/Christian/ is moderated by Jesuits & Why It Matters

/Christian/ is moderated by Jesuits & Why It Matters

Exposing the Roman Catholic Church will get you banned even if the objections are presented in a perfectly reasonable manner.

You will have the Hegelian Dialect employed on you for pointing out the Hegelian Dialect that the Roman Catholic Church employs in all things that they do exactly how the Jews do.

This is because Jesus saves, and any and all political discussion stems from the same spirit to blind you from that truth.

Therefore there is political intent for people to not get saved and read their bibles, most assuredly at the political level.

Encouraging you to idolize your race is actually the deception intended to blind you from getting saved, because the reason why God elevated the Anglo Saxons and abased the Jews (who by pedigree no longer exist) in the first place was to spread his word because the Roman Catholic Church was persecuting the romans who had who preached the gospel. The RCC burned them and the Anglo Saxon vandals were elevated when they received the word of God. And the RCC still speaks Latin, which is a dead language, as a witness to that series of historical events. I encourage you to study this out on your own and correct me if I'm wrong.

Every sequential war in history has been God giving his gospel to a group of people and religious institutions externalizing a false enemy to get people arguing about the wrong things.

It's all spiritual war. Politics is literally just a stage, not just figuratively so. The catholics have infiltrated our public institutions and they are slowly chipping away at the non-political spiritual foundations of the United States of America and Europe by promoting secularism using social media and public education. Think about how little you know about the US constitution if you're an American, even appreciating meta-constitution. Civics class no longer exists and that is by design.

This isn't so much a political thread but a call to awareness that spiritual forces are utilizing political in-fighting to push a spiritual agenda. And I am humbly submitting a case study on Holla Forums to entertain discussion.

The same pattern was observed when the Russian Orthodox Church was complicit with liberalism which led to the Bolshevik uprising to dismantle the Czar so that the ottoman empire would be fertile ground for the spread of zionism in the same way that WW2 was intended to eliminate the most noble (FAITHFUL) sons of the anglo saxons while simultaneously accomplishing the exodus of european jews into palestinian land, who are genealogically closer to the actual original tribes of israel which included Judah.

The bible literally says God is not a respecter of persons, and that OBVIOUSLY includes the "Jews!"

Did you know that Israeli Jews aren't even of the SEMITIC Line!? Here's what I mean (from the Torah):

>1 Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth and unto them were sons born after the flood.
>2 The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras.
>3 And the sons of Gomer; ASHKENAZ, and Riphath, and Togarmah.
>5 By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.
Genesis 10:1-5

Ashkenazi Jews are not S[h]emites! THEY ARE JAPHITES! Their own book rebukes them!

What this means to any academically honest theological scholars reading this is that the ammonites and the moabites are closer in heir to the promise by physical genealogy according to the laws in all forms of orthodox to modern sects of religious Judaism (so-called Jews explicitly reject the new testament and implicitly reject the old testament), because moabites and ammonites are semites!
>I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
(Revelation 2:9)
>Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
(Revelation 3:9)

God destroyed the Jews himself shortly after the New Testament was written when Rome invaded Jerusalem in AD 70.

And when you have eyes to see, the book of Acts in the bible is the final red pill. With respect to the pharisees, replace the words "church history" with "genealogy" and it should all come together how it coincides spiritually to the catholic/protestant republicrat-esque false dichotomy. The Jews (Pharisees/Sadduccees) and the papists (Catholics/Protestants) are no different.

Other urls found in this thread:


doesn't matter to Holla Forums you Jew worshiping white kike

I left /christian/ over a year ago when the prottie hate just got too over the top. Go hang out in /christ/ or better yet, crack open your bible.

Checking these dubs

Jesuits have always been the worst order
Dominicans best

Jesuits are OK, they train Conquistadores and make a fine ally in AoE3.


BTW to anyone curious this is what the Catholic Church AND the Jews do not want you to see and understand.

Obviously if they came out and explicitly stated that they oppose the gospel, more people would seek it. That's why the roman church takes all of their pagan idols and say that they're various saints and holy church fathers. They're actually idols. They make you get baptized when you're a baby and they say that you have to do sacraments to get saved. That mindset sends you to hell.

Get over your pride, get saved, and read John.

why does the caption go on for a paragraph about how bad Christians are?
is this "we are against all religion" style communist anti Christian propaganda?

Uh oh.

This. Gas the Abrahamics.


you forgot your red text friend

Catholicism has long been subverted by the Jews and the Vatican is subservient to the Rothschilds, however Christianity as a whole is still a positive thing for Whites.

Can somebody give me a basic english rundown on what this is? I've read that it's thesis+antithesis=synthesis, which doesn't mean a whole lot to me. It seems simultaneously obtuse and trivial.

As I understand it, it's basically a rhetorical trick that exploits some sort of "meet in the middle" bias that people have. How do I best recognize this when it's being used?

These posts are shills.

Actually pic related is more biblically similar to a sorcerer. As a Baptist I'm breaking my #1 rule going back to the greek but I just looked up "sorcery" "sorceries" and "sorcerers" in my concordance and couldn't find it reliably defined in the context of the KJV.

Remember in the show how much death he brought because of his drug trading? People literally died.

THe purpose of revelation 21:8 is to convict you because as a liar God says you deserve to go to the same place as Walter White, a sorcerer bro!

Okay but don't get it twisted. God is better than the Anglo Saxons.

God formed their nations as a potter forms his vessel..

And God can dash the potter's vessel with a rod of iron. That's what I mean when I quote the bible

But it is MOST DEFINITELY a positive thing for anglo saxons and romans/jews do not want you to know this. And let's face it, friend, nobody reads their bibles.

On the second picture has a screenshot of the definition of hegelian dialect that I clipped from the wikipedia entry:


That wikipedia definition is what I have trouble wrapping my mind around. Assume I wasn't paying attention in my undergrad philosophy courses… what does it actually mean?

There's a level of in fighting that is foggy to outsiders so christians, Catholics, Protestants, new ages shit all blends together as "that shitty Abrahamic Jew religion"

He'll, I am confused by most of it to be quite honest. I was raised Catholic and trained to be weary of Lutherans. But the more I learn, the protestant stuff seems more reasonable.

However this is aside to a bigger realization: Kek devotees can use Catholicism as a mouthpiece to spread pillz to the public. The confusion towards Christianity is ripe for exploitation. Catholic vehicles can call out niggers fags and Jews with less repercussion social taboo than a lone white man.

Any follower of kek worth his salt knows how to exploit confusion and chaos. Kek disciples out to wear Catholic sock puppets around their dicskinners and appear as legit christians. What could go wrong?

It's basically make a man sick so he buys your poision and thinks it's a cure.

Hey I'm glad that you asked. I certainly could have been more clear.

Hegelian dialect is when an agent covertly creates a problem anticipating a response from his subjects to it, using the anticipated response to justify obtaining authority to form a solution to the problem that he himself created.

The end result is fraud because that agent has just been given hypothetical authority that he illegitimately obtained.

Exposing the agents for what I hypothesize to be the cause of the majority of our problems is what my goal is and Holla Forums has a large audience of people who I can relate to because of my personal pain from many factors that I believe at this time to be the cause of perceived injustice.

This tactic is frequently employed by all manner of low ranking to high ranking catholic and "jewish" clergy.


Hey dude. Your humility forces me to put myself in a humble position too regarding how I respond because what I say can dissuade you from reading your bible and being born again.

I go door-to-door knocking preaching what I posted here

If you start there, I literally still have no power over you, implied or not.

No it's not you fucking kike, that's nothing but a plain old false flag.

Hegelian Dialectical is a conceptualization of history and progress as being a series of conflicts whereby a present thesis generates it's antithesis, they come into conflict and they result in a synthesis that eventually transforms into a thesis, birthing another antithesis and beginning the cycle anew.

For example, Marxist thought is based on Hegelian Dialectical, Capitalism being the Thesis and Socialism/Communism being the antithesis.

"What is this disease? The festivals of the pitiful and miserable Jews are soon to march upon us one after the other and in quick succession: the feast of Trumpets, the feast of Tabernacles, the fasts. There are many in our ranks who say they think as we do. Yet some of these are going to watch the festivals and others will join the Jews in keeping their feasts and observing their fasts. I wish to drive this perverse custom from the Church right now. My homilies against the Anomians can be put off to another time, and the postponement would cause no harm. But now that the Jewish festivals are close by and at the very door, if I should fail to cure those who are sick with the Judaizing disease. I am afraid that, because of their ill-suited association and deep ignorance, some Christians may partake in the Jews' transgressions; once they have done so, I fear my homilies on these transgressions will be in vain. For if they hear no word from me today, they will then join the Jews in their fasts; once they have committed this sin it will be useless for me to apply the remedy. "- St. John Chrysostom 'Eight Homilies Against the Jews'

The fuck man? Idolizing anything out of religion boundaries can count as Idolatery. The Catholics and Orthodox are the most relaxed of the group, Protestants and Baptist the most strict on what can be admired or not and admiration implying secretly worship.

Idolizing anything outside of religion means worshipping profane objects at best so of course you stuck out like a sore thumb.

It's like complaining about being banned on Holla Forums for wanting more Financial Support to the Jewish People.

Why is it that way around? Why couldn't the thesis be socialism and the antithesis be capitalism?

Is the thesis Capitalism because it came first? Is this basically just a fancy way of saying "newer things are more progressive, by virtue of being newer"?

Or could it be either way, depending on who you ask? If that's it, then isn't Hegelian Dialectic just a fancy way of saying "sometimes people have disputes and when forced to fight each other, a resolution inevitably occurs"?

Holla Forums is not /christianmeta/.

That's just wrong, like, masturbating to the thought of another mans wife wrong.
Out of respect I don't go around pretending to be of another religion, Catholics should be using Catholicism to dispense redpills.

Haha your sects are a joke because like liberal marxists disdain the constitution, your doctrines compel you to fundamentally hold disdain towards the authority of the SCRIPTURE over man.

Here's what I mean. The president is not ABOVE the constitution in the same way that the pope is not ABOVE the scripture.

The bible tells us that it's God's own duty to preserve the scriptures in Psalm 12:

>7 Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.

The pope has something called
papal infallibility

Which means that he can push the same Jewish disease known as marxism and liberalism while what the church hierarchy literally calls the plebiscite claims to be part of the "muh tr00 conservative church" sub-sect.. which makes you a


You're a joke dude. Your sects have no authority because they contradict scripture's ordination of man's authority related to scripture's authority.

Faggots run amok in the lower hierarchies of our institutions and the pope pushes violent african refugees into European nations to destroy our souls.

Same thing with the Bolsheviks taking down the Czar. Same with the catholic church allowing hitler to push the noble germans into PAGAN IDOLATRY and then getting destroyed in ww2 for the same false dichotomy that Americans are in today.

Ecclesiastes 1:9

Read what I'm saying, please. This is a case study alluding to a much larger issue. Please do not minimize, I spent a lot of thought on this. This isn't knee-jerk shit-posting I promise.

Seems a bit tautological, no? ;) The real question is what counts as idolizing. I think it usually boils down to liking something that I don't like.

I like Jesus, you like football. I don't like football so I say you're idolizing it. But maybe you like Jesus too and liking football is just a fun hobby for you. Unless you're literally bowing down and worshiping a figurine, what does idolizing actually mean in any non-subjective sense?

Why do you guys think that we care about Catholic faggotry?

Fully agree. The thought of pretending to be in a religion I'm not makes my skin crawl.

I think that needs to be explicitly invoked though, right? It doesn't apply by default, only when he explicitly says it applies. I think it is rarely invoked.

I've never been a papist though, so maybe I'm wrong about that.

Why do you think I care about Catholic faggotry, my friend?

I don't care about what catholics say, I care about catholics do.

The last thing that the catholic church will ever do is INTENTIONALLY dispense red pills.

Idolizing anything outside of faith can be seen as an introduction to Idolatery.

Due to the problem you raise, Catholic and Orthodox Church did raise some level of relaxedness that the Protestant/Baptist does not have.

You sound a tad confused but neither Orthodox nor Catholic Churches have the Power they once had in past ages to pull a conspiracy 13th Friday style.
There are some remaining religious elements that still do have some influence.

It doesn't. Not to us, not to normies. Go troll Holla Forums.

Amen! Hallelujah to God Almighty!!

Dude if they're leftists by will then there's no hope for them.

You retard, Ashkenazi Jews are German Jews (location, not ethnicity), it's a Jewish term for Germany.

Sure. We're not here to preach to leftards anyway, we're here to crush them.

So you're saying germans are semites? No offense but please pay closer attention to what is being said, please. "German Jews" are gentiles.

Judaism is a FALSE religion. Anybody who is a self-called Jew is a liar and going to hell. If they're saved, then they start reading their bible, and then they realize that there ARE NO MORE JEWS. Only people who LIE about being Jews for shekels. Those are KHAZARS. Those are ASHKENAZIS. I'll link a based interview with Ernst Zundel. He calls them out.

Yes because there is a strong preponderance with the availability of information today to confidently suggest that there are reprobates among the majority of lefties today and that they can no longer be saved.

And we call them out. I saw them face to face. That's why we had a bunch of faggots protesting my church last June.

It looks like a mess however I look at it.
Don't care, not my board.
In one ear and out the other, figuratively speaking.
Not following you line of thought at all.
See above.
This is getting into godly niggers territory now.
So you're a Bong?
What do you have against Latin?
Catholics are the real kikes, Holla Forums! ?

Now you're just being dense on purpose.

GO back to /christian/

(This topic obviously offends shills.)


Eh, I think Hegelian Dialectical is wrong, but it's interesting.

The Capitalism is the Thesis because it's the established order of things, Socialism is the antithesis that grows OUT OF the thesis of Capitalism. The Thesis literally births it's own Antithesis.

The Two struggle for meaning (actualization) where there is only room for one.

One is "victorious", but is changed by the conflict such that it is an entirely different thing (synthesis), eventually settling into becoming the "established order of things" again (Thesis).

It's a philosophical and historical view of things, that's all.

I'm fucking tired of the religion fights. The fact that you're trying to get Holla Forums to fight your fellow Christians is pathetic.


I agree. I thought you were calling yourself orthodox since you quoted Chrysostom. I however am indeed calling orthodox protestant just in case that's confusing.. because that accusation is certainly not common.

And as a Baptist I am explicitly NOT calling myself a protestant. Protest means that I am implying Catholics have authority over me, which I don't. They don't.

However most people caught up in this false paradigm will call me crazy for saying that being a Baptist is not being a protestant. I just want to make sure that we're making similar assumptions about that as well.

No the appeal to statism and the weakening of the average man by the way that our laws are written in our modern era are a function of a long series of Hegelian Dialect being employed.

That's how the civil war happened, that's how ww1 happened, and ww2 as well.

My friend you are stripping yourself of your power when you refuse to read how the bible defines these things.

This is exactly what the ANTITHESIS is that I'm talking about! You don't care BY DESIGN! You're a witness to what I'm saying. The Jew Catholic won against you.

/christian/ moderators are Holla Forumsgoonsquad NOT CATHOLICS


Christcuck leftypol shills for endchan/goonchan


/christian/ makes sure none of their posters are racist
/christian/ on how racists are going to hell

it seems goonsquad took over /christian/ and is associated with the DOD/jidf
new board owner/suddenly returning BO
/christian/ rapefugees come to /christianity/ because deus vulters were banned there
christcucks get banned from /christian/
christ-chan thread
/asatru/ catches on to /christian/ raids on /pol

Christcuck mods ban deus vultures
/christian wants their goys back
/christpol/ seems to be another base for the goonsquad/jidf/leftypol/christian raids on pol and the attacks on its moderation
/christ/ is another hangout/reuge board of /christian/ and seems to have the same goonsquad deus vult shitty meme

/christian/ has been compromised (deus vulters are getting banned)

/christian/ mods ban deus vultures
/christian wants their goys back

Cuckvol is dead, deus vult!
archive of goonsquad thread

pol/ to christianity.

"Deus vult" poster talks about the US embassy moving to jerusalem (benefits jews)
deus vulters are most likely jews themselves

Goons are raiding us with pro-zionist propaganda
Goons are responsible for the anti-mod uprising

Goons/JIDF are raiding us with kike propaganda

You are incorrectly taking illustrative descriptions of a system I disagree with to be MY worldview. Assuming I am understanding you correctly, we are in accord in regard to Hegelian Dialectical's and the evil they spread.

You have clearly given this a serious amount of thought, but you're not explaining what you mean particularly well or coherently, and are making quite a few serious assumptions that your audience understands terms that you have clear definitions for, but they don't, or they have more common or different definitions of.

Friend, you sound straight mad. Not because what you're saying is mad (I'm not quite sure what you're saying), but because you're doing an awful job of saying whatever it is you're trying to say.

He's trying to get Holla Forums to poke /christian/, when that didn't work he IP hopped and tried the Holla Forums angle, when no one bit he posted

John 3:15-18

Salvation is by faith in Christ and EVERYONE who trusts in him to save them will be saved. Those who do not are condemned.

To Catholics and others who think their works have anything to do with them getting to heaven: Read the Bible and it is clear that salvation is by faith.

Protip: When you read the bible, base your beliefs on the simple, clear and repeated statements in it. There are no contradictions in God's word, so if John 3:15 and a score of other simple impossible-to-misunderstand verses say that everyone who believes is saved then you can bet your bottom dollar that everyone that believes are saved. God does not lie.

The Bible is exceedingly complex and all the passages that people think teach a works salvation are simply misunderstood. James 2, Matthew 7:21-23 etc.

Trust Christ and Christ alone. He did all the work, he gets all the glory forever and ever. Amen.

/christian/ is actively being D&Ced at this very moment with low-effort bait and porn spam. This thread is just prong 2 of the attack.

not everything the man from argentia says is supposed to be infalliable user, even while other people think him to be the pope
and besides, that particular guy wasn't canonically elected

What part of Holla Forums did you misinterpret as /christianmeta/?

No, I'm trying to get people saved.

The baptist I'm assuming you're accusing and myself are the same person. It is not a raid, it is discussing the bible on an alleged "Christian" forum!

Jesus literally said he came to bring division and not unity. That's why Babel was confounded and divided.

Thank you for your sincerity. You're correct I am being solipsistic.

What I am saying is that the calamity which is presented in the spirit of the majority of content on this board resonates with the suspicion that the Catholic Church and Jews have complete domination over our political and economic system and it's the SAME THING as when the pharisees and romans conspired to murder Jesus. I am saying that nothing has changed since 2000 years ago. That coordinated conspiracy is the same thing that floods our social media with pornography and teaches us liberalism in schools.

The authority that his office as pope provides him is UNSCRIPTURAL. The scriptures always have authority over man.

That's the same way our constitution works. If the pope can say he personally has a unique relationship with God and therefore has power over what is defined as correct interpretation of scripture represents HERESY.

And yet the ones spouting Heresy are the ones who frequently call people heretics.

I'm not being paid to do this, guys. The bible says that if people listen to the gospel and receive it that my rewards in heaven will be great.

Just like how God promised Sarah a child in her old age, as bible believing christians we live our lives as looking for a promise by faith.

Of course it sounds crazy or stupid to the unsaved because the bible literally defines the perception of the reader by distinction of being saved or not:

(1 Corinthians 1:18)
(2 Corinthians 3)

Thank you.

Exceptionally tyrannical behavior is not limited to Catholics.

This is a fruit of the dialectic being addressed by me (op).

If you put one common written law above all men, then there's no unfairness.

Moses getting the law of GOD is EXTREMELY important to human history. Because it explains what is required of man in order to not bring any more quantifiable units of death into the world.
>For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord
(Romans 6:23)

Which ultimately results in civil harmony the more civil laws resonate with God's laws.

We execute murderers to keep the peace.
We ought to execute adulterers to keep the peace.
We ought to execute sodomites to keep the peace!
(at the governmental level, vigilantes are unscriptural)

This is not the same thing as not being allowed to eat a bat or a whale because those animals are unclean as defined by ordinances intending to pattern spiritual truth.

Man's laws and designs will always be corrupt. God's law is perfect.

The Jews said that they would keep God's law and they didn't. In other words THEIR promises are OURS FOR THE TAKING and fake Jews with power from satan are doing whatever they can including appealing to your PRIDE to keep you from accepting it.

Forbidden to read the actual words Paul wrote? Not sure which cult you belong to but it ain't Christian.

Technically it only applies when he says something "ex cathedra" (which is almost never done) but catholics don't go around filtering everything the pope says by asking themselves whether something was said ex cathedra or not and non catholics don't know what that even means. So on a subconscious level the pope has a sort of implied infallibility in everything. This is how he can say things like the "the life of Jesus ended in failure, the failure of the cross" and have people give him the benefit of the doubt. Francis is very anti Christian in a crafty jewish way and it seems completely intentional.

But the jews and useful idiots mods don't want outsiders to see that so you never hear about it irl and these threads get bumplocked quick