Private Army for eurocrats

Eurocrats to Have Own ‘Private Army’ – And UK Will Foot the Bill

imagine how such an army would operate

So, 1.95 billion for the politicians "organising" this, 0.05 for the actual costs of this

Post yfw they're feeling the heat


The fact that they feel the need to do this is good news.

They are scared.

That and the soldiers will probably get a chip implanted in their brain.

What kind of fresh cuckery is this?


So a Pretorian Guard eh?

It's called EuroGendFor and it's been active for at least half a dozen years. Commonly known as the autocrat's mercenaries.

Mercenaries are trash and unreliable at best. The only way they'll do what's expected of them in this case is if they have chip implanted.

The Chutzpa!

The Army would be set up like the UN peacekeepers: under the control of a much smaller group like the security council. Those people would have no problem with instant consensus in situations where whites were resisting multiculturalism.

They've been planning a standing EU army for a long time. I'd like to think their hand is being forced, though. That they didn't need this so soon.

They've got about a thousand men, which is a good number for suppressing a large crowd of unarmed European street demonstrators. They would probably be useless as counterinsurgency.

This is really all the men you need to clear out the invaders from any major country. A tenth of these men outfitted as light mechanized infantry could have the Calle Jungle depopulated in 12 hours.

Like the Taliban who smile, take the American's money, then do whatever the fuck they want, I assume or suspect this will be the case. If you want to have a dedicated army, the men (yes, i said men, not women, niggers) need a reason for why they're fighting. Truth be told, there's not too many people who are truly mercenaries in the famous sense and I would hazard a guess that they'd overthrow this shit system rather than fight for it.


Well they already imported their 'private army' so it only makes sense that they'd start arming them at some point.

Nigger, you are underestimating the threat. The chairmen of the European Commission and the EU president are unelected, answer to no one, can't be charged with anything by any court and have a complete immunity to any investigations. Basically if they decide to go ahead and shoot some people in the broad daylight the cops are obligated to give them more ammo.

Now imagine these people having a small military task force with unlimited funding. That's basically the "search and destroy" death squad.

A gentle (gentile?) bump.

I can't help but wonder how much of this standing army would be comprised of the muzzies and niggers that they've allowed to invade the continent.

Didn't Oswald Spengler warn that private armies would be commonplace in an era of decline? This is a sign of the next Napoleon, right?

It'll most likely be racemixed mongrels competent enough to actually be soldiers yet stupid enough to not question a single thing without indoctrination needed.

Nigger, what? And we all know it will start with 46. But oh no, it won't stay there. They will need more staff for XYZ reason and within 1-5 years you'll have a full blown army (ie, peacekeeping force to suppress ebul whitey). Seriously, how fucking transparent can this be.

Jesus Christ Europe, go up in flames and riots already so the purging can start.

include the original link, faggot. half the VPNs in the world are banned by cuckflare and is inaccessible.

Someone is getting really desperate and really scared.

0.1 billion will go for the army
1.9 billion will go for (((antifa))) and similar gangsters.

Money laundry like no other

This. The 46 man security squad is just to lay the groundwork and set precedent. Incremental additions will be added very quickly, until member nations are obliged to fork over a certain percentage of their military personnel to the EU's army.

Where were you when the EU went full kebab republic? Say what you will about the fucking ricemonger druglords in Myanmar and North Korea, but at least their soldiers are loyal.

Anyone who signs up for this shit must have a bigger death wish than a jihad kebab with a suicide vest.

I think the Eurocrats are scrambling to secure themselves against any potential threat from enraged populace and the independent-minded countries in Europe, on top of embezzlement. This isn't an expansion or a take-over, this is desperation of a clique that feels the breath of Death on their backs.


They might just as well be doing this because the kebabs could attack anything including their biggest collaborators