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so wait. youre trying to tell me that wikileaks published their hot new piece on the fucking fbi website? not their own?

or did the fbi release it? and why would they when the investigation is ongoing?

this doesnt compute

Bump for great justice.

Lots of missing pages. Still investigating?

One of the interpretations of the whole Wikileaks thing was that it wasn't necessarily that they were going to drop V7 it may have been a threat telling the FBI to release it or Wikileaks was going to drop something more damaging. I'm not sure if this small as fuck document is going to satisfy WL on that front if such a thing were true.

i apologize if that sounds standoffish. im just suspicious. my understanding was that vault 7 was the next wikileaks release. did i misunderstand?

bump because this looks legit

Hold up… You're telling me that clinton campaign govt secret leak was to threaten the FBI?

Yeah I'll let them sort this one out.

thanks for the explanation.
and yeah im gonna run through it too, but this seems rather tame compared to what i thought it was going to contain

No, I'm telling you that a potential interpretation of the 'What/Where/Why is Vault 7?' tweets was about the fact that at the point those were made the FBI vault had only dropped 6 of these and not the 7th. Wikileaks could have been signalling to them as either a 'We'll release unredacted' thing or a 'We have worse shit to dump if you don't release it' sort of thing. All speculative, of course.


Kill me fam. How much was published?

Not much material here compared to the other vaults, tough to read SA chickenscratch. I await wikileaks' response.

Seems lucrative, and Im speculating here. But wikileaks knows exactly who and where the nuclear secrets went to. More specifically China, since they're shilling so hard on the trump disinformation via shareblue. Its not just their economy in jeopardy.

It's not very big. Quite easy to work though.

Handwritten though, so I might transcribe it to text over the next few days.

Dubs of supreme helpfulness.

Think it's going to build on something they'll eventually release. I've browsed through it and nothing jumps out and says 'this is it' or why WL would even ask for this

This has nothing to do with Wikileaks CIA Vault 7 series. Read their most recent press release for context on that.

They interviewed a lot of former CIA folks for this..

Are they in witness protection?

That makes more sense, OP gotta be a fag about shit.


How many fucking vault 7's is the FBI holding onto?

Best evidence yet that everything is scheduled to go to shit during the Ides–they release this now? Really?


Skimmed through all of it, there's actually very little content. Seems to be the FBI agents' notes on interviews conducted in regards to Hillary's email servers. Didn't see anything particularly new or interesting, though there is a bit redacted. Also the handwriting of the last one is fucking impossible to read.

They interviewed Hillary's bestie Sid. There's mention of benghazi in another interview with someone over why they were asked to turn over e-mails. Details on some connections between some people but hard to tell who since redacted. Some answers show the interviewee thought it was allowed to have the server? Like, it wasn't something they shouldn't have done. Talk about the security measures in Hillary's house(?) and lack thereof wrt server

Holy fuck a lot of shit going down today.

Yeah, didn't have much in it. And that handwriting on pg.34-36 is indeed terrible.

There's a short mention of "the 7th Floor" on pg.39. Whoever was being interviewed "didn't seem to have ties to the 7th floor". I might be crazy, but I almost get the sense the agent is being sarcastic, only part of the notes where quotation marks are used when everything else is bullet points. Seemed a bit off

More speculation here, all the deleted pages were probably 7th floor personnel interviews.

Bumping for Justice.

Is this being slid?




fuck it im gonna glig it

At least Caffeine is a weaker stim (still can be addicting) so you'll recover with some good rest and be ready for tomorrow.

It's one PDF file, first part is investigator's notes on interview with Sydney Blumenthal. Its scanned handwritten notes and bits are redacted, particularly near mention of the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative.

Posting screenshots tomgive the gist

HRC was with (((redacted))) when faxes came in


Trump Bump

oi vey


I just went through it all. It's nothing we haven't seen already. Don't waste your time.

Hillary has already been defeated. It's time to focus our energy elsewhere.

She's in in prison yet though, shill.

(2) hmmm



Anyone else smell bagels and lox?


Memes aside, it's kinda impressive the lengths that someone will go to to save their livelihood.

LOL Assange could have just walked into her house and wheeled the damn thing out in a shopping cart.

is this a redaction fuckup or is there writing between those lines?

Who is John Bentel? See second pic

second redaction error I see is this box, possibly ending in T, F or R

so do they just use mspaint to redact these days?



These cards where made in the 90s

not really.. a field like that is worth multiple millions.. most of its sale value is going toward paying off the loan that was needed to plant the shit in the first place. That shit all burning = living in a dumpster.

He's also making a potentially effective firebreak and saving the rest of the field by doing that.

sage for way off topic

Hillary Clinton's campaign sent classified nuclear information over gmail and opened it on fucking ipads and netbooks.

Also the email was sent 9 months after she had resigned as SOS.

I can't read this. What's the ETA on a transcript with all the relevant bits?

Hillary is still shilling.

As clearly seen by you. A criminal with that much money will do anything to get out of jail.

How in the actual fuck is she not locked up in the deepest parts of Gtimo? Corruption, embrezzling, pay to play, unsecure classfied data, and satanism are all pretty bad, but this is earth-shatteringly world-ending bad and traitorous to a degree I would usually only expect from kikes.

The campaign broke the Clintons financially. She has no money.



Does that first pic say:

What are you trying to tell me dad

We are literally in fucking skyrim aren't we. Cannibals and all.

No get back onto the subject matter.



This is correct anons, this lad has figured out what is going on

Wikileaks has been teasing the FBI for weeks to spill the beans. This small document does not deliver and is redacted. Wikileaks is telling various parties something will happen if the information is not made public. Who knows for sure what they will leak in response.

Literally the same post you made on the new State Department FOIA emails thread. Enjoy your ban.


One would think that FBI would have to type their reports up so people could actually read them. This shit is illegible as fuck.

This document is a fucking mess, and half of it seems to be absolutely fucking nothing. The handwriting alone is a pain in the dick to try to read.

Hopefully there's something in here, but considering who it's coming from, my money is on there being exactly jack shit. I'm sure Wikipedia will look at this for five minutes and tell the FBImbeciles that this shit isn't good enough.

What is this even about?

We stand at the precipice of breaking open the largest corruption scandal in our history, and anons are annoyed that we have to read illegible handwriting?

We must make do with what we have, the world is depending upon us




how would this be a honeypot? Even if the FBI are logging IPs of anyone who downloads this, it's a simply pdf document. They can't correlate anything to that.


Holy shit

The fire rises anons, we have to make the public aware of these groups


Why has Holla Forums descended into a hasbara run echo chamber?
Wikileaks is a US government con job.

For the first 10 years of Wikileaks creation all its revelations in the released documents presented to the public was that all (((American))) 'intelligence' as told by the lying jewish media was 'correct and true' that pointed to the need to destroy all Middle Eastern nations resistant to zog for the advancement of greater isreal.

Since then, it became part of the psyop to convince the American public that jewish trojan horse Trump, was a genuine independent goy, whyo would truly drain the swamp.

Hopefully now most real anons will see that they were terribly hoaxed, its a pity that Holla Forums remains a jewish hasbara stronghold still after all this self-evident proof you've been astroturfed into insignificance

Thanks for the advice Herschel.

wtf #ImWithHer now

Why is identifying a jewish hoaax, automatically mean that we should do nothing?

I've never really understood the CIA-kike boilerplate responses to any valid criticism.

Just because the jews deliver you a decidely jewish controlled opposition, doesn't mean that no other non-jewish Americans can be promoted and made president.

You kikes are abysmal at all logic, it's the Anglin effect all over again.
Just because jews offer us jews, doesn;t mean we have to simply accept their jewish scam offer without offering a real opposition.

Yet that's all you "Oy vey, wait for Hitler" mantra kikes are doing


If WL was compromised they'd be leaking oppo on Trump and not Hillary. You can make a case that they've been compromised since October however, but you don't seem to be smart so you're not saying that.

Elder Scrolls is actually incredibly esoteric and downright creepy if you know how it was written.
Todd Howard and friends who wrote Morrowind locked themselves up for weeks with various arcane holy books burrowed from occult lodges and supposedly drugs because of the how batshit insane the transcripts were, in some transcripts i've read they talk about speaking with aliens or demons.

Apparently Elder Scrolls is the abridged version of the lost history of earth.


Why would spook psyop Wikileaks be leaking info on Trump and not Clinton?

They wanted the entire movement misdirected and neutralised and they got precisely that, look at how even Holla Forums has been tricked into campaigning for neo-con kikes

Is it too late to vote for Hillary?

Except that was Kirkbride you faggot.

Oh fucking really.

Kirkbridge and some old dude wrote all that shit, Howard has never done anything worth shit.



Possibly an omen?


Don't worry we have the best people on the job

true dat

You're a fucking WHITE MALE!

Fucking Steve Jackson, man.

Please provide literally one sauce for this, I always thought the majority of TES lore comes from Todd & Friends D&D game which makes sense they would make it into a CRPG


Its pinned bro.

It's stickied ya goof.

Sound like the FBI agent played the fallout game too much.


the thalmor did nothing wrong



Go tikkun olam somewhere else faggot.




Tikkun Olam = Thalmor

Their goal is to destroy existence so they don't have to accept that the goyim are better than them
And they cant even attempt to destroy the world properly,they have to be absolute pussies about it for some reason.
It's literally Tikkum Olam

You're a fucking retard, as are many others in this thread. If you fucking paid attention, Wikileaks threatened the FBI with more damaging leaks if they did not drop vault 7. Apparently the threats were taken seriously.

Who is TD?

Ted Danson?

No initials match either HRC campaign staff or Obama cabinet members, I will keep digging!


I have the so called 'complete set' and find these relevant

According to Conservative Treehouse, TD is non other than Tyler Drumheller

Downloading morrowind now

Oh man. Thank you user

So you have people the likes of
Sydney Blumenthal - former Clinton senior advisor
Tyler Drumheller - former chief of European division CIA
A handful of other ex CIA
Cheryl Mills - Clinton lawyer [this doc is proof positive she lied to FBI]
Huma Abedin (family funds terrorists - proof in link below)
John Kerry
Hillary & Bill
All transferring classified info through a server with probably admin as its UN and password for PW.
Relaying classified information, possibly pertaining to national security, stored on an Apple server
in the basement of
The Clinton's New York residence.

sidney blumenthal interview transcribed:
https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */w-notes

Nice dubs, but I still really don't understand what happened here. If it was 500 people, that puts it at $130 per person. Seems pretty low for high class male prostitutes. I guess they could have had a series of gang-bangs, or maybe not everyone got to taste that sweet Haitian nigger dick walnut sauce.

Huma? That would mean Huma's office is in Hill's house. Cozy…

Maybe her room is right next to Hildog's with a convenient door built in between for late night "struggle sessions"


Look through Kirkbride's material, guy was the one that pretty much built the ES lore from the ground up and has a degree in comparative theology.


There's gotta be more to it than "They shared classified information over poorly secured channels". I mean it's fucking stupid of them, and certainly wrong, but I was hoping for something more, like "They stuffed ballots".

Checked. Kek approves of your presentation.

Regarding Drumheller:

http:/ /

http:/ /

Some juice from the article:

To his credit he stood with what now appears to be correct intelligence regarding Iraq 2003 and was ignored by W. Maybe that pushed the old spook into all of this political crap.

Do you honestly think that was for 500 people. Obviously that's for the 5-10 person max after party. Reserved for close friends only.



Kill yourself you stupid kike pedophile

bumping off some CP


I sometimes wish we'd blood eagle these cockroaches.

Why not durden?

If you can look at it correctly it is the history of earth.

Alright so where the fuck are my qt female Khajiit and Argonians?

I thought serpents were meant to be seductive.





#1 reason for the Hlaalu getting Shoah'd tbh fam. Thank God the Redoran saved the day.


clear sage

Gas furries

Well, the threats involved sigma 14-15 information e.g. nuclear access codes were on Hillary's e-mail servers

Triggered yet?

Daily reminder that catgirls are approved by the Emperor.

catgirls aren't furries.

I didn't report you because I thought you were kidding. I guess I made the wrong decision.

fuck, meant to reply to>>9429116


Right, shoulda consulted the chart.

Epic troll my friend

So fatpeoplehate gets removed, but this is still allowed.


Bumping and asking for a summary because my eyes arent young anymore.

Redacted information is useless

Why are people convinced that Vault7 was referring to more emails? How does this connect with the prior tease tweets? None of this adds up. This seems like a distraction. Something else is going on.



Bend over and I'll give you this.


nice smug witch and checked.



Trips for truth

cat ears make it furry user

What is the difference between the FBI release and this? I'm sure I'm a new fag for that, but I can't figure it out.

kys pls


Devlan is their internal 'play' network, it is mentioned in several places


Frog prince:
All we seem to have on it is the test methodology but..
It has a UI, so it's not completely automated, but looks like it is there to secretly place files on a persons computer then leave without a trace. Probably very good for framing people?

wild morning confirmed
although does anyone know why wikileaks partially reconstructed the CIA organizational chart, and what parts were edited?

bump and mods pls sticky

reposting because I was posting in the press conference thread, dunno if anyone posted this yet -

So the CIAnigger that posted that cat picture that had the same filename as some brony says that he worked on ShameBot
think this is the guy?

nice trips

I'm working on identifying another CIAnigger, this looks like the first place he was working at:

just my opinion but this particular WL twitter post seems a little sensational or contextually inaccurate.

to me, the bigger/more specific news (which they neglect to mention for some reason) is that the 'make it rain' gif is an attachment in the .pdf explaining the "Rain Maker" system, which looks like it intercepts user data and sends it to the CIA via the Information Ops Center using various software clients and portable storage

CIAnigs really just dgaf

Under collaboration they list an IRC channel…

IRC now available at
NON-SSL: 6667
SSL: 6697
Windows: X-chat, ChatZilla (Firefox plug-in), Pidgin, Trillian, …
Linux: Check your repositores. X-chat, irssi, Pidgin, Trillian, …
Mac: Upgrade to Linux ^^ (don't you mean downgrade
) Colloquy
Install Guide
Follow the instructions for your given client.

X-Chat: Xchat->Network List.
Click Add, name network "DEVLAN".
Click Edit, Change servers to "" or "" for SSL
Click Close, Then Connect.

Once you've connected to, you should:

Register your nick. You can register any number of nicks, but you should first register your DEVLAN username. IE) "User #72251". This will make it easier once JIRA and Bamboo are integrated into IRC so that you can receive notifications.

(If not already your devlan username) "/nick DEVLAN_USERNAME"

To register your nick: "/msg nickserv register IRC_PASSWORD"
Join a Channel. You can join multiple channels and create channels as you please. Our default original channels will mimic AED's branches: #AIB, #EDB, #MDB, #OSB, #RDB.

To join a channel: "/join #Channel"

If no one is in the channel, including Bot– Then you need to register the channel: "/msg chanserv register #Channel CHANNEL_PASSWORD CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION"
Have Fun. Chat and do as you please. If you don't know how to IRC, then google it.

Why IRC?

For colloboration! We can easily chat with each other now!
IRC is 1337!

Just found these anime gifs in the vault7/cms/files folder. Weebs confirmed?



No, i think they are from a reaction image collection because feds larp as anons.

j/k … some other user claimed its from a collection of potentially racist imagery on imageboards

Yeah it's in the blogs.

eg: /year0/vault7/cms/page_14588053.htm

does the vault 7 password
work on the old insurance files?

someone test this

They really are faggots.

oy vey

If you are a newfag, be careful in threads like these since you have jews and commies and leftists and all types of scum trying to spread disinfo, malware, you name it. They can't bear the thought that we've been right all along and their former hero Assange has exposed their candidate as a Zionist/Saudi hag and dupe.

Before you start fucking with this stuff, you should make sure you have a good understanding of computers. Also, recall that no one here has any "credibility" or "good goy points," it's not leddit, anyone can be anything or claim to be anything. You have to verify shit yourself and know how to operate a computer well yourself.

Get all your info direct from the wikileak's twatter, don't even trust shit posted here. Then look into it from there.

She gets along better with our Uncle than you'd think.

they're not that heavy.
apple serves were around the weight of a modern day gaming rig.

characters with a top-level horizontal:
E, F, I, J, T
outlier possbilities: G, S, X

>Hillary would sometimes as __ to ask Huma if PDB was coming.

who is PDB? that may help us deduce who X is.

Motherfucking current year! The CIA really does outsource to pajeets. This is why they suck.

That's one hell of a red flag.