Ready to engage: Patrick Stewart applying for US citizenship so he can 'fight' Trump
Ready to engage: Patrick Stewart applying for US citizenship so he can 'fight' Trump
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I'm very disappointed in Captain Picard. Disappointed but unsurprised
We just need an opposing conservative captain to take him down.
I'm going to like to see when his application gets denied and he starts crying.
So fucking sick of this rich and famous cult of personality play-pretending that they rule us.
They act like over half of the actual country (not counting illegal cali votes) doesn't exist.
Actors and actresses need to be gotten rid of, I don't care if CG looks like crap, it really bothers me that this bald overprivileged jackass can retroactively taint captain picard.
We should throw that spoonhead loving faggot out an air lock.
how courteous, like you respect americans or something.
if that's what you believe people should do, i guess.
they must.
hollywood must sink.
Guess that's another childhood hero on the blacklist. I just can't catch a break with these actors, but that's become the norm.
if a zeitgeist undergoes a revolution quickly enough, celebrities like actors or politicians can suddenly find themselves without fans.
I forgot all about the Trump Curse.
sadly, he still has steady work.
wonder why that's the case there, goy
He wants to be OFA's posterboy.
People like us who defended Europe from shitskin hordes are the only reason these liberal faggots exist and are able spread their bullshit in a free society. Nevertheless they throw shit on us at every oportunity. Sometimes I think we should let the mudslimes take over so they behead these fuckers or throw them from buildings.
probably (((white))) but yeah, I see what you're saying.
lord knows we dont need more cryptos though
Stewarts not a kike, he just has father issues that gravitated him towards pandering to feminism and other liberal horseshit.
He always struck me as a queer.
Another pedo?
that's because he is.
preferences, like sexual preferences, are partially formed by physical properties (obviously), but definitely not exclusively
so yeah the whole born gay shit dropped global capacity to reason by a bit.
dude why
Disgusting degenerate bisexual actor. This
guy would fuck anyone, male or female, who
he thought would further his career.
That 76 year old withered feral ghoul ain't fighting nobody. His TV show got shitcanned, so he's just doing some public virtue signaling to drum up work and attempt to stay relevant.
Someone shop Trumps head on Q's body
What a disappointment. I love Patrick Stewart more than just about any other actor, but it looks like nobody is safe from the liberal loonacy sweeping the world.
It's kind of sad that these people can't just accept the fact that democracy won and the people got what they wanted. Seems everyone wants to be a hippy these days.
He's got a thirty year old wife. It's McKellen that's gay
This fucking faggot was KNIGHTED by the Queen of England, and he wants to abandon his country to become an American citizen just so he can vote for gays and pedophiles?
He needs both his citizenship application denied and his knighthood revoked. Shameful cur.
Rolling for this White nigger to get killed in a car crash
marc alaimo must fight patrick stewart. its the only way. we must meme dukat killing captain picard
How is this news?
He's not Patrick Stewart's President because he's English, and he's not Whoopi Goldberg's because Jews and niggers aren't American. Fucking Christ I'm sick of all these actors and their liberal bullshit. Does Hollywood shut out people who aren't liberal, or are liberals the only ones who try to go into acting in the first place?
He already does, in England.
It's this one. Check out the "creative careers" thread.
you never heard the term 'beard'?
I get the feeling that kek is quite a lot like what Q would be in our timeline. shitposting throughout the universe
Why do so people who have contributed to things I loved when I was a kid (like Star Trek) have to end up being such massive idiots?
Fuck, man. Stewart is such a dipshit. How can I ever enjoy watching an episode of TNG again knowing this actor (among others) ended up a virtue-signalling leftist faggot?
Isn't that the standard 'I was wrong about this person being gay' get-out clause?
Because the things you loved as a kid were nothing more than Jewish media, constructed for the sake of goyim consumption from the very start. You never stood a chance. You were not raised properly to love things that are good and wholesome and honorable.
Good luck with that.
I'm not well versed with this sorta thing so I fucked up the shadows, and I couldn't find images that went well together that had the same kind of lighting and resolution.
So here you go,
Yeah.. I know what you mean.
PICARD was a strong, clever man with an iron will. Stewart… well…
Spoiler that shit, nigger.
star trek is marxist garbage
even worse than star wars
I've figured that much out at this point, the red pill hits hard sometimes is all. Hard to let go, and difficult to tell what stands up as principled and righteous when so much subversion and deception pretends to be such.
How is some bald has-been supposed to fight the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES? I really can't fathom how anyone falls for this spectacularly moronic virtue-signaling
Make sure we raise our sons with actual heroes instead of faggot whore actors.
Not exactly, but it could be interpreted that way.
Star Trek is about brighter f v t v r e, where Jews with their financial imperiums were exterminated and dumb niggers gassed. Yes, Earth is united but not in name of "muh globalism" but in the name of human progress and pride.
Star Wars is much worse with this, it directly show that autoritarian or any non-(((democratic))) system is basically evil.
The blacklist of virtue-signalling (((celebrities))) is now so long, there's not enough paper on earth to write it on.
The whitelist is so short that it doesn't even exist. ALL of them are Marxist, pedophile trash. Why? Because you don't get to be a "celebrity" in hollywood without bending the knee to your Jewish overlords and drinking the blood of children.
Confirming shatner was the best captain
The fuck why?
guess which movie I won't be seeing?
any of them, including his new capeshit
I wonder why the old man has the need to discredit himself over president of another country.
Oh, I just realized, it's because globalism and Jewish strings.
We'll always have Warhammer 40k.
at this point, you can save ink and paper with a whitelist
Maybe the way people interpret things is inherent to their own biases. I watched the Galactic Senate in Episodes I - III turn into a petty clusterfuck of partisan infighting and thought, "No wonder this shit got replaced by the Empire." I'm of course aware that the reason I think this is because I've watched Congress turn into an IRL petty clusterfuck of partisan infighting and special interest cuckery. Most people don't really have a good grip on history these days outside of muh six gorillion and slavery.
i want to shit on him, but hey, at least he's gonna be entering the country legally
he's free to do whatever he wants as long as it's within the law
I must thank all these actors for making me unable to watch any of their ambition-stealing media. I become a better person with every one that outs themselves as a globalist shill.
obligatory OC
I fucking love people who aren't US citizens coming into this country, and talking like they know how it should be run, and what it should be about, talking like they lived their entire lives in the nation
You know in your heart that it is true.
Why Captain Picard? I liked you.
since we're on the topic, can we all agree how absolutely justified dukat was in every single thing he did?
also why the fuck were klingons always so disappointing. for supposed space mongols they never did anything really threatening
Picard can't do shit. He isn't even a U.S. citizen. He's an old English actor. This is a non-story, just more impotent leftist virtue signaling antics.
Nobody wants to see your fat wife's nudes you asshole.
Does fucking everyone get knighted and honorary titles nowadays? I remember Obongo giving some special medal to Ellen Degenerate just before Trump became president.
is this by any chance related to sulu/takei being revealed as a pedo?
timing is pure coincidance or what
Highly relevant webm.
The head of the physics department there, Henry D. Smyth, had another concern, writing to Philip M. Morse to ask: "Is Feynman Jewish? We have no definite rule against Jews but like to keep their proportion in our department reasonably small".[34] Morse conceded that Feynman was indeed Jewish, but reassured Smyth that Feynman's "physiognomy and manner, however, show no trace of this characteristic".
ds9 is better than tng anyway
Why the hell is that honor conferred upon fucking faggot actors?
At this point, I just assume any actor or creator of entertainment is leftist and/or advocates for Globalism unless enough evidence is given otherwise (given what we know about Hollywood). The trick is seeing if they actually believe the bullshit they're spewing or spreading, or if they're saying it to save their own skins and popularity since most fans of these people are bluepilled faggots.
Both are fucking cancer, but Star Wars is so laughably bad at making the Empire into the bad guys or the rebels the good guys that you can almost watch the movies and forget the assholes and faggots they focus on are even supposed to be good in the first place.
The glorification of the frivolous is what happens when you put a woman in charge.
Patrick stewart couldn't fight his prostate let alone trump. What a cuck.
What about the guy who played Data?
Because you're a fucking idiot?
During the election many of the actors who have been on Star Trek over the years signed a letter urging people not to vote for Trump. The actors in the picture are the ones who did NOT sign the stupid letter. They are also the better actors on Star Trek too.
You realize you're shooting your post in the foot by posting it in a thread that's literally about Patrick Stewart wanting to immigrate to the US to join the "#Resistance"?
I'd just like to note that Patrick Stewart's next big role is voicing a literal shit in a movie about Emojis. That is what his career has come to.
All tv and movie careers will go to shit.
Because the future is mad max.
I want this future.
RIP Professor X.
No mercy. Let's summon shatner!
Yeah, I forgot to check the pic before I posted.
Here here!
yes the guy most famous for his role as poop
What do you expect from the captain that wanted to negotiate with a giant, planet destroying snowflake. Open borders for the Federation! The Neutral Zone is racist!
I would say it started when every kid got a trophy for participation in an event.
When I was a kid in little league there was no tournament, no playoffs, nothing. We played about 8 games total once a week 4 teams we each played each other twice and the season was done then we had a huge bus trip to the city to see a MLB game. Seemed normal to me, we played because it was fun.
kirk was always a better captain
Kiĺl me.
What about a smug shatner pepe who says "You wanted to be me" or soething like that, to spam baldguy with? It'll make shatner laugh his ass off, and infurate lesser libtard commie trekkies.
Fucking wew
Every day under to expect another, when does he come back?
As long as it it gets dubz. No dubz equals no deal.
Fuck you, Dominion did nothing wrong, Sisko was best captain (the only non-race-mixing captain in Star Trek history, let that sink in), and ancient Bajorans BTFO the Cardies.
Yurolibs are so hopelessly obsessed with American politics, it's actually nice that one of them admits he wants to be an American. Perhaps it's because being an "American" is to have an identity without having an idenitity….a way for rootless faggots like Patrick Stewart to find purpose in their lives by subsuming themselves into our shitty melting pot.
Brent Spiner is also a cuck.
tl;dr He, too, is under the delusion that Trump is Putin's puppet.
Yes, they do shut them out. Guys like James Woods are huge, huge exceptions, and even he has trouble finding work.
Oh so this is why Imgur shitlibs made this the top post this morning. They're going to parade this corpse in public for awhile to make themselves feel great again.
I wonder if Stewart knows that Trump is a head taller than him and in a lot better shape.
I'm going to laugh my ass off when his application is rejected because of the comments he made on The View and he's denied further visas.
These actors are losing the plot. We are merely confirming how out of touch they are.
There should be an unending wave of accounts with smug anime girls tweeting pictures of that pile of shit to the pile of shit.
Daily reminder that the LE KNIGHTHOOD meme means nothing because the Queen is a baby-murdering demon cunt like the rest of the elite and wears pizza pins in public when she meets with the who's who of pure fucking evil. The UK is one of the absolute worst places in the world.
Deep space nine was unquestionably the best star trek
pics please
Kek has spoken.
Deep space nine was a fucking ripoff of Babylon 5 premise. (((paramount))) was given the script to season 1 of babylon 5, turned it down, and immediately rushed production on deepspace nine, in order to beat the release of B5
That would explain it.
but it's just so stupid
yeah, same
the queen stands out to me as someone who doesn't seem evil, given her station
what the fuck
Dubs confirms. Wouldn't doubt it in the slightest. The government ran media always plays off the nostalgic emotions of these idiot zombies
What does he mean by "Fight"
He’s a literal kike, you fucking faggot.
I don't know but it sure sounds like a terroristic threat to me.
Babylon 5 was the better space station show. Deep Space Nine had the best cast of recurring characters of any Trek show. The main cast was not that great but all the side stories are what make DS9 good. DS9 sucks overall. Enterprise is better than DS9.
It'd be a shame, Stewart is a stellar actor. What if Trump can turn him?
What is he going to realistically do?
Piss and moan like an incompetent fool?
Thanks for making me feel young, grandpa.
Let it be done.
Star Trek is communist propaganda about universalist liberal racemixing faggots who try to get everyone under their NWO space EU and fight all the nationalists who don't want to integrate.
Romulus for the Romulans, Vulcan for the Vulcans, Qo'nos for the Klingons, The Federation for everybody!
How could you watch Star Cuck in the first place? It's a fucking communist series through and through, every iteration.
Silence, Ferrenghi merchant. Here he is planning to cuck some guy with his alien wife.
The same way I watch Shatner in the old series: by understanding that the actor and the character are two different things, and that the characters are written to be better than the egomaniac actors could ever hope to be.
As for Sir Patrick's retardation, I assume it has something to do with him being best friends with a sexual deviant who once bragged about seducing a young actor on a movie he was working on. For everyone caught in the Saville revelations, I'm sure there were many, many more who were cunning enough to stay hidden. And incidentally, what I said above about separating Kirk and Picard from their actors goes triple for Gandalf.
Takei told a story in some Star Trek special about being sat next to Stewart during some flight and how they whiled away the hours talking. I could believe Takei calling Stewart in a panic and crying into the phone about how he was being literally hunted through the streets by Trump supporters.
The Vulcans were one of the original four founders of the Federation you fucking retard.
They still have to go back after they finish the song, user.
Sorry I don't keep track of obscure details in communist fantasies, I had to search to find half the words in my post.
A) Her actress was black, and B) The character was the tulpa of a telepath who lost control over her powers, so her seducing Sisko can't really be seen as his fault.
Now that I think of it, this brings up a good point. This is why I don't understand why there's such an overly strong aversion to "muh eceleb" meme here. This just proves that people on Holla Forums aren't fucking 60IQ retards - we don't have our views manipulated by someone with an identity. If a star trek fan user doesn't cuck his beliefs because the guy who played Picard ended up being a total faggot, an user isn't going to be manipulated into wrongdoing for discussing how swedefag with a youtube channel is making "ironic" jokes about Hitler and jews, or discussing some Sam Hyde World Peace episodes.
Why do control consoles always blow up in Star Trek? The answer is socialist engineering.
Good taste. Great sci-fi movie btw.
It pains me that I have to share air with these cretins.
Even Sesame Street was Jewish terrorism. I've seen the uncut DVD's.
The truth is obvious: he's virtue signaling to boost his odds of getting another big-cash pop culture comic book role.
Patrick Stewart was always a failure. Star Trek was always a piece of modern Jewish trash. Before that, he made some sad attempts, playing Lenin in a good series called Fall of Eagles, but he was the least memorable of the cast, quite awful.
Then, you will find nobody lauding his third-rate attempts at Shakespeare. He can't hold a candle to the likes of his contemporaries. Even Kenneth Branagh does a better job than this bald old buttdart.
Antiquity held the opinion that the actor is as reprehensible as a prostitute, because their "art" does not instruct at all, but it is just panem et circenses. The baby boomer and gen y of yesterday who is glued to their TV, whose "life hobby" is their favorite TV shows, sitting on their ass being hypnotized and advertised (they truly think the commercials are the only advertising, when the show itself is advertising to you the culture you will subconsciously assume at the behest of the director of the show), today's evolution is the stupid millennial and gen x glued to their Jewish video games, which are copy/paste rehashes, designed with psychological mechanisms to game you, to get you addicted, to get you to open your wallet and enrich them, to get you to waste your time while they are acquiring power.
Men today are lost to video games and complacence. I'm sure a few losers will chime in here with muh vidya, but you know in your heart it's complacence and escapism in a world where you despair.
Now, thanks to this complacency of the boomers, of the gen y's, and their followers, the "media industry" – which antiquity was right to call prostitutes and reprehensible – have you all hypnotized and have emptied your wallets. Maybe not you, but many around you.
So hooked, that they even "break the law" to "steal the shows on torrents" and get IP lawyers sending notices to ISPs, and pay the fine, like the cowards they are.
They deserve to pay the fine. Slaves need to have their pound of flesh taken.
I'll do you one better:
Yep, pretty sure they go to special parties and end up drunk and coked up with some kid on film. Then they have to comply to their masters will or risk the stuff getting leaked. Hmmm.
[pic only partially related]
How many people knighted by the queen ended up to be liars, corrupt and pedos?
We are all equal but some of us are more equal than others.
My favorite Sci-Fi (not necessarily space station) show was "Space:above and beyond" though. Can't believe this was 20 years ago. TWENTY fucking years!
Someone remind the faggot that death is knocking on his door.
in comparison to kirk, he hardly ever did ayyliums
"Jeffrey Epstein 'sex slave' lived a lavish lifestyle and enjoyed her role as his 'travelling masseuse', former friends claim
The woman who has accused Jeffery Epstein of keeping her as a sex slave was actually a money-hungry sex kitten' who enjoyed her lavish lifestyle, former friends have claimed.
Virginia Roberts is currently in the midst of a lawsuit claiming she was recruited to join Epstein's harem of underage women in 1999, naming Prince Andrew and attorney Alan Dershowitz as two of the men she was made to 'service'.
But those who used to be close to the 31-year-old say she relished her role as his 'travelling masseuse' and never acted like she was being held captive."
So they are trying to set a new agenda where children are fully aware of their actions and the consequences. They are apparently smart enough to understand the complex multi million dollar funded brainwashing and coercion going on around them. The people that fuck them are now the victim!
i hate this meme, aside from the andorians and shitting on vulkans, the show was so bland and boring
ds9 had a space holocaust mayne
can you really call if propaganda if they shit on the federation half the time in ds9?
Nice try at sliding the thread fucking faggots.
If any of you have ever unfortunately seen an episode of his show Blunt Talk, everything would be made clear.
Dubs of death confirms.
Holy shit is this common knowledge among Star Trek fans?
jewed again, jews use entertainment to jew us.
jews make US pay for propaganda.We pay to be brainwashed.
I'm pretty sure Nemoy never pretended to be anything but Jewish. He's not like the "Jack Smith" whose real name is "Hyram Kikelgoldensteinberg".
Does this really deserve a thread?
my 3D waifu
Aren't they the same thing? Even discounting the casting couch actors seem to have spent most of history, including now, being little more than geisha who aren't upfront about what they do behind closed doors.
It's says a lot about these people when they think citizenship is the same as subscribing to a magazine or changing their username on twitter or something. Actual hard working whites who'd love to be apart of a country don't get citizenship, yet the elite seem to be the only people who can switch between countries on a whim.
He did nothing wrong
He also played a fag in the new Independence Day.
Why can't he just admit he wants freedom
Well, I've just tossed another formerly respected entertainer on the trash-heap of my disgust.
But, he's an actor, could I possibly have expected anything but this kind of garbage from him?
Picard, I am disappoint.
This is not the Patrick Stewart I know, nor the Captain Picard I respect. This is the petty whining of a brainwashed college student, so convinced that they can change the world by tweeting snarky jabs at someone as a form of political speech.
I've watched these people in action. I know what they consider political resistance. It's stupid hashtags and gimmicks that barely last a day, following The Guardian on twitter and reposting everything they post, and constantly blogging on facebook about how terrible everything is, and believing anything they read by someone who says they are "trans" and that the Right Wing Death Squads are kicking down their door right now.
What in the name of fuck did I just watch?
Renunciation of Foreign Titles is part of the US Citizenship process
he probably just doesn't want to be trapped in England when it becomes majority muslim.
If he's turned his back on his own country, that even honored him with a knighthood, he'll turn his back on the U.S.
immigration denied.
Why dont he move to some mudslime country where they execute fags, count woman as property and children as suicide bombers?
Seems like you could, but then you realize that the world of Star Trek not only glorified the concept of one world government, but made it a REQUIREMENT for the Federation to even talk to you about membership.
When you look at the show with a new, adult perspective, it looks completely different from what you remembered as a kid. It's a society of filthy fucking communists with super-powerful technology that they could never have hoped in a million years to have developed given their attitude towards money (money is a claim on human labor, if money is outlawed, then there is no motivating factor to do any hard or dangerous job). Their valuing of "self improvement" over monetary gain (ie contribution to society) is bascially NEET-speak. Fact is that they would all, or nearly all spend their entire lives in the Holodeck.
One episode from DS9 really resonated with me, and taught me that capitalism is and always will be necessary for the good of the people: the one where Cisco's son wanted to buy his father a baseball signed by some famous player. He couldn't do it, because he had no money. Literally none. The only thing he, or any other citizen of the Federation had was what they could get out of a replicator for free. As such, it is IMPOSSIBLE for a member of the Federation to every legitimately acquire anything rare, like a baseball, or Picard's family winery. It's basically techno fuedalism, where everyone is frozen in the social station they were born into, even if technological advance made class distinctions less important. The ONLY way to get ahead was to either join the military or FLEE the Federation.
Donald Trump probably pants him and shove him into a locker.
Oh please…the entire thread of the Trekkian universe is so full of plot-holes you could fly an interstellar fleet through them.
If there was any reality to the "economics" of this speculative future, it was that replicators made money obsolete.
But I notice that they conveniently inserted some things into the story that couldn't BE replicated, so there would still be plot drivers such as greed, the nobility of hard work, the difficulty of pioneering, etc.
If you could replicate wine, for instance, then how was Picard's brother a vintner? And if money & the acquisition of "things" was no longer important, then why was Picard's bro allowed to retain "ownership" of hundreds of acres of land for his unnecessary wine-making?
What was so valuable about "gold-pressed latinum?" (why, it was because "latinum" could not be replicated, of course!…for no apparent physics-oriented reason…)
People were not paid in cash, but they still were paid…in standing & favors, thus there still existed an "economy" of sorts, and an even worse one, that demanded acceptance into various controlling cliques, without any possibility of being a "self-made man" through acquisition of cash.
As for "race-mixing" with aliens…any intelligent life form that evolved on another planet entirely would not only be incapable of engaging in sex with a human, but would also be made up of proteins so alien to our own that you would probably have a massive allergic reaction to them, and break out in hives just touching them.
The entire series was pure fluff, and although some of the physics was partially based on current theory, the sociological infrastructure was VERY poorly thought out.
This sounds more like he wants citizenship because of Trump.
They fixed this problem with a TNG episode where it was revealed that an advanced alien race created all the humanoid races in the area (galaxy?), which is why they are able to breed with each other.
But yeah, the economics of the series are completely retarded.
Color me surprised.
But even that makes no sense, as (if you believe evolutionary theory) all life on Earth had the same source, as well, and yet you can't even breed with something as genetically similar as a chimp.
The tens of millions of years of "evolution" would have diverged all humanoid species beyond the point of interbreeding.
citizenship denied
Its not 100% retarded. Holodesk is a form of luxury good. Mostly higher officers used it. Replicator also has restrictions on it.
Federation is milliary dictatorship as opposed to capitalist dictatorship. Civilians treated as serfs. They ordered where to live, when to leave if need for milliary arise.
Dunno, but it was definitely next fucking level race-mixing propaganda.
Even had a white man with an asian woman. Earliest instance of that archetype I recall.
whether virtually or in real life.
Worf DID sign it though
You do know you can hold Dual Citizenship?
Shatner's based though
I never really saw any explanation of civilian lives, except that joining Star Fleet was considered tough to do, and it was a source of social ascendancy.
I remember the episode where they found and revived some 20th century corpsicles, one of which used to be a wealthy head of industry (or something)…
Picard made a big speech about people no longer trying to acquire "things," as he put it, but I noticed that whenever anyone sat in "his" captain's chair, he would feel violated, and even his lackey's would jump to defend that object, that Picard didn't "own."
There are many types of ownership, and one dog does not piss in another dog's yard. It seems nobody had gone past THAT little animalistic instinct, in their supposed age of enlightenment…
Dual citizenship is not recognized by the U.S., and, in any case, it shows everyone your lack of loyalty to the country you've chosen to live in and accept the benefits of.
"dual citizenship" should not be allowed, period. Choose your country, and give it ALL of your loyalty.
He was always the worst captain but now he's also a faggot.
No, that was Janeway
Yes it is.
Most people hold dual citizenship because of birthright
No it's not.
The U.S. does not address dual citizenship, but neither does it recognize it.
If you are accepted as a citizen of the U.S., the government sees you as that, and nothing more. If you live in the other country, for instance, you cannot claim you have already paid taxes there & should not pay taxes in the U.S. because you did not use public services in the U.S….the government will demand you pay anyway.
Not mentioned in law /= not recognised
They don't force you to give up your previous citizenship. That's recognition of dual citizenship
It is assumed you are a U.S. citizen, nothing more.
Your extra-national shenanigans will have no affect on your responsibilities as a U.S. citizen, they will not be acknowledged.
I agree, this is still not ideal. The U.S. should actively forbid dual citizenship, and if they catch you remaining or becoming a citizen of any other nation, you should be immediately stripped of your U.S. citizenship.
Perhaps the God-Emperor will address this problem.
Pogo, a Trump-loving Aussie who makes remixes using sound-clips and samples from movies and tv shows. He's pretty based.
Forgot my video
If you dont have anything, you will treasure small things you have and others dont. If anything they will start fighting over it.
Ironic that Marilyn Monroe is on one of their shirts, as she only got famous for being a Hollywood whore that took roles that no other respectable actress would have taken at the time.
Captain Cuck
It's more your fault for idolizing actors; the most worthless, vapid people on the planet. Stick to anime, 2D will never disappoint you.
You guys sure he's not one of (((them)))?
It already did
Only problem with Dukat was his flagrant race mixing with the lesser Bejorans.
I feel calling the Crystalline Entity a giant snowflake really undermines Picard's retardation in that episode. It was a Lovecraftian horror that sucked all life off of the surface of planets that had made besties with Lore, a serial murderer android who was cool with feeding people to it. When they figured out how to contact/kill it, Captain Frog wanted to chat with it. It took the sole survivor from one of the CE's previous feeding binges to have the sense to hijack the ship and kill it. After saving their lives Picard then had a cry over it as if his cat had been beaten with a baseball bat. Kill a colony of people it's a statistic, kill a giant people eating chandelier and it's a tragedy.
what's wrong with all those showbiz faggots
did they all partake in the pizzajew
It's disappointing to see Stewart be a shitlib. Also, wouldn't he have to give up his knighthood in order to be a U.S. citizen?
the overwhelming ooking, eeking, and stench of niggers?
Brent Spiner is a laughing trainwreck of drug addiction and fuckupery. His stories are laugho though, specially this one about Patrick Stewart. Pat recalls the fuckup on set: embedded
Oh, forgot to embed Brent Spiner Story. Sorry
Joke's on you, Stewart - whites aren't able to immigrate to the US.
what an appropriate webm
Never meet your heroes.
I fucking hate you people. Nu/pol/ Kikebook fucks.
Is that the guy from supernatural?
i'd hit it, we got some low test beta males ITT