Pretty interesting hit-piece on us from an SJW who clearly has some experience with our community.

Hey guys, I know there's nothing we love to read more than our own press. Have at it.

Brief excerpt:

https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */4ep

Sorry archive is down for me ATM

Other urls found in this thread:

On whom? This isn't an alt-right imageboard.

Also learn how to break links properly.

That's why I put extra scare quotes around alt-right. We're not 4chan either, but this article is directly relevant to our interests, the guy who wrote it has been around since oldfag days and he seems to have a halfway decent understanding of what goes on here. He just draws typically insane leftist conclusions about it.

Then he's a goon.

The whole link can be copied with a triple click, it's ideal.

Actually, he admits being a goon in the article.
A lot of us were goons once if we've been around for long enough. Some of us got better.

It's not ideal, because there's no reason to include the http:// at all, yet everyone continues to do it. Plus they waste even more time by hiding it with black background. There's no need for any of this. Just remove the http:// and you're done.

You keep the protocol because in most cases it's https, not everyone uses addons.

One of his more "interesting" theses, while these two faggots argue about something trivial.

Why would you want to keep the secure protocol? Are you sending credit card information on the site and worried it's going to be intercepted? It will also load securely automatically.

Nothing excuses you from being a goon. You should have known better.

I was a goon before 4chan existed. You can fuck off lad.

you must be at least 30 then lol

guess you never escaped internet forums

It depends on how far back you go. I'm assuming you're familiar with the fact that 4chan started as an anime site for goons, who back in the late 90s early 2000s were basically just trolls. It wasn't until 2005 that lowtax started putting in cucky moderators and the board culture started to change.

It's funny because current goons still like to envision themselves as edgy trolls. You'll even see this attitude on goon hangouts like gamerghazi.

this meme is shit
and this thread is shit

oldfag here (my only claim to fame if you can call it that)

goons have always been punks, fancy charging ten fucking dollars to even post. and people fell for that. retards the lot of them

It reads like all the other garbage they write about us.

Overall the board experiences were very very different; if the medium is the message, it's interesting to note that 2chan is also known as a hotbed of "xenophobia and racism" towards foreigners and Japanese right-wing nationalism.

You're here forever.

I enjoy reading our own press, good and bad, and I know a lot of fuckers around here get a kick out of it. I haven't seen this posted yet so I did. I think this piece is interesting because the author clearly has much, much more experience with our culture than the usual hit-and-run journo.

I'm not saying they've ever been great people, I'm just saying there was a time before they SJWs. I'd actually equate early goons to kiwifarmers

check your URL OP there's a typo

Why does everyone here like to take responsibility for things 4chan does?
4chan elected Trump, not a board of less than 2k daily users.

Do you happen to be that SJW? Its ok you can tell me.

You have to go back.

Wew, how hard is it to recognize sincerity with a mask of irony?

The guy uses mansplaining as an actual thing. His opinion is worth less than shit.

probably because he's a literal kike shill that posts here.

I hope leftists never stop believing this.

Trips checkem

It went from retarded to beyond retarded the moment it mentions GamerGate. The fact they let their own propaganda they believe in destroy their analysis is why they're fucking up so badly in the last few years. Can't plan effective counter-strategies if you're too triggered by the content you're fighting.


Pity them, user; they have two choices. 1) Admit that Trump is a genius and played them all for fools, or 2) continue getting their shit pushed in in every argument from now on because they don't even have a basic grasp on reality.

Yeah the GG spaz-out section was one for the ages. He was regurgitating the Partei Line like it was a science. I've hardly seen anyone with less of their own opinion, and to be still mentioning GamerGate with that much butthurt is just sad.

It's weird to thing faggot journalists lurk here and get shekels for writing about it.
How long until they convert over? You can't spend any amount of time here without becoming even a little redpilled.

You. It's you, isn't it?

You 14-15 y.o. guys need to grow up a bit. Think you're cool, pissing on everybody who you don't recognize? You are all a bunch of small boys, period. As much as I enjoy reading Holla Forums, the childishness really bothers me. And I've been lurking for almost a year, since I retired- and have had time. -A happy, 55 y.o Woman who has "been there, done it". Ignore rule 37. It isn't so.

No, it's not me, because I'm not a flaming homosexual who thinks GamerGate was some kind of watershed moment for right-wing extremism like the faggot author clearly does. I just thought it was amusing to read because it tracks us pretty well while purposefully misunderstanding the most important parts of our collective culture.

I saw your post in the other thread too, literally fuck off, kike.

nobody cares about your shitty website and you in particular fucking spastic

Maybe you dolled the article up a bit for your employer, but you wrote it. Cut the shit.

OK you got me. It's me. Please, please don't dox me and find out all my dirty secrets and plaster them all over the internet! That would be so, so unfair, and obviously not the kind of thing Holla Forums does when it catches a shill.

So faggots. Like we've been saying. Idiot children who are dumb enough to give tenbux to a kike to post on an internet forum.

Neck yourself you little faggot.

I really feel for young anons out there, I got my piece of a mostly white America in the early 80s - still had to fight feral niggers - but nothing like today.
USENETS were proto imageboards. ONLY white people and the occasional Americanized Indian/Asian were on the internet. No women. No niggers. No Turd Worlders.

I could ask for a picture of a training course in a different state and a white user would post it - sometimes with his picture in it. We would mail each other "pirated" VHS tapes and free porn for postage - it was almost like a tip.

Not only whites, but computer literate real life :eccentrics white men shitposting from Princeton to Cal Tech.

I weep for the past sometimes, but like what I see now that leftist faggots are "the man" and natsoc is the counterculture. Fucking love it.

personally i'd rather have them kvetch themselves into a stroke.

He has better historical knowledge but he still doesn't even come close to understanding Imageboards.

He still thinks that we're a bunch of loser virgins who hate the world and love Trump because we can't get laid.

time to retire to the resting home grandpa

the new generation is here

Well yeah, what else is he going to do, take the redpill and admit kikes run everything and that the opportunities for young white men to succeed have been systematically and intentionally destroyed? That's not very healthy for a career in journalism, user.

"You can't make a man understand something his career depends on him not understanding."

Respect your elders you little shit. I was brawling with JIDF while you were sent home from class because you shit your pants after eating too much glue.

No I don't mean he doesn't come to the conclusions that we do. I mean that he fundamentally doesn't understand the demographics of anons. I mean the higher up's from Trump's campaign lurk 4/pol/ and even organize psyops there. It's hardly a place for virgin losers, especially when there's ALWAYS someone who knows their shit about any topic at hand.

He took the stereotypical jokes that we tell ourselves seriously.

I mean we're obviously a very well-educated; well-informed; and well-connected crowd… but there's also a lot of smart guys here who never fit in anywhere and are NEET or marginally/underemployed relative to their skills.

Why is this nigger talking about it in the past tense?

What also strikes me as interesting is that the author is clearly a liberal. And he doesn't see that it was precisely liberalism that created this putrid situation the world is in. He still thinks he is a part of the solution, when he and his ilk are the source and root cause of the problem.

It's not a meme, faggot. It prevents the host site of the link from receiving a referrer to know where the click originated. I realize you don't into protocols so next time shut the fuck up. Oh and yes the thread is shit.

I still don't know what a goon is. But it basically seems like a boogeyman to accuse each other of being to derail threads. Smells like typical shill tricks.

I know there are a lot of vets here and people with diseases/disabilities that aren't completely debilitating - but just enough so they can't wage-cuck or maintain long term relationships.

In the Normieshere, if you can't do 9-5 or at least 8 hours a day, 5 days a week for an entire year - you don't exist in the current system.

I have good days, and bad days, sometimes bad weeks. Humans weren't meant to be interchangeable wagecuck machines. If I could find a job that actually catered to my disabilities. I would. But there's not, because I am a white male, so I don't.

The largest "jobs program OJT" for vets right now are janitor and security guard. I am going to give it one last shot for the Emperor, at the State Department for a Veteran appointment (denying visas if I can't deport at the border). If I don't get that then I go SSDI and work under the table like taco-niggers and crash the system.

It's 2017 and Fortune 500 companies still require doctor's notes for the fucking flu. Burn it all down.

Fuck off Goon

SA used to be right-leaning, Lowtax even used to campaign openly for the Republican Party and show off his firearm collection.
Then he got addicted to prescription drugs and fucked off to his leaky mansion to fuck his asian trophy wife, and the cuck mods took over. Now it's a shithole where, for example, saying that the Trayvon shooting was justified will get you an instaban. I'd say anyone who stuck around post-2005 is probably a faggot, and anyone who stuck around post-2010 is DEFINITELY a faggot.

Read this then lurk for at least 2 more years newfag

please tell me you don't consider 30 old. 68 is old. i'm 31 and been on the interwebs long enough to remember my dad showing me drudge on the public libraries pc in the 90's. but it isn't old and we have a long way to go still. this fight will take everything we have

You have been already exposed.
There is no cure.
The ride never ends.
You are here forever.


t.Chimpire kike see, I can ascribe boogeyman labels for baseless reasons too, you stupid fucking nigger

So goons are just those SRS cunts?

Filtered btw

Lurk or fuck off. Nobody is going to spoonfeed you entry-tier community lore.

They were meant to work 24/7 for their survival…

Fucking false. The average medieval peasant worked a fuck of a lot less than we do today, and without the same kind of brutal clockwork rigidity, for the most part.

A midieval peasant worked all day. Sun up to sun down.

Like you fucking know.

Anonymous boards do collect a lot of isolated people, but in my experience the ones who have started to sort themselves out tend to be right wing while the ones who haven't tend to be left wing. In any case NEETs are a small minority. In my opinion it's the fact that they can commingle with normalfags without prejudice and inject their valuable autism into the consciousness where it can be actualized is the source of our vitality.

Yiannopoulos’ rambling “arguments” against feminism, are not arguments at all, as much as pep talks, ways of making these dis-empowered men feel empowered by discarding the symbol of their failure — women. As an openly gay man, he argues that men no longer need be interested in women, that they can and should walk away from the female sex en masse. For example in a long incoherent set of bullet points on feminism he states:

The rise of feminism has fatally coincided with the rise of video games, internet porn, and, sometime in the near future, sex robots. With all these options available, and the growing perils of real-world relationships, men are simply walking away.

is this true?

Fucking halfchanners. If 4chan is the final boss of the internet, then we are that final boss' final form.

Out of curiosity I looked to see what halfchan had to say about this shit article.

They seem to take it a hell of a lot better than here, which is weird

Read the thread. It offers better insights than here. I think 8/pol/ is currently flooded with newfags or something at this hour.

Shit I found it when it just opened because someone on AIM told me about it when I asked where he got some hentai images and gifs (which were harder to find back in the day) and they weren't a goon as far as I know. Goddamn there were shitloads of tripfags back then. I also remember there being a paypal button for a while because jewt was begging for shekels. Funny shit.

Over 2k-3k ISP lanes, you stupid nigger. 8ch and Holla Forums gets millions of hits.

I was cancer who barely got in after eternal summer back then. I never understood what the deal was until I dealt with eternal newfag summer 07' on halfchan. The feeling must have been awful so I'm sorry if I ruined a lot of your fun and USENET culture. And speaking of VHS mailing, anyone remember the VHS subbing scene? My brother was deeply involved in that shit. I can't believe how far we've come since then.

Not a single entity.

This is what happens when you over-analyze you Leftist waste of genes and oxygen.

Boy, they really think we "hate" women, instead of merely being disgusted by their unwillingness to participate in a stable, monogamous family unit and perform their evolution-given role of raising the future of our race.

Goons are full-on SJWs now and doing it for -10 bux.

The good thing about those all those articles is the fact that they always mention cuckchan, hatechan only get a small mention, which makes cuckchan our Jupiter, absorving most of the shills, goons, journalists, kikes and newfags who will inevitably takeover the whole board in the near future.

To be honest, i do hate the average modern 'womyn' of today.

Just curious

Yeah, that's right, you fucking left-wing toolshed. I've never suffered in my life. Being raised in an environment of deeply alienating religion; having weird mystical experiences my church condemned; having a friend or two at the best of times and none more often than not for years and years at a time - yeah that made me feel like I was king of the world. No suffering there. No loneliness, no alienation, no self-doubt, no shame.

It's these sections that really taught me to hate. I'm supposed to bow and scrape at the altar of their almighty victimhood but that I could know anything worse than a skinned knee never crosses their darkest imaginations. They deserve the war they're working so hard to receive.

Anons here aren't taking it at all.

In case you didn't notice, your OP has largely gone ignored in favor of off-topic discussion.

Kinda sad, but comforting in a way, to know that there's still alot of us oldfags lurking. I showed up during the habbo days before chanology. I remember the gold old days that fellow old fag spoke of. Before all of the bots, ads, and clickbait. The sound of a 56k modem screaming still brings a smile to my face.


That's because SJWs are the most pampered hand-held babbies our society has ever seen.

It's Leftist projection in action; SJWs are the original 'privileged'.

I don't miss the annoying and loud modem noises at all, fuck that.

Raids have always been fun. Making it a bannable offense is a sign of true cuckoldry.

Dubs confirm other user did in fact shit himself and get sent home. Probably multiple times

Lol I remember when /q/ got shut down because of all their whining about Holla Forums. I still miss /new/ though, it was way higher in quality and JIDF shills were called out on the spot unlike these days all jewfags falling for obvious shills.

No, if you remember anything 4chan was mostly slightly left wing at first although still mostly apolitical. The /n/ board was the only one that could be called right wing and it was slow as balls full of posting Wyatt Mann comics and legendary tripfag trolls. The best thing /n/ accomplished was being the board known for having the best trolls of all. What changed everything was the more we talked about politics without restrictions (free speech), the more we tended to lean to the right. I think that's what happened with 2ch too. I've seen countless internet communities over the years and the ones who allowed actual free speech meaning no banning anyone because you didn't like their opinion became or were right leaning because right wing opinions just always won out because the weight of facts and statistics always heavily favoured the right and the left just didn't stand up to scrutiny. On one such community (which has long since gone along with the geocities era) I remember being a massive leftist faggot until reading this debate between guys about how retarded shit like victim culture and white guilt was. It was long and drawn out but it was concise and convinced me instantly to the point I wish I had saved it. It just constantly poked holes in leftist logic like nothing else, only thing I could compare it to was something like the unibomber manifesto part on leftists but way better. For example, it goes on not only citations but basic logic like how using leftist logic of guilt, we should just throw entire families and their kids and so forth in prison if one of them happened to commit a crime despite not committing it personally. It just opened my eyes like nothing else before and there was nothing I could do to refute it because it was just a thorough wall of text with inarguable and flawless citations. It always really woke me up to the fact the left is the most hypocritical doublethink motherfuckers I could meet that is strongly out of touch (even Lady Rothschild had to call out Hillary and the Dems on this). Reality has this deeply right wing basis, if you look at the left, it exists mostly to achieve equality of outcome (think Harrison Bergeron) which is extremely unnatural and anti-reality.

He doesn't get it.

A Tor fag providing a post of substance? Color me flabbergasted, apology accepted. It's always funny - till it happens to you. It's one of the reasons I don't shit on Brit or Swede anons about enrichment - unless they defend it.

Well, he doesn't get the parts that matter. He doesn't get that Trump is a genius campaigner and strategist. He doesn't get that our culture isn't about failure - it's about, well, I think this quote sums it up.

That's what none of them ever seem to understand about us. I've been working since I was 16. I'm 100% positive this faggot can't say the same, and I highly doubt he's flat gone hungry because his job pays just enough of the bills that he can eat meat on Sundays and two meals a day the rest of the week. I think they build up this strawman in their head because it's more comfortable than facing up to the fact that after 8 years of Obama, the economy still sucks, and even privileged white people are working their asses off for shit pay. Shit I haven't seen a dentist in over ten years - I'm holding out okay so far! Fuck them. I'm not going to cry for them when they finally get kicked into the oven. They had every chance to learn and they chose to worship at the altar of their own self-centeredness every. Single. Time.

Dubs confirm we are the final form

Double checked. We're 4chan's 2nd loop.

Checked and kek'd at the savage verbal

I found it funny that he didn't mention our hideous racism in the article, but I guess that's just another component of us being impotent pissbabies or something. I know it was supposed to be really profound, but really all of the things he mentioned as being key characteristics of anons, are really just vague, generalized statements about young men. The thing is, young men (or really men in general when they get together) have always been antsy, restless, chronically dissatisfied and insecure. It's part of the human condition, and doesn't explain the particularities of chan culture anymore than it explains the Aryan migrations to India, or the 1848 revolution in Germany. He mentions the hikikomori and talks about hopeless young men as if it's some recent phenomenon. Well the Chinese have a much older word than the japs do for it; guanggun, or "bare sticks", bored young men with no jobs, land or prospects, and they've been the biggest cause of social fear in china for about 4,000 years. But none of that is really what motivates us on Holla Forums, who are the people he's really talking about if he wants to make it about Trump support. We aren't hopeless nihilists. We're the opposite. We're hopeless romantics, who don't truly pine for a world that once existed, but have a vision of a world that could be.

That's because multiple autistic mods kept track of ISPs. We would string them along to try and get their script - but for the most part it was babby shitposting. The real JIDF fuckers were/are good.

Ever notice how there will be a thread that somehow devolves into a canned "conversation" with no images, and no one responds to your effortposts? It happens way too much imho.

You sound damn tough user. Stay strong.

Shitlibs love to deny reality

beautiful user

Are you me?

Seriously, these self righteous faggots will find out soon enough snark is not what is needed for survival in the new age. Also, projection is revealing to those who can see.

A lot of people always ask me why I still come here. I browse more websites than I care to count, always have and I'm always interested in crawling for more and have for years and years but despite then there just aren't many communities that are like Holla Forums and most certainly not anywhere near as active. Almost every other major website is just unbarely pozzed full of faggots who get butthurt about literally everything. Holla Forums is the closest major bastion of the old internet I can find, the other being IRC.

And fuck captcha. When moot brought that shit over along with changing 4chan's frontpage to web 2.0 bullshit I knew it was the beginning of the end ages ago. Anyone who isn't on 8ch now is a retard or if they must they should at least post on both. I still remember the days before tabs were a thing so there's no excuse. At least there's no fucking captcha here.

I gotta admit though, a lot of 8ch boards are still unbearably pozzed like fullchan /a/ somehow manages to be more cucked than halfchan /a/. The model of creating your own board really doesn't work when new users keep flooding the static board names and coming here thinking it's like 4chan. I still think hotwheels made a mistake when he didn't create a static type chan and instead went for a usenet type model. But I can at least admit there are some pretty neat niche boards on Holla Forums and the customisation is pretty cool. I just wish new users weren't such complete retards when they come straight from 4chan post exodus. They don't even begin to understand how this site operates.

Ok. Everyone who complains about "reddit spacing" should be warned or something. That's not what plebbit spacing looks like.

This is

What plebbit

Spacing looks


The reason why raids are banned on Halfchan is because ever since Chanology Kikes and Alphabet boys have wanted to contain our power and influence.

We have the potential to take over the entire Noophere if left unmolested. I'm amazed that we've acquired as power as we have, despite their efforts.

It's never wrong to post this cap.

Leftism knows no passion because it's about controlling minds.

If you're talking what we're designed to do biologically, no, since before civilization took hold the average hunter would hunt for a 8-10 hours a week and be set. Once farming set in that changed, but farmers have an off season and spending all day doing physical labor outside is far, far different than strapping yourself to a chair for eight hours a day in a cubicle. According to a study I read a while back, sitting down like that for such a long period time is as bad for your health as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.

But you gotta earn that fiat currency, goy, or you won't have food to eat or a place to live. Honestly we really are Jewish slaves, whether we want to acknowledge it or not, their money system runs the world, and thus, our lives.

My point is just that if they're going to pull out the "loser virgin nerd" strawman, it's more compatible with left politics than right because of all the self hatred and helplessness.


Thanks user I enjoy the occasional half-effortpost when a lefty tries to write some condescending anthropology 101 paper on the chans

There's a huge difference between hating womyn and women.


shit niggers I'm almost 40

we've even got a few 50-60 year olds around
Its why were such a great think tank, we cover LOTS of different ages

I have yet to take someone seriously who unironically says, "people of color".

I still remember seeing some fag write "POC" on a news comment article and scratching my head. I asked said fag;
He then stated he went to Columbia and blah blah blah.

Just call them Colored People, CPs. Never use your enemies invented language.

Yes, one has feminine qualities while the other doesn't.

Person of Crime.

Spat on my monitor I laughed so hard.

This wasn't TOTSE, was it?

Btw, what's funny is that most people will recognize 'POC' as 'piece of crap'.


I recognize it as people of crime.

Satan confirms, Holla Forums has the kinda diversity that actually matters


ITT: nobody lies on the internet ever.

More and more I think that leftism is a mind virus that steals people's souls.

It'll get better as the shitposters are put off by intellects.

So many "you're no fun posts".
Nigga you just don't see the fun in the convos. You're a normie.

wew lad, could have just skipped all the pseudo-intellectual kikey pathologizing

It's pure escapism.

Thanks, user. If you really think about it, all these problems could be solved if people just lurked moar / assimilate but they never do. There should probably be a text in large bold highly legible letters in every community, culture, and country telling new people to lurk more before posting / living.

I laughed when moot called the JIDF out himself in his own Q&A back then. I thought it unthinkable considering what a massive faggot he was and he's an even bigger faggot now. Yet I still want to believe in Chris a little admittedly because you have to be a massive faggot to survive where he is today but I suppose it's fair to call him unforgivable. I hope hotwheels gets to run him over with his wheelchair over and over someday.

If we're gonna get all mystical and shit, I think leftists are still part group/animal soul, they haven't learned or are afraid to engineer a fully personal consciousness. They don't want to make their own decisions or take responsibility for it. So they willingly abdicate the rule over their own soul to the trends and fads of the moment, and oftentimes, it leads them face-first against a brick wall at 90 mph. Those who learn from history are doomed to watch those who can't do the same things over and over again.

The accusation of misogyny pisses me off. I'd rather be called a racist than a misogynist. I don't rail against minorities and Jews because I hate women.

Dubs confirm

Sometimes I honestly feel like we're different species.

Leftists just aren't people or even alive. I really can't see them as conscious beings.

The entire article is sophistry.

Same with professions.

They can't stop any incarnation of Holla Forums anyway. moot tried with all his might. Remember plus4chan's /n/ or 4chon /new/ (and I think it has a board here even >>>/4chon/)? Holla Forums or /new/ or /n/ is like a hydra. It can't be killed. It just comes back even stronger than ever. Their efforts are futile and all it did was make turn an internet hate machine budget build on dialup into an unstoppable Nazi firebreathing laserbeam eyes chainsaw wielding mecha.

It's a fucking medium post OP. That's a free blog.

This. They hunted large game like mammoths or caribou and had enough to last themselves quite a while. Anyone who hunts knows how many refrigerators they need to just to hold all the meat they can get off a single moose or deer kill.

I read the whole thing. It's communist babble. He's saying anons are a revolutionary class and are class traitors because they support fascism. Lets say this caricature of anons as lumpenproles is true. It's in their best interest as a class to support fascism rather than communism. They don't lack materially. They live in their parents basement which means they have housing, they have food, computers and entertainment. Materially they're better off than 99% of mankind that has ever lived. What they lack is something that communism doesn't provide. They lack fulfillment, purpose and belonging.

Cuckopher Poole actually had to restore our board every time he axed it because the fallout did more damage than when we were contained.

Wait wait, how does one betray a class via support of fascism?

What a clueless knob.

I don't know sometimes. I gotta wonder how much of life is chance. Talking just about white liberals here, I don't know if I would be liberal if I had grown up like so many of them do. Indoctrinated by the state from elementary school to when they're leaving college to believe in all of that garbage, many raised in single mother households without a father to teach them discipline, self respect, strength, and most of all accountability, combined with their entire social sphere reinforcing their belief system…..

I feel that I'm lucky to have avoided such a fate. There, but for the grace of God, and all that. I understand that we can have no mercy when the time to shed blood arrives, but man I, more than anything, feel pity for a lot of the leftists I see. They are consumed by self hatred, spite, and an ever spiraling victim complex. I can't even imagine how bad it must feel to constantly beat yourself up over imagined sins and imagined problems, and that's their life.

Reasons but mainly because communists don't think fascism is revolutionary. I don't think communism is revolutionary.

That's why we have to be the ones who win, brother.

There are two types of lefty:
The lost sheep.
And the wolves that devour them.

The right is literally becoming the only thing that can save those sheep. They are blind and lost.

Smells like bait to me.


another one one on us

The prick probably only did it to stir up outrage for clicks. Be sure to only visit the archived version so he doesn't get any money.


this right here stinks of a good who thinks he's smarter than he is and is explaining something he doesn't understand to people who understand even less. /fit/ goes into autistic detail about specifics, /r9k/ is the kind of place where 'wash your ass' would be considered lifestyle advice.

What a cretin.

Not even close to always being the case. This is a per-server configuration.

To hide the exact content you are viewing from your ISP and other interested parties. Yes, it hides the web pages you are viewing at the domain from your ISP. They only see the connection to the domain IP instead of being able to also map out your activity on the site by analyzing the packets (depends on the design of the website somewhat, but the difference is still huge).

You are an ignorant pleb and your sageing privileges are hereby revoked until further notice. Lurk for 6 years or KYS.

This is indeed an article targeted for anons. It's an attempt at demoralization, hence all the concern-trolling nonsense. Typical kike tactic; if the enemy displays conviction or a higher ideology (hell, if they're aspirational at all), dismiss it or pathologize it. Watch out for sliding arguments. Hence, the nazi party wasn't REALLY that popular in Germany, remember they didn't get many votes in the 1928 elections? Okay, maybe they WERE popular, but that was just because of a case of mass hysteria; people just went loony because the evil capitalist/nazi elites brainwashed them, society didn't really care about a set of higher ideals for upholding the race, it was all just propaganda. Okay FINE, those ideas really were popular among the German people, but that just proves what filthy fascist goyim they were and how desperately they need diversification and enrichment these days, for their own good!

Funny you should say that, there were some experiments done with magnets to suppress certain higher mental faculties (problem solving, identifying threats) that resulted in atheist and pro immigration beliefs. Triggers the fuck out of them. Hence a new pop science article every few months about how they are actually smarter because a web of citations that ultimately leads to opinion based on political ideology.


That's not even adding to the fact they literally think different because a part of their brain that controls consciousness, survival, and rational thinking is smaller, underdeveloped, and their reckless pathological altruism which should be rightly identified as a severe mental illness. It's a dangerous way of thinking that will get their families, nation, themselves, and entire civilisation killed. Like all those animals on Mauritius (Dodo, Red Rail, etc) who didn't fear or were cautious around humans and ended up being wiped out by them due to it and this isn't even accounting for history in humanity itself. Like how the peaceful San people, pygmies, and others getting genocided by the savage subhuman ugly Bantu niggers in Africa. The lefties don't speak of a word of it. Funny, no?

Remember, humans got their large brains by eating meat. Predators need to be smarter than something that munchies on plants and tofu curds all day all and our brains uses up massive amounts of kcals/resources relative to almost all animals.

Don't be fooled by the fake news of the media and its censorship of the dangerous of Sweden or be ignore the history of the fate of whites on Haiti especially the whites who cucked. Think, survive, live.


What is a goon exactly? Just making sure I'm on the same page, is it anyone who used to post on the old Something Awful forums back in the 2000s?

I don't remember if I ever made an account there, but I do remember the 'Weekend Web' piece was hilarious, and the P-P-P-Powerbook saga is something I will never forget.

A simpler time…

So is it the case that that community still exists and they are a bunch of faggots now? Are they some kind of Internet Freemasons that have subverted all sorts of websites?

The last time I knowingly worked with goons was during Facebook raids on Australian Memorial pages for bogans crashing into those dastardly life stealing unavoidable static telephone poles.

Nothing was off the table, except for what triggered whichever head goon was coordinating the op. You could easily tell if they were brown, gay or fat by whatever evoked a:

Articles like this are how I know kikes have reached maximum over-saturation in every nook and cranny of Tech, government, media and journalism. I can't remember the last time I read/listened to a new sci-fi/horror book that didn't involved anti-racism or faggoty for……reasons.
The Vice president of the United states flies to Israel to kiss kike ass, then the next day is performing manual labor in kike graveyards and lecturing Americans via Kike journos and kike media to "Pray to our kike overlords and accept the status quo as goyem".

I have converted so many every day white people by simply pointing out who the jews are and why they are jewing, it's so simple - but the jew will do everything in their power to make you afraid to do it.

Faggots doesn't really come close to what they are.

something that changed over the years just as the Anonymous identity has. Something Awful, which is where the whole Goon identity launched from, does pre-date 4chan, which is where the westernized Anonymous identity spun off from. Though, for the most part the two were adversaries because goons relied heavily on identity and status where as anons shunned it.

despite evolving politics, raids, trolling, snitching, etc the two were always at odds at some point. There are crossovers but there still tends to be a polarizations. Really the only people who feel affected by the differences are people who get trolled easily.

As have "Anonymous" on social media. Two sides of the same shit-coin that spun off from an older era of lovable internet chaos probably big thanks to CIAniggers anyway

in anycase this is a drastically oversimplified explanation.

also this

I love how 4chan became ebaumsword though. It's fucking perfect.

Thanks, this is fascinating lore indeed.

Anyone here ever visit the forum back in the late 90s/2000 ? I'm not even going to visit that domain as I assume it's some Jewish porn scheme, but back then it was the personal blog of this sort of proto-Internet eceleb comedian who basically just shitposted and ran a forum full of trolls. It's where I first saw goatse … :(.

Anyone know if that community merged with SA in any way? I have very little clear memories beyond what I just described above, was pretty young.

I love how intellectual Holla Forums and Holla Forums are becoming. 4/pol/ used to have nothing but "fuck niggers". Now we're having interesting convos.

I just remember, mind-numbing B4B0 text, AOL chatrooms were you can drive people to suicide/social engineer them for anything, and getting banned from Something Awful because I pissed off the wrong person with a comment.

To be honest I took part in so much destructive raids and trolling that got forums shutdown I can't even remember all the shit anymore. I get reminded only when I bump into old friends from highschool I trolled with, as in, using the second house line to coordinate with friends while on dial-up to fuck with people in forums/chats.

i think it's the hours tbh. kind of like night /k/ vs day/k/are. American shills and trolls are asleep.

Holla Forums created alt-right. I was here when it happened. Everyone needs to either embrace it's origins or shut the fuck up about it already.

Ho hum….

I spent a lot of time on IRC. Speaking of simpler times, did you ever post on the ACMLM rom hacking board? Guy who made the Mario 2 discombobulator (level editor for mario 2 NES rom). Basically an autism den for larval NEETs. Good times.

The AOL chatrooms were something else. The good old days of grabbing a few stacks of AOL CD-ROMs from the 7 11 and using them as ninja stars into traffic. I miss the 2000s

How do these faggots keep getting the chans so very very wrong? It's all about posting shit and giving no fucks in an anonymous environment. That's it. That's the core of a chan. And if I told that to every one of these subhumans they still wouldn't get it.

It's all very simple but their minds just fundamentally can't grasp it.

Christ. I've been religiously going on 4chan since I was 15 years old.

That's nothing, I'm a soul incarnating from the future into a past body (paid a heavy price for this) just so I can relive some of the best years of imageboard shitposting. This is the 3rd time, maybe you're a back-incarnating shitposting tourist / warrior of Kek as well, user.

Something to consider.

You are talking about people who cannot comprehend not having an identity attached to what they do. They do not exist without the masks they wear around other people.

If they took off their mask, they fear they would have nothing underneath it.

we didn't coin that term. The idea of fake conservatives, or as we call them now "cuckservatives" came from 4chan /k/ when we were fucking mind blown about how inept republicans were regarding gun control, and how one by one they all caved into it. We started trolling conservative groups on facebook for being phony as early as 2012-2013. Eventually that observation came to Holla Forums, and at the time there were constant "cuckhold" threads on Holla Forums, somehow all that shit got merged by 2014.

Before that Holla Forums was focusing on SJWs (basically being /cow/) while getting flanked by ISIS recruiters posting tacticool videos and kike shills constantly posting "X isn't white" threads. Best time on 4chan Holla Forums was during the Zimmerman trail, not that Holla Forums was without some victories, but most of the time it was a fucking D&C mess.

Also ISIS recruiters did frequent /k/ too, they usually posted videos trying to show off how "tacticool" they were. These threads were usually countered with mudshit fail vids until pruned.

then m00t went full-blown faggot during GG in 2014, b&s, rest is history.

I have dreamed about this for years.

You mean the NPCs that experience "ego death" while on /psy when the lies are all washed away and theyre left facing that their ego was atrophied and dead before they ever ate the mushroom. Fucking untermensch.

I did that exact shit with the CDs at my local mall. I convinced my friend to glue them to the walls in his room and make it look like a dance club (epic when the fucking strobe was lit). as for ACMLM I honestly don't fucking remember but probably, I was into PICs and assembly for a while during that time.

AOL chats and AIM was an amazing shitstorm for years, it was at it's peak on 9/12/2001. Shit-flinging fits between ameriburgers and europoors regarding unironic America bashing lead to the idea of trolling people with 9/11 pics even to this day. I was mad during that shit, but that was when I learned the true power of making people upset over the internet, and swore never to get mad again just disappointed

Both chans rejected the label as jewish subversion.

That is so fucking true. I have a friend like that. Well, wouldn't really call him a friend anymore. Some half spic I've known since 7th grade and still constantly bugs me. Go figure, he's a left leaning faggot. I just ignore him these days.


It all comes back to phoneposting. I visited a friend at the hospital last month and they had some Normie Apple Tablet, everything is pre-packaged and streamlined - your searches are artificial, they give you the info/pages that they ALLOW you to look at.
Then the Hospital had 4chan, Holla Forums blocked for "pornography". It took me till the 4th search page to even get to an article on the "conservative Treehouse" I was shitposting on.

These faggots unironically go on reddit to talk about their "Dark Web" purchases - with no VPNs.

They simply don't know what they don't know. They think Encyclopedia Dramatica will put porn on your computer, they prefer to go to "Know your Meme" or some Cracked shit.

They've never built their own rig, or upgraded the memory on a laptop they picked up at Goodwill, or sent fat chicks to their neighbors house for 12 hours straight from AOL chat forums because their dog shit on your lawn and because it was funny.

These people care what Yelp Elites care about their local Starcucks in between bragging about being promoted to Moderator on their Beard Care Fan Forum while sharing new "Wolverine" T-Shirt prints on Instagram.

Meanwhile, I used 20 free google phone accounts to prank call my 7th grade English Teacher for 10 years until last year when she finally paid to have Yahoo white pages removed the new landline number. And now that I remembered it I am going to to fined it again and prank call her by the end of the month.

Normalfags, not even once

100% this. It also requires a sense of confidence too as well as being able to handle critiicm from others, which none of these "what's a dodge-ball?" faggots can even come close to comprehending.

come to think of it, it was during Sandy Vagina that anons started to see the true form of fake conservatives.

ACMLM's board was a destination for ASM rom hackers, and the larger community existed on IRC (several different servers over the years, can't remember but if it still exists I would guess Esper).

The ROM hacking wizards were top NEET and I cut my teeth on programming back then by picking their brains all the time. One guy I knew wrote a C program that if you dragged and dropped a Super Metroid (SNES) ROM onto it, it would randomize Samus' item locations (bombs, missiles, rays etc.), but such that the game would still be beatable (item acquisition sequence dictates path through the game; need weapon x to defeat enemy z etc.).

sometimes we would take a stack from the 7 / 11 and then walk outside and immediately stuff them into the outgoing mailbox. heh crazy kids, what will they think of next

pick two

link breaking is a meme,
deleting the http:// part of the url is not.


y-you guys have been my only real friends for the past 12 years

And soon we will RWDS together!

I'm capping this user. I'm going to look back at this one day years from now and smile, just like I'm smiling now.

feel free too overlook this short form.

Your post's timestamp is nice.

regarding the article, I'm interested who actually reads this shit and takes it seriously. Seems like it's just going to funnel more and more people into anonymous forums and will help in redpilling people.

hard to be social when you're antisocial
it took me over 10 years to meet up with anons, and that was because of a Trump rally fucking TRS was mixed in when it was early on

you're gonna make it man, you just gotta work on improving yourself in every way

Imageboard people are the best people.

I actually met one of my girlfriends off anonidate back in the day, and she was a literal 10/10. Didn't work out, she moved to a big city here and turned into a leftist faggot. We still keep in touch every now and then, I can tell she still misses me. We'll probably hook up again one day.

But thanks for the encouraging words. I've fell into Bachelor Frog tier NEETdom at the moment, hopeful for a fucking Postal Service job soon.

all you gotta do is make her a slave to the D man

you're welcome bud
you don't happen to live in your car do you?

Post Office user, it's me, State Department user.

As soon unleashes the Federal Shekel machine I get my my job denying visas and "misfiling" non-white paperwork.

Be sure to "misfile" any time sensitive Taco paperwork addressed to the State department and I will do my best to sit on it even more.

We're gonna wagecuck America Great Again!

Nah, lost my apartment 4 months ago though.

Why does the government take their sweet fucking time hiring people? I got an official job offer at the Post Office in my city last fucking November and I still haven't gotten word to begin training yet. Driving me crazy.

I'd love to help remove Taco but I'm following the rules to the T.

I remember you PO user. Good luck with that.

Checking these dubs

you're spitting out a D&C memes meant to keep ppl off of TOR. Just call it what it is, kike shills using TOR.


all jobs require judgment calls user
remember that there is more than one right way and remember to return mail with insufficient postage through the longest path possible

make sure you're not confusing antisocial with unsocial. Antisocial does shit like trolling people online to drive them to suicide for lulz. unsocial means you're just not comfortable around people, though, the two tend to go hand-in-hand.



I hate most people and if I could troll the Rothschilds into suicide I would

you're gonna make it bud

Wasn't it Spencer's kike mentor Gottfried that came up with 'alt right'? Holla Forums didn't 'come up with' the counterculture that spawned here, but you can say this where it flourished given this was the refuge for people interested in waging war over gamergate. No that does not make me alt right however, sodomite.

Cuckservative as a term was coined on MPC

I would never consider Holla Forums or Holla Forums (((alt-right))) but we totally blasted our seed all over the internet and fathered it

these click bait websites need a buzzword boogyman to report on to stay relevant.

and 4chan is too much of a joke from scientology

4chan is our new ebaums world and it's a fucking blessing. let those faggots take all the heat.

i wish i was born 10 years earlier than my actual birth date so that i could have shitposted on acmlm's board instead of on super mario world central

Except we have natsoc already. There never was a need for 'alt right' except for people too gunshy about embracing our racial heroes. It's obvious that the people needing this label are cowards destined to get nothing done. That's playing out as we speak now that everyone of 'note' in the alt right has attempted to distance themselves from us yet begs us for support afterwards.


Isn't the (((alt-right))) the jewish pysop that convinced a new generation of awakened "Red-Pilled" folk to go back to sleep and begin cheering on zog politics?

I used to sometimes play Gunbound (the original one on Korean servers) with ACMLM way back. I found a way of playing that completely trolled/ruined the game (basically tunneling under players and dropping them into the void, plus team killing, which was awesome because it rekt their stats).

sage because super off-topic, but polite because good memories and also shout out to user who knows who ACMLM is.

It's how they are trying to corral us away from natsoc by offering a kosher alternative instead.

Still amazes me that he's actually going to deliver every single promise he made, just not when everyone's expecting it to happen.

Deliver on goy blood sacrificed for greater isreal, you mean?

All that Holla Forums ever has to do is to keep being right. We're dealing with opponents to whom language has no objective meaning. They consume truth like they consume food, but unlike us they don't grow any truth with which to feed themselves. They are animals incapable of sustaining their needs, so they happily leech off of Holla Forums while telling Holla Forums how wrong it is. Every one of the memes and ideas they try to abuse to the point of meaninglessness came from a source entirely outside of themselves.

Giving normalfags memes is like expecting an animal to farm for itself. It will eat what you give it, then starve.

Oh you're an endchan drone, got it

Is this the old le Holla Forums is satire meme?

At it's most basic premise, they created a word that they want us (their opposition) to see as an enticing box, climb into it and be labeled by our opposition.

Example. Some smalltown user running for election.

Don't let them label you

Didn't you and your mysoginystic alt right cronies troll families of dead Australian children online?
But but but, SPencer45324 said it was you
But aren't you PussyDestroyerCuckKiller1488?

None of use real info online and some haven't for YEARS. I have designated shitposting laptops and Normie computers. I don't have a real name or picture associated with any account I use.

Normies still think there is an Internet Police and saying mean things will cause your Cable company to end your contract.
Grown ass adults who should know better, who actually worked at AOL, who don't know that if you create a profile for your cat - and I create a profile of one of your friends cats - and you accept that friend request (depending on your settings) I can now see all of your posts, your friends and family posts and personal information and now I can Crazy glue toothpicks in your door keylocks at your empty house when you post real time vacation pictures.

I know forumposters who are so insane that they have 5 year old sleeper accounts that they maintain to try to get me to sell them rare stained glass I outbid them on 6 years ago, or they want my personal information so they can try and rob my house.

This is my mindset. I know I am vindictive and crazy, and I assume everyone else is until proven otherwise. Normies have no idea.

Trump has fuck you money and power. We have anonymity and experience. Alt-Right-Delete nigger.

Is endchan were the last few remaining non-jewish anons are forced to go?

If it were you wouldn't end up there, kike.

called it lmao, you have to go back

Been off of social media besides a shitposting twitter for like 4 years now. Feels weird, everyone is checking their IG everyday and it makes me feel alien. I remember life before these obnoxious websites and I preferred it like that.

Just remember dear user that pride comes before the fall. You should always seek truth, but if you assume yourself true 100% of the time you inevitably will be wrong 100% of the time.

glad to see i'm not alone

Surely the kikes are those jew shills astroturfing these boards into an insignificant cheerleading squad for zionist isreal.

Don't you see the stupidity of your bent jewish logical argument?

you sure have a hard time typing kike.

T. Gay Fortune Cookie

what the fuck are you talking about.

it's 4chan-tier trolling. just filter and ignore.

Any stories?

fuckin right

yeah its weird how it all played out
there's alt-right faggots on Holla Forums talking shit about Holla Forums right now even
they're ultra shit at arguing on the internet though so they are easily trolled with the basest of shitposting

hard to resist sometimes

Here? Kek TRS is so ass flagellated over their drubbings

Circlejerks depend on OC to survive, so like kikes they inevitably end up bitter and hateful towards those they feed off of as a matter of necessity.

One day I am going to effortpost an entire thread, but I grew up on the dividing street of Niggerville and Polish Civilization. Three story low income housing was behind my backyard. They changed the name of one of the cross-streets to MLK blvd when I entered 7th grade.

One block up led to an intersection of 3 different towns. My private Catholic school couldn't use our own park due to the broken glass, needles and niggers - they had to rope off the street for us to play next to the school like savages.

The tennis court was used for dogfighting.

When I was in 5th grade the biggest 8th grader in our school was doing his morning crossing guard duty and got jumped by two 17 year old niggers and they beat his face till his eyes were swollen and shut till he looked like Rocky.

Every Sunday afternoon the niglets would hunt white kids in their Sunday best in groups of 5-10.

That's a taste.

yeah here
>>>Holla Forums802190
>>>Holla Forums801739
honestly I have been putting the bare minimum of effort arguing with him to the point of using "u mad" and he doesn't even call me on that bullshit, the fucker just doesn't fucking get it and even tried using shit like "what are you 12" on me

So at least we know these IDs creating a internal dialogue feigning ignorance are pure jewish hasbara.

Anyway to repeat the statement that led to this series of hasbara kvetching was the simple statement that:

The (((alt-right))) was the jewish pysop that convinced a new generation of awakened "Red-Pilled" folk to go back to sleep and begin cheering on neo-con zog politics

I miss fighting TRS kek, I had a lot of fun. More interesting battles to wage now I guess.

I know that feel i said a week ago that i'd make an effortpost about meiosis and chromosome recombination and haven't delivered Sounds like it'll be a good thread when it's made.

same. i'm a son of polish immigrants to australia. since it's so hard to find a gf, i'm entertaining the idea of flying to poland and spending an extended period of time with my grandparents to keep them company

I miss it too, but I'm not sure how many interesting battles are left to fight
we memed a man into the whitehouse and only weak shills remain
what battles are left?
what is the dragon slayer without the dragon?

TBH that satiated by post Trump election lows. Easy target rich environment with literal DonaldRedditor followers with ZERO Bantz.

wait his mom was a coal burner too?

My uncle spent a year their working for a chemical company, said it was depressing as fuck and he could actually speak a little and understand the language. All grays and blacks with Soviet style buildings. The Churches and food will get you through the year, no niggers and Polish cuties to ogle.

Honestly shit is starting to come to a head. Getting Trump in the WH wasn't the end but the beginning of the struggle. Report here soldier:

/trs/ BO here It just felt like a purge that needed to happen. Way too much cuckchan overlap was going on, sort of what we're continuing to get with the HWNDU overlap. The memes that came out from that whole fiasco were absolutely top tier, JIMPACT probably being my favorite.

user, you have no idea how fucked his family is, here's a taste.

His WHOLE family is a fucking diversity spreadsheet

Very interesting. I'm trying to make hard connections between liberals and veganism, so far I think that it's a byproduct of pathological altruism open to an outer group (animals), combined with a liberal's need to champion a seemingly righteous cause and feel morally superior at the same time, while not really doing the necessary things to fix the problem (Providing viable alternative to industrialized meat production, or whatever). Mostly because they live sheltered and infantile lives.
`` Meat eaters are ```EVIL``` and ```BAD PEOPLE```. I'm so ```GOOD``` because I'm ```HELPING POOR ANIMALS``` ``
Does anyone has any observations or insight on this front?

No he hasn't.
He doesn't understand us one bit.
It's not because he posts "epic memes" that he got from a basic google search that he's one of us.

No he doesn't. He doesn't understand us and doesn't want to. We don't like Trump because we're nihilists who believe all his promises are empty, we like Trump because a lot of us are romantics and dreamers that believe America can be what it once was.

that seemed a promisign thread, will follow

christ that's awful
I'm not much better off, mom came out a couple years ago, brothers a lib who thinks my dads a sexist and coudl nto deal with Trump winning and 2 of my cousins are gonna be racemixers with fucking korean and taiwanese before long, eugene oregon is not much better than portland

Yet the libshits cant even turn their 40K-200K loans into a few millions.

Say what you want thisl aint bad all. Hell it even reminded me about a lot of memories. Good times for fucks sake.

Did you hate poo in loos and chinks back then?

user we got flooded with newfags like a month ago


Author is clearly a newfag. He doesnt even know the meaning behind becoming an hero


yeah you can still look that shit up on ED if you cared to

Come on, at least go full fringe with Kek worship and stuff. This article started kinda nice but then got straight up petty.

Fuck off dale.


What are you on, OP? Are you a faggot again? And here isn't even Cuckchan.

allow me to shill once more for trying for your archiving needs.

Can someone define the alt right without using the classical definition for the far right?

Well someones selling out for shekels.

I guess thats means nobody can define it.

Which begs the question why does their need to be a new name if we already had one that everybody understood?


this guy fits the "beta males who aggressively white knight and virtue signal tend to be creepy rapists and manipulators" meme. For example see the recent incident with Jamie Kilstein

memes go both ways, my friend

read the author's twitter and you see he fits this mold to a fucking T

Verbal punch. Leftists have been using labels as thought-terminating cliches and markers on their political opposition so as to makes others react negatively to those they label. Leftists use this because they are aware that their political demographic generally holds an unconditional hatred of conservatives, thus it doesn't matter what words they use when it comes to addressing political opposition. It matters however that this unconditional hatred is refreshed time and time again so as to reaffirm and gain ideological control of others. This effectively points the herd in a specified direction once a few of them begin to step out of line or get lost. These people don't treat following an accusation of bigotry with an accusation of racism as pointlessly redundant, they treat it as a sign that the accused is extra-incorrect/extra-evil. By the end of the decade we'll probably see something that'll replace "alt-right", just like how that replaced "neocon".

I miss the good ol' days of 2003-2008

In short Leftists are gossipy bitches.

SA always had a faggy, cucky tone to it. Right from 2001 when i found it it put me off. They just needed time to grow into what they always were.

its fans are faggots too and always have been.

It has the added benefit of making people extremely mad. But there really isn't a good, simple word that you can use that cuts straight to the heart of the matter quite so easily.

These are people whose beliefs have been fucked by a stranger and they may or may not know it. It isn't their wife that's gotten fucked. It's their mind.

Hence being on 8.

lurk moar. find out.

The beauty of our ways ensure you can and will eventually think for yourself. Don't ask the authority. Be the authority.

They will never "get" us. Some of us are NEETs, some of us are succesful businessmen. We all come together for our love of truth, sincerity and memes.

I have legitimately gone dark depths of NEETdom to a medical proffessional with a stable income, in part due to the haven imageboards were for me. Teenage years were fucking hell, got stuck wasting time on MMOs and other nonsense. Holla Forums of all places taught me to believe in myself, and I climbed all the way out of that hole.

No one on the outside can understand us, judge us, or predict us. We may never meet face to face, but yet here I sit writing things I have never discussed before.

im really nostalgic for that web 1.0 era, when the big thing people argued about was religion/atheism instead of politics. so quaint now. "The hole left by the Christian dark ages". the reason 4chan was vaguely lefty back then was because of two things, i think:

1) Mainstream conservatism just looked really retarded, with all the bible thumping and the satanic panic about dungeons and dragons, magic the gathering, and pokemon. in fact these culture warriors were somewhat analogous to SJWs, the main difference being that they didnt have control of all the 'elite' institutions like universities, they had control over the rural parts instead. and they didnt eat their own in purity spirals the way leftists do. so i think that caused a general perception that progressivism was good and smart and it was how you got out from under the thumb of your conservative boomer parents
2) the biggest out-of-touch faggots who could never understand internet culture let alone imageboard culture also used to be the mainstream conservatives. this peaked with that fox news report that had the exploding van and talked about how Lulz is a corruption of Lol which means "Laugh out loud". nowadays, these people still dont understand it*, theyre normies, always have been normies, and always will be normies, but nobody cares about that anymore now that we've got numales from the big city writing daily think pieces and hot takes about the evil alt right fashies from the internet.

tl;dr 4chan used to be the lefty counterculture to mainstream right, and now its the righty counterculture to the mainstream left

*could this be changing? every now and again you see an elderly conservative guy come in and take to Holla Forums user shitposting like a fish to water

i think of myself as a NEET in education–im in uni but i spend so much of my time being shiftless at my desk. i can vaguely pass as a normalfaggot to the other people in the math department who are actually pretty normie for some reason but i'll never fit in, i'll always be the guy who goes home and jacks it to monstergirl porn instead of getting a gf

gf's are rarely worth it user, i wouldn't worry too much

Mate, there were no chinks or poos back then.

The first time I met an Indian was at the hospital to have have skull worked on when I was 13.

I literally knew TWO chinks, actual Christian refugees whose father owned the only local Chinese Food Restaurant. The male would correct the nuns on their math method and dropped out of 8th grade to help with the restaraunt, he hated niggers too - since he had to make food for them.
The girl went on and graduated tops at the local Catholic High school and kept her legs together, she was beautiful and talked to no one.

My first interactions with non whites was army nigger dependent niglets trying to steal my matchbox cars on base, they didn't succeed. My first fight was against a Turk, I won, until his older brother stepped and threw me in a pond. But that wasn't in America yet.

It took me an entire 3 months before I fought my first American nigger on American soil.

from all my first hand experiences with diversity and multiculturalsim, I can say that niggers and moslems don't belong in western civilization and everyone would be happier if they lived/worked in their own countries, and only visited other countries/cultures.

Living in Japan it was nice to see 5 year olds walking home "alone" at night after their after school activities. I want high trust communities back.

There has never been a nigger society that "worked" without extreme discipline/violence to keep the tribe in order, whether it be the House-Nigger, the Chieftan, the HNIC or the high 100IQ high yellow nigger who plays the thug niggers against each other to step into the power vacuum.

the Italian Geistigerkampf in a nutshell.

That is a bit like how muslims see it; if there are other things in the world besides them, nothing is their fault. As long as there is one person not ascribing to their special snowflake ideas, everything will be the fault of the other.

Same here, it was one of the most epic of troll battles.

In the meantime I have no problem hunting down 4cucks, like TRSodomites they are both cancer.

It works for me

check em

The only cure for being a goon is a bullet.

me too. something about imageboards makes them eerily atractive. their semi secret nature makes discovering what is even more difficulty

Can do kiddo.

That's a very good summary of how imageboard culture has interacted with conservatism. It also helps explain why the Right in this country has always hit a roadblock, because it's fundamentally tied to both christian religion (not necessarily bad) and the conception of america as a freedom-loving democratic nation (not good). It's always put them on the back foot in regards to non-whites and immigration, because democracy is like a torn anus; it's a lot easier to keep expanding it than it is to suture it to make it smaller. I dunno, I've always felt alienated by conservatism in this country, and even went through a marxist phase in high school because of it.

He's not a Croat, he's a Serb.

t. Croat

I grew up like this user, and psychedelics broke it all apart and and allowed me to figure it all out for myself and get my life in order.

Luck plays a huge part in your weltanschaung. The human mind can be configured in many ways, and almost any viewpoint/ideology will seem to make sense to someone's mind.

I'm lucky I was able to get myself to a place where I've become much more successful, passionate about my life, and full of vitality.

i have seen this article spammed in many places. careful.

and that's why they'll always lose.

Just use archive to read it. The fag doesn't understand anything, he retreats into his cognitive dissonance shell as soon as the reality of Holla Forums starts to dawn on him. is owned by twatter, aka @jack the pedophile. Probably not a smart idea to give it your IP.

I think he underestimates the chans, frankly. For every r9k there is a functional, employed person with children.

Basically, he is the one who should grow up. The need for anonymous communication extends well beyond societal failures.

The twist is that the more oppressive they make the outside world, the more powerful chans become. That's basically why the chans are the SJW nemesis, despite the fact that most of us aren't even fighting them.

We're in this till the end, user. One way or another. May Kek grant us eternal victory, bro.

This is super /cozy/ to read. I've always had this thing for sitting back and listening to oldfags talk about the olden days, from their first hand experience of real life or web 1.0 (whatever that really was). I've been this way since my father took me camping with his friends and I'd sit by and listen to their literal war stories. So the chance to sit back and just read your stories is just utterly fascinating to me. I don't know you guys, and I'll never meet you, but thanks for taking the time to write these outs for a young man like myself. They were a joy to read.

Oh, and we're going to win this fight, come hell or high water. We're gonna win, and we're gonna make like pic related. It's one of my favorite quotes.

That was a fun thread. God, those chimpouts in 2014 were really something else.

just like the wehrmacht won battles using their generals' (Holla Forums's) knowledge and intelligence

Come on grandma post them tits, dont care if the milk is sour

All this talk of the old internet culture makes me wonder what the Japanese one was like. I don't think they were into usenet like us but they did pioneer BBS and imageboards along with ASCII art and emoticons (as well as "emojis", fuck emojis). Jim would probably know a lot about it.

Two things that fundamentally changed my life:
1. Internet Culture
2. Mein Kampf

I don't know if this is my first time in this time period or my hundredth, all I know is that I have a deep and unshakeable sense that I paid a lot of "karma" to be here in the position that i'm in.

It merged on /r9k/. You wouldn't believe how important /r9k/ was, it brought 4chan culture into the mainstream.

It also redpilled a lot of young lads on the nature of life, women and working. Or at least set them in motion towards finding bigger and better redpills.

Without it there would have been nowhere as near as much reddit cross-boarders.

t. 2007 newfag

I love how this Kike calls other people nerds as if he's one to talk.

you tell em user.
go ahead lefty, call us meek.
remember who inherits the earth


He has some understanding, but it is woefully out of date - at least 5 years or so, which is the last time that Holla Forums was libertarian in any meaningful way.

Essentially it's an accurate portrait of the moots of the world - who dropped out into the world of XOXO fest, chanology, and OWS when the rightwards zeitgeist of the chans left them behind.

He captured the irony masked depression of the past but totally missed the crucial transition to post ironic sincere smugness embodied in pic related

Why are leftists so obsessed with gamergate? I can think of at least a half dozen more interesting things to have come out of Holla Forums in that time - most notably the shazbowl - and even the fucking musical that came earlier hit up on the same themes in a more interesting way and didn't have us teaming up with plebbit.

It attacked one of the gods in theirs pantheon: feminism. Really, it was result of of various agencies trying to cover up their involvement/ their research into games as tools/weapons for whatever purpose. Ironically, if they would let it blow over as a squabble between internet nobodies we may have not been in this amazing timeline. Pic related.

That was lit

Guess he had no choice but to murder his entire family before he started a right-wing podcast.

Wew, you moved those goal-posts into ORBIT you TRS apologist.

No one in that position should hide their family, they have to go full Weev who isn't trustworthy and use their fucked up kin as examples of who they are and why they are fucked up.

But kike enoch hid his family and went full damage control once it came out that not only was his wife a kike, but a kike who promoted black Jimpaction diversity promotions and is a make-up artist for transexuals in the theatre, he has a half black brother supposedly from his coal burning mom, he has a rice-burning sister or sister-in-law and an actual cousin in Africa with a nigger baby.

He worked at some publishing house actually called "Pronouns" and lived on the East Side in an expensive condo and pulled in over 1K in donations every month.

He doesn't have to kill them, but he talked the talk and didn't come close to walking the walk, therefore nothing he has ever said/says has any weight and he should never be taken seriously.

Let me put it in kike-speak. Mike telling us how to be a nationalistic white nation is like Woody Allen telling fellow jews to stop fucking little Asian girls.


Wew, way to fast not to be a shill. Not an argument. The shill/shitposter will often accuse you of what they are doing, like current leftists/democrats.

Reported and filtered.

Please see.

this is how you deal with shills newfags

You are an SJW?


something awful user

He should have started with himself first

pride always, you ingominious cuck

but LF was such a fun forum