Janusz Korwin-Mikke stated that "women must earn less than men, because they are weaker, they are smaller, they are less intelligent"
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This is what jews tell politicians to say when all else fails at getting women to join the party of degeneracy.
Janusz Korwin-Mikke thread!
Even under Hitler or Stalin, a farmer could choose to produce any cheese he preferred. Nowadays, the EU official is watching him.
His Excellency, Barack Hussein Obama, is considered black. In reality, he is a Red.
Justice is to social justice what a chair is to an electric chair.
A union between a man and a female chimpanzee is more worthy to be called marriage than homosexual relations, because perhaps some child could be born out of it.
Civilization thrives when sung are songs about kings, knights, and the conquest of space. Civilization falls when sung are songs about bums, murderers, and criminals.
A monkey is a much better voter than a socialist. Statistically speaking, given two options to choose from–A and B–the monkey is wrong 50% of the time. Socialists, however, are always wrong.
I am a good European. And as a good Russian hated the Soviet Union, I, as a good European, hate the European Union.
There is a saying that ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’. We have a fresh proof of it–no holocaust killed a Jewish nation. Just the opposite; the political position of jews is stronger than ever. However, socialism protects us from everything dangerous, therefore it does not allow our strengthening! We are getting weaker and ever more stupid. That is why I hate socialism.
When I see a tolerant socialist with a human face, I want to kick that face.
As you probably know, questioning the death of 6,000,000 jews during the holocaust is subject to penalty. Just to begin, I present my thesis that it is not true: no more than 5,999,999 were killed. And tomorrow I’ll go a step further.
You have to understand that since the taxes under Hitler were three times lower than now, I hate the current system three times more. And there is one more thing–Hitler spent this money on war with the Soviet Union, which, you have to admit, was admirable.
The European Commission Building should be turned into a brothel. I’ve been there, so I know it would be great as one.
Socialists believe that a man who is not competent enough to make the decision to use a seatbelt or buy insurance is competent enough to elect his president and government.
We are not for making shoes so the shoemakers can have jobs, but so we can wear the shoes.
This is not about aesthetics. There is a rule in a society: “Whoever you deal with makes you become them.” Therefore watching the efforts of para-athletes–which are nevertheless very admirable–can bring the temporary mobility disorder. If we want humanity to develop, the television should show us people who are healthy, beautiful, strong, honest and wise–not perverts, murderers, weaklings, losers, idiots or, unfortunately, invalids.
Members of the European Parliament earn €8,020 a month and the only thing they have to do is to attend these sessions.
Well that was frankly a retarded thing to say. The main advantage right-wing parties have in Europe right now is that they can portray themselves as protectors of women, and people who have european women's best interests at heart in the face of a leftist opposition that will trumpet "womens rights" to the moon, but abandon them the moment Ahmed pulls down his pants. Sperging out like this, even if he is fundamentally right, is just plain dumb.
also I wouldn't presume to know much about the polish political situation, but a lot of these supposedly redpilled politicians seem like cuckservative controlled opposition sometimes
A member of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party has the right to fuck with a Polish politician.
The EU must die, followed by its commissars, followed by its apologists, followed by the niggers it uses as little black sticks to hit the white man with.
Still not enough.
muh pr
eh I think its amazing how accurately Korwin hit all three bell curves. Now if only his order was right it'd be right on the meme magik
Nobody cares tbh
eat shit kike
Based Korwin-Mikke
The market should decide salaries. If a construction company needs somebody to pull the levers on a crane and nobody is applying for the salary they advertised, they increase it. Whether a man or woman gets it after the increase should be irrelevant. Whenever the government gets involved, they always fuck it up. If emails come out from a rabbi saying he wants women to get pay cuts at Global Corp, the government fines him $1000 while at the same time increasing tax breaks by millions.
Which study says women have lower IQs?
not an argument. Women can never be redpilled like men, but they can vote for redpilled people if desperate enough. If the choice you present them is between idiots like this politician, and Muhammed who says the same exact thing, she'll just choose the route of least resistance, which is the state/media programming. There are more intelligent ways to signal traditionalism than acting like a retard.
dubs checked. Careful in responding, "pooland" is the calling card of the Prussian LARPer from deutsch/pol/. Trust me, you don't wanna engage his autism.
Frankly its not comparable. Comparing sexes undermines the differences.
We know women are weaker than men. We know women have different cellular structures than men. Stating as such is kind of redundant. Women also have completely different mental structures (brain structures) and IQ distributions than men. They run median when men run extremes. (re: more extremely smart men, more extremely stupid men, women grouping around the center of the bellcurve.)
Not worth comparing. Comparing sexes is part of why we get these people thinking one is somehow supplantable by another. Each is unique and suited and evolved for a unique task and should be treated as such.
Women in the republican movement who are deeply against leftist ideas/immigration and are afraid to speak up otherwise prove you wrong. This shit is divide and conquer tactics between sexes.
Maybe you're right. I've never abandoned the notion that women are capable of having a strong traditionalist mindset like some anons, but I've always seen redpilling as something separate, a different mindset really.
All of them
Men are ALWAYS going percentage wise, have more interest in things like conspiracies and running governments, since that is what they are supposed to do. But take a look around the web at the sheer amount of conservative women railing against transgenderism in childcare, autism, and issues with vaccines and lies fed to them by the medical industry and you will realize there are many redpilled women but they obviously by nature care more about the 'small circle' of things that Hitler talked about - the home. They care about the things they are naturally brought to care about and do not wish to see that ruined. Those that go further and explore many things Holla Forums talks about do exist, but we can easily imagine this woman quickly married and raising children, can we not?
They don't, but even if they said women were stupider than niggers, indeed.com, careerbuilder.com, dice, monster, etc determine wages, not politcians. The government's job is to break up monopolies to preserve competition. Whether men or women get paid higher for a certain job this year should depend only on the market.
I've got a friend who wants me to back up my position that women are less intelligent or emotionally fortified. I would appreciate studies on these, if you've got sources. I'm more or less building a case.
Special Request
Does anyone remember where the CIA document was that showed that men responded better to "qualitative argument" and women responded better to confidence?
IQ distributions are a quick google away, but:
Men run extremes. there are more EXTREMELY smart men, and EXTREMELY stupid men. Women however will group in the center, meaning there are a TON of average women, but not necessarily a lot of extremely intelligent women, or super stupid ones either. More rare is an average male.
This isn't an argument that women are less intelligent at all. Its an argument that they are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT and evolution has made both sexes so fucking different they shouldn't be compared.
Sperging out is basically all this lolberg does. He is autism personified.
gass yourselves faggots
Please kind so pray tell which study shows a considerable sample sizeof women with a mean iw higher than men? Ill wait.
Yes the markets should but the government gets in the way with quotas and other bullshit so no your wrong.
That's a bullshit argument. Women should earn whatever they're worth, like anyone else (and they do earn whatever the market thinks it's worth, although it's true sometimes companies work together to lower wages but they don't care for the sex of the victims). Being weak or small makes no difference for most jobs, and most women don't work in construction, loading crates or basketball. Usually they earn less (not always, in porn women make more than men, although maybe less than fags) because men have to work more (besides social pressure, when a couple has a kid the woman stays home and the man works overtime, after the woman comes back she's been out of the workforce for some time while her husband has been promoted) and women are much worse negotiators (men are more likely to ask for a raise and push it while women will take bad deals to avoid conflict).
Fair enough.
Still, I'm literally building a case here. Any kind of sources your recommend over what Jewgle will spit out would be appreciated. Everything from hard science to anecdotal to historic precedent. I've seen plenty over the years, but I never saved it, so now I'm trying to hunt down various resources. I'm currently looking for:
Inverted bell curves as you've mentioned
I remember there being a study that showed women had measurably less neuron density
I also recall a study showing women had comparatively atrophied amygdala, which governs emotional response
A history of vaunted female paragons being fabricated propaganda (Ada Lovelace and Marie Curie in particular)
Bringing up that there has never been a successful matriarchal society, and show experiments such as the Men vs Women European Survivor knock-off season, and the long story about the woman who tried to create an all-women company.
I've also got an array of statistics on the userbase of mediums and psychics. The gender gap there would make your head explode. Something like 60% of women to 8% of men, showing a severely increased vulnerability to 'magical thinking' and making life decisions based on wish-fulfillment.
I'm going to bring up Stateswoman as well, the Greek play about what a government run by women would look like, and then compare it against drifting voter trends in the United States, Japan, and other Westernized countries since female suffrage went into effect. This is mostly to show that the issue transcends educational or social realities of their time.
And I really, really want that CIA paper on how to subvert public opinion. No politics, just pure R&D by and for the people who expected it to get results.
I'm all open to suggestions, if you've got anything else.
They actually have the same average, but men are more likely to be in the highest or lowest IQ ranges.
This study takes a sample of people who achieved similar test scores and tries to explain what areas of the brain were ysed to achieve those scores. This study enters with a predesposition on a similar mean. It really doesnt prove anything other than men and women use different parts of their brains more.
Not sure if you understand, but take a random 5000 men and women from a similar enviroment and the mean score will be higher for men most of the time.
Men also have a more competitive mentality, and both their body and minds have more stamina to do more and better work than women.
Citation needed.
I love this guy, I wish we had more like him in the USA. Instead we have Trump cucking over woman owned businesses
They also suck less cock though these days not necessarily.
But ok, feels good to be right.
That's where that muslim PUA Roosh is getting laid constantly, isn't it?
Interesting report, but
There are more male geniuses at the top tier, but also more males at the retarded end. So aaaall those retarded men should get paid more? I think the study could be used as an argument for lower pay for men since no politician is talking about astrophysicists when discussing equal pay.
that's the main problm
you don't need to earn anything in the kitchen or the maternity ward
If I had money to not rely on their sluggish economy, I couldn't think of many better places to live.
The women are gorgeous, the men are ugly, and a much higher women than male ratio (low competition!) and country is made up of shitlords.
Never denied that. look at the mean.
Protip: Its higher for men
Allway's nice to see that
triggerd face inbetween :^)
Indeed, needs more Iwona.
I'm stealing these.
damn son
Just realized it's this guy. Badass.
Can confirm. So many beautiful women who are willing to give even buttfucking ugly men a chance, I was blessed with pretty good genes and the sexual tension is insane, feels good man.
Also to add, this is what I'd imagine the west would be like, and was like, before the arrival of niggers and immigrants. Someone post that graphic of "dating in the 60s vs dating now", its a good representation of what happens when you flood the market with belligerent shitskins and niggers who like nothing more than flexing nuts at our women. If all the lonely NEETs on here saw how good the dating scene is there'd be a beta uprising within hours.
You sound like you're in panic mode, Wojtek. Chill out.
how bad is the language barrier for an english speaker?
Did someone say qts?
Fuck off, we're full.
Nice manners, but doesn't answer my question. Anyone?
You're gonna have a difficult time picking it up; it's about as difficult as Russian is, just without Cyrillic. That being said, learning a new language can be really rewarding; if you like the way Polish sounds and if you like the culture, definitely invest in it. The Foreign Service Institute has it listed as a Category IV language, which'll take around 44 weeks or 1100 hours approximately to learn the language. Everyone is different though; if you decide to pick it up, best of luck!
And here you can see the Eternal Pole peddling his own women to a bunch of foreign, anonymous Hitler and Putin worshippers.
Wait, is Barrack part american indian now or something?
tiptop kek
iirc men and women have a similar average IQ while men have a higher standard deviation and women a lower one, hence why most retards and geniuses are both men and most women are of about average intelligence
fug I forgot how hideous kike enoch is
Female: 101.41
Male: 103.08
Not enough of a difference to require government intervention allowing jews to audit a company whenever they feel like it.
Goddamn, its like a redpill went critical-mass
No it's not. Women can be traditional, but never redpilled in the sense that a male can be. There has never been any good philosophy or observation of natural law to come from a woman. Aryan men are naturally observant; women are naturally subordinate. Women in the work place, however, is D&C between the sexes.
I think he was calling Obama a commie
Not gonna happen, Polish is probably the hardest language in the world. The average age of fluency is 16 whereas in most languages it's 12, because of the sheer complexity of all the cases.
that makes sense, it just threw me cause it started off about race
the only reason the age of fluency in poland is 16 isn't because of the complexity of the language, it's because of the simplicity of the people
Who can't enjoy the finer things in life, like muslim hip-hop, right rabbi?
I've been sick all day lad appreciate my fever-rants
Many speak English as it's pretty much an unspoken requirement for the chance of doing anything "important", and also because the media abbreviates many of its words with Anglo-phonics; yet funnily enough Polish spelling retains. One popular example being "sandwicz" although we obviously already have a word for it.
Kek, is this meant to be an insult? It's true, I am merely confirming, no secret that Swedish women are beautiful too. If you knew how good you could have had it it would surely awaken the deepest and most autistic rage within thousands of virgin shutins. But then again its not really hare to compete with your women, Hans.
Magyar is hard because it is unique in the case that it is not related to any Indo-European language, so the basic foundation which would naturally lead to contextual based assumption and "connecting the dots" to figure out and learn is non existent. If you thought Spanish or French were hard then Magyar would be impossible for you.
Whereas Polish is hard because of its specific and thus "flexible" nature in the sense that many words that "shouldn't" exist do, Polish prefixation is designed to be self descriptive, even forging new "nonexistant" and misleading words as they are "impossible" in real life: for example, "woda" and "wódka", one meaning water and the other cute-water even though water cannot be "cute". Which in turn allows for even more nonsensical specifics like " eks" or "eksor" at the end of a name, a shortening that acts like western nick-names do, signifying trust and relaxation, yet it has no official meaning but still holds coherence as learning Polish (whether by design or not) teaches you to be intelligent with the very same contextual based assumption that i spoke of before. Polish morphology is retarded hard. Now, fuck off Scholmo.
fugg fucked up the formatting
Uh, no. That's not how it works.
Pollacks have the uncanny ability to speak English even worse than chinks straight off the boat
Just look at this man. Just fucking look at him.
Society should be structured so that women earn less otherwise marriage and fertility decreases and single motherhood increases. You shift from a patriarchy to a matriarch and matriarchies are bad.
The structure of marriage and child-rearing in U.S. households has undergone two marked shifts in the last three decades: a steep decline in the prevalence of marriage among young adults, and a sharp rise in the fraction of children born to unmarried mothers or living in single-headed households. A potential contributor to both phenomena is the declining labor-market opportunities faced by males, which make them less valuable as marital partners. We exploit large scale, plausibly exogenous labor-demand shocks stemming from rising international manufacturing competition to test how shifts in the supply of young ‘marriageable’ males affect marriage, fertility and children’s living circumstances. Trade shocks to manufacturing industries have particularly negative impacts on the labor market prospects of men and degrade their marriage market value along multiple dimensions: diminishing their relative earnings—particularly at the lower segment of the distribution—reducing their physical availability in trade-impacted labor markets, and increasing their participation in risky and damaging behaviors. As predicted by a simple model of marital decision-making under uncertainty, we document that adverse shocks to the supply of ‘marriageable’ men reduce the prevalence of marriage and lower fertility but raise the fraction of children born to young and unwed mothers and living in in poor single-parent households. The falling marriage-market value of young men appears to be a quantitatively important contributor to the rising rate of out-of-wedlock childbearing and single-headed childrearing in the United States. …
Two cardinal results help to weave these many empirical strands together. A first is that trade shocks faced by the U.S. manufacturing sector—which employs a disproportionate share of male workers—reduce the economic stature of men relative to women. Consistent with this pattern, shocks to male-intensive manufacturing industries are particularly destabilizing to marriage-markets. A second broad result, predicted by our model and strongly affirmed by the data, is that gender-specific shocks to labor-market outcomes have strikingly non-parallel impacts on marriage-market outcomes. Male-specific shocks reduce overall fertility, but reduce it by less among teens and unmarried mothers than among older and married mothers, thereby increasing the fraction of children born out of wedlock and living in poverty. Conversely, female-specific shocks have more modest effects on overall fertility but reduce the share of births to teens and unmarried mothers, thus raising in-wedlock births and reducing the fraction of children living in single-headed households. These patterns are consistent with our model in which a decline in the quality of male partners makes single motherhood a more attractive option to young mothers, while a decline in female earnings potential increases marriage rates conditional on fertility. Netting over the effects of secularly falling male earnings and improving women’s labor-market conditions during recent decades, our model predicts a reduction in both fertility and marriage, a rise in the fraction of children born out of wedlock, and an increase in the prevalence of children living in single-headed and poor households. These patterns are evident in the aggregate data and, moreover, hold as causal relationships within local labor markets when we isolate plausibly exogenous shocks to earnings opportunities overall and by gender.
He is a Jewtin lolberturdian plant. He always tries to piss votes away by mouthing off like this.
poles have always been retarded inferior monkeys.
Nah, we all hate you, subhumans.
What a time to be alive
I was getting sad for that fellow not getting any attention from Polish and worldwide media alike. Thanks CNN :^)
And as always wild anti JKM shill appears.
The Ahmed delusion never fails to impress
Damn son!
holy shit that dude is my fucking hero
If you look at natural percentages women have and will always be less redpilled, it's a fact of life. That being said, true redpilled women can be far more "intolerant" than men. I don't know if they're overcompensating or if something moves in them and their mothering nature gets channeled to their race but I've met some hardcore women.
shame those who speak poorly of home, as if a prison and not sanctuary from worldly ills
how can man cast woman out to work?
Anti? He's anti himself.
Remember the nigger that spreaded AIDS in Germany to god knows how many women?
Oh wait.
Get gassed Chaim.
After police published Mol's photo and an alert before the start of court proceedings, Warsaw HIV testing centers were "invaded by young women".
You take the gold medal in cuck Olympics, don't even get me started. Remember those hundred women getting molested and having fireworks thrown at them by Ahmed and his gang while Hans stood around? kek.
So women can't stand up for themselves and need someone to champion them on their behalf? Hilarious.
Its even more ironic considering they only hurt women, and right wingers actually protect women from themselves.
The left gives women a rope and a sign on hown to tie a noose, and says "go ahead, free country". The right says you cant have a rope.
Better example if the person being given the rope is arguably suicidal I guess I should add, which reflects reality,
Are you fucking kidding me?
Hurr, why Korwin dont promise gibs to idiots so he can be satelite party for 4 years and destroy his credibility forever!
How long do we have to play the fucking muh PR game with women for?
Honestly we want them to be kind and nurturing and all that shit, they're good traits to have when raising kids. When these traits are applied to national policy though, it's disastrous.
As long as we give women the vote we're always going to have socialism, feminism, multiculturalism, gibs for nigs etc. Sure, we might push back for a few years with some token cuts to welfare or reduced immigration, but until you either take away the female vote or change women's base instincts it's always going to lead back to the same shit.
Women belong in the home looking after children. Let them scan groceries or wait tables until they find a husband, but after that they should be expected to look after the home and raise the next generation.
Openly telling women they are less intelligent isn't an intelligent idea, if you ask me. I mean, they demonstrably are, but its not a good idea, it's disrespectful, and we respect women as National Socialists. There are plenty of reasons why women should be raising children and creating a healthy family environment instead of fighting wars, researching cancer cures and pushing for political change at the benefit of foreign people and the detriment of the natives. Openly saying "You simply aren't as smart" is insulting and divisive, counter-productive to achieving our goals, again, despite it being a harsh reality.
One thing I never really understood is the entire women's suffrage thingamajig.
Voting rights aside, everything they've been fighting for is basically we want to work and that's progress from sitting at home and rising kids and letting the man provide for the family.
Apparently that is progress, instead of having an entire day with your kids, to become a wage slave for 30+ years and pay someone else to take care of your kids for you.
I don't understand how that is desirable. If I had been a woman I think I'd much prefer to sit home and being a housewife than waking up every day at 6:45 and going to work for the next 30+ years.
I explained the reasoning, don't cherrypick that out. Women deserve respect, and are important. It does not help us at all to openly point out their inadequacies, it does not further the goal of convincing them that everyone involved is better off, including themselves, if they raise families instead of taking up traditional male roles.
This sort of thinking is how the Overton window slowly shifts left. Moderating to make women feel nice doesn't work, unless you want women to actually believe they're equal to men. I'm sorry if breaking their worldview makes them angry, if it were up to me they never would have been lied to in the first place.
top fucking kek
It's not easy for anyone to accept that they are mentally inferior in any way to anyone else. Physically, thats different. Women can expect a man to get the heavy thing off the top shelf for her, we had these systems and courtesies for a reason. Remember, one of the first nutball things the feminists did was accuse men opening doors for them of being sexist like 8 years ago or more.
It doesn't insult women, or most rational women to point out they are the more "dainty" of the sexes, and not physically suited for heavy lifting, or hard labor… but when you point out they are less intelligent, you're probably in for an argument.. and chances are if you're arguing with someone who is less intelligent about how they are less intelligent, they are just going to come out of it bitter, and leaning closer to "He just hates X!" than to realize you are right.
Its fine to discuss it here, but as a politician, no.. that is dumb. "Women are less intelligent" is not something any politician should say, ever. Even in a society where only men vote, the wives are likely to sway their husbands away from supporting it, and husbands generally dont take to insulting women when they are in control. Thats a jewish created sentiment, women who acted irrationally were kept in check.. but it was never about hate, or openly wanting to bring them down. We cherish women, despite their faults… our only problem is when their faults are allowed to be exploited, to the detriment of everyone.. except maybe the jews.
Im just saying that as a politician, there is no reason to resort to telling women they are less intelligent because there are many other reasons to give.
A leftist comment in my country made my blood boil:
Is it wrong if I want to smack the shit out of him?
Give me a counter-reply pls Holla Forums
She's a beauty
Im totally not shitting you
I understand what you're saying, but it's reached a point where women are actually using the we are equal argument to influence a lot of things. Countering the equality argument could lead to things like employment relations returning to normal.
Attacking Sharia is only useful in pushing against multiculturalism/Muslim immigration. In terms of the power dynamic between men and women I literally have no problem with Sharia/Islam.
Thats actually genius propaganda, it plays well with young people and women, a crowd that an old guy like him might have a bit of trouble with. The pictures are also obviously highly interesting to the public, since they are in such unusual and even brightly colored costumes. They all take selfies with him, and spread it among their friends as an organic thing, its not like some ebil ministry put the pictures out.. they are just selfies, all he had to do was go there and be friendly… but he even went beyond that, and did an awesome job while on the scene.
Respect is not something one simply 'deserves' The fact that you want me to hand it out like candy to women speaks volumes about you and what you are.
Also, because its a convention and its also a small, localized national community with their own language, it spreads it well among the entirety of Poland.
You are very uninformed, the first IQ tests had much worse results for niggers and women than today. The tests were therefore adjusted to deliver similar results.
Is meant for:
It's like my Japanese animes
He's got the autists on his side.
That's good!
Who the fuck would bully such a looker?
This implies that women are not worthy of respect, which is an anti-National Socialist opinion. Women deserve respect as a group. Feminists and other race traitors do not deserve respect, but largely are created by jews in the same way that men who consume large amounts of porn or lust for transsexuals, or are drug abusers, or race traitors etc are also created largely by Jews.
Your post implies that women should not be given respect, and be treated like an actual lower class than men, and simply "house slaves". That is Jewish bullshit, women who raise families aren't doing it because they are stupid, and men tricked them or force them into it. They do it because its better for everyone, they do it because they love their children, and we work for them because we love them. Men take care of their women and children, women take care of their men and children.
Neither men nor women as a group deserve disrespect. There are no good jews and jews are abnormal to our society.. women are part of a healthy society, they arent some tumor, or leech… their role in taking care of the home and the family is as important to society as anything we do as men, regardless of difference in difficulty or aptness at those things.
Those are fucking great, where did you get those?
Yeah but the leftist faggot said conservatives are basically like sharia only we not so much abuse based on this speech
It's really nice that you remember Dagmara. That warms my heart. She's probably smiling at you from up above
Aside form the female hate this is amazing.
Are they? Take a look around and see what has become of women when left to their own devices. You want me to respect that?
No, cuckboi, respect is something that has to be earned.
That's not female hate, he very much likes good looking women.
Nigger and mudshit slime
Women are only acting as they do because men aren't in control of society, which is because of the Jews. Without Jews, men would be doing their role in maintaining society. If anything, men as a group are responsible for sitting back and allowing jews to subvert society, to demoralize society, to create the women we see today. Either give women respect, or go back to /r9k/.
And btw, not having respect for women isn't anti-NatSoc. You're confusing chivalry with respect.
Notice how only the women look pissed and disgusted.
In recent time we started connecting much more with our Polish friends. Trips to Warszawa and they visit Ljubljana.
Great people!
Yes it is, and we ban people for that. Don't D&C us on National Socialism. Ived posted Hitlers words on women and any National Socialist knows that women are to be "cherished".
^Hitlers speech on women
There's that shit argument again.
For the last time: if it's the men's fault that women turned out this way (it's not) then that means women have no agency. I have zero respect for something that does not have an agency of its own.
Spoken like a true SJW cuck. Where the fuck do you even think you are.
-George Lincoln Rockwell.
Cherishing and valuing are not the same thing as respecting, you mentally challenged waste of genes.
Holy fucking shit, return to your safe space already you obvious SJW cuck.
I've heard this before and would like a citation. The premise as I recall is that during the design of the tests, the scientists are going into it with the assumption that men and women are basically the same, and are attempting to enforce that in the results of their tests. The way they do this is if you have questions men excel at but women suck at, that question gets ripped out or at least offset with questions women do well at and men do shit at. If you have any citations for such a process I'd love to see them.
No, it implies that Jews have demoralized and subverted society. Youre just going to get sent back to cuckchan at this pace. You start blaming things the Jews have done on women, and youre saying it's not the Jews fault.
Lol this isnt cuckchan, we get shit done here, we done take D&C. D&C is what we ban for, and youre D&Cing on National Socialism. You must be new, died so young.
You will die a virgin with this mentality.
And women evidently lack the ability to resist it. Again: you want me to have respect for that? Go off yourself.
This isn't a fucking safe space, fuck off back to Plebbit if you can't form something as simple as an argument.
Good, that solves the Cuckish Question in the long run.
Your 'respect' isn't worth very much then.
What I mean is artificially lowering pay will only invite revolt. Everyone should have equal opportunity and the people who are weaker, stupider, etc. will naturally earn less. Patriarchal society did not form because mister cross or mister moon came and told everyone what to do, patriarchal society formed from the need for survival and the natural skills of the sexes.
Ive formed plenty of arguments, but in the end respect for women is a core tenet of National Socialism, and Divide and Conquer is against the rules. This isnt Reddit, but it also isnt cuckchan. There is no guarantee to free speech here, you must be lost. Youre either a National Socialist, or you keep your mouth shut about hating women.. but we dont take your bullshit around here, and when the mod wakes up, Ill probably be replying a green link again.
Are you people confusing admiration with respect?
I bet it was jealous non-white women.
No you've dodged everything. Not i care for the opinion of a weak shit though.
Linked Hitler speech on women.
^ Rockwell quote on women
Ive given plenty of arguments if anyone reading only the bottom is interested. This guy going back and forth is obviously a shill, or leekage from cuckchan.. and Ill stop replying him with sages now since hes just going to keep going until he gets tossed out.
Not me. I know respect is earned, not given or 'deserved', as that little cuck is trying to claim.
No. Respect for women is a core tenet of National Socialism.
Women don't want a next submissive faggot, they want to be told off, they want to be proven wrong, they want to feel the confidence radiating off of you, they want to be empowered by submitting and being in your presence. You need to understand the difference between true belief and shit tests, and once women get carried away, they will start believing their own lies, or lies spread out by disgusting and unloved feminists who, rejected by the dating scene, drag other women into cat-lady-hood along with them.
And i parried all of these weak ass posts. Still waiting for answers to all my retorts btw.
Wake the fuck up mods.
It is a widespread fact that in earlier IQ tests women have cut off much worse than men. IQ tests can be (and are) adjusted to provide similar results.
What a showcase of strength and persistence, truly NatSoc material!
Oh, so you're that dumb, dry cunt from a while back. Proves us right how women only invade male spaces and demand transaction of power as to dictate others under the guise of resolution. Yet, as we all know, women aren't very logical, primarily emotionally lead, neurotic creatures, so most of their assessments can be disregarded. Now, fuck off to tumblr cunt.
So when's the merger?
Spot-on. The cowardice of cucks pretty much leaves women to their own devices. Women left to their own devices = disaster.
You're a faggot, mate. Respect as in "I respect you as a person to not take away your rights" has nothing to do with sex.
Don't know why my ID changed, same Pole as before
I find cucks like these lesser than women to be completely honest; women are mostly incapable of thinking different, whereas weak faggots like these reject the blessings of being a strong, respected, intelligent man on their own, existing only to do the architects bidding. Just as submissive to power, as evident by this faggots religious like dedication to National Socialism, as if any ideology is perfect.
ITT: white knights
Mr. Korwin-Mikke spoke the truth. Just ask yourself who was at the forefront the whole "Refugees Welcome" thing. There's no shortage of pic of Western Euro women proudly holding pro-refugee signs. Remember the "Not Your Women" thing in Sweden? They told the men of Sweden that they prefer Kebab rape. The fact is, if women instead of men, held the reigns of power during human history, civilization as we know it, would not exist. The entire planet would still be living in grass huts.
Women never have and never will hold the reigns of power. They will be shaped and molded, like the clay that they are, by the dominant social forces in their environment. The fact women are what they are now is simply further proof of how completely our society is controlled by Jewish interests. Change society, and they will change right along with it.
Oh the irony.
What font was used for the quote?
Proper redpilled women are the result of extremes and only reliably occur if something goes extremely right, or extremely wrong.
Either those who are well raised, and I don't mean dinner at the table and sunday school, I mean the sort of time and attention afforded only to the top 10% of the population. Or those from the bottom of society, not cup noodles for lunch again bad, but smoking crack with grandma and her six boyfriends bad.
Most rightwing women are 100% cuckservitive all about keeping them gibs flowing, and mothers in the factories. The few natsocs you'll find have either been damaged by the system and therefore have reason to actually look at it's problems, or come from homeschooled rural backgrounds where a strong sense or morals and integrity only possible in an unbroken household haven't been overridden by the electric jew.
Also, the only way to end single motherhood is to end gibs for single mothers. This will never happen as long as women can vote, and is still extraordinarily unlikely even if only landed well educated white men with a service record can vote.
They have held the reins of weak men though. That is the extent of their power.
Ultimately the many problems facing our society cannot be solved democratically. Our bureaucracy is too tangled and convoluted to fix with anything less than absolute dictatorial power, which is why, as great as Trump is, he is merely a means to an end. Whether that end will be a Jewish run Communist state or an American Empire remains to be seen.
You can respect women but also recognize that they are much more vulnerable to peer pressure and media based brain washing (in regards to how their brain works it's the same thing). Also they are using the most powerful form of lies, ones women want to believe. Men should be in control of women but not treat them like cattle, It's a balancing act.
I would only respect someone who earned it by going above and beyond my expectations in resisting kike influence. I've met a women who managed it, so I know full well it can be done.
Protect them, sure. Value them, I'm on board. But I'm not going to going respect anyone who let's that kind of thing happen to them.
The hero Polska needs.
Thats the other thing user, just like everyone else, they need to earn respect. Think of it like supply and demand, if everyone has that respect it's worthless
i love "kurwa" as an interjection. it means "whore". at the end he says "kill, kurwa, these people".
Didn't really need more divisive language in politics right now. What we need is… more Hitler!
My god I'm so happy and proud to be a half Polish/German, i got the best of both, The Polish are based and do not surrender. I do not agree with with their ww2 narrative but Poland fought like lions all throughout the conflict.
Poland will be pivotal when it comes to defeating Islam in the future just as it had been at the battle of Vienna.
Hes a dumb kike butthurt that commies confiscated his familys wealth.
I guess after all those home-runs, a strikeout was inevitable.
What's not to love?
I happen to have an inadvertent study on the subject saved.
Excellent speech by Hitler alluding to why women should not be in the military.
fucking pimp
she even goes red in the face she likes the grope so much
What the flying fuck?
That abomination is now UKuck's problem.
Tell that to south korea. Oh wait.
Burn them in their Kike Tower.
You have this much correct. No one needs to pander to women in this country.
Now this, this is just fucking hilarious.
On the other hand
When we get nationalistic government and V4 gives us an invite.
He's been Jimpacted! Are ready to be, Jimpacted?