New OC thread cause last one hit bump limit!

New OC thread cause last one hit bump limit!

Other urls found in this thread:

here's some fresh dank


you should probably just tweet them and put them on leftybooru unless anons say they want it on your site

Will you draw me as a kitty cat if I make a fool of myself online too


Maoist Rebel.

Nigger wtf!

Also Tripfaging.

WTF! nigger!

Tripping in an appropriate thread isn't tripfagging

Artist for the second pic here, I don't really mind.

Actually, it's a good reminder that I ought to be putting together my own stuff as well.

Why are you writing like a retard?

ahahaha good one.

Seriously though MAXIMUM it's good tier. I wouldnt really say that though, because Luxemburgism is okay tier, and Luxemburgism is just Anarchism with a consistent definition of the state.

This meme was improved by replacing the black army picture with more Lenin.

English isn't my native language, I rarely get to practice it (spoken) also I like that my broken English triggers some gay grammar Nazis, that's why I put no effort into bettering it.

i fixed it a bit

I just saved that Image from google it isn't mine.

tbh I would take out every authoritarian "socialist" ideologies to the nigger wtf are you doing tier.

But I like what Tito did in Yugoslavia.

fix it for ya comr8

perhaps reddit would feel more at home for you, friend

Ok I will make mine too.

miiao mao


this is pure cancer

what's wrong with the picture, i think it's more accurated than the vast majority of political compasses…

that's saying literally nothing

But anyway, identity politics has an explicit definition. You can't just call everything you don't like idpol. By which I'm not attempting to defend any particular stance mentioned in that image, just that it's retarded to call economics etc "idpol".

where do successful people that arent angsty faggots fit in

i don't see the big difference between socialism, fascism and feminism as they all have an identity (class,race,gender) and an "enemy" (bourgeoise, jews, machists).

Facebook. Fuck off.

that's not how it works you little shit

fourth column probably


The enemy is not the bourgoiesie, the capitalist system is. The enemy is anyone who seeks to defend it, which just often happens to include the bourgoiesie as a whole.

Someone's got memefied.

This. Enemy of Socialists (well, Marxists, at least) is the system, not the people.


bollocks, it's the same as if i argued:

admite it, class is an identity, and there isn't much diference between fascism, feminism and socialism.

that's why im a libertarian.

that is factually correct

so i am right, since both socialism, feminism and fascism works the same way at their internal "logics".

nope, feminism and socialism are based in factual reasons

find the 0 differences, protip: you can't.

It's just the female equiv of nationalism. Straight in the trash.

machism is a real thing that affects real people, capitalism affects real people

jews/niggers)foreigns are people who were affected bynot only machism and capitalism


try telling to to women who can't drive, go to school or get a well paid job, and no, your sehltered regressive feminists from the suburbs do not count

Why don't they count? Because they're existence is inconvenient to you? I can give tons of ways that men are discriminatied against based on sex. It doesnt mean we need masculinism.You can be for equality between the sexes without being associated with feminism.

well, it seem to be that your'e so stupid you can't compute how fascism and socialism are the actual same, but at least we both can agree of how socialism and feminism are identity politics.

because their issues are made up and not factual backed

literally not making any arguments

top kek

top kek

Socialism is about an objective relationship. If you don't own the mean software production you're a proletariat. Marxists don't view capitalists as evil or wrong. It's just a matter of the system having contradiction that eventually lead to authoritarianism and destruction for everyone involved the wealthy included.

You are aware that's just Lenin-Marxism and Market Socialism respectively, right?

What issues are made up? I don't consider myself a feminists because I don't really believe in modern patriarchy theory or shit like rape culture. I don't support the nuclear family or support traditional gender roles.

do you support women being able to enjoy the same right as men?

Obviously. Who the fuck doesn't? Like I said you don't need to be a feminist to support equal rights between the sexes. It's a a false dichotomy.

sounds like you could consider yourself as part of many ideologies, one of them being classical feminism

Okay. Let me spell it out for you: IdPol is subjective.

In the meaning it is used here (and the one you used) it refers to creation of an artificial divide where there isn't one. You can't have "bad idpol", if you don't have some other measure that you consider superior to it. And you clearly don't, since everything is "bad idpol" for you.

Current, common use of IdPol on the boards is used in the meaning of orthodox Socialism (Anarchism/Marxism) being superior measure: "Capitalism is primal Evil, that should be fought against. Everything else is secondary". This is why using IdPol to refer to the (proper) Left would be wrong, but not inconsistent if you consider some other measure to be superior.

For example, Nationalists can accuse Marxists of creating an artificial divide between the Proletariat and the Capitalists of one nation. This (from my PoV, as a Marxist) is wrong. But Nationalists at least have justification for such claims: that's what their Nazi theories say.

You, on the other hand, put everyone into "bad IdPol" box. This is full-on cargo-cultism.

Is this simple enough for you?

Here we go.

This is my Actual tier.

I don't think so. Its not a label I support. "Feminism" is far to broad of a category in my opinion. Like I said I'd rather not be associated with modern patriarchy theory or rape culture hysteria.

Sure, I don't like being associeated with any ideology eirthe, but thats just how it is



yeah you wanna fight me?






Artist for the third one, go ahead! I'm glad you like it, love your character designs!!


Oh yeah and here are two memes I made last thread.

Oh that brings back memories. This was the first of it's kind posted to leftypol 2 years ago now. How time flies.

All we are is dust in the wind.

Fuck, I remember making that image. I even extended on it later on.

You didn't post an argument.

the faggot here is you

any one can use a maymay of their choosing basically don't tell me what to do.

Also I dislike faggots that ain't gonna change any time soon.

Nope I ain't.

even tho I think your chart sucks I'm glad to see that we are building history together.


How are pirates leftists user? Should I take the rum pill?

I'm quite certain it's about thepiratebay-style pirates, rather than real pirates.



That's the PRK flag. Khmer Rouge (AKA opportunism) is under "Oh shit nigger what are you doing?" It's the picture of photos and busts of Pol Pot being defaced.

I suppose that starving is an identity as well?


Damn thats awfully close to the Khmer rouge one

The PRK flag, originally used by the Khmer Issarak, was created 30 years before the Khmer Rouge flag. The five towers on the PRK flag stand for the unity of soldiers, traders, workers, peasants, and intellectuals. Since the Khmer Rouge were unoriginal, they basically stole it, but cut it down to three towers since they hated traders and intellectuals. Also I assume rounding out the towers was just an aesthetic choice.


I always thought the symbol on the Khmer Rouge flag was supposed to be the Angkor Wat?

Minarets and architecture are inherently capitalist! Only single room mudhut domes allowed!

Yes, they both are. The thing is that Angkor Wat is typically depicted with five towers, since that many are fully visible from the front (even though two are damaged nowadays).

This thread sure got shit up in a hurry


It's because someone got the colour wrong.

I've always imagined syndicalist cat to have an Irish accent

i want liberals to leave

Posting this OC from the other thread

Its 127 billion now.

Top kek, I missed this. I may use the interview that inspired it to make a webm at some point.

Kinda did some stuff

check out this video i made on my shitty youtube channel it's american war crimes and stuff set to elevator music

i sent it to rexeh and he put it on the official leftypol channel too but the one there is lower definition cos i had to compress it to send it to him cos of discord's 8mb limit

also pic related is some old OC i made ages ago based on something i saw or somethin i cant really remember

fresh from the oven

renzo baby

pretty good


I need more Alunya reaction images.

One is not like the other


Up their own ass high on the smell of their jenkem, where else?

Lenin pillow humpers, Is this mukes ideology?

We need a version with hoxhaist-posadism as god tier and literally everything else as alien food.

well this is a shit thread as usual

since writefag user started humanising some of catgrill's catgirls, leninism cat most in particular, I've been thinking about using them in other contexts. Here's my doubt, though. She altered Rodina to be a catgirl. Should the new catgirls she made be altered to be human? Did this as an experiment, therefore. could go either way as far as I'm concerned

First leftypol post.

i want to make a "born to die" variant with a picture of le happy nazi and this text under it but I don't know how-





Is that you, reddit?


Somebody should do something with the Radiohead song Burn the witch. If you're not listening carefully it sounds a lot like Thom is singing "Burn the rich". (and even if you are listening carefully, if you're primed by some subtitles you won't be able to hear anything else.)


That would totally happen under Communism too though.

I'd love to see writings to give them some character but may as well keep them cat girl.

is that a human centipede

this has potential


Anybody able to make some good anti-trump anti-clinton OC thats nondenominationally socialist? I will print a ton and distribute at my college if its good but I dont have a PC to work on and am shit at designing things anyway


it's shit fam, unless it's a loss comic

current state of arts is socialism

What about this badge guys?

what does it reference fam?

You know, the frog revolutionaries.

not really fam, I'm from Holla Forums so I can't tell if you're joking or not, I don't know your memes, such as they are

What sort of thing are you looking for?

It's just a Kek seal, just trying to spread the faith covertly

I thought it looked familiar and more of our style

I wish Holla Forums had decent memes tho, I often feel bad for these guys

shit meme

make every figure black so race is not brought into it, it distracts from the message

will you kindly fuck off, Holla Forums.

You fucks need to know where you are fucking up

it can also bee seen as a gender thing too and the colors serve no purpose

you're pushing ideology not identity


normal fags don't get that, it doesn't resonate with them, all it does is place blame
normal fags don't even know who that is, I only know who that is because you fucks post him, what normal fag is gonna repost and spread a stirner meme?
fucking mascots for your board man come on

and whats more porky blaces blame vaguely, it doesn't ever name a specific bank or banker or jew or anyone, it's just a fucking spook is what it is

draw porky in the fed or goldman sachs or something

Kill yourself I don't worship memes.

go back to your containment board.

communism is a meme

Working on something, hol up

how is what I've said retarded?

friendo please

communism is a meme is a meme

indeed it is

I'm not a communist.

yeah you seem more like an anarchist communism is a better meme

the jokes keep coming

are you suggesting that anarchists can have a form of governance?

Are you suggesting that they can't?

Took me a while but it is done.

I finally fixed for accuracy.


Your entire "ethnonationalism" category is as makebelieve as austrian economics.

It's establishing an equality of economic power, based on the exclusion of identity and character traits, genealogy and heritage that is differing from yours, and somehow that will change the economic relations within your own nation.

Your picture of communism also shows the usual cliches (the very same definition that the liberals you despise, also have, by the way ("The state owns everything, and by the state we mean the state which it exists under capitalism").

It's about as radical and insightful as your random garbage 'mainstream rightwinger'.

2manyspooks in this post 4me


"Nazi" is literally a spook

Not even leftist, nor does it claim to be.

if this were actually the case, why would anyone want "ethnonationalism"? It's literally the worst option there.

This. There's literally no women there. Enjoy your "master race" dying out anyways, fags.

I didn't even notice that holy shit lmao

nazi ideal utopia confirmed for 100% sausage party

It is anti-fascist and has leftist portions of its membership.

You've just described most governments.

I am.
economic systems are way to cumbersome for me so I just use what ever the fuck is best for me.

Stalinism is basically Marxism put in rl use. Rest can go to trash.

you go into the bottom tier

the mark of a good meme is when normalfags don't get it you dumb fuck

I beg to differ, fash.

the ultimate currency then


that sounds retarded user

but maybe I'm operation under a false assumption, are you not trying to spread your ideology?

There are many types of memes, user.

Some are for spreading. Others are for use here on Holla Forums. Keeping them distinct is important. We already get too much unwanted traffic here. Advertise leftism, not Holla Forums.

right ok, but what memes do you have that advertise leftism then?

The ones posted on the facebook page? idk i'm not on social medias.

What do you think I am? The meme treasurer? The minister of meme production? Check the booru or something.

how do you anons propose to effect the world around you and spread your ideologies then?

Well for one, I have a life outside of Holla Forums.

well sure user

Talking to people IRL? Eh maybe i'm just stuck into "imageboards are for discussing things and (mostly) shitposting" mindset. Did i not see the Internet becoming a perpetual shilling contest? Were the slacktivists i used to mock right all along?

it's working out pretty well for Holla Forums and the 'nazi frog' all things considered and they do IRL stuff like chalking too

I felt compelled to make this. Don't ask me why.

fuck you i love it you fucking cunt


I never make OC. Hope you like.

this is literally 10/10 dude

I have an idea of what it might be, but what does the U mean?

This is pure gold.



breddy gr8

gud 2

Good enough.

top lel

Thank you very much for your kind words. Here, have this too.

speed meme coming through


rojava should be higher up tbh

This is phenomenal, you should make more.


Excellent tier my camarade.

I dare everyone in this thread to photo shop Rebel Absurdities face

fuck off, nobody cares about tripfags


Nice #s there.

aww he's cute

Nice dubs to you too comrade

Shit for the NSAbook page I forgot to post here

Since when is Kalinin iconic?

looks like milo yiannopoulos if he wasn't a massive fag

What's she reading, Holla Forums?

Chairman Mao Zedong.

The Ego and His Own





Meant as a joke/satire but I really like this one.

fukken nice

kek. Quality work comrade.

What does the "u" means btw


Didn't do it myself, found it on a anti-trot website.

11/10 brain-breaking.

Jesus Christ its literally me IRL, nice work comr8

Here's some dank Libre Software OC. A thousand hours in GIMP.

Pretty nice, although the red star should be replaced with either the GNU logo or the FSF logo.

stallman is a commie. though I agree, there should be some linux or GNU imagery somewhere. I just couldn't find a good source image that would fit in the gulag scene


Maoists confirmed for Shit Tier.

Here are some more images from Schnitz.



Bruce Willis I can understand, but Britney Spears? Lindsey Lohan was a much better option for the time frame.

No, if the times were consistent, it would have been Madonna. Bruce Willis is 80s/90s.

Here's market-socialist grandma
(the Hawaiian shirt is a reference to one of Richard Wolff's talks about coops)
also made a cat girl version but this I have too much shame in me to post it

Can someone who is good at 5000 hours on paint make a comic out of this genius tweet?

It's not even only drugs. People talk about capitalism being in tune with "human nature" while working in a system that requires workplaces designed carefully to keep you alienated, cities design to keep you from interacting with those around you in any meaningful way, billions of dollars in mass propaganda being spent every year, and years of constant stress, anxiety, suffering, and the naturalization of the "fuck others to get ahead" ethic.

plz senpai

Holy shit fuck off this is slowly becoming my life at uni fuck.


Is it just me or did the facebook meme page delete a bunch of old posts?

It's easy to do this to Muke "I don't read" Xexizy



Well the /turdposition/ists ever make an appearance in these comics?


How many layers of irony the do the second flag bears?

he looks like he's drinking Jenkem

Strasserism and Fascism fighting over who owns the label to Nat.socialism sounds like a good idea.

Jim Profit plz go. You're the only unironic Castroist I have ever met.

catgrill you grabbed rodina and alunya and completely reimagined them for your context so I'm grabbing your characters and reverse-engineering them back. I trust you won't raise any issues with the logic of it- you built the comic on two public domain characters as is, so your characters are surely to be considered public domain and be evolved as others desire?

anyways all this to say I really liked anarcho-hoxhaism catgirl and will likely shitpost doodles of trying to make her work as a stand-alone character, even if what she stands for doesn't quite make sense. Did you have any colour palette in mind when you drew her?

also do you have any names in mind for them? I'm going with the writefag's choices of vlada for leninist cat and jenny for trad-marxist cat, at least. Josefina for stalinist cat and Nina for Trotskyist cat I'm not so sure on since they're so on the nose. I mean, so's Vlada, but it's a cute name.

AKA the best drug after krokodil

also forgot to say I'm fine with you putting that comic up sure.

Is that a pigeon?



Glory to the revolution

I couldn't resist drawing her after seeing your cute pic!

I think she definitely needs the Hot Topic striped arm warmers though, to me that's standard uniform for a 16 year old screamy weeb. (n….. not that I've ever dressed like that before………..)

And I originally just drew the lines as if she were just blushing, but I like what you did way better because now it looks like she is impersonating Naruto which is FUCKING PERFECT.


oh fuck I put the wrong flag fuuuuuuck. I was working on Titoist cat and I just absentmindedly drew it into this pic.

let me fix it…. damn it. I'll never live this one down.

k now she has a bunker phone charm too!

Radical permissiveness! Let Carnival reign!

I think you'll be forgiven.

Nah. It's not like anyone noticed that you got Unruhe's uniform wrong.

w-what'd I do wrong on Kitruhe? ;-;

good stuff

I'll ponder names for her eventually, so long as I'm doodling her on class too. and the few others on the roster I like too

Even our artist is colorblind.

You painted uniform as deep blue - standard Western military uniform color, but I'm quite certain that uniforms's weird color is the real color, rather than poor quality.

It might seem (be interpreted - color is a social construct, yes - cultural colorblindness is a thing) as either blue or green, but it's neither. Soviet infantry officer's parade uniform (infantry got red collar tabs; aviation got light blue; militia had none) was blue-green (ocean green, I think is the proper term). Pics related.

That said, Jasonkitty is actually more "correct" about his uniform, unlike Unruhe. There was this Soviet equivalent of Military Police/National Guard that combined both militia's dark blue uniform color, infantry's red collar tabs, and light-blue shirt' (which Unruhe is wearing instead of white he should've wore, because he is a cargo cultist).

oh! That's interesting! I guess every time I've seen them in movies/photos my mind just automatically sees them as dark blue cause that's what I'm used to. Thanks!

I'd start a co-op with you~


finally a good chart

You got any ideas for what'd be the names for Anarcho-Hoxhaist, Fascist, and Nihilist cats?

These are completely shit, but thought I'd get the ball running and hopefully get some better ideas as kneejerks to these being so shit

All names thought from cursory wikipedia browsing, which is shit, so, you know. Someone suggest better ones.



I made this for you my friends. It's a lion, he is strong, like you!
Hope you liek it.

fukken saved

soviet santa>american santa

The guy on the 4rth pic looks like AIDS skrillex turned into commissar.

and if he dropped sjwism, stopped having aids and went full slav

I don't know what to put in the background for those help me out mates.

with hoodie.

I found this picture and felt I had to make this.

dropping some sergey

This should be a banner.

Phresh OC.

Please collectivize this meme for the good of the motherland.


I think those names are nice.


Pure autismo but nice dubs.

Excellent meme-able concept.

Not bad.

ok i guess

No concept, not funny, gulag for you.

Best one. 19/17

The missing icepick kind of defeats the purpose.

I want stalinismcat to be nice to anarcho-hoxhaism cat


Whatever happened to the guy making Capital entirely out of spurdo comics?

I like it. Hegelian sorcery is a good meme.

moar Hegel maymays




he is hiding in every dialectal turn in history

holy fuck, where did you find such a good photo of posadas?

in his family archive
i am sooooo eager to meme it nigga

just made this

anyone who wants to turn it into a webm or whatever please feel free. just go for it

he has a family archive??? where nigga?


Bunker-girl is my waifu

Also, give her a skirt again. Pants are revisionist

ayy catgrilldrawfag, here

fanart from a bunch of Holla Forumsirgin Holla Forumsyp drawfags

vlada proves catgirls are the key to bridge political gaps

nice, lenincat is deff the cutest one

so wait a sec. is this fanart that Holla Forumsirgins drew of your comic?

Yes, yes, I agree…

Now when is the next comic???

oh god Holla Forums found the qts?
they'll have a general within the week

no, I was directing the post at catgrilldrawfag, not
look at the comma

i wonder what will happen when Holla Forums and /a/ finds dis


to what?

To the threads.

Who said anything about threads?

Uh, where did they come from, then?


This is amazing fanart!! Thanks for posting it!!

Can you please not impersonate me, though? It's the second time someone has done that, it makes me sad. :(


OHHHH ok. Sorry for being an ass, someone told me someone was pretending to be me here. D: I guess you can interpret it two ways~

Changed a few pixels in the porky icon because they triggered my autism.

Now you can't unsee what's wrong with the standard one

The board owner will never fix this.

fascist: Ilsa

s-s-sorry for the lack of catgirl updates, friends. ;_; have had a lot of weird personal stuff happening lately. pls don't hate me.

You'll get only praise from me. Keep up the good work.

Holy fuck he looks like Ventura with a bigger nose. The plot thickens…

It is ok my fam
Lenin cat girl is top tier


You don't owe us anything! Everything you upload is a gift!

How could I hate someone that draws the cutest girl?

Relax comr8.

OK FOR REAL THOUGH when is Cartoon Network going to fund OUR show, now?

I'm still mad that Holla Forums got their own Adult Swim show. :'(




Probably referring to Million Dollar Extreme. Not sure why they're mad about that because it's a shit show made (read: cliched emulating of previously successful [as] shows) for edgelords.

nice! that's a nice surprise, wow! and it looks cool, too. we should do collabs like this every so often more, dunno, the end result is great

anyway here, classroom doodles and also another Holla Forumstard vlada drawing about catgirls not being real

as for us getting a show, we're still trying to wringe actual characters out of the designs and ideologies, so take it easy mang ;)

also a good name, although personally I'd prefer something more mussolini than hitler

Ah yes I can definitely see political illiterates relating to your cartoon. Very appealing!

It's still their own CN show. I can admit the show sucks, but I can't not be jealous.

No one can be as jealous as this guy though lol.

Very dialectical outfit, my comrade

What happens when a boy shows up in their universe though? How will our ladies try to win his affection?


You can post the comic earlier in the thread about Anarcho-Hoxhaism and Josephine. Perhaps with their permission you can post the comic regarding Alunya and Rodina not knowing the catgrills' names.

He was just a regular, apolitical, lower middle class boy, when a clerical error ended up sending him to Catgirl Academy.
Now he has to spend an entire semester surrounded by anthropomorphic representations of political ideologies, or go back to his job flipping burgers.
Coming to cartoon network next fall.
Rated E10+


LMAO yeah I had talked on stream about making the only guy a Red Pill type of dude who gets mad at all of them for not offering sex to him aka Elliot Rodger.

He could call all of them Stacys and cry about Chads taking his ladies, when in fact there are no other guys in the school.

oh my god this is perfect


This summer, Rob Schneider IS a catgirl! And he's about to find out, that being a cat, isn't as pawsome as he thought!

I misclicked again. I think my idea here is bretty gud tbqh.

I was hoping I deleted my post fast enough before anyone noticed.

For realsies though, I can totally picture Hoxha-cat being that one extremely clingy to the point of creepiness girl who tries to hit on the male lead with crappy homestuck references and showing him her deviantart account. I've encountered my fair share of those people

I think he looks more like Phail Fish

this was a bad post please don't make any more posts

I don't think it was that bad.
After all it is in the nature of political ideologies to try and seduce the public. Making it a harem manga could be like a metaphor or something.

i didn't think that post could get any worse but there we go

it'll obviously be a 12 year old boy and they all try to seduce him to ensure the future of their ideologies

/ss/ harem manga man, guaranteed audience

Hey, I was wondering if you could make a banner for /leftymu/. It's just a general for leftist music. Here's the thread:
If you can't, that is fine. I love your work, comrade!

CN is pretty bourgie TBH and Americans will be ULTRA TRIGGERED(tm) but yeah it would be nice. It would be the most politically incorrect thing ever.

Should shit on Feminism too, or all type of idpol TBH, mostly for shits and giggles.

Also, do you take donations?

I think neolib already makes fun of bourgie feminism

tito cat when

It would be better if there was an Fat Anfem or tumblrina cat TBH.

Also, anyone wondering what a Zizek cat would be like? We already have the Lone Wolff.


She breddy milfy tbqh.


that's really cute



That Alunya is really cute!



the obvious answer is shota dogboys representing religions


Vapourmemes are fun and comfy to make.

add your own photo to the Shrillery logo



Doesn't look like Wolff.
Needs more short sleeve shirts with open buttons.



Thought that you guys might appreciate this. It's the IFB after liberating the city of Manbij in Syria.


this is like the arab version of cheeki breeki


ahhhh!! that's so good! link to more of your work? (if you wanna)?

haha, thanks. i'm a big fan of the work you've been posting; it's lively, attractive, and just plain fun to look at. i keep a blog at, but i haven't been posting as of late on account of starting college


Make him to slowly turn into a mutualist it should be pretty funny

круто! ты из России?

They're frenches fighting with the kurds though (mostly)



Some studied pepe, courtesy of academics.

traditional exclusive relationships are cancer


Enjoy your AIDS.

It really depends on the individual. I've tried poly before and fucking hated it.

simply ebin :'^🍀🍀🍀

Made this thread for you

based user making sure OC thread doesn't derail


Her face looks pretty masculine in this one tbqh.

Other than that, its pretty decent.

that's the point retard it's a meme



On catgirl that would reveal a bit of cleavage. I approve.

Also requesting a lefty version of this, with the female possibly being replaced with a Zizek catgirl.

Actually, there might be allot replaced here, like a catgirl Zizek carrying a trashcan, saying ideology comes from there, mein gott, ETC.

Do you have a link to the paper?

Sorry honey, he HAS better genes than you

How dare they! >:-(

see thread

Somebody change Holla Forums to Holla Forums


My new one

Oh yeah and this

Halfchan /a/ is becoming more communist by the minute. At one point I forgot it wasn't Holla Forums.

Where were you when the wrens went commie?



Holla Forums would probably be the easiest board for us to feed ideas to, come to think of it.

New thread inbound?

Holla Forums is filled with Holla Forums anons just like every board
trying to take it will just get everyone pissed at both sides

New low effort shitpost that I just made.

why live?

You really need some new propaganda techniques, everybody's been calling bullshit on things like this for the last 80 years.










You should create a channel just for uploading cringe compilations just like the aut right does with SJWs.





absolutely revolting
What yt channel compiled this?



posting to unfuck due to errors