Mfw Virtue Signalling Has Taken Over
The Brawny Man Is Being Replaced By a Woman

There were two classic icons in home cleaning products off the top of my head Mr. Clean and the Brawny Lad, who were the epitome of macho males with testosterone flaring and strength being worshipped in their mascot. Now, that's fucking dead. RIP

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Do you even know what virtue signaling is?

Do you?

Waste of trips, because obviously you don't. Faggot.

Good thing I buy the store brand that costs 89 cents

You know what this means? Stop buying Brawny and start investing in their competitors. I fucking swear it's been 3 years since this shit started and not one business has been better off after virtue signaling this fucking corps need to wake up to the fact MOST people hate this shit.


Get this: Mr Clean is now a nigger. No lie.


We can use this as spin. We can spin this as Brawny in support of traditional at home mother's in a celebration that "It's tough to be a mom".

I swear to G-d they know and are fucking with us.

This is the nigger who will be portraying him soon
You have to be fucking kidding me. Where's the white Aunt Jemima? Holy shit

Mr. Clean is a house nigger.

This would make some great "Why uh, yes massah!" uncle Tom memes.

Does anyone else have the "girls who wear baggy male flannel shirts and no pants/panties" fetish?

Ring the bell and house nigger Mr.Clean comes running "Yuhess maser I git on giting to clenin' it rite away"

I'm fucking tired of this shit. It won't be long before I go full Dylan Roof and I'm not larping. This is how kids go from pic related one to pic related two

No because we're not lesbians.

loled hard


You know in TV shows were a guy and girl bone then the next morning when he wakes up, the girl is wearing his baggy shirt but no pants.

That's what I'm referring to. Not butch dyke type shit.

Wew dubs confirm gets the zapper

Can we meme using feminism to put women back in the home where they belong?

Being a mom is Brawny tough user.

It's effortless platitudes to make you sound like a nice in-group person. This is not effortless or just a platitude.

And lmao at this thread. I'm not going to cry over some toilet paper you fucking FAGGOTS.

This nigga really wants to shoot some niggers up because a toilet paper now features a woman instead of a man on its packaging. You want to die for consumer products.

Sperg out more, kike.

Yeah we should totally just lay down and do nothing until the kikes have their knives one inch from our backs get out you're obvious.

Please don't use that word.

At least the jolly green giant is still white.

It wasn't the last straw that broke the camel's back, but a mass of them.

Is EVERY company in on this *MUST PUSH MULTIKULTI/GENDER/REFUGEE* Bullshit? This is like every other product is doubling down on stupid. Wtf?

I mean Caucasian featured.
with blue eyes

Fuck off Shlomo kike

I trolled you and you fell for it.

Are twatter's special snowflakes starting to get jobs in marketing? We need to redouble our efforts to burn that shit to the ground.

so do we now call him Mr.Nigger?


Domestic products are just another battle field in the fight against the Jew.

Is spray-on deodorant redpilled?

You got shittershattered for being called out like the retard you are.

What's you're address?

935 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20535

Meet me there, bitch.

no u

What's the most redpilled brand of dish washing soap?

user pls, I gave you my address in confidence. Now Mr. "I'm a raving faggot on the interent" is going to come over.

I'm not gonna lie, that really really hurt my feelings.

MRP is the LBJ to DJT's JFK.

Don't believe in your own lies, faggot.

Can't possibly give a fuck. Nothing cleans up my jizz better than a woman.

I'm in Bethesda. Let's meet up and troll the (((protesters)))




Yeah, my bad. I should just steal paper towels like a negroid.

What do instead?

Women do house clean better than men yes, thanks for Brawny© to point that out.

We should take it to Twitter to point out how astute of them.

Not make a mess in the first place, fucking slob.

I have no hands and drop buckets of jizz and sghetti sauce with my nubs regularly. Fucking insensitive

I am just now finding out about this. Is this something King Nigger did, or has it been around longer than that?


its called bleach, I suggest you drink some.

meh. gay new-age insult.
people didn't say gay shit like that in the 80s or 90s.


no they said 'get bent' which means "break your dick"


I hate how it looks like Sarkeesian.

Either way, it would be fucking easy to spin it against then as implying women should do house chores. Great thing about their idealogy being based on perpetual menstrual bitchery.

That's funny.


Next up: Green Giant is a trans black woman.

This is why I hope more trannies compete in woman's sports so this delusion can be put to rest.

Green Giant is a Europoid and will always remain as such.
He even got redesigned as an even more Aryan looking dude with blue eyes.
Nobody's pozzing jolly green you piece of shit.

eat your fucking green beans

This is an inadvertant win for us. Of course niggers should be on the label of a product for cleaning shitters.

Buy generic everything? Christ.

Well, it is a white woman. And it is a kitchen product. Maybe we can make them think it's misogynist that way and make it backfire?

I'm pretty sure that soon, not having a leftist political message in your product will be seen as an act of fascism

When it comes to cleaning products im OK with marketing towards women. Its not like a man should clean up messes when he has important things to do and think about.

Im kinda surprised they didnt make the brawny guy naked on the packaging. That would attract more women.

Women don't like seeing penises unless they're already aroused. They can arouse themselves then get horny about how they're getting horny. Women are weird that way and not visually based like men are.



Get a fucking life, Chaim.

I was thinking they would focus on his abs or something.

Heres one I know would get them horny:
They could show a picture of a fairly normal looking guy, holding his bank statement where you can see hes got at least 6 figures.

Wait a minute, is this Jewnita Sarkissian?

Thanks for sharing the blue.

Eat some fiber, so it slides right out. Use baby cloths to clean your bum.

Don't forget your tactical assault bowlcut.


Go away

Also lol.. just watched the video. Now thats a switch. White woman lusts after Europoid portrayed as strong and giant like.

Brawny man was suppose to appeal to women by being sexy to begin with.

If dubs Mr clean will return to his true Aryan nazi skin head ways. Always liked that smug look he has like he knows he's superior

I don't see a problem here. It was always like this.

How consumerist.

So when are we going to get a collapse or dictatorship to take away the ability of women to collectively fuck everything up?

They literally want us all castrated. They want to remove male energy from the universe.


Lurk ore instead of posting meaningless shit.

if Holla Forums can't stop you, at least make sure you go exclusively for household name pedo politician(s)


This is actually called penis envy

I'd blame marketing agencies. They are full with "creative" people who studied nice things at their local indoctrination center.

Muh stronk womyn.

You realize this is a perfect time to introduce a competitor brand right?

Something like "MANPAPER TOWELS: WIPE IT UP, TOSS IT AWAY." Some slogan like that, buy the shit out of those, other brand dies off, Manpaper wins.

this country needs to collapse. too much peace and comfort has destroyed it. when order is eventually restored we will bring back the colosseum to remind all what is strength and courage.

It has to have the shitlibs up in arms and I'll bet the green giant company doesn't give a single fuck. That commercial is money.

That isn't riding the tiger, brah


even in the 50s, 60s when everybody was racist we still ended up getting to this point. the entire country needs to go up in flames for an extended amount of time so the weak (all nonwhites) are killed or die off. then any whites who begin preaching equality/multiculturalism in the future need to be murdered before the cancer is allowed to spread. inaction and hubris brought us to this point. im done believing everything will end up ok if we just sit back and ride the wave.

This is what really gets me. There's at least the obfuscation of being young science in neural studies to smoke-and-mirrors cognitive ability, but fucking body strength? Jesus Christ. Why not claim they can fly, too?


Anyone want to do this? Start a competiting brand against the SJW nonsense? The best way to defeat them is financially after all. When people don't buy your shitty marxist product, your shitty marxist product dies off.

Turn it around on them.

It is a woman's place to clean.


Wow, how sexist.


How do you figure, ser shill?

Look into genetically focused viruses and haplogroups of subsaharants… also learn a thing or two about vectors of attack

Sounds like a fucking death camp for h'wyte males

This is actually genius. It's reverse psychology.

"Show how strong you are…by cleaning the fucking kitchen, you dumb cunt."

They're paper towels you fucking nigger.



They make it easy to know who to boycott.


green giant is /ourguy/ confirmed

And we are certainly very jolly.

sorry for misgendering the cleaning product

Social justice has become a late-stage capitalist marketing scheme. They are stealing shekels from the cucks, so I'm not even that mad. I just hope this doesn't pozz too many normalfags before the trend becomes stale and traditionalism becomes the new "cool" thing to follow.

Who gives a flying fu-
Oh, ok. Carry on.

And we should balkanize too, right Moishe?

.ai here if anyone wants to mess with it:


For once it might actually make sense or be interpreted differently. That women belong in the kitchen.

So, basically, Anita Sarkeesian then?

No. The Brawny woman at least knows how to clean. That already makes her much better. Even moreso if she can cook as well.

Some of you guys are alright. Stay away from the paper goods aisle on Monday.

She's Brawny tough, of course she can cook!


this user is on to something.

So here's the million dollar question.
When will Green Giant put a green aryan baby in her?

Remember that brawny man had a beard prior to 2006.
This is the slippery slope before your eyes.
Now we just gotta get Green Giant to put a baby in her.

Yeah, this seems like something that's suspiciously easy to meme.

"[feminist trope] was too [hard/confusing/complex] for me, being a [single mom, degenerate, etc] is #BrawnyTough enough"


I kek'd fam.
I kek'd.

Those are not the hips of a woman who has bore children.


Mistah leeeeeeen

What's that nigger hiding under his shirt? Is he stealing something?

nigger this is a fucking icon for paper towels, there are way more important things going on right now. besides that, she's still white

These videos are so bad…it seems intentional, almost. I think they want parodies.


Fuck off ADL!


check'd and kek'd

Wow, what a dumb move. The only people who buy this shit are southerners. Not anymore.


In case you haven't noticed, the brawny man has been getting steadily darker over the years. It was only natural next up would be a gash or some darkman.


Haha ok Brawny. I understand now that women are supposed to clean around the house with your towels. This is another example of what one user talked about sometime in the murky past. That companies are catering towards women because that's who spends money more. Tbh I am not even that upset at the prospect of a product associated with household chores being advertised towards women, but I do realize this is also an example of identity obsession bullshit. Buy store brands with plain as fuck labels.



This whole thing didn't bother me until I saw the #StrengthHasNoGender cuck signal. I don't use this shit anyways but I certainly will continue to not buy it.

She's uglier than you think

Dumb cucks who buy name brand paper towel won't care.

Is her nose that big? Holy shit.
She looks like she is having great fun

Always buy store brand items never buy name brand items

Mr. Clean was also a fag so what are they trying to say by this?


With enough plastic surgery and if she was gagged you'd probably tap that.

She has a big schnozz, but someone took a little bit of creative license with photoshop.

The fact that barely anyone is realizing the irony of the brawny lad is just sad! Seriously, you lads should be having your sides destroyed, not pissing yourselves in anger! I just showed this to my wife, and the first thing out of her mouth was, "This is only going to backfire on them."

Let me guess, because they're oh so subtly saying women should be in the kitchen cleaning? I think most of us are laughing at it, I can't wait until the nigs see the new Mr.Clean oh so helpfully cleaning like a good slave.

First post every time. Get a real job, Shekky

You make it sound like that's not how femishits are going to interpret it. Same for niggers…

Aw come on it has to be a good thing it was all thought up and approved by whole marketing departments it MUST be a good idea! Think of the shekels! :^)

genius. you can literally wipe her face in it.


you've got a keeper user, gj

Maybe its a picture of a man who dresses as a woman?

humanity should just be destroyed

They've been around since the beginning of the country and did just fine without you.

So long as they're not in combat. Keep them as nurses or in the kitchen.

Why did she wear them in the first place then?

good movie

I forget people don't know about that

why do women get tattoos or cut themselves? Big hoopy earrings are red flags, and we are social animals. They can't stop signalling.