We've all seen it, the post suggesting the left is reorganizing to gain support amongst blue collar and rural populations.
While this is …ahem… unlikely to say the least, a good proactive offensive is in order. The blitz must be carefully prepared so that any half-baked leftist attempt to follow this line of thought will immediately be spun around and neutralized.
Let's address it point by point.
The Unions - Leadership is pozzed, but there are certainly a lot of Trump sympathizers on board, and I think with his ambitious projects for the nation they'd be crazy to support anyone else. Talking point. It would be in the best to repurpose this great mass toward the natsoc right, people to be targeted/investigated to make this happen need to be elucidated. Perhaps some incumbents could/are being swayed. What are the weaknesses here? What remains unseen? That's the major question.
The rural areas, something I myself have great experience in, stand to be a really sore spot for Trump. If he embraces Monsanto and the good 'ol boys of ag, that's going to cause a problem. While much of his base may subscribe to that paradigm, many don't. We want organic. We want permaculture, we want alternative food paradigms - ethical treatment of planet, plants, genetics, and animals - blood and soil. Were the administration to grant some kind of pilot status to these technologies, he could placate these people and make a lot of allies out of former enemies. He could be seen as even more progressive than I feel he already is. I'm sure some farmers here will disagree, but frankly, you're fucking idiots. No amount of topsoil loss is acceptable. No deadzones in our seas are acceptable. No CAFOs are acceptable. The more people see these ugly sides of agriculture, and as the trend of local boutique foods move forward; this brief paradigm will be relegated to the historical trash can where it belongs. America was made prosperous by her small farms, and Uncle Addy was wise enough to realize the nation had to be built on the like - small and medium sized farms, not large corporate slaves working machines and planting abominations of unknown ecological and dubious biological consequences.
Retain the former and pivot on the latter, President Trump, or you'll be sorry.
While the permaculture movement isn't exclusively leftist, the people on the right either lack any kind of spiritual, land-based movement; or refuse to engage. The works of Alan Savory, former Rhodesian SF, a guy anyone on Holla Forums ought to get along, and some contemporaries like Mark Shepard should be talked about here. This is the future of agriculture, and is currently a nascent science practiced by starving amateurs. Holla Forums could channel autism here and really get things rolling. Farms are just programming in the physical realm.
The agriculture issue is not tangential to the issue of 'climate change'. While many here can agree with me that humans aren't the problem, there is certainly solar activity that affects our magnetic field and influences events here on earth from temperature to earthquakes. This science needs to be drastically expanded, and will lend credibility to our government. The first major step away from living in a modified 1940's paradigm - understanding of EM resonance, fields, and their relationships.
Mark Shepard: Restoration Agriculture
https:/ /
Suspicious 0bservers, space weather and solar activity/climate change intro video, check out their channel too:
https:/ /
Savory may have drank the climate change kool-aid, but if you watch his talk you'll see it wasn't his first massive mistake - plus he's right about animal remediation:
https:/ /