Wikileaks: Clinton campaign sent access request to U.S. nuclear weapons secrets over email
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fucks sake.
You cant make this shit up.
Look at the difference between the account of Trump and the account of wikileaks, even having pathetic DNC and garbage democrats shills, i don't know, don't looks so manipulated and bots (Like the Tay Bot from Microsoft) like in the account of Trump on twitter
Look at the difference of likes and dislikes, retwitt, the wikileaks is not already full shill manipulated in comments by democrats piece of shit damage control in comments and put by default every garbage democrats comment in the first answer trying to damage control for CNN, DNC, Hillary Clinton, democrats party, all the shill garbage who you see these pathetic trash trying to make.
is english your first language m8?
She had some big plans for 9/11/2017 it seems.
It's just a training ppt. It's a presentation about how to handle secrets, not what the secrets are. What am I missing here?
Think about this carefully why the fuck would he receive that?
bump this. Im interested in trying to figure out who they were giving the secrets to.
Lol. At least there's a few commas in that run-on sentence. I'm wondering if shareblue started hiring immigrants now.
Is this bitch ever going to hang?
They automatically block and flag anyone that is positive for Trump. That's why you only see negative shit on Trumps twitter page. If you look at his Facebook page people are all positive, which will probably be dealt with too.
htt ps://
Is there another thread on this or is it being sled?
Clinton should be in jail for more years than Madoff now. Shows how instantly corrupt the system is.
I think I've seen some old and garbage threads necrobumped in the first pages. I believe this is being sled. This is huge news so I'm bumping this thread.
I hate Twitter.
Jesus nigger loving Christ these people are incompetent.
Probably because (((they))) know his tweets are going to the National Archives so the false narrative of him being a hated president must exist.
These kikes are playing to win.
I've said this before, but I'll say it again because it is important.
People need to start moving away from Twitter to decentralized alternatives. runs GNUSocial and has a familiar enough interface. Things like this need to gain traction.
For those not familiar with GNUSocial:
I wouldn't actually recommend per say, as they seem to have a bit of a SJW motive behind them. But, these services all run GNUSocial, so if you do not like the way one is run, you can always move to another and still contact anyone else in the GNUSocial network.
Soon. Trump has only been in office for one month, and it was the shortest nigger month to boot. But if she isn't swinging in the gallows by Christmas I'm calling bullshit
I sure wish Trump would retweet this. Imagine the fucking kvetching of the shills that take over his tweets if he did.
There's no why they can weasel their way out of this one.
HOLY SHIT. She's really going to jail now isn't she?
like what she did at the debate
Daily Reminder Twitter manually removes positive replies to accounts like Wikileaks in order to emotionally manpulate normalfags
Beware the Ides Hilldog.
My birthday is in march, hopefully I get to see the return of the guillotine as a present by then.
This is the type of crime you send Seal Team 6 or Delta or ONI to kill-on-sight for, right?
This. If you actually read the email this is what Podesta received:
None of these documents are classified, not even the NNSA Sigma Training one talking about access to nuclear materials. That shit is posted on the DoE website for the public to view. All that does is go over who is allowed to see what and what clearance you need to view what kinds of documents.
There's nothing actually to see here. This is a false happening. I want Podesta to burn just like the rest of the board but we shouldn't be so gullible as to fall for shitty bait like this.
True. Get #Obamagate trending and see if we can't shake something else from this too to put him away. Make them roll on each other. Prisoner's Dilemma always works on Leftists because they have no loyalty.
The real question is why Wikileaks would imply that while "not having proof".
Do remember they aren't suicidal enough to post actual nuclear secrets on their page.
I can't speak for Wikileaks, I am not them, but if I were and I had the information you're talking about what I'd do is post the email including it and redact anything actually technical in there (e.g. the access codes themselves). That would be far more damning than an email of one person sending another a training document that is publicly available.
My only real conclusion here is that Wikileaks thought they had something bigger than they did. It does look like a very official document. Wikileaks is run by people too – maybe they saw something, got excited, and posted it before vetting it.
We need to freeze Clinton until we are truly capable of giving her a punishment that lasts forever.
I just want to know who fired the SLBM.
These names are garbage.
Pay attention, gents. This is what a bot looks like. They've almost gotten them good enough to replicate human speech patterns but it still always seems *off* somehow. There's always a few random current events thrown in (Tay) that don't relate to anything else in the thread, but only serve as impressioned camouflage– i'm one of you guys, see, Tay, remember her?
They are. Its obvious as hell on cuckchan
Nah. It's probably some currynigger (what's the PC term, Person of Windows Support?) like suggests. They're worse at English than bots.
It looks like a markov bot to me. Here's a trump markov bot for reference
What's the difference between a bot, a non-native speaker, and a literal retard?
not a joke, i seriously want to know
It's safer to just assume you're all bots.
I don't get it, when will she break enough laws to warrant an indictment? It hardly gets worse than this
Push for Haiti to indict her for her CF scam. Haitian prisons are considered shit holes by any standard. Plus Trump can claim no wrong doing to the lolbertarians.
I read somewhere on here that on march 5th Seattle would be nuked. I am canceling my appointment now that I had on that day.
People were saying the kikes were going to use one of the suitcase nukes they stole.
March 15th user.
The needle is still standing on the 16th.
I am getting so many mixed times.
Yea, it's a bit confusing lately with the collapsing timelines, but Seattle doesn't get glassed in this one.
They're not going to do shit.
The blowback would be a bright double-flash over a city.
I hope not, I live nearby.
Screen cap this just in case Seattle is blown up on the 5th, that way ill live forever.
They might be a rotten hive of commie faggots, but they're 'our'' rotten commie faggots.
Your dubs compel me to believe you. While you and I may derive some base satisfaction from seeing cucks burn, remember that not every white shitlib is beyond hope. Inside every white man is the blood of their forefathers, be they descended from mighty warriors or lowly peasants, that blood played a role however small in the building of our civilization. To see even a drop of that blood be extinguished or muddied is a tragedy, and far too much of it has already been lost to miscegenation and pointless conflict. The only solace available to me is knowing that in due time the Semitic death cult will pay the ultimate price for their transgressions against Aryan Man.
Well, i value my life more then I hate seattle
The leftism might be annoying, but that town has potential. To use a MtG metaphor, it's swimming in [BLUE]/[BLACK].
At this point, what difference does it make?
It's march 11 fags
Uhh, if the needle is still standing on the 16th, doesn't that indicate that it doesn't get wasted on the 15 or the 11th?
The nuclear triad Dahnald…
Nicely memed
Thank you
but seriously, we cannot let hillary get the nuclear codes
She doesn't have nuclear codes. She can't just start firing nuclear missiles at random people. That's not how nuclear command works. There's redundancy in place to avoid that kind of situation. One crazy cat lady can't light 'em off.
Yeah I know. Just mocking shariablue
Man, I hope it's true that Holla Forums is always right about (((who))) but always wrong about when.
Guess we're gonna find out soon.
Is Barron Trump an RPG geek?
So, uh… Why would they ask for access to nuclear secrets? Like, what were they planning to do with them?
Yeah this is what I was wondering… what can you even do with them?
I'm reading some guy's post on Reddit and it might be a lot more sinister than we think. Basically, it's a post about basic income, and that guy gets asked "Why do you think there is anything wrong with it?" and he goes on a massive tirade explaining why communism is a bad fucking idea.
However, towards the end, he says that basic income would indeed be necessary once production is automated, but that once things are automated, the upper classes' solution won't be basic income, but population reduction. Then some guy replies with this:
So yeah. There's a distinct possibility that Clinton's election was the final step in the plan to massively reduce the world's population through nuclear war. And we managed to avert it. If that's the truth, then it explains why there's so much freak out over Trump's win, and why they're working behind closed doors to have him removed so hard.
Yep. The plan seemed to be the good 'ol USA would get into Syria to take down that meany dictator Assad. During the operations, Russia attacks the US and starts WWIII. Shit gets nuclear quick, the elite scuttle off to their top tier bunkers and hideouts and wait it out. Years later, they return with all the medicine, knowledge, technology and more to start the final age of humanity, the NWO.
Fucking newfags. Lurk Moar
Do you even know about the Georgia Guidestones where they lay out their plan for managing the world, including a stable population that is a lot less than it is now?
We realized long ago a nuclear war between America and Russia was part of their plan. Why else have they been building escape bunkers and using hidden basements under some stores, such as Costco, to store supplies and purchasing property in NZ and making Melbourne into an underground city…
China has seen this coming too, which is why for almost a decade they have been building massive tunnels in their mountains. Their 'ghost cities' are cities to be reinhabited after a nuclear war destroys their current cities.
t. newfaggot
Trump already planned a meeting for the whole Obongo fiasco, now they can kil two birds with one stone
well don't worry, you know, i kind of randomly popped up and decided that i'm a "big fan" of blowing off the book of revelation so i could continue on with a tawdry life of drugs, music, and of course fantasy baseball (to continue fantasy baseball indefinitely requires that you pretty much need to keep society going at a ~90%+ clip, you know, everything's ok as long as there's box scores every day in the morning paper)
t. god/jesus/isa/etc
Hey, nobody said it had to be fulfilled in accordance with what people thought it would look like.
clearly not or he'd put away that masterwork bastard sword and instead take the true katana: the 2d4 falchion with the expanded critical threat range
I wonder how legal that is…
it's perfectly legal. Twitter can do whatever they like on their platform. The problem is that people are too stupid and lazy to care. In an ideal free society, people would see a company behaving in this way and would leave the platform and join another.
It very clearly was a threat.
Hillary had sigma 14/15 information; literally world ending shit.
IMO, the reason WikiLeaks haven't delivered on all their recent promises is that they DO NOT want the US to collapse into a civil war (or at worst, to provoke a World War). This is probably why Palin and Hannity recently retracted their criticisms about Nobleman Assange.
Instead, Wikileaks have been responsibly pressuring the agencies into doing their jobs, ensuring that justice is served while giving the authorities a chance to minimize fallout.
On that note, it is probably worth re-watching Comey getting grilled by congress. His answers are very particular. Almost as though he were trying to delay the Hillary case until all the dominos are lined up so that they could prosecute in one swoop with minimal risk of internal subversion.
If Assange is here, I wish to thank you for all your good work based Wizard.
Probably, can't just knock the whole thing down without causing catastrophic damage.
But my statement still stands, the previous administration did everything in their power to cover for Hillary. They are traitors and need to be dealt with.
good point
100%. Just got to be careful that we don't accidentally hit /ourguy/'s that managed to infiltrate and help take their weapon-child smuggling down from within.
Some of the guys at the FBI are alright. Don't go to Hillary Clinton's house this week.
They're involved again?
yes, as in that shit the GamerGate fags found out about.
first thing I thought when I read that
I feel warm and fuzzy from the radiation of course that Shillary can just do this blatantly and no on fucking cares. I wonder if in 100 years they will finally get that America was in a second civil war, because it sure as hell feels that the (((left))) is in open war against Americans.
HAHAHAHA! How naive are you, Gamer Gay blew the lid on Common Core and DARPA's fuckery. It's a shame virtue signaling and shitty namefaggots from Kotaku and Reddit completely coopted the whole thing though.
what makes me chuckle is kek brands these faggots through the board IDs too. Just like how we would persistently tease them for hardly ever being blessed with digits… also seems when they're not torfagging the board also gives them hilariously bland and shitty ID's. Vase in point >letterless ID, so sad, such low energy.
D10 Caterpillar.
IARPA you fuckwits. DARPA's a related, but different issue, with the MIC. The one GG blew open was IARPA, UBM's rampant media empire that has been feeding narratives to those shitheels called journos, and so on.
Uh… naw, it was DARPA you 'fuckwit'. DARPA was funding Digra.
Or they are compromised and starting to cry wolf is the first step to discredit it from the inside.
Wikileaks should read things very carefully before relasing them, it's part of their job. The title is clickbait and leads people into error like you can see in the thread, when in reality it's fucking nothing.
Another fuckup to add to their list of fuckups and strange behaviour since Assange "dissapeared".
Never forget Stonetear the goon and furfag
aka Paul Combetta aka StonetearX2