Is the Empire the next hate symbol?

‘Stormtroopers’ banned from ‘Star Wars’-themed college reunion over alleged Nazi inspiration

washingtontimes .com/news/2017/mar/1/stormtrooper-costumes-banned-from-star-wars-themed/

Maybe it's time for some cultural appropriation, Holla Forums?
Would Yidney let the ADL declare Stormtroopers a hate symbol like the did with Pepe?

Other urls found in this thread:

The Imperial Emblem is the only tattoo I have and its on my left leg. I really wanted to get it filled in since I hate what Star Wars has become just like the rest of us have. Maybe I'll reconsider.

Also sage for non-important thread

meme it
fuck star wars

Meme it lads.

Aren't all storm troopers cloned from one Pacific Islander as of the prequels?
Isn't dat jus a lil' bid rayciss?
Methinks I smell a chance to outjew the jew

Wtf, I didn't post that last image?


Everything is shit.

Requesting Pepe stormtrooper image.

Meh. It only makes it more fun to say the empire did nothing wrong with how sheev's goal being to strengthen the military against space mongols even if the novels about the space mongols were garbage


Of course, I hate it too. That's why I propose we Make Star Wars Great Again.
1) Idiots SJWs are already sperging over it, our sockpuppets could fuel them and make the fire rise
2) Yidney would be hurt by the negative publicity
3) Every normie would look at that and scratch their head like they did with the nazi Pepe thing
4) Everyone already likes the Empire, they're freaking cooler than the shitty rebels, that's why 70% of costumes at conventions are imperial.
It's not a bad thing to highlight they're supposed to be nazis.

Polite sage.

they should've banned everyone going to that reunion from real life.

The Sith symbol looks like the Star of David to be honest. I've always seen the empire as the Zionist Jewish empire in a lot of ways.

Sorry, I didn't sage.
But I'm happy to see other anons liking the idea.

That's what I'm talking about. It would be hilarious.

No wonder they can't aim for shit.

There are scenes in Episode IV that are almost exact copies of Triumph of the Will, namely the last scene.

holly shit

Holy shit it's almost like some jew wrote a space themed story about some persecuted religious cult getting slaughtered and chased out of the fucking galaxy by a massive empire of fascists. Who'd have fucking guessed that would happen?

Except then we learn that religious cult doesn't give a fuck about anyone but themselves although the nation they control is so advanced they could help a lot of ppl, they kidnap kids and brainwash them, have a "ends justify means" and "it was real in my mind" philosophy, yet everyone insists they b gud boiz hu didnu nuffin.

Oh boy they fucked up. Normies fucking LOVE stormtrooper cosplay.

what's the fucking point then?

mfw people get kicked out for clone trooper outfits too

Remember when that writer said the First Order was a White Nationalist movement?


It's in the article, too

Holy shit, they shot themselves in the foot by making the Empire so overtly evil. My god, these people are truly incompetent. They bad more shit than Chairmen Mao over here.

It's be a funny video if you showed up to one of these things in a full Stormtrooper uniform with swastikas on it

short answer is no. long answer is that the clones in the prequels were all cloned from Jango Fett, but after the Emperor took over he let other people start joining in order to bolster the military. Besides, the clones aged rapidly so they didn't really work for a long-term standing army. By the time of the original trilogy, the vast majority of the stormtroopers were just normal guys who joined up.


Whats the point then?

The empire did nothing wrong

If you disagree, you've taken the poz. Insane minority of terrorists with near-zero support from the people wage a subversive war against a functional, orderly and just empire, without even any proposed government in mind as replacement, just out of pure destruction and malice.

The Empire is only ever depicted being tyrannical when it comes to tracking down the terrorists. The only attack they perform on non-treasonous citizens is on a planet whose own royalty is leading the jewish subversives, the whole city-state acting as the whole base of operations for the terrorists. Bomb the shit out of them. It's not tyranny to be ruthless in weeding out treason, it's good government. And the entire galaxy would agree, we're shown thriving industry and a population who doesn't appear in any way oppressed - very much unlike the republic before which is only described as being dysfunctional and embroiled in bureaucracy. The rebels experience almost no support from the little people, only subversives in the upper echelons - why else are they forced into a tiny corner of the galaxy after their first base is destroyed? No one wants them.

Oy vey how dare you minimalize the plight of muh 6 gorillion Alderaanians!

the empire's actions are really only justified if you assume that they knew that the galaxy was gonna get invaded from outside and that everyone needed to combine forces to beat them off. Of course, right after the rebels kill the emperor and destroy the empire, a bunch of extra-galactic aliens show up and declare war on the galaxy and end up wiping out many species because it was pretty much everyone for themselves. Without that though, then the empire is just another international government that made no real effort to advance the interests of any one people over another. Just another reason why 40k Emperor > Star Wars Emperor.

the empire was not swedish fascism.

Sheev was a Jew, fam.

Anyone remember that comic where the Imperials and Stormtroopers are portrayed heroically as they fight the spear chucker aliens?

concentrated cancer >>>/gaschamber/

Holla Forums had some decent OC with that one stormptrooper that beat the shit out of the nog in episode 7. Maybe run with that.



what said
people with batman and zelda tattoos belong in the trash can

You're still spreading a Disney meme with this shit.


That's pretty much canon in Disney new EU.

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.
- The Sith Creed


Oy vey, it's not about a twitter post or posting webms so they can't be posted anywhere else, shut it down! Fuck off jew.

Fuck off jew.

I think you mean

You misunderstand what I'm saying, using old non-Disney stormtroopers is fine, but that meme with the stormtrooper beating up the nig just makes the new movies look cool to people when they're actually garbage. Learn to memetics.

Nobody's going to think The Merchant Awakens is an amazing movie because a meme is made. Tired of faggots like you assuming everyone on Holla Forums is a 60IQ retard that will fall for shit like that or will quite literally worship an eceleb if a thread exists discussing that person.

You just went full retard.

It's natural for them ,they're kikes, they always play both sides.

They have already made the empire the evil white people and the rebellion the multicultural group of shitskins.

it was meant to look like a white police officer beating up a black.
what do people think of that?

Which is why I said to run with that, get the nigs to chimp out about how racist stormtroopers are which will piss normalfag whites off and deprive Disney of money.

Lucas rectoned Fett into a maori making every clone a non white and the new star wars had a nigger storm trooper. That and Kylo Ren being a jew kinda fucks with that.

The empire does whatever the emperor says, they'll just give them some anti-white jew pretending to be white as an emperor who must free the slaves or stop the space holohoax or some shit.

This has incredible potential for breaking the conditioning. Meme it.


Never seen a single Star Wars movie before.

Am I missing out on anything?


clones aren't people regardless

>First World Order


pic related

It's been decades but people still can't spell rogue.

its a fucking seal of solomon

>they didn't say anything about Sith troopers or Imperial Knights though… :'^)

MEME IS Holla Forums, please!

The Sith are White Nationalists already!


We can do better than this shit. We have Kek troopera.

As a long time Starwars fan, including those books that ranged from terrible to downright awesome - - That Stormtrooper actually made me pay attention to the film. He was exactly how the troopers were portrayed in the Novels , beating Jedi bitches with anti-Jedi weapons.

Anyway, I digress and shall get on topic.

I'd love to see a war between the ADL and the jews that support Lucas.

nice find

Alderaan was a nest of anti-imperial terrorists, blowing up that shithole was justified.
Besides, they shot first.

The first few were pretty fun if you like cheesy sci-fi shit. If you do plan on giving them a try, just make sure you watch the original theatrical versions, not the remastered versions.

the empire did nothing wrong

People should call them out for being racist toward black storm troopers.

Let's make this happen


Heil Hydra

We should meme this into being seen as a WN symbol so SWcucks start freaking out.

EU wise he wasn't, but mainline cannon, yeah, Sheev was the greatest merchant of all time.

Oh and


Oh my, now I don't need to dig for the original, I can just save this, thanks.

werent the storm troopers already half negro? they're the clones of some shitskin.

The Great Shekocaust of 2017. More than 6 billion shekels and 14 billion goybux were burned in the lower court ovens.

Life comes at you fast.

He's an island nigger

wouldn't we be letting them define us through their story?
also, peace is a lie makes no sense. there is peace and conflict.
peace can be found.

if i'm not mistaken, those guys and new zealanders actually have a pretty good relationship.

Clone troopers, not storm troopers. Storm troopers were just drafted

I thought it was le capitalism just like they live turned out to be.

So every army that isnt marching like the Swed "army" during a fag parade is nazi now?

oy vey

Honestly who gives a shit about any of this hollywood faggotry. Hurrr 'muh star wars. Only reason I make this utter shit is to red pill goys.

you know whats funny, the empires logo reminds me of the black sun

yes, use the six pointed symbol, it's definitely cool and it's kosher! you can irritate those sjw snowflakes along with your friends the based jews! don't forget to buy some starwars merchandise there you filthy non jew

Yeah mr Shill, no one here is talking about giving Yidney money, or worshipping the Empire logo or something like that.
Actually, if we're successful we're gonna ruin SW for lefties AND make Yidney lose money AND cause a kike civil war

Is he describing Holla Forums?



He should be telling his people in ISIS to make better movies then.


my mom wouldn't let me be a storm trooper for these exact reasons

It's ironic, because a lot of us will be forming RWDS because movies and TV are TOO diverse

Don't forget the slave Leia cosplayers. They're pretty pissed since the feminist cunts started demanding a complete halt on all gold bikini merchandise and images.

That's pretty funny, seeing as how he played an inept jihadi in Four Lions.

Faggots have been ruining Zelda for years, it's now the go-to "I'm such a gamer lol" franchise

The clones from II, III and the interim between III and IV were cloned from a Maori, yes. However, if Im remembering the lore right, they halted the cloning facilities and started conscription, which is why we see so many different looking and sounding troopers in the original films (IV, V, and VI)
On a side note, the old Battlefront 2 game went into this a bit more. I thought it was pretty good.

So if they were to ban the clones, yes, das raysis. Imperials? Not so much

I wouldn't watch the movie so I never understood the tr8r meme. Who/what killed him?

on another side note, the old books mostly avoided the topic, probably because lucas wanted room to manuever, but the clones were just from the best soldiers, pilots, etc. Fett's backstory was contradicted in books and just ignored as far as I know.

A old furry

from what I can tell, the nigger was a stormtrooper who defected and one of the other stormtroopers recognized him and attacked. He kicked the shit out of the nigger and then, iirc, han solo shot him. it's crappy writing, just like the rest of the movie. oh and also mr nigger somehow knew how to fight and properly wield a lightsaber despite never encountering one before, not having any connection to the force, etc. I'm not a star wars fan but that just doesn't seem right.

That movie is total shit. Those soldiers are supposed to be brainwashed, yet the nigger decides to beteay them because his bbf gets killed, and he helps THE GUY WHO KILLED HIS FRIEND and starts killing his former brothers with no remorse.
Also the bitch can use jedi mind tricks, force pull/push and knows lightsaber combat literalli just minutes after discovering the force is a thing.
What a shitty movie.

Sith larpers are promoting Nazzzism

A lot of these cosplay girls actually pull it off better than that crackhead Fisher did. Probably don't even have to use tape, either.

Aww yeah, Imperial Knights. Jagged Fel Made the Empire Great Again. To the Imperial Knights, the Force is nothing more than a tool in their arsenal, no overly dogmatic aspects to it.

They also have white/silver lightsabers, which is fucking sweet.

They're far from nigger-tier, but not quite white either. The worst they do is adopt some Hollywood degenerate nigger culture and a gibsmuhdat ideology, as well as occasionally shaking their own babies to death. Though when you consider they used to be stone age cannibals, it's a hell of an improvement. They definitely have more potential for civilization than say, Abos.

They were paid off, they've been justifying themselves since then but they lost a lot of credibility among higher level film circles. 2 years ago they were a widely cited example of good internet film review, after their TFA review no one talks about them, despite having 5 times the viewership.

Yes. Disney is one of us nao.

How the mighty have fallen.

nah bro the clones were a temp army that was designed to age super fast after a certin point in time as to not give one faction power over a very long period of time. The storm troopers were mostly raised from the regular populace by the time of episodes 4-6 and in the force awakens they were seemingly raised from slave stock and children stolen from across the galaxy.

Do we have evidence of that? Because I found it extremely strange that not only did they “like” TFA (and possibly Rogue One; I haven’t seen either of their reviews), they’ve taken to becoming SJWs and refusing to comment on the overt politicization of the obviously politicized movies.

Tattoos are degenerate.

Pic related.

funny thing is, I know a lot of faggots into that 501st shit off Spacebattles and the like, they're overwhelmingly Star Trek-tier universalist gommies.
So this is like a civil war x-2. Gommie vs gommie, kike vs kike.
Meanwhile we profit no matter who wins the ensuing war. We hutt nao.

Originally they stopped the clones after awhile when they started to literally melt because the original's DNA was degrading (forget if that was in Marvel or Dark Horse timeline) but then the prequel and then the Clone Wars tv series comes out and everyone can't stop fapping over muh 100% multiculti-through-cloning army and now suddenly stormtroopers are the goodguys and pseudo-shekelgrüber lucas turns around and says "URRITE I HAD IT PLANNED SINCE THE BEGINNING EMPRAH DINDU NUFFIN RONG IT WAS ALL TO PREPARE OURSELVES TO DEFEND AGAINST SPACE MUSLIMS"
I mean with the shit tier writing of that whole bit it's kinda obvious it wasn't in the original plans. Lucas basically just rubber-stamped whatever fanfic people threw at him then came back to 'wrap it up' and being the talentless hack he was, it was shittier than the fics.
also I can't find the interview online but he mentioned the Young Jedi shit, the shittiest of the shitfic 'eras' was his favourite, hence a minmaxing powerfreak like Kyp being a-ok in official canon.

more liek a Stalinist purge, (((Iger))) spent way too much of his own money unfucking everything Eisner fucked. I don't know what it is with that fucking number. You're going to fucking laugh but it was $60,000,000 he spent recovering the animation department. He ain' gonna let some ragtag rebel scum tear down his shekel-dealing death star.

Also this. They ALREADY nuked part of his cashcow. Or to keep with the thread theme, they already crashed his Executor. He's already dialing Pence to borrow his clamps I suspect.

I like this idea, if we can get storm troopers banned not only do we take a sweet piece of entertainment for our own but it'll make tons of normies massively pissed off at Jews for trying to ban everything that could remotely have them resembled in a negative light or their enemies in a positive one.

>he mentioned young jedi was his favorite
jesus christ how horrifying

meh, looks like a davidstar merged with an anus

Here's a little something to wash away the stench of Judaism Disney has smeared over Star Wars.

Also, for anyone that hasn't already done so, I recommend to play through TIE Fighter, which is not only one of the best Star Wars games around, but one of the best space sims period.

Why is Inspector Gadget commanding Stormtroopers?

I like where this is going.


man, this series has too much goofiness. Glad I stuck with Space Junkyard Shootfest.
Got an easier to draw logo too, and some swagger-lookin' star destroyer clones.

ya, I basically save all my mags so it's a bit of a clusterfuck to find old things, but I believe it was a 10-ish year old Omni or ScifiNow.
He's essentially a 'big kid' himself and that's why his writing self-destructs if he's allowed full reign over his own property. He needs someone that can slap his hand and tell him "no" every 20 pages or so, because despite his creativity he actually has pretty shit normie-tier capeshit taste. Also mentions having collected all those crappy 80s kids adventure movies on laserdisc. He really can't tell if an idea is good or not. daily reminder: pacifist mandalorians Hence the retarded 'remakes' of the originals and the refusal to put the unedited ones back out in print. Some other stupid things he brought up as enjoyable: the idea of 'fake emperor claimants' like Trioculus (which to me sounds like what would happen if you had a buncha people claiming to be "Hitler's son" the way there were lots of Anastasia pretenders), the idea of wildlife that could EAT the force (which someone wisely talked him into making it they just blocking people from using it apparently judging by the appearance of the Ysalamir), and the now infamous and overused cliché of lone jedi throwing star destroyers into the ground.
Only thing I remember offhand was the interview dropped around the same time as this book:

You should get it filled with something that isn't as embarassing

oh come on now, RLM has gotten pretty cucked lately but those prequel movies are just as fucking bad as the new jewish ones

As someone who loves to turn on the prequels as background noise, I have to agree

They're not good movies. I wish people would stop trying to say they were good to spite the new movies. The Haus of Maus is going to get money from sales of the prequels too

An old girlfriend of mine was a tattoo artist and did it for free. Fuck off.

The Empire is literally the only reason anybody gave a shit about Star Wars.
The rebels were always gay af imo.

Serious lack of sexy nazi sith memes in this thread

I'm pretty sure George Lucas said the inspiration for the empire was from the nazis. Why is this news?

This isn't a news board faggot. And I don't like the cut of your Jib!


This thread got me thinking back when we had those threads on some sort of a coded language to use. Why not use Star Wars fonts? Normies have no idea what we'd be saying, though we'd have to use pictures, once the media found out they'd do some damage control anyway.

For example see in all the pictures above they all say:
gas the kikes race war now


Is their a d&c attack on Holla Forums to move them to /polk/.
Inb4 their mods are kikes.

This fucking chinese website is falling apart
