The media will try to slide, give news trying to remove the big importance, while for every fake news, in election buzzfeed, cnn, huffington post, new york times, washington post, every garbage media owened by democrats party
And don't have everything in this links, some links are already broken and 404 but have some things of election here, not everything, the media owned by democrats party is disgusting, I'm tired of cheating and dirty tricks of the disgusting corrupt media, and worse, these corrupt corporations of democrats party for their disgusting lobby, fake news, bias, manipulation for themselves and against others, want to attack the real INDEPENDENT news media and websites who don't follow the same narrative, propaganda, lobby, manipulation of media owned by corrupt DNC and democrats, establshment for themselves. They have 90% of monopoly, they try to brainwash people to only see them, lol, The most pathetic is that they have less views and people distrust them, they have less views than the media who they attack, Breitbart have much more people than these garbage websites and media owned by democrats party, thousands of garbage democrats party corrupt media owned by the same corporation to sell the same propaganda, narrative and manipulation to try to give power for themselves and attack the opposition, Disgusting democrats party corrupt media and disgusting lobby of democrats in industries to manipulate narrative, propaganda, news, bias, everything, would need to be forbiden monopoly of democrats in the media, the media would need to be at least 40% and 60% divided and not 90% manipulated by democrats party, Hollywood and other media also were forbiden to be political or explicit controled by democrats party manipulation, propaganda, because we don't give a fuck for the celebrities who sell theior ass for democrats party owners, we feel disgust of these celebrities and we think that they are losers trying to please their democrats party owners within of these industries, they are corrupt, liars, piece of shit
Please god, show morte democrats party corruption, show more DNC shit, someone hack the democrats party and show more emails of democrats party, their media, dnc on wikileaks
Here some links and news but others are broken, 404, and is not everything who happened in 2016 and begins of 2017 with corrupt DNC, media, democrats party, soros, everything proven, with pictures, videos, voices, hacked emails, but democrats party try to slide everything with their corrupt media and try to fabricate any random shit 24 hours for day against opposition trying to use all their corrupt lobby in the industries and media owned by democrats party, dnc, establshment
Tried to hype every fake shit against trump, puting any random woman bullshit wanting to be famous or used by democrats to sell some narrative every time is discovered another shit from Hillary Clinton, now they are trying to protect the image of Obama, and try to be cynical, give news of 2 seconds
What Obama did is WORSE than NIXON but the media is trying to say, it's ok, it's normal, because the candidate is from democrats party, everything for us and everything against others.
The bias of the disgusting corrupt media owned by disgusting corrupt DNC and democrats party