Hire Minorities In Hollywood Or They'll Join ISIS?

'Star wars' actor Riz Ahmed fears people will turn to ISIS due to lack of diverse movie roles


Holla Forumslywood when?

Jihadi John wanted an Oscar, but his career totally bombed.

Where have we heard this before?

Gee, remember when extortion used to be illegal?

I think it's fair to say that Asians weren't largely represented in media until recent decades, yet I can't seem to recall this resulting in Asians joining terrorist organizations. I wonder what's the difference?

Maybe they should have more kebab in Bollywood first. Too many Indians there, I say.


Not only is the argument utterly stupid and has no logic, but everything is full of niggers and browns already and that is why I and many others don't watch live action at all.

Inferior medium.

Bollywood has more jews imported from Hollywood than any Indians from the southern parts, it's all northern Indians.

well they might shoot her again. and aim better.

kennedi dubs?

so close to kennedi dubs

Like, who knew?

To take out jew created isis you take out the jews, problem solved.

It amazes me how completely unaware of the world actors and other film industry types are. The think most of the world thinks like they do, and they also have a majorly inflated view of their self-worth. On the whole, I have to think that film as a whole has been mostly deleterious to the world. The plague of pornography is an obvious blighted use of the technology, but even in allegedly legitimate film, it's still mostly been used by Jews to push degeneracy and propaganda.

She was never shot. The whole thing was a CIA psyop. There was a thread about it a couple of years ago that turned up all sorts of interesting connections between her father and a journoscum who was also a cia asset.

ISIS already makes better movies than Hollywood.

Replace "diversity" with "truth & beauty" and you have the story of how I ended up neckbeard deep in imageboard culture ten years ago.

Nothing short of the elimination of all white men will be enough for these shitskins.


Nice dubs. But got any more info on this? I had sympathy for her when that event happened years ago, before I took the pill. But it always did seem a little fishy how she took a bullet to the head in Pakistan and was then taken to a state of the art hospital in Britain to fully recover and maintain all her faculties. I know it's possible, but slim chances.

Pic related: Literally prophecy

Kek I'm guessing the audio was added ironically later. Otherwise I'll give those dunecoons credit for a sense of humor.

about 40 IQ points

There is citizen khan, there are a section of asian and other ethnic channels on satellite and cable. There is diversity forced on every tv show already, how can we make it even more diverse?

Remove all white actors?

Bollywood films are actually better than most Hollywood films because they are not shitty and degenerate, but traditional and entertaining for the most part.

But they never really put anime or bollywood films on unless you seek them out on obscure cable channels.

They put on American Pie enough times though, shit like that.

Okay I know thats a person being burned alive and then literally stoned and bulldozed but the music just makes it so damn fucking happy go lucky I can't help but bust a gut laughing.

I've been around you fuckers too much.

It's sad when kikes have such a grip on cinema for their own sick purposes that people who literally shit in the street can make better stories than Hollywood can.


Fucking shitskin jihadi.

I think he couldve easily lifted the cage or push it on one of its sides.

anyone got screencaps of this?


i can live with that


Well, that's new. Last I read about ISIS' recruitment drive most of their specialists are CIA operatives.

Lettuce pray.

more like this

Is R2D2 a woman now?


I just can't even. WHAT

Didn't he get the memo that movies are haram poison pushed by kuffars? Why the hell are kebabs trying to get (((Hollywood))) roles?

Underrated post

That isn't a burkha/hajib/whatever, it's the rag men wear typically after making the hajj. The red or black pattern has significance, but I forget what right now.

Implying it's not exactly the same people