The EU is gonna collapse isn't it?
Juncker Has Meltdown While Debating Future Of EU: "Shit! What Do You Want Us To Do?"
Other urls found in this thread:
Also break your links next time.
They're scared.
That means the EU is actually in danger, I seriously hope Le Pen wins in France or else they're fucked.
AfD probably won't win in Germany, but I can always hope.
Germany should be our next major meme campaign. We should get German anons to come up with translations and we should start spreading them on social media to the German people.
Stop the cycle of bubbles destroying white people's wealth and stop importing slave labor to drive down wages so the younger generation is forced to live with their parents until an overdose. And kill the jews who created this mess.
You know they'll point to every bit as Russian propaganda.
I know we're capable of subtlety, but god damn it would be hard across languages. How to not alert and yet inform?
MEGA isn't just a meme, user. It's the reality we created.
Wie are already here. Lets do it. Do you have a 'How to meme' thread? Or a best of?
I hope so.
That worthless piece of shit is probably worried he'll be out of a job. The dumb fuck has literally never worked a day in his life. Fucking tax dollar leech who does absolutely nothing.
Fuck him, I hope he ends up homeless
webm you homo
Isn't this the the faggot that said that Europe must have diversity no matter what?
We shall spread the memes that they cannot.
he's actually doing us a service, his drunk antics give the EU an even worse image than it already has
even Farage says he actually has a good relationship with Juncker
-"can i have what the other guy over there is having"
-"yeah of course"
**pours coffee
Hello comrade. Comrade Putin told me to join this thread. How can I be of the assistance?
Aside from being an obvious faggot, it's telling that this AIDS looking vegan is eating shit that looks like baby food.
Really just goes to show that veganism is a mental illness.
Only necessary if there is a poll to rig, otherwise referral information does not matter.
The point of breaking links is to avoid referral information. Also, don't forget to use adblockers.
Is there referral information even when it's https?
Assume that there is unless the ISP doesn't collect that and/or the website doesn't provide it.
first we MAGA, then we MEGA
Juncker, Schulz et al, it's literally like an Alcoholics Anonymous meetup.
We talk about an American Civil War all the time, and I think it'll happen around 2025 (which is also when Hitler's avatar is projected to return, Praise Kek) but I think Europe might actually have their's sooner.
Yes. Said this before in other threads. We need to start making memes targeted to work their way into the internet culture of other nations, just as Pepe/Kek moved from a silly meme frog to a cultural force in the US during the election. French and German anons should post nostalgic cartoon characters and things like that form their countries so we can start brewing the memes.
Yes. Which is only necessary when you're trying to rig a poll surreptitiously. If you're just reading a news article who gives a shit. 8ch's existence is fairly well known and fucking newsflash, we read articles on the Internet. You're not compromising some masquerade of secrecy by posting a direct link.
Bibi Blocksberg as a NatSoc witch has potential.
Now it all falls into place, I'm a lolicon because I had to listen to all of those stupid Bibi Blocksberg cassette tapes during longer car rides as a kid. See? Society is to blame yet again
The EU's incompetence gives me hope.
Can't spell Juncker without cuck.
This asshole is a drunk. Just completely out of it.
there's nothing I hope more than seeing (((EU))) burn down
Don't be a nigger, always break links or archive
Spanish user here. I would suggest to create BLUE PePes as blue is the color of AfD.
Also we can use the smurfs.
Nice start. But it will take more than a Pepe pallette swap. Pepe is the colors he is for a reason, by the way…
Of course. HTTPS only encrypts the information between browser and website so it can't be read if it's intercepted. The website still reads it perfectly fine.
afd beat us to that
Wait, is this video fucking real? The first time I saw it, I took it as satire. However, the way and responded, it seems like I either missed some revelations or this board really is infected with idiots. The video still seems like satire to me. Polite sage for off topic.
Naming the jew will not work in Germany at this point, so we need to focus on the absurdity of multiculturalism, how Islam sucks and the slimyness of these globalist politicians. We will need threads about German politics and input from you guys. The war is just beginning now.
i rly like the smurf idea with jewy names already given, bibi is nice too. there is a strong existing meme "our guys" ( "unsre jungs" ) in germany that refers to our soldiers ( / special units ). existing memes can be harvested on, a german image board with natsoc tendencies but basically a Holla Forums with premium only nsfw. imho foreign art fags will be more important as the meme picking is done best by natives. perfect meme candidate for the german internet fags would be gondola imho
No, that's real. That's a vegan pretending to be human.
here u have meme material for red pilling - recent minor stuff to show rapefugees are "worth more than gold" ( quote in pic 2 = origin of meme ):
both pics from that site
of course i fuck up pic order after checking twice..been a long day -.-
someone is going to have to help we with the first image. I recognize Brandenburg, Prussia and the ones after that but what are the first 2?
https:// is the first
thanks, i think you are right. the modern German version (looks like 1 head version used in the pic to me) has only one head instead of 2 which threw me off. i think the other is the Teutonic order.
Flood krautchan if you want to influence german anons that don't come here
instead of "flood" and "influence" it could be very well a case of exceptional times demand exeptional measures oder wie man auch immer das idiom "aussergewoehnliche zeiten erfordern aussergewoehnliche massnahmen" nun korrekt uebersetzt
Gonna be sweet when all these dopes are killed. Should we bring back the guillotine for old times sake?
Old time's sake? user, the fucking SorKs had a guillotine out during those protests against their crazy cultist president a few months ago. Sure it was mostly symbolic, but still.
Before anyone else, the germans rose up to defend good against the powers that be. The least any of us can do is help them. The germans rose up against the machine in name of all whites, and now live in slavery and humiliation for it. They must be freed.
101 checked. 101 = introductory course. Yes, let's start with Asterix!
Asterix is an excellent tool to meme for the french election. Let's portrait the romans as EU shills and Asterix and his tribe as Front National.
Europe needs American gun laws.
Anime works well for the French since so many people are weebs there. Otherwise, Asterix, Tintin, and anything from Club Dorothée would be fine.
Addendum: many things on Club Dorothée were anime. Including Hokuto no Ken.
Juncker questioned if he'll resign from EU commision
What about this guy? (Don't have any concrete idea, just thought I'd throw it out there)
HRE and Teutonic Order.
Does that question even deserve an answer?
the reason he has a half-pained expression while eating it is because you're looking at a guy trying to rationalize something. He's way too invested into the vegan lifestyle so he records himself eating something that isn't great, but he acts like it is and honestly tries to believe that it is, because he wants it to be true. He wants to sell not only other people on veganism but also himself, you're watching a fucking veganfag going to lengths to convince himself what he's doing is goddamn wonderful.
Seemingly ignoring the fact that, even if that stuff is as orgasmic as he makes it seem, omnivorous human beings like the rest of us can, in fact, enjoy that shit while also eating meat. Even if that was a magic veggie mixture we wouldn't need to be constrained only to vegetables to enjoy it.
America needs American gun laws back.
We must uncuck Germany at all costs.
EU will never let that happen
That was timmermans
This. It's key to Europe.
Since the kid is still European, you forgot to draw Achmed raping it, for that would still remain the same (although it would probably still occur even if it wasn't European. Being European just adds an exoticness to it and a just cause by definition of "conquest" in their mind).
Go Le Pen
This. All Whites must be free.
they said the same about Brexit
He's probably on mushrooms or something. Even mild hallucinogens can make shitty food taste orgasmic.
that's an ebin picture user. Thank you. - Saved.
Anyone got that shop with John Oliver and him?
Subvert Schnappi das Kleine Krokodil
Sounds great to me.
I don't normaly do degeneracy, but when I do, it's quality.
I don't understand the germanboos on Holla Forums, they were the main cause for several thousands deaths of white people in belgium and britain and they're the main driver of the immigration replacement program right now.
Shoo Shoo you infernal jew back to Tel Aviv Schlomo
God American niggers are just so much better at that. The one thing they actually figured out.
naise, user
A meltdown? How fortunate
The impacts are coming closer. I can almost smell the napalm
The zionist screeching will be silenced forever this summer
"Berg" just means "mountain" in german. In older local names it can also mean "city" or "castle". There is nothing inherently jewish abou this suffix.
The Blocksberg is the Brocken in the Harz, a mountain where in German folklore witches congregate every year to meet with the devil.
In that case I would recommend the TKKG series.
Here is even a salty article from a leftist news site that is butthurt about how "right-wing" the TKKG was portrayed and they would probably voted the AfD if they were real.
Wrong, Anglos always mix them up:
Berg, mountain
Burg, castle
And they are pronounced different.