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tl;dr King Nigger used the 2007 Crash and resulting "fines" to funnel money directly to far-left groups by "strong-arming" (likely in on it) Jewish banks into making donations to places like La Raza.

Do we get to hang king nigger now?

Good little leftists love to die in screaming agony for billionaires. It's all they've ever been good at and all they're really useful for.

Wait. Hasn't La Raza declared militaristic intentions on the United States? And doesn't this constitute aiding and abetting an enemy?

Could we push this all the way to treason charges?

So when does it all go down? This, the clinton bullshit, the shadow government larping, vault 7, soon the hammer has to fall.



It's Unconstitutional for one, but whether it's blatantly illegal is another matter. Of course King Nigger and his entire State Dept should be hung in front of the Washington Monument but to catch them in the act or catch them having done something illegal is trickier, especially with the leakers still scooting around the West Wing.

We need dox on the people and organizations involved. They need to be burned to the ground. The entire process is taking way too long and I'm honestly starting to doubt whether the Trump admin will actually drain the swamp as these kinds of things should have been of the first kinds of shit he had taken care of. King Nigger needs to be strung up by his neck and the Clintons need to be executed via firing squad.

You gotta find out who did what before the hammer drops. Supposedly this fund was just found out about today.

Once the FBI gets off our nuts and commies stop getting bourgeois money, the Oklahoma city bombing is going to look like kids shit.


You mean International Jewish Bankers' money funding groups to attack the white working and middle class. Obama and ZOG are just their golem to hide the hidden hand of world Jewry.

Put that fucking criminal nigger away, preferably under the prison.

Bump for, the nigger is about to come off the golf course and start talking nigger shit. We need to throw this illegal shit in lefty cunts faces.

Here's a good cuckchan explanation of why Trump is already pursuing legal action on this. Supposedly the administration thinks it could start a Civil War. I don't think I buy that but I wonder what is stalling the inquiries into this shit.

Why Trump isn't* fug


I Obama operatives have even limited access to NSA data and programs it would explain the wisespread and disconnected nature of the leaks that have been taking place.


This is larger than water gate, and yet the MSM refuses to even acknowledge how bad it is. This timeline is getting fucky.

probably true. obama has not respected anything about the peaceful transfer of power. hes now back in DC in his "bunker" (((community organizing))). hes filled the government with his marxist cronies and is now undermining the president. this is what happens when black people have power.

never again.

There are several organizations that include "La Raza" in their name. So whenever you call out somebody for being involved in one of them, they act shocked and say that they have nothing to do with those other La Raza organizations. The name is pure coincidence.


Yeah, this would be bad news for the corporate media and international Jewry. They won't cover it until they have to.

Well, shit. They better impeach Obama, then!

So dox them and burn it all to the ground says one hitler to a mega hitler

I buy that. Think about how assmad the lefties will get when half of the Democrat establishment gets thrown in the slammer? Think about the riots nationwide?

This has potential to justify the next phase aka DOTR.

And this is why you should always use opsec. You never truly know how connected your adversaries are.


Lefties derive their power from the money and connections they have. Do you honestly think these shitlibs can hold anything without their lifeline?

The bigger point is that Trump should start encouraging extra legal enforcement of his will on these fags. Pinochet did very well killing a few thousand mid and high level leftists in his country, and I believe Trump can do the same. All in all, about 5-10 million leftist may need to die, but its worth it. Take away the laws and criminals (which leftists at their core are) are on the same level as everyone else.

Stop it user, I can only get so erect.


Herllo Mr.Alphabet agents. I hope now you understand how badly things are, while you were tasked to spend your days hunting ghosts on the internet, you were too distracted to realize what we have been saying for at least a decade. King nigger is traitor who since the start of his career absolutely hated the United States and all it represents, he has been literaly fomenting and arming an ENTIRE ARMY of domestic terrorists funded by the tax dollars of the people that nigger wanted to kill, white people.

But go ahead, tell me how "White Nationalists" are a great danger to the secutity o the United States or the jewish community wich ironicaly owns almost all the net wealth left in the country. You didint liten to us the "dangerous lunatics", and the country was taken over by radical leftists hellbent on destroying it.

huh, I didn't know lefties has spine inside them

bump for dotr

Trump doesn't even have his cabinet in place yet. He is trying to consolidate power at the moment, and won't be able to do anything like that until after he is secure.

Come on let's get this going is the feels I am getting from everybody. People want blood badly.

Theft you say?

9/11 you say?

"I'm the underdog fighting da man"

t. leftists, liberals, and Holla Forums

This. Unleash the JSOC task forces on leftists. Have them take out the key nodes in left wing financial, logistic, leadership, and ideological networks. That'd be enough to do major damage.

More like paralyzed by still not having his full cabinet.

How is this shit legal? They obviously have some kind of legal justification for this shit, so what is it? What is their defense?

Gibes me dat, cracka!

It's highly illegal. They're just untouchable due to political connections and how embedded they are in the establishment. They don't feel they need a legal defense because who's going to take them to court.

Leftists have long-running support systems in place to support domestic terrorists. Look up weather underground and their connections.


For a current running explanation.

Fucking savage.

Fuck me. It's like King Nigger and his (((handlers))) just went completely all out with absolutely lawlessness, to force Trump to NOT go after them. Because if he does go after them, King Nigger actually has to hang, along with hundreds of kikes. And if Trump tries to hang a nigger and a bunch of jews, the left really would riot and start killing every fucking white male they see in the streets.

And on top of that, the birth certificate provided has been shown to be a fabrication. What a timeline we 're in lads


Her work linking to Bob Cramer and Italian Flatbread Gate should be more widely known. the "Jan" congressional operative could well be a certain "John", allowing for the accent described.

More like start bombing federal buildings. That's the MO of leftist political extremism.


Fuck that. There should only be one punishment for treason.

The nigger got away with the biggest political con in centuries. He must be brought to justice.

He should go for it. The right-wing white american populatious is the most well armed in the world, and the most well prepared for civil war.

They own the wrong things and have no usefull skills in such a scenario. They also through out this entire conflict have to manage niggers, that alone is burden that could potentially fuck them over. Their best in terms of what they can muster is the Berniebros and the "dirtbag left" (leftypol). They will of course also hire mercenaries, but from where the Blackwater CEO is loyal to Trump, the Oat Keepers are loyal to Trump, all of the milllitas will be, who wants to fight that for some kikes?

In addition to Trump lacking his full cabinet, he has an almost autistically patriotic notion of saving everyone he can including his opponents. Trump doesn't want to start a civil war even if he could (and obviously would) win it, because that means killing a lot of people that he thinks could be brought around, and sending a lot of his loyal men to their death fighting. It's the same reason why he wont support calexit, he'd rather try to force california into reforming itself than take the easier route of lettig them self destruct and clean up the mess with white workers.

A true ruler uses force to add his enemies to his own fortune, not to destroy them unless absolutely needed.

Trump should go on offensive with this. Appoint a special prosecutor. Call it a biggest con job of American history.

An allegation (do not say it himself, but have it leak) that 55 security experts agree that persons close to CNN were also profiting from the the scam, would be gold - CNN would be forced to defend themselves, thus start talking about Obama slush fund;)

Reminds me of this speech, he was talking exactly about this, how obongo and his nigger goons fucked up, and how all the measures and criminal acts they passed will be used against them. Obama is arming up for a war he cannot win.

This explains where the left got all of its cash to buy weapons after the election. Obama might be arming a left wing revolution! BEWARE OF THE SPRING OFFENSIVE!

Caesar too was know for his mercy to his old opponents, he forgave almost all of them. After achieving power he was stabbed to death by those same people on the floors of a public building.

I was gearing up for 50 million but I guess we have to start somewhere

holy shit it's a thin person drinking diet coke. TRUMP BTFO


So you mean to tell me Obama funded a group which goes around telling white people they aren't allowed to reproduce because having kids is racist? That means hes indirectly responsible for promotion of genocide and can be executed legally.
The UN would never do it on our own, but if we spend 2 years pushing for a mass campaign to execute Obama under UN genocide laws, we might make a big impact by demonstrating hes funding antifa as a side effect.

on their own*

Also, he has that program where he forces blacks into white neighborhoods only because they are white, and pays like 3k a month in rent just so they can afford to mix with whites in the area. He legally should be executed for genocide, cut and dry, no argument to be had, he funded a group that directly pushes for whites to not exist.

Only if you really really want it. Only if we really put an effort into showing that yes, he is responsible for funding groups that advocate the abolition of the white race and petition the UN and direct a lot of attention towards getting him executed. Even if its not a legit attempt at having him executed because the world doesnt work according to laws but how Jews want and the Jews would never allow it.. it will still be a propaganda victory because it shows both Obama is funding the radical left, and that ANTIFA is for white genocide. If everyone knew ANTIFA was about getting rid of white people entirely, they might be more prone to.. "resistance"

We do not deserve Trey Gowdy. May the Emperor protect him.

And Octavian, his "son", became emperor


Why nobody check'ed them?

ya know.. ive done a bunch of reading up on this thread…

I cant for the life of me figure out what the fuck shareblue is

is it an ad company?

does it have something to do with sockpuppets?

Prepare for the bloodshed.

Gas up those meme engines lads we need to remind the God Emperor that the only way to lose is to pr cuck.

No.. its the same judaism as always. The only difference is in this timeline the kikes cant not get btfo.

So this means ANTIFA has access to the NSA lists of white nationalists… as in "the list" that pretty much everyone here will be on unless they have tip topsec.

Dubs will protect us

This was always the threat we lived under, now that they're being forced to act on that threat it loses much of its potency. They win through instilling fear and inaction, not by winning a war straight-up.

goddamnit with all the happenings. i just woke up and i can hardly keep up. are we finally seeing a retaliation from trumps camp? about time. it was beginning to look like he was just going to sit there and take all the slanderous lies about him and his staff.

whaddya wanna bet these accusations actually stick?

Fear is good, as the South African Special Task Force member said before an operation.


Picture me surprised.

Civil war can't happen soon enough.

Shareblue is CTR 2.0

dubs predict it

How will he recover?


Checked I must say that Josef STalin did it for more then just himself.

This is what pisses me off. Trump needs to stop being a faggot - all of us know that a civil war is virtually inevitable; these pedo cannibals won't just go to jail without a fight, not with the power they hold - yet the Trump admin doesn't seem to be doing anything that actually acknowledges that fact. He needs to be calling up and training auxiliary militia yesterday. These leftists are working themselves up to get killed en masse over nothing and they're not going to get talked out of it.

He can't be the one to initiate it, they have to and they're far from being as ready as me and you are, ready as in doing things that would make hollywood nazis seem like pussycats. Hes going to force their hand and then our fun begins, wholeheartedly justified fun.

Is this program still going under Trump?

I think Trump ultimately will pursue legal action and his comments now is him working his persuasion abilities to shift everyone's mind into accepting the idea of an investigation. This tweet he made is probably part of this, along with the media's triggered reaction. If an investigation is done, people in the left may accept it if only to prove Trump wrong, which is what the media, in their stupidity are gearing people up for. Their opposition is putting people in a "I dare you to" mode, which is what will allow Trump to come down on Obama. He will then use this as an excuse to go after Hillary.


He already has. Why do you think James Mattis was made Secretary of Defense? Some Marine units literally worship this guy. Why do you think Trump gave Betsy Devos a cushy position as Secretary of Education? Her brother is the CEO of fucking Blackwater and a former SEAL. Don't forget about the SEAL teams flying Trump flags all the damn time. The Special Forces are redpilled as fuck.

Trump doesn't need an army, he already has one.

Well then Holla Forums knows what it has to do then does it not?
Ignore His mercy upon those who will betray him, and shoulder the burden of His anger for not showing Them the same mercy.

Then let us hope the ball gets rolling, the anticipation is killing me.

If Caesar is taken from us Augustus will follow.

The parasites know this and they fear.


I'd love antifa to show up at my door step. I'd love to demonstrate my trap shooting skills by shooting their molotovs over their heads.

Rent boy nigger. Rent boy nigger.
Pull the trigger, pull the trigger.

We knew that king niggers was funding the radical anacrho-marxists and the terror cell responsible for the arab spring/orange revolution/BLM. Ok so now we have proof but will the media say anything about it? Will the average citizen know anything about it? No and No. Nothing is going to change because women aren't receptive to this so men can't do anything about it or they'll lose the family.

I find it amazingly frustrating that there is literally the equivalent of "The Aryan Union" for spics all over this country and not a single leftist seems to have a problem with it.

Then we just need to bring over all of the socially ostracized and NEET men.

If people en masse got a redpill like that, the whole world would become KristallNacht for the jews, except maybe San Francisco and Sweden.

Comes from halfchan. A collection everything regrading Shareblue as they are heavily involved with this and are shilling big time to cover this up.

___SBG THREADS ______
archive.is/z4xfQ -3/03/17 SBG Don't Let The Shills Win
archive.is/APRnB -3/03/17 SBG Rekindle The Flame
archive.is/ss9mO -3/03/17 SBG Keep the fire V2
archive.is/oQoMJ -3/02/17 SBG Keep the Fire
archive.is/2UERB -3/02/17 SBG Electric Boogala
archive.is/DkvQA -3/02/17 SBG Untitled (404ed?)
archive.is/6oymn -3/02/17 SBG Fish for Evidence pt 2 (404ed)
archive.is/Wo87q -3/02/17 SBG They Covered it Up
archive.is/rAg7H -3/01/17 SBG Courts Will Be Convened
archive.is/J5dIV -3/01/17 SBG Day of the Rope
archive.is/IDnDJ -2/28/17 SBG The Fire Rises
archive.is/ykYZ2 -2/28/17 SBG Too Many Redpills
archive.is/Dyh3v -2/28/17 SBG Shills on Suicide Watch
archive.is/vFjC8 -2/27/17 SBG Do You Want Total War

__SOURCE user____
archive.is/D147z -2/28/17 Source user Part 2
archive.is/uP8K9 -2/28/17 Source user Part 1
archive.is/LrIBa - 2/22/17 First SourceAnon thread, China-Saudi-Israel Birthrates&Farmable land
archive.is/BWIiw - 2/23/17 SourceAnon China-Saudi-Israel follow up thread

web.archive.org/web/20170303022147/https://cloudspace.idrsolutions.com:8181/HTML_Page_Extraction/output/11a35791-b9b8-4fab-9109-bbbc3e6db904/CTR___201610159032815866/index.html?page=4 - 3/2/17 CTR documents

archive.is/2kKhp - 3/02/17 ShareBlue Twitter Handles
archive.is/toY5G - 3/02/17 SharBlue Ties to China

archive.is/BIaah -2/28/17 ZeroHedge Article
archive.is/2wHxA -2/28/17 ZeroHedge Article

archive.is/Fhl4l -3/02/17 Pakistani IT Shills Tied to Dems
archive.is/aVoyc -2/27/17 Johnny Chung Insurance Video

Its not a civil war when you destroy your adversary in one swift move. This is going to be a civil massacre.


So fucking what? Trump's not going to do anything about them ever. Been waiting since the fucking 8th of November for a crack down and it hasn't happened never fucking will.

There are millions on the "list". Too many to try any kind of action against. Don't slink away and tuck tail like a scared squirrel because you are on a list millions of people deep. I swear the paranoia of "chan culture" is a both a blessing and curse. Common sense goes right out the window sometimes. (((They))) already know who you are. Deal with it and move on from your fear. If they haven't tried to stop you by now, they deem you in the millions of "anti-Semites" that they can't be bothered with right now.
(new paragraph, deal with it, autistic, prissy faggots)

You do know that before the chans ever really started "redpilling" themselves, millions were already on the internet doing activism against the kikes? You get that right? 4cucks were very late to the to the party. You guys are just lethal fucking weapons and the best thing to happen to the "anti-jewish power" movement since Hitler….and I mean that.

Obama's legacy will be the first president to be lynched.

Aww thank you user kun ^*^

Thanks. I've been a contributor to 8 Holla Forums for 3 years….but I came straight to here after years of internet anti-kike activism. Never partook in 4-chan culture before that. It's alien tbh…

Antifa's communist origins date back to Germany

Holla Forums pls




Not necessarily. Ever since about 1993 thanks, Clinton!, presidents have been good and careful to get something called "administrative immunity" before breaking the law. It's been abused more than your typical cheese pizza, but let me see if I can clarify why Obama will likely live to be 100 and die in his own mansion.

Say you're a public official and, like many such august persons, you have a lot of money in a mutual fund. That fund is invested in natural gas futures, but you're in a position to draft a rule for – hypothetically – refining equipment. This isn't an obvious conflict of interest, but it could be. You don't know, which is why you hire a lawyer and ask him for a letter explaining your exposure.

The lawyer explains in his letter that you should be fine, provided your draft rules are within certain parameters and doesn't obviously tilt the market for natural gas one way or the other. So you hold onto your investment and draft the rule. Surprisingly, the rule you imposed makes natural gas much more profitable, so you have technically used your power to enrich yourself. Are you guilty of a crime?

If you had acted on your own, probably. But because you made a good faith effort to check where the law stood before you acted, and you followed the lawyer's advice, you are immune to prosecution for your actions. Administrative immunity is basically an acknowledgment that federal law is complicated, and the best any reasonable person can do is ask an expert for advice on what's legal and then do what he says.

Cut to the modern presidency.

Bush and Cheney abused the system by asking Justice Department lawyers to draft memos to the effect that torture is a-ok as long as it isn't called torture or the victims aren't called POWs. When talk turns to impeachment or prosecution (violations of the torture convention are a capital offense, even for the president), all they have to do is point to the bullshit letter written by Anonymous Shithead Justice Department Flunkie #3476, and they're effectively off the hook.

Except they aren't – not really. Remember that this immunity is for complicated legal matters with a lot of gray area. Torture is so obviously illegal that neocon traitors shouldn't have any coverage at all (the Supreme Court has ruled that it doesn't apply to violations of the Bill of Rights, which Executive Branch employees are supposed to have read and understood without a lawyer to explain it). But the system is so fucking corrupt that Cheney's lame "I had a letter from a lawyer saying it's okay" excuse is allowed to fly because nobody wants to rock the boat too much.

I do not doubt that Obama – a Harvard-trained constitutional lawyer and former senator – knew this privater money laundering scheme was illegal, but I also do not doubt he had a note from mom saying he could. And I also do not expect anyone in a position to prosecute to toss that bullshit excuse out the window and file charges.

Sorry for the blackpill, but that's how business is done in Washington.

Just don't eat them or you'll probably get a prion disease.

have this one instead

That kind of word fuckery was how (((Eisenhower))) was able to legally treat German POW's like shit. He had them called "Disarmed Enemy Forces" instead of POW, so that they wouldn't be allowed to have any of the normal rights a POW would, like shelter, or a full meal.

Meanwhile Roosevelt had sent over 5 million tons of food thanks to lend lease act to make sure the red army had a full belly.

Speaking of which, Journo Namefaggenstein has been busy. . .


any movements best defense is numbers

instead of going dark, you go public



Is okie dokie honestly going to just play dumb and skirt this out of power?
I understood when he was president but that shit is over, the current administration doesn't need the press to move ahead and nab that stupid nigger.

Can we admit that Ghoul makes amazing memes, had nothing to do with Mike fucking a kike, didn't rat out the rest of TRS, isn't a homosexual, and didn't want to cheat on his hot girlfriend with that random commie tranny?

Trump needs an absolute majority behind him before he can act, and he'll really able to crack some skulls once he's been reelected.

Just look at how much Obama changed the country in eight years. The Democrats went from just being the party of the tolerant working class to full on fucking communist psychos in that short amount of political time. We went from a country of flag waving patriots to cock sucking faggots in eight years. This all happened because the rate at which the internet sped up the political cycles and rate at which people can be brainwashed.

Trump is letting the left confront their past sins so that they destroy themselves and send more disaffected voters our way. He's uniting the right behind their hatred for Obama, but until the neo-cons lose influence he won't be able to get much done. These things take time.

Just four years of a Trump administration is enough to work on the economy, the traitors will hang in his second term. Have patience and remember that Trump is a strategic genius planning how to not only defeat his enemies, but how to uncuck the right wing once and for all.

And just so y'all understand what I mean by an "absolute majority", I mean a 51% + majority of the people. Not the politicians, not your active voter, I'm talking about a big chunk of the 45% of the country that didn't vote in 2016.

Trump won't be able to make a name for himself until things get really bad and unstable, at which that point the hardworking masses will be begging for him to take charge of the situation.

I know y'all are angry, we all are. But the US isn't anywhere close to where it needs to be on a conscious level to understand (((who))) it is we're up against.

you best be of jokings comrade

I wonder if there were even a school historian teacher that showed their pupils that one, instead they drill the heads of those pupils with muh holohoax propaganda and it was so effective that everyone thinks Holohoax = worst World War 2 crime ever commited.

You can do something if you agitate and push for it, which Trump will do. There are several small task you can give yourself that are very usefull, start talking about specific examples of the left ignoring the law and the cuckservatives being complicit (in favour of megacoorporations etc. (meaning jews)). Start inducing the notion that the left can and will ignore the legal process because there is no consequences to them, neocons and the media ensure this. Use the word neocons a lot, everyone knows these people play both sides of aisle to fuck over America on the behalf of Israel and the (((elite))).

Start by downplaying the things they hold sacred. Like the fags, the civil rights movement, Israel etc. When it comes to the holocaust, simply say that it doesn't give jews any special insight into anything or any weight to their words. Point to Israels treatment of Palestinians, how the jewish-american interest groups are complicit in this, their support of ISIS, there is a lot to pick an choose from here. When comes to civil rights, say that black schools receive more funding per student than white schools, blacks don't have right to white neighbours, schools or their stuff, point to the case of Flint and the filthy water (no-one white was responsible for this, yet the blacks could not be given responsibility for their own actions).

You can also watch the movie "Get Out" with them, inorder to fuck with them. You essentially want to trigged cognitiv dissonance and drive them either into complete shitlibery or make them find a new position that is less rertarded and more in the interest of the whtie race than the previous one. Right-wing libertarianism is good option, because it instill them with the notion that thye will have to kill for their freedom and to keep their stuff.

I have to admit I don't believe in this "THE JEWS" shit, but if there's one thing which almost gets me to do it, it's seeing how all the marxists who created the Soviet Union and starved the people while they lived like kings were jews. All of them, except Stalin. The big one. Which is really weird to me.

It's them boyo

It shouldn't be. The fall man for the jews is never another jew. That would bring up too many questions.

See: Barack Hussein Obama


Can't tell if your mocking what I said or if you're starting to see it. Regardless my point still stands. The jew is the eternal victim and anyone who goes against his wishes is an oppressor who must be stopped at all costs.

Checked. Trump doesn't need a majority behind him. He needs everyone to know the men with guns who are willing to use them are behind him. The threat of force is greater political power than the adoration of the people.

Stop quoting laws, we carry weapons!

They already were communists, they were infiltrated by a communist party half a century ago.

Trump should withdraw the secret service protection that costs American tax payers millions

seconding this - It's hard to imagine how un-informed the people are when you yourself are aware of what's going on.

But if you spend any time watching CNN or browsing the dregs of r/politics and then just pretend for a second that you have never looked to any alternative sources for your news, you would think that Civil War is the correct choice to fight Donald "Hitler" Trump. And of course Obummer is actually the second coming incapable of any fault.


He was half kike, so was Stalin.

Judicial watch has been covering and investigating this for some time (back to 2010).


Judicial Watch has investigated these controversial arrangements of funneling big portions of cash settlements from civil rights lawsuits to organizations not officially connected to the cases. In fact, back in 2010 JW sued the DOJ to obtain information about the outrageous policy. In response to our lawsuit the DOJ was forced to acknowledge that it has no official guidelines regarding “qualified organizations” that get leftover settlement funds and that it doesn’t monitor how the money is used.

Some other related documents.





The list of Community Development Institutions certified by the CDFI Fund of the U.S. Treasury is available on the Treasury Department website at cdfifund.gov/what_we_do/programs_id.asp?programID=9

Note that the link in the DOJ annex to the listing of approved organizations (CDFI Fund) no longer exists. It would be nice to have the listing of all organizations where money could have went. La Raza and ACORN are specifically mentioned in Judicial Watch's article.

Knowing where the $$$ went is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT as there should always be a long trail with money. It is possible that some of this money was used to influence campaigns vis-a-vis community organizations, stolen, or even tied to other criminal activities. FOIA requests would provide this but it seems JW was already stonewalled when it requested where the money went ( see scribd 77249512). This in itself should be criminal but there are usually always trails.

No. Lurk 2 years before posting faggot.

Dubs for Protocol Seven.


Geeeeh, I wonder why


was archived before it went down.


But I don't see much of interest in there.



Civil War Tools.zip 1.42 GB
American-Antigravity Interviews.zip 101.0 MB
American-Antigravity.zip 406.0 MB
Ammunition.zip 529.3 MB
Antisec Military Documents.zip 235.6 MB
Combat.zip 260.9 MB
DOXCAKE.pdf 3.0 MB
Electronics and Communications.zip 678.3 MB
ELITE-Govt Addresses.zip 2.37 GB
Energy and Fuel.zip 104.9 MB
Exotic Weapons.zip 409.9 MB
Federal Reserve Dox.zip 1.6 MB
Forensics and Investigation.zip 443.6 MB
Free Energy.zip 1.32 GB
Full-Auto Conversions.zip 90.1 MB
Guerrilla Warfare, Terrorism.zip 243.9 MB
Home Made Solar & Wind Projects.zip 3.1 MB
Intelligence.zip 38.8 MB
Interrogation, Psychology.zip 31.1 MB
Knifemaking.zip 343.1 MB
Law Enforcement.zip 1.51 GB
Lockpicking.zip 1.83 GB
Magnetics, Antigravity & Directed Energy.zip 239.3 MB
Military.zip 2.66 GB
Misc Law and Law Enforcement.zip 86.7 MB
NEOCONS Names and Addresses.zip 29.1 MB
Rocketry.zip 249.8 MB
Smuggling & Caching.zip 41.8 MB
Spytech.zip 112.1 MB
Suppressors.zip 492.5 MB
Survival.zip 2.59 GB
Truth.zip 1.52 GB
Truth More.zip 2.80 GB

Some of the links you're putting up don't work any more. Might wanna look into that.

The image in this post is what we're up against in the US. Niggers like that. Dirty mouth agape, dead inside, low IQ, unkept, uneducated, fat and muscular, niggers.

Kek save us all, I want off this ride






They were both half-kike, you stupid niggers.


Gee, I wonder who can be behind this attempt at trying to sever the bond we have to our cultural heritage.

whats wrong with been smug? its a staple of chan culture because we always win.

Notice how it doesn't say 'Aryans', or 'Europeans' or anything of the sorts. It says 'Holla Forumsacks'. Smug anime girls are indeed part of the cultural heritage of chans.


Stalin was married to a Jew also.


Doing Kek's work user.

Yeah, faggot? And which side do you think history remembers them by?

Kal-satan had me targeted and poisoned with some weird mind control bullshit over political speech. Now I've been 'chipped' and I've had actors talk about how nanochipping is getting the 'mark'.

I'm assuming this money is going towards the system that sustains this mind control nanochipping program ran by satilite. I'm glad to see people starting to speak out about this giant violation of human rights.

Kal meaning 'like' and his name is actually just a letter off from being a pun referencing Satan.

Its being used to make people miserable or dysfunctional enough to not be able to work. It's like it's straight out the Bible but backwards. You get the mark and your forbidden from trade.

How do you know if you've been marked?

The problem with this technology is that it requires electron microscopy to even detect, but there's no equipment in a medical office to detect it in vitro (once it's in the body). If you die it most likely no longer has the integrated circuitry and disbands from your neurons and ends up looking like trace elements in the body (aluminum nanoparticles).

How do they get it in you to begin with?

It depends on what kind you get. They can be programmed to do anything.

They can supply you with an alternate inner monologue if you are unaware you've been poisoned or you may have bad luck with electronics and have people stealing your identity or credit cards on a regular basis.


It may start mimicking any psychiatric disease and it may come on suddenly.

It may be paired with another drug. Http://m.digitaljournal.com/article/324779

If you read people's experiences of getting 'drugged', you'll see that they will just meet a random group of people that ask to see the victims apartment, he leads them there, and they steal everything and he's happy about it.

So this shit is being manufactured in more than one form. In the USA you can't get your entire genome sequenced but in foreign countries it costs as little as 10000$ for a corporation to fully sequence your DNA for creating specialized drugs that are weaponized to discredit, anger, or change your personality completely.

That's the difficult part. It can be activated in the body later after contraction and associated with something that has nothing to do with what and when you were poisoned.

This is why you're going to see a bunch of bullshit when people claim they were poisoned by tap water or it was in their food.

They won't know exactly unless it's paired with something like a date rape drug.

Generally an individual who is getting 'Instructions' or 'programming' will show higher levels of radiation in the MW band. Normal radiation is at about .01 MW/cm^3 but an infected person may see spikes up to 6mw. It's comparable to cell phone radiation so it's best to be away from other electronics as they also give off radiation.

I believe some smaller microwaves give off as much as 15-30mw/cm^3 in front of the window shielding for comparison.

People in foreign countries definitley don't have tools to detect the weapon and may confuse it for some religious phenomenon. It's not largely recognized by the medical community and is being made impossible to recognize because the psychiatric industry protects the weapon from being investigated to to the nature of effects it has on the individual.

Sounds like something that could possibly be affecting me. My inner monologue has changed quite a lot over the last couple years.

I read something a few days ago about being "Assigned" a soul mate, only to have them be ripped from you. Which causes you to get pseudo MKU'd or something like that. (Something very similar happened to me)

Would this shit cause the "Light" to go out in my chest? That floaty, unlimited power feeling has been replaced with a murky, dark and muddied feeling of being.

What obongo is doing with these funds is way far outside evil. People are being born with this crap put into them as a baby to give then a false inner monologue and then apparently can just walk across the border in a few years and be a disaster just waiting on to happen.

Who would know?? The security at the border?


There is a cure but it requires our medical community to become aware of it and making specialized drugs based off our DNA profile. Apparently scientists consider research using the entire genome of an individual as 'immoral' but the regulations preventing it are just enabling this bullshit to happen.

I wonder if weed is contributing to it. Definitely feels as though it "anchors me" and causes me to be much more accepting of bullshit. Also clouds over the light.


We may also see a future where our clothing needs to become 'smart' fibers to protect us from harassing EM signals or hijacking as it should be obvious this can become viral if advanced enough.

You have to be careful with your drug use. Even if you are familiar with your reactions to a drug, you may have your brain chemistry altered in as little as a minute on command and go berserk.

Then you'll be the guy who innocently was smoking weed but went 'berzerk' in public because you are mentally ill and definately not poisoned with something.

Thanks to giant data collection and a complete lack of privacy, people are being profiled for various reasons either to steal intelligence or get rid of competition by making them appear mentally ill.

Obama was using this weapon for his #sandyhook, #aurora and #blacklivesmatter bullshit. That or an international authority did and he cashed in.

Ive always found mental illness to be silly.

Its more of a spiritual problem in my opinion. Also explains why we have such a mental health problem nowadays, because of the rampant anti spirituality that we have running amok. People look at you differently if you have "faith"

It almost feels as though there is a "bridge" inside that is broken, that connects the good and the bad. And so I've been stranded in the "Bad"

A electrosmog meter doesn't cost much. Make sure it detects the correct bandwidth because alpha and beta particles aren't what you're looking for.

If you've got that sort of radiation then you've got the nuclear powered version and idk fuck about it.

If you do believe in the spiritual then this is the era of hijacking the souls possession over the body.

I dont even know what I believe. #Gaslit

The bigger problem with all of this is that larger corporations and data centers can know if what you've been studying and working on for the last ten years is valuable or not. You get the poison, they get the invention, then you go to the mental hospital and lose a lot of rights including 6 months of recovery time if you don't stroke out.

Here's an idea: just go to the hospital's en mass, whether you have it or not, and complain about it.

Also about Obama wiretapping: it can be done discretely without any proper authority being made aware of it.


It's easy to blame someone who should know but not give out information if their communications are tapped wirelessly.

If Trump thought someone had leaked intelligence and knew who had it, and it somehow got out anyways, then he may be instructed to blame the wrong person.

I would imagine modern wiretapping is far more vast than just bugging a phone. With what the civilians have can do as much as it can, I cant even begin to comprehend what might be available for governments to fuck around with.

What I get from this is that, from the time they took over Russia, the Commie Jews were planning to overrun all of Europe. That's what the massive armament push was for.

Hitler was right. And Hitler's attack on the U.S.S.R. probably saved us all.
He is a hero, not a criminal.

Your compression is shit.

(gullible faggot)
useful as reaction images, but lets be real it's degeneracy
and though it is a part of chan culture, it was never truly embraced by Holla Forumsacks.


This explains so much. So so much. The left has become the ultimate useful idiots.

lol where have y'all been on this one? us TRShills have known about this shit for like a year

Yuri was always right

They always were

beat me to it

Get your shit in order burgers. You've built the perfect Golem.

Stalin actually purged quite a few Jews.
Although I guess when the political leadership is nothing BUT Jews, any purge is gonna kill a lot of them.

Stalin realized later in his life he had been used as a tool of the Jews. Which is why he purged them in his final years, only to be poisoned by his Jewish henchmen.