Blatant Race Mixing Propaganda in New TV Commercial
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Blatant Race Mixing Propaganda in New TV Commercial
Post more examples of brainwashing from the MSM.
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A thread died for this.
You mad, Moshe?
I nearly gagged the first time I saw that commercial. Just from the open mixing and cuckoldry in it.
Another race mixing bit from the same ad series.
Why should we tolerate it? Let's call for the boycott of pepsi and spam channels with demands to remove the advertisement.
That hair can't be real. This is what happens when we take memes too far
I forgot to mention that the comments and ratings are disabled. I wonder why?
Add another brand to the ban list (7up is part of PepisiCo). I wouldn't drink that garbage in the first place though.
As pointed out from >>>Holla Forums, notice the stiff giraffe in front of the nigger and the limp giraffe in front of the cucked h'white man.
Can't argue with those trips. Guess Kek is ok with some fun sometimes when things are slow. Mods seem to byde it too.
Came here to point that out. It's clear subliminal messaging to push the whole BBC propaganda that is targeted toward white women.
I can't believe I missed that.
Does this really deserve a thread? Blatant race mixing propaganda is in basically everything. Almost all commercials, TV and movies as well as video games to a slightly lesser extent. This is old news. Unless its encouraging kikes to mix with Arabs and Africans I don't think its worth spending energy on
It's all advertising now on every level. Walk into the infant's section of a Wal-Mart. Good luck finding an ad featuring a white baby. Mulattos everywhere.
I'm not at least concerned about this.
Only the most idiotic of women fall for the nigger plague myth and when they do end up as single mom's, they realise they can't have a stable relationship for the rest of their life.
If they keep themselves in good shape then a nigger or someone will fuck her, but they will never put a ring on her finger.
Natural eugenics weeds out the most unworthy of passing on their genes regardless of who they are. The worthy ones are those who are worth going for. Mock them, laugh at them make them feel as retarded as the nigger they barebacked then hopefully they will put that coffee coloured mutt in a bin liner and jump off a motorway bridge in tandem. Only then, god has truly carried his duty.
The decent women won't do this
vid related
Funny how they exposed their methods in a black man/ white woman movie called Focus.
stunning and brave.
Don't think for one second the kikes don't know what they are doing here. The purposely showed this white woman's attractive foot bottoms to excite their viewers sexually. The feet brain area ia very close to the genital brain area. Another attribute that makes the foot fetish the most popular one is that usually when a male sees a feet bottoms it's time to mount up.
Another thing: the nigger literally brought up how he has a helicopter. Literally makes no sense why that would be brought up in that situation. No que or lead up to it. They are trying to make the nigger look like the powerful big man in charge. Further evidence for this is they have her husband sitting on the lap of another man while displaying beta bitch behaviors (he didn't display this until this scene)
More propaganda for the unwoke - absolutely disgusting to see this all happening.
We document everything. When the day of the rope comes, Brett Craig will not be spared.
Checked for truth
Pretty much this. I live near a smaller town, one generation there has had a bad coalburning problem. 9/10 of the girls are over-weight, unhealthy and obviously the lower percentile. The only attractive white girls they get are the ones they push drugs on.
kek is smiling!
too bad i can't contribute for shit
Stay woke.
Doesn't look like that shit went over too well.
I generally agree, but the problem I see with race mixing even with the garbage of our kind is that if it stands at 7% generation over generation this will have a large effect if it isn't stopped. Just look at Brazil. Most there non-white population is because of mixing and these days it seems the stupid cunts mixing have more kids than the pure breeds of any race do. It's the mestizo problem on a much bigger scale with fucking mocha kids of all types.
Dude, every fucking commercial on air right now has race-mixing, cuckolding, fag-enabling, and "muh diversity" in it. This isn't anything new.
Have you seen the new Loreal commercial where a whole bunch of muds go "What is normal? I'm normal. Hair that come out yo head is normal." "Beauty companies shouldn't pander to the majority of their consumer base, it leaves out minorities like me." so then they (the company) comes on and says "Oh well now we have 138 different types of products for the exact same thing, for all different kinds of normal."
And what about that fiasco with the cover girl being a queer? It's all just another in a long line of degenerate horseshit dreamt up by jews, niggers, and lecherous women.
This is the only thing keeping me from full-on raging. One day the time will come, and all of these civilization-wreckers and degenerates will get what they deserve. I can't wait to walk down the streets and let out a puff of smoke as I walk past the bodies hanging from streetlamps. All in all, it's just another brick in the wall.
These are the people behind this ad
This one happened in my city not too long ago
Denazification is a hell of a thing.
Not only is is racemixing, it's cheating. They try to portray it as justified because the husband went to some kind of burning man event (degenerate btw) without telling his wife. There's no reason a man shouldn't be able to take a few days off from his wife.
Checked, but how the fuck is the jewish advertising industry and the jewish entertainment industry still fucking new to you? If we had a thread for every single fucking instance of it, it'd more than fill the catalog.
Topkek. I'm happy this bitch is suffering. She deserves all the hell she can get on this earth before she dies. She's a traitor to her race and society.
I think this is actually doing us a favor. The shit genes in our race are getting bred out with niggers to make half-retarded babies. I'm not saying this is a good thing really, but it's really polarizing things even more. Our generation isn't good because the last one did the best for us, or because of brotherhood, but because of the opposite.
It's forcing those qualities out of us. It seems as we're riding that once-in-a-century wave again.
This. So much this.
Every coalburner I have ever met was of such poor quality genetics and/or character that she would have found a way to destroy her own life even without nigger dick.
Even most of the 4/10s she-goblins I know have enough respect to not fuck niggers.
Yet the propaganda in Brazil was not as advanced as what we have now and people fram around the world can see what problems Brazil has as a nation of mulattoes.
You have to remember that we are at war. There are 3.5bn women in the work and therefore you will get collateral damage at some point. The main issue is making the women arawre that the MSM is full of shit and selling a false reality. Only then we can claim royal smugness over the narrative.
Nearly every moment and everyone I speak to has given up TV and switched over to social media.
This is good news as it shows we have traction and they are losing revenue.
My only advice is to keep doing what we are doing and hopefully this will come to an end and our women will tell these feminists and lefties to fuck off.
There was literally an NBC "The More You Know" about 5 years ago, in the middle of the night, that was said you should racemix because it's healthy. Not in code or anything. It featured the cast of The New Normal, which was a show at the time.
Can you guess when pic related was taken?
I agree. I'm a 35 year old white engineer divorced no kids. I keep in shape, am financially stable, manage to hide my extreme beliefs behind a fun, outgoing persona, so I am currently killing it with 27-29 year old women. I target those specific ages and it works amazing. These are beautiful women who for the first time are no longer the "hot" girl in the room, and it absolutely destroys them emotionally. It must be terrifying. These are girls who have NEVER been just a girl, just an average person. They have never been ignored in favor of another girl, never had a problem getting free drinks from men, now they have to WAIT to get into the club!
All of these things begin occurring to these women and almost instantly they change their entire life. At least the smart ones do. They hit the gym, begin actually giving a fuck at work, and begin looking for older men with financial security. Now of course they still require you to be at least better than average looking, but before they only talked to the hottest guys their own age. That's where I slide in. I'm not a model, but I am slightly better looking than average due to decent body fat and very symmetrical face. I have been on an incredible hit streak with these fucking idiots.
And all of them are openly racist once I begin slowly breaching the subject. All of them. Niggers say the most outlandish shit in online dating apps, and it really offends these girls in a unique way. The average nigger immediately begins sending the girls sexual messages, on a level that is so absurd it almost seems as if it's /r9k/ doing it for kicks. Many variations of "muh dick", many variations of "i fuck different than other men because I'm a thug." It infuriates the girls because the niggers are assuming they are already in, the girls associate this with their loss of status.
Frankly I'm very impressed with how many completely normal looking young women I know that will call a nigger a nigger. Once I get them there, I wait until we see a mixed race couple then I push farther. Usually it's ugly white girl and thuggish coon, so I call the girl ugly, and wait to see what my dates says. So far most of the girls do 2 things. They call the girl ugly, trashy, slutty or some other class identifier, and then they mention the fake TV couples that look totally different.
At least this small subsection of white girls have a clue. They are only seeing the tip of the iceberg, but do realize the media is constantly pushing essentially the same image. 1) Handsome, tall, black man(not too black) dressed well, excellent speaking and rich of course 2) Beautiful blond or brunette, great smile, great body, typical Hollywood washout bombshell. 3) A mongrel tar baby in the picture OR the ex boyfriend, pale ugly beta with bad genes and worse personality. If they are going all out super kike they include BOTH the white ex boyfriend and the new nigger baby.
The females are noticing the kicking. They don't carry the same emotions we do when seeing it though. I one girl to admit that seeing pictures of ACTUAL race mixing couples made her feel better, more self confident. She said seeing those girls dating niggers, while she was still dating white men, made her feel more attractive, or more desired.
You know how you look at men who marry Asian girls? Like actual go to Thailand and grab one Asian? That's how they look at white women who date niggers. When I see a white guy with a clearly foreign Asian, i immediately dismiss him as a weak desperate cuck, give him zero respect. And he deserves none 9/10 times. White girls who date niggers are the same thing from female POV. They know niggers will fuck ANYTHING white with a pussy, no matter how fat and nasty. There is no challenge there, and it means the girl was unable to attract white men.
Try it yourself. You will be shocked how many girls are barely hiding disdain for niggers and coal burners.
And when I read posts like this I immediately assume you aren't like the other girls
Interesting post. I'm 29 and I've also noticed women in my age group do not want to date nogs, and many times have noticed this is often the first thing they mention in their online dating profiles due to the insane amount of persistent nogs who think they are kangz and God's gift to white women. I'm glad I'm a 6'2" whitey. Feels good to be white.
You two clearly don't live in Southern California, it's coal burning central. Every blonde here is dating a nignog.
Correct. I live in the midwest. Sorry to hear that… It's a damn shame.
Let it serve as a warning. Don't let the kikes destroy the rest of the nation. Everyday I wake up in a dystopia, I'm just glad the rest of the country is different.
Most race-mixing "blondes" I see are bottle blondes.
I used to live in Apelanta, so I know how it is in the more populous areas. I currently live in the country about 60 miles from a semi-large city. Most days of the week I rarely even see a nog, and they know not to fuck with people out here. I'd never trade the country life for the city life.
Holy trips deserve WLP video.
You people have no clue how far back this kind of shit goes.
kek wills it
Likes and Comments already disabled btw. 7up sucks anyway. It's like the nigger of soft drinks.
of course. make the white guy sit with his legs in a feminine position on top of another dude. thanks jews.
Doesn't surprise me. TV is one of the most dangerous weapons on the mind.
Holy shit user, I thought the same thing when I saw this.
I felt myself get a little stiff when I saw her movie her sexy feet.
They're programming us to associate a white woman's sexy feet with ugly disgusting niggers.
Holy shit.
Also, this is so insanely obvious it's not even funny. They literally stripped a white woman from her white husband, who they made dorky and effeminate, then had her swoon over a hideous rapper. wtf
good to know this board is full of literal cucks now. we definitely need more half nigger goblins waddling around because "only trash white girls fuck nigs and its totally eugenics goys". trashy white females are a product of the jewish state they exist in. they conform, its what they do. if seeing your sisters in race with a nigger doesnt anger you, just head to your cuckshed and castrate yourself.
sounded like a BBC reference to me.
the fucking narrator sounds like a kike too. can't stand that voice.
Of course it angers me you chode. But you're a naive fool if you think that these women would be wife material, even in a better world.
Every little nog born by a white woman means a wasted opportunity for a smarter, whiter child. Every. Single. One. Even the children of the dumb ones.
One more less of our race, one more for theirs. Do you understand the severity of the situation? This is a fight for survival you fucking cucks.
Around the same time as these?
It is still 1000 times better if some white cuck marries them and produces white offspring. No one is forcing you to do it. That is why we need to put effort in redpilling these women, if the mere presence of the nog in their life doesn´t do it alone.
Excellent propaganda
This. Race-mixing is only growing more and more prevalent, and it's ridiculous to stick our heads in the sand and say that only expendable white women burn coal (not true).
Hasn't race-mixing for whites been going down while all others are rising? I swear I remember reading that somewhere on here.
Yeah, according to dating apps at least. Whites tend to stick with each other 99% of the time. It's really just the bad gene whites who would consider throwing away their race with a nigger.
The stats I've seen show that race-mixing is substantially more common in the younger generations, millenial and gen z.
youre a fucking idiot that obviously doesnt live in an area with a lot of (((diversity))). i see mixed race couples every time i go out. go spend some time in a city or suburban area near a major city. this isnt a self correcting problem where if we just hope, everything will get better. its a culture problem where social media has made nonwhites seem cool and desirable.
Its so disgusting. And its literally everywhere now too. Of course always Black m White f and usually blonde.
I live near a major city dumbass. I'm talking about in general. Of course cities would be hotbeds of that behavior, they've always been cesspools. That's not the way statistics work though. Even if all the race mixers in the country lived in your city, that wouldn't change the fact by enlarge.
I'm not saying it's not a problem, I'm not saying it will correct itself. All I'm stating is the obvious backed by facts. The majority of self-respecting whites don't want to piss their genes into a drainpipe.
Have a link, or graph? Millenials I guess I could believe but I know Gen. Z is far more conservative.
We were talking about race-mixing, not shitskin crazy birth rates because of state subsidies.
Same here. Of course I live in an incredibly degenerate city in an incredibly degenerate state, but (surprise!) that's par for the course in America now. Anons can't just write off the cities and suburban metropolis's anymore because THAT'S WHERE THE WHITE YOUTH IS NOW
Are you really that retarded? Do you think race-mixing isn´t going up when rapefugees flood the country? They don´t all segregate, you know, even if thats a commonality.
gallup poll from 2013. Not reporting directly on number of mixed-race couples, but catastrophic numbers nonetheless.
Those digits
My university's college president. Ain't she progressive?
Stop being a fucking jew. Ignoring the problem is how it was able to get to this point in the first place.
Well your not wrong, the fact that more rapefugees are around will increase the % no-matter what.
I really need to do some more research on these studies because I know how shit their methodology is but the trend is worrying.
It's very worrying. I also wouldn't put too much credence into the studies that show Gen. Z is more conservative, because Gen Z. is also near majority shitskin. Not trying to blackpill, but shitskins tend to rank much higher than whites in studies that measure "conservative values". I think the younger white generations will be insanely polarized between consumer-culture liberal degenerates and the traditionalist-minded redpilled, but the latter will be overwhelmingly outnumbered by the former.
it's bullshit. they didn't ask everyone
I mentioned this awhile ago on one of those evil whitey movie threads. It's gross and that monkey is just a product to be bought up.
I have 4 young kids… Can confirm, there are no diapers with white babies.
They're all kinky-haired mutants. I wouldn't even mind seeing black babies as much, but you just fucking know that every single one of those poster-child mulattoes they push in advertising came from a WF+BM.
Holy fuck, I haven't had TV in 9 years. Is this commercial really that unsurprising? I see a lot of pozz on YouTube and internet ads, but never anything this obvious.
How 'bout this one? The cool black guy has to yell at all the goofy white people.
My older sister (by 10 years) is a single mother with a mullato child.
It all happened years before I even saw a problem with it. She told me when I was young that our father told her he didn't want a nigger/chink or anything non-white in his family.
She ignored him and moved to Africa for a year, twice, and ended up coming home with a coal nigger. I don't really talk to her at all anymore.
The studies that show Gen Z being so conservative are from Britain, where 30% of Gen Z is Muslim. Yep, Myslims are pretty conservative.
then stop buying them. stop fudning your own genocide
Oh shit that's rich. I as well do not live in a pozzed up shithole. I live in the suburbs of an area full of Amish and Dutch families. Families that are proud of their ancestors and still live on family land. In many of the smaller townships that dot the area, the original founding family home is still there, These were rich white men with real wealth, the kind with connections that gave them the ability to literally purchase enough land for a town.
It's a white area, and unapologetic about it. The people here have a history with the land and are proud of it. Their ancestors tilled and plowed, then opened businneses which were passed down. This results in the exact opposite of what niggers do to a neighborhood or town. This area is always being improved, cleaned up. People don't litter, they clean it up. The fucking place gets better as time goes on. Niggers do the exact opposite. They move in and in the first day the trash appears in the street gutters. Then the driveways, then the front yards. Within months the broken windows appear, and the trashed cars. Graffiiti and gangs are next and the final death rattle.
Until that hood is razed it will never be anything but a holding pen for niggers in between prison sentences, and a government funded brothel and daycare for sheboons to fuck the niggers so they get more kids to claim benefits on.
Just imagine how much property and land in this great nation is set aside for this purpose. Every major city has PRIME real estate set aside for niggers and spics to live for free as the men rotate in and out of prison, and the women go in and out of the maternity ward. ALL of this is paid for by US. Can you even imagine how many people are doing this? Brith to grave existing solely on our taxes. 45 MILLION people are essentially in bread lines. EBT and WIC are bread lines without the lines. Don't kid yourself. They would starve immediately without those entitlements.
That's why the deep state is pushing zombie movies so hard. They are trying to tell us what will happen when the government defaults and EBT stops working. The result? Millions of drug addled shitskins of every variety terrorizing the country, starting in the cities. Then they slowly push out to the country as all of the whites in the cities become victims. The zombies even resemble what these people will look like after weeks with zero federal government to tell them what to do, to feed and clothe them. They will be dirty, covered in skin rashes and disease, vacant eyes from drug use and starvation, no energy to do much more than stumble along in a daze groaning and looking for a quick meal from a white man who was prepared.
The walking dead is a deep state warning to all of us, telling us to be prepared for the day that Tyrones EBT card stops working. It will start relatively bad, Tyrone will burn down his neighborhood first. Then, eventually, and this will take a long time, Tyrone will grasp that his EBT card will NEVER work again. That there is no more money from the government. And that there is no more cops either. Once that moment is reached, it will be worse than a zombie movie in major cities. Much worse.
Zombies don't kill for fun or rape. Niggers do. So not only will they be zombies looking for food, they are going to be racist, they are going to be rapists, and they will target whites before themselves.
They will be worse than zombies in every way. Think about that next time you see zombie propaganda being pushed in some absurd place. It's a warning from Bro-Tier deep state agents who can see what's up, but are unable to tell us the truth. Lol can you imagine the CIA issuing a directive on expected nigger rampage behavior in case of failed EBT in major cities? You KNOW they have considered this and have written bland and deeply deceptive reports about it, hiding it all behind nonsense words and politico speak.
Imagine if they just sat down with all of their analysts and chink quants and wrote out the realistic data about this event like they do for war strategies or war sim. "Collapse of EBT and the projected impact on theoretical city Shicagoh" "Top Secret" Do you realize how AWFUL the truth would be? They know, and that's why it will never see the light of day. It's such a politically incorrect idea that they wouldn't even consider ever putting it down on paper. Never. So the only thing they can do is try to warn us through pop culture. Hoping that enough people put 2 and 2 together.
Don't be caught with your pants down. Intel-bros are trying to warn us.
You think that's bad?
One of biggest beer brands in Brazil.
Literally "we're all the same goy, say no to bigotry".
More conservative is not the same thing than white male kids wanting to be loyal beta cuckolds of white women and see white men being racially trashed, portrayed like loser and cuckold race and pretend that the white male against white male dating a white woman and this whte men being friend of a nigger will erase years of racial anti-white male cuckold media, movies, porn, commercials, propaganda and everything to relate white men with non-desired cuckold loser owned by white women, non-triggering and non-dominant man owned, femdom and cuckold by white women since white men only produce neutral politically correct porn, neutral media, neutral movies and white men is the representation of demonized, asexual and racial attaked race by media owned by democrats party
Basically this unnatural american feminized femdom cuckold culture about racial worshiping of white women, racial trashing of white men and the nigger being the representation of male above the white loser cuckold representation of white men, will don't make generation z enjoy
Generation Z want to see white men being worshiped, white men with narrative of being the gift and desired by women, basically the retarded american world narrative who tried to turn the nigger the representation of male and gift for the women, and white men the representation of asexual, non-dominant and non-triggering to please the nigger male and some asianmasculinity, beta, femdom owned by white women, cuckold race, neutral, they don't like this american cuckold culture of white men being racially trashed, demonized, attacked as human, attacked as male (Sexually) while white men only does neutral pornography (White men with white women only without produce racial cuckold, cheating porn against men of other race, with white men being praised and worshiped by women of other race beging for white men and against men of own race, the same racial cuckold demoralization american propaganda made by all these industries owned by democrats party or that follow the rules of democtrats party)
White men being dominant male, fucking women, being desired by women of other race, the men of other race being losers for white men, women of other race beging, wanting to date and having sexual fantasies with white dudes, increase the value of white men, make white men sexually better and more dominant even in the eyes of own white women proud to see white men as dominant male instead of a neutral cuckold who is only men in movies, scenes, against other white male, while the nigger, the men of other race have years of racial cuckold porn, media, movies, cuckold commercials, everything for years with the same racial narrative of demoralize, demonize white men, relate white men with human trash, relate white men with sexual trash, relate white men as beta and cuckold for the nigger, for the men of other race while does the neutral movie, porn, media of white men dating or fucking women of own race and pretending that this neutral porn, media, scenes will erase years of racial anti-white male intentional establshment manipulation to put white males as cuckolds, to remove any sexual appeal and relate white men with shit, to create the fake image of white men being the representation of a beta cuckold femdom owned by white women with image of non-desired, non-sexual loser men race only with white women while white women actresses, pornstars, comics, everything used by american establshment tried to promote white men like garbage, put white women in pedestal and put white men in the bottom, the democrats party are also trying to create some narrative to divide try to make white women think that they are poc and part of other group and white men are the target alone of the estabshment, democrats party
Look since 2005, white men don't have porn brands for themselves, white men don't produce dominant mae triggering pornography against men of other race, cucckolding men of other race, being praised and worshiped by women of other race against men of own race
Halfway through the ad, tall ripped black man embracing and kissing beautiful white girl. Of course. These kikes just cannot help themselves. Anywhere they get an ounce of power, they push this EXACT image. So on top of the entire western world, add Brazil to the list.
How many other countries are being force fed this same image?
I have NEVER seen an ordinary black guy with one of these types of girls. In real life, girls that hot don't date guys who don't own a car, or who live in section 8 housing. And in the real world, that's what black men are. They are poor, they don't own a fucking thing, they don't work, and they don't have an education. Who actually thinks a literal 10/10 girl like models in these ads would date a one of those guys? I know they don't. Think about it. The ONLY time you see a beautiful white women with a black man, it's on TV or other media. You will never see it in the real world. I haven't, and I would definitely notice it.
Huh, I didn't know that. But yeah I wouldn't be surprised if that was true, the muzzies approve of killing people who leave the religion. Britain is especially fucked because the muslim youth is disproportionately radicalized compared to their elders, and the white youth are….well….whatever the opposite of that is.
You know that in the jungle the masculine instinct is being dominant, white men always was the most desired naturally by women but american racial media, porn industry, propaganda, tried to create the image of white men being the beta cuckold owned by white women, promoted white men as sexual trash, white men as the non-dominant loser cuckold image, and tried to create the opposite world with the nigger even niggers being less desired, the americans created the nigger being the dominant male over the white male, the nigger being dominant with the women of other race against the men of other race, the white male being the cuckold and loser for the nigger, the white male being the beta and femdom loser owned by white women
White men always was the most naturally desired but american establshment trying to get votes don't wanted women of other race liking or with desire for white men, so they tried to create hate, turn off white men sexually representated as cuckolds, demonized, sexual trash, femdom owned by white women, losers, only neutral male who is only man against other white male, doing neutral movies, neutral porn to be non-dominant and non-triggerting against nigger male, asian male, any other men who don't want to see white men with women of own race but white men is the representation of epic cuckold loser racially trashed by every industry owned by democrats party who for years tried to relate white men with shit in manipulated news, media, movies, propaganda, porn
Will not erase the racial cuckold and propaganda bait of demoralization, ridicualrization and trying to relate white men racially with shit
Will not erase years of anti-white male cuckold porn, shit porn brands, while white men is forbiden to have porn brands exclusive for themselves in the same way than niggers, white men don't have category for themselves and white men are forbiden to produce mass racial cheating and cuckold porn against niggers, asians, men of other race with the best white men being racially praised for the hotest asian women, black, women of other race praising white men, cheating men of own race and promoting white men as dominant males instead of neutral cuckolds, betas, losers, femdom owned by white women who only try to create lame jokes or neutral things since are forbiden to be man, forbiden to be proud, forbiden to make anything dominant and being a male, who need to be the most neutral, non-triggering, non-dominant possible to keep the racial social engineerting manipulation narrative, same manipulation to hdie niggert crime, demonize white men, same narrative of call white men shit, but don't say shit against nigger and black women, arab and arab women, asian and asian women, the narrative, democrats owned media, industry, porn, movies, everything always was to try to racially demonize, sexually relate white men with beta cuckold losers, white men are the most neutral scenes pretending to be males, and every rare times who white men have some scene, movie, porn who is more masculine, dominant, the nigger male, the asian mae, cry while have years of racial everything manipulated against white
To demonize white men
to relate white men with sexual trash
To put white women in pedestal, to put white men in the bottom, to put the nigger like the real man and dominant male since is the nigger with the women of other race, against the men of other race being loser and with legacy of years of racial cuckold media, cuckold commercials, cuckold porn, cuckold movies, cuckold scenes of movies, manipulated news to hide nigger hit, hate crimes, while trashing, manipulate against white and then after years of the white racially trashed and making the same thing against others, the white is demponized after years of manipulation of democrats party in all industries controlled, manipulated or following the anti-white male rules of manipulation, bias, of democrats party
Even American porn industry follow anti-white male double standard biased rules of democtrats party since white men are forbiden to have porn brands exclusive for white men in the same way than niggers, with the women of other race praising and worshiíng white men while cheating the men of own race, is forbiden to have any proud porn, media, nothing
everthing made by white males need to be disguised neutral, non-dominant, softcore version compared to everything racially made against white, being the exception with 50 times more racial anti-white male production, media, porn, movies whle the white male version is the exception, the white male need to be showed like non-desired, non-sexual, the women need to be showed like a gift or charity for white men since white men represent the non-sexual non-man, the opposite narrative made with niggers, and white men need to be neutral with white women, while white women is the only race who was used by establshment to create this social engineering against men of own race and try to use white women actresses to promote white men like trash, and they want to use the same white women actresses like some sort of trophy for white men with the narrative of white men being pathetic, non-desired, cuckold, beta, femdom race owned by white women and the white women is a gift or trophy for white men but white men is not sexually and racially desired as male, always asexual, while they create the opposite sick world narrative with nigger based in years of cuckold social engineerting within of USA who try to export their racial cuckold culture for other countries who have mainstream left-wing media who copy the American cuckold anti-white male propaganda of loser and promoted like shit to keep the narrative and agenda,
But look how white men is under representated with asian women and women of other race while white women is over representated with other race and the men of other race being desired by white women, but the women of other race don't desire white men sexually to be non-triggering and softcore for the men of other race, how only the relationship of white men was attacked but white women with other race was officially promoted by the same american establshment media, industries, news, propaganda, every industry owned by democrats party
How white men need to make scenes being apologetic, non-dominant, non-male, loser joke, everything to castrate the scene and make motre softcore this exception who they choose the most ugliest white male and most ugliest women of other race who need to loos less asian or less black possible to be even less triggering for the men of other race, while they try to use white women for their propaganda, white men like the beta males owned and cuckolds of white women, white men like the beta males who are only men against other white males, white men who is the only race and men demonized, white men who is the only race and men portrayed like sexual trash and cuckold race, white men who make nothing really to please and be good for viewers but everything was made for years in every racial entertainment against white men by every industry owned by democrats party.
Count the american comics, media, movies, porn, propaganda, commercials, movies, scenes of movies, all the legacy of the last 15 years of racial anti-white male attack and manipulation of democrats in every way, human, male, sexually, media, news, movies, comics, commercials, porn, music, everything for years, compare everything with other races, the bias, the manipulation, how many times.
To be more exactly the american social engineering was made to:
White women in the racial pedestal
White men being the asexual neutral disguised shit
Nigger being the dominant male against men of other race and with women of other race
And every white male scene need to be always made to be the most soft, non-masculine, non-dominant, non-triggering, neutral thing to not make nigger male, asianmasculintiy, men of other race angry but the white male have years of legacy of racial anti-white male promotion as cuckolds, sexual trash, demonized, femdom beta losers owned by white women
In all statistics, preferences, white men was the most desired, but have the image of beta cuckold loser because of the american biased porn industry who white men is forbiden to have porn brands, forbiden to have category and forbiden to produce constant racial cuckold porn against men of other race and white men being praised and worshiped by the best women of other race, in the same way they tried to create the cuckold narrative with white women to promote white men like trash. I would never care for cuckold and these kind of porn, and media if white men really produced the same thing since 2005, but it'a biased, white male only does neutral and softcore things trying to be the most non-dominant, non-triggering, apologetic, non-desired and non-proud possible maybe because of some political rules who they follow from democrats party since is very similar to the rest of american industries owned by democrats party who everything was allowed to be invented, recorded, made, produced only against white men, white women being the only race of actresses in media, movies, porn, propaganda, comics, evertything being used for this social engineering and anti-white male racial narrative for years
Years of democrats party trying to demonzie white men, boycott their relationship with any women (White, asian, black, any women white men is officially related to shit in democrats sjw websites trying to please the nigger male, trying to please asianmasculinity, and is disgusting see white cuckolds and white women traitors in websites like buzzfeed, huffington Post, New York Times, Washington Post, etc..)
Years of Americans trying to make the white male the most neutral, bland, non-sexual, male making the most softcore, non-dominant, trying to not promote white men in positive way but trying to relate white men demonized and like sexual trash and cuckold demoralized race, white women showed with other race, niggers much more times than white men and non-white women, even white men being much more desired by women of other race, and white women having preference for men of own race, americans worked hard to create this racial cuckold anti-white male social engineering and they have this bias in their media, porn industry, movies, scenes of movies, commercials
The scenes of white males are always more softcore than the scenes of niggers, the white males need to always take care to be non-triggering, non-dominant to not make the men of other race angry while trying to disguise for the white viewers that they are trying to pretend to be unbiased in the rare exceptions, who they pick the ugliest women of other race and worst white men, and make the scene have some disgusting narrative, with the white men seeking or beging for the women since the narrative is the white men not being desired, the opposite of the narrative with the white women seeking and beging for the men of other race and making racial proapganda against men of own race.
Americans need to broke this old media cuckold femdom social engineering and manipulation of democrats party since they are in control of all these industries and media and need to be destroyed or replaced.
Is that why the CDC wrote a report on what to do during a "zombie apocalypse"?
you goys keep watching tv and you'll end up like Holla Forums. tv; where niggers and spics are brilliant doctor scientist bosses with sassy or stoic attitudes, who, while they don't ooze compassion, possess hearts of gold.
tv is a fucking wasteland.
christ wtf happened to her?
Don''t do drugs. Ever.
that thing was prime pussy in american pie
hollywood not even once
meh, Tara always had that overtanned too-thin look about her. But she could have turned out so much better.
Those sick fucks want to place her feet there like that don't they? After watching the video all you need is the still image in the embed. The jews are using their kike magic; their influence on the TV watchers is massive. People watching this won't just become cuckold slaves, they will be suggestively coerced over time.. this is much worse.
There are normalfags that look at shit like this and don't bat an eye. They also think we're fucking crazy for thinking that this commercial is suggesting something. To us it's a slap in the face. To them it's "just a commercial lol".
2chainz is only there because jews gave him money just like most black rappers. The jews clearly want you dick in hand over this shit. Don't fall for the bullshit guys, it's just some shifty financed commercial trying to program the normies and flaunt to us.
fucking faggot get out
Really I'm surprised that Holla Forums hasn't had threads like this where OP makes a fake blonde girl profile and posts the responses. I remember it happening once but not again.
The problem is that those qualities are trickling down.
For every trash white woman out of the gene pool, you have multiple halfbreeds who can teach their less-mixed brothas how many glok bullits are in a clip and which way the front sight is.
Huh, wonder why they didn't make a nigger sit like a fag on a white guy's lap? Or the white girl on an asian's lap? Or why are there niggers there at all? They are a very small portion of the US population. By rights there should be more beaners there.
Remember this commercial from Italy?
Of course.
Notice how devoid of this the thread is. It's all personal anecdotes that will do fuck all to convince anyone of the race mixing propaganda the media is forcing on us.
Don't worry, OP, I've got your back.
This thread was already discussed yesterday, now would only attract cucks, I think mods don't need to delete the thread but could bump block to not become forum slide.
America YES
These pro-miscegenation images came from Sears and Kmart, two retailers owned by the same company.
At the very least though, they will sometimes promote happy homogeneity. :^)
I wonder why.
Sorry, I thought that clip contained a discussion about how mixed race couples are vastly over-represented in media. The discussion can be found in this video.
Good post
What's funny is that nothing redpilled me on mischlings like all the jewish propaganda demanding that I accept/create them. It wasn't much of an issue in my world until they started force feeding me pro-miscegenation propaganda day in, day out, with nothing in between. That's what made me start looking into why they wanted to shove this in my face non-fucking-stop and I quickly realized it has nothing to do with muh diversity. It's about one thing only - eliminating the Aryan race.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
I miss this copy pasta
and I bet she, like all women, is too obstinate to apologize and admit your father was right all along
Sure thing, Rabbi.
Yea, /k/ was already prepping for this shit four years ago wholesale. And that is why we eventually rolled into planning to do this and other nifty shit in the event of civil war.
i was wondering if I was the only one that saw this blatant propaganda.
It only took 5 years.
Jack? Is that you?
positively simian.
The trick is to find out the advertising and brand awareness companies cranking this shit out. There are a lot less than we think and they all network among their tiny incestuous groups.
Advertising is a lot less competitive than other industries with a much more informal network of power holders. That's more ripe than anything else for our favorite tribe to promote other chosen:
Seriously, advertising is a breeding ground for yid fuckery.
This is probably a MAIN area we need to root out and the source of this continued and widespread virtue signaling across product lines.
all niggers must hang
absolutely heretical
Take a look at the current state of the diaper aisle. A lot of mutts and very few White babies on the packaging.
How long before he slashes that fucker up on a light pole?
I bet you still breath oxygen, faggot
Also, giraffe on side with nigger is extended, giraffe on whitey's side is drooping.
it really pisses me off when they stick a cute blonde girl with a nigger in ads because women are stupid and impressionable and will want a nog boyfriend as an accessory
It's a combination of it not being surprising because it's commonplace, and also because I've become jaded with television. I can see jewish propaganda EVERYWHERE, so seeing it on the most popular medium isn't surprising at all
So brave, moving in with her family and mooching off them while she raises two dindus.
Will probably be a welfare queen.
Lancaster, Lebanon, York or Berks County?
They just keep forcing that shit on you on jewtube or wherever you go.
Only when companies realize that maybe this isn't such a great move as nobody buys their cuck 7-UP anymore then maybe things will tone down a little.
Jews got a tight grip on the ad industry though.
The kike jew pushes blonde/red hair with nigger miscegenation in particular because he knows there are not many of these phenotypes in the world.
do we have enough to make a video compilation?
More and more normies know the jews are causing this. It's only a matter of time.
Pure coincidence go………guy.
Lancaster user here, I've been seeing quite a lot of "us" on these boards lately, it really makes me proud.
Rutters is good stuff
Kikes will burn for real this time. They memed their own destruction
Rutters has good prices, personally I like Sharp Shopper. Wish they'd open a few more though
forgot pic
(Kek Blesses)
Honestly, what a whore. In a just world, the husband would have wasted the nigger and the adulterous whore on the spot.
This is why you need a devoted Christian woman to wife.
There's a coalburner I know from a Skype group and I have her black eyed pic. She now hates niggers and suffer PTSD symptoms at the sight of any nigger. She's a whore that fucked like 20 men and ended up with a nigger BF. Now since this incident she's been celibate for years.
user I have bad news for you…
doesn't even make any fucking sense, why would something 'white' come out of the washing machine dark, It just goes to show that commercials are more about brainwashing then about actually making a good ploy to sell their shit.
that's not how eugenics works.
If they have one or two mixed-race kids, then you laugh at them because they "ended up alone" - meanwhile, white women have fewer kids on average with white men - and also, black women have more kids with black men …well like I said, that's not eugenics, at least, not the kind you had in mind.
Frankly, the best way to make something like eugenics happen would be free healthcare and idiot-proof birth control for men.
Do I like the commercial, or do I dislike the channel?
I knew I wasn't the only one upset by this. I'm trying to kick back and watch "Escape from LA" on cable and then my blood pressure goes through the roof. It's bad enough when I see a race-mixed married couple in that USAA commercial, but fucking hell, this literally promoting cucking.
Hey user, you seem to be developing schizophrenia / world-salad / incoherence, and in the early stages of it.
The shrinks can not help you. Forget them and their kike drugs.
However, while you still have time, you ought to take some measures to keep your mind from degrading further; otherwise you'll end up like some various sad cases I know about.
IDK what exactly to suggest to you but maybe check out >>>/fringe/ and see if you can get help there. There might be some meditations you can do.
chans are so good for primitive thought processes. think long-term, apes.
anglo aesthetics and fair skin is preserved so long as intellect exists above some random threshold. educate niggers and breed with them. lower the iq/aesthetics for a few generations. reintegrate. rinse, repeat.
the ugliest, dumbest niggers always mate with something similar at a much faster rate than you, murdering disproportionately. pull the educated ones up the ladder, get over the dogma, and everyone will be white in a thousand years.
I switched to energy drinks.
I just always explain it to people as everything in the whole fucking ad/movie/show is specifically put there. The lines are written by people that go over the shit because it's their fucking job. It's on purpose, all of it, all the time.
You need to slow down your thoughts and pace them out better. Take more time, don't go stream of consciousness.
I remember having to drive to Hanover, PA and there isnt many places for a semi-truck to park going down to Hanover. I happened upon a Rutters and man was it nice. Fresh hot food that is pretty damn good. Was impressed.
Sheets and Wawa are good too.
Here in Illinois we dont have top tier places like that. Closest we got is Kwik Trips in Wisconsin and Iowa, and QT in Iowa and Missouri.
The Christians in my area are the ones going out of their way to fund extra rapefugees to come into Canada as if the government wasn't already flooding us with too many.
kys racemixer
I bet you watch anime too, fag
In a way it's doing us a favor by killing of the stupid cunts
guess I'll just drop this off here
The shitskins have a baby. The white couple is (((childfree))) and gets a dog. They're flaunting white genocide now; normies will still dismiss it as at conspiracy, at best, and think it's acceptable, at worst.
I'm just glad the new generation is thinking critically like that JonTron kid. He's using his critical thinking to see through and showing everyone the overwhelming doublethink that exists within the left as well as the propaganda and he isn't even white.
Southern California here. What the fuck are you talking about? Yeah you see it happen, but it's definitely the vast minority. Most of the race-mixing involves asians or spics. I've rarely seen blacks with anything other than spics or other blacks.
Are you shilling or are you just retarded?
Sure she'll be a single mother welfare queen. Her niglets won't do anything besides snort crack anyway.
Does that make it alright though ?
It still muddies down the race. It still is race mixing.
A more efficient way of handling things is a firing squad for her and her niglets.
it's all anecdotal. i'm more concerned with kikes peddling this shit, than your personal observations.
That Brazilian user is onto something with his rambling where he talks about how white men are emasculated in subtle ways.
A good example of this is in the portrayal of TYPE of interracial relationship, which is overwhelmingly non-white male/white female - even insofar as it pertains to Asian men. Look at The Walking Dead and the notable Asian male/White female couple.
There are actually very few WM/AF couples in the media given the number of relationships that actually exist along this line.
What you guys also need to bear in mind is that we need to be dominate other men's women. It's a big part of masculinity to take the women of another tribe, as some sort of whimsical sexual distraction for you.
Do not hate yourself for it. So long as you marry and settle down and have children with a white woman. Black, Brown and Asian men do not hate themselves if they manage to get one of our women, they do not consider it a bad thing. White people are just too honorable and obsessed with universality of ethics/morals.
Revel in your despoilation of your enemy's women. Have you ever nutted all over a black girl's face? Have you ever had a Chinese-American girl beg you to call her your little chink whore?
You're a real white man. I know you have it in you Holla Forums. Nothing compares to that feeling of racial sexual conquest. Then retiring back home with your white girlfriend.
We derive a lot of our self-esteem from sex as men. This is an unfortunate reality for many of you. But fucking helps us to affirm our masculinity and give us self-esteem. It also gives you a sense of edification in revenge. I can't even begin to put into words how fucking GOOD it feels to fuck a married Muslim woman and make her eat your ass while she's still wearing a hijab.
Half breeds will wage war on your race if they are not permitted to integrate. You create a monster that has no where to call home, yearns for its father's people and yet carries pollutants in its blood.
Fuck your retarded "muh dick" thinking. You serve your race with self restraint. You honor your race by treating or offspring with respect.
Those men don't hate themselves for getting a white woman because it's a step up for them.
A white man going after a black or asian woman is not.
Any IKEA commercial, ever.
This is what I mean, if some asian girl came up to you and literally asked you to fuck her like a cheap whore, you'd say no.
Who are you trying to impress here? Why do you cockblock your own men? We fuck their women because they exist to serve us, not because we want them to be our wives.
Non-white women are the playthings of white men.
t. hasbara whose shift just started
How do they get away with being this fucking blatant? It's a god damn soda commercial yet it feels like it's not even really promoting the soda at all.
This is the problem with 8/pol/, too much of the legacy of 4chan and /r9k/ and other dysfunctional elements. No white woman cares if you fucked asian women before you married her. Women and men are not the same, women do not want some virgin groom for fuck sake. Why are you so delusional and cucked by slave morality?
I would wade in the blood of non-whites if I could, and you accuse me of being some sort of stooge? I assure you I have the stomach for acts so depraved and violent, they'd curdle your blood child.
im 26, 6'8" and 230lbs toned not muscular and have blue eyes. No matter where I go even just to safeway women will engage me in stupid ways like complimenting my beanie (its a nintendo beanie my sister gave me) or asking about my groceries and it will always turn into a girl trying to get me to engage back. The problem is I live in central california (the bay area) and every woman I come across has the same mindset and ideology. I can't bring myself to engage these women because I'm not into frivolous sex for one and also, I want a family so the woman I decide to engage with is the woman I'm considering as a possible mate in the truest sense. I don't want to be with a woman who will turn my kids against me or take them from me because my politics differ from hers. I don't want a woman who will kill our kids just to get back at me for a perceived aggression against a minority group. These people are beyond nuts.
I see your point but honestly, this one deserves special mention for the blatant cuckoldry. This one is not just portraying mixing. Any man that lets his wife do that with a nigger without tossing her overboard is doing both him AND her a disservice.
Yeah, this one is probably the worst I've ever seen. It isn't just the disgusting nigger mixing, but the intense emasculation of the white man was so in your face.
The polarization shills are in full force, user. Check the Intelligence Primer in the sticky.
Glad I stopped drinking the jew
You must be beyond nuts if you expect us to 100% believe what you wrote.
That's not a real commercial.
so I'm supposed to feel better about the racemixing?
Isn't it amazing to see? If you are high energy and not a cuck who is submissive to them, you can get them to think or even do a lot of things you want. It is you who has to start it.
Don't be too harsh on guys you see with Asians. If they are a westernized Asian girl then yea sure, but some of the more traditional ones will still love Americans. But you still have to be somewhat successful or at least on the path to success to even have one talk to you, especially Chinese. You have to have your shit together when it comes to decent Asians. They will not tolerate a bum. Also, if you think white women get emotionally tormented and desperate at this age, then you should meet a 27 yr old and above unmarried Chinese girl. They are literally told by their own government that they are worthless. Still many of them have such ridiculous standards for their men that marriages lasting over there has become a serious problem. All in all, a white man with an Asian girl, provided she is traditional, might not be such a cuck but be a scientist or something, because that might be the only way to get their attention.
Vast majority of fish head and human couples are thai/flip sexpats, all of them are disgusting though
this guy is right
Minorities in most white cities are extremely cocky because they think the public either views them as a harmless victim, or completely fears them, one or the other. Both give you an advantage when you seek to do harm to a people or person.
Blogpost of something that happened to me a few months ago
Disgusting subhumans. When they thought it was 5 vs 2, they were ready for a fight, but as soon as they saw the odds weren't in their favor, they ran. They are subhumans, and they view whites as easy victims. They need to be shown otherwise.
sage for blogpost
This happened a few months ago.
Hulu showed all 3 ads, repeatedly. After an hour I wanted to kill whoever was responsible for this mindfuck.
The r-selected niggers want to try to dominate anyone who triggers stress in them if they can win an easy fight. It eases their stress by assuring themselves that they can destroy whatever challenges them, or whatever challenges their narcissistic view of themselves. But as soon as they see they do not have the advantage, or that the thing that challenged them has teeth, they want to calm down the conflict.
I think this might also be referred to as a "coward/bully psychology." Though I know it as r/K selection (r-selected) and narcissism, which are connect.
I bet your friend who saved your ass doesn't post faggy pics while bragging about the idiocy of niggers.
Why the fuck do cucks cuck? How sick do you have to be to want a giant mass of shit-colored unevolved subhumans to destroy your countries and kill your own people? Your race is like one big giant family. They're all insane in the end, but can it be explained?
oh, you
both are horrible for you. Try water, Hitler used to drink it.
Gas yourself.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Well, I >reddit spacing
You are justifying genocide.
im gonna dw
but im also like the 3rd person in this thread posting related material
Dumb nigger shit like inception but even dumber.
This is literally telling you that coincidence is purely coincidence and there is no such thing as faith. Don't even question it.
first thing I see is the giraffes
Current year + N
Still having a tv subscription
Cut the damn cord anons
Natural selection doesn't work in a welfare state.
God, the symbolism in that one, down to the last fucking frame "what ever road you choose" care goes away from camera indicating genetic dead end, car comes towards camera indicating continued story.
All semitic religions are malignant memetic viruses. They are optimized for the reproductive success of the religion, *not* of its adherents and certainly not of the human race.
This is the literal definition of cuckolding as used in biology; where a female of one species tricks parents of another species into wasting energy raising her children.
There are two finite resources when it comes to human reproduction; wombs and money. Don't waste either.
Drop cable and stream or pirate that shit.
Paying for cable is basically cuckoldry at this point. There's literally no reason to have it.
Or go even better and drop television altogether.
I don't post loli pics if that's what you mean.
Ha! You just don't trust your glocknade and wanted to make sure they would catch some shrapnel.
if we were to get overly analytical, look at how the giraffe on the left has a stiff neck. Meanwhile, look at the one next to the pussified man on the right, see how limp and sad it is? could be part of the message
You reminded me of something I saw earlier today.
Day of the Rope! Day of the Rope! The future is ours! The future is ours!
You're welcome, faggots.
We can waste time trying to figure them out, or put in bullet in their brains so they don't pass on weak genes.
The commercials depend on the market. OP must be in the country with only one cuckmercial shown. In the big cities you can't get a commercial that isn't a cuckmercial.
The only times they depict an white Alpha male in a city commercial is when they are selling large work trucks, or erectile dysfunction pills.
Every commercial is either
1) Woman can do it… Hooray!
2) Brownie can do it… Hooray!
3) Cuckolded white man is wrong, goofy, hickish, backwards, uncool etc.
Its like a broken record. The dingbats and brownies don't see it though because its specifically designed to make them feel good. And if the shekelmans cast it the other way around, Edith and Jamal will boycott it.
Hopefully this shit is going to backfire hard, like a load of kindling that just needs a tiny spark to start an inferno.
Do these mom's actually love their kids or are they a prop for sympathy/virtue signaling? I don't see how you could love a retarded little mulatto. He's dumber then you and looks nothing like you, literally just a turd that ruined your future.
I like your zombie theory, it has been mentioned before, it's called pre-program designed to make minds more acceptable to future events.
That being said, according to Varg Vikernes, when toilets and sinks stop working in cities, and the garbage piles up, majority of people will get sick/starve and die from diareah death.
Niggers will probably be incapable of even reaching the farmlands, and if they did, they get blown to shits.
90% of them will probably just die in the cities, massacring each other, disease, but yeah absolutely, always prepare for the worse, but I dont fear nigs, ive been camping since i was small
They control the national narrative through media. And whenever they feel threatened something serious will happen that will direct attention elsewhere. That something serious is either controlled directly by them or something that already existed but is brought to a front and center through concentrated, unrelenting media attention and manipulation.
Watch over time. Anytime you see the tide turn, or there is a revealing event, something happens.
Never forget how popular golliwogs were. They rivalled the classic teddy bear.
No? What a strange response.
If the cunt can't keep it short I'm not reading it. My time is too precious for that.
What this word mean? Namecalling or what.
t. russian who learn english
To speak "frankly" in English is to speak "with express honesty". It's a means of expressing that what you're about to say is important to you.
Like the old movie line "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."
Really hope you moved out of Russia at this point.
Honestly new border politic and lack of money dont let me leave Russia. My pareants already leave russian and 2 years live in Thailand on samui or something while i learn english and collect money on travel.
Damn, that's a shame. don't worry, us burgers will liberate you soon enough :^)
Old Navy ad, complete with song by some tranny nigger
State Farm sure is revving up the (((progressiveness))).
This one ad is literally "white man, gibsmedat". But at least on youtube it's 33% disliked.
There's another disgusting mongrel USAA ad and a Infiniti Qx30 ad feature a stronk womyn and her black beau, with cucked man in the backseat, but she still can't parallel park.
There's that disgusting new Jewlywood film about some nigger. I believe it's called "Get Out", though I do not know anything but the fact that it's about an interracial relationship. Disgusting.
Excuse for the Torposting, fucking Theresa May and her surveillance programmes forces ISPs to hold browsing histories, and most likely more.
Every fuckin' time.
My guess is the numbers have dropped substantially. That was before Black Lives Matter took off, which has drastically reshaped race relations in the US. People are much, much more racist now.
Personally I went from being largely indifferent to interracial relationships to being staunchly against them. I can't imagine I'm alone.
I live in South Africa.
I do not own DSTV but I have access to it. The commercials are either 90% black, or 90% white. We are 11% of the population. They are 13% of your population and yet you see it in every high rolling US advert.
Its a shame too. Their last poster advert was almost dog whistling. Some Jew must've Oy Vey'd and stuck his nose in.
Ah jeez, this is really hitting my life choices hard.
I got with the only traditionalist, trump supporting girl I could find - but she's asian.
At least she has pink nipples and white skin. My genes should be dominant.
More reason not to drink carbonated jew, brew your own tea or coffee instead.
Maybe I'm imagining things, but wasn't there a time when Mr. Shekelbergstein used to actually try to be subtle in his race mixing propaganda?
a real irishman would finish the job and give her a full pair of irish sun glasses
wanna know how I know you're a betafuck/shill?
Race mixing is race mixing. Asians are better than niggers, but it's still degenerate racemixing.
I just spent a few days at my cousins as I was working out of town and I was seeing her kids watch this tv show called The Magicians. It was the most horrid damn brainwashing I've seen.
EVERY man was either homosexual or otherwise a beta cuck. Every woman was masculine. Everyone was fucking one another no matter what gender. Teachers fucking students of all colours. How in the hell is this type of shit even legal. To top if off they censored the word "fuck" as if that could possibly make the degeneracy any lesser.
What caused these wounds?
It's still race-mixing. What would the Fuhrer think of it? Always ask yourself this.
Saying something "frankly" means you're going to say it plainly and bluntly without trying to soften the blow. For example, if someone was about to do something stupid you might say something like "That's probably not a good idea." But if you were being frank, you would say "That's a stupid idea."
What I find interesting is that the media, early on, did sort of promote such a coupling but it mostly abruptly stopped and now it's almost exclusively a black man and a white woman. I wonder why this, exactly. Perhaps they fear a future Genghis Khan fucking their shit up (he had blue eyes).
Proof they are trying to create a caste system.
Black people are drawn to the bait (white women) only to become slaves to the elites.
If you have a white family, don't come crying when you become outnumbered and they slaughter you like they do in africa.
it's not a coincidence at all
Maybe the chinese are involved now. They see this as weakening the west.
pure cuckino