Sorry in advance mods, I know you don't like meme threads too much but I hope you can allow this one. With the Obama wire tap scandal going on right now, we need to strike when the iron is hot.

For the ones not knowing what I'm on about: archive.is/0pmMy

To get the full benefits of this scandal we need people to spread good memes to capture the minds of the people. Over drive propaganda spreading is needed. Please share your memes for others to use.

Disclaimer: I did not make the one (pic related) just picked a good example of what I saw in another thread. But I hope it can serve as inspiration to others as to what we could spread as a message.

Other urls found in this thread:


*wire tap

just getting my coffee going… gonna be a yuge day….


Here's my go at it.

The Audacity of This Nigger.

I think we might have us a nigger lynching.


This is it boys. Trump is driving a knife in the heart of our enemies. Nigger Obama and his nigger brand of globalism (bend over for ISIS) are fucking dead. Obama is going to watch his entire nigger "legacy" crumble before his faggoty eyes, maybe even from a jail cell. This fucking nigger is going to learn what happens when you come after the white man's country.

I want a nigger skin wallet made from his nigger dick with a trump Pepe etched into the leather






Don't apologize to the mods you fucking pussy. A few months ago they wanted to make Holla Forums into the Alt-Right.






Our staff is severely compromised.

Watch this post get deleted.


It's also the moment where Trump will have to show his true colors.

Hillary getting away is one thing, but if Obama gets away with this then Trump is effectively toothless.






I tell you what this is my favorite timeline ever. Theres a new fucking scandal every single day and I cant get enough of it. Theres not enough popcorn in this world to keep up with this. Cant get enough of the winning.



Obama is starting to feel the pressure with the Trump Tower scandal. #Obamagate


When they go low we go illegal #wiretapping #ObamaGate

Obama's spying on a presidential candidate is worse than Nixon's Watergate. He needs to be prosecuted! LOCK HIM UP!



very nice

This is not conspiracy THEORY. This is CONSPIRACY. It's TRUE. Obamaaaaaaaa we got your slush fund.




Holy fuck, I can't even imagine who told Trump Obama was wiretapping him, but god damn we gotta do our thing and blow this up. That cunt is trying to act against POTUS atm. Nip that shit in the bud and piss on what's left of his legacy.






Is this here a meme only thread? If not here I go: Anyone got any proof for what is said in the tweet? Despite NSA tapping into everything, is there proof that Obama looked into what Trump is doing and gave it to Hillary?

If you are not OUTRAGED about Obama Administration #wiretap of political opponents, you are a hypocrite or a collaborator.






bc wiretapping Trump Tower is just tip of THIS iceberg

Is there any evidence whatsoever of this?

Really nigger?

Do you have proof or is it just hyperbol? Since when become /pol so subservient? Just let me clarify my position: I think obama did so, but I have not seen any evidence. Evidence I can give to my grandma or something.

Trump tweeted it, beyond that there's no declassified info about it.
For now take Dahnald's word.


As Obama's corruption is revealed, remember who's behind him…



The silence from John McCain is deafening.

Where is his outrage about Obama administration #wiretap of political opponents?

I'm inclined to, although it's a bit odd to just suddenly tweet "hey guts obongo wiretapped me"

Obama collecting personal data for a secret RACE database

It's 'odd' that shills are going after Sessions, (((Kushner))), Bannon and already removed Flynn. I guess he wouldn't go with that to public without them going after his admin.

That's true. How likely is it that Sessions will be removed anyway? You're right, they really are going after him quite a bit.


Surely it's a

Pure coincidence

Kek wills Obama's persecution, we must not let this opportunity fade or waiver.

I can already hear the "muh it's racism" argument when they drag hiss ass to court wearing an orange jumpsuit.

I guess Sessions is just autistic screeching, they have no chance to remove him, since it was basically his job to meet with ambassador, unless ofc they 'find' something compromising on him.
I'd be more concerned about Kushner and Bannon. Bannon is basically behind every decision (that's where shills are right). If those two get removed, admin would be fucked up and Trump surrounded by enemies.

Orange and black go well together, it'll interesting to see if he gets "martyred" by the puppet masters so he can't squeal.

Not memes but he's two sources to site when the normalfags claim there is no evidence a wire tap ever happened

Pics related

Thanks m8! That's all I was asking for. Otherwise I can't fight on the normie front!

The DOJ Strong armed corporations for billions funneled money to Liberal Organization instead of Treasury!

@ValerieJarrett wants to transform America into Islamic State using our own freedoms.

The media will try to slide, give news trying to remove the big importance, while for every fake news, in election buzzfeed, cnn, huffington post, new york times, washington post, every garbage media owened by democrats party


And don't have everything in this links, some links are already broken and 404 but have some things of election here, not everything, the media owned by democrats party is disgusting, I'm tired of cheating and dirty tricks of the disgusting corrupt media, and worse, these corrupt corporations of democrats party for their disgusting lobby, fake news, bias, manipulation for themselves and against others, want to attack the real INDEPENDENT news media and websites who don't follow the same narrative, propaganda, lobby, manipulation of media owned by corrupt DNC and democrats, establshment for themselves. They have 90% of monopoly, they try to brainwash people to only see them, lol, The most pathetic is that they have less views and people distrust them, they have less views than the media who they attack, Breitbart have much more people than these garbage websites and media owned by democrats party, thousands of garbage democrats party corrupt media owned by the same corporation to sell the same propaganda, narrative and manipulation to try to give power for themselves and attack the opposition, Disgusting democrats party corrupt media and disgusting lobby of democrats in industries to manipulate narrative, propaganda, news, bias, everything, would need to be forbiden monopoly of democrats in the media, the media would need to be at least 40% and 60% divided and not 90% manipulated by democrats party, Hollywood and other media also were forbiden to be political or explicit controled by democrats party manipulation, propaganda, because we don't give a fuck for the celebrities who sell theior ass for democrats party owners, we feel disgust of these celebrities and we think that they are losers trying to please their democrats party owners within of these industries, they are corrupt, liars, piece of shit

Please god, show morte democrats party corruption, show more DNC shit, someone hack the democrats party and show more emails of democrats party, their media, dnc on wikileaks

Here some links and news but others are broken, 404, and is not everything who happened in 2016 and begins of 2017 with corrupt DNC, media, democrats party, soros, everything proven, with pictures, videos, voices, hacked emails, but democrats party try to slide everything with their corrupt media and try to fabricate any random shit 24 hours for day against opposition trying to use all their corrupt lobby in the industries and media owned by democrats party, dnc, establshment

Tried to hype every fake shit against trump, puting any random woman bullshit wanting to be famous or used by democrats to sell some narrative every time is discovered another shit from Hillary Clinton, now they are trying to protect the image of Obama, and try to be cynical, give news of 2 seconds

What Obama did is WORSE than NIXON but the media is trying to say, it's ok, it's normal, because the candidate is from democrats party, everything for us and everything against others.

The bias of the disgusting corrupt media owned by disgusting corrupt DNC and democrats party


#Obamagate will be his legacy

It's actually not Cicero who said that. It's misattributed.


From whence are you getting all this content so fast?

Hillary Clinton Descends from Private Jets to Commercial Flights in Just Two Months

Reminder In 2007, Obama promised,“There will be no more illegal wiretapping of American citizens.

Considering despite everything she's still an ex-first lady, I'm going to say that she did this deliberately for show.

Sounds like a fishing expedition


The Russians  🤔 🤔 🤔

looks fake, also misspelled, along with a recent picture that could not have existed in 1977




Thanks Obama.

Dubs don't lie, Obama's days as a free criminal are numbered.




"Led by Department of Justice" they are pointing fingers! They knew as well. Clinton on Loretta Lynch's plane in June.

BREAKING: Obama admin funneled billions to Islamist, leftist groups through DOJ slush fund.


Washington Post Likely Suspect in Bugging Trump’s Executive Offices

ation leaks that have raised concerns that the Trump Tower offices in New York had been bugged.
Hope Hicks, Trump’s communications officer reported to the New York Times on Friday that Lewandowski advised Trump earlier this week that the daily leaks of damaging information from Trump’s campaign are prompting worry among Republican officials.
Maggie Haberman, a senior reporter for the New York Times, suggests that Rick Wiley was most likely blamed for and his employment terminated over the information leaks.

I had of course a idea that obongo was trying every way to stop trumps presidency but this is insane. Wiretapping a political opponent illegally and giving billions to leftists. What awaits us now I wonder.

Obama promised his administration would be "the most transparent in history". Eight years later, I discovered it was all bullshit.


Obama Illegally wire tapped Trump towers during the election!!!


((they)) are playing it off as a "legal" DOJ investigation into Trump's alleged Russian ties.

reddit tier memes, and they won't do much to help our cause.





Obama claims he's never tapped any civilians communications. Here's a flashback of him doing just that.


Looks Like The Leader Of ISIS Has Been Wire Tapping Trump Tower!

If "Not Accepting Election Results Is a ‘Direct Threat To Democracy’. What then is Wiretapping Trump Tower!?

Expose him as the most UnTransparent lying anti-America
Deceitful manipulator to ever hold office.




Trump accuses Obama of ‘Nixon/Watergate’ plot to wire tap Trump Tower.


2nd Biggest Liar in the USA is *Ben Rhodes* coming in second place to Obama the Champion of Liars, Fraud, and illegal Activity as President!

Holy shit that's an awesome Trump picture. He really looks like a big guy there.



Verrrrrry carefully worded non-denial. Esp combined with Rhodes tweet, suggests "ordered" here excludes anything submitted to FISA court.

This guy owns Barry Obama.

Exactly. Most people don't even know about the FISA court.

On the other hand, Trump could be referring to the goon squad at the NSA. Remember that Obama removed some restrictions on the gathering of information on US citizens. Normally the NSA was "supposed" to remove any portions of communications that featured or identified a US citizen. However, Obama allowed the NSA to share all SIGINT with other agencies BEFORE cutting out the parts with citizens in them. How convenient that the restrictions were indirectly removed during an election year.


Why are people afraid to go after Barack Obama for the wrongs he has commits against the people? WTF???

Kek wills Obama to Prison.



He won't do a thing, save for more rallies. So far he has backtracked and never attacked outside of twitter. I'm afraid he doesn't lower himself to the mud he's fighting and that is detrimental.


Trump is a hero!

What he said, every single random encounter with Hillary in the wild is all part of the show. **there is probably more proof of bigfoot shitting in the woods than Hillary acting like a normal human.

Dub-dubs of truth



fuck, I fucked it up and it took me this long to even notice




Do you not know how to crop an image? How the fuck does that even happen?





Fuck it Trump, do a putsch so we can get this shit on the road already.

Twitter is hiding the hashtag, as usual



Let me guess, you were one of the people who said he could never win the general election.

An enemy within…Nobody should be surprised by Obama..He spent 8 years dividing the nation and aiding enemies like

report yourself faggot

the Democrats act like this could never have happen Obama did this very thing to Merkel.




It's Time to Investigate


America deserves an answer to this question. @POTUS should direct AG Sessions to initiate thorough and exhaustive investigation.



Fucking checked.

The investigation is already done. It's time to act. Send in heavily armed FBI swat teams to arrest Obama. I want to see the jihadist in chief doing the perp walk.






My feeble contribution

Spread this, but with a tagline - "investigate Soros".

Add "investigate Soros" to every image.


Make it a hashtag instead: #InvestigateSoros

Coming soon.

This should be universally known.

Make it happen.

The more light shone on these cockroaches and parasites, the better.

Second biggest, the biggest was the holocaust.

No habla Twatter, señor. But someone who has access to that cancer can do it.


King Nigger needs to be in jail.

Is that two helicopters or a man being dropped out of a helicopter? kek

It seems it is happening.

remove putin from this image if you are going to show it to normies

This isn't treason according to US law. Unless he gave the information to terrorists.


you can't even into paint. pathetic.


This is boomer Facebook meme-tier shit. Nu/pol/ is sad.