I have found two illegal aliens being "employed" by a city that need to be deported

I have recently found an article dated back to August, 2015 that was about two illegal aliens being appointed by the Huntington Park City Council to a couple of city commissions. Here are the details:

>One person has actually met Julian Zatarain and confronted him about his status here. (youtube.com/watch?v=QzpFVpFF6AI)

Considering that Trump is now President and ICE has finally uncucked itself and started doing its job, I am hoping that these two can be arrested and deported back to their countries of origin. Illegal aliens have no right to be on any city commission at all, much less be here. It also very hard to find any more personal information besides their name, age, alma mater and their job experience, so if anyone could help dig through the Internet for more of their info, that would be appreciated.


investors.com/red-flags-of-corruption-over-huntington-park/?ntt=Julian Zatarain


I bet you there are more illegals in similar positions that need a friendly 'background check' from Holla Forums.

Have a bump from your fellow Right Wing Deportation Squad member.

Report it to ICE

Okay, will do.

We should find every single illegal government employee, publicize it and report them. Then laugh as ICE vans them.

do it and report back if anything happens please.



your doing keks work user, godspeed.

3rd time ive been 1 fucking off in this thread

…okay… how the FUCK are illegals appointed or elected or anything??? How does that even happen???

B..Buh… muh… selling oranges on side of the road.

M..Muh jobs no other American wants to do.

Bull-fucking shit.


Hope you boys take that education, return to your country and make it suck less.

Like, okay, I kind of understand if they were brought over here by their spic parents and went to high school here and maybe even college. But being hired BY THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT?

I come from a small ex industrial city in New England. In the 70's/80's there was a bunch of legal and illegal immigrants started showing up. It coincided with factories and mills getting shut down in swaths. Crime went up. People started moving out.

Here's what they did. The legals would use EEO to get jobs that they were not qualified for. They'd then do what they could to get white workers fired from their jobs by starting trouble and doing other shady shit. Since this was before people really knew the kind of shit they pulled, so nobody really saw it coming. When they got into management positions, they'd hire their illegal relatives. They'd run for government positions and get voted in by legals and illegals (since no voter ID laws) and on and on and on until the fucking mayor of the city I'm from couldn't pass a basic literacy test.

Does the one on the left have to go back?
He looks white

Are faggots fudge packers?

The one on the left is Julian Zatarain.

user you need to write up a little history with names and spread that shit on sm. also report to ICE

Why hasn't this become a thing tbh? Like /hwndu/ or the pizzagate saga. We can make succient threads that dig and document illegals in the country, particularly prominent ones that are engaged in local governence, attending higher education and the like. Marco Hunter user is a good example. I would imagine a lot of anons wouldn't mind working together on such a project. It's less mentally taxing than pizzagate and actually achieves something unlike hwndu shitposting.

Narco* hunter

from sinaloa

lynch the gangbanger

Sounds like ICE needs to investigate.