaners going back.

Also, I think ICE did this in a way to generate the most publicity from lefties freaking out. It will deter others from trying to get in.

Do you want a cookie?

wtf I love vanilla ice now

Keked and checked.

That video is so god damn satisfying to watch

Would my browsing history be a problem for joining ICE? Also, I'm unabashedly racist, I would work tirelessly without OT pay deporting spics. I would deport so many fucking spics. I'd make it my goal to nab at least 500 a day myself. I only sleep 2 hours a day anyway.

I'm stealing this.

fucking youtube…

This is the weirdest lookin' Jew I've ever seen…

jesus i haven't slept in 2 days and I saw the picture in the catalog and thought it was a german shepherd attacking a walrus like a lion on a zebra

disgusting, how dare they deport illegals if someone cries?

I am shocked

kek on about 20th repeat

you have to go back

Take the family too don't leave them here.





well memed, my friend.

This song is prime for a parody.

Start it: "Yo! S P I C!"

Gives me good memories of this vid.

Their tears sustain my psyche.

They're non-whites, that's why.




Every time I hear that song all I can think of is vid related.

Every time I see that face I think of cancer


And that's exactly where tolerance belongs: in a fucking museum with the rest of the dinosaurs.

It's the posts like that makes Holla Forums such a wonderful place.

Ya think?

Not really I just wanted to show the younger anons if your phone battery is dead you can still do arithmetic if you actually learned your arithmetic.



As a Spaniard, I have ambivalent feelings about this.
In one hand good on you getting rid of the trash, on the other I don't want them to come here.

Las colonias fueron un error, debimos hacer como los británicos.
