Tim Pool getting redpilled

So I'm sure most of you heard of Tim Pool and his trip too Sweden by now. But I noticed something lately, while his video started out basically mocking conservatives for saying it is super dangerous in Malmö and filming himself walking through Rosengård lately after him being chased out of no-go zone in Rinkeby, Stockholm he has now started focusing on the negative effects of PC-culture.

Today he put out a really interesting interview with a swedish psychologist claiming these issues are being repressed in Sweden. Here comes a quote: 4:22 –


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Is this dude a shitskin or just a slightly-tanned degenerate?

He is a white liberal journalist who grew up in soutside of Chicago. Now he is getting redpilled from visiting Sweden at the behest of infowars reporter.

At first swedish establishment loved him, later after he got chased out from Rinkeby, swedish establishment tried to libel him a coward based on the words of police spokesperson who was not there. The police who were there would not speak out due to "politics".

I'm guessing thrown under the bus by fellow liberals can be enlightning.

Any chance this entire thing is a controlled experiment and the guy got redpilled by living in the urban utopia that is Chicago and the entire thing is an operation to get the Swedish government to shit the bed trying to cover the fucking war going on in their country up?
I like where this is going either way heh

No, he's legit liberal, look at his videos, while he does seem to have quite a good ethics as journalist in trying to remain impartial it starts out kind of trying to mock conservatives while walking through Rosengård Malmö. But at the same time he always interviewed many people, people afraid of being on camera, who slowly redpilled him throughout the series.

This is literal direct video footage of redpilling, excellent first see material for people too see social justice get out of hand.


Leftists are not sapient human beings, their programming is unbelievably overpowering.

Tim Pool isn't totally pozzed and he is chill af, just when in Rome as they say

He's hapa

Looks finngolian to me

There is one district on the South Side that is survivable by white people and they drove an incipient BLM protest off with baseball bats.

Tim Pool is a fucking fraud. He's intentionally trying to make money off the situation and the controlled opposition faggot known as Paul Joseph Cuckson denies ever 'sending' him this is to build hype around his donation scheme. I'm willing to bet this cuck doesn't even to the most volatile areas and is completely full of shit. OP is a faggot and so is Tim Pool.
Pick one

There are different degrees of the redpill, a liberal does not become national socialist in a day.

Didn't Tim start off covering protests like the Ferguson chimpout and whatever BLM op is going on? At least that's when I first heard of him.

Not anymore. A larger donation has been made.

"Stay safe"
This fag acts like he's going to a war zone. No matter how fucked up Malmo is the fact that this guy is worried reveals how much of a bitch he is.


Are you implying it's not? They are no-go zones for a reason, emergency responders have to show up with military gear for a reason, the police is asking the military for help for a reason.

I wouldn't enter one without being heavily armed. And since you're being such a woman about this, you should be forced to live in a no-go zone so you can experience for yourself and then shut your female whore mouth.

every area that has an influx of niggers in them is a fucking warzone, faggot.

he has probably noticed he is getting more viewz, so decided to switch focus

Why bother going to Sweden to 'uncover' what's happening - it's already been done before, check out the Aussie film crew who got attacked by nigs the second they got out of their car. Seems like he's just jumping on the bandwagon after Trump called Sweden out.

By the end of the year, Pool will be flying the Kekistani flag.

Get the fuck out of here with that normalfaggot shit.

Go back to 4chin

One does not simply replace the European archetypes with foreign ones. I can not even name one famous myth coming from the -stan area and everyone will eventually brush it of as a childish joke.

During Ben Carson's swearing in, the WH youtube chat was open and there was some faggot in there by the name of "Kekistani Nationalist" and he was spewing bullshit about Hitler being bad, White Nationalism being bad, etc. That shit's controlled opposition.

No, why would we? I literally have no idea who this guy is.

was it sargon of kuckad? I looked at his twitter handle and he has that bullshit on it.

*Sargon of Mossad

Because some of us pay a little bit attention once in a while.
Why are you proud of being ignorant? Are you retarded?

dunno- didn't ask

The shitskins in Sweden have access to military weapons. You can read about them chucking hand grenades at each other every week.

did he meet up with that leftist bitch?

Tim Pool isn't one of us yet, but he has the soul. He's were we were 10 years ago, but he's got a thirst for the truth and the gumption to seek it out.

Tim Pool will become one of us.

What's funny is the swedes in comments going full blown:

What are you smoking most are agreeing with him…

Apparently a swede gave him a large donation aswell:

Never said everyone in comments. Read a bit further than top comments. You will find desperate nordlings.


There's always going to be globalist shills.


Holla Forums is tht you?

no its the new alt-lite 2.0 2017

sounds like yes to me


He's legit. He was already going out to Sweden and Paul Joseph Watson tweeted offering to pay for any reporter to go to Sweden and Tim Pool saw it and took the free shekels to help pay for his trip. He's legit watch some of his old videos he was at the Milwaukee Riots last year got hassled for being white

Potato nigger with some mestizo in his woodpile.


Pretty sure he said he's half-korean in one of the vids where he went to a BLM chimpout and they were going to do the "HE WHITE, GET HIM" routine.

How much is DNC paying chimps like you?

No, he's an asian half-breed. He left during one of the chimpouts, I think Wisconsin, because they were targeting anyone who looked white and he was worried himself.

No he was the first livestreamer of Occupy, he became famous through that, but the Anarchists hated him filming and called him a snitch.

I am located in Malmö. There is a reason why the police helicopter was airborne night time and then the police inbreed realized that there are more shootings during day time so they started to patrol during the day too until the whore in the city consel (Jammeh) put an end to it so the police can not patrol with helicopter any more. The slut whore Katrin Jammeh married a nigger so that she could advance her career much faster. She and the nigger can not be found in any picture together or have never been seen together in real life. If in Malmö. Check out Seved. Where Muslims are selling dope openly and get aggressive when a white person that does not live there show up because that would disrupt the dope sales. The Muslims in Malmö are all collecting wellfare money and working aftter hours or collecting well fare money and selling drugs. These lice and cockroaches attack openly whites in the street verbally without a reason just because the Muslims are into sharia.

There is no saving this urbanite filth.

White dudes from the South Side of Chicago are unionist democrats. They're not big on identity politics. That's why Trump won, people like Tim Pool.
