Saw this at a local restaurant in their bathroom. I was surprised because this is a SOLIDLY red area of the country. What should I do to it next time I'm there?
I'm thinking either putting a Trump sticker over it or an infographic of migrant crime stats, but I need something easily digestible and eye-catching. Does anyone have a good image for this purpose?
I just want a fucking picture to post over it, god damn. I don't have access to my usual image collection right now, and a quick google isn't giving me anything good to use.
Leo Roberts
I hope your parents get raped in front of you.
William Perry
Thanks! Glad to see we're all in this together. I'll just delete it then.
Jose Anderson
keep your shitty stickers to yourself Holla Forums
Ayden Torres
get creative dude. Take the sticker and put it right next to a toilet seat. easy.
Jack James
being shilled hard
Jayden Richardson
the swedish rape flag would be good
Henry Scott
edit the sticker so the back two have bombs and guns.
Juan Green
Write the number for ice underneath it. Write something to the effect of "in need of help? Call 1-866-347-2423
Joseph Sanders
Brilliant. Do this, OP!
Henry Rogers
Carry a big permanent marker and write "NOT" right in the middle of the two words over the running beaners.
Jonathan Reyes
Brody Thompson
You made this same fucking thread the other day, FBI. You're getting sloppy.
Josiah Ross
David Bell
CTR shills names and addresses published by the Federal Election Commission
Use the Export link at the top right to download an excel .xls spreadsheet containing all the data.
Do you think the CTR shills knew about this when they signed up? Does the ShariaBlew Crew think they won't ever be exposed?
Luke Morgan
Remove it. You don't want Soros-paid stickers to be displayed in public. Every time I encouter this bullshit, I remove them, since they're only promoting (((leftists))) ideology. Subversion is bad as it is now, we don't more of that.