Children allowed to delay the onset of puberty using hormone blockers


This is all getting to be too fucking much. How much more down the rabbit hole of degeneracy are we going to go as a society? None of this garbage is what our ancestors fought and shed blood for, yet here it is, being pushed as though it's completely fine.

Progressives love to use the term "normalizing" to discourage the behavioral patterns that lead to a stable society. Maybe it's time to coin the term "abnormalizing" as a response to that. I don't know, either way this shit has to stop.

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh god what

nice poorly formatted and shit thread

social media post with no source or primary source on subject

probably didn't see this thread in the catalog

Where's the source links faggot?

No source no play OP. Now either post it up or get the fuck outta here.

Nah, I'm good.

absolutely degenerate

pedos grabbing the lotion as we speak

they prescribe them to "trans youth" to suppress secondary sex characteristics to prevent further gender dysphoria
search karen selva

It's on a documentary that released just tonight apparently. Once it's up I'll try and webm a clip or so of it unless someone wants to do so beforehand.

Not op, but I had to deal with this shit as part of a psych class.
This is from 2015 and it shilled for this super hard. Tax payer money at work.

http:// www pbs org/wgbh/frontline/article/when-transgender-kids-transition-medical-risks-are-both-known-and-unknown/

Daily reminder that the average posting age on Holla Forums is 20-35
Daily reminder that these are YOUR sons, specifically YOURS (yes, you, the asshole reading this) that they want to transform into hairless, jailbait tranny sex slaves.
They think they've softened you up enough to make you complacent and that you will allow this.
How does this make you feel?

You also forget that this is a process that changing "gender" sterilizes the kid.
Also there wasn't a single voice of dissent in my psych class about this. I was the only one that brought up the fact that cross sex hormones were linked to certain cancers.

This is a great day for hebes everwhere as a new genre of porn is created before our very eyes. "Meet Amy. She just turned 18 today, but doesn't look a day over 12!"

And this will be exactly what they do to all of our children if we don't root them out and show them what a holocaust looks like when it actually happens.

Or do you like the idea of some fat kike tattooing a barcode on the back of your daughter's neck?

This isn't a new thing you retards. Kids have been able to use hormone blockers for years. And anyone denying that they exist in this thread is also fucking retarded.



Yes, and then the kid turns 35 and his growth is permanently stunted because his parents wanted him to be 6 for 12 more years, and now he looks like Billy fucking Quizboy.

delaying puberty should increase intelligence?

he dictated to Otte, ‘what the Jews would do with us if they were ever in power.’

Worse than Goebbels' worst nightmare.

Not only that, but they've been used on non-trans kids for ages to delay precocious puberty.

- Yes, this is physically safe.
- Yes, this is reversible.
- No, this does not sterilize kids.
- This is a better option than cross-sex hormones at a younger age, it gives potentially trans kids years longer to change their minds without setting an opposite-sex puberty into motion.

Everyone is also forgetting how much younger puberty is occurring at now. Puberty starting 2-3 years later than it is now was perfectly normal and not dangerous a century ago. Fuck, even a few generations ago - my mother flipped shit when my sister got her first period at 12, no one in the family had gotten it before 14-15 before her.

#TradYouth as a counter hashtag?

This will mostly be used on young boys to fuck them up for the rest of their life and destroy their chance of becoming healthy, happy white men.

That or #EndTransTyranny


Not surprised Vice is on this. I think it's a requirement for staff to have never gone through puberty and reach adulthood. Look at the founders if you need any proof.

This is wrong on so many levels I can't even begin to describe. It's pure madness. It's unethical, it's 100% pure degeneracy and reeks of yet more attempts at white genocide. There's no way in hell a kid can grow up normal if this shit enters his body.

They are actually creating sex slaves.


That's why I'm thinking the term "abnormalizing" should come into the right-wing lexicon as it addresses this dystopian horseshit being pushed.

This is all symptomatic of the perverse food industry, our food supply is full of hormones, its not hard to abstract that this is having a causal effect on developing children/teens. Tbh though I'm pretty sure you are soft shilling.
This is appropriation, basically the 2 steps forward one step back that marxists employ to subvert culture.

Fuck off shill, we gon fix all the issues, as the implications of a fixed government is a fixed industry; being that it's subject to the laws and regulations enacted by the government.

Ausfag here BTW, America plz don't fuck up


Shit dude, I need the opposite of hormone blockers. I'm in my early 20s and people think I'm still 16.

See your doctor about it, he can test your levels and if you need it potentially start you on TRT.

can i talk you into wearing a dress and dating me?

It's not so bad when you're 34 and could pass for 24 except on the phone.

"Katie just turned 18. You won't believe what Tyrone did for her birthday. Click here to find out!"

I'm not remotely "soft" shilling, I'm telling you that you're WRONG. You guys are retards on trans issues.

But even if you DO object to trans kids transitioning, you should be thrilled blockers exist, as they give kids years longer to back out without taking on any irreversible effects.

Which makes puberty happen SOONER, not later. Earlier puberty is generally more of a medical concern than later puberty, unless it's EXTREMELY late.

Again, this shit has been used for ages to delay puberty in kids. Any endo can tell you this shit is safe, and you're basically "old man yells at clouds"-tier fear mongering here.

are you this guy?

do you have any idea where you are or is it your first day on the job?

don't worry, it can be reversed after Vice writers get tired of the child they are having sex with

Nobody cares, tranny.

i never would have imagined she would be a caricature of a fat feminist.

Grew up fat, trying to live out the youth she never had through him. No need to ask where the father is I assume. Munchhausen by proxy. Can't we save him, Holla Forums?

it's actually a girl

sweetie do you want to play with this barbie or these toy soldiers? it would make mommy really happy if you chose the toy soldiers. "ok mommy ill play with the soldiers" looks like youre really a boy and we need to get you on special boy treatment at the doctor. sound good my little man?? "whatever mom can we go to the playground later"

i want to watch her/his mother be burned at the stake.

I'm a Kekite, but I'll Deus Vult to that.

not respecting kek is why you missed out on trips, faggot

who cares what they do they are whites
praise kuk

Kill yourself kike, we know your game now. You want to destroy white genitals before we can reproduce.

that first one is a prop

I'll be damned, I think you're right.

Theyre trying to keep their prey from maturing. The sick fucks.

This should be illegal as fuck.

I am genuinely curious and not shitposting in the least when I say that I wonder how long until we hear a story about one of these kids snapping an violently murdering the parent that subjected them to this kind of treatment.

Thankful that I'm 43 and my son is 17. Also disgusted that ISIS can't be bothered to go after Vice for being an abomination unto Muhammad. We really should do something about that. Maybe fake screenshots on social media with Vice's logo in the corner?


Those fucking (((liars))).

kek this is a less spooky and aggressive scenario that made me think of the little boy from Insidious whose psycho mom made him into her "daughter".

Another attempt by pedos to blur the line with apparent age?

People stop fucking growing in their early 20s. The longer you "delay puberty" the less time you have to grow into your natural form. Expect these poor kids to end up impotent, infertile, and androgynous.

if you aren't attracted to that, you might be gay homo boy


Stop it. Please meme responsibly.

btw quote starts at 2:24. Can't embed timestamped videos.

It's not neccesarily hormones in the food, just the sheer abundance of calories and other r-selected environmental factors lead to people expressing more r-selected traits. this is the cost of succes.

This pic always makes me kek

This obviously

My left brain-half screams "Degeneracy! Heresy!"
But my right brain-half says, "hmm maybe now for once we can actually see something beautiful & cute on screen."
Im talking gravure shoots though.
However, I dont want to immagine what if facial abuse ever get the hook on an "actor" like that.


back to leftypol with you

being attracted to that doesn't mean I want to see that turned into a porn whore

Why the hell would it?

Pick one and only one. Then kill yourself freak

the only trans "issue" is that kikes have convinced a bunch of dumbasses like you that transexuality is anything other than a mental illness.
get the fuck out

niggers go through puberty significantly earlier than humans and are also much stupider than humans.
I'm sure some user has an infographic that goes into more detail on the issue.

Hope that was just for show, distinct risk of ricochets for all concerned

Chemically keeping children underdevelopment is the logical progression of children-as-status-objects – sentient pets. Suffering them to be piano playing cymbal monkeys with half-arsed lessons used to suffice.

As sad as I am to say this, this does have some possible good applications. Children today enter puberty at much younger ages than historically, due to lack of physical activity and over-supply of energy(mainly carbohydrates) in their food.

Girls who do strenous physical exercise at a young age, like ballet training, enter puberty later. Same thing with kids eating good, healthy diets.

Look at it this way, do we really want girls to become sexually active at the age of 12? Children who are sexually precocious end up in more trouble than those who bloom later.

I know the best way is to make your children physically active, and only feed them the best of food, but I do see some limited application for this class of drugs for kids who develop too early for their own good.

this is unnatural

I rather be a wizard. That way my shit genes stay out of the pool.

3rd pic was a commie propaganda prop from after the war
note how uniforms are not fitting and not regulation, how the rifles are pointing at the wall and not the dude, and how the actors are sub-convincing in their roles
it was probably made to glorify prettyboy on the left

all they'll accomplish is the generation of horror stories that finally drive home how insane this trangender nonsense is

In males some proportion of testosterone turns into DHT, and DHT improves spatial intelligence at the very least. Without puberty, a child will never receive nature's hormone boost and fail to mentally mature into a normal adult.


the doc has such a nose…

What the fuck is the world coming to.

aren't there people who delayed puberty by now? what are their experiences and how do they look and think? what happens if you keep delaying puberty?

you really think you goyim have a chance to partake in the knowledge of the elites, gained through slow and painful experimentation on your kind?
see the thread on MK-Ultra
Boston Children's Hospital is one of the places

unbelievably strongly encourage group P to do this for the time being.

or maybe just go with the truth.
i like that better.


Ahh yea of course, one of the many benefits of single mother parenting - I'm still making connections between all the subversive angles these kikes come at us and realizing like now that I still treat some as mutually exclusive. I wasn't aware of the abundance of resources also had interaction with this epigenetic expression so cheers for that.

I've got Klinefelter Syndrome. My sex chromosome is XXXY, and I got ovotestes. I had a delayed puberty until I went on testosterone therapy and estrogen blockers a few years ago, and I began finally growing body hair and muscle mass.

The delayed puberty didn't really do much for me aside make me have weak bones and no interest in sex. I'm also sterile, so there's that.



Fuck man. I read a story once from a teacher that went something like this:

The kids (5yr olds or so) were told to sit on opposite ends of the room as boys and girls. One quiet boy sat with the girls. Now, this teacher knew they had to be careful since just telling the kid to "go be a boy" could be troublesome nowadays. So they took the kid out of the class and asked him, "why aren't you sitting with the boys, (don't remember his name) Aron?" He says, "Because I'm a girl." Teacher asks, "Why do you think you are a girl?" Aron, "Because I'm not a boy, I don't like playing dodgeball or or fighting. I like to read and I like to draw and stuff like girls do."

Can't remember rest of the story really but it turns out the kid was just confused and needed a good explanation. Teacher set him straight saying you don't have to like playing rough to be a boy. Kid turned out fine if a bit more feminine than most boys.

Seems to me the only thing these kids really need is a good explanation of what the fuck is going on, since kids are retarded. The kid in your video probably never got a good explanation, just yelled at. Or in other cases the parents just immediately accept it or even promote it.

I dunno man, my kid screams into the street about genociding Koreans and Jews. I'm ok with the mistake I've made, its been amusing.



"Children's lib" is the next evolution of liberalism after "women's lib." They made your women whores of the state and your enemy, now they'll make your "free-thinking children" your enemy for suppressing their inner desire to be the opposite sex.

A future of regretful "boys" with tits and high voices at 16 who are moping around submissively saying "I made the choice to be chemically-neutered", facing a life of being a hole-toy for the likes of Milo.

This will only encourage people to continue to act like kids even more now than they already are. I can already see (((Them))) using this to further control and conform the masses to do their bidding and prevent us from improving humanity and society as a whole (or rather, try to fix it).

It's bad enough we see countless adults still act like children in this day and age. They see and hear what their parent(s) went through, and say "fuck that" and just do whatever the hell they want, regardless of the consequences as long as they get some short term pleasure that either feels good or satisfies their nostalgic addiction. Doesn't help that most parents of these millennial adults grew up as lab rats to the indoctrination process we're currently experiencing and fighting back in our daily lives today, but that's a whole other story. Most millennial adults are either afraid to actually be adults, do not know how to be one or be independent, or try to act like one and fail miserably (then there are those that get redpilled and try not to give into the despair at seeing what the world and reality has become). There's nothing wrong with indulging in some things you used to enjoy as a kid, but like with everything, moderation is fucking key. Also, at some point you have to look at your life and say "can I still do this? Should I still be doing this?", especially after seeing what's been going on in the world. What this drug would do is make that choice even more tempting for adults to say "yes" because fuck responsibility, advancing, and all around experiencing life and overcoming pain and harships as a FUCKING ADULT.

This is why we need to continue fighting, even with the victories we've been getting so far. Our enemies won't stop until we're completely subjugated. We need to ensure the generation that precedes us doesn't have to experience this or at the very least, be ready to continue the fight after we leave this world.

One can only take seeing so many friends and family become man-children before realizing something is wrong, and save one's self from falling into the same fate, and wanting to do something to fix it

So kids can consent to this, but not sex? Or is that next in line?

tbh if the kid is trans better they grow up to be a passable/reasonably attractive [fake] grill than a fugly one

Tranny children don't exist. Munchausen by proxy does.

pedosex is definitely next in line. they will try to normalize their own crimes by propagandizing ordinary folk into think it is the cool progressive thing to do. they'll even have their 'experts' write research and reports talking about how sex with kids is really good for kids.

you will not believe the lies that are coming.

when every tv show and movie has some special snowflake trans kid that gets all the attention. and when society gives special benefits privileges and protections to trannies.

then all of a sudden half the kids want to be trannies now because that's the latest fashion.

no, the kid isn't pursuing his own trans interest, he wasn't 'born that way', you fucking leftists conditioned society so that kids want to be trans because that's the new hero.

the only way to stop this shit is to erase the intellectuals and professionals and texts pushing these ideas. they have to be erased from history or else civilization is just going to collapse under degeneracy.

Degeneracy (especially sexual degeneracy) is a terminal cancer OP, all we could ever hope to do in the best case is slow it down. Only God can actually stop it. He will, too.


not as such, no. Puberty blockers (GNrH agonists like Lupron) can be discontinued (even after being taken for years) with no adverse effects on fertility. Absent any subsequent interventions, the patient will then go through puberty according to their biological sex, babby-forming capabilities intact. That said, staying on puberty blockers for an extended period (5+ years) can cause problems with bone density, but by then the patient is usually mature enough to decide whether they want to move on to Hormone Replacement Therapy or go through puberty as their biological sex.

You're thinking of androgen blockers, like Spironolactone. These can cause permanent infertility after a couple years, but they're taken after puberty blockers, when the now teenage (16-ish, ideally) patient is mature enough to decide whether the chance to have genetically related children is worth the expense, distress, and often permanent disfigurement of going through the "wrong" puberty.

Thanks for the clarification.

I've met someone with a hormonal condition similar to what this would do. Reversible is a loose term, they become fat and severly socially stunted. Ultimatly they did opt for trans but by then they were too effeminate for male to be a viable option.

Although liberals do love prolonging childhood and creating social outcasts.

Makes sense. If a boy takes these he's not gonna be able to compete well in any sports, his voice won't drop and he won't gain height so girls aren't gonna want to date him, just be friends. He'll become more feminine and at this point it's too late, his whole life is fucked. It's a self fulfilling prophecy.

this is the single greatest problem we are facing today.

when truth is gone kids must find their comfort from lies.

sexuality is being used t0 weaponise them, turn them into demons, materialists, hedonists, pursuing sensual gratification.

fighting verboten, no hierarchy, cant fit in, constant passive aggressiveness and mental tension (stress) exists.

give psychologists the reins to the tubes and they can engineer the curriculum to create an army of sjw sociopaths who cant think straight

you mean pedos. If she looks 12 and hasn't hit puberty then that's pedophilia.

Holy fuck, this is a day old post but I personally wish for the author of it to be boiled alive


every day we drift further from god's light

wouldn't this have monstrous effects? puberty is when you finish growing, what stops children without puberty from growing until their legs collapse?

Why thank you Schlomo, what fools we have been to oppose your degeneracy. Delaying puberty is good goyim!
Fuck off kike.

Fuck off shill. 41% of them attempt suicide. It is disingenuous to say that is all due to persecution.


this is terrible they can cause growth stunting brain development problems and cancer including sterility and permanent loss of libido

This is flat out not true. There are many documented reports of males growing upwards of two inches anywhere from 25-32. White races are late bloomers, period. Girls getting their periods early and hitting puberty early is due to synthetic hormones polluting the environment.

Also this.

And those sick fuckers tell these fantastic lies.
We don't even know the full consequences of blocking puberty, hormon therapy for children yet.



What's even the point of doing that?

wew, looks like you hit a nerve. Have an upbump


Whoa buddy. Looks like you took a wrong turn. Halfchan is that'a way. >>>/out/
Eat shit you fag enabling kike. We aren't interested in taking tranny problems seriously, we are only in seriously dealing with THE tramny problem.

you know what to do then

Fucking infuriating. All of the greatest artists, philosophers and academics throughout history have been men. I wonder (((where))) these kids are getting the idea that creativity and a thirst for knowledge are feminine traits? Thank goodness the teacher was sane enough to set the kid straight.

I know, right? Everything is, effectively, manly. It's really just a distinction between an Athenian or Spartan (in their most basic forms, i.e. physical v. mental). Nothing is a woman's or has ever been except for cooking and cleaning. Funnily enough, in the case of the prior, a lot of the top chefs are men, and in the case of the latter, are use of technology made them obsolete.

you're retardedly articulate, but you're also right.
if stats reveal an increase in the quantity of trannies in the future, it will reveal itself in full as a cultural problem.

and that cultural problem has a cause:
the what or the who.


Sort of legit.

Want fuckmeat throwaway shitskin slave: Feed GMO chicken and other animal products pumped full of steroids from early age

Desire transcendant waifu princess: Put on hormone blockers as tween to have your nubile queen

kek you should go here in the philippines. kids in college look like kids from grade school i shit you not

If we look at animal studies their legs do grow too long and the skeleton doesn't function correctly in movement. Different growth plates close at different ages.


When the sex hormones are removed, the growth hormones are missing important regulatory input and the bones continue to grow longer than they ought to. Studies have proven this to be true (Salmeri et al, JAVMA 1991).

Chris Zinc DVM PhD DACVP explains, “… if the femur has achieved its genetically determined normal length at eight months when a dog gets spayed or neutered, but the tibia, which normally stops growing at 12 to 14 months of age continues to grow, then an abnormal angle may develop at the stifle. In addition, with the extra growth, the lower leg below the stifle likely becomes heavier (because it is longer), and may cause increased stresses on the cranial cruciate ligament.”

I feel like this webm is relevant, since it covers the glorification of youth and ignorance.

I'm fairly certain I ain't having kids, but if they try this shit on my nephews, rip and tear will happen.





Remember when as a boy you thought girls were gross? Now kids of the new generation can feel that way. Forever.

That's exactly what's going on. Oh fuck this is sick.

I thought that if boys are delayed puberty then their cocks don't ever develop (even when they stop the hormone blockers).

Girls without fathers get their puberty earlier ? Shitposter, are you in a single mom household ?



That post gave me feels.

Check'd and kek'd. Who memed smug lolis into reality?

Pedo here. This video made me sick to my stomach.

Lovely day for the end of the world