Trump Administration Plans Reconsideration of Auto-Emission Standards

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good. try getting an inspection when your check engine light is on. cost 500-1k for a 'sensor' that may or may not solve the problem.

agreed, this would be great and can help out a lot of poorfags who literally can't afford to have their cars worked on

Interesting. Auto emission standards as they currently exist are made to limit mobility afforded to the goyim by making Diesel engines completly uneconomical (hence Volkswagen and everybody else cheating on those tests) and forcing car makers to adopt smaller, less reliable turbocharged for normal gas. Added to that are the advantages given to the electric car scam (Musk makes money on commieformian carbon credits for every car sold, generous tax subsidies etc).

In a lot of cars, the check engine light can mean that the pressure in the gas tank is weird, like if you left the cap unscrewed, or the temperature changed wildly, resulting in a change in air pressure inside the tank, shit that requires $0 to fix, and unless you are handy with an OBD2 reader, a shit ton to troubleshoot.

I hope Trump saves the American V8s.

The way Ford is heading with twin turbo v6s, reports saying the HEMI doesnt much time left along with GMs Vortec and LS series.

Forcing emissions equipment has held back real MPG gains and done very little, if any, in terms of lowering emissions per mile driven,

I remember reading about how modern internal combustion engines have become insanely efficient and powerful, but instead of increasing mpg we've basically stagnated and even gone backwards because cars themselves have gotten bigger and heavier. The engine is efficient, but we kept adding crap around it.

Every man should have a lift and all the tools needed to do ANYTHING on a car. KYS Faggot

Nigger I can barely afford a house, much less a house with a garage and a fucking lift.

All you need is mineral oil and a empty paint can "smoker" to find emissions leaks.

Buy a duplex and rent one side out.

This, I've got 1982 whatchamacallit so all the little stuff can be sorted with a hammer and some patience, but damned if I've got room for a lift, a compressor and everything else.

Seeing cars made simpler again would be nice, here's hoping a market for it forms as factories open back up here.

emissions equipment is the biggest hinderance on MPG and as I said you don't see a noticeable gain in emissions per mile per gallon. Forcing emissions equipment on small vehicles was the main reason larger vehicles were produced in the first place as MPG on small vehicles tanked.


Once we really MAGA, you might be able to get some of those things, user.

The question is, do you want to?

Not really. I don't really give a shit about houses or cars or land, I'd rather spend my hard earned sheckles on expensive computers and electricity so I can keep developing AI. I have my own dream for the future.

Although now that I think about it a garage would be a nice place to put all this shit and I wouldn't have to worry about fumes from soldering.

I really hate how modern cars look.

Then that's what you need to do.




Even having a job that pays for more than "baloney sandwiches and stolen wifi" is hard enough since 1987. What, do you think anyone can just bop on down to the local steel mill at the age of 14, shovel coke, and walk home with a $1400 paycheck?

4th generation Mechanic here.

A good trick to solve the check engine light is right before your inspection, put some premium quality gas in your car (a week should work).

For whatever reason, it tends to turn the light off. I don't know about your 2010+ moving computers, but it always worked on 90's-2000's cars.

You know what's funny about that?

The early 70's Ford Maverick use to get over 30 miles to the gallon if properly maintained.

A well maintained Bug got around that also.

Fuck my Tracker got over 40.

Ok fam, lets get real. I've talked to a lot of folks with this outlook and its simply wrong. If you really cannot find a job then there are some serious poor life choices or lack of motivation occuring. Even if you are unskilled its not that hard to go join a labor union and start a trade, its not hard to go out and earn a few credentials to work in tech, its not hard to get a shitty job in a call center. You're still in control over your own destiny, and blaming society for your short-comings is the exact thing we are fighting against on this board.

Unfortunately, it only seems that for now, Trump is yet again only rolling us back to pre-obanabo rules. Not only that, but it seems he's gonna have to give intel what they want about surveillance equipment in vehicles, since that's still on their table, according to the article, so it looks like shit's gonna be fucked, forever.

If gas gets cheap enough, under his terms, y'all should just settle with an oldie, and kick back. It doesn't seem like American automobiles are gonna be made "great again" this model year, or the next.

Maybe you can rescue Tay and her source code someday.

Diesel engines are horrible on NOx and good on CO2. Europeans focus too much on CO2 while ignoring NOx while Americans (due to CARB, specifically LA Smog) focus hard on NOx.

Its also why Paris looks like 1960s Los Angeles.

I don't believe that. A lot of that emissions equipment has advanced enough technologically the car's performance actually suffers from removing it. Catalytic Converters, EGR systems, O2 sensors, and Idle Air Control Valves come to mind. Its just overboard when manufacturers have to add a extra cat to meet USA emissions when in Japan/Europe they do fine with 1-2 cats.

I hope he takes this as a opportunity to reduce MPG requirements or even standardize emissions/safety standards with the rest of the Western World.

At this point I have faith in the market not needing obsolete government fuel economy requirements to advance further. IIRC same requirements are why a lot of crossovers are built as they can be classified as "light trucks" and go under a entirely different fuel economy/emission standards (more akin to a truck than a car).

I already work in a fucking call center because all of the industry in my state was killed off and sold to China for pennies on the yuan, and it is NOT easy to get a job in one unless you check a bunch of diversity boxes so the corporation can appear to be (((progressive))). Try starting over when you're fucking forty and everything fell out from under you. Constantly working so you don't end up BACK on the streets kinda' eats up all of your free time that could otherwise be spend learning new skills, or finding the lowest price for an artificial heart (over a million) and knee replacement surgery (few tens of thousands). I'd waste more time explaining how opportunity isn't evenly distributed across the country, nor evenly offered, but I have a shit job that will fire me if I'm even one minute late punching in after waiting four minutes for the $200 computer I have to use to unfuck itself long enough to log in.

You say that like you never experienced it.

It doesn't matter what you fucking believe. The Geo Metro matteroffactually ceased to be a viable vehicle for production because emission equipment killed its marketing point, MPG. Hell there were plenty of high 30/low 40 mpg cars before Bush Sr & Clinton pushed for emissions equipment on all vehicles(heck late 70s thru 80s was as good as now). Studies have been done proving the lowering of MPG due to the emissions equipment has had a neutral or negative affect on emissions per mile per gallon. I.E. many vehicles put out more emissions per mile because of the reduction to MPG. You will be hard pressed to find these studies because the memory hole is deep when it comes to anything that goes against the narrative.

So we can get those good diesel Volkswagens that got fucked over by Jew emission standards?

Cars peaked in the early 90s. They have been going downhill since then.


Seems like this probably just causes more accidents. Get in any car from before 2000 and the visibility is noticeably better than current models. You can barely see shit in a current standard sedan.

VW is a nathzee brand that wants to gas us all, thats why it has to pay up 16 billion in reparations for the shoah it made!

Cars now are much safer.

That's also part of the last point about the windows being made smaller too. My car is 17 years old now and is getting close to 200k miles, so I've been eyeing other cars on the road to see if there's anything that I might like to buy in the future. Every single time it's the windows that make me think "I wouldn't want that car there's no fucking visibility".

USA standards are designed to fuck diesel over I believe.

If you want a car you can actually work on yourself, you need to go buy one made more than 10-15 years ago.

I wish they would produce cars with designs like this.

Except a car that has roll-up windows, runs 80 decibels inside @ 65mph, and would get obliterated against anything bigger than a Miata would not sell in today's market. Not to mention mpg ratings are measured differently today. We measure them downward and add hard acceleration and A/C use tests. It ceased to be a viable vehicle because it wouldn't sell anymore.

We actually have a similar car to it sold today, the 2017 Mitsubishi Mirage.

Punitive Damages/Trade War against German Automotive Industries. Takata got a pretty big fine too after their airbags killed a few people and investigators ruled their deaths as homicide.

Look into Subarus. Awesome visibility for their newer cars.

Subaru is a great company. The japs get the profit but your money also goes directly to American auto manufacturing plants and American workers. Not to mention Jap corporations lobby Shinzo Abe to re-institute the Emperor so I don't mind lending them my shekels.

that Subaru looks like shit, please tell me that's riced up and not the factory model.

Better version of that image that I made ages ago for /o/.

Stop posting this; it's an advert and bait for /o/. The old bel air had no engine, was rusty, was an x frame car and therefore known to be the worst example possible despite x frames not being standard or common and used in a crash mode it was particularly vulnerable to. Stuntbusters have a much superior video where they crash an old cadillac into a new one head on. The cadillac fairs much better.

wew lad, lets hear some more about the safety of these modern cars.

I know right? The frequency that video is posted would almost have me believe Chevy pays people to do it.

Private automobile ownership is a dead technology walking. The world does not produce infinity new oil on demand, and I've seen no evidence whatsoever that electric cars will ever be feasible for the mass consumer population. The sooner we start restructuring our cities around alternatives the better, but I doubt people are going to give this habit up gracefully, especially when our cities have been built around the assumption of auto ownership instead of walking or taking public transit easily and conveniently. There, I said it.

I dunno I just watched that Stuntbusters video and the dummy in the old Cadillac got his head sheared off.

It's a dramatic worse case. The car itself does better regardless and it still illustrates the superiority of modern car safety without any risks of criticism or dismissal by car lovers. The other one is just designed to sell new Chevrolet Malibus.

Ah, the difference between no seat belt and shoulder harness are incredible aren't they?

cocksucker, the point is to not pay money toward the bureaucracy or waste time & energy to appease them.

I don't think even the God Emperor can fix your shitty "Automobiles"

id rather ride a horse, no vehicles? i go full cowboy mode faggot

Better and more mass transit options would of course be a boon, but there are logistical and political obstacles. Think specifically of Los Angeles, LA has for decade, at least since the 80s or earlier, wanted to build a subway to service the city to try to take some cars off the road. I think the only city in the world with worse congestion than LA is Moscow. Now, after countless years, there's finally something that vaguely resembles a subway, but it hardly goes anywhere. It starts in the barrio of East LA, goes through Downtown, and then stops around Koreatown, which is 20 miles or so from the city's envisioned westbound goal of Santa Monica.

What's between Koreatown and Santa Monica? Brentwood (Jews), Beverly Hills (Jews and old money WASPs), and West Los Angeles (Jews). Every time the city tries to build subway stations through this part of the city, the kikes and other assorted rich types kvetch and lobby the city council to vote it down, and it always gets voted down. The Jews are fine with everyone else having to put themselves at risk riding with niggers, illegals, and homeless schizophrenics, but they don't want the riff raff to shit up their nice kosher neighborhoods. That's just going east to west, nevermind going north to south, or to LAX, or to any of the big colleges there. Your options as a non-dark person are to sit in traffic in your car, or sit in traffic on a bus with niggers, illegals and schizos, which takes even longer than sitting in traffic in your car. Even the carpool lane on the freeway is usually totally jammed up and worthless.

Another issue is that every square millimeter of land in Los Angeles is owned (by Jews) and insanely expensive. The kikes want an arm and a leg to let it go, and LA is already hundreds of millions of dollars in debt just like every other Democrat-owned shithole. Making the tiniest amount of progress on projects like these, in a city that congested and that kiked up, is like pulling teeth.

The issue of transportation is one where fascism and National Socialism really shine: instead of endless bitching and kvetching from Jews to city councils and states and (((federal judges))) to ensure that nothing can ever be done to fix these problems, the guys at the top can just lay down a mandate and put people to work on the project. In a couple years you have your Autobahn and the trains are running on time.

tl:dr; the main obstacle to moving away from cars and gridlock to more efficient and enjoyable methods of transportation are (((people))).

Cities need to be nuked lad

I want the comfy interiors back tbh

Streets would be just as safe without nigger, central american beaners and women driving. Most accidents are caused by those 3 groups. We wouldn't need rollover protection or pleb/ped pillows at all.

Don't forget that white people wouldn't need to commute if there weren't niggers polluting every urban environment.

yeah, cities in white countries need to be white cities with effective governments.
all countries and cities should be white

Perhaps Kek agrees with you.

That design looks like it would be more useful for plowing large crowds of protesters to their deaths than safely driving the speed limit, no?

That's the back of it, retard.

Cali, right? Move out of the city, and into the countryside, as fast as you can.

what a fucking waste of a classic car.

That depends. Will the (((bad guys))) let him do it?


I want unused cars that don't look like bland new-age trash filled with social integration features that cost $20k starting.

I dont live in a city.

It's riced to hell.

I paid $0 for it because it was given to me by my brother 7 years ago.

You dont own a car do you? From the sensors i've had to replace that threw a DTC, it was a crank shaft position sensor and a oxygen sensor. Neither were anywhere near that expensive. What the fuck are you doing where they are that expensive? Buying dealer parts for a BMW M6 or something?

You do realize the MIL lights up for a shit ton more. How retarded are you to even bring this up? FFS on modern Camrys the MIL comes on to remind you to change the oil.

Not true at all, the only time ive experienced it was with a camry which developed rust on gas tank filler neck, where it mates with the gasket on the cap.

They're $20 on Amazon, and dont require any "handyness". Its literally get the code and google it.

How the fuck does running gas which is more resistant to knocking in anyway improve emissions? Did you read some retarded article about how moving to high octane gas would cut emissions for future cars? And didnt manage to realize this was about increasing compression ratios?


I am trying MGTOW. Parent died.
Need job and will find one.
Eventually I want an older V8 truck like this.
Something to drive and be proud of, work on.

I always get a little misty-eyed when I see a very old but obviously loved on the road. Like being built, it's a tangible example of a person's discipline and dedication.

Get a load of this money saving kike

Guise… are you really gonna MAGA that much?

Getting impaled by the steering column wouldn't be comfy.


Tell me more about your visions of a "safe" car.

give your money to the gubment regs like a good goy
fuk u doin on Holla Forums if u dont get that bitch

its the point kid. fuk bs gubmnet regs.

u sound like a house slave defendin massas rules.

and sound like a bitch tryn to shame someone that dont wana give beggers (govt) money for stupid shit.

fuk u doin on Holla Forums that u dont get that

Please learn proper English before posting here.

Most vehicular emissions controls regulate things like carbon monoxide, NOx, SOx, and particulate matter emissions. CO2 standards are something else entirely.

Emissions of CO2,being a chemical produced by combustion of gasoline, can only be reduced by increasing the efficiency of an internal combustion vehicle. It stands then, that the emissions controls you faggots are kvetching over are implemented to regulate other gases. Some of the efficiency loss you've noted is because tetraethyl lead poisons these emissions controls so we have to use less efficient combustion processes -ethanol isn't as efficient.

These gases are responsible for photochemical smog, for acid rain (though this mostly came from sulfur emission from coal power plants and hasn't been a problem since the 90s), and particulate matter emission. Photochemical smog and PM are seriously bad for human health. Lead use and abatement seems to track nearly quantitatively with the nigger crime wave of the 70s and 80s

yes shill

your getting stuck on one example of the larger problem faggot shill. the point is too much govt. regs imposed on everyday peoples lives and activities.

big reason why people voted trump was to rid ourselves of the libby reg nonsense

Fuck off. No one voted Trump so some faggy libertarian interpretation of corporate responsibility could turn us into Beijing.

trumps cutting epa bitch

He's not touching criteria pollutants, retard - he's moving to prevent carbon dioxide from being added to the list.

I'm the one who brought this to your attention, dumbass.

Which is a perfectly sensible idea.
Yurope has an interesting situation relating to this, since in western europe a larger percentage of cars (50%+) has a diesel engine. Diesels 1 benefit is being cheaper per mile than benzin/petrol/gasoline whatever you call it. as for emissions, it has lots of pollutants, but a lower co2 emission. Logically, this would be the greatest thing for all the "global warming" tards. In reality though, when a city has unmanageable pollution levels, diesels are the first to get banned entry from the city. So far I don't think any city anywhere stuck to it because its a hard ban to implement, but they know full well what causes the pollution that causes issues, and it is not CO2.


no thanks.

Are you telling me you want a reasonably-priced, quiet, and sturdy automobile?

i want a 300 hp big block v8 with 4 barrel carb that gets 6 MPG
but cuckifornia wont let me because they emit too much (((pollution))). fuck your gay fucking gas sipper piece of shit. god what a faggot

Imagine the nightmare of having a faulty gasket in this thing, or even worse, imagine the timing belt breaking while the engine is running, killing all 32 valves at once and also screwing the cylinder head…
No thanks, I'll stick to my good and old linear 4 cylinder engine.

Felate a gun faggot.

Not everyone is able to function without meds. Not all of us are psychically able to do a 9-5 40 hour work week, every week, every month with only 1.5 days of vacation time, 1 sick day a month and time off for doctor visits that CAN'T be made up because it's a fucking 9-5.

Some days I can't get out bed with a painkiller and ointment. Some weeks I can't function without steroids.

Do you know where you are? I am Dr Uncle Sam's Island's experiment and sometimes society feeds you shit sandwich after shit sandwich, regardless of how much you BEE YOURSELF.

This guy's got a good idea, right here.

The problem isn't muscle cars. It's the city itself.

Don't forget that Ethanol, while being blended in nearly every fuel now a days, isn't widely available in E85 form and disingenuous (((lobbies))) claiming Ethanol is more harmful due to all the equipment being used to harvest the crops (that run on gas and diesel). Also ignoring that the crops absorb some of the negative emissions and it can be made from trash.

Manufacturers as of late have been including a separate light that comes on when you don't lock your gas cap tight. It's not universal but it's making the rounds. Also someone should know that if a check engine light comes on after fueling up it's probably the cap.

The heft is attributed to all the crash safety stuff (50 airbags are heavy as fuck). Pedestrian crash standards too, which also caused everything to look like a potato. like is saying.

Don't forget missing the engine, the heaviest part of the car and would have fucked up the new Malibu.

Collapsible steering wheels columns were first invented in 1934, And they were mandated in the US in 1968. Also why are you planning on crashing your car faggot?

I like the concept behind what Volkswagen did here, but it is very clear it was not a serious attempt and wasn't anything more than a publicity stunt [and probably a carbon credit write off]. Like this guy says they stripped all noise-insulation out of the car, they went with the hybrid set up so they carry the weight of two power trains, and the 2-cylinder engine struggles noisily to move the car after the relatively small battery is out of juice.

I would have been a lot more impressed with a $30-40k car made out of less exotic materials, a straightforward diesel four banger straight out of the Jetta or Passat, and aimed at getting around 60-80mpg.

It's going to be very, VERY hard for Volkswagon to sell any diesel vehicles in America after the emissions scandal. Not for the next 3-5 years at minimum.

That's true. The core aerodynamic ideas behind the XL1 are proven, though, and can be transferred to any power train, though. Electric, gasoline, steam.

Are aerodynamics really THAT big of a gamechanger? All of the super-cars are focusing on materials these days, like carbon fiber bodies and hybrid engines. Besides, if they really cared bout aerodynamics they'd make the shell of the car look like a golf ball.

Please give me more

Super cars put the focus on extreme performance, though. It's similar, but not really. And yes, aerodynamics can have a very significant effect on fuel economy, but you have to really commit to it and that means you're going to get funny looking cars. Think bullets, not golf balls.

Reminds me of the EV-1, it had all this aerodynamic and lightweight engineering put into it. They Loaned them out to fags in Cali before calling them back and crushing ones that weren't going to museums. They could have thrown in a four-pot and had a stupid efficient car to sell.

I think it's just like Dashcams and Accelerometers like the Russians have.

They kind of did.

Evidence suggests otherwise.

Your video is claiming a bump of around ~2-3mpg for the dimpled car. The Aerocivic project saw jumps of around 20-30mpg in normal driving and close to 50mpg in perfect conditions.

Trump needs to modify IRS code 179 since it basically forces business to buy huge 6K lb SUVs instead of smaller more fuel efficient cars. The fact business save money on taxes by consuming more gas thus adding to pollution WHILE taking a huge deprecation deduction makes no fucking sense. Is literally welfare for land barges that get sub 20mpg. I don't got time to run the numbers but my guess is gas tax wouldn't make up for the difference in wear and tear on roads.

That's another concept though, the EV1 made it into production. Total number built was 1,117, only 40 were sent to various places while others got sent to the crusher. Over 1000 cars got needlessly crushed because GM were faggots.

And it wasn't like they weren't liked by the people who drove them. How many would have still liked it after it got retrofitted with a Traditional four-pot IDK. But they'd probably take that over having them crushed.

I understand it was a concept, it's labeled as on in the filename. I'm just pointing out the similarities in the bodywork and that if GM wanted it, they had a gasoline version.

I bet you drive a Honda.

Choose one

I know, I'm pointing out they had actual legit cars that were built, on the road legally already and more or less sold. All they had to do was fit a four banger from a Caviler/Sunfire/ or aSaturn where the old electric motor was (and cut out a bit of bumper so it would get some cooling, and change the batteries with a tank. Bam, something that can be reasonably sold or leased with service and parts for the drive train (and maybe keep a few on hand to pick for the unique stuff like body or interior). Or even a Geo three-cylinder (which they/Suzuki were still building at the time) if the 4 pot proved too big.

It wouldn't be perfect but would placate the faggot California (for whom the cars were made for) 15-year requirement for providing parts and service. Selling them would also recoup some losses (hell of a lot more then just crushing them) and generate good will by letting the fans it had keep them.

Never said they were m8, just answering the user's question about what surveillance equipment in vehicles would mean.

I'm willing to be it's more than just those two. GPS would come bog standard and linked directly into google's and the NSA's databases.

You never heard about onstar?
Other companies have things like that I bet.

Kill yourselves, you deluded fucking faggots.

I dont know. I really like the idea of fuel-efficient cars.
I went to the D.C. Auto Show in January, and was really surprised to see all the 2017/2018 cars having an average gas mileage of 20ish/30ish city/highway. I was certain the auto industry would have adopted greater fuel efficiency, given they design these cars a few years ahead of time, and no one predicted the sink in oil prices a few years back.
Also, while I'm not an over-the-top environmentalist, the incredible quantities of emissions from cars isnt good for the environment, and the technology and engineering for more fuel efficient engines is around and not much more expensive than any other engine. Sure, you dont get as much kick, but companies like Toyota and Honda have shown that you can still drive an exceptional car, while burning less gas.
I dont know, think of the frogs


Yes but why do the pubes need to be between your teeth?

You can get a simple OBDII code reader for cheap (or hell your car might have an on board diagnostic light flash if it's from the wild-west OBDI era) for cheap and even if you splurge you're only looking at around $150 (it's a deal when the pro stuff is 1000 for the reader itself THEN all the subscriptions for access to the various manufactures code data).

Though he's a faggot, a lift is overkill for someone who isn't a pro or getting paid to wrench on cars regularly. A good Jack and Stands should be something you have though. Also a good socket set, a few screwdrivers in flat head and Philips, pliers, vice grips and a filter wrench. If you need anything more then that, it's probably a stupid design (Integrated e-brakes that require you spin while depressing them make a simple pad changes a hassle when it shouldn't be), or you shouldn't be fucking with it.

Which one do you guys prefer?



I test drove one in 97 or so as part of a demo. I had never seen a digital speedometer before. Blew my mind. Thing had great acceleration give the giant battery.


Neat. While they popped up a bunch in the 80's and are starting to come back in vogue due to LCD screens being cheap they were a treat in the 90's. The entire dash is pretty funky (even though the air vents were fished out of the parts bin) and certainly lent that "Car of the Future" feel. Though I don't know how anyone deals with the speedo being in the center.

And while electric cars have a negative for each positive, they have unmatched torque delivery and the Single gear transmission probably helped out too.

Sage for not being political or Really related to Trump unfucking the auto industry.

mercedes benz and other manufacturers forcing more and more safety crap into legislation

this vid also activated my autism

honda CRX got 50mpg, on 87 unleaded not diesel

geo metros were dogshit, and so where cavailers, why drive a poorly put together death trap when cheaper used death traps that dont break down every 2weeks like civics and corrolas existed?

environmentalists seem to think the batteries that went into things and the new Teslas grow on trees or something and arent from anysort environmentally damaging mining processes with giant diesel powered dump trucks and a nearby coal powerplant giving the power to run the mining equipment
and they dont know the sheer amount of electricity it took to manufacture the aluminum that went into the bodywork

the ironman stewart knock off, duh

I'm still on my first car with power windows, and my computer is nearing 10 years of age. Like I fucking know what you kind of faggots deal with in modern cars.

Barriers to entry.

Checked like it's '99

a vortec 350 sbc will do the same with 15mpg or so depending on what its sitting in

kinda shit year for ford

you should see whats going on in the third world if you want bad traffic

I said it because I'm living it :^)

Is the safety crap Benz's doing? Though It would have been Volvo pushing it due to their entire deal now a days being safety, if I had to guess. I know they already fucked up the states with the 25 year import laws Which Cucknada is considering adopting due to the increased crash rate of LHD cars. Which is probably more to due them mostly being Skylines or such driven by rich kids. Though the visibility doesn't help..

If you ever need more proof that those people are just virtue signaling assholes, the electric car is it. The Batteries are all rare earth metals and an acid, not great for replacing something that's supposedly scarce. There's also the fact the Priuses primarily come from Japan on freighter ships (which don't adhere to any kind of emission regulations).
And unless they use Hydro, Wind, or Solar as their main electricity, they're using coal or gas. Not to mention putting a strain on the electricity grid, some of whom may be operating at capacity or having to import electricity. They're a worse car for the environment then a regular ass Corolla is better off all told, not to mention the Avalon or Camry Hybrid, which do the same damn thing but are made in America.

Also some fun thing to note is that despite being beaten to market by the Honda Insight (which actually looks good), it was the Prius that became the status symbol for people who "Care" about the environment, which is more proof it's more about looks then actually doing anything.

And electric cars were actually popular in the early 20th century due to not having a lot of the shortcomings of gas powered vehicles (which were quite a few at the time) but still the gas engine blew past electric in terms of development. Even when they had everything going for them electric still lost out.

That was part of it but a small one. A larger issue was safety standards that added huge amounts of weight and the fact that gas was so fucking cheap in the 90's (when I first started driving in the 90's gas was 75cents/gallon). Emissions equipment has sapped power and added weight, but not nearly as much weight as has been added by safety standards.

It's what the justice department thought they could get. They were all shakedowns by the DOJ. IIRC the Toyota money (and the other fines levied) are spent at the discretion of the DOJ and was at least partially funneled into left wing groups by the Obama DOJ, another "slush fund" if you will.

I've literally read normalfags saying "VW is built upon nudsee warcrimes!"

I bet you Trump cuts a deal with VW to build in America under proper scrutiny and the freedom build and design for the new law. Most companies would be reluctant to get into the new redesign even if we get this passed by weeksend. However, VW can make some lemonade and get to it (assuming they even give a fuck about making quality product). Build factories for American workers, who will know their cars are up to specs because they built it themselves. It's like pottery, the people's car. VW having an early heavy investment in high mpg designs would just be fucking gravy. Again, assuming they give a fuck


Lotta good a open wheeler'll do you, when it's wrapped around an idiot.

Be safe, user. Ride in a bullet.

Just buy an lpg/cng kit.

Emissions standards where good enough in the late 1990s. The EPA hasn't stopped ratcheting them up even through its accomplished its mission.

The EPA wont stop until gas powered cars are outlawed. Thats their end game. They already killed off diesel cars for the most part in the USA.

Are you paid to be this stupid?

VW's cars have too many electronics now, and the "AdBlue" scam is horrendous. They need to get back to basics and stick with what works.

It could look a lot less shitty, mate, and you know it.

Oh look, the jewish (((public transit))) shill rears his homosexual head again. Kill yourself.

Kill yourself as well. You are a waste of space.

Ethanol is jewish cancer. Raise prices of food to jewishly pour it into cars instead of it being edible as food, goy.

Dodge is good in that regard. Even with the pointless rebranding of their trucks and vans, they look just like the old ones, even if the Dakota went the way of all domestic compact trucks.

Your entire family mechanic lineage must have had nothing but niggers as your customer base for you to say something as retarded as that.

YHWH makes 50 million new barrels of oil every single day for humanity's convenience, amirite fellow Christian?

Emissions standards were never good. The problem does not lie with the car, but the city.

The Camaro has looked radically different every generation. What does a Camaro look like to you?

You're not helping your case.

The part that always killed me with emissions regulations was the entire idea of having to add $2000 worth of parts to a car that would try to clamp down on a few extra microfarts of carbon monoxide

It looks like a Mexican vagina now

My case is math and common sense. Nobody is drilling a mile and a half down into the Gulf for their fucking health.

I-you have me there. It's not just Chevy that brings back old names with bad designing though.

The 1984 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme did nothing wrong

Fuck off moloch worshipper.


Seriously what the fuck happened?

There used to be pools of light, sweet crude in Texas and California. Now they're doing deepwater drilling - what changed? Could it be that… Texas and California ran out of easily accessible oil?



It's everyone's fault except the fact that as we consume more and more oil it becomes harder and harder to find new cheap sources and we have to go to dirtier stuff with less of an eROI like shale.


You call it a box - I call it the machine of death.

Lack of aerodynamics means that if you strike pedestrians with it, they're not walking away lightly.

I miss the 80s

Right. Jews are hiding all the light sweet crude that's absolutely everywhere, you can barely drop a telephone pole without hitting a gusher. I'll talk to you about the banking kikes all day and all night but you'd really better read up oil and its role in geopolitics. Why doesn't Germany just pump its own oil - why does it have to buy energy from Russia? Don't you think Germans would love to be swimming in the stuff - and definitely would have loved to be swimming in it during WWII?

You sound a lot like me. I'm trying to save up $20K for a GPU cluster so that I can do backprop on some very large RNNs I have been working on. Mostly they revolve around meta-AI type goals and a LISP based language/bytecode that I developed to be easily programmable by AIs, as I am trying make a neural network that can reverse engineer other neural networks into human readable code and also do the inverse.

I just keep my rackmount servers in my bedroom since the garage is still filled with boxes that I never unpacked after my move out to the country

I wasn't like this in the 40's or 50's it was at least walk-able, nobody wants to live in the cities is the same reasons why whites don't use public transportation. Niggers are the reason.


Fuck that. What about the 60s?

Bikes are a great form of personal transportation. It's a pity our cities aren't 400 years old, encouraging walkability rather than burning the petroleum Jew.

Fucking kill yourself kike.

What exactly do you have against people getting exercise instead of sitting on their fat asses burning energy we have to get from the Saud Abomination?


Why don't you type like a normal person already you gigantic fucking faggot? It should be obvious, if you're not clinically retarded, that Texas and California are only pumping out a fraction of the energy they did during the Baby Boom era. Is that because jews are hiding the oil? Or is it because - we already extracted all the stuff that was easy and with a high eROI from those regions?


Where do you think you are?

Kill yourself kike.

You keep repeating the same accusation and I keep not caring. Either respond to the arguments, or - you know what why don't you just fuck off anyway? That would be great you cuckchan halfwit.

Niggers we give public transit back to Africa.

What's wrong, Chaim? Is it feeling a little warm over there? Feel the ovens heating up? Are you perhaps realizing your jewish shilling won't work here?

Proper english, please. You type like a pajeet.

Quick, tell me the subject of that sentence. You get one try.

Not an argument.

biking with public transportation is practically impossible because the space to hold it on a bus is limited and trains or subways don't allow inside the train. get out goon

The 80s had way better instrument cluster designs than the 60's

Gas gas gas

Doesn't change the fact that all those instruments are vulnerable to physical damage like you are, in one of those goddamn shitboxes.

Don't live in a commie state that requires inspections. Then you can just drive around with your check engine light on.

The fact that there are citizens of the US that have to take their cars in for inspections in order to continue to drive them still completely boggles my mind. It's such a Sweden-esque concept to me.

domestically produced Hilux now!


thats literally what the Tacoma is although with minor differences, also the Hilux is mostly a meme and not really significantly better than most similar trucks like a ranger or 4.3 S10

no real purpose when the GM LS small blocks can already built to have 500+ CI of displacement without increasing external size, the LS7 came from the factory with 427CI/7L which is larger than a lot of older big blocks

can be already built*

I just bought a brand spanking new F150, pretty much base model except with the old V8. Used a lot of Art of the Deal to get the salesman down to actual dealer cost. Some literature that I was reading is V8's, even in pickups, are being phased out in 3 years if they figure out how to make the twin turbo V6's stop exploding.

as long as it roars like a lion. these pussy modern cars make no noise

For some of us that's a feature, not a bug.

that's all in the exhaust system m8

With less-limited resources, I'd stick glasspacks on my trucks.

Urbanites ruin everything fun.

You seem to be confused. For some of us, loud, obnoxious noises are not fun and it has little to nothing to do with whether someone is an "urbanite".

Holy shit, I didn't know there were so many car-anons on Holla Forums.
Anyway, I'm gonna get one of pic related. American made, and good for trucking/outdoors stuff. Shit mileage, but I think it will teach me how to be more budget efficient in terms of calculating how much money I spend on necessities.

These are good as a single idea.

If those fucking super duty trucks were 2700 pounds instead of 12000 with the same engine, they'd be worth buying.

Nah, when you're under the hood if you're not going deaf what the fuck is in there

I love computers, but fuck, I don't want computers in my gas powered machines as much creep as is happening now. Whatever happened to a well built machine is somehow trying to be crutched by circuit boards and is pulling power away from the home mechanic.
Stop working on your car goy, and just let the nice macfag at Apple plug it in.

No one is talking about ghetto tier stuff. You NIMBYs are fucking cancer

It says a lot that you feel the need to clarify this.
Many people don't like noise noise's sake. Just so you know, this board isn't really an echo chamber for the personality that oil companies and Madison Avenue have created for you.

What do you drive user?

It's not a relevant question. Stop looking for fracture points and wedge issues like a trained goyim.

High displacement (2.2L+) I4s are a good compromise here. You get the whole range of whisper to drone all the way to roar. But this worked better before all the aluminum and plastic added an effeminate timbre to engine noise.

Stop being such a faggot that you feel you have to clarify Holla Forums's rules.

Nice spelling friend, are you even from America? Most Americans who work on vehicles could give a rats ass about Madison whatever but you're the one who brought it up

Fun fact: I don't actually receive a vacation, I had to give away some days just to get a three-day vacation this weekend I already have Fridays off anyway, but I usually work a minimum of 42 hours per week
I don't know what it's like to be as physically weak as you, but I do know the pain of a ceaseless fucking near-daily grind. Sorry bro.

If you weren't searching for a reason to be offended and lash out with every post when your carefully constructed consumer profile isn't reinforced, no one would be saying anything to you. It's not like you have anything interesting to say.

Sound dampening technology is largely unrelated to emissions requirements, the same for exhaust systems as well, there are already some ridiculously loud factory cars like C6 Corvettes that open up unrestrictive additional butterfly valves in the muffler under load for unrestricted exhaust flow.
You can also do simple modifications like removing a fuse to make them open and loud at all times.
t. corvette fag

ECU systems are perfectly fine and generally very secure unless there are wifi/bluetooth enabled infotainment systems on a shared CAN bus and require relatively little power.

I really just want to see iron blocks make a comeback. Aluminum blocks mean that with an overheat the entire engine is scrap rather than just the top half. Also you can destroy an aluminum block's cylinders by overtorquing bolts a little.

Admittedly I haven't seen the insides of a corvette in years.
What doesn't have an infotainment system at this point though? The more that gets put into cars in terms of computers the more security becomes an issue. If I can't see the insides then I can't trust it, etc. It is also a creep thing. It is only going to get worse from here on out.

Blocks/heads may have to be resurfaced but most aluminum engines are salvageable after overheating

never heard of this

Also seems like it would only apply to specific engine designs with head bolts very close to cylinder liners, and you are supposed to tighten head bolts on any engine only with a torque wrench which has specific torque/tightening pressure ratings.

If you're concerned, you can pretty easily disable/remove most wireless or CAN bus subsystems or features which present basically all attack points for intrusion, also you can just install aftermarket systems which don't have wireless/CAN bus connectivity without issue.

mfw pen testing cars is now a thing
the future is now

Not being able to go to the parts store and plug in an OBDII reader is so many miles beyond stupid that it should call into question your competence to even operate a motor vehicle.
The only difficulty, and this is a stretch of the word "difficulty" would be on cars made before even OBD I and if you don't know cars well enough to keep one of those running then please for the love of Christ just buy a ford escort and call it a day.

Not just this but android/iphone controlled OBDII dongles are usually like $10 can do all the functions of an OBDII reader, nor are usable standalone OBDII readers expensive at $15-50

Oh yeah, then what if you made it bigger, anyway?

You could but it would be pointless and inefficient as fuck due to the volumetric efficiency being very low, also likely wouldn't make much more power or rev very high with more rotating mass. Also the LSX454 and Vortec 8100 are already actual LS big blocks that aren't significantly more capable than small blocks and have a much smaller aftermarket parts selection which is what made the LS great in the first place.


Ethonal is mostly derived from Corn, which is shit anyways and subsidized to hell and back. Ethanol is basically alcohol made from corn and chemicals. Also I mentioned that it can be processed form trash which we sure aren't eating.

Now that Holden is kill I wonder what Chevy is going to do with the Camero. It's not gonna get a bespoke chassis because it'd be too expensive to devlope and couldn't be shared with the Firebird. It might also put it close to the Corvette and Chevy can't have that.

Get an older model if you can so you can fix it out in the bush. Also a short wheel base is better for rock climbing and less likely to get high-centered on shit.

Funny you say that, apparently those fags are planning on building a car. I await to see how laughable that is.

Also this thread needs more angry V8 sounds.

In 2016 they moved it to the Alpha platform that's shared with the Cadillac CTS/ATS and unrelated to any Australian design

didn't mean to link to

GM specifically said they wouldn't hold back the Camaro team when building the 2014 Z/28 even if it came close to the Corvette
video related


Why do you dumbfucks think Tay is an AI?

If that thing can push a shitbox designed with squishy pedestrians in mind at a nice and easy pace, how well would it push an automobile built out of all-american steel?

Most new cars are actually as heavy/heavier than old cars due to safety regulations, econoboxes included

A 2016 Honda Accord with an automatic transmission which would likely be the most common has a curb weight of 3543lbs, the lighter base model with a manual transmission still weighs 3170lbs

A 1972 Chevy Nova with a V8 has a curb weight of ~3300-3400lbs depending on options while the lightest base model is 3032lbs

Make Horsepower Great Again!

can not deny the dubs bubs.

Relevant thread:

If you were ever thinking of owning a new car, while having this board's history over your head, I implore you to reconsider.

Reminder that if you are especially paranoid, you can always use a aftermarket ECU/computer such as a MSD/Haltech/Megasquirt box and program it yourself, this way you could totally bypass or remove stock ECU/infotainment systems and still pass state emission/inspection tests since modern aftermarket ECU boxes have an OBD-II output
